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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Brattsystemets upplösning i Sverige : En ”mixed methods” studie om Brattsystemets påverkan på nykterhetstillståndet innan och efter upplösningen mellan 1953–1958 i Växjö / The abolition of the Swedish restriction system against alcohol : A mixed method study about the restriction system of alcohol effect on the state of sobriety before and after the abolition in Sweden between 1953-1958 in Växjö

Fahlgren, Isak January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is the investigate the effect of  the abolition of the Swedish restriction system against alcohol abuse on a national and local level. It has been of intreset to examine how Växjö handled the restricion system and how they experienced the abolition of the Swedish restriction system against alcohol. The investigation examined the years 1953 and 1955 to represent the  alcohol consumptions during the restriction system and the years 1956 and 1958 to represant the effects after the abolition of the restriction system.   The study includes a a discussion on how the restrictions affected the alcohol consumptions through examining the sobriety board and the local news paper from the years 1953-1958 in Växjö. With both source material the investigation is strengthened. This paper has found that the removal of the restriction system of alcohol has reduced the amount of drunkness offenses due to the opportunity of buying beer. The inhabitants recieved more freedom with the restrictions gone and that required more responsibility to drink in moderation.

Handikapp och folktro i medeltidens Visby : Undersökning av två individer begravda vid Ryska kyrkan. / Disability and folklore in medieval Visby : An analysis of two individuals buried by the Russian church.

Unosson, Molly January 2020 (has links)
There is little known about the medieval Russian population in Visby. What is known, however, is that several graves were excavated in 1971 at the place thought to contain traces of the Russian church. By comparing the results of Noah Runesson (2016) and what was brought to light through an analysis of specific individuals, new information may have been made available. The content in two of these graves have been examined and analysed, and the results of the osteological analysis show the Russians had knowledge of surgical procedures such as amputation as well as how to keep someone alive after such a procedure. One of the graves contained a small piece of metal, rusty from years of being in the ground. Why it is present in the grave is unclear, but one theory is that it was for keeping the dead from walking again. Through osteological analyses it has also become clear that the Russian population varied in ages as well as health, and that they took care of each other when in need.

Gravarna från Nygårds : en rumslig analys av ett järnåldersgravfält i Västerhejde socken / The graves from Nygårds : a spatial analysis of an Iron Age burial ground at the parish of Västerhejde.

Kynman, Saga January 2019 (has links)
Throughout Scandinavia the funeral practices of the Iron Age were, in general, inhumation or cremation. The Iron Age society held many overarching beliefs but with a great ritual flexibility where practices could vary between communities. This study examines the Iron Age burial ground at Nygårds in the parish of Västerhejde, Gotland. The graves consist of both cremated and skeletal remains dating to the period of 400–600 AD. Thus, two different funeral customs were practiced at the burial ground during the same time period. Although excavated in the 1970s, no detailed analyses have been carried out on the Iron Age remains from Nygårds or their grave goods. This study aim is consequently to contribute with new information about the burial ground at Nygårds and the individuals who were interred there. By examining the spatial composition of the two burial customs, their demographic and grave goods, differences and similarities emerge. With the burial grounds spatial structure as a framework, this study discusses the different aspects of the Iron Age life and what the actions of the living can tell us about their dead.

Vikingatida förgyllningstekniker : En studie av förgyllningstekniker tillämpade på föremål från Birka med SEM-EDS

Patriksdotter, Amanda January 2019 (has links)
Studies with primary focus on Viking age gilding techniques in Scandinavia has not been carried out since the sixties. During the past 50 years knowledge about prehistoric gilding techniques and traces of them in the archeological material, as well as the usage of natural sciences within archaeology, has developed considerably. The aim of this thesis was to revisit the topic of gilding and shed new light on Viking age metalworking in Scandinavia with focus on gilding techniques. The second aim was to determine the possibilities and limitations of the study of gilding with a non-destructive methodology. The surfaces of 13 metal objects, four of which are indigenous and the rest are imported goods, were analyzed with SEM-EDS. The chemical compositions of the gilded layers as well as the underlying silver- or copper alloys were analyzed. Furthermore, observations of micro morphological structures were carried out on the gilt surfaces. Interpretations of both chemical compositions and micro morphology were carried out in order to identify what technique or techniques have been used for gilding. The results show that two of artefacts have not been gilded at all, five of them have been fire gilded and the results of the remaining six objects are inconclusive mainly due to lacking reference data. It can be concluded that further research regarding the aging of gilt surfaces on gilded artefacts, more specifically the loss of mercury in fire gilded surfaces over time, needs to be carried out.

Lagstiftning förändrar livsöden : Applicering av lagar gällande fosterbarn i Uppsala under åren 1920-1930 / Legislation changes lives : Application of laws concerning foster children in Uppsala during the years 1920-1930

Bergstrand, Alva January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this BA thesis is to study what the rules for foster children were like in Sweden during the 1920s, with a focus on the 1902 and the 1924 law, respectively. The aim of the analysis is to study the similarities and differences between the two legislations. The purpose is also to study how the rules were subsequently followed and possibly changed in practice in Sweden during the years 1920-1930, with a focus on individual cases of foster children in the city of Uppsala. A further purpose of this essay is to investigate a potential application of the theme of this essay in the history subject in school. A didactic purpose is thus to investigate the extent to which the current curriculum for upper secondary school deals with areas that concern individual history and social history. The aim of the analysis is also to both problematize and see the possibilities with an application of the essay topic in teaching. The didactic perspective aims to open for discussion about how individual history could function as arousing interest for students in history teaching. The result shows that the rules for foster children changed in Sweden during the 1920s, mainly regarding the requirement for the municipalities to introduce a child welfare board. Previously, the boards had the task of checking that the foster care was not inappropriate. With the introduction of child welfare boards also came the task of keeping notes of decisions regarding foster children. In addition, the age limit for foster children increased from seven years to 16 years. The rules were largely followed in practice for foster children. Information about the foster children became more detailed after the year 1926. The point where the legislation broke in practice was regarding notification that a foster child has been received, as the time indication changed during the archive study for most of the foster children. The didactic result shows that there are opportunities in dealing with subjects such as social history and individual history in history teaching in upper secondary school. The syllabus touch on both subjects to a high degree, mainly to draw attention to living conditions.

Norrbottens läns djurskyddsförening : Djurskyddsarbete och synen på djurplågeri

Norman, Minny January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie handlar om Norrbottens läns djurskyddsförening och hur denna, tillsammans med andra aktörer inom närliggande områden, arbetade för att öka djurskyddet och minska djurplågeri. Frågor som ställs blir bland annat hur föreningen arbetade med djurskydd och varför men också hur de resonerade vad gäller djurplågeri. Det framkommer dels genom sättet de arbetade på, dels varför de valde just dem tillvägagångssätten. Med aktörer menar jag bland annat mänskliga aktörer som exempelvis polisen, medlemmar i föreningen och frivilliga individer och icke-mänskliga aktörer vilket kan vara djurskyddslitteratur och stadgar eftersom dessa besitter en viss makt. Detta kan kopplas till aktörnätversteorin som ligger till grund för studien. Utöver detta framkommer även ett koncept gällande maktordningen mellan människa och djur. Därtill får man en inblick i hur aktörerna resonerade gällande djurplågeri genom att ta upp ett flertal fall där misstanke om djurplågeri framkom. Det undersöks vad som räknas till kategorin och inte, samtidigt som fallen relateras till stadgarna för djurplågeri. Därutöverdiskuteras varför föreningen med aktörer resonerade som de gjorde. Tidsperioden sträcker sig från slutet av 1800-talet, mer specifikt år 1896 fram till år 1955, men där fokus framför allt ligger på första halvan av 1900-talet. Vad gäller materialet har en avgränsning skett så att maskinskrivet material för den valda perioden har medtagits och det handskrivna materialet har lämnats utanför för att misstolkningar inte ska ske. Metoden som använts är först och främst innehållsanalys och till viss del även deskription. De slutsatserna som går att dra utifrån studien är att föreningen arbetade på många och diversifierade sätt för att öka djurskyddet och att varje fall av djurplågeri som har tagits med i den empiriska delen går att relatera till föreningens stadgar. Däremot är det svårare att förstå var gränsdragningen går mellan djurplågeri och vanvård av djur. / The essay is about an association that works with animal welfare. In Swedish it is called Norrbottens läns djurksyddsförening, which is a form of animal protection agency. Norrbottens animal protection agency works with different actors within related areas and has a goal to increase and make the animal welfare better. In the study, questions like ”How did the association work with animal welfare and why” and ”How did the association reason and discuss when it comes to animal cruelty?”. Furthermore, to precise what I mean with actors I refer to both human and non-human actors. With human actors I mean the police or the members of the animal protection agency. Non-human actors in this essay refers to the animal welfare literature or the association’s statutes because both has some kind of power. This can relate to the theory that I have chosen, which is actor-network theory. In addition, I have chosen to look at a theoretical concept that explains the hierarchy of animal. How well the protection agency managed to increase the animal welfare emerges from the way they chose to work in and why they chose it. In addition, one gets an insight into how these actors reasoned regarding animal cruelty by addressing several cases where suspicion of animal cruelty has emerged. In the study, I also analyze what should fit in the category “animal cruelty”. Side by side with this I see how the statutes can relate to the animal cruelty cases. In addition, I discuss why the animal protection agency reasoned the way they did. The time period extends from the end of the 19th century, more specifically in 1896 until 1955.However, I will, primarily, focus on the first half of the 20th century. However, I decided to only use material which was typed by a typewriter because I did not want to risk any misinterpretations by using handwritten material. The method that I have used is primarily content analysis. The conclusions that can be made from this study are that the animal protection agency worked in many diversified ways to increase the animal welfare. Moreover, every single one of the cases can be related to the statutes. Though, it is more difficult to understand where the line between animal cruelty (djurplågeri) and neglect of animals (vanvård av djur) goes.

Runristningar vid vatten : En studie av runristningarnas eventuella roll längs vikingatida vattenkommunikationsleder / Runic carvings by water : A study of the possible role of runic carvings along Viking age water communication routes

Korsár, Anna January 2021 (has links)
This study deals with runic carvings as a monument. Through map studies I try to locate runic carvings near water and other remains from the viking age. Previous research has put their focus on the inscription and not as much on the monument itself. The monument stands there in the landscape and communicates with its own appearance. During the Viking Age, communication by waterways was important as the roads on land were not the best. The starting point for this study was a waterway from the Baltic Sea to Mälaren through Södermanland county in Sweden. This waterway consists of several lakes and smaller streams. This study is an attempt to investigate and discuss the possible role of runic carvings along Viking Age water communication routes.

En smak av det förflutna : En fallstudie om fyra kvinnors matvanor och deras matminnen från en liten by i norra Sverige / A taste of the past

Sjöström, Maria January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Från landsbygd till den nya världen : En studie av emigrationen från Fredsberg församling till Nordamerika mellan åren 1871 - 1880 och 1891 - 1900 / From countryside to the new world : An emigrational study of Fredsberg parish to North America between the years 1871 – 1880 and 1891 – 1900

Gustafsson, Lukas January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen har varit att undersöka hur den mindre landsbygdsförsamlingen, Fredsberg, var en del av emigrationen till Nordamerika under 1800-talet. Studien är inriktad på två tidperioder, 1871 – 1880, samt 1891 – 1900, och fokus ligger på att se hur utvandringen utvecklats över tid. Därmed tas ett antal aspekter upp som undersöks, vilka består av att se antalet män / kvinnor, gifta / ogifta inklusive ålder och antalet barn. Källmaterialet som har använts i uppsatsen är hämtat från den digitala arkivresursen Emiweb. Hemsidan erbjuder summariska folkmängdsrörelser som inhämtats från Statistiska Centralbyrån, där präster över hela landet varit uppgiftslämnare.  Varje år i perioderna undersöks och resultatet har presenterats i diagram med tillhörande stycke. Bl.a. visar resultatet att det var fler kvinnor än män under perioden 1871 – 1880 som emigrerade från Fredsberg, vilket är en skillnad jämfört den nationella utvandringen. Det visade sig även att den genomsnittliga emigrationen per tusen invånare var något högre under båda perioderna, jämfört med samma snitt för hela den svenska utvandringen. Sammantaget har uppsatsens resultat för Fredsbergs utflyttningsförsamling visat sig varit i paritet med den svenska helhetliga utvandringen, men med viss utmärkelse som exemplet med fler kvinnor än män.

Chronicled in metal : The biography of a trefoil brooch and the importance of object modification in Viking Age Sweden / Skildrat i metall : biografin av ett treflikigt spänne och betydelsen av objektmodifikation i vikingatida Sverige

Löfgren, Isac January 2023 (has links)
Trefoil brooches are one of the most abundant types of Viking Age jewellery in Scandinavia. This thesis delves into the journey of one such brooch, known as 555783, discovered in Birka, Sweden. Through an archaeological object biography approach this thesis examines the brooch's construction, provenance, transportation, transformation, and deposition in an attempt to shed light on how this and other similar examples evolved in Scandinavian society compared to their cultural origins. Furthermore, this research aims to uncover broader patterns in the Viking Age Scandinavian society's contact with and adaptation of foreign material culture through the incorporation of comparative examples, in order to explore what this illustrates about the Scandinavian people in general. The conclusion reached is that 555783 was likely made in Frankia then transported to Scandinavia through unknown means. There it was modified from a mount on a sword belt with male, martial associations into a piece of fastening-jewellery associated with female costume and display. It was also determined that the adoption and adaption of foreign material culture was primarily a way of displaying foreign connections in a way better suited to their own aesthetic and material preferences. / En av de mest rikligt förekommande smyckestyperna från vikingatiden i Skandinavien är treflikiga spännen. Den här uppsatsen undersöker livshistorien av ett treflikigt spänne (555783) som upptäcktes i Birka. Genom ett arkeologiskt objektbiografiskt tillvägagångssätt undersöker denna uppsats spännet konstruktion, ursprung, förflyttning, förändring och deposition. Undersökningen illustrerar hur spänne 555783 och liknande exempel utvecklades i det skandinaviska samhället jämfört med i sin ursprungskultur. Vidare syftar denna uppsats till att belysa ett bredare mönster i vikingatida skandinavers kontakt med och anpassning av främmande materiell kultur. Uppsatsen besvarar detta genom jämförelse med andra liknande exempel. Slutsatsen ernådd är att spänne 555783 troligen har tillverkats i det Frankiska riket och sedan transporterats till Skandinavien på ett okänt sätt. Där modifierades den från ett beslag på ett svärdsbälte med manliga, krigiska associationer till ett smycke förknippat med kvinnlig uppvisning av status. Det fastställdes också att inlemmandet och modifieringen av främmande materiell kultur i första hand var ett sätt att visa utländska kopplingar som var anpassat till deras egna estetiska och materiella preferenser.

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