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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Playing practices in school-age childcare: : An action research project in Sweden and England

Kane, Eva January 2015 (has links)
Playing is a common part of children’s leisure time, and with children spending an increasing amount of this time in school-age childcare, in both Sweden and England, staff have the responsibility to facilitate play. The way play is conceptualised by staff may lead to different aspects of play being facilitated. These play practices are enabled and constrained by the arrangements of what this dissertation calls the school’s play practice architecture, i.e. where play practices are intertwined with a school’s practice architecture. The aim of the research was to explore how staff talked about play and how to facilitate it, how concepts of play contributed to different play practices and how it might be possible to transform play practice architectures. The research draws on conversations with staff in school-age childcare settings in two Swedish and one English school during an action research project. Just as action research was used to disturb and change practice in order to understand it, concepts from Deleuze and Guattari’s philosophy (1980/2004) were put to work to disturb taken-for-granted concepts of play in order to explore how play works. Article I explores what the staff talked about in relation to play and its facilitation. The conclusion is that the ability of staff to interpret children’s play as children exploring their agency is crucial when facilitating play in a learning institution. Article II examines some discursive orders about play in school-age childcare and goes beyond them by conceptualising playing as becoming-different. The article argues that when foregrounding play, staff recognised children and themselves as becoming-players. Article III investigates how to think practice as constant change. For any practice, planning is required, and yet the unexpected keeps happening. When playing was conceptualised as a “What If? As If” approach, which allowed for potentialities to become actualised, then this approach was also useful as an approach in practice. The analysis suggests that when engaging in a playing practice, practitioners develop new knowledge and simultaneously change social situations. The practice of playing, whether intentional or unintentional, can not only disturb but also transform play practice architectures. The practice of playing is sensitised to the disturbances caused by playing and also puts itself “in play”. This opens up for a continuous de- and reterritorialisation of play and playing in school-age childcare practice.

Becoming and impermanence in Nietzsche's Philosophy

Catanu, Paul January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

Barns möjlighet till inflytande i förskolan : En fråga om pedagogernas barnsyn? / Childrens ability to influence in preschool : A question of educators child perspective?

Engqvist, Tina January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur yngre barns möjlighet till inflytande visar sig i olika sammanhang i förskolan så som vid fri lek, samling, måltid och vila. Samt hur olika barnsyn har betydelse för barns möjlighet till inflytande. Resultatet grundar sig på observationer och intervjuer med barn och personal på en förskoleavdelning för barn i åldern 1-3.   Förskolan har genom åren influerats av olika sorters pedagogik beroende på vilka rön som för tillfället varit rådande från forskarna. I dagens förskolor har inflytande fått större utrymme och blivit till en rättighet för verksamhetens barn. I förskolans Läroplan, (Lpfö 98, rev 2010) finns ett särskilt kapitel som belyser vikten av inflytande. Där går bland annat att läsa att det är pedagogernas ansvar att se till så att barnen får ett reellt inflytande på både innehållet i verksamheten samt även på arbetssättet. Detta bidrar till att inflytande har blivit en aktuell fråga inom förskolans verksamhet.   I studien visar det sig att pedagogerna har en flexibel barnsyn och att detta är något som har betydelse för barnens möjlighet till inflytande. Pedagogernas barnsyn förändrar sig beroende på vilken situation de befinner sig i. Vid till exempel fri lek så är pedagogerna väldigt öppna för att barnen ska få vara med och erbjudas chans till att påverka och erbjuder därför barnen stor möjlighet till inflytande. Tittar man istället på samlingarna så är det mer sällan som pedagogerna ser att det finns utrymme för barnens inflytande. Tidigare forskning betonar att speciellt yngre barn har ett omvårdnadsbehov som gör att pedagogerna inte alltid kan låta barnen få inflytande i alla situationer och att detta ibland leder till en barnsyn där de utgår ifrån att vuxna vet bäst, istället för att inta barnens perspektiv och aktivt arbeta med att låta dem få inflytande i verksamheten i alla situationer.

A social constructivist grounded theory exploration into the impacts of infant sleeplessness on 'normal' experiences within the transition to motherhood

Dash, Suzanna January 2017 (has links)
Background: The aims of this qualitative research were to explore a range of challenges encountered by mothers coping with infant sleep difficulties, and subsequent impacts on the transition to becoming a parent. The intention was twofold – to raise awareness amongst practitioner psychologists that “many new mothers experience some level of emotional distress and all deserve systematic and compassionate support” (Boots Family Trust, p.1), with particular reference to early relationship formation, and to encourage opportunities for translation from multidisciplinary research into practice. Method: Five semi-structured interviews were conducted. Four with mothers who were either experiencing, or had in the past experienced sleep difficulties with their babies. The fifth was with a professional ante-natal educator, herself a mother. The interviews were transcribed and analysed according to a constructivist version of grounded theory methodology guided by Charmaz (2006). Analysis: A central narrative of ‘the wearing mask of transition’ was developed from four analytic categories: being me’, ‘being pushed to the limit’, ‘relationships’ and ‘coping, learning and trusting’. The interconnectedness of the categories was conveyed via the visual translation of the proposed pluralistic model – ‘the coping mask of transition’. Conclusion: After having been neglected within mainstream mental health services, perinatal mental wellbeing is currently being prioritised, representing a unique opportunity for multidisciplinary consultation and sharing of expertise and training. The ‘normal’ experiences of the women interviewed were revealed as emotionally complex. They worked through their sleep deprivation and distress feeling largely unsupported, and often unwilling to disclose even to partners the extent of their difficulties. It is hoped that this small-scale study, with its focus on a non-clinical population, and the significance of maternal mental and emotional wellbeing and outcomes for children, will encourage professionals to consider the distressing impacts of ‘normal’ sleep disturbance and deprivation within the broader context of this major life transition.

Deleuze: una ontología, una ciencia / Deleuze: una ontología, una ciencia

Ramírez Herrera, Gonzalo 10 April 2018 (has links)
This paper has two objectives: first, to rebut three misconceptions about the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze that deal with his position in ontology, aestheticsand science; and second, to probe deeper into two of these misunderstandings inorder to discover their current scope. Both of these misunderstandings regard hisviews on ontology and on science. Here we will see how an ontology of differenceand an intensive science arise. We will close our paper with some comments on theactuality of this thought. / La presente contribución tiene dos objetivos. En primer lugar, rebatir tres visiones equivocadas sobre la filosofía de Gilles Deleuze. Estas visiones giran en tornoa su posición en ontología, en estética y en ciencia. En segundo lugar, profundizar en dos de estos malentendidos con el fin de descubrir sus alcances actuales. Estos dos malentendidos son sobre su visión ontológica y su visión sobre la ciencia. Acá veremos cómo se plantea una ontología de la diferencia y una ciencia intensiva. Cerraremos nuestra contribución con algunos comentarios sobre la actualidad de este pensamiento.

A criação do devir: ética e ontogênese na filosofia de Gilbert Simondon / The creation of becoming: ethics and ontogenesis in the philosophy of Gilbert Simondon

Lucas Paolo Sanches Vilalta 08 December 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho é uma leitura da relação entre a ontogênese e a ética na filosofia de Gilbert Simondon. Pretende-se mostrar como há uma relação de analogia e imbricação entre ética e ontogênese no pensamento do autor, estas correlações nos permitem apresentar a filosofia simondoniana como uma teoria metaestável que se constitui como permanentemente aberta às novas problemáticas do ser e ao devir do devir. Esta teoria, simultaneamente, ética e ontogenética é excedida em seus modos de captação dos processos de individuação por suas relações com a informação e com a dimensão pré-individual do ser. Apresentamos, em um segundo momento, como a ontogênese simondoniana nos permite pensar uma ética existente nas processualidades de todos os seres, do cristal aos seres humanos, das moléculas aos animais, e também dos objetos técnicos. Por fim, mostramos como Simondon constrói uma concepção singular de sujeito como ação autoproblematizante do ser que faz com que o indivíduo seja, ao mesmo tempo, mais-que-unidade e mais-que-identidade em relação a si mesmo. O sujeito simondoniano é capaz de captar a ética como sentido da ontogênese e agir politicamente apostando todos os possíveis em experiências de transformação de si. O sujeito, ao conjugar em si as dimensões pré-individual, individual e transindividual do ser, possui um devir que é, simultaneamente, individual e coletivo. Com estes desenvolvimentos, pretendemos apresentar como a filosofia de Simondon nos oferece contribuições muitos relevantes para pensarmos possíveis transformações espirituais e políticas para os modos de vida em nossa contemporaneidade. / This work aims to be an analysis of the relationship between ethics and ontogenesis in the Gilbert Simondons philosophy. It intends to show that there is an analogycal and inseparable relation between ethics and ontogenesis in his thought. These correlations allow us to show the Simondons philosophy as a metastable theory which creates itself as permanently open to new problematics of the being and to the becoming of becoming. This theory, at the same time, ethical and ontogenetical is always overpassed, in its means of apprehension of the individuation processes, by its relations with information and with the pré-individual dimension of the being. Secondly, we sustain that Simondons ontogenesis allow us to think about an ethics which exists in the being processuality, from crystal to human beings, from molecules to animals, and also in the technical objects processuality. Finally, we show that Simondon constructs a single notion of subject as selfproblematic action of the being that implicates an individual more-than-unity and, simultaneously, more-than-indentity regarding itself. The simondonean subject is able to apprehend ethics as the meaning of the ontogenesis and to act politically risking all the possibles to transform itself. The pre-individual, individual and transindividual dimensions of the being produce an becoming to the subject, which is both individual and collective. According to these arguments, we intend to conclude that the Simondons philosophy gives us very important contributions to think some spiritual and political changes in our contemporary way of life.

Hand to Ground

Tooth, Constance January 2015 (has links)
(Constance) Stanzie Tooth’s thesis exhibition titled, Hand to Ground, explores ideas of origin; both the mythology of a personal origin as well as the origins of painting and representation. Interrogating the history of landscape painting, the exhibition skews notions of identity by reconsidering representations of the landscape. Inspired by Margaret Atwood’s novel Surfacing, and paired with reminiscences of her childhood in rural Ontario, Tooth’s paintings unfold oblique narratives of a communion with land. These questions of personal ecology are filtered through an intense material expression, reinforcing the idea of coming into being. The exhibition was on view at the Karsh Masson Gallery in Ottawa from August 1st to September 10th, 2015.

Bortom önskelådor och fritidsråd En kvalitativ studie om arbetet med och tolkningen av barnkonventionen i fritidshemmet : Beyond polling boxes and leisurecouncilsA qualitative study based on the work on and interpretation of the children's convention in a leisure home

Andersson, Josefine January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att belysa och analysera fritidshemspersonalens arbete med och synsättet på barns/elevers rättigheter i fritidshemmet samt bidra till att fylla detta förhållandevis outforskade fält med mer kunskap. Det empiriska underlaget, som består av tio kvalitativa intervjuer med verksamma fritidslärare, har analyserats och tematiserats utifrån ett barndomssociologiskt perspektiv för att undersöka det personalen ger uttryck för. Ett teoretiskt ramverk har fungerat som stöd i arbetet med tolkning och analys där centrala begrepp lyfts och diskuteras och även sätts i relation till det empiriska underlaget. Resultatet som framkommit visar att personalens barnsyn överlag kan tolkas utifrån begreppet being, snarare än becoming. Dessa två begrepp är olika sätt att se på barn och barndom utifrån det barndomssociologiska fältet. Dock har det i föreliggande studie visat sig att det finns tydliga motsägelser mellan de båda synsätten som ibland präglar samma pedagog. Personalen säger sig arbeta utifrån begreppet being, men tycks snarare agera utifrån begreppet becoming. Detta blir en motsägelse där organisation kontra pedagogisk vision ställs mot varandra. De viktigaste iakttagelserna och därmed också slutsatserna för studien är att arbetet och förståelsen av barnkonventionen och barns rättigheter tolkas på olika sätt av lärare i fritidshem. Undervisningen som pedagogerna beskriver tycks ge eleverna vissa möjligheter att utveckla kunskap och kännedom om sina egna rättigheter men det ser väldigt olika ut vilket också kan påverka likvärdigheten i utbildningen. Det finns också ett uttryckt behov bland fritidspersonalen av en engagerad ledning som uppmärksammar barnkonventionen bland personalen och stöttar vid implementeringsarbetet av densamma. Hur och om man arbetar med barns rättigheter utifrån barnkonventionen beror alltså mycket på personalens egen barnsyn, intresse och engagemang. Detta gör att arbetet med eleverna därmed ser olika ut från ett fritidshem till ett annat.

Det är bra om appen är pedagogisk! : En studie om vuxnas roll i barns digitalisering och dess påverkan på den kringliggande kulturen / It's good if the app is educational! : A study about the role adults have in children's digitalizationand its impact on the surrounding culture

Sundman, Lukas, Hansson, Herman January 2021 (has links)
Utvecklingen och framväxten av digital teknik har ökat exponentiellt de senaste årtiondena och är idag en naturlig del av de flesta människors liv. Forskning om hur den digitala tekniken påverkar barn är ett relativt nytt och outforskat forskningsfält. Denna studie har som syfte att undersöka vilka appar vuxna väljer åt barn samt vilken roll dessa val kan spela i barns digitala användning, kulturer och vardag. Studien tar utgångspunkt i barndomssociologisk teori för att belysa kopplingar mellan barns digitala användning med kulturen de befinner sig i och deras barndom. Vi har använt enkät som metod för att besvara syftet, med tjugotvå informanter som antingen är verksamma i förskola eller är vårdnadshavare till barn på förskola. Slutsatsen och resultatet av studien kan sammanfattas av att barns digitala användning är ett polariserat område där vuxnas roll, åsikter och antaganden kan påverka barnens liv och kamratkulturer. Av den tidigare forskningen och teorin vi valt att analysera empirin med, får vi snarare syn på vikten av en kompetenshöjning och en större medvetenhet kring den digitala användningen och appars påverkan på barns liv.

Considérations actuelles sur la perversion féminine : Recherches cliniques en milieu carcéral / Current thinking about femal perversion : Clinical research in prison environnement

Tournefier, Virginie 26 May 2018 (has links)
À partir d’une pratique clinique au sein d’un Service Médico-Psychologique Régional d’une maison d’arrêt, cette thèse vient interroger la question de la perversion chez la femme. Si on constate de nombreuses controverses sur ce sujet, faut-il pour autant dire que la femme échappe à la perversion ? Souvent considérées comme victimes passives, le rôle de ces femmes dans le scénario criminel est perçu comme secondaire, au service d’un autre, de son compagnon par exemple. Si dans nos imaginaires, la perversion est associée aux hommes, la part de destructivité chez la femme a longtemps été niée, alors qu’historiquement et cliniquement, elle est manifeste. Par leurs mises en acte, ces femmes témoigneraient d’une impasse quant à leur construction subjective. C’est pourquoi nous nous intéresserons tout d’abord aux enjeux et aux incidences de la période préoedipienne sur leur devenir-femme. Leur soumission à un Autre ouvrira une réflexion sur la notion de complicité comme véritable statut, avec l’importance de la présence du regard d’un Autre à provoquer ou à angoisser. À travers la présentation de situations cliniques, je vais tenter d’aborder différentes figures féminines de la perversion. Du meurtre d’enfant aux violences sexuelles commises par des mères, en passant par la passion amoureuse et la séduction perverse, nous nous confronterons également à la violence barbare de jeunes adolescentes.La diversité des cas cliniques souligne la complexité de cette question de la perversion chez la femme. La place de la haine, du sacrifice à un Autre, et enfin de la perversion des idéaux seront interrogés, avec notamment la mise en évidence comme hypothèse, l’impossibilité de constituer un fantasme matricide structurant chez ces femmes qui ont alors recours, dans le réel, à des passages à l’acte pervers. / From a clinical practice in a Regional Medical Psychological department in a prison, this thesis is questioning about female perversion. Even if we can notice many controversies about this subject, does it mean that women can escape perversion? Often considered as passive victims, these women have in the criminal scenario a role seen as secondary, in the service of someone else, for example of their partners. If in our imagination,perversion is linked to men, the part of destructiveness among women has been denied for a long time even if it is evident historically and clinically. By acting, these women would show an impasse concerning their subjective construction. That’s why, firstly, we will be interested in the issues ans impacts of the preoedipean period on their woman becoming. Their submission to an other will make people think about the notion of complicity as a real status, with the importance of the presence of an Other to provoke or distress. I’m going to talk about many different perversion female figures through the presentation of clinical situations. From the child murder to the sexual abuse committed by mothers, from love passion to perverses eduction, we will also be confronted with the barbarous violence of young female teenagers. The diversity of clinical cases underlines the complexity of the woman perversion. We will question about the importance of hatred, of sacrifice to an other and finally about ideals perversion, emphasizing as hypothesis the impossibility of constituting aformative matricide fantasy among these women who are really doing perverse actions.

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