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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vztah velikosti na pozici v chóru u samců rosničky zelené (Hyla arborea) / Relationship between males' body size and position in the chorus in European tree frog (Hyla arborea)

STUPKOVÁ, Veronika January 2012 (has links)
Males of European tree frog are clustered in the chorus in order to attract females. Males were re-captured, their body size and position in chorus was recorded. Goal of this thesis was investigated a correlation between the males' body size and mating behaviour and their position in the chorus.

The cuticle micromorphology of extant and fossil plants as indicator of environmental conditions : A pioneer study on the influence of volcanic gases on the cuticle structure in extant plants / La morphologie de la cuticule des plantes actuelles et fossiles comme indicateur des conditions environnementales. : Une étude pionnière sur l'influence des gaz volcaniques sur la structure de la cuticule chez les plantes actuelles

Bartiromo, Antonello 14 February 2012 (has links)
Des observations macroscopiques et microscopiques sur les plantes actuelles et fossiles ont été effectuées. Sur les plantes actuelles ont été effectué des observations relativement aux effets des gaz volcaniques sur l’ultrastructure des cuticules de Pinus halepensis et de Erica arborea récoltés dans l’aire volcanique des Campi Flegrei, Italie. Les observations conduites au TEM sur les cuticules de P. halepensis, influencé et non influencé par les gaz volcaniques, ont montré que : 1) l'épaisseur totale de la CM (cuticule) + CW (paroi pectocellulosique) ne subit pas de variations significatives d'épaisseur ; 2) la cuticule des aiguilles influencée par les gaz volcaniques montre une accumulation d’oxalate de calcium ainsi que 3) un réarrangement des fibrilles disposées parallèlement à la surface. Les observations conduites sur E. arborea ont permis de 1) constater que les épaisseurs totales des cuticules, influencées ou non par les gaz, sont significativement différentes ; 2) en présence de gaz volcaniques la couche externe A2 subit un accroissement d’épaisseur significatif. Par rapport aux macro-restes végétaux fossiles, les localités du Crétacé de Cusano Mutri et Pietraroja ont été étudiées. Le première site fossilifère a permis 1) d’identifier plusieurs taxa appartenant aux conifères; 2) de décrire une nouvelle espèce de conifère: Frenelopsis cusanensis; 3) de trouver l’angiosperme ancestrale Montsechia vidalii. L’étude taxonomique a permis de décrire des entités typiques de la Province Euro-Sinienne. L’étude sédimentologique et systématique montre un climat plutôt tropical-subtropical, des abondants fusains montrant des incendies naturels. / Macroscopical and microscopical observations on extant and fossil plants have been made. Observations on extant plants led to study the effects of volcanic gases on the cuticle ultrastructure of Pinus halepensis and Erica arborea sampled in the volcanic area of Phlegrean Italy. TEM observations on P. halepensis cuticles fumigated or not by volcanic gases revealed: 1) insignificant thickness variations of the cell wall plus cuticle among current- and first-year-old needles of both fumigated and not fumigated trees; 2) a calcium oxalate accumulation in fumigated leaves; 3) moreover, in respect to the cell surface, fibrils are disposed parallel to the surface of the cuticle. In specimens of E. arborea fumigated or not by volcanic gases, 1) the total thickness of cuticles varies significantly; 2) in plants experiencing chronic fumigation the A2 layer increases its thickness. As for fossil plants, the cuticles of Cretaceous Fossil-Lagertätten of Cusano Mutri and Pietraroja have been studied. In the former: 1) numerous taxa belonging to conifers have been identified; 2) the new species Frenelopsis cusanensis has been described; 3) Montsechia vidalii has been found outside of Spain. Taxonomical studies allowed the description of typical Euro-Sinian fossil plants. Sedimentological and taxonomical studies suggest semi-arid or arid conditions in a subtropical or tropical climate. It is worth noting as for Cusano Mutri locality, evidence of wildfire (fusain) suggests a periodic combination of arid periods, high temperatures and lightning strikes.

Tree growth response to climate change in two threatened South American Biomes: Brazilian Atlantic Forest and Chilean Mediterranean Forest / Resposta do crescimento das árvores às mudanças climáticas em dois biomas sul-americanos ameaçados: Mata Atlântica Brasileira e Floresta Mediterrânea Chilena

Venegas González, Alejandro Danilo 06 December 2017 (has links)
Biomes classified as Brazilian Atlantic Forest (BAF) and the Chilean Mediterranean forest (CMF) have been affected by anthropic pressure that has caused a considerable decrease of their forest surfasse. However, they are rich in biodiversity and they provide many ecosystem services and were, therefore, classified as \"hotspots\" (forests in risk). Therefore, is essential to study the natural dynamics and the climatic response of the trees of these forests to include conservation projects and strategic measures. To achieve these objectives, the scientific literature reports that tree growth rings are the only ecological indicators with annual resolution that can be efficient and highly accurate to obtain this information. In this context, the research project has as main objective the retrospective analysis of radial growth of forest species in different vegetation communities of BAF and CMF in response to climatic changes. To achieve this goal, four key questions were elaborated: 1) Which variable explains betterthe variability of radial growth at different spatial and temporal scales? 2) What is the growth resilience to recent climate changes? 3) Is there some more vulnerable population to expected climatic changes?. A total of five sites (seven populations) of Cedrela odorata and C. fissilis in BAF from the State of São Paulo in Brazil, and five sites (10 populations) of Nothofagus macrocarpa (FMC) from the central region of Chile were sampled, using a non-destructive method. Four chapters were developed to answer these questions. Chapter I seek to analyze the resilience in radial growth to changes in regional climate variability and droughts, in temporal and spatial scale, on Atlantic forest remnant forests of biogeographic region Serra do Mar. Results show that radial growth in wet sites (winter rains exceed 240 mm) depend on the moisture conditions in dry season, while the higher population is more sensitive to the favorable summer water condition, which would be explained because this population received a lower temperature than the other Cedrela spp. populations studied. Chapter II analyzed how recent climatic variability affected the radial growth in N. macrocarpa populations. It is observed that all the populations are closely linked to the precipitations of May-November (end of autumn/end of spring) and average temperature of October-December (mid-spring/early summer). In Chapter III, we continued exploring the growth responses to climate in the FMC populations in order to find biogeographic differences. In this sense, we evaluated if this significant decrease in tree growth is differentiated between populations and age classes, and determine if the positive effect of CO2 fertilization compensates the precipitation decrease and temperature increase in the last decades in the growth of older, maturer and younger trees . Results show a significant negative trend in all classes from the year 2000, which would be associated to a decrease in precipitation in all populations while temperature was more associated with the northern and southern populations (distribution limit). We did not find a positive effect of rising CO2. Finally, chapter IV integrated the results of the two biomes comparing the projections of aboveground trees biomass under two climatic scenarios of CMIP5 project (light and severe), in order to know which populations are more vulnerable to rising temperature forecasted by year 2100, using ring width data, wood density and allometric equations. This study will provide an overview of adaptation to recent and projected climatic changes of two hotspot neotropical biomes. Although they are different in structure-biodiversity-climate are in risk. Thus, we can understand the vulnerability of threatened forests in South America to global warming that, although they are in protected areas, does not guarantee their persistence. / Os biomas classificados como Mata Atlancia Brasileira (MAB) e da Floresta Mediterrânea Chilena (FMC) têm sido afetados pela pressão antrópica que tem causado uma diminuição considerável de sua superfície florestal. No entanto são ricas em biodiversidade e providenciam muitos serviços ecossistêmicos, pelo que foram classificadas como hotspot (florestas em risco). Portanto, é fundamental estudar a dinâmica natural e a resposta climática das árvores dessas florestas para incluir em projetos de conservação. Para atingir esses objetivos, a literatura científica reporta que os anéis de crescimento das árvores são os únicos indicadores ecológicos com resolução anual que podem ser eficientes e de elevada precisão para obter essas informações. Neste contexto, o projeto de pesquisa tem como objetivo geral a analise retrospectivo de crescimento radial de espécies florestais em diferentes comunidades vegetacionais da MAB e FMC em resposta às mudanças climaticas. Para atingir esse objetivo foram elaboradas quatro perguntas-chave: 1) Que variable explica melhor a variabilidade do crescimento radial a diferentes escalas espaciais e temporais? 2) Qual é a resiliência em crescimento das árvores às mudanças climáticas recentes? 3) Há alguma população mais vulnerável respeito às mudanças climaticas esperadas?. Foram coletadas amostras de lenho, através de método não destrutivo, de cinco sitios (sete populações) de Cedrela odorata e C. fissilis na MAB no estado de São Paulo em Brasil, e cinco sitios (10 populações) de Nothofagus macrocarpa na FMC na região central do Chile, para aplicação de tecnicas dendrocronologicas. Para responder essas questões foram desenvolvidos quatro capitulos. O capitulo I busca analisar a resiliência em crescimento radial às mudanças na variabilidade climática regional e secas, em escala temporal e espacial, em florestas remanentes da região biogeográfica Serra do Mar da Mata Atlântica, usando as especies bioindicadoras Cedrela fissilis and C. odorata. Os resultados mostram que o crescimento radial dos sítios mais úmidos (chuvas no inverno superam os 240 mm) dependem das condições hidricas da estação seca, enquanto que a população mais alta é mais sensível à condição hídrica favorável do verão, qual seria explicado porque essa população recebi uma menor temperatura respeito às outras populações de cedrela estudadas. No capitulo II analisou-se como a variabilidade climática recente estaria afeitando o crescimento radial in N. macrocarpa populations. Observa-se que todas as populações estão estreitamente ligadas às precipitações de Maio-Novembro (fim de outono/fim de primaveira) e temperatura média de Outubro-Dezembro (mediados de primaveira/inicios do verão). Especificamente, há uma tendencia negativa significativa no crescimento radial apartir de 1980 que esta associada a uma variação do clima regional. No capitulo III, continuo-se explorando as respostas do crescimento radial ao clima nas populações da FMC com objetivo de encontrar diferencias biogeográficas. Neste sentido, foi avaliado se essa diminuição significativa de crescimento é diferenciada entre populações e classes de idade, e analisar se o efeito positivo da fertilização de CO2 compensa a diminuição da precipitação e aumento da temperatura nas ultimas decadas no crescimento de árvores velhos, maduros e jovens. Os resultados mostram uma tendencia negativa significativa em todas as clases apartir do ano 2000, qual estaria associada a diminuição da precipitação em todas as populações enquanto a temperatura teve mais associada às populações do sul. Não foi encontrado um efeito positivo do aumento de CO2. Finalmente, o capitulo IV integrou os resultados dos dois biomas comparando as proyeções de biomasa arborea sob dois escenarios climáticos do projeto CMIP5 (leve e severo), com objetivo de conocer quais populações são mais vulneraveis ao aumento da temperature previsto para o ano 2100, usando crescimento radial, densidade de madeira e ecuações alométricas. Os resultados mostram que a população com maior influencia urbana e a mais seca são as mais vulneráveis ao aumento exarcerbado de temperatura nas regiões de MAB and FMC, respectivamente. O presente estudo permitiu-nos apresentar uma visão da adaptação às mudanças climáticas recentes e projetadas de dois biomas hotspot. Embora sejam diferentes em estrutura-biodiversidade-clima estão em risco. Assim, podemos entender a vulnerabilidade de florestas neotropicais ao aquecimento global, embora estejam em áreas protegidas, não garante sua persistência.

The cuticle micromorphology of extant and fossil plants as indicator of environmental conditions : A pioneer study on the influence of volcanic gases on the cuticle structure in extant plants

Bartiromo, Antonello 14 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Macroscopical and microscopical observations on extant and fossil plants have been made. Observations on extant plants led to study the effects of volcanic gases on the cuticle ultrastructure of Pinus halepensis and Erica arborea sampled in the volcanic area of Phlegrean Italy. TEM observations on P. halepensis cuticles fumigated or not by volcanic gases revealed: 1) insignificant thickness variations of the cell wall plus cuticle among current- and first-year-old needles of both fumigated and not fumigated trees; 2) a calcium oxalate accumulation in fumigated leaves; 3) moreover, in respect to the cell surface, fibrils are disposed parallel to the surface of the cuticle. In specimens of E. arborea fumigated or not by volcanic gases, 1) the total thickness of cuticles varies significantly; 2) in plants experiencing chronic fumigation the A2 layer increases its thickness. As for fossil plants, the cuticles of Cretaceous Fossil-Lagertätten of Cusano Mutri and Pietraroja have been studied. In the former: 1) numerous taxa belonging to conifers have been identified; 2) the new species Frenelopsis cusanensis has been described; 3) Montsechia vidalii has been found outside of Spain. Taxonomical studies allowed the description of typical Euro-Sinian fossil plants. Sedimentological and taxonomical studies suggest semi-arid or arid conditions in a subtropical or tropical climate. It is worth noting as for Cusano Mutri locality, evidence of wildfire (fusain) suggests a periodic combination of arid periods, high temperatures and lightning strikes.

Tree growth response to climate change in two threatened South American Biomes: Brazilian Atlantic Forest and Chilean Mediterranean Forest / Resposta do crescimento das árvores às mudanças climáticas em dois biomas sul-americanos ameaçados: Mata Atlântica Brasileira e Floresta Mediterrânea Chilena

Alejandro Danilo Venegas González 06 December 2017 (has links)
Biomes classified as Brazilian Atlantic Forest (BAF) and the Chilean Mediterranean forest (CMF) have been affected by anthropic pressure that has caused a considerable decrease of their forest surfasse. However, they are rich in biodiversity and they provide many ecosystem services and were, therefore, classified as \"hotspots\" (forests in risk). Therefore, is essential to study the natural dynamics and the climatic response of the trees of these forests to include conservation projects and strategic measures. To achieve these objectives, the scientific literature reports that tree growth rings are the only ecological indicators with annual resolution that can be efficient and highly accurate to obtain this information. In this context, the research project has as main objective the retrospective analysis of radial growth of forest species in different vegetation communities of BAF and CMF in response to climatic changes. To achieve this goal, four key questions were elaborated: 1) Which variable explains betterthe variability of radial growth at different spatial and temporal scales? 2) What is the growth resilience to recent climate changes? 3) Is there some more vulnerable population to expected climatic changes?. A total of five sites (seven populations) of Cedrela odorata and C. fissilis in BAF from the State of São Paulo in Brazil, and five sites (10 populations) of Nothofagus macrocarpa (FMC) from the central region of Chile were sampled, using a non-destructive method. Four chapters were developed to answer these questions. Chapter I seek to analyze the resilience in radial growth to changes in regional climate variability and droughts, in temporal and spatial scale, on Atlantic forest remnant forests of biogeographic region Serra do Mar. Results show that radial growth in wet sites (winter rains exceed 240 mm) depend on the moisture conditions in dry season, while the higher population is more sensitive to the favorable summer water condition, which would be explained because this population received a lower temperature than the other Cedrela spp. populations studied. Chapter II analyzed how recent climatic variability affected the radial growth in N. macrocarpa populations. It is observed that all the populations are closely linked to the precipitations of May-November (end of autumn/end of spring) and average temperature of October-December (mid-spring/early summer). In Chapter III, we continued exploring the growth responses to climate in the FMC populations in order to find biogeographic differences. In this sense, we evaluated if this significant decrease in tree growth is differentiated between populations and age classes, and determine if the positive effect of CO2 fertilization compensates the precipitation decrease and temperature increase in the last decades in the growth of older, maturer and younger trees . Results show a significant negative trend in all classes from the year 2000, which would be associated to a decrease in precipitation in all populations while temperature was more associated with the northern and southern populations (distribution limit). We did not find a positive effect of rising CO2. Finally, chapter IV integrated the results of the two biomes comparing the projections of aboveground trees biomass under two climatic scenarios of CMIP5 project (light and severe), in order to know which populations are more vulnerable to rising temperature forecasted by year 2100, using ring width data, wood density and allometric equations. This study will provide an overview of adaptation to recent and projected climatic changes of two hotspot neotropical biomes. Although they are different in structure-biodiversity-climate are in risk. Thus, we can understand the vulnerability of threatened forests in South America to global warming that, although they are in protected areas, does not guarantee their persistence. / Os biomas classificados como Mata Atlancia Brasileira (MAB) e da Floresta Mediterrânea Chilena (FMC) têm sido afetados pela pressão antrópica que tem causado uma diminuição considerável de sua superfície florestal. No entanto são ricas em biodiversidade e providenciam muitos serviços ecossistêmicos, pelo que foram classificadas como hotspot (florestas em risco). Portanto, é fundamental estudar a dinâmica natural e a resposta climática das árvores dessas florestas para incluir em projetos de conservação. Para atingir esses objetivos, a literatura científica reporta que os anéis de crescimento das árvores são os únicos indicadores ecológicos com resolução anual que podem ser eficientes e de elevada precisão para obter essas informações. Neste contexto, o projeto de pesquisa tem como objetivo geral a analise retrospectivo de crescimento radial de espécies florestais em diferentes comunidades vegetacionais da MAB e FMC em resposta às mudanças climaticas. Para atingir esse objetivo foram elaboradas quatro perguntas-chave: 1) Que variable explica melhor a variabilidade do crescimento radial a diferentes escalas espaciais e temporais? 2) Qual é a resiliência em crescimento das árvores às mudanças climáticas recentes? 3) Há alguma população mais vulnerável respeito às mudanças climaticas esperadas?. Foram coletadas amostras de lenho, através de método não destrutivo, de cinco sitios (sete populações) de Cedrela odorata e C. fissilis na MAB no estado de São Paulo em Brasil, e cinco sitios (10 populações) de Nothofagus macrocarpa na FMC na região central do Chile, para aplicação de tecnicas dendrocronologicas. Para responder essas questões foram desenvolvidos quatro capitulos. O capitulo I busca analisar a resiliência em crescimento radial às mudanças na variabilidade climática regional e secas, em escala temporal e espacial, em florestas remanentes da região biogeográfica Serra do Mar da Mata Atlântica, usando as especies bioindicadoras Cedrela fissilis and C. odorata. Os resultados mostram que o crescimento radial dos sítios mais úmidos (chuvas no inverno superam os 240 mm) dependem das condições hidricas da estação seca, enquanto que a população mais alta é mais sensível à condição hídrica favorável do verão, qual seria explicado porque essa população recebi uma menor temperatura respeito às outras populações de cedrela estudadas. No capitulo II analisou-se como a variabilidade climática recente estaria afeitando o crescimento radial in N. macrocarpa populations. Observa-se que todas as populações estão estreitamente ligadas às precipitações de Maio-Novembro (fim de outono/fim de primaveira) e temperatura média de Outubro-Dezembro (mediados de primaveira/inicios do verão). Especificamente, há uma tendencia negativa significativa no crescimento radial apartir de 1980 que esta associada a uma variação do clima regional. No capitulo III, continuo-se explorando as respostas do crescimento radial ao clima nas populações da FMC com objetivo de encontrar diferencias biogeográficas. Neste sentido, foi avaliado se essa diminuição significativa de crescimento é diferenciada entre populações e classes de idade, e analisar se o efeito positivo da fertilização de CO2 compensa a diminuição da precipitação e aumento da temperatura nas ultimas decadas no crescimento de árvores velhos, maduros e jovens. Os resultados mostram uma tendencia negativa significativa em todas as clases apartir do ano 2000, qual estaria associada a diminuição da precipitação em todas as populações enquanto a temperatura teve mais associada às populações do sul. Não foi encontrado um efeito positivo do aumento de CO2. Finalmente, o capitulo IV integrou os resultados dos dois biomas comparando as proyeções de biomasa arborea sob dois escenarios climáticos do projeto CMIP5 (leve e severo), com objetivo de conocer quais populações são mais vulneraveis ao aumento da temperature previsto para o ano 2100, usando crescimento radial, densidade de madeira e ecuações alométricas. Os resultados mostram que a população com maior influencia urbana e a mais seca são as mais vulneráveis ao aumento exarcerbado de temperatura nas regiões de MAB and FMC, respectivamente. O presente estudo permitiu-nos apresentar uma visão da adaptação às mudanças climáticas recentes e projetadas de dois biomas hotspot. Embora sejam diferentes em estrutura-biodiversidade-clima estão em risco. Assim, podemos entender a vulnerabilidade de florestas neotropicais ao aquecimento global, embora estejam em áreas protegidas, não garante sua persistência.

The Principles of a Stable Community : 90 Years of Structured Integration in a Culturally Diverse New Town in Sardinia

Maxia, Alexander James January 2020 (has links)
An atom, a cell and a solar system have very little in common. My science teachers from high school will confirm that I am very far from being an expert on the matter but nontheless, I have studied these three systems in separate classes: chemistry, biology and astronomy. So I believe they must be fairly unrelated from each other! All they have in common is that they are studied through a magnifying lens by people who are better than me in maths. But onceyou look through the lens, you should see a main body and smaller objects rotating around it. The electrons around the protons, the cytoplasm around the nucleus and the planets around the sun. The key element they have in common is structure. Perhaps this is too abstract, even for an abstract, so let’s bring things back to earth. Structures play a fundamental role in shaping the world around us and this thesis aims to understand to what extent and how they influence people’s daily lives. The case study is based on the new town of Arborea in Sardinia, originally designed and owned by a private company to make an efficient and innovative industrial food production system. It aims to show how the ambition to produce was ingrained in the buildings and societal structures and how the surroundings affected the people who moved there. Everything was studied in detail:from the road grid to the houses, the church’s positioning and even selecting people from the north of Italy who were deemed most suitable to work there. The use of structuration theory will be key to uncover the different layers and relations that still shape the community today. 35.000 cows, 3800 people, a history of cultural clashes, a productive system, a very fascist background, a ’sex patrolling’ priest, a dozen volunteering organisations will all feature in thethesis and together enable to draw a picture of the new town.

Diversitet av amfibier och förhållandet mellan gruppens reproduktiva framgång och evertebrater knutna till dammar

Andersson, Susanna January 2020 (has links)
Inledning: Småvatten som dammar har försummats i bevarande-och övervakningsstrategier där fokus har lagts på större sötvattensmiljöer. Kunskap om småvattens roll i bevarandet av biologisk mångfald är bristfällig men studier har visat att dammar kan försörja fler arter, fler unika arter och mer ovanliga arter än sjöar, floder och vattendrag. I Sverige är 100 av 240 rödlistade sötvattensorganismer knutna till småvatten, där de flesta är arter av evertebrater men inkluderar även 38 % arter av den svenska amfibiefaunan. För att säkra den svenska amfibiefaunan måste faktorerna som missgynnar faunan, framförallt de hotade arterna, bli kända. Att bedöma vattenmiljöer lämpade för framgångsrik reproduktion hos amfibier kan vara komplicerad med hjälp av instrumentmätningar och vattenprover då kemiska parametrar i vattnet är ostabila. Alternativt kan man studera sötvattenslevande makroevertebrater där sammansättning, förekomst eller frånvaro kan indikera om miljön är utsatt för stressfaktorer. Utdikningar, övergödning och introduktion av invasiva arter har missgynnat amfibiefaunan genom minska reproduktionslokaler och skapa spridningsbarriärer. I Skånes region, som har högst diversitet av groddjur, har hundratals vatten återskapats för amfibier men behovet att fortsätta med naturvårdsinsatser kvarstår. Syfte: Med denna studie önskar jag lyfta vikten av att bevara och återskapa dammar för amfibier. Studien fokuserar på artrikedom hos amfibier, hotade arter samt reproduktiv framgång hos dessa. Studien omfattar 15 dammar fördelade över tre områden i Skåne. I två områden har flera dammar återskapats för att gynna amfibiefaunan och genom att följa upp kolonisering av dessa och utvärdera reproduktiv framgång, önskar jag bidra med lärdom om naturvårdsinsatsers effektivitet. De två områdena kommer även att jämföras med ett referensområde där inga omfattande naturvårdsinsatser har genomförts. Kemi- och fysikaliska parametrar kommer mätas i dammarna men även makroevertebrater i vattnet kommer att studeras för att se om det finns ett samband mellan dammar med framgångsrik reproduktion hos amfibier och förekomsten av makroevertebrater. Frågorna som ska besvaras är 1) vilket område är mest artrikt? 2) Har naturvårdsinsatserna i relation till referensområdet gynnat hotade arter? 3) Skiljer sig sammansättningen av vattenkemiska parametrar åt mellan dammar med framgångsrik reproduktion hos Anura med dammar utan framgångsrik reproduktion? 4) Skiljer förekomst, diversitet, sammansättning av evertebrater samt andelen rovinsekter åt mellan dammar med framgångsrik reproduktion hos Anura med dammar utan framgångsrik reproduktion? Metod: Projektområdet begränsades till sydöstra Skåne. Två områden, Ravlunda och Högestad valdes ut efter vetskapen om att omfattande naturvårdsinsatser utförts i områdena med syftet att gynna amfibier. Markanvändningen i områdena skiljer sig åt där Ravlunda är ett aktivt skjutfält och i Högestad drivs bland annat jord- och skogsbruk. Det tredje området, Referensområdet, bestod av spridda dammar runt Ravlunda skjutfält. Här hade inga naturvårdsinsatser utförts i syftet att gynna amfibier. Amfibier och deras utvecklingsstadium inventeras under säsongen när gruppen är som mest aktiv i vattenmiljön. Utvalda kemi-och fysikaliska mätningar tas med hjälp av mätinstrument och vattenprover analyseras i laboratorium. Evertebrater samlas in genom håvning för att beräkna Shannons diversitet index och Average score per taxon (ASPT) index. Andelen rovinsekter beräknas från antalet larver av Odonata och individer från familjerna Dytiscidae och Notonectidae. Variansanalyser kommer utföras för att identifiera skillnader mellan områdena och korrelationsanalyser utförs för att identifiera samband mellan evertebrater och framgångsrik reproduktion hos amfibier. Non-metric multidimensional scaling analyser kommer utföras för att identifiera hur lokalerna förhåller sig till varandra i sammansättning av vattenkemi samt sammansättning av familjer och fördelning hos evertebrater. Resultat: Högestad var det mest artrika området. Där var signifikant skillnad i antalet individer av hotad art mellan Ravlunda och de andra områdena. Naturvårdsinsatserna bedömdes gynnat hotad art i Ravlunda men inte i Högestad. Korrelationsanalysen visade inget samband mellan framgångsrik reproduktion och index-beräkningarna. Slutsats: Naturvårdsinsatser i syftet att bevara den svenska amfibiefaunan och dess hotade arter kan vara framgångsrik om man lägger alla bitar i pusslet rätt, för det är många faktorer som spelar in för att insatser ska bli både effektiva och framgångsrika. Att fortsätta med uppföljningar av naturvårdsinsatser efter att projekttiden är slut är viktigt för att kunna ta lärdom om vilka metoder som skapar bäst förutsättningar för stabila populationer hos amfibier.

Étude des lignines des bois raméaux fragmentés des essences tropicales Gmelina arborea et Sarcocephalus latifolius et de leur devenir dans les sols agricoles au Bénin : effets sur l'aggradation des sols traités et l'amélioration de la production agricole

Daassi, Rodrigue 08 May 2024 (has links)
L'application des bois raméaux fragmentés (BRF) dans les pratiques agricoles constitue une technique durable de restauration de la fertilité des sols. Et pourtant, la lignine qui lui confère majoritairement la capacité de formation de l'humus et de stabilisation du carbone organique du sol n'a pas encore fait objet d'une étude scientifique approfondie. L'objectif général de cette thèse de doctorat est de caractériser les lignines organosolv isolées des BRF de Gmelina arborea et Sarcocephalus latifolius et d'évaluer l'effet des amendements de ces BRF sur les propriétés physico-chimiques et la diversité fongique du sol ainsi que le rendement des cultures maraichères (tomate et gombo) sur deux sites agricoles au Bénin. Les objectifs spécifiques sont : (i) de déterminer les constituants et les propriétés chimiques du bois et des BRF des essences G. arborea et S. latifolius à partir des méthodes de chimie du bois; (ii) d'isoler et caractériser les lignines organosolv de ces essences par le procédé catalytique et suivre son devenir dans les sols sur deux sites au Bénin après deux ans ; (iii) d'évaluer les effets des amendements des sols avec les BRF sur le stock du carbone, la formation des substances humiques stables et la diversité fongique du sol; et (iv) d'évaluer les effets des amendements des sols avec les BRF sur les propriétés physico-chimiques et hydriques du sol ainsi que sur la production de la tomate et du gombo sur deux sites au Bénin. L'essence Gmelina arborea a été retenue pour le site de Sékou, et celle de Sarcocephalus latifolius pour celui de Kika. Les bois de tronc et BRF ont été caractérisés pour leur composition élément³¹aire et en lignines. La moitié des BRF était enfouie dans le sol, et l'autre moitié était utilisée comme paillis. L'effet des traitements a été évalué sur la production de la tomate et du gombo. Les BRF ont été échantillonnés après 0, 6, 12 et 18 mois d'incubation dans le sol afin d'isoler et caractériser leur lignine organosolv par des analyses spectroscopiques (FTIR, ³¹P RMN, 2D HSQC) et pyrolytique (Py-GC-MS-TMAH). Les résultats ont montré que les lignines organosolv des BRF des deux essences étaient de types guaiacyl-syringyl (G-S). Les analyses chimiques des BRF ont montré que la teneur en glucides totaux diminuait, tandis que la teneur en lignine totale augmentait au fur et à mesure de la décomposition des BRF dans le sol. Un enrichissement significatif en azote (N) des BRF a été déterminé après 18 mois d'incubation dans les sols, atteignant 2,6 et 1,9 fois la teneur initiale en N pour G. arborea et S. latifolius, respectivement. En outre, les BRF ont amélioré l'humidité volumique du sol, régulé la température du sol et diminué la tension hydrique du sol par rapport aux LV et témoins sur 24 mois. Par ailleurs, les traitements à base des BRF (BRF et BRF_LV) ont contribué de manière significative au stockage du carbone organique du sol et à l'augmentation des nutriments du sol (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) (cette dernière jusqu'à 1,5 fois) par rapport au témoin. Les résultats d'analyse de l'acide humique (HA) extrait des sols, purifié et analysé ont révélé que les sols amendés avec le BRF ont produit des quantités significatives d'HA constitués majoritairement des composés dérivés de lignine. En outre, en utilisant le séquençage de la région ITS2 sur la plateforme Illumina Miseq, l'application des BRF a considérablement modifié la composition fongique avec une augmentation de l'abondance relative des Ascomycota (jusqu'à 92% de la communauté fongique totale), Mucoromycota, Basidiomycota et Rozellomycota. Les résultats ont montré que l'amendement au BRF a réduit significativement le rendement de la tomate (sauf sur le site de Kika) et du gombo pendant la première production de culture et que l'amélioration de la croissance et du rendement de ces légumes a été significative qu'à partir de la deuxième production de culture. Cette recherche démontre ainsi le rôle positif des BRF à travers leur lignine à former de l'humus stable et à favoriser une production agricole durable. / Application of RCW in agriculture is a sustainable technique for restoring soil fertility. However, the lignin from the RCW, which contributes to the formation of humus and to the soil organic carbon storage, has not yet been thoroughly studied. The general objective of this PhD thesis is to characterize the organosolv lignins isolated from RCWs of G. arborea and S. latifolius and to evaluate the effect of RCW amendments on the physico-chemical properties and fungal diversity of the soil as well as on the yield of vegetable crops (tomato and okra) on two agricultural sites in Benin. The specific objectives are: (i) to determine the constituents and chemical properties of trunk wood and RCW of G. arborea and S. latifolius using wood chemistry methods; (ii) to isolate and characterize the organosolv lignins of these species by the catalytic process and to follow its fate in soils on two sites in Benin after two years; (iii) to evaluate the effects of soil amendments with RCWs on carbon stock, formation of stable humic substances and soil fungal diversity; and (iv) to evaluate the effects of soil amendments with RCWs on soil physicochemical and hydric properties as well as on tomato and okra production on two sites in Benin. The G. arborea species was selected for the Sékou site, and S. latifolius for the Kika site. The trunk wood and RCW were characterized for their elemental and lignin composition. Half of the RCWs was incorporated in the soil, while the other half was put as mulch. The effect of the treatments was evaluated on tomato and okra production. RCWs were sampled after 0, 6, 12 and 18 months of incubation in the soil to isolate and characterize their organosolv lignins by spectroscopic (FTIR, 31P NMR, 2D HSQC) and chromatographic (Py-GC-MS-TMAH) analyses. The results showed that the organosolv lignins from RCWs of both species were of guaiacyl-syringyl (G-S) types. Chemical analyses of the RCWs showed that total carbohydrate content decreased, while total lignin content increased as RCWs decomposed in the soils. Significant nitrogen (N) enrichment of RCWs was determined after 18 months of incubation in soils, reaching 2.6 and 1.9 times the initial N content for G. arborea and S. latifolius. In addition, RCWs improved soil water content, regulated soil temperature, and decreased soil hydric tension compared to PL treated soils and controls over 24 months. Furthermore, RCW treatments (RCW and RCW_PL) contributed significantly to soil organic carbon storage and increased soil nutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg) (the latter up to 1.5 times) compared to the control. The humic acid (HA) was extracted from soils, purified, and analyzed by NMR spectroscopic and Py-GC-MS chromatography. The obtained results revealed that soils amended with RCWs produced significant amounts of HA containing a significant amount of lignin-related structures. Furthermore, using ITS2 region sequencing on the Illumina Miseq platform, RCW application significantly altered the fungal composition with an increase in the relative abundance of Ascomycota (up to 92% of the total fungal community), Mucoromycota, Basidiomycota and Rozellomycota. The obtained results showed that RCW amendment significantly reduced the yield of tomato (except at Kika site) and okra during the first crop production and that the improvement in growth and yield of these vegetables was significant only from the second crop production. This research thus demonstrates the positive role of RCWs through their lignin in forming stable humus and promoting sustainable agricultural production.

Sex-linked molecular markers and their application to endocrine disruption research in amphibians

Tamschick, Stephanie 29 November 2016 (has links)
Die weltweit mehr als 7500 Amphibienarten sind durch anthropogene Ursachen wie Habitatzerstörung, Krankheitsverbreitung, Klimawandel und Umweltverschmutzung in ihrem Bestand bedroht. Einige der Ursachen sind kaum erforscht, so die Verschmutzung aquatischer Ökosysteme durch endokrine Disruptoren (EDs), Substanzen, die mit dem Hormonsystem interagieren. Ausgehend von neuen molekularen Markern, welche die Ermittlung des genetischen Geschlechts erstmals bei einigen Hyliden und Bufoniden erlauben, wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit auf die Wirkung des synthetischen Östrogens 17α- Ethinylestradiol (EE2)und des Weichmachers Bisphenol A (BPA) fokussiert. Für drei Bufonidenarten wurde zunächst die Geschlechtsgebundenheit von Mikrosatelliten getestet und ein XX/XY-System nachgewiesen. Diese und bereits etablierte Marker wurden anschließend in ein neu entwickeltes Versuchsdesign für ED-Studien integriert: Nach gleichzeitiger Aufzucht von Modell- (Xenopus laevis) und Nicht-Modell-Arten (Hyla arborea, Bufo viridis) unter EE2- bzw. BPA- Exposition wurde das genetische Geschlecht bestimmt und mit dem anatomisch und histologisch ermittelten phänotypischen Geschlecht erglichen. Die drei Anuren zeigten starke Empfindlichkeitsunterschiede gegenüber beiden EDs. Umweltrelevante Konzentrationen beeinflussten die somatische Entwicklung und führten zu artspezifischen Gonaden-Fehlbildungen. EE2 bewirkte zahlreiche partielle und komplette Geschlechtsumwandlungen, mit stärkeren Effekten bei X. laevis. Diese Arbeit zeigt somit, dass bereits niedrige EE2- und BPA-Konzentrationen zu starken Schädigungen führen können und die Substanzen aufgrund ihrer erheblichen aquatischen Präsenz als ernstzunehmende Faktoren der Amphibienkrise anzusehen sind. Die Ermittlung des genetischen Geschlechts wird als wichtig eingestuft, um verlässliche Aussagen über ED-Effekte zu treffen. Zudem sollten an der Modell-Art X. laevis gewonnene Erkenntnisse nicht vorbehaltlos auf andere Amphibienarten extrapoliert werden. / The more than 7500 known amphibian species are globally threatened, mainly due to anthropogenic causes like habitat destruction, dispersing diseases, climate change and environmental pollution. Some of the causes are barely investigated, e.g. the pollution of aquatic ecosystems with endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs), substances that interfere with the hormone system. Based on new molecular markers, for the first time allowing genetic sexing in some hylids and bufonids, this thesis focused on the effects of the synthetic estrogen 7α-ethinylestradiol(EE2) and the plasticizer bisphenol A (BPA). Initially, several microsatellite markers were tested for sex-linkage in three bufonid species, and an XX/XY system could be revealed. Subsequently, these and other established markers were integrated into a newly developed experimental design for EDC-research: after simultaneous exposure of model (Xenopus laevis) and non-model species (Hyla arborea, Bufo viridis) to EE2 or BPA, metamorphs were genetically sexed. Anatomically and histologically determined phenotypic sexes were directly compared with the genetic sex of each individual. The three anurans showed striking differences in their susceptibilities in both EDCexperiments. Environmentally relevant concentrations affected the somatic development and led to species-specific gonadal anomalies. In addition, EE2 provoked high numbers of mixed sex and completely sex-reversed individuals, with more pronounced effects in X. laevis than in the two non-model species. This work shows that low concentrations of EE2 and BPA lead to severe damages. Due to their widespread presence in the aquatic environment, these substances might contribute to the worldwide amphibian crisis. To produce reliable results in EDC-studies, genetic sexing is considered important. Furthermore, findings gained with the model species X. laevis should not unreservedly be extrapolated to other amphibian species.

Isolement et caractérisation des saponosides de trois plantes de la famille des araliaceae et dracaenaceae et évaluation de leurs activités cytotoxiques sur cellules tumorales

Kougan Nkwokap, Guy Beddos 20 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
L'intérêt des substances d'origine naturelle, potentiellement anti-tumorales nous a amené à nous intéresser aux saponines triterpéniques et stéroïdiques de plantes issues de la biodiversité africaine de la famille des Araliaceae et des Dracaenaceae. En effet, des études antérieures menées sur quelques plantes de ces deux familles ont conduit à l'obtention de molécules complexes et originales possédant d'excellentes propriétés cytotoxiques, immuno-modulatrices, anti-inflammatoires. Au vu de ces résultats nous avons entrepris des investigations pharmaco-chimiques sur Cussonia arborea (Araliaceae), Dracaena deisteliana et Dracaena arborea (Dracaenaceae), plantes médicinales couramment utilisées en pharmacopée traditionnelle africaine pour traiter différentes maladies. Les travaux menés ont conduit à l'isolement de 31 composés purs en utilisant les différentes techniques analytiques du laboratoire notamment les diverses techniques de chromatographie liquide successive à pression atmosphérique, moyenne pression et flash chromatographie sur silice en phase normale et en phase inverse. Les structures ont été déterminées par les méthodes de spectrométrie de masse en source FAB et de spectroscopie de RMN 1D et 2D (COSY, TOCSY, NOESY, HMBC et HSQC). Parmi les 07 composés purs obtenus des écorces de Cussonia arborea, 5 sont des nouvelles saponines triterpéniques dont un dérivé de l'acide ursolique, un dérivé de l'hédéragénine et trois dérivés de l'acide oléanolique, tous disubstitués en position 3 et 28 par des chaînes oligosaccharidiques. 13 composés purs sont obtenus à partir des feuilles de Cussonia arborea, dont 7 nouvelles saponines triterpéniques dérivés de l'acide ursolique, de l'acide 23-hydroxyursolique, de l'hédéragénine et de l'acide oléanolique dont 04 d'entre elles sont obtenues sous forme de mélanges inséparables d'isomères acide oléanolique/acide ursolique et hédéragénine/acide 23-hydroxyursolique. A partir des écorces de Dracaena arborea et des tiges de Dracaena deisteliana, nous avons isolé et caractérisé 10 saponines stéroïdiques dont 4 nouvelles et une sapogénine. Les activités de certains de ces produits purs ont été évaluées sur deux lignées de cellules cancéreuses coliques humaines HCT 116 et HT-29.

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