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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

First Year Sedimentological Characteristics and Morphological Evolution of an Artificial Berm at Fort Myers Beach, Florida

Brutsche, Katherine 01 January 2011 (has links)
Dredging is often conducted to maintain authorized depths in coastal navigation channels. Placement of dredged sediment in the form of nearshore berms is becoming an increasingly popular option for disposal. Compared to direct beach placement, nearshore berms have fewer environmental impacts such as shore birds and turtle nesting, and have more lenient sediment compatibility restrictions. Understanding the potential morphological and sedimentological evolution is crucial to the design of a nearshore berm. Furthermore, the artificial perturbation generated by the berm installation provides a unique opportunity to understand the equilibrium process of coastal morphodynamics. Matanzas Pass and Bowditch Point, located on the northern tip of Estero Island in west-central Florida were dredged in October 2009. The dredged material was placed approximately 600 ft offshore of Fort Myers Beach and 1.5 miles southeast of Matanzas Pass, in the form of an artificial berm. Time-series surveys and sediment sampling were conducted semi-annually in order to quantify sedimentological characteristics and morphological changes within the first year after construction of the berm. The artificial berm at Fort Myers Beach is composed mainly of fine sand. Patches of mud were found throughout the study area, with the highest concentrations being in the trough landward of the berm, and offshore southeast of the berm area. The highest concentration of carbonates was found in the swash zone, as well as at the landward toe of the berm, which coincides with the coarsest sediment. The overall mud content of the berm is lower than that of the dredged sediment, thus indicating a coarsening of the berm over time. The reduction in fines as compared to the original dredged sedimet could also indicate a selective transport mechanism that moves finer material offshore, and coarser material landward, a desirable trend for artificial berm nourishment. During the course of the first year, the berm migrated landward and increased in elevation. Onshore migration occurred mostly within the first 6 months. Along with onshore migration, the shape of the berm changed from a symmetrical bell curve to an asymmetrical shape with a steep landward slope. There is no clear spatial trend of volume change alongshore within the berm area, indicating that sediment transport is mostly cross-shore dominated. A salient was formed landward of the northern portion of the berm. Several gaps were created during berm construction due to dredging and placement techniques. These dynamic gaps are likely maintained by rip currents through them. This study showed that the Fort Myers Beach berm is active, due to its landward migration during the first year after construction.

Απορρίμματα και εκτίμηση θαλάσσιων και χερσαίων πηγών ρύπανσης στις ελληνικές ακτές

Μοιρώτσου, Αναστασία, Παπαμιχαλοπούλου, Κωνσταντίνα 01 April 2014 (has links)
Στα πλαίσια της παρούσας εργασίας εκτιμήθηκαν οι συστάσεις παράκτιων απορριμμάτων, καθώς και πηγές ρύπανσης των θαλάσσιων και χερσαίων απορριμμάτων στις ελληνικές ακτές. Η μη κυβερνητική οργάνωση «Δίκτυο ΜΕΣΟΓΕΙΟΣ SOS» βοήθησε στην καταγραφή των απορριμμάτων με τη συμβολή εθελοντών. Οι εθελοντές συμπληρώνοντας ειδικό φύλλο καταγραφής κατέγραψαν τα απορρίμματα τόσο ποσοτικά, όσο και ποιοτικά. Στα δεδομένα που συλλέχθηκαν εφαρμόστηκε πολυδιάστατη στατιστική ανάλυση από την οποία αντλήθηκαν πληροφορίες, βάσει των οποίων κατηγοριοποιήσαμε τις ελληνικές ακτές ανάλογα με τις πηγές ρύπανσης τους, τόσο για το έτος 2010, όσο και για το επόμενο έτος 2011. / As part of this study evaluated the recommendations coastal litter and pollution sources of marine litter on land and Greek coasts. The non-governmental organization "Network MEDITERRANEAN SOS» helped in the recording of waste with the help of volunteers. Volunteers completing specific worksheet registered waste both quantitatively and qualitatively. Among the data collected was applied multidimensional statistical analysis from which information was drawn, whereby the Greek coast categorized depending on the sources of pollution, both for 2010 and for next year 2011.

Σύσταση απορριμμάτων & εκτίμηση της συμβολής των πηγών απορριμμάτων σε 80 ελληνικές ακτές

Κορδέλλα, Σταυρούλα 18 March 2009 (has links)
Στην παρούσα εργασία έγινε εκτίμηση της σύσταση παράκτιων απορριμμάτων και της συμβολής χερσαίων και θαλάσσιων πηγών ρύπανσης σε 80 ακτές από όλη την Ελλάδα. Η συλλογή των δεδομένων έγινε με τη συμμετοχή εθελοντών, οι οποίοι κατέγραψαν ποσοτική (εκτίμηση ποσοστών των υλικών των απορριμμάτων) και ποιοτική πληροφορία (σχετικά με τις πηγές ρύπανσης) στην οποία έγινε παραμετροποίηση. Στον πίνακα δεδομένων που προέκυψε έγινε πολυδιάστατη στατιστική ανάλυση, όπου σύμφωνα με τα αποτελέσματά της, οι ακτές στην Ελλάδα διακρίνονται σαφώς με βάση τις πηγές ρύπανσης τους, ενώ επίσης χωρίζονται σε δύο στατιστικά σημαντικές ομάδες, σύμφωνα με τις πηγές και τα υλικά των απορριμμάτων που υπάρχουν σε αυτές. Το υλικό που βρέθηκε να κυριαρχεί στις ελληνικές ακτές είναι το πλαστικό (42,6% - 50,6%). / In the present study, the composition of beach litter and the contribution of land based and marine based litter - sources, were estimated for 80 beaches from all over Greece. The data was collected with the contribution of volunteers, who gathered quantitative (estimates on percentages of litter material) and qualitative information (on the beach litter sources). The results of multivariate statistical techniques, that were applied on the data matrix, which was formed after the parametrization of the qualitative data, showed that Greek beaches may be distinguished in to statistically important groups, according to the sources and material of beach - stranded litter. Plastic is the dominant material in greek beaches (42.6% - 50.6%).

Mėlynosios vėliavos programos įgyvendinimo galimybės įteisintuose Kauno miesto paplūdimiuose / Possibilities of the Blue Flag Programme implementation in the official bathing sites of Kaunas city

Margelytė, Renata 10 August 2009 (has links)
Neracionaliai naudojant paplūdimių ir jų maudyklų pajūrio bei vidaus vandenis, iškyla grėsmė žmonių sveikatai ir vandens išteklių naudingumui. Siekiant išvengti vandens telkinių devastacijos ir besimaudančiųjų susirgimų rizikos, būtina gerinti vandens telkinių stebėseną, kuri atitiktų ES direktyvų keliamus reikalavimus, darnaus vystimosi aspektus. Šiuo principu Aplinkosauginis švietimo fondas Europoje ir už jos ribų yra pristatęs Mėlynosios vėliavos programą. Darbo tikslas − įvertinti įteisintų Kauno miesto paplūdimių ir jų maudyklų atitikimą Mėlynosios vėliavos programos reikalavimams. Darbo tikslui pasiekti išanalizuota paplūdimių ir jų maudyklų teisinė bazė Europos Sąjungoje ir Lietuvoje, nustatyta įteisintų Kauno miesto paplūdimių ir jų maudyklų mikrobiologinė tarša, atliktas įteisintų paplūdimių galimybių vertinimas pagal privalomus Mėlynosios vėliavos programos paplūdimių kriterijus (aplinkosauginio švietimo ir informavimo, vandens kokybės, aplinkosauginio valdymo, saugumo ir paslaugų). Nustatant įteisintų Kauno miesto paplūdimių ir jų maudyklų mikrobiologinę taršą, naudojami Kauno visuomenės sveikatos centro 2000-2006 m. ir Lietuvos Higienos instituto 2007-2008 m. mikrobiologiniai maudyklų vandens kokybės tyrimų duomenys. Apibendrinus tyrimų rezultatus nustatyta, kad Europos Parlamento ir Tarybos Direktyvos 2006/7/EB dėl maudyklų vandens kokybės valdymo nuostatos perkeltos į LR higienos normą HN 92:2007 „Paplūdimiai ir jų maudyklų vandens kokybė“ bei Maudyklų vandens... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Unreasonable using of inland water recourses for recreation may cause a risk for human health and ecosystems’ stability. In order to avoid the devastation of ponds and the risk of infectious diseases, it is necessary to improve the water ponds monitoring, that should fulfil the requirements of European Union (EU) directives of sustainable development. For this reason the Foundation for Environmental Education has created the Blue Flag program, that is applied both for European and other countries. The aim of this work is to evaluate the possibilities of valid Kaunas town beaches to get the certificate of the Blue Flag program. For this reason, it was analyzed the bathing-places juridical basis in EU and Lithuania and determined the microbiological pollution of valid Kaunas town beaches. Evaluation of beaches was done according to the Blue Flag program compulsory criteria for water ponds: environmental education and information, water quality, environmental management, security and services. The water monitoring data of Kaunas public health centre and Lithuanian Institute of Hygiene were used for the assessment of water microbiological pollution. It was found out that the statements of the European Parliament and of the Council directive 2006/7/EB for bathing water quality were transferred to the LR Hygiene Norm HN 92:2007 “Beaches and Bathing water quality“ and to the bathing water quality monitoring project for the years of 2009-2011. The highest microbiological pollution... [to full text]

Jūros krantų ties Palanga kaitos analizė / Analyse of Changes of Sea Coast Near Palanga

Butkutė, Evelina 05 June 2012 (has links)
Baigiamojo darbo tikslas - nustatyti Baltijos jūros kranto pokyčius, atsiradusius 2005–2009 metais. Tyrimo objektas – penkiolikos kilometrų ilgio Baltijos jūros kranto linijos ruoţas ties Palanga. Tyrimo metodas – empirinis. Kranto linjos pokyčiams nustatyti taikyta 2005 ir 2009 metų ortofotografiniuose ţemėlapiuose M 1: 10 000 išmatuotos koordinatės. Koordinatės išmatuotos kas dvidešimt metrų. Iš viso 751 koordinatė. Atlikta matematinė statistinė išmatuotų kranto linijos pokyčių analizė. Nustatyta, kad 2005–2009 m. kranto linijos padėtis pakito nuo -36 m. iki +27 m. Akumuliacijos arealų plotai apie 15 % didesni uţ eroduojamus plotus. Šiaurinėje tyrinėtos atkarpos pusėje vyrauja eroziniai procesai, o pietinėje – akumuliaciniai. Mokslinis naujumas – nustatyti Baltijos jūros kranto linijos ties Palanga kaitos bendrieji dėsningumai 2005 – 2009 metais. / The objective of the final thesis is to determine changes of the Baltic Sea shore during the period between 2005 and 2009. The research object - 15 kilometers long strip of the Baltic Sea shore beside Palanga. The research method - empirical. Coordinates measured in orthographic maps (scale 1: 10 000) of 2005 and 2009 were applied when determining the changes of the shore strip. The coordinates were measured every 20 meters. There is a 751 coordinate in total. Mathematical statistics analysis of the measured shore strip was performed. It was determined that during the period between 2005 and 2009 the position of the shore strip altered from -36 meters to +27 meters. Cumulative habitat areas are 15% larger than the erodated areas. Erosive processes dominate on the Northern side of the analyzed strip and cumulative processes on the Southern side. The novelty of the research - overall features of the Baltic Sea shore strip alteration beside Palanga during the period of 2005 and 2009 were determined.

Radiometric study of beach sand deposits along the Coast of Western Cape Province, South Africa.

Mbatha, Nkanyiso Bongumusa. January 2007 (has links)
<p><font face="TimesNewRomanPSMT"> <p align="left">Natural radioactivity studies have been carried out to study the textural characteristics, heavy mineral composition, provenance, sediment transport, and depositional environment of beach placer deposits. The naturally occurring radionuclides such as properties of beach sands, which reflect the geological characteristics such as transport and sorting processes and the depositional environment. The present work focuses on the radiometric characteristics of beach sand deposits along the west coastof South Africa. Beach sands samples were collected at the Melkbosstrand (MBS) and Ouskip (OSK) beach. The activity concentrations of these radionuclides were determined by high-resolution gamma-ray spectrometry using a high-purity germanium (HPGe) detector in a low-background configuration.</p> </font></p>

Beach-dune morphodynamics and climatic variability in Gwaii Haanas National Park and Haida Heritage Site, British Columbia, Canada

Cumming, Rebecca Miville 27 July 2007 (has links)
This thesis describes the geomorphology and morphodynamics of two embayed, sandy, macrotidal beach-dune systems in the Cape St. James region of Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve and Haida Heritage Site. Gilbert Bay beach is a small embayment with a southwest aspect that exhibits prograding dune ridges. Woodruff Bay beach, a larger system with a SE aspect, is characterized by large erosional scarps on the established foredune. Aspect to erosive conditions and embayment size control the distinct morphologic responses of these beach-dune systems. The morphodynamic regime at Cape St. James consists of high onshore sediment transport potential combined with an increasingly erosive water level regime that is forced by PDO and ENSO climatic variability events. Conceptual models of potential future responses of these beaches to sea level rise show a possible landward migration of up to 3.5 m at Gilbert Bay beach and up to 4 m at Woodruff Bay beach.

Effects of wastewater effluent on macrobenthic infaunal communities at Christies Beach, South Australia /

Loo, Maylene G. K. January 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, Dept. of Environmental Biology, 2001. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 136-154).

Beach-dune morphodynamics and climatic variability in Gwaii Haanas National Park and Haida Heritage Site, British Columbia, Canada

Cumming, Rebecca Miville 27 July 2007 (has links)
This thesis describes the geomorphology and morphodynamics of two embayed, sandy, macrotidal beach-dune systems in the Cape St. James region of Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve and Haida Heritage Site. Gilbert Bay beach is a small embayment with a southwest aspect that exhibits prograding dune ridges. Woodruff Bay beach, a larger system with a SE aspect, is characterized by large erosional scarps on the established foredune. Aspect to erosive conditions and embayment size control the distinct morphologic responses of these beach-dune systems. The morphodynamic regime at Cape St. James consists of high onshore sediment transport potential combined with an increasingly erosive water level regime that is forced by PDO and ENSO climatic variability events. Conceptual models of potential future responses of these beaches to sea level rise show a possible landward migration of up to 3.5 m at Gilbert Bay beach and up to 4 m at Woodruff Bay beach.

Créations urbanistiques et architecturales des sites balnéaires et touristiques sur la Côte d' Azur dans la deuxième moitié du XXème siècle / Urban and architectural creations of seaside and tourist resorts on the Côte d'Azur in the second half of the 20th century

Pâris-Bussenot, Marie-Claude 28 June 2016 (has links)
Cette étude se situe dans le cadre des recherches sur le patrimoine balnéaire de la Côte d'Azur dans la deuxième partie du XXème siècle. Elle porte sur l'histoire de trois créations ex nihilo: Port-Grimaud, Marina-Baie-des-Anges, Port-la- Galère initiées par trois constructeurs de rivage. Les terrains, encore disponibles parce qu'hostiles, avaient en commun, d'allier à la beauté naturelle des sites des conditions de vie inhospitalières. La société de consommation des années soixante, tournée vers les activités nautiques fut responsable d'une nouvelle forme d'urbanisme proche de celle des marinas américaines. Urbanisme et architecture étant indissociables dans le balnéaire, la typologie fonctionnelle des stations balnéaires anciennes fut remplacée par des constructions plus ou moins standardisées qui secrètent une faculté d'identification: maisons de pêcheurs, alignées sur des péninsules, conçues par François Spoerry à Port-Grimaud, pyramides serpentiformes à terrasses décalées en. amphithéâtre autour du port imaginées par André Minangoy, grappes accrochées au rocher à Port-la-Galère. Une profusion décorative sur les façades rehaussée par l'emploi de matériaux variés, sont responsables du style du site balnéaire. Les nouvelles créations balnéaires sont le reflet d'une architecture méditerranéenne avec la prédominance de terrasses, prolongeant le dehors au-dedans, avec les emprunts de motifs architecturaux aux pays du Sud et à la sémantique du nautisme. Ces constructions, les pieds dans l'eau, permirent à la société des années soixante, de satisfaire leur désir de rivage et devinrent les marqueurs d'un urbanisme révolu. / This investigation situates itself in the frarnework of the studies on the seaside resort heritage of the Côte d'Azur in the second part of the 20th century. It concerns the history of three creations ex nihilo: Port-Grimaud, Marina-Baie-des- Anges, Port-la-Galère,initiated by three seashore builders. The grounds, still available because of their hostile character, had in common to combine natural beauty of the sites with inhospitable conditions of life. The consumer society of the sixties, turned towards watersports activities, was at the origin of a new way of urban development close to that of American marinas. Urban development and architecture being indissociable concerning seaside resorts, the functional typology of former seaside resorts was replacecl by more or less standardised constructions secreting a facility of identification: fishermen's housings, aligned on peninsulas, conceived by François Spoerry at Port-Grimaud, meandering pyramids bearing staggered terraces organised as an amphitheatre around the harbour and imagined by André Minangoy, grapes clung to the roc at Port-la-Galère. The style of the seaside resort isdue to the abundance of façade decoration, set off by the use of various materials. The new seaside resorts retlect Mediterranean architecture, with the prevalence of tenaces extending the outside inside, with architectural motives from the South and t'rom watersports semantics, These waterside constructions allowed the society of the sixties to satisfy their desire of seashore access and beeame the market of a bygone urban development.

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