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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A mixed-charge cluster facilities glutathione transferase dimerisation

Walters, John Clive 14 November 2006 (has links)
Student Number : 0213014A - MSc dissertation - School of Molecular and Cell Biology - Faculty of Science / Cytosolic glutathione transferases (GSTs) are obligate stable homo- and heterodimers comprising two GST subunits. Interactions across the subunit interface play an important role in stabilising the subunit tertiary structure and maintain the dimeric structure required for activity. The crystal structure of a rat Mu class GST consisting of two type one subunits (rGST M1-1) reveals a lock-and-key motif and a mixedcharge cluster at the subunit interface. Previous investigations revealed the lock-andkey motif was not essential for dimerisation. It was therefore postulated that the mixed-charge cluster at the dimer interface is primarily responsible for subunit association. Statistical analyses of individual rGST M1-1 chains did not predict the presence of any charge clusters. This suggests that the mixed-charge cluster forms only upon dimerisation and reinforces the probability that quaternary structure stabilisation is a major role of the mixed-charge cluster. Arginine 81 (Arg-81), a structurally conserved residue in the GST family involved in the mixed-charge cluster, was mutated to alanine. Phenylalanine 56 (Phe-56), the ‘key’ residue in the lock-and-key motif, was mutated to serine. These changes were engineered to disrupt the mixed-charge cluster and the lock-and-key motif situated at the dimer interface of rGST M1-1. Sizing by gel filtration chromatography of the mutant GST identified that these engineered amino acids resulted in a stable monomeric protein (F56S/R81A rGST M1). The F56S/R81A rGST M1 displayed almost no catalytic activity, suggesting perturbations of the active site or substrate binding sites. Structural investigations of the monomer by far- and near-UV circular dichroism revealed a similar secondary structural content to the wild-type. However, the tryptophan fluorescence properties suggested the tryptophans were situated in more hydrophilic environments than in the wild-type. ANS binding studies indicated a large increase in the accessible hydrophobic surface area of the monomer. Ureainduced equilibrium unfolding of F56S/R81A rGST M1 follows a cooperative twostate unfolding model. The unfolding data indicates decreased conformational stability and a large increase in the solvent exposed surface area of the monomer. In conclusion, the mixed-charge cluster at the dimer interface of rGST M1-1 is essential for monomeric association, which subsequently contributes to catalytic activity of the dimer and the stabilities of individual rGST M1-1 subunits.

A inserção das mulheres negras no mundo político eleitoral: uma análise sobre a sua representatividade nas Assembleias Legislativas dos estados da Bahia e São Paulo / The inclusion of Black Women in the electoral Political world: an analysis of their representation in the Legislative Assemblies of the States of Bahia and Sao Paulo

Lima, Milena Guesso Leão de 18 March 2016 (has links)
Esta Dissertação de Mestrado pretende a partir de uma análise sobre a representatividade quantitativa e qualitativa dos mandatos das deputadas estaduais negras brasileiras, pensar as relações entre poder, gênero e raça em uma sociedade patriarcal. Para tanto, utilizaremos como amostra quatro mandatos de deputadas negras das Assembleias Legislativas dos estados da Bahia e São Paulo, durante o período de 2011 a 2014. O objetivo desta Dissertação é primeiro demonstrar que o cenário da democracia parlamentar brasileira mantém traços similares de gênero e raça que não coincidem com a real diversidade étnica/racial e de gênero que compõe a sociedade brasileira e em segundo, constatar que os mandatos das deputadas estaduais negras influenciam e resultam na implementação de mais políticas transversais que buscam a promoção da igualdade racial e de gênero e de combate ao racismo e ao sexismo / This Master\'s Dissertation intends to reflect upon the relationship between power, gender and race in a patriarchal society from an analysis of the quantitative and qualitative representativeness of the terms of the black female deputies from Brazilian states. To this end, we will use as a sample four terms of black female deputies of the Legislative Assemblies of the states of Bahia and São Paulo during the period from 2011 to 2014. The purpose of this dissertation is to first demonstrate that the setting of the Brazilian parliamentary democracy holds traits of gender race that are similar but that do not match the real ethnic/racial and gender diversity that makes up the Brazilian society, and secondly, to verify that the mandates of black female state deputies influence and result in the implementation of more crosscutting policies that seek to promote racial and gender equality and to fight racism and sexism

Complexos macromoleculares da via específica de incorporação de selênio de Escherichia coli / Macromolecular assemblies of selenium incorporation specific pathway in Escherichia coli

Serrão, Vitor Hugo Balasco 14 February 2013 (has links)
A existência de uma maior variedade de aminoácidos codificados pelo código genético tem estimado estudos sobre os mecanismos de síntese, reconhecimento e incorporação desses resíduos nas cadeias polipeptídicas nascentes. Um exemplo é a via de incorporação de selenocisteína evento cotraducional dirigido pelo códon UGA. Em bactérias, essa via conta com uma complexa maquinaria molecular composta por: Selenocisteína Sintase (SelA), Fator de Elongação Específico de Reconhecimento (SelB), Selenofosfato Sintetase (SelD), tRNA específico (SelC ou tRNAsec), sequência específica no mRNA (Sequência de Inserção de Selenocisteínas - SECIS) e Aminoacil tRNA Sintetase (aaRS). Pelo fato do selênio ter uma toxicidade elevada em ambientes celulares, é fundamental a compreensão do mecanismo catalítico e razão estequiométrica na formação dos complexos da via na etapa de incorporação junto ao tRNAsec, bem como sua caracterização estrutural foram os objetivos deste trabalho. A proteína SelA foi expressa e purificada para utilização em análises envolvendo microscopia de força atômica, microscopia eletrônica de transmissão com contraste negativo e em gelo vítreo foram realizadas nos complexos SelA e SelA-tRNAsec, visando obter um modelo estrutural e a razão estequiométrica dos complexos. A fim de compreender o mecanismo de passagem do selênio, ensaios de anisotropia de fluorescência e de microcalorimetria, corroborados pelas análises de troca de hidrogênio-deutério acoplado a espectrometria de massa e espectroscopia de infravermelho, elucidaram a formação e estequiometria do complexo ternário SelAtRNA sec-SelD. Tentativas de cristalização e análises cristalográficas também foram realizadas, no entanto, sem sucesso. Com os resultados obtidos foi possível propor que o reconhecimento de SelD e, consequentemente, a entrega do selenofosfato, seja uma etapa crucial da via de incorporação de selenocisteínas. / The existence of a greate variety of amino acids encoded by the genetic code has stimulated the study of the mechanisms of synthesis, recognition and incorporation of these residues in the nascent polypeptide chains. An example of genetic code expansion is the selenocysteine incorporation pathway an event cotraducional by the UGA codon. In bacteria, this pathway has a complex molecular machinery comprised: Selenocysteine Synthase (SelA), Specific Elongation Factor (SelB), Selenophosphate Synthetase (SelD), tRNA-specific (SelC or tRNAsec), Specific mRNA Sequence (SElenocysteine Insertion Sequence - SECIS) and Aminoacyl tRNA Synthetase (aaRS). Because selenium has high toxicity in cellular environments; it is essential for cell survival the association of this compound with proteins, in this case, selenoprotens and the associated proteins involved in the selenocysteine synthesis. Therfore the understanding of the catalytic mechanism, stoichiometric ratio, protein complex formation with the tRNAsec, and its structural characterization were the objectives of this work. The SelA protein was expressed and purified to used in analyzes involving atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy with negative stain and in vitreous ice were performed in the complex SelA and SelA-tRNAsec in order to obtain a structural model of the complex and the stoichiometric ratio of its components. To study the selenium association with protein of the synthesis pathway, fluorescence anisotropy assays and isothermal titration calorimetry corroborated by the analysis hydrogen-deuterium exchange coupled to mass spectrometry and infrared spectroscopy were employed.Crystallization attempts were made and preliminary crystallographic analyzes were also performed, however, so far unsuccessfuly. The results obtained were possible to develop the hypothesis about the SelD recognition and, consenquently, the selenophosphate delivery, a crucial stage of the selenocysteine incorporation pathway.

Société tribale kabyle et (re)construction identitaire berbère. Le cas des At Zemmenzer (XIXème s.-XXIème s.) / Tribal Society in Kabylia and Berber Identity (Re)construction. The Ath Zmenzer Tribe from the 19thcentury to the 21st century. A Case Study

Assam, Malika 17 September 2014 (has links)
A travers une monographie de tribu, on analyse le fait tribal en Kabylie, les réappropriations dont il est l’objet et leur articulation avec l’affirmation identitaire berbère marquant aujourd’hui cette région d’Algérie. Après des réflexions sur les notions de tribu, construction identitaire et monographie, sont exposés les résultats d’une enquête sur les At Zemmenzer, une tribu du Djurdjura. La reconstruction historique des éléments la caractérisant au XIXème s. ainsi que de leurs transformations au XXème s. montre qu’elle a connu une déstructuration limitée avec un territoire peu bouleversé par les découpages administratifs et le maintien d’une pratique et d’une représentation de ce territoire comme espace de relations privilégiées. Les assemblées villageoises se sont maintenues et ont composé avec les administrations officielles. Ces institutions, prééminentes au niveau du village, connaissent une rénovation à partir de 1980. Les transformations de la composition, du fonctionnement et des prérogatives des assemblées, devenues « comités de village », montrent des éléments de continuité / adaptation, parfois de rupture. De plus, à travers de nouvelles organisations, les arch, les At Zemmenzer mobilisent les modalités de représentations intervillageoises de la société tribale. Cette rénovation est liée à l’influence d’acteurs et d’associations portant l’affirmation identitaire berbère. Ces dernières, apparues après 1990, en lien avec les comités, procèdent à un travail de reconstruction identitaire qui prend des formes diverses entre folklorisation et réinvestissements. Un rapport nouveau apparaît aux éléments constitutifs de la culture devenant des symboles identitaires. / Through a tribe monograph, the present work analyzes the tribal system in Kabylia, the reappropriations to which it is subjected and their link with the assertion of Berber identity now marking this region of Algeria. After reflecting on the notions of tribe, identity construction and monograph, we expound the results of research carried out amongst the At Zemmenzer, a tribe from Djurdjura. The historical reconstruction of the elements qualifying this tribe in the 19th c., as well as their transformations throughout the 20th c., shows that it experienced a limited dismantling with a territory little disrupted by the administrative division and with the upholding of a practice and representation of this territory as an area of privileged relationships. The village assemblies kept on and dealt with the official administrations. These institutions, preeminent at the village level, experienced a renovation starting 1980. The transformations of the make-up, functioning and rights of the assemblies, having now become “village committees”, show elements of continuity and sometimes disruption. Moreover, through new organizations called the arch, the At Zemmenzer mobilize the arrangements for intervillage representations among the tribal society. This renovation is linked to the influence of players and associations carrying the assertion of Berber identity. In conjunction with the committees, the associations, which came into being after 1990, take actively part in the reconstruction of an identity embodying diverse forms from folklorization to revitalization. A new connection to the elements constituting culture comes into existence, making them become identity symbols.

À sombra do assembleísmo pedagógico: fazeres escolares democráticos e tecnologias do eu / In the shadow of the school assemblies: democratic practices and technologies of the self.

Picchioni, Marta Serra Young 27 January 2010 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como objeto de problematização as práticas das assembléias escolares (de classe) e os discursos teórico-acadêmicos que lhes dão sustentação. Por meio de um enfrentamento teórico de inspiração foucaultiana, as práticas escolares entendidas como democrático-participativas são aqui analisadas como mecanismos constituintes de jogos de verdade bastante presentes nos fazeres escolares contemporâneos. Trata-se de tomar as assembléias de classe como fomentadoras de determinadas tecnologias do eu. Consoante à teorização foucaultiana, a noção de eu é aqui reputada como uma construção histórica e social, e as atuais práticas de subjetivação, tendo como lócus a escola e como foco as assembléias de classe, são entendidas como formas de exercício do poder por meio de tecnologias de cunho pastoral. A partir de um deslocamento nas formas de exercer a condução das condutas do poder disciplinar ao biopoder ou psicopoder , tais tecnologias intentam forjar novas subjetividades, denominadas autônomas, críticas e reflexivas. Daí o objetivo principal da pesquisa levada a cabo: colocar em pauta o governo contemporâneo das almas escolares, assim como propor uma reflexão acerca, por um lado, das vicissitudes de uma escola dita democrática, e, por outro, dos limites daquilo que vem sendo denominado democracia escolar. Para tanto, realizou-se um dupla entrada investigativa: de um lado, a observação empírica das assembléias de classe realizadas em uma instituição de ensino da rede pública da cidade de São Paulo e, de outro, a problematização de alguns discursos teórico-acadêmicos sobre a temática das assembléias escolares. Nesse encontro, os acontecimentos empiricamente observados foram organizados de acordo com sete atos analíticos, por meios dos quais tornou-se possível tecer uma analítica das formas de exercício do poder aí em curso. As produtividades escolares contemporâneas e as relações de força que se estabelecem entre os exercícios do poder e da liberdade são retomadas, ao final, como núcleo de nossa argumentação central para questionarmos como atuam as novas modalidades de governo escolar sobre a subjetividade do alunado. / The current dissertation was focused on questioning the practices of school assemblies (classroom) and the theoretical and academic discourses that give them support. Through a theoretical confrontation inspired by Michel Foucault, school practices understood as democratic-participatory are discussed here as basic mechanisms of true games quite present in the contemporary school accomplishments. It is taking the classroom assemblies as fueling of certain technologies of the self. Corresponding to the foucaultian theorizing, the notion of self is deemed here as a social and historical construction, and current practices of subjectivity are understood as the exercise of pastoral power. From a shift in ways of perform the conduction of conducts from disciplinary power to bio-power or psycho-power - such technologies intent on forging new subjectivities, called autonomous, critical and reflective. Hence the main objective of the research carried out: to highlight the contemporary government of scholastic souls, as well as to propose a reflection around the theme, in on hand, the way of conduct of a school called democratic, and in the other hand, the limits of what has been called scholastic democracy. Therefore, there was a double investigative entry: the empirical observation of classroom assemblies held in an institution of public education in the city of Sao Paulo and the questioning of some theoretical and academic discourse on the school assemblies. At this intersection point, some events empirically observed were organized according to seven analytical acts, by means of which it became possible to make an analytical review of the exercise of power. The contemporary school productivities and power relations established between the exercise of power and freedom are included at the end as the core of our central argument for questioning how the act the new forms of school government on the subjectivity of students.

Synthèse de nouveaux assemblages à base de porphyrines organiques et organométalliques pour l’optique / Synthesis of new organic and organometallic Porphyrin Assemblies for Optics

Merhi, Areej 20 September 2013 (has links)
Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons synthétisé et caractérisé de nouveaux composés en utilisant le macrocycle porphyrinique comme brique moléculaire de départ. Le but de ce travail étant l’étude des propriétés optiques de ces nouveaux composés obtenus. Après avoir effectué l’étude bibliographique sur les porphyrines, nous avons fait une présentation générale des porphyrines symétriques et non symétriques, de leurs propriétés et de leurs synthèses. D’autre part, nous avons aussi considéré l’unité fluorène qui possède des propriétés photophysiques très intéressantes comme antenne collectrice de lumière. Puis, nous avons abordé des méthodes de synthèse permettant d’associer le macrocycle porphyrinique avec de nombreuses unités fluorènes. Cette association a pu être réalisée de différentes manières : soit de façon dendritique ou par connexion directe sur la porphyrine (dimère et trimère). Nous avons également décrit l’obtention d’une nouvelle famille de porphyrines substituées par des groupements organométalliques de type acétylure de ruthénium et de fer pour l’optique non linéaire de troisième ordre (ONL TO). Lors de la dernière partie de mes travaux de thèse, comme application de ces composés luminescents dans le rouge, nous avons reporté l’élaboration de différents dispositifs de diodes électroluminescentes (OLED) émettant dans le rouge. / During this thesis, we have worked on the synthesis and characterization of new compounds using the porphyrin macrocycle as a starting material. The aim, after synthesis, is to study the photophysical properties of these new molecules. A general bibliographic study was presented followed by introducing the synthetic methods of porphyrins and characterization means. Then, fluorene was considered to be an attracting unit due to its interesting photophysical properties: acting as efficient antennae for collecting light. First, we have presented the synthesis of porphyrin dendrimers having fluorenyl arms of different generations. That is to test the effect of number of fluorenes on the photophysical properties. Another way is to connect the fluorenes directly to the porphyrin core by synthesizing porphyrin dimer and trimer. We have also detailed the synthesis and characterization of a new family of porphyrin organometallic assemblies possessing ruthenium and iron moieties. In addition, a new organometallic porphyrin dendrimer bearing twelve ruthenium species was reported as well. These organometallic porphyrins are of interest in the third order of Nonlinear Optics (NLO). In the last chapter of this thesis we showed an example of application of porphyrin chemistry. We reported the elaboration of a new organic light emitting Diode (OLED) using these new porphyrins that emits in the red region.

O sagrado e o profano: construção e desconstrução dos usos e costumes nas Assembléias de Deus no Brasil

Almeida, Joede Braga de 06 March 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:48:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Joede Braga de Almeida.pdf: 936791 bytes, checksum: eddc7af80aab9106afbc55aad4037eb3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-03-06 / This work deals with the lifestyle and the habits built and developed by the leaders of the Assemblies of God in Brazil and imposed upon its members over the years called uses and customs. Such practices were created and introduced in the community to separate it from the world and to help the believer in the process of sanctification. Very stringent in the early decades of the Twentieth century, these rules went through a process of relaxation due to industrial development and technological and social changes occurring in Brazil in the last decades. The prohibitions with respect to how to dress, sports, the use of television, movies, dances and various practices of entertainment still cause tension between the old and the new leaders of the Brazilian Assemblies of God. This work presents the historical roots of the modern Pentecostal movement, its insertion in Brazil, the birth and growth of the Assemblies of God in Brazil. It studies its main characters, the mechanisms and documents that show the creation and the effort to protect its followers from the worldly influences around him. This work also addresses the issues that challenge the Assemblies of God in the post-modernity, especially those related to bioethics. / O presente trabalho aborda o estilo de vida e os hábitos construídos e desenvolvidos pelos líderes das Assembléias de Deus no Brasil e impostos sobre os seus membros ao longo dos anos. Os chamados usos e costumes foram criados e introduzidos na comunidade para separá-la do mundo e ajudar o crente no processo de santificação. As regras, apesar de muito rigorosas nas primeiras décadas do século 20, foram passando por um processo de flexibilização devido ao desenvolvimento industrial e tecnológico e às transformações sociais ocorridas no Brasil nas últimas décadas. As proibições com relação à forma de se vestir, esportes, o uso da televisão, cinema, danças e várias práticas de diversão ainda causam tensão entre os líderes mais antigos e os mais novos nas Assembléias de Deus brasileiras. Além disso, o texto apresenta as raízes históricas do movimento pentecostal moderno, sua inserção no Brasil, o nascimento e crescimento das Assembléias de Deus no contexto brasileiro, suas principais personagens, os mecanismos e documentos que demonstram a criação e o esforço feito para proteger os seus seguidores das influências mundanas ao seu redor. Da mesma forma, estudam-se ainda temas que desafiam as Assembléias de Deus na pós-modernidade, principalmente questões relacionadas com a bioética.

A marca da promessa : culturas juvenis assembleianas / The mark of the promisse : juvenile cultures of assemblies of God church

Prates, Daniela Medeiros de Azevedo January 2014 (has links)
Esta Tese investiga a constituição de sujeitos-jovens assembleianos na contemporaneidade, ancorando-se nas interlocuções dos referenciais teóricometodológicos dos Estudos Culturais em Educação, dos estudos sociológicos e antropológicos sobre juventudes e religião. A primeira parte da Tese permite compreender a juventude enquanto categoria contingencialmente construída, colocando em pauta como irrompe uma série de discursos e práticas que passam a assumir os jovens como front de diferentes investimentos, inclusive religiosos. Traz um panorama do campo religioso, percebendo a emergência ou re-apropriação de valores éticos e morais em tempos de encurtamento das fronteiras e alargamento da diversidade de opções que impulsionam sucessivos fluxos migratórios e movimentos de missionação evangélico. O tema assume relevância de estudo diante do crescimento da população evangélica e de seu promissor mercado cultural, os quais criam investimentos sobre os jovens a fim de interpelá-los em seus discursos. A segunda parte da Tese analisa a constituição de sujeitos-jovens mediante suas trajetórias de inserção à crença que, resguardadas suas especificidades, parte das seguintes condições: crescer no Evangelho ou converter-se ao longo da vida. As análises incidem sobre dois eixos centrais: os investimentos institucionais da igreja e, no caso dos crescidos no Evangelho, da família na orientação de determinados modos de viver e se constituir como sujeito imbricado a crença; concomitantemente, analisa os investimentos dos próprios sujeitos sobre si, interpelados por outras formas de experimentar a condição de ser/estar jovem presentes em tempos de fluidez e provisoriedade. Metodologicamente, a pesquisa desenvolveu-se mediante a inserção etnográfica junto a jovens da Igreja Evangélica Assembleia de Deus no município de Novo Hamburgo, no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, entre os anos de 2011 e 2012. Desdobrou-se junto a jovens da comunidade assembleiana de Lisboa, Portugal, em 2013. Foram realizadas observações-participantes em espaços institucionais com forte investimento sobre jovens e dos próprios jovens – como congressos, encontros de louvor e oração, cultos e demais espaços de estudos – e nas incursões em outras instâncias do cotidiano, buscando aproximação às culturas, sociabilidades, lazeres, consumos, relações nos espaços escolares, trabalho – em seus trajetos e projetos de vida. A Tese infere que há reconfigurações nos modos de constituição dos sujeitos na contemporaneidade, percebidos nos modos de pertencimentos e sentidos de vivenciar a condição de ser evangélico, o que não remete a formas de resistência juvenil, mas novos modos de existência evocados pela condição de ser/estar jovem, afinal, ao mesmo tempo em que buscam se manter portadores da promessa de salvação, os jovens ensejam ser portadores da condição juvenil. / This PhD thesis investigates the constitution of the young at Assemblies of God church in contemporary world, based on interlocutions of theoretical and methodological references of Cultural Studies in Education and sociological and anthropological studies in youth and religion. The first part displays the concept of youth as a category built contingently, and tables the origin of a series of discourses and practices that assume youth as a front of different investments, even religious ones. It brings a view of the religious field through the awareness of the emergency of regaining ethical and moral values in times of shortened frontiers and enlarged diversities of options that impulse successive migratory flows and evangelical missionary movements. This subject assumes the relevance of the study in the face of the growth of evangelical population and its promising cultural market that has invested in the young in order to be able to question their discourses. The second part of the thesis analyses the constitution of the young through the insertion trajectories to their faith that arise out of the following conditions considering their specificities: being raised according to the Gospel truth or being converted along their lives. The analyses incur two central topics. The first focuses on the institutional investments of the Church. And the second focuses on the faithful who raised according to the Gospel truth and on the guidance of their families on how to live and constitute themselves as individuals committed to their faith. Concurrently it analyzes the investments of the individuals in themselves, who are tempted by other ways of experiencing the condition of being young in a time of fluidity and temporariness. The research was developed methodologically through the ethnographical insertion next to the youth of Evangelical Assemblies of God church in Novo Hamburgo, a city located in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in 2011 and 2012. Another part of the research was developed in the Assemblies of God community in Lisbon, Portugal, in 2013. Participant observations have been done in institutional spaces with a strong investment in the young, who have also been agents in this process – such as conferences, worship and prayer meetings, services and other study meetings – and in other kinds of daily incursions. These observations aim the approximation of culture, sociability, entertainment, consumption, relationships in scholar environments and work in the life trajectories and projects of the faithful. The thesis infers that there are reconfigurations in the ways of the constitution of subjects in contemporary world, perceived in the ways of belonging and experiencing the condition of being evangelical. This fact does not remit the ways of juvenile resistance, but new ways of existence evoked by the condition of being young, since the young aim to live according to their juvenile condition and, at the same time, to keep on being carriers of the salvation promise.

Made in the Image of the Church: The Transmission of Church-Based Values

Dalseno, Michael Peter, n/a January 2003 (has links)
Following the completion of four minor research projects as part of a doctoral program at Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia, the writer developed an interest in the church-based values and beliefs held by students in Ministry Training Colleges (MTCs). The four minor projects revealed that a strongly embedded culture seemed to exist within the Assemblies Of God (AOG) in Australia. The aim of this study was to investigate the transmission of church-based values to students in an AOG, Ministry Training College (MTC) context. It undertakes this task by asking five Research Questions: What values are transmitted in AOG church contexts? ; From what principal sources do the values come? ; Why are the values transmitted in AOG church contexts? ; How, and by what means, are these values transmitted? ; and How and why would students choose to acquire these values? After briefly describing the religious context in Australia, defining the meaning of values, and examining various models of transfer, the dissertation includes a review of the literature relevant to values processes. The review is organized according to the Research Questions. From this, a theoretical explanation is produced that anticipates how values processes may impact on MTC students in an AOG context. A suitable method was selected, namely interactive interviews, from which to obtain data relevant to the Research Questions. Six student subjects from a MTC in Australia, as a selected group of AOG participants, were subsequently interviewed and the data were organized, presented and analyzed. The data analysis and interpretation confirmed the theoretical position taken as far as their overall applicability to values transfer was concerned, namely: the values transmitted are primarily charismatic values, with some lesser emphasis on character values; the sources from which the values come are primarily Christian-influenced; the values are transmitted in AOG contexts because AOG churches, departments and ministries aim to be change agents in the community, to promote church continuance, and to a lesser extent, to motivate their members; the values are transmitted through various AOG communicative methods and through utilizing suitable venues for facilitating transmission. Low-Road conditions (i.e., transferring values across highly similar situations) are utilized; and MTC students choose to acquire values because of their personal interests and passions, including their desire to be accepted within the AOG church. However, the data also indicate that the unique, personal characteristics of MTC students strongly impact on the way they engage with values processes. In short, the students are highly compliant and committed to the church. However, each student respondent has his/her own set of reasons and characteristics for cooperating with church-based values. The dissertation concludes by identifying a number of issues raised by the data, that need further investigation, and by discussing some of the implications arising from the data. Its key finding is that AOG students tend to eagerly acquire church-based values, even though they have different reasons for doing so, and that they present themselves to the AOG church as highly compliant. In this sense, students may be seen as &quotmade in the image of the church&quot.

Church growth in Peru a comparative study of the three largest evangelical groups and Southern Baptist efforts /

Shearer, Kevin. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (D. Min.)--Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 130-140).

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