Spelling suggestions: "subject:"breathing""
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En begreppsanalys av shinrin yoku (skogsbad) : en relevant naturterapi i distriktssköterskans hälsofrämjande arbete? / A concept analysis of shinrin yoku (forest bathing) : a relevant nature therapy in the health enhancing work of the district nurse?Löfquist, Frida January 2021 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet var att klargöra innebörden av shinrin yoku genom att identifiera begreppets förutsättningar, definierande attribut och konsekvenser för att om möjligt vidga distriktssköterskans hälsofrämjande kompetens och behandlingsalternativ. Bakgrund: Sveriges hälso- och sjukvård står inför ett antal betydande utmaningar och förbättringsbehov och satsningar eftersträvas för att förebygga sjukdomar och utvidga primärvården. I framtiden kommer sannolikt distriktssköterskan i större utsträckning att arbeta med levnadsvanerelaterad ohälsa. Naturens positiva och hälsofrämjande effekter belyses allt mer inom forskningen och det finns nu evidens som visar att naturen fun-gerar avslappnande och främjar återhämtning efter stress men också av immunförsvaret. Paradigmskiften börjar göra plats för naturen i vården. Forskning har visat att begreppet och naturterapin shinrin yoku ger flertalet hälsofrämjande effekter men shinrin yokus definition är dock oklar och skiftar betydelse beroende på sammanhang vilket är förvirrande. Metod: Walker och Avants begreppsanalys i åtta steg. Resultat: Shinrin yoku kännetecknas av attributen skogsvistelse, långsam promenad, aktivera sinnena, mindfulness, fytoncider och ingen prestation. Förut-sättningarna är skogsliknande miljö, stillhet, bortkopplad teknik och guide. Konsekvenser: shinrin yoku ger hälsofrämjande effekter inom sex olika områden: hjärta och kärl, psyke och humör, det endokrina systemet, immunförsvaret, hjärnan och det autonoma nervsystemet samt inflammation. Slutsats: Shinrin yoku kan vara betydande ur ett folkhälsoperspektiv då det kan ses som en stresslindrande faktor och hälsofrämjande resurs. Naturterapin kan användas som prevention, komplement eller enskild behandling i distriktssköterskans hälsofrämjande arbete beroende på vilka behoven är. Det är ett holistiskt sätt att må bättre som tar vara på naturens resurser utan att skada den. / Aim: The aim was to clarify the meaning of shinrin yoku by identifying the concept’s antecedants, defining attributes and consequences in order to possibly expand the district nurse’s health enhancing competence and treatment options. Background: Swedish healthcare is facing a number of considerable challenges and improvement requirements and investments are made to prevent illnesses and enlarge the primary care. In the future the distict nurse will probably work with second nature related ill health in a larger extent. More science illuminates the positive and health enhancing effects of nature and evidence shows that nature works relaxing and promotes recover after stress but also of the immune system. Paradigm changes is making room for nature in health care. Science has shown that the concept and nature therapy of shinrin yoku gives plenty of health enhancing effect but shinrin yoku’s definition is unclear and changes meaning depending on context which is confusing. Method: Walker and Avant’s concept analysis in eight steps. Findings: Shinrin yoku is defined by its attributes forest visit, slow walk, activating the senses, mindfulness, phytoncides and no achievement. Its antecedents are a forest-style environment, serenity, switched-off technology and guide. Consequences: shinrin yoku brings health enhancing effects in six different areas: heart and blood vessels, psyche and mood, the endocrine system, the immune system, the brain and the autonomic nervous system and inflammation. Conclusion: Shinrin yoku can be considerable from a public health perspective though it can be seen as a stress relieving factor as well as a health enhancing resource. The therapy can be used as prevention, complement or separate treatment depending on the needs. It is a holistic way of feeling better that makes the most of nature without harming it.
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Utredning av avloppsprocessers påverkan på recipientens mikrobiologiska status / Investigation of sewage processes impact on the microbiological status of the recipientArvidsson, Diana January 2019 (has links)
Ett avloppsvatten innehåller olika föroreningar som påverkar recipientens vattenkvalitet. En förorening somreningsverken inte är optimerade för att reducera är mikroorganismer, som i recipienten påverkar bland annatbadvattenkvalitén. Syftet med examensarbetet var att ta reda på hur utvalda processteg i ett reningsverkpåverkar utgående halter av mikroorganismer, hur utsläppen av mikroorganismer kan övervakas och hur mikroorganismernapåverkar recipientens badvattenkvalitet. Examensarbetet har uppfyllt syftet genom att undersökahur biologiska reningssteg reducerar indikatororganismerna E.coli och intestinala enterokocker jämfört medslutreningsalternativen kontinuerligt sandfilter samt skivfilter. Provtagning genomfördes på två reningsverk ochresultatet analyserades för att besvara frågan. Andra kvalitetsparametrar i avloppsvattnet samt flöde, lufttemperaturoch nederbörd har jämförts med utgående koncentration av indikatororganismerna från reningsverk föratt undersöka om det finns några samband som går att använda för att uppskatta det mikrobiologiska utsläppet.För undersökningen har de statistiska metoderna Kendalls Tau och Partial Least Squares använts. En litteraturstudiepå hur implementering av läkemedelsrening med ozon kan desinficera avloppsvattnet, vilken doseringsom krävs och vad den bör baseras på har genomförts. Efter avloppsutsläpp i en recipient sprids mikroorganismernamed vattnets strömmar och mikroorganismerna dör normalt av med tiden. Denna avdödandeprocesskan beskrivas med en ekvation av första ordningens kinetik. Ekvationens känslighet för variation i variablernasolinstrålning, temperatur, siktdjup och tid har undersökts. Ekvationen har även använts för en fallstudie av avloppsutsläppvid bräddning och hur det påverkar en badplats nedströms. För fallstudien fanns information omflödestid, utspädning och nedbrytningsvariablerna att tillgå. Undersökningen visar att biologisk rening med biobädd reducerar indikatororganismerna effektivast av de undersöktareningsstegen. Sandfiltrets reduktionsförmåga var god men skivfiltret presterade sämre. Från provtagningenframkom också att koncentrationen av E.coli är konsekvent högre och reduceringen sämre än motsvarandeför intestinala enterokocker. Indikatororganismernas koncentration i utgående avloppsvatten är enligtkorrelationsanalysen slumpmässig och inget signifikant och starkt samband fanns till de undersökta parametrarna. På grund av detta är uppskattning av mikrobiologiska utsläpp med hjälp av mätning av andra parametrarinte tillförlitlig. Den genomförda litteraturgranskningen av ozondosering visar att dosen som krävs för desinfektionav avloppsvatten behöver anpassas för varje reningsverk samt att resultat från forskningen går isär omhur doseringen bör optimeras. I recipienten har siktdjupet störst betydelse för nedbrytningen och recipientensegenskaper är viktigare än utsläppets storlek för vattenkvalitén enligt den modell som använts. Fallstudien visadeatt även vid bräddning på reningsverket hinner mikroorganismerna spädas ut och brytas ner tillräckligt föratt badvattenkvalitén inte ska klassas som otjänlig vid närliggande badplats. / Depending on the efficiency of the processes used in a wastewater treatment plant, the recipient receives watercontaining various concentrations of microorganisms. These microorganisms might infect people using therecipient for recreational purposes. The thesis aims to investigate how some process choices affect the concentrationsof microorganisms in sewage and how the concentration can be monitored with the use of other waterquality measurements. Lastly the microbial degradation after discharge in a lake was investigated. Process choiceswere evaluated through sampling before and after two biological treatment steps, one sand filter facilityand one disc filter facility. The obtained results demonstrate that among the investigated alternatives, a biologicalstep using biofilm is the most efficient for removing microorganisms, followed by sand filtration and leastefficient with high variability was disc filtration. The literature review suggests that the use of ozonation forreducing pharmaceutical residues could be efficient in reducing microorganisms, but the required dosage is notuniformly established in previous research. Statistical analysis on water quality measurements with Kendall’sTau and Partial Least Squares did not appear to be a good substitute to use for monitoring and prediction ofbacterial concentrations. The water quality of the recipient, especially the transparency for UV-light, is moreimportant for maintaining good bathing water quality than the outflow concentration of microorganisms in thesewage. In a small case study, it was shown that an official bathing site is not at risk for acute microbiologicalcontamination even when extreme rainfalls causes overflow in the upstream waste water treatment plant.
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Lipopolysaccharide in marine bathing water : a potential real-time biomarker of bacterial contamination and relevance to human healthSattar, Anas Akram January 2014 (has links)
The quality of marine bathing water is currently assessed by monitoring the levels of faecal indicator bacteria. Among other drawbacks, results are retrospective using the traditional culture based methods. A rapid method is thus needed as an early warning to bathers for bacterial contamination in marine bathing waters. Total lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was chosen here as a potential general biomarker for bacterial contamination. Levels of total LPS, measured using a Kinetic QCL™ Limulus Amebocyte Lysate (LAL) assay, highly correlated with enumerated Escherichia coli and Bacteroides species. Levels of LPS in excess of 50 EU mL-1 were found to equate with water that was unsuitable for bathing under the current European Union regulations. Results showed that monitoring the levels of total LPS has a potential applicability as a rapid method for screening the quality of marine bathing water. More importantly, the LAL assay overcome the retrospective results when using culture based assessment since the LAL assay takes less than 30 minutes. Although false positive events were not detected, the occurrence of a false positive has been hypothesised, hence a more specific faecal biomarker was also investigated. LPS of five Bacteroides species (B. fragilis, B. caccae, B. ovatus, B. xylanisolvens and B. finegoldii) isolated from marine bathing waters samples were successfully profiled and showed high similarity between isolates in LPS gel electrophoresis banding pattern. Similar results were shown when investigating the endotoxic activity of Bacteroides species with the Kinetic QCL™ LAL assay. The potential biological relevance of Bacteroides LPS was also investigated in cell culture models indicating that Bacteroides showed similar induction of proinflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-6 and IL-1α) and generally the biological activity was approximately 100 fold less than E. coli LPS. In addition, an ELISA assay was designed for the detection of Bacteroides LPS. Results showed that the Bacteroides LPS has a high potential to be used as a faecal biomarker, however, further work is required to develop a fully functional assay. The potential biological relevance of LPS present in contaminated bathing waters was also investigated in cell culture models. Results showed that there is a significant difference in the production of proinflammatory cytokines in comparison to “clean” bathing waters. Thus, results suggest that the European Directive regulations should be extended to cover the levels of total LPS in bathing waters to assure safety to the users of marine recreational water.
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Analysis and prediction of beach water quality in Hong Kong: with special reference to Big Wave BayBeachWong, Ho-chuen., 黃浩川. January 2009 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Civil Engineering / Master / Master of Philosophy
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The health status and lifestyle behaviours of higher education students in LibyaKhalil, Khalid January 2011 (has links)
Aims. This research investigated the health status (e. g. weight perception and BMI, mental health conditions and general health complaints), and the lifestyle behaviours (e. g. smoking, alcohol consumption, and dietary behaviour) of Libyan higher education students (HES). The objectives were to compare their health status and lifestyle behaviours in the different regions of Libya; and to compare Libyan HES with those from other countries. In addition to this, the study aimed to determine if any association existed between demographic and academic variables and health and lifestyle variables. Purpose. The purpose of the study was to provide baseline data required by university health programmes in Libya for planning related to the health needs of students. Methods. The sample consisted of 1300 higher education students from different higher education institutes and different disciplines. The self-administered health questionnaire used included questions on health and health-related behaviours and their associated social and economic factors. It was conducted during lecture time. Data were analysed with SPSS. Binary logistic regression analysis was used to identify sociodemographic variables associated with health and lifestyle variables. Results. In this sample of students, the prevalence of overweight was higher than the prevalence of underweight and obesity (14.5%, 18.2%, and 4.2% respectively), and 40% of students were trying to lose weight. High rates (45%) of depressive symptoms were found, however; overall 8.8% of respondents reported being diagnosed with anxiety, and 4.3% with depression. The findings of this study also indicated that students reported high levels of subjective health complaints. The majority of students reported that their physical activity levels were insufficient; only 5% of students met the international recommended levels of physical activity. Only one in ten students was found to be consuming an adequate amount of fruit and vegetables (at least five times a day). About 6% of the students self-identified themselves as current smokers, and the results revealed that smoking was a male phenomenon in Libya. Alcohol consumption is not very common among Libyan students, and only 3.5% reported drinking alcohol; overall, 1.6% reported using drugs, and all students who reported using drugs reported cannabis use. A gender difference was noticeable and consistent across types of complaints; depressive symptoms, dietary behaviour, physical activity, smoking and alcohol and drug consumption. Females reported significantly worse health status than males in terms of health complaints, and depressive symptoms. Males reported higher levels of physical activity and higher levels of smoking and alcohol and drug consumption than females. Students in North Libya showed the highest levels of physical activity, and also the highest levels of smoking, alcohol and drug consumption, whereas students in East Libya had the highest levels of fruit and vegetable consumption. Logistic regression analysis revealed substantial associations between females and depressive symptoms, dietary behaviour and higher levels of complaints, and also between social support and anxiety and depression. The comparisons with other survey data showed that the Libyan rates of overweight and obesity were similar to rates reported amongst students at Alexandria University in Egypt, and much higher than those reported in other countries such as Poland, Japan and Korea. Depressive symptom rates were similar to the rates reported among university students in Bulgaria and higher than those reported in Germany, Denmark and Poland with respect to male students, and Libyan HES reported lower rates of health complaints than students in certain other European countries. In addition, the levels of fruit and vegetable consumption amongst Libyan HES were lower than those reported amongst Australian students. The prevalence of physical activity levels was lower than that reported amongst university students in the United Arab Emirates. The results of this study clearly indicate that the prevalence of smoking and alcohol and drug consumption among students in Libya was " lower than among those from other Arabic countries such as the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia. Conclusion. Efforts to promote a healthy lifestyle among students are needed and should place greater emphasis on physical activity and increased fruit and vegetable consumption, and on discouraging smoking and body dissatisfaction. There is a need for future research on student health, which should be carried out with a larger sample group to develop a national standardized instrument. Future research will be helpful for accurately identifying perceived barriers to, and recommending changes to enhance, physical activity among HES.
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Vliv odběrového místa na hygienicky významné ukazatele kvality vody v přírodních koupalištích / The effect of sampling point on hygienically significant water indicators in natural bathing establishmentZelinková, Myra January 2012 (has links)
In this diploma thesis, I deal with the influence of the sampling site on water quality in natural bathing lakes (Hostivar reservoir, Seberak pond and Vyzlovka pond) in this. I have established that hygienically significant kinds of phytoplankton may differ in terms of water quality especially where there are cyanobacteria constituting water bloom. Surface water bloom may be moved by wind to the lee side of the water body (Microcystis sp.). Aphanizomenon flos-aquae water bloom floating in water column can be affected by wind and by water flow (which may be partly affected by wind as well). With the prevailing fibrous Planktothrix agardhii which does not connstitute water bloom the concentration of chlorophyll-a and cyanobacterial cell abundance in individual sampling sites are similar although the concentration of chlorophyll-a a is about 200 g.l-1 . Microcystis sp. and Scenedesmus sp. survive under eutrophic conditions in competition. From the microbiological perspective, water quality can differ within a single sampling site in places at a distance of less than 100 m. Microbial contamination can be caused by bathers, water birds, farm animals and probably by the removing of microorganisms from sand, mud and sediments on the beach or shore. Rain episodes probably increase the abundance of E.coli...
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Understanding the drivers of change in sexual and reproductive health policy and legislation in KenyaOronje, Rose Ndakala January 2013 (has links)
The thesis explored the drivers and inhibitors of change in sexual and reproductive health (SRH) policy and legislation in Kenya. The overall purpose was to contribute to the limited knowledge on national-level debates that shape how developing countries adapt the SRH agenda, which originated from international processes. The thesis explains how and why some SRH reforms have been realised in Kenya amid contention, while others have been blocked. Guided by a synthesis conceptual framework that emphasised the central role of discursive power in decision-making, the thesis adopted a qualitative case-study design enriched with various anthropological concepts. Three case-studies (two bureaucratic, i.e. adolescent RH policy and national RH policy, and one legislative, i.e. sexual offences law) were deconstructed. Data collection involved semi-structured in-depth interviews with policy actors, observations and note-taking in meetings, and document review. Findings revealed that four influential narratives of SRH – the moral narrative, cultural narrative, medical narrative (with two variations i.e. ‘moralised' versus ‘comprehensive' medical narratives), and human rights narrative – underpinned by conflicting actor interests, mediated the interplay of actor networks, knowledge, context and institutions to determine reforms. The findings revealed that the strong entrenchment of the moral and cultural narratives in the Kenyan context (mainly public structures and institutions) was a major barrier to reforms on contested SRH issues. Even then, the hegemonic narratives were in some cases unsettled to make reforms possible. The most important factors in unsettling the hegemonic narratives to facilitate reforms included: a change in the political context that brought in new political actors supportive of reforms, the presence of knowledgeable and charismatic issue champions within political and bureaucratic institutions, the availability of compelling knowledge (scientific or lay) on an issue, sustained evidence-informed advocacy by civil society/non-governmental organisations, donor pressure, and reduced political costs (for politicians and bureaucrats) for supporting reforms. The main contribution of the thesis is three-fold. First, the thesis captures the disconnect between international SRH agreements and national-level realities, showing the need for international actors to consider national-level realities that shape decision-making. Second, its findings provide lessons for informing future SRH reform efforts in Kenya and in other sub-Saharan African countries. Third, its analysis of discursive power contributes to a major theoretical gap in health systems research in developing countries identified as lack of critical analysis of power in decision-making.
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Via de duplo sentido: Araxá cidade-balneário 1920-1940Lima, Glaura Teixeira Nogueira 15 June 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-06-15 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The proposal of this thesis is to analyze the formation of Araxá, Minas Gerais, as a bathing
city. What was drawn in this path, between 1920 and 1940, with some incursions in the
previous decades, was the search for the possibilities of building an ideal model of watering
resort. Although distanced geographically, the spaces of the city and of its bathing
establishment were united by intense spatial , social and cultural relationships.
To this effect, we will discuss some of the forms assumed by the interventions carried out
depending on the use of the spaces in those two territories, born around the urban
representations, discursive practices and others assumed by segments that lived this daily life,
in it working, surviving, reposing or undergoing the treatments through the waters and the
thermal mud. Public and private spaces, created and recreated in a politicized atmosphere,
pointed out for the guarantee of a cure, rest and summer vacation resort where intense
socialization reigned.
The subject supposed to be indispensable the one of harmonic functioning amongst body
and society has come to reveal others, ramifications of such subject, as the one regarding the
senses of the baths and the aesthetic beauty, seeking, in its turn, to consolidate the mythicized
trend of the seasons, in particular.
The idealized version of the larger and most beautiful mineral watering resort in the
continent , conquered with the implantation of the Thermal Compound of Barreiro de Araxá,
was inserted in the project of the New State. The meaning of the materialization of this
emblematic territory was configured as an attempt to recreate the city itself. Looking for
unicity within a multiple scenario, the social relationships maintained in this time of
discoveries, euphoria and displeasures, experienced in a wide space of magic representations,
built identities and memoirs.
Approaching social and cultural subjects, and touching other policies, this theory is centered
in abundant textual, visual, oral and material documentation. The diversification of the
historical sources or evidences - making possible the work with printed documents, official
and non-official manuscripts, pamphlets, newspapers, magazines, daily newspapers, thermal
and tourist guides, maps, urban projects, pictures, films, videos, monuments erected in the
urban space and oral testimonies - allowed to enlarge the possibility to produce new
questionings, new visions / A proposta desta tese é analisar a formação de Araxá, Minas Gerais, enquanto cidadebalne
ário. O que se desenhou nesse percurso, entre 1920 e 1940, com algumas incursões nas
décadas anteriores, foi a busca das possibilidades de se construir um modelo ideal de estação
de águas. Embora distanciados geograficamente, os espaços da cidade e do seu balneário
estiveram unidos por intensas relações espaciais, sociais e culturais.
Nesse sentido, serão discutidas algumas das formas assumidas pelas intervenções efetivadas
em função do uso desses dois territórios, nascidas em torno das representações urbanas, das
práticas discursivas e de outras asseguradas por segmentos que viveram esse cotidiano, nele
trabalhando, sobrevivendo, descansando ou submetendo-se aos tratamentos por meio das
águas e da lama termal. Espaços públicos e privados, criados e recriados numa atmosfera
politizada, apontavam para a garantia de uma estância de cura, de repouso e de veraneio onde
se imperava intensa socialização.
A questão tida como imprescindível a do funcionamento harmônico entre corpo e sociedade
vem revelar outras, tributárias desta, como a dos sentidos dos banhos e da beleza estética,
contribuindo, por sua vez, para consolidar o viés mitificado das temporadas, em particular.
A versão idealizada da maior e mais bela estância hidromineral do continente , conquistada
com a implantação do Complexo Termal do Barreiro de Araxá, inseriu-se no projeto do
Estado Novo. O significado da materialização desse território emblemático configurou-se
como uma tentativa de recriação da própria cidade. Buscando unicidade dentro de um cenário
múltiplo, as relações sociais mantidas neste tempo de descobertas, euforias e mazelas, vividas
num espaço amplo de representações mágicas, construíram identidades e memórias.
Abordando questões sociais e culturais e tangenciando outras políticas, esta tese está centrada
em farta documentação textual, visual, oral e material. A diversificação das fontes ou
evidências históricas, possibilitando o trabalho com documentos impressos, manuscritos
oficiais e não-oficiais, panfletos, jornais, revistas, diários, guias termais e turísticos, mapas,
projetos urbanísticos, fotografias, filmes, vídeos, monumentos erguidos no espaço urbano e
depoimentos orais, permitiu ampliar a possibilidade de produzir novos questionamentos,
novas visões
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Diagnóstico sócio-ambiental do Balneário Cassino e áreas adjacentes - Rio Grande-RS : subsídio ao gerenciamento costeiro integrado localSarilho, Karina Aparecida January 2003 (has links)
As preocupações com a integridade e o equilíbrio ambiental das regiões costeiras decorrem do fato de serem as mais ameaçadas do planeta, justamente por representarem para as sociedades humanas um elo de ligação e de intensa troca de mercadorias entre si, com a exploração desordenada e muitas vezes predatória de seus recursos naturais, tornado-se, já na era industrial o principal local de lazer, turismo ou moradia de grandes massas de populações urbanos. A vocação de uso de determinada paisagem esta relacionada às funções que a mesma desempenha. O que ocorre é que o padrão de desenvolvimento adotado e a atual configuração sócio-econômica determinam usos que nem sempre coincidem com a sua melhor utilização. A fim de subsidiar futuros planos de uso e ocupação racional do solo das áreas naturais adjacentes ao Balneário Cassino (Rio Grande, RS), de acordo com os preceitos do Gerenciamento Costeiro Integrado, desenvolveu-se um Dianóstico Sócio-Ambiental da área dentro de abordagem sistêmica. Foram considerados principais componentes e processos urbanos e ambientais, definidos a partir da interpretação de aerofotografias, levantamentos de campo quali-quantitativos e informações bibliográficas. Os resultados são apresentados na forma de tabelas, quadros, levantamentos fotográficos, modelos diagramáticos conceituais, e mapas temáticos, que permitiram entender a organização estrutural e funcional da paisagem, e fundamentar uma ordenação espacial dos usos desta área, de modo a adequá-los às suas especificidades ambientais, histórico-culturais, sócio-econômicas e legais. / The integrity and the environmental equilibrium of coastal zones are increasingly becoming a concern to environmental scientists. Coastal environments are one of the most threatened in the world. Besides, they represent, to the human societies, a link of connection and intense exchange of merchandise amongst each other, with disordered and, at many times, predatory exploration, becoming, already at the industrial age, a main site of leisure, tourism and habitation of large masses of urban population. The vocation of a determined landscape is related to the functions and roles it plays. What actually occurs is that the development pattern adopted and the actual socio-economics determine the uses, which not always coincide with its best utilization. In order to assist future plans of rational use and occupation of natural areas adjacent to Cassino's Bathing Resort (Rio Grande, RS), in agreement with the Integrated Coastal Zone Management, a social-environmental diagnosis of the study site was developed using the systemic approach. The main environmental and urban processes and components were considered. They were defined based on aerophotos interpretation, quail-quantitative field survey and bibliographic information. The results, presented in the form of tables, photographic surveys, conceptual diagrammatic models and thematic maps, allowed to understand the structural and functional organization of the landscape and to establish a spatial ordering of land use to adequate them to their environmental, historic-social, socioeconomics and legal specificities.
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Evaluierung der hygienischen Wasserqualität unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Bakteriophagen am Beispiel eines Tagebausees / Evaluation of the hygienic water quality of a mining lake flooded by fecal contaminated river water with regard to bacteriophagesWolf, Sandro 28 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Objective: National and supranational directives (EU-bathing water directiv, WHO directives) exist to examine the bathing-water quality with concern to public health criteria. E.coli, Intestinal enterococci and Enteroviruses serve as indicators for the contamination of a water with pathogenic bacteria and viruses. As an valuable indicators for the viral contamination bacteriophages are discussed. The aim of this work is the evaluation of somatic and F+ RNA coliphages as indicators of a contamination with enteric viruses considering a lignite mining lake as example. Approach: In weekly intervals, the concentration of bacterial and viral indicators, as well as the presence or absence of enteric viruses in the mining lake "Werbeliner See" (central German lignite mining area), in the flooding water and in the sewage plant Leipzig-Rosental, which significantly influences the flooding water, was examined. The paramters E.coli, Intestinal enterococci and spores of Clostridium perfringens serve as indicators for the hygienic state. As possible indicators of a viral contamination, somatic and F+ RNA coliphages were examined. Several hygienic relevant enteric viruses (Entero-, Noro-, Astro-, Adeno-, Rota- and Hepatitis A-viruses) were detected by means of adequate molecular biological methods and enumerated. Results: 1. The sewage plant Leipzig-Rosental eliminated fecal bacteria and bacteriophages very efficiently (about two logs), however the reduction of E.coli and enterococci was significant higher then the reduction of Cl.perfringens-spores and bacteriophages. The purification capacity benefits from the application of chemical precipitants (Fe (III) cloride / sulfate). 2. The reduction of genomes of Noro-, Astro- and Enteroviruses by the sewage plant was in the range of one to two logs. 3. All examined viruses could be detected in the inflow and the outflow of the sewage plant during the time of examination. 4. The concentration of fecal bacteria in the lake Werbeliner See was very low. The requirements by the EU-bathing water directive (76/160/EWG) with 2000 . (100 ml)-1 (E.coli, imperial value) and 100 . (100 ml)-1 (enterococci, guide value), respectively, were under-run clearly, also concerning the individual sampling days. 81 % and 92 % of the samples of the lake Werbeliner See (except the inflow site) were below the detection limit of 0,1 PFU . ml-1 for somatic and F+ RNA coliphages, respectively. 5. In contrast, DNA and RNA of all examined virus could be found in the lake. Quantitative PCR reveald a virus load between 0 und 105 Gen.equiv. . l-1 for Entero-, Noro- and Astroviruses. 6. The detection of infectious Enteroviruses on BGM cell lines yielded one positve sample (=1,2%). Since the concentration of Enterovirus genomes in the quantitative PCR was three to four log-steps lower then this of the Noro- and Astroviruses, one could specualte, that the concentration of infectious Noro- and Astroviruses in the lake was quite high. 7. The low rate of positive infectious Enteroviruses in the lake reflects the low concentration of bacteriophages. But the direct comparison of the concentration of bacteriophages with the concentration of infectious Enteroviruses in the flooding water casts doubt on the indicatior value of bacteriophages regarding Enteroviruses. In conclusion, this finding suggests that an exclusive indication of bacteriophages concerning a contamination with Enteroviruses is not possible. 8. The use of bacteriophages as indicators of a wider range of enteric viruses could attenuate this discrepancy by the epidemiological more frequent appearance of enteric viruses as a sum. 9. In this context bacteriophages could, due to their comparatively high resistence, have a key function in the assesment of the hygienic quality of a water sample. / Problemstellung: Um die hygienische Qualität von Badegewässern zu beurteilen existieren nationale und übernationale Richtlinien (EU-Badegewässerrichtlinie, WHO-Richtlinien). E.coli, Intestinale Enterokokken und Enteroviren dienen dabei als Indikatoren für die Belastung des Gewässers mit humanpathogenen Keimen bzw. Viren. Als Indikatoren für die virale Belastung sind in diesem Zusammenhang unter anderem Bakteriophagen im Gespräch. Gegenstand dieser Arbeit sind die Evaluierung von Somatischen und F+ RNA Coliphagen als Indikatoren für die Kontamination mit enteralen Viren am Beispiel eines Tagebausee sowie die Dokumentation der hygienischen Wasserqualität des Tagebausees unter Berücksichtigung des Flutungswassers. Vorgehensweise: In wöchentlichen Routineuntersuchungen wurden die Konzentrationen bakterieller und viraler Indikatoren, sowie die An- oder Abwesenheit enteraler Viren im Tagebausee "Werbeliner See" untersucht. Verschiedene, hygienische relevante enterale Viren (Entero-, Noro-, Astro-, Adeno-, Rotaviren, sowie Hepatitis A-Viren) wurden mittels geeigneter molekularbiologischer und zellkultureller Methoden detektiert und quantifiziert. Ergebnisse: 1. Die Kläranlage Leipzig-Rosental eliminierte sehr effizient (ca. zwei Größenordnungen) fäkale Bakterien und Bakteriophagen, wobei die Reduktion von E.coli und Enterokokken signifikant höher war als die von Cl.perfringens-Sporen und Bakteriophagen. Die Reinigungsleistung wird durch den Einsatz von chemischen Fällmitteln (Eisen-(III)-Chlorid / -Sulfat-Salze) begünstigt. 2. Noro-, Astro- und Enteroviren, für die quantitative Untersuchungen durchgeführt worden, konnten durch die Kläranlage um ein bis zwei Größenordnungen reduziert werden. 3. Alle untersuchten Viren konnten in Zu- und Ablauf der Kläranlage molekularbiologisch nachgewiesen werden. 4. Die Konzentration fäkaler Bakterien im Werbeliner See war sehr gering. Die Vorgaben der EU-Badegewässerrichtlinie (76/160/EWG) von 2000 . (100 ml)-1 (E.coli, Grenzwert) bzw. 100 . (100 ml)-1 (Enterokokken, Leitwert) wurden dabei, auch bezogen auf die einzelnen Probenahmetage, deutlich unterschritten. 81 % bzw. 92 % der Seeproben (außer Einleitungsstelle) lagen unterhalb der Nachweisgrenze von 0,1 PFU . ml-1 für Somatische- bzw. F+ RNA Coliphagen. 5. Im Kontrast dazu konnte DNA bzw. RNA aller untersuchten Viren im See gefunden werden. Die genomische Viruslast der mittels real-time-PCR detektierten Entero-, Noro- und Astroviren lag zwischen 0 und 105 Gen.äquiv. . l-1. 6. Der Nachweis infektiöser Enteroviren auf BGM-Zellen im Werbeliner See ergab ein einzelnes positives Ergebnis im Untersuchungszeitraum (= 1,2 %). Allerdings lag die Konzentration detektierter Enteroviren-Genome im Mittel drei bis vier Größenordnungen unter der Konzentration von Noro- und Astroviren. Es kann deshalb spekuliert werden, dass für diese Viren ebenfalls ein hoher Anteil infektiöser Proben zu erwarten gewesen wäre. 7. Die niedrige Nachweisrate infektiöser Enteroviren im Werbeliner See spiegelte sich in der sehr niedrigen Konzentration an Bakteriophagen wider. Allerdings lässt der direkte Vergleich der Bakteriophagenkonzentration mit dem Nachweis infektiöser Enteroviren im Flutungswasser Zweifel am Indikatorwert von Bakteriophagen für eine Kontamination mit Enteroviren aufkommen. Eine exklusive Indikation von Bakteriophagen bezüglich einer Kontamination mit Enteroviren scheint anhand dieser Befunde nicht möglich. 8. E.coli und Enterokokken wurden in Laborversuchen unter verschiedenen Versuchsbedingungen signifikant schneller inaktiviert als Somatische Coliphagen und Noroviren. Gleiches galt im Vergleich zu Cl. perfringens-Sporen, Astroviren und F+ RNA Coliphagen. 9. Bakteriophagen könnten deshalb auf Grund ihrer vergleichsweise hohen Resistenz eine wichtige Schlüsselfunktion für die Beurteilung der hygienischen Qualität einer Wasserprobe spielen.
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