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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Protecting biocultural refugia? : Political ecology perspectives on sustainable food production in the context of two Swedish biosphere reserves

Hagberg, Ella January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

The Economic Effects of Community Forest Management in the Maya Biosphere Reserve

Bocci, Corinne Frances 09 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Friluftsliv, plats och landskap : En undersökning via mobilapplikationen ARK56 / Outdoor recreation, place and landscape : A study using the mobile application ARK56

Hallberg, Daniel January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka hur användandet av mobilapplikationen ARK56, har påverkat användarens friluftsliv, platsanknytning och landskapsidentitet i området Blekinge Arkipelag. Projektet ARK56 utvecklades i biosfärområdesarbetet, som ett nätverk av leder för friluftsliv och aktiviteter kopplat till näringslivet i området. Mobilapplikationen ARK56 har en viktig del i detta projekt, och innehåller ett interaktivt kartverktyg baserat på Naturkartan, och filterfunktioner som ger användaren möjlighet att skräddarsy den information som presenteras i mobilapplikationen. Tidigare studier på mobiltelefonanvändning i friluftslivet visar på att tillgängligheten till områden har ökat men att tekniken även kan påverka hur vi uppfattar omvärlden. Även studier på hur anknytning och identitet kan inverka på boendes ställningstagande i frågor rörande plats och landskap i ett biosfärområde visar på vikten av informationsspridning. Då det saknas forskning på hur en mobilapplikation som ARK56 påverkar friluftsliv, platsanknytning och landskapsidentitet, skapades en web-baserad enkätundersökning som skickades ut i mobilapplikationens nyhetsflöde. Denna undersökning riktade sig till användare inom kommunerna i Blekinge Arkipelag där enkätundersökningen innehöll frågor om friluftsliv, platsanknytning och landskapsidentitet kopplat till användandet av mobilapplikationen. Resultatet visar att över åttio procent av användarna har besökt en plats som de tidigare inte varit på, och mer än hälften av de svarande anser att mobilapplikationen ARK56 har bidragit till fler friluftsbesök. Resultatet visar även på en komplex och individuell platsanknytning, och en landskapsidentitet hos användarna som innehåller karaktärer vilka är känsliga för framtida förändringar. / The purpose of the thesis is to investigate how the use of the mobile application ARK56, has affected the user's outdoor recreation, place attachment, and landscape identity in the Blekinge Archipelago area. The ARK56 project was developed in conjunction with the biosphere reserve,  as a network of trails for outdoor recreation and activities linked to the business community in the area. The mobile application ARK56 has an important part in this project and contains an interactive mapping tool based on the Nature Map, and filter functions give the user the opportunity to customize the information presented in the mobile application. Previous studies on mobile phone use in outdoor recreation show that accessibility to areas has increased, but that technology can also affect how we perceive the outside world. Studies on how attachment and identity can affect residents' stance on issues concerning place and landscape in a biosphere reserve also show the importance of disseminating information. As there is a lack of research on how a mobile application such as ARK56 affects outdoor recreation, place attachment, and landscape identity, a web-based survey was created which was sent out in the mobile application's news feed. This survey was aimed at users within the municipalities in Blekinge Archipelago, where the survey included questions about outdoor recreation, place attachment, and landscape identity linked to the use of the mobile application. The results show that over eighty percent of the users have visited a place they have not been to before, and more than half of the respondents believe that the mobile application ARK56 has contributed to more outdoor visits. The results also show a complex and highly individualized place attachment. Further, results also reveal user landscape identity inclusive of place characteristics that are sensitive to future changes.

IN SEARCH OF POWER : The Vindelälven-Juhttátahkka Biosphere Reserve in Sweden under the microscope of the Foucauldian Discourse Analysis

Kamenova Georgieva, Viktoria, Fotopoulou, Chara January 2022 (has links)
The present study focuses on the Vindelälven-Juhttátahkka Biosphere Reserve (BR) in Northern Sweden, which serves as an implementation site of UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB) programme. In response to a series of environmental and social problems identified in the specific locale, the area inhabited by both “Swedish” and “Sami” people, is designed to serve henceforth as a learning site for sustainable development. Taking Michel Foucault’s work on discourse and power as a reference point, in this study we analyze the discourse that permeates life in the specific milieu, to understand how power operates in the BR and look for resistance. Following Foucault’s theorization of discourse, the study has employed Foucauldian Discourse Analysis (F.D.A.) on the empirical material, gathered from official documents and interviews with people in the BR. Our research has concluded that by employing its scientific programme, UNESCO’s discourse has managed to a large extent to construct in this place a reality that does not allow a future to be imagined outside of the context of sustainable development. This study has found its participants to be influenced by UNESCO’s discourse and has constrained them from perceiving present or imagining future realities that do not sustain the power of the Swedish state under the global neoliberal rule. Lastly, our research has illustrated that the participants who have been found to respond to their experiences have also been found to resist the discourse permeating the BR.

Corredores ecológicos na reserva da biosfera do cinturão verde de São Paulo : Possibilidades e Conflitos / Ecological corridors system in São Paulo greenbelt biosphere reserve : conflicts and possibilities

Leite, Julia Rodrigues 12 July 2012 (has links)
Esta tese propõe o desenvolvimento de um sistema de corredores ecológicos para o setor Oeste da Reserva da Biosfera do Cinturão Verde (RBVC), área que foi delimitada seguindo a metodologia e os objetivos do Programa Homem e Biosfera, da UNESCO. A área estudada localiza-se na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo e possui diversos instrumentos legais, bem como algumas unidades de conservação que são de extrema importância para a manutenção dos serviços ambientais e ecológicos na região. Além disso, no entremeio dessa área, considerada como Zona Núcleo pela RBCV, existem fragmentos de vegetação típica de Mata Atlântica em diversos estágios sucessionais, sujeitos a maior fragmentação e perda de habitat, os quais ainda hoje possuem potencial para condução de fluxos ecológicos, tanto para biodiversidade como de recursos hídricos, todos fundamentais à preservação da vida silvestre. O objetivo do trabalho foi então apresentar e discutir os conflitos, as barreiras e oportunidades, avaliados por uma abordagem fundamentada em princípios de ecologia da paisagem e planejamento ecológico, de modo a manter e aumentar os fluxos ecológicos no setor estudado pelas indicações de soluções que possam minimizar os conflitos mais desafiadores. O desenho do sistema de corredores foi fundamentado em avaliações da paisagem natural, feitas por meio de matrizes e diversos mapas temáticos, que indicaram áreas com alta relevância para processos ecológicos e conectividade. A cada escala de avaliação do processo de planejamento, o desenho foi sendo aprimorado. Partiu-se de uma escala regional, até a definição do traçado do eixo principal e de cinco faixas indicativas secundárias que compõem o sistema estudado. Como resultado, foi obtido o traçado do sistema macro de corredores, estabelecendo-se áreas com maior potencial para a condução dos fluxos ecológicos e a definição dos principais conflitos e barreiras para o deslocamento de animais. Por fim, para o eixo principal e suas faixas indicativas secundárias, foi feita uma proposta de implementação dos corredores e sua integração com o tecido urbano, bem como apresentados alguns exemplos de infraestruturas, de maneira a implementar o desempenho dos importantes elos de conectividade que existem na área, podendo, assim, garantir uma maior eficiência da Reserva da Biosfera do Cinturão Verde de São Paulo. / Here is presented a proposal for the development of ecological corridors in the western sector of the São Paulo Metropolitan Region Green Belt Biosphere Reserve (RBCV). This area was delimitated under the methodology and goals of the UNESCO\'s Man and Biosphere Program. This area of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo already have a number of legal instruments and some conservation areas that are of extreme importance for the maintenance of ecological services for the Region. Between them there are fragments of Atlantic Forest in various succession stages, but under stress of further fragmentation and loss of habitats. They are until now providing ecological flows, both for biodiversity and water resources, all fundamental to the wildlife preservation and quality of the human life. This thesis aims to present the ecological corridors system obtained, that leads to discuss the conflicts, barriers and opportunities that could be taken in order to keep and enhance the flows of the ecological system in this track of the RBCV, through a landscape ecology and planning approach, with the indication of the landscape designs that could deal with the most challenging of these conflicts.The system design was based on ecological assessments of the existing landscapes, indicating areas with the more high relevance for ecological processes and connectivity. Assessments were made through the use of matrix and thematic mapping overlays. In this process, we went from the scale of regional planning to a Master Plan of a local development, which originates from the main corridor swath. We got the general layout of corridors that came out from this design process. It indicated areas with the greatest potential for conducting ecological flows, defining the main conflicts and barriers to the movements of animals and finally, allowed the delineation of the possibilities for the corridors implementation and its integration with the urban fabric and the infrastructure network that cross the whole area. The ecological and land-use and landscape information gathered could be preliminarily processed to indicate the most significant natural elements that remains, and the new elements that should be added through landscape planning and design, that could be integrated in order to resolve the barriers and conflicts, that are restraining the performance of the crucial links that can give to the RBCV its needed full implementation.

Les relations entre les sciences environnementales et les politiques dans le Programme MAB de l´UNESCO en Amérique Latine et son adaptation au Mexique, au Chili et en Haïti / The relationship between environmental science and policy-making in UNESCO's MAB Programme in Latin America and its adaptation to Mexico, Chile and Haiti

Hernandez Salinas, Alberto 27 June 2018 (has links)
Les impacts environnementaux sont un défi global. Le programme sur l’Homme et la Biosphère de l’UNESCO (MAB) peut donner un appui international à un de ces défis que l’humanité doit relever : comment arriver à promouvoir un développement économique, social et politique tout en conservant les ressources naturelles limitées dont nous disposons. Cette thèse propose une vision historique du programme afin de comprendre son évolution et de mettre en avant la relation entre les sphères politique et scientifique qui l´ont dirigé. Les cas d´étude du Mexique, du Chili et de la République d´Haïti, mettront en lumière les défis que ces pays doivent relever et la manière dont le Programme a été adapté au niveau national. Deux groupes d´acteurs, scientifiques et instances politiques, ont façonné le programme tout au long de son histoire et maintenu le dialogue pour adapter les principes du Programme MAB dans les Réserves de Biosphère. Par ailleurs, la toute récente création d´une Réserve de Biosphère transfrontalière entre la République d´Haïti et la République Dominicaine est un exemple de la collaboration et du rôle qu´ont joué d´autres instances de l´UNESCO telles que les Commissions Nationales et les Délégations Permanentes. / Environmental challenges have a significant impact. The Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme of UNESCO provides international support to one of the challenges facing humanity; that is how to achieve economic, social and political development and to promote the conservation of limited natural resources at the same time.This thesis takes into account a historical vision of the programme at the global level to understand its evolution and to highlight the relationship between the political and scientific spheres of the programme.On the other hand, it presents three study cases in different countries: Mexico, Chile and the Republic of Haiti to demonstrate how the programme has been adapted on the national level and the challenges they face. Two groups of actors have shaped the programme throughout its history, scientists and political bodies. They have maintained dialogues to adopt the principles of the MAB Programme in the Biosphere Reserves. Moreover, the recent creation of a Transboundary Biosphere Reserve between the Republic of Haiti and the Dominican Republic is an example of collaboration, but also it highlights the importance of other bodies of UNESCO such as the National Commissions and Permanent Delegations in policy-making.

Planering och zonering av friluftsliv och ekoturism: Kristianstad Vattenrike

Mogren, Thomas January 2013 (has links)
I denna studie beskriver jag problemet hur planering och zonering av destinationer för friluftsliv och ekoturism kan göras. Genom att utveckla och analysera teori och resultat abduktivt har analys och slutsats utvecklats med Kristianstad Vattenrike som utvalt studerat område. Kristianstad Vattenrike är ett av Sveriges fem biosfärområden och sträcker sig nästan över hela Kristianstad kommun med en mångfald av olika naturtyper. Som utnämnt biosfärområde ska man bidra till hållbar utveckling och utveckla området utefter ledorden bevara, utveckla och stödja och planera området i kärnområden, buffertzoner och utvecklingsområden. För att uppnå studiens syfte att abduktivt visa i teoretisk och analytisk växelverkan hur man kan planera och zonera en destination för friluftsliv och ekoturism så har jag valt att beskriva hur planering av friluftsliv kan göras, om zonering, om planering för ekoturism och rural turismutveckling. Dessa har utvecklats abduktivt med utvald kvalitativ metod för analys av en destination, Kristianstad Vattenrike, och hur det planeras i praktiken för eventuell zonering av friluftsliv och ekoturism enligt tre intervjuer och skriftliga källor om Kristianstad Vattenrike. I studiens resultat och analys analyseras tre frågeställningar för syftet: 1) Vilka förutsättningar för friluftsupplevelser och ekoturism erbjuder natur, landskap samt infrastruktur i Kristianstad Vattenrike?, 2) Hur planeras det för friluftsliv och ekoturism i Kristianstad Vattenrike? och 3) Varför ska zonering användas som medel för att planera hållbara destinationer för friluftsliv och ekoturism? Här beskrivs vilket brett utbud av naturtyper som erbjuds i ett friluftsliv som hela tiden utvecklas med behov och efterfrågan på området, men också med produktutveckling. Det beskrivs att de använt bl a plan för att utveckla badplatser inom Kristianstad Vattenrike som kan utvecklas generellt för friluftslivet. För ekoturism görs vissa näringslivssatsningar men inget som direkt lyckas inspirera till ett hållbart ansvarstagande för företag, men ett par uthålliga entreprenörer har lyckats med utveckling av säsonger för upplevelse av Vattenriket över året. Zonering som medel för planering av friluftsliv och ekoturism beskrivs och klargörs att det är en eftersatt modell i Sverige för planering av friluftsliv och ekoturism och även så i Kristianstad Vattenrike. Efter granskade resultat och analyser så dras slutsatser med studien att zonering behöver en svensk uttalad definition för att lättare kommuniceras och förstås för implementering som destinationer som Kristianstad Vattenrike skulle dra fördel av vid planering och zonering för friluftsliv och ekoturism.

Heterogeneity of peasant land use decision as an effect of differences financial and personal capitals in the area of Biosphere Reserve Podocarpus - El Cóndor , Ecuador

Maza Rojas, Byron Vinicio 18 November 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Understanding stakeholder perspectives : the case of Mount Arrowsmith Massif Regional Park & the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Reserve

Williams, Robert Edward 25 March 2011 (has links)
Parks and protected areas are crucial for the health of the biosphere and long-term sustainability of the planet. However challenges these areas face include: there are simply not enough of them, the existing ones are often too small and fragmented, and there is not always public support for them. Regional parks are specific types of protected areas that can help contribute to conservation and sustainability. The effectiveness of protected areas for conservation can be enhanced through a variety of strategies such as “biosphere reserves”. This research looks at stakeholder perceptions regarding potential benefits of the Mount Arrowsmith Massif Regional Park and the importance of the Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Reserve Operating Framework. This study has contributed to the larger Protected Areas and Poverty Reduction (PAPR) research initiative as it discusses the flow of costs and benefits from protected areas and alternate forms of protected area governance.

Une pratique sociale à l’épreuve de la conservation de la nature. Incertitudes et controverses environnementales autour de la dégradation de la pêche dans la Réserve de la Biosphère du Delta du Danube. / A social practice face to nature conservation policies : controversies and uncertainties around fish degradation and conservation practices in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve

Mitroi Tisseyre, Veronica 25 February 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse présente les mutations d’une pratique sociale qui repose sur l’interaction directe avec l’environnement – la pêche, dans l’espace du delta du Danube, territoire doté d’une remarquable richesse écologique et engagé, après 1990, dans une double transition socio-économique et écologique qui implique une redéfinition radicale des pratiques d’appropriation des ressources naturelles. Caractérisée par une multiplication des acteurs, des savoirs et des actions, la création d’une Réserve de Biosphère du Delta du Danube met à l’épreuve l’existence même de la pratique de pêche et l’interaction des habitants avec les ressources désormais « naturelles » du delta. A travers une analyse des dispositifs de réglementation des droits de pêche expérimentés dans la Réserve au cours des 20 dernières années, cette thèse présente la dégradation de la pêche comme un espace d'incertitude où les « êtres de la pêche » : acteurs sociaux et poissons, sont redéfinis, expliqués, apprivoisés, mobilisés dans la définition de nouvelles formes d'interaction entre les acteurs sociaux et des ressources naturelles. Dans un contexte de persistance des pratiques de pêche illégales, les indicateurs utilisés dans la formulation des droits de pêche ont une faible capacité à faire évoluer les pratiques. L'approche développée dans cette thèse est clairement confrontée à la manière dominante de penser et de faire dans les politiques de conservation, orientées vers une plus grande rationalisation et la formulation de chaînes logiques entre des indicateurs, des droits et des résultats attendus. Nous montrons les limites de cette approche, qui devrait avoir comme préoccupation première de dépasser la distinction entre « ceux qui savent » et « ceux qui pêchent », en facilitant l’émergence des accords collectifs sur la définition des acteurs, des ressources et de leur état écologique. Nous montrons que dans le monde de la pêche artisanale, la réussite des dispositifs de gestion de la pêche dépend de leur capacité à prendre en considération les savoirs, les pratiques et les capacités critiques des acteurs locaux, développés au cours d’une longue appropriation des ressources. / In the last two decades, different fishing rights systems have been experimented in the Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve fisheries in order to orient natural resources exploitation practices towards the conservation of biodiversity. Overfishing is considered as one of the main threats to conservation in this ecologically fragile area, since 1989, when the communist productivist model was replaced by conservationist policies. Characterized by the multiplication of actors and knowledge production, the creation of the Biosphere Reserve of Danube Delta is challenging the continuity of fishing practices. Based on an analysis of the fishing rights systems experienced in the reserve, this work presents the degradation of fisheries as an area of uncertainty where social actors and fishing resources are redefined, explained, tamed and mobilized in the definition of new forms of ecological interactions between actors and resources. Indicators and proofs of sustainable fisheries are built on the ground, while experimenting different fishing rights systems. In a context of persisting illegal fishing practices and persistent controversies, fishing rights do not legitimate the introduction of more restrictive measures, and have a week capacity of changing practices. The approach developed in this thesis tries to go beyond the classical distinction between knowledge producers and nature users, by considering knowledge production, rights definition and social practices over nature as interconnected elements of the same process of nature appropriation. The perspective developed in this work is clearly confronted to the dominant way of thinking and doing in conservation policies, oriented towards a greater rationalization and the pre-formulation of a logical chain between measures, effects and outcomes. We show the limits of this approach, which should be primarily concerned by overcoming the distinction between "those who know" and "those who fish", facilitating the emergence of collective agreements on the definition of resources and their ecological status. We show that in the world of artisanal fisheries, the success of fisheries management incentives depends on their ability to take into account the diversity of knowledge, practices and critical capacities that local actors developed through resources appropriation practices.

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