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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ovid's Tristia as Testimony to Trauma

Neely, Elizabeth Talbot January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

La France face à l’élection et à la reconnaissance du roi Stanislas-Auguste (1763-1766) / France towards the election and the acknowledgement of King Stanislaus-Augustus (1763-1766)

Bajer, Jakub 30 November 2015 (has links)
Le sujet principal de la thèse consiste à reconstituer les négociations diplomatiques intenses et complexes entre France et d’autres cours du Sud (l’Autriche, l’Espagne, la Saxe) entre deux dates symboliques, la mort du roi saxon de Pologne Auguste III (le 5 octobre 1763) et la reconnaissance tardive de la France de son successeur sur le trône de Pologne (juin 1766), Stanislas-Auguste, de la famille polonaise des Poniatowski, élu le 7 septembre 1764, le candidat de la Russie. / The main goal of the dissertation was to present a complex diplomatic negotiations between France and other courts of South (Austria, Spain and Saxony) the day after death of Augustus III (5 X 1763), and the late acknowledgement (juin 1766) of his successor Stanislaus-Augustus, from the polish noble family of Poniatowski (elected the 7th of september 1764 as a russian candidate).

Livy the Republican Didactic Historian: How Livy's Pro-Republican Sentiments Serve as Exempla and Documenta

Pitty, Antonio Carlito 27 April 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Královská zeměpisná společnost a její příspěvek k průzkumu jezer rovníkové Afriky a hledání pramenů Nilu / The Royal Geographical Society and Her Contribution to the Exploration of Equatorial Africa Lakes and the Search for Sources of the Nile

Kadlecová, Markéta January 2015 (has links)
The history of exploration is one of the great chapters in the history of mankind, which offers not only strong personal stories of desire and determination but is also related to the Great Powers policy. What stands in center of attention of this thesis is an institution established under the patronage of British king William IV, the aim of which was the promotion of geography and exploration of continents. The Royal Geographical Society has been among others distiguished in the support of expeditions which managed to map the sources of the Nile and contribute to a solution of one of the long term mysteries of the mankind.

De l’Étrurie à Rome : Mécène et la fondation de l’Empire / From Etruria to Rome : Maecenas and the founding of the Roman Empire

Chillet, Clément 30 November 2012 (has links)
Mécène est plus connu pour son rôle de « politique culturelle » sous Auguste que pour son action purement politique. Celle-ci couvrit pourtant des domaines variés : fiscalité, diplomatie, sécurité intérieure, vraisemblablement levée de certaines troupes. Le travail ici présenté peut-être défini comme une explicitation complète et une réévaluation des sources relues sous un angle essentiellement politique. L’étude minutieuse de sa famille et de son entourage permet, en effet, de mettre en évidence sa part dans l’élaboration de l’idéologie impériale et la postérité de ses traits. L’explicitation des éléments de sa carrière et leur intégration dans l’histoire politique générale de la fin de la République et du début de l’Empire permettent également de définir sa place dans le modèle de transition institutionnelle où le non-dit joua un rôle immense. Ses fonctions doivent ainsi être envisagées sous un triple rapport : en regard des institutions républicaines permettant ainsi d’évaluer la part de vérité ou de réalité de la res publica restituta proclamée par Auguste ; en regard du contexte immédiat, permettant d’évaluer la portée des circonstances ou du caractère planifié des réformes d’Octavien/Auguste ; enfin en regard des institutions impériales dont il pourra être considéré comme le « laboratoire ». La fixation de la chronologie de cette carrière permet d’éclairer le champ politique depuis l’année 44 : la nature de ses pouvoirs et sa manière d’occuper ses fonctions permettent de déterminer la coloration politique du régime naissant en constante évolution. Enfin, il est bien clair que Mécène trouve sa spécificité dans ses origines étrusques qu’il revendiquait fermement, quitte à s’opposer aux modèles de restauration morale et « nationale » développés par Auguste de manière contemporaine. Toléré et parfois courtisé parce qu’il portait avec lui le soutien de l’Étrurie et de l’Italie, et qu’il contribuait ainsi à faire entrer ces dernières dans le jeu politique romain, Mécène nous permet de définir avec plus de précision la place occupée par les Italiens dans la politique augustéenne et dans la construction d’identités locales en Italie / C. Maecenas is best known for his role in culture at the beginning of Augustus’ principate than for his political role. He acted however in various fields: taxation, diplomacy, home security and probably levied troops. This work aims at presenting a thorough explanation and reevaluating the sources from a political point of view. The close examination of his family and acquaintances enables me to show the part he played in the elaboration of the imperial ideology and the posterity of his own characteristics as they were depicted. Explaining his carrier and integrating it into the general history of politics at the end of the Republic and the beginning of the Empire, also allows a definition of his position in the institutional transition in Rome. His role must be considered from a triple point of view: in comparison with the republican institutions so as to estimate how true or real was the res publica restituta proclaimed by Augustus; in view of the current context so as to assess the importance of circumstances or the possible planning of Octavian/Augustus’ reforms; finally, in view of the imperial institutions of which he was a sort of laboratory or test bed. Fixing the chronology of his carrier makes it possible to shed light on the Roman political world from 44 b.C. onwards: the nature of his powers, the way of holding his offices makes it possible to determine the real nature of the new regime in constant evolution. Finally, it is very clear that C. Maecenas owes his specificity to his Etruscan origins that he proudly claimed, even if it meant being against the Augustan moral and “national” restoration program. C. Maecenas was tolerated for bringing the support of Etruria and Italy to Augustus: he made them enter the Roman political system and he makes it possible to estimate their positions in Augustan politics and the degree of elaboration of local identities in Italy

Rome et le prince dans les "Odes" d'Horace : construction d'une mythologie impériale romaine / Rome and the princeps in Horace's "Odes" : construction of a Roman imperial mythology

Schilling, Maryse 10 December 2018 (has links)
Avec l'avènement du prince en 27 av. J.-C. s'ouvre à Rome ce qu'on appelle le siècle d'Auguste et qui correspond à une période de révolution à la fois politique, mais aussi culturelle. Auteurs et poètes étaient engagés dans cette réflexion collective sur les fondements de la Ville, son identité, ses rapports avec son prince et ses dieux, I'imperium d'Auguste et les modèles à offrir à la nouvelle génération. La thèse entend étudier la manière dont le poète latin Horace participa non seulement au renouvellement des formes poétiques à Rome, mais aussi à ces réflexions sur le nouus status. Comment la lyrique archaïque grecque qu'il tente d'acclimater à Rome dans ses Odes, mais aussi les mythes grecs qu'il réélabore et fait entrer en résonance avec les enjeux du principat, lui permettent d'évoquer les relations privilégiées de Rome et de son prince ? / With the accession of the princeps in 27 BC, begins in Rome the "Age of Augustus" - a period of political, but also cultural revolution. Authors and poets joined this collective thinking about the foundations of the City, its identity, its relationship with its princeps and its gods, the imperium of Augustus, and the ideals to offer to the new generation... This dissertation aims to analyse how the Latin poet Horace took part not only to the renewal of the poetic forms in Rome, but also to these reflections around the novus status. ln which way the archaic Greek lyric, that he tries to adapt to Rome in his Odes, as well as the Greek mythology, that he recreates to make them echo the challenges of the Principate, make it possible for Horace to conjure the privileged relation ship between Rome and its princeps?

A learned man and a patriot : the reception of Cicero in the early imperial period

Sillett, Andrew James January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is a literary study of how the life and works of Marcus Tullius Cicero were received in the century that followed his death. There are two ways of understanding the importance of such a study: the first is to think of it as a vital first step in assessing Cicero's impact on European thought and literature; the second is to see it as a study of how the people of early imperial Rome interacted with their Republican past. In order to provide a broad overview of this subject, I have chosen to focus on three separate areas of imperial literature which together provide a representative snapshot of Roman literary activity in this period. The period in question is essentially an extended Augustan age: beginning with Cicero's death ending in the reign of Tiberius. The first area of imperial literature under consideration is historiography. This section begins with a consideration of Sallust's decision to downplay Cicero's role in defeating the Catilinarian Conspiracy, ultimately concluding that this is authorial posturing on Sallust's part, a reflection of Cicero's importance in the years immediately following his death. This is followed by a chapter on the presence of Ciceronian allusions in Livy, arguing that they were a key means by which he enriched his narrative of the Hannibalic war. It concludes with two chapters on historiographical descriptions of Cicero's death, noting that these treatments become markedly more hagiographic the further one progresses into Tiberius' Principate. The second area under consideration is rhetoric, specifically focussing on the prominence of the declamation hall in this era. The three chapters in this section study the testimony of Valerius Maximus and Seneca the Elder, both of whom bear witness to Cicero's fundamental importance to this institution. The section concludes that the world of declamation was the prime motor for the hagiographic treatments of Cicero that was noted in the later historical accounts of his death. The third and final section considers the poetry of the Augustan era, demonstrating that a process of declining sophistication is not the whole story in Cicero's reception. By looking at Virgil and Ovid's intertextual relationships with Cicero, this section demonstrates that he was a rich source of inspiration for some of the ancient world's most erudite authors.

Varron et les beaux-arts : architecture, sculpture, peinture / Varro and the fine arts : architecture, sculpture, painting

Neumuller, Nadège 22 December 2012 (has links)
La thèse de doctorat est consacrée aux aspects afférents à l’art dans l’œuvre de Marcus Terentius Varro, encyclopédiste romain du premier siècle avant notre ère. Son œuvre, en partie conservée, en partie réduite à l’état de fragments, a été transmise notamment par Pline l’Ancien, Aulu-Gelle et différents grammairiens romains. En guise de propédeutique, un développement sur un ouvrage de Varron, les 'Disciplinarum Libri', est proposé, situant les arts libéraux dans un cadre philosophique, suivi de la genèse de la critique d’art varronienne, remontant à Platon et Aristote ainsi qu’à Xénocrate d’Athènes. En parallèle, les conceptions artistiques de Cicéron, contemporain de Varron, sont présentées. S’ensuit une partie consacrée à l’architecture qui s’intéresse aux demeures des hommes, puis aux demeures des dieux. Un excursus se focalise sur la 'uilla' de Varron à Casinum ainsi que sur son tombeau. Dans la partie suivante sont présentés les regards du Réatin sur les sculpteurs grecs et hellénistiques, puis sur ceux de son temps, chacun faisant l’objet d’un développement particulier. La même approche est ensuite employée au sujet de la peinture, proposant des notices individuelles sur les peintres grecs et romains et offrant des prolongements par le biais de l’étude d’une Satire Ménippée particulièrement liée au sujet de la thèse ainsi que par l’analyse de l’œuvre qui a offert à Varron un terrain privilégié pour exprimer ses jugements de critique d’art : le 'De imaginibus'. Une ample synthèse conclusive expose les influences exercées par les opinions et les écrits d’un Varron aux goûts esthétiques marqués d’éclectisme, appréciant des œuvres du passé et du présent, figurant des dieux et des hommes, des paysages et des objets, avec toutefois une préférence marquée pour le classicisme et la tradition. Enfin, un développement final envisage la question de l’influence des écrits varroniens relatifs aux arts sur le classicisme augustéen ainsi que sur la politique de restauration conduite par le vainqueur d’Actium. / This thesis is devoted to aspects related to art in the work of Marcus Terentius Varro, a Roman encyclopedist from the first century BCE. His work, partly preserved, partly reduced to fragments, was passed on namely by Pliny the Elder, Aulus Gellius, and various Roman grammarians. The first part will emphasize on one of Varro’s works, the 'Disciplinarum Libri', in order to situate liberal arts in a philosophical framework, and on the genesis of varronian art criticism, dating back to Plato and Aristotle as well as Xenocrates of Athens. In parallel the artistic concepts of Cicero, contemporary with Varro, are presented. This section is followed by one dedicated to architecture, relating to men’s dwellings, and the homes of the gods. An excursus focuses on the villa of Varro in Casinum and on his tomb. In the next section, the views of the Reatinian on Greek and Hellenistic sculptors as well as the ones of his era are presented, each being subject of a particular development. The same approach is then applied on painting, offering individual notes on the Greek and Roman painters. Extensions are brought through the study of a Menippean Satire which is particularly related to the topic of the thesis, and by the analysis of 'De imaginibus', the work which gave Varro a fertile ground for expressing judgments of art criticism. A thorough conclusive synthesis exposes the influences exerted by the opinions and writings of Varro, whose aesthetic tastes can be described as eclectic. He enjoyed the works of past and present, depicting gods and men, landscapes and objects, but kept a marked preference for classicism and tradition. A final development considers the question of the influence of art-related varronian writings on Augustan classicism, and considers the restoration policy led by the victor of Actium.

Řečtí a římští reformátoři / Greek and Roman reformers

Grigoryan, Hračja January 2017 (has links)
The goal of this thesis on roman and greek reformers was to create a methodical summary of the most important constitutional reforms in ancient Rome and Greece. It is mostly focussed on the history of ancient Rome or Roman reformers, respectively. I call these reforms constitutional for their undoubted life-changing impact on the society as a whole - some of the reforms changed the ancient societies for the upcoming decades and even centuries, some changed them, as I believe, forever. For example a struggle between Lucius Cornelius Sulla and Gaius Marius had a far- reaching impact on Rome as too much of "unbreakable" rules were broken - which, of course, led to another and another heavy and unprecedented interventions which ultimately led to the fall of the republic and the beginning of the new, Imperial, era. Main sources of this thesis are the texts of ancient authors, such as Plutarch Suetonius and Appian, as it was one of my goals to use primary literature as much as possible.

L'autorité de la loi sous le Haut-Empire : contribution à l'étude de la relation entre la loi et le prince / The authority of the law during the Principate

Chino, Hadrien 12 December 2014 (has links)
La restauration de la République conduite par Octavien vit renaître l’activité législative, « florissante » selon les mots d’Ovide (Met., 2.141) « sous la conduite du très juste » Auguste (Met., 5.833). L’association entre Auguste et son oeuvre législative fut telle que parmi les honneurs funèbres, il fut proposé que le nom de chacune des lois figure sur des écriteaux du cortège funéraire. La lex accompagnait Auguste au tombeau. Ses successeurs abandonnèrent progressivement le recours à la lex et quelques décennies après la disparition d’Auguste, la loi recevait comme seule fonction de sanctionner les pouvoirs et honneurs décidés par le Sénat et conférés à l’empereur à chaque début de principat. Cette loi était la dernière traduction formelle de la volonté du populus Romanus : parce qu’elle émanait du peuple et qu’elle établissait un fondement entre le prince et son statut, ses pouvoirs et les activités auxquelles elle donnait lieu, elle retint particulièrement l’attention des Prudents. S’ils constatèrent le bouleversement général des sources du droit que l’enracinement du prince dans l’édifice constitutionnel républicain et le développement de ses interventions normatives avaient entraînés, seule la partie des Prudents que le prince avait associée à l’exercice de sa justice et de sa production normative, amplifia la normativité des formes qu’empruntait la volonté impériale. La formulation de l’identité de la constitution impériale à la lex marqua l’avènement d’un ordre juridique dont la cohérence reposait sur le consensus, non plus des divers organes de la République mais de l’empereur et des Prudents. Le recours à l’autorité de la loi pour caractériser les constitutions impériales leur assurait, au-delà des mutations dont ils surent prendre la mesure, la continuité d’une activité qui s’originait dans les premiers temps de la civitas. / The restoration of the Republic led by Octavian marked a new start of legislative activity, said to be "flourishing" by Ovid (Met.,2.141), "under the leadership of the righteous" Augustus (Met.,2.141). As part of his funeral honours, Augustus being so closely related to his legislative work was made clear when it was suggested that the name of each law were to be inscribed on the banners for the funeral procession. The lex accompanied Augustus to his tomb. Little by little his successors no longer resorted to the lex and a few decades after Augustus decease, the unique function of the law was to acknowledge the powers and honours decided by the Senate and conferred to the Emperor at the beginning of his reign. That law was the last formal expression of the will of the populus Romanus: because it originated from the people and established the basis between the Prince and his status, his power and the activities that rose from it, it particularly caught the attention of the Prudentes. Though they may have noted the general disruption of the sources of the Law, resulting from the normative interventions of the emperor, it was only the part of jurisprudence that the prince had associated with his justice and therefore the production of norms,, that enhanced the normativity of the forms expressing the imperial will. The identity of the imperial constitution formed on the lex was the beginning of a new legal order, coherently based upon the consensus between the emperor and the Prudentes rather than upon the various organs of the Republic. Their resorting to the authority of the Law to characterize the imperial constitutions and their ability to assess change, ensured that an activity that started at the beginning of the civitas could continue.

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