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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Barnet i den pedagogiska dokumentationen : En kvalitativ studie om hur sex förskollärare arbetar med pedagogisk dokumentation för att dokumentera och följa upp barns lärande och utveckling

Karlsson, Mathilda, Bolmgren, Hanna January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie är att synliggöra förskollärarnas intentioner med den pedagogiska dokumentationen och vilka föreställningar det kan finnas kring att dokumentera och följa upp barns lärande och utveckling med fokus på enskilda lärloggar i Unikum. Följande frågeställningar ligger till grund för studien: Hur beskriver förskollärarna pedagogisk dokumentation av barns lärande och utveckling? Vad framträder i förskollärarnas beskrivningar kring barns roll i den pedagogiska dokumentationen? Studien tar ansats i hermeneutiken och det barndomssociologiska perspektivet samt genomförs med hjälp av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Med avstamp i semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex förskollärare samlades empirin in genom telefonsamtal. Resultatet presenteras med följande huvudteman: Förskollärarnas dokumentationsarbete, Barnen i dokumentationsprocessen, Det utmanande dokumentationsuppdraget och underliggande subteman. Resultatet visar att den pedagogiska dokumentationen sammankopplas med ett temainriktat arbetssätt och förskolans läroplan, men att det skiljer sig åt vad som dokumenteras och hur baserat på förskolans ämnesområden. Förskollärarna lyfter fram vikten av att dokumentationen ska vara tillgänglig och de beskriver vilka strategier det finns för att använda dokumentation tillsammans med barnen. Dessutom visar resultatet att förskollärare arbetar med dokumentation på gruppnivå och att det finns utmaningar med att dokumentera och följa upp på individnivå med bakgrund till den begränsade tiden.

Successful Paths to Becoming a Lean Organization in the Construction Industry

Warcup, Robert D. 01 May 2015 (has links)
Lean construction is considered a valuable solution for the declining productivity of the construction industry. This study seeks to answer the general research question: What does it take to become lean? The research explored the possible paths to becoming lean by examining the journeys of three successful lean construction firms in the U.S. The results are intended to assist other construction firms with their own transformations. This study is especially useful to executives and management because it describes the cultural transformation process of each participating company, the expectations of company employees, and the best practices that each company employed. A qualitative, multiple-case study methodology was used to find common patterns among all three firms as well as unique attributes. Eight research themes shaped the interview dialog that probed the participants’ experiences and insights regarding lean— from the companies’ initial discovery of lean to their implementation of tools and trainings. The themes further prompted responses regarding the roles that were critical to successful lean implementation as well as the barriers that inhibited lean adoption. Finally, interviews also sought out strategies to successfully promote and implement lean into the future. The research discusses the assertions and conclusions that emerged from the findings, which identify several successful paths to becoming lean. Findings show how people, the environment, and actions positively or negatively influence the adoption of a lean culture. The study concludes with recommendations for future firms regarding lean planning to transform the organization into a successful, top-performing, lean construction company. It emphasizes personalized application for each employee to create a positive environment for the new culture to develop. The conclusions also include five phases of lean saturation: discovery and learning, commitment, strategic planning, implementation, and training company partners in lean.

My life is in their hands: Latina adolescent border-crossings, becoming in the shadows, and mental health in schools

Elfreich, Alycia Marie 22 June 2016 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / This project endeavors to move beyond traditional conceptualizations of voice in conventional qualitative research and instead focuses on embodied, liminal experiences of Latina adolescents, the intersections of identity, gender, spirituality, ethnicity, etc., how these junctures broadly impact mental health, and more specifically, how we perceive mental health and well-being within educational institutions. The study draws upon an intervention pilot study that sought to increase resiliency and self-mastery in Latino adolescents while simultaneously reducing their depressive symptoms. However, this project aims to take these findings and focus upon the complex and multiple factors that influence depression, including citizenship status, trauma in crossing the border from Mexico into the United States, and racial and gendered oppression specific to the experiences of Latina adolescent immigrants. Thus, this project explores ways in which four Latina adolescents make sense of their lived experiences through a critical feminist theoretical framework that integrates post/anti colonial feminism. The framework provides a nuanced conceptualization of power, oppression, and marginalization that creates opportunities to explore alternative notions of thinking that encourages new paths to transform interdisciplinary, university, community, and family relationships surrounding mental health concerns within educational institutions. Finally, theory, research, epistemology, and ontology are interwoven to inform a methodology that is fluid, interchanging, and always becoming.

Barns delaktighet och inflytande i fritidshemmet / Children's influence and participation in the after-school programs

Hadziosmanovic, Nedzad, Strand, Charlotte January 2023 (has links)
Detta är en kvalitativ studie som syftar till att undersöka hur lärare i fritidshem resonerar om och arbetar med barns delaktighet och inflytande samt vilka möjligheter eller utmaningar som uppstår i arbetet med delaktighet och inflytande i fritidshemmet. Genom semistrukturerade intervjuer besvaras frågor som svarar mot studiens syfte och frågeställningar där sex utbildade lärare i fritidshem från fem olika skolor intervjuats. Empiriska data i föreliggande studie har analyserats ur ett barndomssociologiskt perspektiv utifrån teoretiska begrepp; being, becoming, barns perspektiv, barnperspektivet och det kompetenta barnet. Resultatet visar att det finns likheter mellan vad som menas med barns delaktighet och inflytande i tidigare forskning och i jämförelse med informanternas resonemang. Arbetsmetoder för att möjliggöra delaktighet och inflytande handlar främst om demokratiska tillvägagångssätt med fritidsråd, röstning och en betoning på de fria valen i verksamheten. Att se det enskilda barnet och dess önskemål ses enligt studien som en del av arbetssättet för att skapa förutsättningar för inflytande och delaktighet. Genom att se barn som medskapare av innehållet i fritidshemmet upplevs det som mer meningsfullt både för lärare och barn.Utmaningar i arbetet med delaktighet och inflytande identifieras utifrån tidsaspekten, personaltätheten, stora barngrupper och   yttre ramar som inte anses vara påverkbara samt dilemmat mellan barns fria val kontra läroplanen. Det framkommer också i resultatet att lärare i fritidshem försöker närma sig barnens perspektiv och respekterar barns åsikter. Synsättet på barn enligt barndomssociologin kan påverka enskilda handlingar beroende på hur barnen betraktas, som kompetent, being eller becoming. Resultatet i studien belyser vikten av att lärare är lyhörda för barnens perspektiv genom att ge dem utrymme att framföra sina åsikter och blir respekterade för sina val, något som också stämmer överens med tidigare forskning.

空間與自我重塑: 佛斯特《窗外有藍天》 / Space and reconfigured self in E. M. forster's _a room with a view_

楊孟芯, Yang, Meng Shin Unknown Date (has links)
佛斯特(E. M. Forster)在小說《窗外有藍天》(A Room with a View, 1908)裡,將義大利描繪為自由、激情、活力的國度,而英國相較而言卻是嚴謹、傳統且充滿囿限。在空間與文化的刺激與啟發下,主角露西(Lucy)的義大利旅行逐步地改變她的人生觀以及對生活的態度。藉由義大利旅行與城市的互動,以及遇見他者(the other)的經歷,露西慢慢地得以「變成他者」(becoming-other),突破原有的傳統限制變成遊牧旅行者(nomadic traveler)。本論文擬以空間議題來探究露西在旅行經驗下的「空間變成」(spatial becoming),以及她逐步成形的遊牧自我(nomadic self)。 本論文第一章為總論性質的介紹。第二章主要藉助德勒茲(Gilles Deleuze)與瓜達希(Félix Guattari)的「遊牧學」(nomadology)和「變成」(becoming),結合伊斯蘭(Syed Manzurul Islam)從德勒茲理論延伸的旅行理論,來探討義大利與英國的空間如何影響身於其中的主體。本章將英國空間比喻為房間,義大利空間喻為風景,闡述露西如何面對她的文化衝突並發展自我重塑。然而,露西的遊牧轉變不應被視為身分認同議題下的自我追尋,亦非男性與女性之間的二元對立,而是邁向「變成旅行者」(becoming-traveler)的轉變。 第三章運用德瑟鐸(Michel de Certeau)城市行走(walking in the city)的概念,來檢視露西藉由街頭行走(street-walking)的經驗以及她和義大利生活文化的相遇,所逐步產生的自我改變。由於單獨的街頭行走,對維多利亞時代(the Victorian)的女性而言是一項禁忌,從掙扎到漫遊,露西在城市中的行走非但沒有被動地接受城市設計者所塑造出的都市形象,甚至能夠主動地從她的觀察來解讀詮釋城市,於是跨越了維多利亞時代的限制疆界,從依賴轉為獨立,進而遇見他者(encounter the other)。她的行走經驗開拓了自身的視野,而與城市的互動更是重燃她對於自由和自主權的渴望,因而開啟了她的「空間變成」(spatial becoming)。 第四章則著重於分析露西回到英國的生活,如何受到義大利旅行經驗影響而產生具體轉變。筆者援引伊斯蘭(Syed Manzurul Islam)的概念,剖析露西是一個不斷改變的遊牧旅行者(nomadic traveler),而她的未婚夫賽希爾(Cecil)卻是一個單調不變的靜止旅行者(sedentary traveler)。當露西從旅行經驗中發展出遊牧自我,她與傳統保守的英國空間、賽西爾的衝突也勢將不可避免。義大利顯然觸動她不可逆(irreversible)的變成他者與變成旅行者,露西因此轉而前往義大利繼續其無止盡的旅程。 總括言之,在《窗外有藍天》中,露西與義大利空間的互動驅使她跨越疆界,進行自我轉變。然而,義大利只是帶領她離開嚴謹傳統束縛的旅程序曲。她的遊牧轉變並非一個確切定案的結果,而是不停歇的轉變過程。 / E. M. Forster’s A Room with a View (1908) delineates Italy as liberal, passionate and invigorating, whereas England is portrayed as rigid, conventional and restrictive. Due to spatial and cultural impact, the protagonist, Lucy, changes her view about life by degrees as soon as she travels in Italy. By means of her interactions with the urban space and her encounters with the other in Italy, Lucy gradually enters her becoming-other and breaks through the Victorian confinement into a nomadic traveler. This thesis employs a spatial perspective to investigate spatial becoming embodied on Lucy during her travel, and the formation of her nomadic self. Chapter One is an overall introduction to the whole thesis. As for chapter Two, I focus on Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s nomadology and becoming, and Syed Manzurul Islam’s extension in travel theory to explore how Italian and English spatiality influences the contained subjects. By characterizing England as a room and Italy as a view, this chapter explores how Lucy confronts with her conflicts and develops her reconfigured self. Lucy’s nomadic changes, however, should not be regarded as a self-searching pursuit in terms of identity politics. Instead, her transformation transcends binary opposition between men and women, heading toward her becoming-traveler. Chapter Three utilizes Michel de Certeau’s concept of walking in the city to examine how street-walking and encounters with Italian life and culture lead to the change in Lucy. Since street-walking alone is a forbidden behavior for Victorian women, Lucy’s street-walking goes through certain struggles. Rather than passively receives the built image from urban designers, Lucy is gradually able to read and interpret the city from her observation of the cityscape. From following others’ guidance to gradual independence, Lucy crosses the boundary of Victorian confinement and gets to encounter the other. Her walking experiences significantly open up her view and initiate her spatial becoming. Her interaction with a lived city rekindles her desire for freedom and autonomy. Chapter Four concentrates on the analysis of Lucy’s changes in England as a result of her Italian travel. I apply Syed Manzurul Islam’s idea to claim Lucy as a transformative nomadic traveler in contrast to her fiancé Cecil as a changeless sedentary traveler. I argue that with her formation of nomadic self, the return to English spatiality only leads to ineluctable conflicts between Lucy, her family and Cecil. Lucy accordingly seeks to leave for Italy and continues her endless travel. Italy triggers her irreversible becoming-other and becoming-traveler. Conclusively speaking, in A Room with a View, Lucy’s interaction with the Italian spatiality inspires her to cross the boundary and makes her transformation possible. Yet, Italy is only a prologue to her journey, bringing her out of the rigid convention. Her nomadic change is not a pinpointed result, but a shifting and ceaseless process.

Becoming Leaders : An Investigation Into Women's Leadership In Male-Defined And Male-Dominated Professions

Clare, Jillian January 2004 (has links)
This thesis examines how women perform as leaders within male-dominated professions, including law, business, politics, the military, and the academy. In studying women's performances in terms of the corporeal and spectacular, the investigation seeks to understand how particular women enact leadership through their materiality within specific times and places. Drawing on Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari's (1988) theorising of the processes of 'becoming', woman-as-leader is studied as an entity that passes from one incomplete and multiple assemblage to another, rather than as a singular 'developing' identity. The research is located within and between the paradoxes that complicate the performances of leadership for women. One key paradox serving as a rationale for this investigation is that, while 'equity' has become a truism of contemporary leadership, it is clear from formal reports (for example, the 2002 Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency (EOWA) report), that many women continue to be marginalised and under-represented as leaders and senior managers. Moreover, those few women who have achieved success often acknowledge themselves as both legitimately and differently - and sometimes awkwardly, located as leaders in the everyday enactments of their work. The investigation of leadership within and between such paradoxes is problematic for a neo-liberal order of thinking, and even for socially critical theory, because of the assumptions that modernist literature makes about women's struggle for political legitimacy (ie, a narrative of progress, emancipation, and/or linear cumulative historical development). It is for this reason that the conceptual tools used in this study are drawn from post-feminist and post-structuralist theory. Such theorising refuses literal categories in favour of 'ironic categories' (Rorty, 1989) where two apparently oppositional ideas are understood to be both necessary and true. To explore women 'becoming' leaders (Deleuze & Guattari, 1988), 'woman-as-leader' is interrogated using Jean François Lyotard's (1984) notion of 'performativity,' Mary Russo's (1994) theorising of the embodied spectacle of 'the female grotesque', and Richard Rorty (1989) and Donna Haraway's (1991) insistence on partiality, doubt, and the importance of 'undoing' the fixity of modernist categories - in this instance, for women. One ironic category of importance to the study is Haraway's theorising of a 'cyborgian identity', a technological assemblage that is part-human/part-machine. This allows acknowledgement that women leaders inhabit realms beyond the boundaries imposed by the same/difference, human/machine, present/past, and real/virtue binaries. Using these tools, the performances of a number of women leaders is examined in an empirical study that focuses on a few individual women located in male-defined and male dominated settings. The empirical work has two key components. First, it provides a reading of three moments in time where a female individual dys-appears (Leder, 1990) in the public gaze, erupting as a unique spectacle in spaces that are both enabling and constraining. It foregrounds the unique complexities of three public performances in which women made a spectacle of themselves, while the analysis refuses to either celebrate the individuals involved, or to bemoan the conditions under which they did so. The analysis demonstrates the value of re-thinking leadership in terms of its complexity for the female as embodied public 'performer'. It then moves on to focus specifically on the (embodied, spectacular) tactics being deployed by women leaders in contemporary professional work. This analysis is located in the professions of law, business, politics, the military, and the academy. The data-as-evidence emerging from the analysis show women leaders to be both and neither enacting and troubling 'proper' (ie, traditional and/or known) leadership conventions. The analysis provides a reading of how, through certain tactical shifts, women work to 'de-territorialise' both the 'forms of content' and 'forms of expression' (Deleuze & Guattari, 1988) constituting leadership performances. It makes visible the tactical assemblages these women deploy, and the ways in which such tactics separate, combine, and compound the same/difference, equality/inequality, either/or binaries. The specific tactical manoeuvres for achieving legitimacy in the public gaze cluster around four identifiable ironic categories: (i) legitimate cross-dressing (ii) assertive defence (iii) proper blasphemy, and (iv) humanly-machinic. When taken together, the two components of the empirical study compel a re-theorising of 'woman-as-leader' as both insider and outsider, an entity engaging in the on-going work of diss-assembling and re-assembling a leaderly self. Woman is shown 'to be not one, not multiple, but multiplicities', simultaneously (Deleuze & Guattari, 1988). This re-theorising provides a more nuanced account of women leaders working to maintain legitimacy, credibility, and propriety as leaders than mainstream theorising of leadership and management currently allows.

Becoming-Fashion : Begäret efter övermänniskan

Hellgren, Amanda, Partanen, Anastasia January 2016 (has links)
Vi vill med det här kandidatarbetet ifrågasätta begäret efter övermäniskan som vi menar att reklam för modeindustrin idag porträtterar. Med hjälp av Guy Debords skådespelssamhälle och Gilles Deleuze och Felix Guattaris teorier ifrågasatter vi vad det är vi begär och varför vi gör det. Vi ifrågasätter övermänniskan som modeindustrin producerar med förhoppningen att det ökar medvetenheten för personer i samhället.    Ifrågasättandet av begäret har resulterat i två gestaltningar, en klänning av sönderrivna sidor ur boken Mein Kampf och en kreation av hönsnät formad som en naken kvinna. Vi känner oss fångade av modeindustrin och känner oss illa till mods över hur den mänskliga kroppen porträtteras i reklam för mode. Vi menar att det i klädreklam snarare handlar om avsaknaden av den mänskliga kroppen då bilderna retuscheras till en artefakt.     Vi ser vår undersökning som en grund till en fortsatt undersökning om ett alternativ och förhoppningsvis kommer vårt begär i framtiden förflyttats från övermänniskan till något mer mänskligt. / In this Bachelor thesis we question the desire for the übermensch that we mean advertising for the fashion industry portrays today. With help of Guy Debord's “Society of the Spectacle” and Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari's theories we question our desire and why we desire it. We question the übermensch that the the fashion industry produces with the hope that it will increase the society’s awareness.    The questioning of desire has resulted in two designs, a dress of torn pages from the book Mein Kampf and the creation of chicken wire shaped like a naked woman. We feel trapped by the fashion industry and feel uneasy about how the human body is portrayed in advertisements for fashion. We believe that the advertising for clothing is more about the lack of the human body when the images are retouched into an artifact.    We see our study as a basis for a continued research for an option and in the future hopefully our desire will be moved from the übermensch into something more human. In this Bachelor thesis we question the desire for the übermensch that we mean advertising for the fashion industry portrays today. With help of Guy Debord's “Society of the Spectacle” and Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari's theories we question our desire and why we desire it. We question the übermensch that the the fashion industry produces with the hope that it will increase the society’s awareness.    The questioning of desire has resulted in two designs, a dress of torn pages from the book Mein Kampf and the creation of chicken wire shaped like a naked woman. We feel trapped by the fashion industry and feel uneasy about how the human body is portrayed in advertisements for fashion. We believe that the advertising for clothing is more about the lack of the human body when the images are retouched into an artifact.    We see our study as a basis for a continued research for an option and in the future hopefully our desire will be moved from the übermensch into something more human.

Ce qu'un corps peut devenir : cartographie entre danse et philosophie / What a Body can Become : cartography between Dance and Philosophy

Potrovic, Laura 27 September 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse n'explore pas ce qu'est le corps, mais ce qu'un corps peut devenir. Elle explore le corps comme un événement en train de se faire à travers les concepts tels que le Corps sans Organes (Antonin Artaud, Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari), le bodying (Erin Manning), le corps en train de se faire (Erin Manning) et le devenir (Gilles Deleuze et Félix Guattari). Ce que tous ces concepts ont en commun est l'état de devenir. Ici, le corps devient, et en tant que tel - c'est un verbe, une activité, une force. Cette thèse explore non seulement le corps comme une force de devenir, mais elle explore également le devenir de cette force - au niveau moléculaire, expérientiel et relationnel. Comme le dit Manning, un corps est toujours plus qu'un corps. Ici, nous essayons d'aborder les devenirs physiques, expérientiels et relationnels d'un corps en mouvement. Ce qui bouge le corps de l'état d'être vers l'état de devenir est le mouvement. Cette thèse tente de montrer comment le mouvement ne s'arrête jamais. Nous bougeons toujours, donc, il y a une continuité de devenir. Un corps n'est jamais uniquement une forme, il est une force-forme. Le mouvement est celui qui ouvre le corps vers son devenir de force(s). Un corps en mouvement n'est pas une forme d'expression, mais une force d'expressivité. Le mouvement fait le corps, par conséquent, le corps lui-même est un mouvement. Nous ne dansons pas avec le corps, nous dansons le corps lui-même. Le corps est une partition, un corps-partition, de son devenir. / This thesis does not explore what body is, but what a body can become. It explores the body as event-in-making throughout the concepts such as Body without Organs (Antonin Artaud, Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari), bodying (Erin Manning), body-in-making (Erin Manning). What all of those concepts have in common is the same state - a state of becoming. Here, body becomes, and as such - it is a verb, an activity, a force. This thesis does not only explore the body as a force of becoming, but it also explores the becoming of that force - at the molecular, experiential and relational level. As Manning says, a body is always more-than one. Here, we are trying to approach the physical, experiential and relational becomings of a body in movement. That which moves the body from the state of being into the state of becoming is movement. This thesis is trying to show how movement never stops. We always move, therefore, there is a continuity of becoming. A body is never just a form, but a force-form. Movement is that which opens the body toward its becoming of force(s). A moving body is not a form of expression, but a force-field of expressivity. Movement makes the body, therefore, the body itself is a movement. We are not dancing with the body, we are dancing the body itself. The body is a score, a body-score, of its own becoming.

Židentita: formace a deformace. Etnografie Moishe House Prague. / Jewish identity: formation and deformation. Ethnography of Moishe House Prague.

Adlerová, Nina January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is based on a long-term field research in the Prague Jewish community in which I am trying to express the Jewish identity of young Czech Jews. The aim is to characterize the formation and construction of Jewish identities, their coexistence with other types of social identities and the role of material elements in this process. The formation has a processional nature and there are continual transformations and negotiations of concrete forms of Jewish identities over time. These identities are publicly manifested through various material elements and by this manifestation those identities are also strengthened. I also examine the impact of physical structures and other objects on the Jewish community, how they strengthen its cohesion and on the role that they play in materializing and bringing the collective memories into the present. I simultaneously work with the concept of materiality in the context of the Moishe House Prague project. I examine the position of techno-social tools and the power of leadership. This thesis is based on several theoretical perspectives that I connect and combine in order for me to explore social reality and Jewishness in their entirety. Key words Identity, Jewish identity, material culture, materiality, Moishe House, formation, construct, negotiation...

"Att vara delaktig är inte samma som att bestämma" : En kvalitativ studie om barns rätt till delaktighet ur socialsekreterares perspektiv / "Participating is not the same as deciding" : A qualitative study of children's right to participation from the perspective of social workers

Bergstedt Pettersson, Maria, Kjellberg, Ylva January 2020 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att utifrån socialsekreterares upplevelser och erfarenheter få en fördjupad förståelse för vad som påverkar delaktighet för barn som ska placeras i eller redan är placerade i familjehem. Studien har genomförts utifrån sex semistrukturerade intervjuer med socialsekreterare i Kalmar län. Analysen har gjorts utifrån ett maktperspektiv samt begreppen being och becoming. Resultatet av vår studie visar att barnens delaktighet i mångt och mycket ligger i socialsekreterarnas händer. Socialsekreterarna kan genom sin makt påverka i vilken utsträckning barnen kan vara delaktiga. Det handlar också om deras sätt att se på barnen som being eller becoming; som kompetenta aktörer eller barn i behov av skydd. / The aim of this study has been to get an in-depth understanding of what affects children's participation for those about to be placed in, or already placed in care, from social workers point of view and experiences. The study has been made through six semi-structured interviews with social workers in Kalmar county. The analysis has been made from a power perspective and by using the concepts of being and becoming. Our result show that children's participation in many ways lays in the hands of the social workers. They can trough their authority influence in which extend the children can be participants. It also lays within the social workers way of seeing the children as being or becomings; as qualified actors or children in need of protection.

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