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Flickors och pojkars attityd i text : En studie av elevtexter i ar 5.Lagerberg, Maria January 2007 (has links)
<p>Den här undersökningen handlar om hur flickor respektive pojkar i en årskurs fem använder värderande uttryck i sina narrativa texter. 22 elevtexter, 11 skrivna av flickor och 11 skrivna av pojkar, har analyserats enligt Appraisal framework. Jag har undersökt hur många och vilka typer av värderande uttryck eleverna använder och även hur de har fördelat uttrycken över texterna i förhållande till den narrativa berättelsestrukturen. Resultaten visar att flickorna använder värderande uttryck i större utsträckning än pojkarna. Fördelningen över de olika typerna av värderande uttryck liksom fördelningen av uttrycken över texten är dock ganska likartad för flickorna och pojkarna.</p><p>This study concerns the use of evaluation in narrative texts written by pupils in fifth grade. More specifically the focus is on the way that boys and girls use evaluative language in their texts. 22 texts, 11 written by boys and 11 written by girls, have been analysed according to the so-called Appraisal framework. I have examined what types of evaluations the pupils use and how they adopt the use according to the narrative text structure. The results indicated that the girls used a larger amount of evaluations than the boys did. On the other hand the boys spread their evaluations among the different types of evaluations in quite a similar way as the girls. Boys and girls also spread their evaluations over the text in quite the same way.</p>
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Reward Systems : To set up goals, appraise and reward employees in large companiesHagos, Helen, Sonnert, Helena January 2004 (has links)
<p>Background and purpose: Aspects such as the character of the organization and the composition of the work force have an impact on the company’s choice of how to reward and evaluate the employee. In large companies with employees from different professions and at different levels problems connected with the evaluation and the compensation of the employee may arise. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how this type of companies evaluate and reward the employees. Further we will look into the problems that may arise connected to the evaluation and the compensation of the employee. </p><p>Results: In the process of evaluation the greatest difference between the employees from different professions and operations can be found in the goals that are set and the measures that measure the fulfilment of the goals. In regard to the evaluation of employees at different levels the greatest differencecan be found in the character of the measures. When rewarding employees companies tend to have a homogeneous policy for employees from all operations and professions. The difference is greater between employees at different levels. As the number of operations and levels of the company increases it gets harder to set goals that are relevant to each operation and individual as an increasing number of aspects related to these operations must be considered. In addition it is difficult to design rewards which are cost efficient and valued by all employees. These difficulties arise as individuals’ preferences are affected by their working environment and as different preferences are created in different operations and at different levels.</p>
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Virtue Ethics and right actionMoula, Payam January 2010 (has links)
<p>This paper evaluates some arguments made against the conceptions of right action within virtue ethics. I argue that the different accounts of right action can meet the objections raised against them. Michael Slote‘s agent-based and Rosalind Hursthouses agent-focused account of right action give different judgments of right action but there seems to be a lack of real disagreement between the two accounts. I also argue that the concept of right action often has two important parts, relating to action guidance and moral appraisal, respectively, and that virtue ethics can deal with both without a concept of right action.</p>
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A model for strategic e-service implementation in the public sector : challenges for local governments in identifying potential candidates for e-service deliveryArvidsson, Viktor January 2010 (has links)
<p>As more and more local governments begin to understand that the great promises of e-service delivery are harder than expected to realize, efficient use of ICT-resources have become increasingly important. Since simply providing more e-services is not the solution, the need to understand what constitutes a suitable e-service has arisen. Public services reach beyond the market domain; therefore, the complexities of public value must be dealt with when services are appraised. Furthermore, due to the heterogeneous nature of local government services it is impossible to evaluate all the options in depth; thus, there is a clear need for early-stage appraisal. However, existing methods of appraisal are burdened by intricacy, and associated with high costs. In response, this paper presents a model capable of reducing this intricacy. The model was developed through a participatory design process involving members on both operational and strategic level in the municipality of Skellefteå. The model implements state of the art into the workspace context while taking measures to reduce intricacy such as: incremental filtering, moving high intricacy elements to the end of the process, and exploitation of available data. As a result the organization is enabled to capture not only the low hanging fruit, but also the long tail of services. Furthermore, the improved understanding of e-service delivery has the potential to open up opportunities for new ways of business development and private-public partnerships. Finally, whereas the model presented is highly context-dependent, the implications outlined in this paper are not limited to this narrow scope.</p> / Models for Strategic Business Development in Public Service
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Religionshistoriska institutionens arkiv : Det bestående resultatet av bevarandeprocessen / The archive of the department of History of religion : The remaining result of the process of preservationAulén, Jeanette January 2012 (has links)
The history of religions in the faculty of arts is descendent from the faculty of theology. The department of history of religion inUppsalagot its first chair in 1948, and the department ceased to exist at 1994 when it devolved to the Faculty of Theology. The archive was incorporated within the archive of the faculty of theology, and contained protocols, directories, essays, and agent arranged remains. About half of the archive consisted of documents which required in-depth assessment. This was where the obvious problems emerged when organizing the records –raising questions about fruitful approach and implications of archival appraisal. The discussion led to insights about the power of archivist in the process, and the crucial meaning of underlying thoughts that govern what information will be available in the archive. The analysis is focusing on what to preserve rather then what to discard, leading to conclusions that advocate awareness of the implications of the process. Documentation of underlying thoughts and consciously made choices facilitates a fruitful process of appraisal.
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The Social Organization of Institutional Norms : Interactional Management of Knowledge, Entitlement and Stance / Institutionella normer i samtal : Social organisering av kunskap, berättigande och positioneringNyroos, Lina January 2012 (has links)
The present thesis explores talk in institutional settings, with a particular focus on how institutionality and institutional norms are constructed and reproduced in interaction. A central aim is to enhance our understanding of how institutional agendas are talked into being. In line with the ethnomethodological approach, norms are viewed as accomplished in everyday interaction, whereas institutionality represents dimensions of talk where participants demonstrably orient to particular contextual constraints. Five studies were conducted using Conversation Analysis (CA), focusing on how institutional constraints impact sequential trajectories and shape different opportunities for participants. The data consists of two corpora of video recordings: group tutorials at a Swedish university (UTs), and performance appraisal interviews in an organization (PAIs). The thesis pays particular attention to the interactional management of knowledge, entitlement and stance, and analytic foci include how speakers manage epistemic claims and rights at a certain point in interaction, and how they accomplish social positioning. The UT studies examine the negotiation of rights to speak for others in a group (Study I), and how diverging understandings of the institutional activity-at-hand can be negotiated on the basis of students’ advice-seeking questions (Study II). In Study III, orientations to institutional and sociocultural norms are investigated in the PAIs, where managers and employees treat negative stances on stress as problematic. The relationship between theory and institutional practice in the use of question templates in PAIs is also examined, through an analysis of the delivery and receipt of a particular question in different interviews (Study IV). Focusing on different adaptations of a preset item, this analysis shows how the same question sets up for a variety of subsequent actions. Finally, deployment of the verb känna (‘feel’) in managing epistemic access and primacy is examined (Study V). It is argued that ‘feel’ allows for a reduction of accountability when making epistemic claims. The studies highlight the relationship between linguistic formats and social actions and illustrate how institutional agendas have consequences for participant conduct. Attention to the details of actions in institutional interaction can thus shed light on social and linguistic underpinnings of the enactment of institutional norms.
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Reward Systems : To set up goals, appraise and reward employees in large companiesHagos, Helen, Sonnert, Helena January 2004 (has links)
Background and purpose: Aspects such as the character of the organization and the composition of the work force have an impact on the company’s choice of how to reward and evaluate the employee. In large companies with employees from different professions and at different levels problems connected with the evaluation and the compensation of the employee may arise. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how this type of companies evaluate and reward the employees. Further we will look into the problems that may arise connected to the evaluation and the compensation of the employee. Results: In the process of evaluation the greatest difference between the employees from different professions and operations can be found in the goals that are set and the measures that measure the fulfilment of the goals. In regard to the evaluation of employees at different levels the greatest differencecan be found in the character of the measures. When rewarding employees companies tend to have a homogeneous policy for employees from all operations and professions. The difference is greater between employees at different levels. As the number of operations and levels of the company increases it gets harder to set goals that are relevant to each operation and individual as an increasing number of aspects related to these operations must be considered. In addition it is difficult to design rewards which are cost efficient and valued by all employees. These difficulties arise as individuals’ preferences are affected by their working environment and as different preferences are created in different operations and at different levels.
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Appraisal, identity and gendered discourse in toilet graffit : a study in transgressive semioticsFiona Severiona Ferris January 2010 (has links)
<p>This research is interested in the linguistic choices people use to express and negotiate subjective, inter-subjectiveand ideological positions through the graffiti within the confines of selected men's and women's toilets on the UWC main campus. The focus is on attitudes, one aspect of appraisal theory. The aim of investigating the attitudes inherent in the toilet graffiti is to obtain an insight into the evaluative discourse of men and women with regard to their emotional, judgmental and evaluative stance in their writings. This form of analysis is on the level of meaning. Differences with regard to the attitudinal content in terms of occurrence (quantitative) and content (qualitative) are investigated. The data shows that &lsquo / male&rsquo / (gender) are implicit when expressing emotions, whereas female is explicit in its expression of emotions. In addition, in terms of the evaluation of emotions, the data indicates that &lsquo / females&rsquo / are insecure in terms of their emotional disposition, whereas males mostly express emotions of unhappiness in the toilet graffiti analysed. Both males and females have a tendency to judge each other with regard to their capacities. In terms of judgement of behaviours and things, males can be said to have interesting and even creative ways of evaluation, which include punctuation, taboo varieties and pictures.</p>
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Arbetslöshet – Hot eller utmaning? : Betydelsen av den primära tolkningen och tron på den egna förmågan i bemästring av arbetslöshetOlausson, Lee, Wretler, Linda January 2010 (has links)
Forskning kring arbetslöshet har ofta fokuserat på bemästringsstrategier (eng. coping strategies), men flera studier har även pekat på betydelsen av tron på den egna förmågan (eng. self-efficacy) och den kognitiva tolkningen (eng. cognitive appraisal) för valet av bemästringsstrategi. Genom att mäta individens tro på den egna förmågan, den kognitiva tolkningen och bemästringsstrategier syftar denna undersökning till att identifiera de faktorer som sannolikt leder till försämrad generell mental hälsa och längre tids arbetslöshet. I undersökningen deltog 194 arbetslösa som fick besvara en enkät. Resultatet visade att höga nivåer av de primära tolkningsdimensionerna hot och förlust tillsammans med låg tro på den egna förmågan relaterades till maladaptiva bemästringsstrategier, vilket kopplades till sämre generell mental hälsa och längre arbetslöshet. Både den primära tolkningen och tron på den egna förmågan är således fundamentala i processen att bemästra arbetslösheten.
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Flickors och pojkars attityd i text : En studie av elevtexter i ar 5.Lagerberg, Maria January 2007 (has links)
Den här undersökningen handlar om hur flickor respektive pojkar i en årskurs fem använder värderande uttryck i sina narrativa texter. 22 elevtexter, 11 skrivna av flickor och 11 skrivna av pojkar, har analyserats enligt Appraisal framework. Jag har undersökt hur många och vilka typer av värderande uttryck eleverna använder och även hur de har fördelat uttrycken över texterna i förhållande till den narrativa berättelsestrukturen. Resultaten visar att flickorna använder värderande uttryck i större utsträckning än pojkarna. Fördelningen över de olika typerna av värderande uttryck liksom fördelningen av uttrycken över texten är dock ganska likartad för flickorna och pojkarna. This study concerns the use of evaluation in narrative texts written by pupils in fifth grade. More specifically the focus is on the way that boys and girls use evaluative language in their texts. 22 texts, 11 written by boys and 11 written by girls, have been analysed according to the so-called Appraisal framework. I have examined what types of evaluations the pupils use and how they adopt the use according to the narrative text structure. The results indicated that the girls used a larger amount of evaluations than the boys did. On the other hand the boys spread their evaluations among the different types of evaluations in quite a similar way as the girls. Boys and girls also spread their evaluations over the text in quite the same way.
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