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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur framställs etnicitet i bilderböcker? : – Ett urval av Uppsala Stadsbiblioteks utbud av 1994 och 2014 års bilderböcker.

Olsson, Rebecca, Gustafsson, Josefin January 2015 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur olika etniciteter framställs och synliggörs i valda bilderböcker, utifrån Uppsala Stadsbiblioteks utbud. Detta arbete har utgått ifrån fyra bilderböcker från 1994 och sex bilderböcker från 2014 som har analyserats genom en kvalitativ text- och innehållsanalys. Med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys analyseras materialet djupgående för att ge en djupare inblick i hur etnicitet skildras i de valda bilderböckerna. En analysmodell har även används för att enklare analysera bilderböckernas innehåll. Utifrån vår studie kan inte några generella slutsatser dras men utifrån vårt begränsande material kunde vi i urvalet se en tendens till att karaktärerna i bilderböckerna från år 1994 avbildades mer stereotypiskt än hur karaktärerna från 2014 blev gestaltade, där en mer naturlig avbildning skedde och mer anpassat till samhället vi lever i idag. Utifrån det begränsade materialet kan vi möjligtvis dra en slutsats om vikten av att biblioteken har ett brett utbud av bilderböcker, för att barn ska kunna skapa sig en positiv identitet och självkänsla. Genom fler böcker som lyfter olika etniciteter kan diskriminering, kränkning och förutfattade meningar minskas bland barnen.

Parkbiblioteket / The Park Library

Jansson, Ulrik January 2013 (has links)
Parkbiblioteket Detta examensprojekt är tänkt att ge Högalidsparken i Stockholm och de boende i staden en ny plats att finna information på, samtidigt som platsen får en ny koppling mellan gatan och parken då gränsen utgörs av en bergskärning idag, och denna är idag planerad att ge plats för nya bostäder. Utformningen av mitt bibliotek är förenklat sett en rampförbunden terrasserad plan som tar besökarna på en vandring upp till den översta nivån där gångvägar passerar förbi och leder vidare till andra delar av Södermalm. Byggnaden hängs delvis in i berget med bergsförankringsstag och byggnadskropparna täcks utvändigt med falsad skivtäckning av zinkplåt. Programmet innefattar även ett mindre café som fungerar som mötesplats mitt bland böcker, studieplatser och sökdatorer. / The Park Library This diploma work is about a Library placed inbetween a park and a street in Södermalm, Stockholm parted from each other by a rock. My intension has been to connect the different levels in the library with a walk thru the library up to the park level. The outer shape is put together from a serie of levels and connection with stairs and slopes inbetween them, each of them with seating and shelfs. The building is partly hanging on the mountain side and bolted on to it. The outer shell is made of zink plates and with a characteristic pattern that speaks to the city. The programme also includes a small café were you can meet among people, books, places to do your study and internet connected computers.


Fatmeh, Ali majed January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

En bild säger mer än tusen ord : Bibliotekariers arbete med Instagram som marknadsföringsverktyg / A picture is worth a thousand words. : Librarians work with Instagram as marketing tool.

Sundling, Frida, Ottilia, Sundahl January 2016 (has links)
Due to technological innovations, the society has new needs and expectations of the public libraries and what they offer. The web can now be seen as a competitor to the library services or as an opportunity for them to market the organization, for example through social media. The aim of this bachelor thesis was to examine how public librarians used Instagram in marketing purposes. The research questions we wanted to answer were: • What motives were there to use Instagram for marketing purposes for public libraries? • What interaction is created through marketing over Instagram? • How do librarians think of the use of Instagram in the future? The theoretical basis for the thesis is Gummessons model of the Relationshipsmarketingtheory (RM). RM focuses on the weight of relationships between organizations and their customers. For collecting data a qualitative method was used. Six librarians from three different libraries were elected for interviews. The result showed that public librarians generally had a positive attitude towards library marketing through Instagram. They wanted to show what the library could offer, establish their place in society and reach out to new users, and Instagram was a natural part of the marketing. The study showed that the interaction with library users was low, but the interaction with other libraries and their staff was higher. In the future, librarians had a positive attitude towards developing their Instagram use. Instagram would then become equated with traditional marketing, but requested more clear using guidelines. The librarians also wanted more staff to be involved in the marketing.

Förskolebiblioteken i Lund : En kvalitativ studie av ett läsfrämjande projekt

Mörkberg, Isabella January 2016 (has links)
Författare/Author Isabella Mörkberg Svensk titel ”Förskolebiblioteken i Lund” – En kvalitativ studie av ett läsfrämjande projekt English Title ”Förskolebiblioteken i Lund” – A qualitative study of a reading promotion project Handledare/Supervisor Anne-Christine Norlén Abstract This master thesis is written in the scientific field of library – and information science. The purpose of the study is to investigate how the project Förskolebiblioteken i Lund helps promote reading among preschool children. The project is a collaboration between pedagogues in the preschool, children’s librariens and the children’s perents. The preschools that I invested are located in different socioeconomic areas in Lund. The idea of the essay is based on the falling figures in reading comprehension and how to get children in the preschool interested in literature.The theoretical framework is based om Aidan Chambers circle of reading and the three different approches of reading. The methods used are qualtative interwievs with pedagogues and children's librarians and cause studies with observations of preschool libraries. The project Förskolebiblioteken i Lund is working to promote reading through reading literature, dramatization and storytelling. The pedagogues and children’s librarians think it is important to let the children read for pleasure and not for constraint. Promoting literature reading should be a given part in the preschool and the literature needs to be available. The pedagogues have noticed that the children more often asks about reading books after the library established in the preschool. Ämnesord läsfrämjande, bibliotek och förskola, språkutveckling, barnbibliotekarier, förskollärare   Key words Reading promotion, Libraries and preschool children, Language development, Children's librarians, Preschool teachers

Mellan Hantverk och Outsourcing : Utmaningar vid inköp av litteratur på andra språk än svenska och engelska vid svenska folkbibliotek

Edkvist, Alexander, Norling, Malin January 2017 (has links)
Between craftsmanship and outsourcing - challenges in purchasing literature in languages other than Swedish and English at Swedish public libraries. This paper examines how ten librarians working in Swedish public libraries perceive challenges connected to the acquisition of books in languages other than Swedish and English. It makes an attempt to explain how these challenges affect the librarians’ acquisition process and push it towards either a craftsmanship based process or a process based on a high degree of outsourcing responsibility. The method used was qualitative interviews with librarians that had acquisition of books in languages other than Swedish or English as part of their work responsibilities. A total of eight interviews, two of them group interviews with two participants, were conducted. Five of the interviewed librarians worked in a large city, while five worked in three smaller municipalities. The analysis was inspired by Evans’ & Saponaro’s model of the collection development process and Brian Quinn’s use of George Ritzer’s theory of McDonaldization to examine the state of academic libraries in the U.S.A. Three main challenges are discussed; identifying user needs, absence of language or literature knowledge and poor availability of books. The interviewed librarians acquisition processes could be said to exist on a scale between a high degree of craftsmanship and a high degree of outsourcing. One factor pushing librarians towards an outsourcing of responsibility was absence of language knowledge, which lead to a higher degree of dependency on vendor assessment of literature. Mandatory purchasing agreements and lack of adequate technical and cataloging services inhouse were also factors affecting the acquisition process as they lead to less choice in vendor selection and as a consequence hindered the librarians’ ability to take on responsibility in selecting and acquiring books.

När läsare överskrider åldersgränserna : Litteraturförmedling på bibliotek i crossoverfenomenets kölvatten / When readers cross the age boundaries : Libraries' book promotion in the wake of the crossover phenomenon

Thyne, Karolina January 2016 (has links)
The starting point of this study is the crossover phenomenon and how the needs of adult readers of young adult fiction can be met in the library services. To investigate this, the main focus is on how public librarians perceive cross-reading adults, and in what ways literature promotion can facilitate or restrict adults' reading of young adult fiction. Six librarians were interviewed for this study, and the results were analyzed from a theoretical perspective that emphasizes literature promotion as an activity that can affect the perceptions, and actions of the recipients. The librarians express an open attitude to cross-reading in general, which creates favorable conditions for anyone who wishes to read across age boundaries. Furthermore, there are several situations where the librarians sometimes choose to recommend young adult literature to adults, or when fiction for adults and young adults is shelved together. However, the main part of the collection is still organized and shelved based on age categories. The study suggests that when literature is directed at a specific age group, there may be a restricting effect on those who do not fit into that age category, unlike in cases where literature is contextualized based on content. Literature may also be seen as more appropriate for certain age groups by its proximity or distance to other literature departments in the library. One conclusion drawn is that if the boundaries between different age groups are loosened, this may be advantageous for more than one group of library users.

”Tjejen är bibliotekarie” : En metaforanalys av biblioteks och bibliotekariers framställning i skönlitteratur för barn / ”The girl is a librarian” : A metaphor analysis of the description of libraries and librarians in fiction literature for children

Albinsson, Pia, Alsin, Erika January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to examine how libraries and librarians are represented in fiction books for children and to examine the possible implications of these representations. The study is based on an analysis of ten fiction books for children in the 6-12 age group (Hcf-Hcg), and published in Swedish between 2000 and 2016. Metaphor analysis is used as both theory and method, and the empirical material is analysed through close reading. The results are presented in an analytical scheme and model based on quotations from the books. The images of libraries and librarians that emerged in this study fit in well with the stereotypical description of librarians found in previous research. Librarians are depicted as having a special relationship with their beloved books, and are often described as proper, emotional, protective and wicked. The library also corroborates stereotypical descriptions found in previous research as boring and dark places, but also as a safe and an important institution that is likened to the Church. The old stereotype of the silent library is not so prevalent in the sample. These representations can be seen as conserving stereotype images that have little bearing on the progress of the library and the development of the library profession today. The use of metaphors is an important part of the language and impact on how we perceive the outside world. Metaphor use is a major power factor, and is likely to affect how children perceive the library.

Religionslitteraturen och dess låntagare : en studie på två folkbibliotek / Literature on religion and its users : a study at two public libraries

Malm, Veronica January 1996 (has links)
This thesis treats lending figures of literature on religion at libraries in Vårgårda and Lerum.Formulated hypotheses are: The use of literature on religion is higher at the library in Vårgårdathan at the one in Lerum; In Lerum the most literature on religion is used by highly educatedpeople; Ethnic groups and librarians have an influence on the stock.The Christian literature has other patterns than other literature regarding selection criteria,reviews and distribution. The conclusions are: The fact that there are many members ofChurch and Chapel in Vårgårda, does reflect the number of loans of literature on religion in apositive way; Education does not influence, but distance between school and library; Thelibrarians' interest and therefore knowledge regarding religious topics has an impact on theirtreatment of religious books, while ethnic groups do not effect stock and use in either Vårgårdaor Lerum.

Elektroniska böcker på bibliotek : Bibliotekariers och användares syn på elektroniska böcker utifrån intervjuer och samtal / Electronic Books in Libraries : Librarians’ and Users’ Opinions of Electronic Books according to Interviews and Dialogues

Andreasson, Jessica January 2005 (has links)
The purpose of this paper is to describe how librarians andusers think of electronic books in libraries. My questions are:-What are electronic books, and how do they work?-How has electronic books been implemented by librariansin the libraries and on the libraries’ websites?-How do users describe their view of electronic books?-How do the librarians and users think of electronic book inthe future?To be able to answer these questions I have studied relevantliterature, made qualitative interviews with two librarians attwo similar libraries and I had dialogues with several usersElectronic books were introduced 2002 at the two libraries.In the beginning the libraries made different types ofmarketing, but today they only have the website withinformation. Their purpose was to try this out and offer theusers a new media. So far, there are few users who borrowthese books, and maybe it depends on technical conditions.According to the dialogues I had, most of the users have noidea what electronic books are. The advantages of electronicbooks, according to the users, are a fast way to reach a book,it is cheap and you do not have to return the book. Thedrawbacks are a limited choice of books Some of the usersthought they were difficult to use and preferred books withprinted text.However, both librarians and users think that electronicbooks will develop in different ways. / Uppsatsnivå: C

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