Spelling suggestions: "subject:"assessment.""
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Erfassung und Bewertung der LandnutzungsstrukturWalz, Ulrich 21 January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Nachdem sich die Diskussion um die biologische Vielfalt bisher hauptsächlich um die floristische und faunistische Artenvielfalt drehte, rückt in den letzten Jahren die Landschaft verstärkt in das Blickfeld. So empfahl der Sachverständigenrat für Umweltfragen der Bundesrepublik in seinem Gutachten 1994 eine flächendeckende Ermittlung und Bewertung kritischer struktureller Veränderungen der Landschaft. Die Sachverständigen sehen das Ausmaß der Eingriffe in die Nutzungsstruktur der Kulturlandschaft sowie den Grad der Verdrängung naturnaher bzw. naturverträglicher Nutzungsformen und weitgehend vom Menschen unbeeinflußter Gebiete als wesentliches Kriterium für die Bewertung von Landschaften.
Der Beitrag stellt die Methodik der Analyse und Beschreibung von Landschaften mit Indikatoren zur Landschaftsstruktur in den Vordergrund. Neben der Suche und Auswahl geeigneter Parameter bzw. Indizes, brauchbarer Datenquellen und den technischen Problemen der Software spielen zunehmend anwendungsorientierte Fragen eine große Rolle.
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Aufgabentypen für das Zusammenspiel von E-Assessment und LernvideosSeidel, Niels 10 August 2018 (has links)
Lernvideos werden oft als Instruktionsmedien verstanden, die Lerninhalte in audiovisueller Form konservieren und transportieren. Dieser Beitrag ergänzt diese Sichtweise um den Aspekt der Überprüfung des Lernerfolgs mit Hilfe von E-Assessments. Durch die Integration von speziellen Aufgabentypen in den Ablauf der Videowiedergabe können höhere Kompetenzlevel geprüft und weiterführende didaktische Intentionen, Lernszenarien und -formen umgesetzt werden. Im Rahmen der Verbundförderung des Videocampus Sachsen (VCS) konnten entsprechende Feldstudien ausgewertet und Pilotanwendungen im Rahmen des Innovationsvorhabens ViAssess entwickelt werden.
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Intensivvårdssjuksköterskors uppfattning och bedömning av IVA-delirium i jämförelse med bedömning av sederingsdjup : en kvantitativ studieStröm, Joel January 2017 (has links)
Background. Patients, who are receiving life-threatening treatment at the intensive care unit (ICU), often suffer from failure in their vital organs. Supporting treatement of their organs is a important part of the work in the ICU. An overlooked complication in these patients is cognitive failure due to critical illness, also known as ICU-delirium. Research studies show that patients with ICU-delirium have increased care time and increased mortality. Aims The aim of this study was to describe the intensive care nurse's perception of and how ICU-delirium is assessed. The aim was also to compare how often assessment of ICU-delirium occurs with the frequency of assessment of sedation depth. Results 45 intensive care nurses responded that ICU delirium requires active measures from healthcare professionals. 43 considered that ICU delirium is a common response to the environment in an intensive care unit. Some (n= 40) indicated that their department has a routine regarding sedation, but 21 states that the protocol does not specify how often ICU delirium is to be assessed. The most common method for assessing ICU delirium was to see if the patient can follow instructions (n= 19) and if the patient has an outgoing behavior (n = 10). 42 indicated that ICU delirium is an under-diagnosed problem and 40 that it is a challenge to assess the patient. The study showed a significant difference (p = .0001) between how often intensive care nurses assess sedation depth and how often ICU delirium is assessed. Conclusions. The conclusion is that sedation assessment is performed more often than assessment of ICU-delirium. More education in the subject and more in-depth research is recommended. / Bakgrund. Patienter som vårdas inom intensivvården har ofta drabbats av kritisk sjukdom med svikt i vitala organ som följd. Understödjande behandling av dessa organ är en viktig del i arbetet inom intensivvården. En förbisedd komplikation hos patienten är sviktande kognitiva funktioner på grund av kritisk sjukdom, även benämnt intensivvårdsdelirium (IVA-delirium). Patienter med IVA-delirium har tidigare forskning visat ge längre vårdtider och ökad mortalitet. Syfte Syftet med studien var att beskriva intensivvårdssjuksköterskans uppfattning om och hur IVA-delirium bedöms. Syftet var också att jämföra hur ofta bedömning av IVAdelirium sker med hur ofta bedömning av sederingsdjup sker. Metod En beskrivande och jämförande studie med kvantitativ ansats. Enkäter (n=112) delades ut till intensivvårdssjuksköterskor där 45 besvarades. Huvudresultat 45 intensivvårdssjuksköterskor svarade att IVA-delirium kräver aktiva åtgärder från vårdpersonalen. 43 ansåg att IVA-delirium är en vanlig respons på miljön vid en intensivvårdsavdelning. En del (n=40) angav att deras avdelning har en rutin angående sedering men 21 uppger att protokollet inte anger hur ofta IVA-delirium ska bedömas. Den vanligaste metoden för att bedöma IVA-delirium var att se om patienten kan följa instruktioner (n=19) och om patienten har ett utåtagerande beteende (n=10). 42 angav att IVA-delirium är ett underdiagnosticerat problem och 40 angav att det är en utmaning att bedöma hos patienten. Studien visade en signifikant skillnad (p=.0001) mellan hur ofta intensivvårdssjuksköterskor bedömer sederingsdjup och hur ofta IVA-delirium bedöms. Slutsatser Slutsatsen är att bedömning av sedering utförs oftare än bedömning av IVA-delirium. Mer utbildning inom ämnet och mer djupgående forskning rekommenderas.
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Možnosti diagnostiky a terapie u dětí s vývojovou dyspraxií / vývojovou poruchou koordinace / The possibilites of diagnostics and treatment of children with developmental dyspraxia / developmental coordination disorderSmékalová, Barbora January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis "The possibilites of diagnostics and treatment of children with developmental dyspraxia / developmental coordination disorder" deals in it's theoretical part with the explanation of the terms "developmental dyspraxia" and "developmental coordination disorder" and summarizes the newest findings about the classification of children's motional disorders and possibilities of their treatment. In it's practical part, the thesis deals with certain possibilities of the DCD diagnostics. It uses Movement Assessment Battery for Children 2, which is instrumental to identify children movement difficulties. It is also engaged in praxis clinical examination of the chosen children and uses the DSDQ ‚07 questionary. The thesis proves the existence of movement difficulties on certain children with ADHD, learning disabilities or autism spectrum disorder, as well as it proves the significant difference between standard scores of single components on children with learning disabilities. There has been discovered a worse quality of certain practical functions on chosen children and the result matches DCD in DCDQ ‚07.
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Diagnóstico de influência local no modelo de calibração ultraestrutural com réplicas / Local influence diagnostics in ultrastructural calibration model with replicasAndrade, Bruno Pinheiro de 09 December 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como proposta apresentar a metodologia de diagnóstico de influência local de Cook (1986) conjuntamente com a metodologia de seleção da perturbação adequada proposta por Zhu et al. (2007) no modelo de calibração ultraestrutural com réplicas. A metodologia de Cook (1986) ser´a utilizada para investigar a robustez e a sensibilidade do modelo, onde os esquemas de perturbação adotados foram ponderação de casos e na variável resposta. Perturbar o modelo e/ou os dados de forma arbitrária pode conduzir a interpretações sobre a análise de diagnóstico e a conclusões equivocadas. Portanto, este trabalho irá avaliar as perturbações propostas segundo a metodologia de Zhu et al. (2007) e caso as perturbações não sejam adequadas, iremos propor uma nova forma de fazer as perturbações. Foi utilizado como aplicação a análise de um conjunto de dados com réplicas balanceadas e foram avaliadas quais patamares e laboratórios exercem um efeito desproporcional nas inferências feitas sob o modelo. / This paper aims to present the local influence diagnostic methodology of Cook (1986) along with the selection of the appropriate perturbation schemes proposed by Zhu et al. (2007) in ultrastructural calibration model with replicas. The methodology of Cook (1986) will be used to investigate the robustness and sensitivity of model, where the adopted perturbation schemes were weighting cases and response variables. Perturbing the model and/or data in an arbitrary way can lead to miss interpretations of diagnostic analysis and wrong conclusions. Therefore, this study will evaluate the induced perturbations according to the methodology of Zhu et al. (2007) and if the perturbations are not suitable, we will propose a new way of perturbing the model or the data. As an application it was considered a data set with balanced repeated replication to evaluate which levels and laboratories exercise a disproportional effect on inferences made in the model.
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Consultation in the School Psychology Literature: Has the Field Moved beyond the Three Traditional Models?Seibert, Michelle L. 01 May 2010 (has links)
Consultation is a crucial role for school psychology practitioners. Psychologists routinely use consultation within the schools and actually wish they could spend more of their work hours on this activity. However, when authors write about consultation in the school psychology literature, they use numerous terms and phrases, which cause confusion as to what models of consultation are prominent in the field. The focus of the current study is to examine the articles that mention consultation in School Psychology Review (Digest) in order to determine whether the three traditional models (behavioral, mental health, and organizational consultation) are still prominent in consultation research and school psychology literature. Analyses of all articles containing the word "consultation" and all words preceding the word "consultation" were done to find the most frequently mentioned consultation terms. Analyses were then done on just the consultation research articles as well as other sources in order to find which terms are most frequently mentioned as part of studies and how the most prominent terms originated. The findings revealed that while behavioral consultation seems to be the traditional model still dominating the literature, mental health and organizational are beginning to fall behind in a shift from using specific models to more frequently using generic terms such as school, school-based or teacher consultation.
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Diagnóstico de influência local no modelo de calibração ultraestrutural com réplicas / Local influence diagnostics in ultrastructural calibration model with replicasBruno Pinheiro de Andrade 09 December 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como proposta apresentar a metodologia de diagnóstico de influência local de Cook (1986) conjuntamente com a metodologia de seleção da perturbação adequada proposta por Zhu et al. (2007) no modelo de calibração ultraestrutural com réplicas. A metodologia de Cook (1986) ser´a utilizada para investigar a robustez e a sensibilidade do modelo, onde os esquemas de perturbação adotados foram ponderação de casos e na variável resposta. Perturbar o modelo e/ou os dados de forma arbitrária pode conduzir a interpretações sobre a análise de diagnóstico e a conclusões equivocadas. Portanto, este trabalho irá avaliar as perturbações propostas segundo a metodologia de Zhu et al. (2007) e caso as perturbações não sejam adequadas, iremos propor uma nova forma de fazer as perturbações. Foi utilizado como aplicação a análise de um conjunto de dados com réplicas balanceadas e foram avaliadas quais patamares e laboratórios exercem um efeito desproporcional nas inferências feitas sob o modelo. / This paper aims to present the local influence diagnostic methodology of Cook (1986) along with the selection of the appropriate perturbation schemes proposed by Zhu et al. (2007) in ultrastructural calibration model with replicas. The methodology of Cook (1986) will be used to investigate the robustness and sensitivity of model, where the adopted perturbation schemes were weighting cases and response variables. Perturbing the model and/or data in an arbitrary way can lead to miss interpretations of diagnostic analysis and wrong conclusions. Therefore, this study will evaluate the induced perturbations according to the methodology of Zhu et al. (2007) and if the perturbations are not suitable, we will propose a new way of perturbing the model or the data. As an application it was considered a data set with balanced repeated replication to evaluate which levels and laboratories exercise a disproportional effect on inferences made in the model.
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Analýza možností prodeje rodinného domu v Brně Řečkovicích / Analysis of the Possibility of Selling a House in Brno ReckoviceSkutilová, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
Thesis The analysis of the possibilities of selling a family house in Brno, Řečkovice, aims to compare the possibilities of selling RD, as a whole house or by flats.
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Technologický projekt pracoviště u dané strojírenské firmy / Technological project at the engineering companySmrkal, David January 2018 (has links)
The Master Thesis deals with technological project in the engineering company, that is named MAXAREN Ltd. The Thesis includes theoretical part about technological designing, analysis of the current status of the company, capacity calculations, layout and technical and economic assessment. The calculations are calculated based on the typical product of the company. The layout, that is designed in a technological arrangement, was made using capacity calculations and optimizations given by the company. It is clear from the technical a economic assessement that the investment is appropriate.
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”Svinkass fast också ganska bra“ : Mötet med suicidnära patienter prehospitaltLindroos, Andrea January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Psykisk ohälsa präglas ofta av samsjuklighet och/eller komplexa behov som försvårar bedömningar. Suicid är ett globalt folkhälsoproblem och hälso- och sjukvården skall arbeta med suicidprevention för att undvika vårdskador av såväl given som utebliven vård och omvårdnad. Tusentals personer utför självmordsförsök varje år och det är vanligare att dö i fullbordat suicid än i trafikolycka i Sverige. Sjuksköterskor träffar prehospitalt frekvent suicidnära patienter. Suicidriskbedömning är komplext och dess kvalité beror på kompetens och erfarenhet. Bristfällig suicidriskbedömning kan leda till undvikbara vårdskador för patienter. Syfte: Att undersöka och beskriva upplevelser och erfarenheter av suicidriskbedömning prehospitalt. Metod: Mixad metod av kvantitativ och kvalitativ design bestående av enkät och semistrukturerade intervjuer med sjuksköterskor i ambulanssjukvården. Resultat: Sjuksköterskor upplevde stress, oro och fysiska symtom som ont i magen och tungt i bröstet på väg fram till suicidnära patienter liksom känsla av osäkerhet och otillräcklighet gällande bedömning och bemötande. Sjuksköterskor upplevde skyldighet att förebygga suicid och de flesta hade både identifierat suicidnära patienter liksom utfört suicidriskbedömning prehospitalt utan att ha fått utbildning i det. Diskussion: Resultatet överensstämde med tidigare forskning gällande negativa upplevelser av att möta suicidnära patienter. Slutsats: Sjuksköterskor mötte frekvent suicidnära patienter och utförde suicidriskbedömningar samtidigt som de hade negativa känslor inför mötet med suicidnära patienter och upplevde sig ha varierande såväl reell som formell kompetens för suicidriskbedömning. / Background: Mental illness often characterizes by comorbidity and / or complex needs that complicate assessments. Suicide is a global public health problem and health services must work with suicide prevention to avoid injuries from poor assessment. Thousands of people commit suicide attempts every year and it is more common to die in suicide than in a traffic accident in Sweden. Nurses frequently see suicidal patients outside of hospital. Suicide risk assessment is complex, and its quality depends on competence and experience. Poor suicide assessment could lead to avoidable injuries in patients. Aim: To investigate and describe experiences of suicide risk assessment in emergency setting outside of hospital. Method: Mixed method consisting of quantitative and qualitative design with questionnaire and semi structured interviews with nurses. Results: Nurses experience stress, anxiety, and physical symptoms such as pain in the stomach and heavy feeling in the chest on the way to suicidal patients as well as feelings of insecurity and inadequacy regarding assessment and treatment. Nurses feel an obligation to prevent suicide, and most have both identified suicidal patients as well as performed a suicide risk assessment prehospital without having received training in it. Discussion: The results was consisted with previous research about negative emotions when caring for and assessing the suicidal patient. Conclusion: Nurses frequently meet suicidal patients and perform suicide risk assessments. At the same time, they have negative feelings towards meeting suicidal patients and have a variety of both real and formal competence for the task of suicide risk assessment. / <p>Datum för godkännande: 2022-01-17</p>
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