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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Alla människor behöver rörelse för att må bra” : En studie av modelläsare och legitimering av träning förmedlade genom webbtexter från två gymkedjor

Csirmaz, Linnéa January 2020 (has links)
Denna uppsats har som avsikt att ta reda på hur två gym förmedlar värderingar runt träning i sina informerande webbtexter. Syftet med uppsatsen är att ta reda på vilken läsarroll som erbjuds i texterna, vilken modelläsare som konstrueras och hur gymmen legitimerar träning. Studien utgår från det teoretiska ramverket Appraisal, som är en förlängning av den mer etablerade språkmodellen Systemisk funktionell grammatik. Materialet som ligger till grund för analysen är hämtade från SATS och Friskis&Svettis hemsidor. Metoden för den kvalitativa textanalysen grundar sig i appraisalteorin och fokuserar på att synliggöra avsändarnas subjektiva värderingar av vad träning är och vem den är till för. Resultatet visar att gymmen tillskriver författaren kunskapsauktoritet som skapar en accepterande läsarroll till textens innehåll och texten som källa. Modelläsaren hos Friskis&Svettis ser sin träning som en del av en kollektiv och prestationsfri gemenskap. Modelläsaren hos SATS ser däremot träning som ett individuellt behov och strävar efter utveckling. Analysen visar att gymmen legitimerar träning genom att förmedla ståndpunkten att den som tränar mår bättre samt att träning är något bra och eftersträvansvärt.

Den stoiska trendens ideal : En appraisal-analys och kritisk diskursanalys av hur stoicism och dess företrädare konstrueras på Dagens Nyheter

Rothman, Russell January 2021 (has links)
En stoisk livsstilstrend fick svensk mediauppmärksamhet år 2019, vilket har medfört flera nya hälso - och livsstilsgurus, flera påståenden hur man bör leva sitt liv, vilka beteenden som är avsevärda, vad som anses hälsosamt, och ansatser om vilka typer av personer anses vara experter om livsstilen. Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att utifrån ett språkvetenskapligt perspektiv, undersöka hur stoicism och de personer som anses vara stoiker konstrueras språkligt i tidningen DN (Dagens Nyheter). I konstruktionerna har undersökts närmare vilka värden och värderings framställs, samt vilka ojämna maktförhållanden och diskrimineringar potentiellt formas mot sociala grupper. Materialet som analyserats är två artiklar vilka delar den stoiska trenden som huvudämne, för att kunna göra enkompletterande analys av hur ämnet omskrivs. Metodologiskt har först gjorts en appraisal-analys för attidentifiera olika värden och värderingar som förekommer på textuell nivå, som sedan kombineras meden kritisk diskursanalys utifrån Faircloughs tredimensionella modell för att avtäcka eventuella makt asymmetrier. I texterna kunde särskilt en hälso- och livsstilsdiskurs identifieras. Den stoiska trenden konstrueras som en livsstil vilket upphöjs med hjälp av framförallt intensifierande adjektiv till ett ideal, tillsammans med dess företrädare vilka positioneras som gurus och hälsoexperter. Det framkom en homogen representation av dessa experter som män, där kvinnor utesluts. Resultatet visar även på att att hälso- och livsstilsdiskurserna kunde var moraliserande, med potential att utesluta individer från socialt utsatta grupper.

Opinion och attityd i ungersk press – Appraisal och tecken på en ”Populist Stance”? / Opinion and Attitude in Hungarian Press – Appraisal and Evidence of a ”Populist Stance”?

Karnell, Olof January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att belysa de medel som författare av journalistisk text använder för att förmedla attityd, förhandla argumenterbarheten för sina åsikter och förhålla sig till andra(s) externa positioner och åsikter. Den teoretiska basen utgörs av appraisalteorin (Martin och White 2005) och den interpersonella metafunktionen i den systemisk funktionella grammatiken (Halliday 2014). Det analyserade materialet baserar sig på ett urval av artiklar i den ungerska regeringsvänliga veckotidskriften Figyelő publicerade under perioden november 2017 till augusti 2018, vilka samtliga tematiskt behandlar utvecklingen i Sverige med avseende på migration. Resultatet visar på en mycket rik och varierad användning av den språkliga repertoaren för att uttrycka attityd, och på en övervägande subjektiv ton i rapporteringen. En stor andel implicit uttryckt attityd liksom ironi och ett framträdande författar-jag vittnar om en medveten ambition att interpersonellt närma sig läsarna. Materialet visar även på en systematisk undanträngning av alternativa ståndpunkter (kontraherande heteroglossi), bland annat genom förstärkning av egna argument och åsikter eller genom ett förringande av andras. Resultatet gör det motiverat att ställa frågan om det finns en ”Populist Stance” som kan inordnas som en utmärkande journalistisk stil under det som appraisalteorin benämns commentator voice, utifrån det narrativ som förmedlas, och vars utmärkande drag skulle vara just rika språkliga uttryck för närhet till läsarna, omfattande förekomster av värderande uttalanden om personer/grupper, och en systematisk begränsning av utrymmet för alternativa ståndpunkter. Erfarenheterna från att använda appraisalteorin i detta arbete visar att en större, fördjupad och jämförande studie på detta område torde vara meningsfull och möjlig, utifrån en kombinerad kvantitativ/kvalitativ ansats. / Jelen tanulmány célja annak megismerése, hogy az újságírói szövegek írói milyen nyelvi eszközöket használnak fel az adott témához való hozzáállásuk kifejezésére, és hogyan érvelnek véleményük érvelhetőségét mellett, valamint hogyan kapcsolódnak más külső álláspontokhoz és véleményekhez. Az elméleti kiinduló pont az „Appraisal”-elmélet (Martin és White 2005) és az interperszonális meta-funkció a szisztémás funkcionális nyelvtanban (Halliday 2014). Az elemzett korpusz a Figyelő – egy a magyar kormányt támogató heti magazin – 2017 novembere és 2018 augusztusa között megjelent cikkeiből készített saját válogatáson alapul, ahol a cikkek témájukat tekintve a migrációval kapcsolatos svédországi fejleményekkel foglalkoznak. A tanulmány eredményei azt mutatják, hogy a szövegekben a szerzők nagyon gazdag és változatos nyelvi repertoárt használnak fel a hozzáállás kifejezésére, és hogy a szövegek túlnyomórészt szubjektív módon ábrázolják a helyzetet Svédországban. A szerzői hozzáállásnak a sok egyenesen ki nem mondott megnyilvánulása, a sok irónia, valamint a szerző személyének kiemelkedő pozíciója mind arról tanúskodik, hogy tudatos törekvés van arra, hogy interperszonálisan közeledjenek az olvasókhoz. Az anyag azt is megmutatja, hogy szisztematikusan kizárják az alternatív véleményeket (kirekesztő heteroglosszia), többek között azzal, hogy megerősítik a saját érveiket és véleményüket, vagy lekicsinyilik a többiekét. A tanulmány eredményei alapján indokoltan merül fel a kérdés, hogy létezik-e egyfajta „populista hozzáállás” (angol „populist stance”), amelyet jellegzetes újságírói stílusnak lehet tekinteni, és amely besorolható az ”Appraisal”-elmélet által ”Commentator Voice”-nak nevezett jelenség alá. Ezt igazolhatják a szövegek narratívái és megkülönböztető tulajdonságai: az olvasókhoz való közelség/közeledés gazdag nyelvi megnyilvánulásai, a sok egyénekre/csoportokra vonatkozó értékelő kijelentés és az alternatív pozíciók lehetőségeinek szisztematikus korlátozása. Az Appraisal-modell alkalmazásával kapcsolatos tapasztalatok azt mutatják, hogy lehetséges és fontos lenne egy ezen a területen végzett mélyreható, szisztematikus és összehasonlító tanulmány, egy kombinált kvalitatív és kvantitatív kutatási módszer alapján. / The aim of the study is to investigate the means by which authors of journalistic text convey attitude, negotiate the arguability of their opinions and position themselves in relation to external positions and the views of others. The theoretical basis of the study is Appraisal Theory (Martin &h White 2005) and the Interpersonal Metafunction of Systemic Functional Linguistics (Halliday 2014). The analysed material is based on a selection of articles in the Hungarian government-friendly weekly magazine Figyelő, published between November 2017 and August 2018, all of which thematically deal with developments in Sweden with regard to migration. The results of the study show a rich and varied use of the linguistic repertoire for expressing attitude, and a predominantly subjective writer voice. Frequent examples of implicitly expressed attitude and irony as well as the appearance of the author as subject in the text give witness to a conscious ambition to approach readers interpersonally. The material also shows a systematic exclusion of alternative positions (contracting heteroglossia), whereby the author strengthens his/her own arguments and opinions and/or belittles those of others. The results give cause for asking whether there is a "Populist Stance", a distinctive journalistic style under what Appraisal defines as the Commentator Voice, based on the narrative conveyed, and whose distinctive features would be rich linguistic expressions of closeness to readers, extensive occurrences of evaluative statements about individuals/groups, and a systematic limitation of the space for alternative positions. Experience from applying the Appraisal model in the study shows that a larger in-depth, systematic and comparative analysis of this type of material would be meaningful and possible, based on a combined quantitative/qualitative approach.

”I betalt samarbete med…” : En språkvetenskaplig studie om influencers reklam på sociala medier, parasociala relationer, identiteter och värderingar

Barck, Ida January 2022 (has links)
Samtidens reklam har i takt med digitaliseringens utveckling nått ett maktskifte. En populär marknadsföringsstrategi i den nutida reklamen som växer explosionsartat och omsätter miljarder är att använda influencer marketing för att nå ut till sin målgrupp. Eftersom dessa influencers har sin arbetsplats på sociala medier, och att denna plattform nyttjas av så många är det vanligt att användarna, frivilligt eller ej, möts av reklam så väl ifrån sängen som på språng. Trots influencer markering och influencers stora genomslagskraft i företags marknadsföringsstrategi är dessa ämnen ett tämligen outforskat fält, varför denna undersökning ämnar fylla denna kunskapslucka genom att utforska influencerinlägg med hjälp av språkvetenskapliga metoder. De huvudsakliga teorierna som ligger till grund för analysen är den interpersonella metafunktionen i den systemisk funktionella grammatiken samt socialsemiotiken. I studien undersöks hur influencers skapar nära eller distanserade parasociala relationer och en identitet genom marknadsföringen samt hur detta stärker reklamen. Förhoppningen är därtill att kunna bidra med nya insikter och lärdomar i ett hittills relativt outforskat område.  I studiens resultat har framkommit att det finns en stor variation vad gäller vilken parasocial relation som upprättas i medieprofilernas inlägg, men slutsatsen bevittnar dock om att influencerinläggen som helhet tyder på en nära parasocial relation. Därtill är tolkningen att den parasociala relation och identitet som attribueras influencern skapar ett ideal som gynnar företagen och gör att följarna vill köpa samma produkter som deras idoliserade medieprofiler. Dock har användare på sociala medier lärt sig att känna igen samtidens reklam och vet därför att man kan bortse från reklamen, vilket gör att det trots det inte är självklart att marknadsföringen faktiskt främjar företagen.

The alignment of performance indicators within the Overstrand Local Municipality : determining the role of management / Susanna Gertruida Reyneke

Reyneke, Susanna Gertruida January 2014 (has links)
This study investigates the role of managers, especially senior managers, with respect to the alignment of individual and institutional performance indicators in the Overstrand Local Municipality. Service delivery is an important issue for South African municipalities and is directly linked to performance management. In order to achieve institutional goals and improve service delivery, the alignment of individual and institutional performance indicators is vital. The managers’ role with respect to alignment is important because they are the driving force behind the institutional performance management system (PMS) in the municipality. A qualitative research methodology is used in this study and includes a literature study and unstructured interviews. The main objective of this research is to determine the role of management in the alignment of individual and institutional performance indicators in the Overstrand Local Municipality using a municipal scorecard model. The secondary objectives include the formulation of descriptions of the theoretical models and principles of performance management, and the principles and legislative requirements for a comprehensive PMS; determining challenges that managers experience in aligning institutional and individual performance indicators using a municipal scorecard model; and proposing recommendations based on best practice examples towards a management framework that will facilitate the effective alignment of individual and institutional performance indicators. The findings of the study were that the alignment of performance indicators in the Overstrand Local Municipality is unsuccessful, especially at the lower levels. Theoretically, alignment is possible, but the practical implementation thereof remains a challenge. The negative perceptions, attitudes and behaviours that employees exhibit in relation to performance management, both institutional and individual, also came to the fore. Furthermore, employees do not understand the concept and importance of institutional performance. This clearly shows a lack of alignment in the municipality and managers have a very important role to fulfil in order to ensure alignment. Additionally, the challenge that managers experience in inculcating a performance culture in the municipality is particularly evident in the manner in which performance planning, communication, leading and monitoring are done. Various recommendations were made to the Overstrand Local Municipality regarding the alignment of performance indicators through the management functions of planning, organising, leading and control. The implementation of these recommendations will enable the municipality’s senior managers to create a positive performance culture, which should be reflected in the manner in which individual performance is managed. Moreover, the recommendations will assist the managers to align individual and institutional performance, positively influence service delivery and ensure organisational responsiveness to community needs. / MA (Public Management and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

The alignment of performance indicators within the Overstrand Local Municipality : determining the role of management / Susanna Gertruida Reyneke

Reyneke, Susanna Gertruida January 2014 (has links)
This study investigates the role of managers, especially senior managers, with respect to the alignment of individual and institutional performance indicators in the Overstrand Local Municipality. Service delivery is an important issue for South African municipalities and is directly linked to performance management. In order to achieve institutional goals and improve service delivery, the alignment of individual and institutional performance indicators is vital. The managers’ role with respect to alignment is important because they are the driving force behind the institutional performance management system (PMS) in the municipality. A qualitative research methodology is used in this study and includes a literature study and unstructured interviews. The main objective of this research is to determine the role of management in the alignment of individual and institutional performance indicators in the Overstrand Local Municipality using a municipal scorecard model. The secondary objectives include the formulation of descriptions of the theoretical models and principles of performance management, and the principles and legislative requirements for a comprehensive PMS; determining challenges that managers experience in aligning institutional and individual performance indicators using a municipal scorecard model; and proposing recommendations based on best practice examples towards a management framework that will facilitate the effective alignment of individual and institutional performance indicators. The findings of the study were that the alignment of performance indicators in the Overstrand Local Municipality is unsuccessful, especially at the lower levels. Theoretically, alignment is possible, but the practical implementation thereof remains a challenge. The negative perceptions, attitudes and behaviours that employees exhibit in relation to performance management, both institutional and individual, also came to the fore. Furthermore, employees do not understand the concept and importance of institutional performance. This clearly shows a lack of alignment in the municipality and managers have a very important role to fulfil in order to ensure alignment. Additionally, the challenge that managers experience in inculcating a performance culture in the municipality is particularly evident in the manner in which performance planning, communication, leading and monitoring are done. Various recommendations were made to the Overstrand Local Municipality regarding the alignment of performance indicators through the management functions of planning, organising, leading and control. The implementation of these recommendations will enable the municipality’s senior managers to create a positive performance culture, which should be reflected in the manner in which individual performance is managed. Moreover, the recommendations will assist the managers to align individual and institutional performance, positively influence service delivery and ensure organisational responsiveness to community needs. / MA (Public Management and Governance), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Effects of performance appraisal purpose and rater expertise on rating error

Weyhrauch, William S. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Psychology / Satoris S. Culbertson / Performance appraisals are an important component to any organization’s performance management system. They require supervisors to observe and retain information regarding employee performance. This study sought to investigate the effects of appraisal purpose in this process. This extension and replication of Williams, DeNisi, Meglino, and Cafferty’s (1986) lab study of appraisal purpose investigated whether designating an employee for a positive outcome results in lenient performance ratings and vice-versa for a negative designation. This outcome would indicate assimilation, whereby the designation acts as an anchor creating bias in the direction of the anchor. However, the negative and positive designations may both result in leniency, indicating a universal tendency toward leniency when memory for performance is limited. Furthermore, I investigated whether making a deservedness rating for each employee would result in less lenient or severe ratings, relative to the designation conditions. Finally, I investigated whether self-reported rater expertise would moderate the assimilation effect. A total of 108 undergraduate students from a large Midwestern university viewed confederates performing cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on a dummy and were instructed to observe performance in order to make a designation (positive or negative) or deservedness rating, or were given no instructions (control). They made an initial decision and were then asked to return two days later and rate each confederate’s performance again. Consistent with previous findings, raters making positive designations tended to give lenient ratings, relative to other conditions. Furthermore, as expected, those making negative designations gave relatively severe ratings. Finally, the results also partially supported my expectation that rater expertise in the performance domain moderates the biasing effects of appraisal purpose. Implications for practice and recommendations for future research are discussed.

The Developmental Appraisal System (DAS) as a major issue in educational policy discourse in the Foundation Phase of schools in the Free State

Kolobe, A.B.M. January 2014 (has links)
Published Article / The purpose of this paper, based on a doctoral study, is to examine how teachers in the Foundation Phase of schools in the Free State province perceived, conceptualised and implemented Developmental Appraisal System (DAS) as a component of the Integrated Quality Management System (IQMS). The epistemological and ontological perspectives pertaining to both quantitative and qualitative approaches compelled the researcher to choose the Mixed Method Research (MMR). Data analysis consisted of the inferential and descriptive statistics for quantitative data analysis and, themes, patterns and behaviours for qualitative data analysis. Unbalanced two-way ANOVA, T-test and frequency distributions were used in analysis of quantitative data while themes and patterns resembled qualitative data analysis. The majority of teachers perceived DAS as a developmental process while a sizable minority claimed to the contrary. The Department of Basic Education did not provide direct training to teachers on matters pertaining to both the DAS and IQMS. Furthermore, the money reward earned through the process of DAS was perceived to be a source of conflict between teachers and school management.

E-performance assessment system in governmental organizations in the United Arab Emirates

Al-Raisi, A. A. N. January 2011 (has links)
This research examines the introduction of e-performance assessment systems in governmental organizations in the United Arab Emirates. The research also examines the influence of cultural forces in accepting the implementation of technology systems that deal with assessment and evaluation of government employees to facilitate the transitional process from manual to e-performance assessment. The methodology used in this research can be described as follows: first a descriptive method to explain the main management theories underlying employee e-performance, followed by an illustration of the concept of electronic tools, based on what has been written in the relevant literature, then conducting a pilot study. A pilot study was made to reduce uncertainty in survey questions, increase clarity, enhance questionnaire validity, and expand on factors that might affect data analysis, improve research design, and confirm the feasibility of this research study. The conceptual model of this study is determined on the based of literature analysis, the pilot study, and the empirical collection of data. A model for a performance appraisal assessment system is proposed, which shows a statistical significance between performance management, e-performance management, performance assessment, e-performance assessment, and performance standards with both perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. This study finds that there are numerous factors shapes ethics and norms at the workplace. This study suggests that the United Arab Emirates enjoys highly structured governmental organizations. This primarily results from the naturally inherited characteristics of being a high-context society. The major findings of this research aim to contribute to available literature, as there is currently a distinct shortage of relevant academic work targeting the issue of governmental e-performance systems. Similarly no papers concerning e-performance in a UAE context actually existed prior to this investigation. Therefore, much of the available literature was found to be only semi-relevant.

Will Sweden Join the Solar Boom? Financial Appraisal of Distributed Photovoltaic Generation in Residential Applications.

Cihlar, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Residential building sector accounts for significant share of primary energy demand in Sweden. Worldwide, generation from photovoltaic (PV) distributed energy resources is increasing, yet their potential in Sweden has been underdeveloped, in particular due to high system costs. Recent drop in module prices could however trigger more interest in such systems. In this thesis, the financial performance of residential PV plant utilizing the most recent data is carried out. The specific aim is to determine whether private investment into a PV system can be cost-effective. In the analysis, a grid-connected PV microgenerator with nominal power of 5.5 kWp, 34 m2 of arrays and 6 kW inverter is assessed. Expected lifetime of the system is 25 years, where 80% of the electricity output is self-consumed and 20% fed back to the main grid. Discount and escalation rates are utilized to calculate simple payback period, net present value, benefit-cost ratio, cost of conserved energy and internal rate of return (IRR) of the investment. Further, a scenario analysis is worked out to determine the change in the microgenerator’s performance outside of baseline set of parameters. The results are presented both under the default market conditions and with the inclusion of government support mechanisms. The PV plant did not financially perform well under the default conditions. State rebates and tax credit significantly enhanced the results and contributed to the cost-effectiveness of the investment. In the baseline scenario with government support, significant positive results in all the metrics used in the financial appraisal were yielded. The IRR also indicated that loans at various interest rates could be obtained to finance the PV system. The study emphasized the necessity of government support if a faster uptake of distributed PV systems is desired in Sweden. The results of this thesis can be utilized by potential investors (consumers) in their decision-making process, especially when they face an opportunity cost of investment. / COMPLEX - Knowledge Based Climate Mitigation Systems for a Low Carbon Economy, a EU FP7 project (2012-2016)

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