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Modelo experimental de estudo da hipertensão intra-abdominal: efeitos sobre o fluxo aórtico e pressão arterial sistêmica / The effect of intra-abdominal pressure over the systemic arterial pressure and the abdominal aorta flow: an experimental assayGomes, Vivian Carla da Silva 06 December 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A pressão intra-abdominal tem demonstrado possuir um importante efeito sobre a homeostase, podendo ser alterada por influência de diversos fatores. A literatura atual mostra que valores de pressão intra-abdominal acima de 200 mmHg podem ser observados mesmo durante fenômenos fisiológicos como a tosse. Relatos de caso recentemente publicados descrevem o colapso total da aorta abdominal decorrente da hipertensão intra-abdominal. Neste estudo, através de simulação, aferiu-se o grau de prejuízo ao fluxo através da aorta abdominal, bem como à pressão arterial sistêmica e pressão de perfusão abdominal durante o aumento progressivo da pressão intra-abdominal. OBJETIVOS: Estimar, através de simulação, como o aumento da pressão intra-abdominal pode influenciar o status hemodinâmico, comprometendo a pressão arterial sistêmica e o fluxo através da aorta abdominal. Averiguar a validade do uso da pressão de perfusão abdominal, na forma como é calculada atualmente, como parâmetro de monitorização hemodinâmica. MÉTODOS: Um sistema circulatório artificial possibilitou a simulação dos efeitos da pressão intra-abdominal sobre o fluxo através da aorta abdominal infrarrenal (representada por um tubo de silicone) bem como sobre a pressão arterial sistêmica. Condutos prostéticos foram colocados dentro do tubo de silicone (Dacron e endoprótese) para simular uma abordagem cirúrgica sobre a aorta. Cinco cenários de experimentação simulando situações clínicas foram definidos no ponto inicial do trabalho: hipotensão grave, hipotensão leve, normotensão, hipertensão leve e hipertensão grave. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados os dados obtidos durante o incremento progressivo da pressão intra-abdominal de 10 a 230 mmHg, considerando três diferentes espécimes (tubo de silicone / tubo de silicone + Dacron / tubo de silicone + endoprótese), cinco cenários de experimentação e sete variáveis (pressões sistólica e diastólica a montante e a jusante, fluxos sistólico e diastólico e pressão de perfusão abdominal). Conforme avaliação estatística através de análise de variância, observou-se que a pressão intra-abdominal tem uma clara influência em todas as variáveis de interesse (p < 0,001), independentemente do cenário de experimentação e do espécime considerado. Utilizando-se o teste de Tukey, na comparação dos espécimes dois a dois, observou-se que a combinação tubo de silicone + endoprótese apresentou a maior resiliência aos efeitos deletérios da pressão intra-abdominal na maior parte dos cenários de experimentação (p = 0,05), para todas as variáveis, exceto para a pressão de perfusão abdominal. A pressão de perfusão abdominal, calculada através da fórmula usada na literatura atual, apresentou as maiores reduções nos experimentos envolvendo o espécime tubo de silicone + endoprótese. CONCLUSÕES: A pressão intra-abdominal tem uma clara influência sobre todas as variáveis de interesse. A fórmula que descreve o cálculo da pressão de perfusão abdominal pode não levar em consideração a relação de dependência que pode existir entre a pressão arterial média e a pressão intra-abdominal / INTRODUCTION: The intra-abdominal pressure has been shown to possess an important effect over homeostasis and might be influenced by numerous conditions. The present medical literature shows that intra-abdominal pressure values above 200 mmHg might be observed, even in physiological phenomena as coughing. Recent case reports describe the collapse of abdominal aorta due to intra-abdominal hypertension. In this study, through simulation, we measured the hazard degree to the flow through infrarenal abdominal aorta as well as to systemic arterial pressure and abdominal perfusion pressure during progressive intra-abdominal pressure increments. OBJECTIVES: To estimate, through simulation, how the intra-abdominal pressure increment would influence the hemodynamic status, compromising the systemic arterial pressure and the flow through abdominal aorta. Evaluate the validity of the abdominal perfusion pressure usage, as it is calculated today, as a reliable parameter in hemodynamic monitoring. METHODS: An artificial circulatory system enabled the simulation of the intra-abdominal pressure effects over the flow through the infrarenal abdominal aorta (represented by a silicone tube) as well as over the systemic arterial pressure. Prosthetic conduits were set inside the silicone tube (Dacron or endoprosthesis) to simulate a surgical approach over the aorta. Five experiment categories simulating clinical scenarios were defined at the study starting point: severe hypotension, slight hypotension, normotension, slight hypertension and severe hypertension. RESULTS: The data obtained along the intra-abdominal pressure increment from 10 up to 230 mmHg were analyzed considering three different specimens (silicone tube / silicone tube + Dacron / silicone tube + endoprosthesis), five experimental scenarios and seven variables of interest (upstream and downstream systolic and diastolic pressures, systolic and diastolic flow and abdominal perfusion pressure). Statistical evaluation through variance analysis showed that the intraabdominal pressure has a clear influence in all variables of interest (p < 0,001), independently of the experimental scenario or the specimen considered. The Tukey test, in the comparison of the specimens two by two, showed that the combination silicone tube + endoprosthesis had the greatest resilience to the deleterious intra-abdominal pressure effect in most part of the experimental scenarios (p = 0,05) over all the interest variables, with exception to the abdominal perfusion pressure. The abdominal perfusion pressure, calculated by the formula used in the medical literature, presented the most significant decrement along the silicone tube + endoprosthesis experiments. CONCLUSIONS: The intra-abdominal pressure has a clear influence in all variables of interest. The formula which describes the abdominal perfusion pressure calculation might not consider the dependency relationship that might exist between mean arterial pressure and the intra-abdominal pressure
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Sobrecarga e restrição de sal na dieta durante a gestação em ratas Wistar: efeitos sobre o sistema renina-angiotensina, função renal, resistência à insulina e pressão arterial / Dietary salt overload or restriction during gestation in Wistar rats: effects on the renin-angiotensin system, renal function, insulin resistance and blood pressureLeandro, Sandra Márcia 22 November 2006 (has links)
Diversos estudos epidemiológicos têm relacionado doenças na vida adulta, como diabetes tipo-2 e hipertensão, e ambiente inadequado durante a vida fetal. Fatores distintos relacionados aos hábitos alimentares, como ingestão de sal na dieta, podem ter impacto importante no período perinatal. Recentemente, demonstramos que dieta hipossódica (HO) durante a gestação está associada com baixo peso ao nascimento e alterações na vida adulta. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito da dieta HO e hipersódica (HR) durante gestação em ratas. Ratas Wistar foram alimentadas com dieta HO, dieta normossódica ou HR desde a 8ª semana e foram acasaladas com 12 semanas de idade. Estes animais foram estudados na terceira semana de gestação e um grupo adicional de ratas virgens foi estudado como controle para o efeito da gestação. O peso da placenta e o do feto e o fluxo sangüíneo uterino foram menores e a resistência vascular periférica foi maior no grupo HO. Maior peroxidação lipídica e expressão gênica do receptor AT1 na placenta foram observadas no grupo HR. Em conclusão, peso do feto, peso da placenta e fluxo sangüíneo uterino são influenciados pelo consumo de sal durante a gestação. / Many epidemiological studies have linked diseases in adulthood, such as type-2 diabetes and hypertension, to adverse intrauterine environment during fetal life. Distinct factors related to dietary habits, such as salt intake, may have a major impact on the perinatal period. Recently, we have demonstrated that low-salt diet (LSD) during pregnancy is associated with low birth weight and diseases during adulthood. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of LSD and high-salt diet (HSD) during pregnancy in rats. Female Wistar rats were fed with LSD, normal-salt diet or HSD since 8 weeks of age and matted with 12 weeks of age. These animals were studied at the third week of gestation and one additional group of virgin rats was evaluated as a control for the gestation effect. Placenta and fetus weight and uterine blood flow were lower and peripheral vascular resistance was higher in the LSD group. In the placenta from HSD rats, higher lipid peroxidation and AT1 receptor mRNA were observed. In conclusion, fetal weight, placenta weight and uterine blood flow are influenced by the degree of salt consumption during pregnancy.
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Transplante hepático large-for-size porcino com modulação do fluxo venoso portal: estudo hemodinâmico, histológico e biomolecular / Large-for-size liver transplantation in pigs with modulation of portal venous flow: a hemodynamic, histological and biomolecular studMoreira, Daniel de Albuquerque Rangel 26 January 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O tamanho ideal do fígado varia entre 0,8% a 4% do peso do receptor (graft to body weight ratio - GBWR). Em crianças com menos de 10 kg submetidas a transplante hepático com doador vivo encontramos frequentemente uma situação denominada large-for-size, que ocorre ao se implantar um enxerto com peso maior que 4% do peso corpóreo do receptor. A lesão de isquemia/reperfusão (LIR) é uma resposta inflamatória mediada pelas células de Kupffer, principais responsáveis pela liberação de espécies reativas de oxigênio no parênquima hepático. Além disso, a célula de Kupffer libera citocinas pró-inflamatórias como TNF-alfa, IL-1 e IL-6 que recrutam polimorfonucleares sistêmicos e linfócitos T-CD4+ perpetuando a lesão mesmo após o fluxo sanguíneo estar restabelecido. O hipofluxo portal pode piorar a LIR na situação large-for-size. Desta forma, um shunt mesentérico-cava tentando direcionar o fluxo para a veia porta poderia ser benéfico nesta situação. MÉTODOS: Dezesseis porcos LandraceLargewhite pesando entre 17 - 38 kg foram submetidos a transplante de fígado. Foram distribuídos em três grupos: controle (CTRL), large-for-size (LFS) e shunt (SHUNT). Foi aferido o fluxo venoso portal, arterial hepático e colhido material para estudo histológico e biomolecular uma hora após a reperfusão. A relação entre o fluxo venoso portal do receptor para o fluxo venoso portal doador (rFVP) foi utilizada para se correlacionar com a gravidade da isquemia/reperfusão. Foram realizadas biópsias uma hora após o transplante para microscopia óptica e TUNEL além de quantificar a expressão dos genes da iNOS, eNOS, IL-6, BAX e BCL, c-fos/c-jun, ICAM e TNF-?. RESULTADOS: O GBWR foi maior nos grupos LFS e SHUNT (3,45 vs. 5,06 e 6,03; p=0,009). Quando comparamos isoladamente receptores e doadores por grupo houve diferença no fluxo portal somente nos grupos LFS (890 ± 203 mL / min vs. 458 ± 119 mL / min, p=0.0034) e SHUNT (1003 ± 5,3 mL/min vs. 495 ± 277 mL/min; p=0,0031). A rFVP foi próxima de 1 no grupo CTRL e significativamente maior que nos grupos LFS e SHUNT (p=0,03). O fluxo arterial hepático foi significativamente menor no grupo SHUNT (62,16 ± 31 mL / min) quando comparado com grupo CTRL (140.4 ± 53.88 mL / min) e LFS (142 ± 55.41 mL / min), p=0,02. A IL-6 e BAX foram menos expressas no grupo CTRL (p=0,05 e p=0,002). Houve uma relação linear entre a expressão dos genes BAX, TNF-alfa e eNOS com a rFVP (p=0,02; p=0,02 e p=0,009 respectivamente). Na avaliação histológica observou-se índice de isquemia e reperfusão semelhante entre os grupos CTRL e SHUNT mas menor em relação ao LFS, 3, 3,5 e 7 respectivamente (p=0,04). CONCLUSÕES: O transplante large-for-size acarreta hipofluxo portal relativo, e isto pode estar relacionado a um maior dano hepatocitário com acentuação da lesão de isquemia-reperfusão. A presença de um shunt entre a veia cava inferior e a veia mesentérica superior não conseguiu aumentar o influxo de sangue para o fígado de maneira persistente e pode estar implicado na diminuição do fluxo arterial hepático. No entanto, o aumento temporário do influxo portal pode estar relacionado a atenuação de algumas características da LIR no transplante large-for-size / INTRODUCTION: The optimum size of the liver graft for transplantation varies between 0.8% and 4% of the weight of the recipient (graft to body weight ratio - GBWR). In children with less than 10 kg who undergo liver transplantation with living donor a disorder called large-for-size (LFS) often occurs, when a graft weighing more than 4% of body weight of the recipient is implanted. Ischemia / reperfusion injury (IRI) is an inflammatory response mediated by Kupffer cells, mainly responsible for the release of reactive oxygen species in the liver parenchyma. In addition, Kupffer cells releases proinflammatory cytokines such as TNF-alfa, IL-1 and IL-6 that recruit systemic polymorphonuclear cells and T-CD4 + perpetuating this injury even after the blood flow is restored. Low portal flow may worsen IRI in LFS situation. So, a mesocaval shunt directing the flow to portal vein should be beneficial in this condition. METHODS: Sixteen Landrace/Largewhite pigs weighing approximately 20 kg (17-38 kg) underwent liver transplantation. They were divided into three groups: control (CTRL), large-for-size (LFS) and shunt (SHUNT). Portal venous flow was measured and liver and blood collected for histological and biomolecular study one hour after reperfusion. The relationship between the portal venous flow from the recipient to the donor portal venous flow (rFVP) was used to establish correlations with the parameters of ischemia and reperfusion. Biopsies were performed one hour after transplant to assess ischemia/reperfusion injury, TUNEL and quantify the following genes expression: iNOS, eNOS, IL-6, BAX and BCL c-fos / c-jun, ICAM, and TNF-alfa. RESULTS: GBWR was higher in groups LFS and SHUNT than CTRL (3.45 vs. 5.06 and 6.03; p=0.009). When compared separately by group recipients and donors difference in portal flow was observed only in LFS groups (890 ± 203 mL / min vs. 458 ± 119 mL / min, p=0.0034) and SHUNT (1003 ± 5.3 mL / min vs. 495 ± 277 mL / min, p=0.0031). rFVP was close to 1 in the CTRL group and significantly higher than the LFS and SHUNT groups (p= 0.03). Hepatic artery blood flow was significantly lower in SHUNT group (62.16 ± 31 mL / min) compared with CTRL group (140.4 ± 53.88 mL / min) and LFS (142 ± 55.41 mL / min), p= 0.02. IL-6 and BAX were expressed less in the CTRL group (p=0.05 and p=0.002). There was a linear relationship between the BAX, TNF-alfa and eNOS with rFVP (p=0.02, p=0.02 and p=0.009 respectively). Histological evaluation showed similar ischemia-reperfusion index between CTRL and SHUNT groups but lower values in compare to LFS group, 3, 3.5 and 7 respectively (p=0.04). CONCLUSIONS: The largefor-size liver transplantation leads to a relative low portal venous flow and this can be related to greater hepatocyte damage with accentuation of ischemia-reperfusion injury. The presence of a shunt between the inferior vena cava and the superior mesenteric vein could not increase the inflow of blood to the liver persistently and may be implicated in decreased hepatic artery blood flow. However, the temporary increase in portal inflow may be related to mitigation of some characteristics of IRI in large-for-size liver transplantation
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Estudo comparativo do fluxo da artéria torácica interna utilizada \"in situ\" na revascularização miocárdica, com e sem a ligadura dos ramos proximais, utilizando a ecocardiografia Doppler / Comparative study of the internal thoracic artery flow used \"in situ\" for myocardial revascularization, with and without ligation of its proximal branches using Doppler echocardiographyAbreu, José Sebastião de 19 May 2015 (has links)
Fundamento: A artéria torácica interna (ATI) \"in situ\" apresenta predomínio de fluxo sistólico, mas após sua anastomose no sistema coronariano esquerdo torna-se um sistema híbrido com predomínio de fluxo diastólico, sendo a relevância da patência ou não dos grandes ramos proximais da ATI anastomosada controversa quanto à possibilidade de roubo de fluxo. Porém, constata-se que durante o ecocardiograma sob estresse com dobutamina (EED), o estado funcional da ATI anastomosada pode ser avaliado através da reserva coronariana, além da verificação dos distintos efeitos no fluxo sistólico (FS), diastólico (FD) e total (FT = sistólico + diastólico). Objetivo: Verificar por meio da ecocardiografia e Doppler o efeito dos ramos proximais importantes da ATI no fluxo, na reserva de velocidade (RVFC) e de fluxo (RFC) coronariano, em pacientes com fração de ejeção do ventrículo esquerdo (FEVE) preservada (> 50%). Métodos: Em ensaio clínico prospectivo controlado e randomizado, foram avaliados pacientes com (Grupo I) e sem (Grupo II), a ligadura dos ramos proximais importantes da ATI anastomosada na coronária descendente anterior. As avaliações das ATIs em nível supraclavicular e os ecocardiogramas transtorácicos foram realizados no pré-operatório, no pós-operatório precoce, seis meses após a cirurgia em condição basal e durante o EED. Neste, foi alcançada a frequência cardíaca submáxima [(220 - idade) x (0,85)] sem a ocorrência de isquemia no território subjacente à ATI anastomosada em todos os pacientes. Foram medidos o FS, o FD, o FT e o percentual de FD, nos quatro momentos do estudo. O percentual de FD resultou da divisão da integral da velocidade diastólica do fluxo pela integral da velocidade total (sistólica + diastólica) do fluxo. A reserva coronariana foi obtida através do Doppler da ATI anastomosada seis meses após a cirurgia, sendo calculada através da razão entre o valor da variável registrado no EED e em condição basal, utilizando-se para as RVFCs o pico e a média de velocidade diastólica, e para a RFC o FT. As distribuições das variáveis contínuas foram comparadas através do Teste t Student, quando as variáveis eram aproximadamente normais, ou através do Teste da Soma dos Postos de Wilcoxon (Mann-Whitney), quando as variáveis não eram aproximadamente normais. Proporções foram comparadas através do teste exato de Fisher. O valor-p < 0,05 entre os grupos foi considerado estatisticamente significativo. Resultados: O Grupo I (25 pacientes) e o Grupo II (28 pacientes) não foram diferentes quanto às características clínicas e ecocardiográficas, constatando-se a FEVE preservada em todos os casos. O FD não diferiu entre os grupos nos quatro momentos do estudo. Entretanto, verificou-se durante o EED que o FS (19,5 ± 9,3 ml/min vs. 32,7 ± 19,4 ml/min; p < 0,05) e o FT (79,1 ± 21,4 ml/min vs. 101,1 ± 47,4 ml/min; p < 0,05) foram maiores no Grupo II. Contudo, o percentual de FD foi maior no Grupo I (76,4 ± 12,7% vs. 68,9 ± 10%; p < 0,05) durante o EED, em virtude de o Grupo I apresentar menos componente sistólico. O percentual de FD < 50% ocorreu em todos os casos no pré - operatório, em cinco casos no pós - operatório precoce e em dez casos em condição basal seis meses após a cirurgia. Todavia, durante o EED, todos os casos apresentaram o percentual de FD > 50%, sendo este percentual de 100% em cinco casos (quatro no Grupo I). Os grupos não apresentaram diferença entre as RFCs (1,9 ± 0,46 vs. 2,11 ± 0,56; p = 0,143) ou as RVFCs calculadas com o pico (2,17 ± 0,64 vs.2,28 ± 0,63; p = 0,537) e com a média (2,27 ± 0,54 vs.2,50 ± 0,79; p= 0,232) da velocidade diastólica. Conclusão: Concluímos que o adequado estado funcional da ATI anastomosada independe da presença ou ausência dos importantes ramos proximais. Assim, a ligadura dos ramos não determina aumento do fluxo sistólico, diastólico ou total através deste enxerto, e o predomínio diastólico é mais evidente sob a condição estresse. O aumento dos fluxos sistólico e total indicam para a adaptação do fluxo através desta artéria para suprir a ambas, circulação coronariana e não coronariana, nos pacientes que não têm esses ramos ligados durante a cirurgia. Estes achados apontam para o entendimento de que a hipótese do roubo de fluxo pelos ramos não ligados é improvável / Background: The internal thoracic artery (ITA) \"in situ\" has systolic flow predominance, but when grafted to the left coronary artery system, the ITA becomes a hybrid system with diastolic flow predominance. The relevance of the patency or not-patency of the large proximal branches of the ITA graft is controversial in regards to the possibility of flow steal. During dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE), the functional status of the ITA graft can be assessed by the coronary reserve in addition to assessment of the distinct effects of DSE on systolic (SF), diastolic (DF), and total flow (TF = systolic + diastolic). Objective: To assess, by Doppler echocardiography, the effects of the significant proximal branches of ITA graft in the flow, coronary flow velocity reserve (CFVR) and coronary flow reserve (CFR), in patients with preserved (> 50%) left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF). Methods: In a prospective randomized controlled clinical trial we evaluate patients with (Group I) and without (Group II) ligation of important proximal branches of the ITA grafted to the anterior descending coronary artery. Supraclavicular assessment of the ITAs and transthoracic echocardiograms were performed, at rest and during DSE, on pre-operative, early and six months post-operative. In all patients, the submaximal heart rate [(220 - age) x (0.85)] was achieved during DSE with no ischemia to the area matching the ITA graft. The SF, DF, TF and percentage of DF were measured in the four moments of this study. The percentage of DF was calculated by the ratio of the integral of the diastolic flow velocity by the integral of the total flow velocity (systolic + diastolic). The coronary reserve was assessed at six months post-operative, and it was calculated by the ratio of the variable during DSE and at rest, using the maximum and the mean of the diastolic flow velocity to calculate the CFVR; and the TF to calculate the CFR. Student\'s t-tests or Wilcoxon\'s rank sum test (Mann-Whitney) were used to examine differences between the groups in normally distributed or not-normally-distributed continuous variables, respectively. Fisher exact test was used to examine the difference in proportions. A p value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Group I (25 patients) and Group II (28 patients) were not different regarding to clinical and echocardiographic characteristics, with preservation of the LVEF in all cases. The DF was not different between the groups in the four moments of this study. However, during the DSE, the SF (19.5 ± 9.3 ml/min vs. 32.7 ± 19.4 ml/min, p < 0.05) and TF (79.1 ± 21.4 ml/min vs. 101 1 ± 47.4 ml/min; p < 0.05) were higher in Group II. On the other hand, during the DSE, the percentage of DF was higher in Group I (76.4 ± 12.7% vs. 68.9 ± 10%; p < 0.05), due to its lower systolic component. The percentage of DF < 50% occurred in all cases in the pre-operative, in five cases in the early post-operative and in ten cases, at rest, six months postoperatively. However, during the DSE, all cases showed the percentage of DF > 50%, furthermore five cases (four in Group I) had the percentage of DF of 100%. There was no difference between the groups in regards to CFR (1.9 ± 0.46 vs. 2.11 ± 0.56; p = 0.143), or CFVR calculated using the maximum (2.17 ± 0.64 vs. 2.28 ± 0.63; p = 0.537) and the mean (2.27 ± 0.54 vs. 2.50 ± 0.79; p = 0.232) of the diastolic velocity. Conclusion: The appropriate functional status of the ITA graft does not depend on the ligation or preservation of important proximal ITA branches. Thus, ligation of ITA branches does not determine increase in systolic, diastolic or total flow through the ITA graft, and its diastolic predominance is more evident under stress. The increase in the systolic and total flow indicates an adaptation of the flow through the ITA graft to supply both coronary and non-coronary systems, in those patients that don\'t have the branches ligated during surgery. These findings point towards the hypothesis that the flow steal by unligated branches is unlikely.
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Efeito da restrição do fluxo sanguíneo durante o intervalo de repouso entre as séries do treinamento de força sobre o estresse metabólico, a ativação muscular e os ganhos de força e de massa muscular / Effect of blood flow restriction during the rest nterval between sets of resistance training on metabolic stress, muscle activation and strength and muscle mass gainsTeixeira, Emerson Luiz 22 March 2017 (has links)
O objetivo desse estudo foi investigar, no treinamento de força (TF) de alta intensidade, o efeito da aplicação da restrição do fluxo sanguíneo (RFS) durante os intervalos de descanso entre as séries (RFS-I), durante as contrações musculares (RFS-C), ou sem a RFS (TF-AI) em comparação à aplicação da RFS de maneira contínua no TF de baixa intensidade (RFS-S), sobre o torque isométrico máximo (TIM), a força dinâmica máxima (1RM), a área de secção transversa do quadríceps femoral (ASTQ), a concentração de lactato sanguíneo [La] e a amplitude do sinal eletromiográfico (RMS). Quarenta e nove voluntários do sexo masculino, com idade entre 18 e 35 anos, participaram de oito semanas de TF com uma frequência de duas sessões semanais. Foi utilizada a extensão unilateral de joelho nas seguintes condições: RFS-I (3 x 8 repetições, 70% 1RM), RFS-C (3 x 8 repetições, 70% 1RM), TF-AI (3 x 8 repetições, 70% 1RM) e RFS-S (3 x 15 repetições, 20% 1RM). Os resultados demonstraram ganhos similares de TIM entre as condições RFS-I (7,8%); RFS-C (6,5%); TF-AI (6,3%) e RFS-S (7,3%). Já no teste de 1RM, apesar da ausência de diferenças estatísticas, maiores tamanhos de efeito foram observados para as condições de alta intensidade RFS-I (12,8%; TE=0,69); RFS-C (11,5%; TE=0,58) e TF-AI (12,2%; TE=0,52) em comparação a de baixa intensidade RFS-S (6,4%; TE=0,25). Não houve diferença significante no aumento da ASTQ entre as condições RFS-I (7,7%); RFS-C (7,0%); TF-AI (7,3%) e RFS-S (6,1%). O valor pico obtido na [La] foi maior na primeira sessão para RFS-I (4,0 mmol.L-1) comparado à RFS-C (2,7 mmol.L-1); TF-AI (3,4 mmol.L-1) e RFS-S (3,5 mmol.L-1). Na última sessão, esse aumento foi superior para RFS-I (4,8 mmol.L-1) quando comparado à primeira sessão e às condições RFS-C (3,0 mmol.L-1); TF-AI (3,1 mmol.L-1) e RFS-S (3,4 mmol.L-1). A alteração na RMS (média entre as séries) foi similar entre as condições de alta intensidade na primeira sessão RFS-I (145,3%); RFS-C (150,3%) e TF-AI (154,5%) e maiores que a RFS-S (106,7%). Na última sessão, RFS-I (140,7%); RFS-C (154%) e TF-AI (157,4%) foram novamente similares entre si e maiores que RFS-S (97,3%). A RMS na primeira sessão diminuiu da primeira para terceira série (18,9%) na condição RFS-I, sem alterações na última sessão. Por último, apenas a condição RFS-S aumentou a RMS da primeira para a última série, na primeira (18,9%) e última sessão (29,8%) de treino. Em conclusão, embora os ganhos de força isométrica e dinâmica tenham sido similares entre as condições, a força dinâmica aumentou em maior magnitude para as condições de alta intensidade, possivelmente pelos maiores níveis de ativação muscular. Contudo, apesar da RFS-I promover maior estresse metabólico, isso não gerou efeitos adicionais sobre a ativação muscular e os ganhos de massa muscular. Uma provável explicação é que em condições com elevado estresse mecânico o aumento do estresse metabólico não causa efeitos adicionais aos já obtidos pela própria intensidade do treinamento de força / The aim of this study was to investigate, in high intensity resistance training (RT), the effect of blood flow restriction (BFR) applied during rest intervals (BFR-I), during muscle contractions (BFR-C) or without BFR (HI-RT), compared to BFR applied continuously in low-intensity RT (BFR-S), on maximum isometric torque (MIT), maximum dynamic strength (1RM), quadriceps cross-sectional area (QCSA), blood lactate concentration [La] and amplitude of the surface EMG signal (RMS). Forty nine men, age 18-35 years, trained twice per week for a period of eight weeks. They performed unilateral knee extension exercise in the following conditions: BFR-I (3 x 8 repetitions, 70% 1RM), BFR-C (3 x 8 repetitions, 70% 1RM), HI-RT (3 x 8 repetitions, 70% 1RM), and BFR-S (3 x 15 repetitions, 20% 1RM). The results demonstrated similar increases in MIT among all conditions: BFR-I (7.8%), BFR-C (6.5%), HI-RT (6.3%), and BFR-S (7.3%). Despite the lack of statistical differences among groups in the 1RM test, higher effect sizes (ES) were observed for BFR-I (12.8%, ES=0.69), BFR-C (11.5%, ES=0.58), and HI-RT (12.2%, ES=0.69) compared to BFR-S (6.4%, ES=0.25). No significant differences were observed in post-training QCSA among conditions [BFR-I (7.7%), BFR-C (7.0%), HI-RT (7.3%) and BFR-S (6.1%)]. Peak [La] was higher in the first training session for BFR-I (4.0 mmol.L-1) compared to BFR-C (2.7 mmol.L-1), HI-RT (3.4 mmol.L-1), and BFR-S (3.5 mmol.L-1). In the last training session, this increase was higher for BFR-I (4.8 mmol.L-1) when compared to the first session and the BFR-C (3.0 mmol.L-1), HI-RT (3.1 mmol.L-1), and BFR-S (3.4 mmol.L-1). Changes in RMS (average between sets) were similar between highintensity conditions in the first session BFR-I (145.3%), BFR-C (150.3%), and HI-RT (154.5%) and greater than BFR-S (106.7%). In the last session, BFR-I (140.7%), BFR-C (154%), and HI-RT (157.4%) presented similar changes in RMS but greater than RFS-S (97.3%). The RMS decreased from the first to the third set (18.9%) for BFR-I first session, with no change in the last session. Finally, only BFR-S condition increased the RMS from the first to the last set, in the first (18.9%) and last training sessions (29.8%). In conclusion, although isometric and dynamic strength gains were similar between all conditions, dynamic strength increased in greater magnitude for high intensity conditions, possibly due to higher levels of muscle activation. However, in spite of BFR-I promoting greater metabolic stress, this did not result in any additional muscle activation effects and muscle mass gains. One possible explanation is that in conditions with high mechanical stress the increase in metabolic stress do not cause additional effects to those already obtained by the intensity of the strength training itself
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De l'imagerie tissu entier à la modélisation in silico du réseau vasculaire du tissu adipeux / From full tissue imaging to in silico modelisation of adipose tissue vascular networkDichamp, Jules 02 July 2018 (has links)
Le tissu adipeux est traditionnellement décrit comme étant constitué de lobules : des entités de formes ovoïdales composées de cellules et de vaisseaux et faiblement connectées entre elles.Récemment, il a été montré qu’un potentiel métabolique spécifique (le browning) co-localise avec cette organisation en lobules au sein d’un même tissu. Dans ce travail de thèse, nous nous intéressons à décrire plus précisément l’organisation structurelle et fonctionnelle du tissu adipeux selon plusieurs aspects. Dans un premier temps, on s’attache à segmenter les lobules du tissu adipeux en utilisant une méthode de traitement d’image originale. Nous mettons en évidence une organisation 3D complexe et suivant plusieurs échelles. En particulier, il semble que le potentiel de browning soit également lié à une organisation structurelle particulière en clusters de lobules. Dans un second temps, à partir d’imagerie 3D, nous reconstruisons le réseau vasculaire entier du tissu adipeux et réalisons une simulation d’écoulements sanguins micro-vasculaires. Plusieurs hétérogénéités structurelles et fonctionnelles sont alors mises en valeurs à l’aide d’une analyse en communautés qui composent le tissu adipeux (par algorithme de clustering). Ces résultats confirment l’existence d’une zone centrale fortement vascularisée et qui se démarque également comme étant le lieu d’une perfusion sanguine d’intensité différente. Dans une dernière partie, nous abordons la question de transferts thermiques entre vaisseaux sanguins suivant des géométries simples mais pertinentes. Nous réalisons une étude systématique des paramètres adimensionnels clés du problème et mettons en évidence un invariant des échanges de chaleur : un optimum à faible nombre de Péclet (convection de même ordre que la diffusion). Nous introduisons également une méthode de calibration de paramètres effectifs dans le contexte des modèles homogénéisés de température à travers des tissus vascularisés. / Adipose tissue is traditionally described as consisting of lobules: ovoid-shaped entities composed of cells and vessels and weakly connected to each other. Recently, it has been shown that a specific metabolic potential (browning) colocalize with this organization in lobules within the same tissue. In this thesis work, we are interested in describing more precisely the structural and functional organization of adipose tissue from several aspects. We first perform a segmentation of adipose tissue lobules using an original image processing method. We highlight a complex 3D organization and relevant on several scales. In particular, it seems that browning potential is also linked to a particular structural organisation in clusters of lobules. In a second step, using 3D imaging, we reconstruct the entire vascular network of adipose tissue and simulate micro-vascular blood flow. Several structural and functional heterogeneities are then highlighted using an analysis in communities among adipose tissue (by clustering algorithm). These results confirm the existence of a highly vascularized central area that also stands out as the site of a more marked blood perfusion. In a last part, we approach the question of heat transfers between blood vessels following simple but relevant geometries. We carry out a systematic study of the key dimensionless parameters of the problem and highlight an invariant of heat exchanges: an optimum at low Péclet number (convection of the same order as diffusion). We also introduce a method of calibrating effective parameters in the context of homogenized temperature models across vascularized tissues.
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Development of a canine flow probe model to investigate aspects of cardiac monitors and vasopressor therapies that can not be tested clinically. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collectionJanuary 2004 (has links)
Peng Zhiyong. / "December 2004." / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 146-175) / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese.
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Flow mediated dilatation in Chinese type 2 diabetic patients with nephropathy. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collectionJanuary 2006 (has links)
Background. Diabetes mellitus is a complex metabolic disorder characterized by clustering of multiple cardiovascular risk factors. Diabetic albuminuria is associated with increased prevalence of both micro-vascular and macro-vascular complications. This thesis examined vascular function (Flow-mediated dilatation, FMD) in type 2 diabetic patients with particular emphasis on its relationships with nephropathy. Independent predictors for FMD in Chinese population using data from both diabetic and non-diabetic subjects as well as the predictive value of FMD on clinical endpoints and death in type 2 diabetic patients with nephropathy were examined. / Conclusions. In Chinese subjects with or without type 2 diabetes, hyperglycaemia, hypertriglyceridemia, smoking and albuminuria were independent predictors for FMD. Type 2 diabetic subjects with overt nephropathy had impaired endothelium-dependent and endothelium-independent dilatation, suggesting vascular dysfunction beyond the endothelium. In agreement with studies from Caucasians, smoking was the most important determinant for vascular dysfunction in Chinese type 2 diabetic patients with overt nephropathy. Furthermore, FMD was predictive of new onset of cardiovascular events and related death in Chinese type 2 diabetic patients with overt nephropathy. / In diabetic patients with overt nephropathy, smoking (current and ex-smokers), waist hip ratio (WHR) and serum creatinine were independent predictors for impaired FMD. The latter was predictive of advancement of IMT and was an independent predictor for new onset of combined cardiovascular diseases and related death after a follow up period of 42 months (log rank test=6.04, p=0.014 using Cox regression analysis) after controlling for all confounding factors. In addition, fasting total cholesterol and plasma glucose were predictive for all-cause mortality while serum creatinine predicted new onset of renal endpoint. In a subgroup analysis in diabetic patients with overt nephropathy, smokers who developed CVD or ESRD had greater diminution of FMD than those who did not develop clinical endpoints. / Methods and results. FMD was assessed using high-resolution ultrasound scan. In the cross-sectional study, the sample population was divided into four groups according to the presence or absence of type 2 diabetes and level of albuminuria. They included the non-diabetic group (N=52), diabetic group with normoalbuminuria (N=18), diabetic group with microalbuminuria (N=18) and diabetic group with overt nephropathy defined as macroalbuminuria and renal insufficiency (N=22). Compared to non-diabetic subjects, type 2 diabetic subjects with nephropathy had impaired FMD (4.54% +/- 2.25 vs. 2.50% +/- 2.31, p<0.05) and impaired GTN-dependent dilatation (GTND) (14.30% +/- 3.77 vs. 12.70% +/- 4.70, p<0.05). They also had reduced endothelium-dependent dilatation to endothelium-independent dilatation ratio when compared to non-diabetic subjects (0.19 +/- 0.17 vs. 0.32 +/- 0.15, p<0.05). These findings suggest that the impaired vascular dilatation was due to dysfunction of both endothelium and vascular smooth muscle cells. In the entire cohort, fasting plasma glucose, fasting triglyceride, smoking and albuminuria were independent predictors for FMD. / Lai Wai Keung Christopher. / "February 2006." / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 67-11, Section: B, page: 6298. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2006. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 202-252). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / School code: 1307.
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Physiological responses to brain tissue hypoxia and blood flow after acute brain injuryFlynn, Liam Martin Clint January 2018 (has links)
This thesis explores physiological changes occurring after acute brain injury. The first two chapters focus on traumatic brain injury (TBI), a significant cause of disability and death worldwide. I discuss the evidence behind current management of secondary brain injury with emphasis on partial brain oxygen tension (PbtO2) and intracranial pressure (ICP). The second chapter describes a subgroup analysis of the effect of hypothermia on ICP and PbtO2 in 17 patients enrolled to the Eurotherm3235 trial. There was a mean decrease in ICP of 4.1 mmHg (n=9, p < 0.02) and a mean decrease in PbtO2 (7.8 ± 3.1 mmHg (p < 0.05)) in the hypothermia group that was not present in controls. The findings support previous studies in demonstrating a decrease in ICP with hypothermia. Decreased PbtO2 could partially explain worse outcomes seen in the hypothermia group in the Eurotherm3235 trial. Further analysis of PbtO2 and ICP guided treatment is needed. The third chapter focuses on delayed cerebral ischaemia (DCI) after aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage (aSAH), another form of acute brain injury that causes significant morbidity and mortality. I include a background of alpha-calcitonin gene-related peptide (αCGRP), a potential treatment of DCI, along with results from a systematic review and meta-analysis of nine experimental models investigating αCGRP. The meta-analysis demonstrates a 40.8 ± 8.2% increase in cerebral vessel diameter in those animals treated with αCGRP compared with controls (p < 0.0005, 95% CI 23.7 to 57.9). Neurobehavioural scores were reported in four publications and showed a Physiological responses to brain tissue hypoxia and blood flow after acute brain injury standardised mean difference of 1.31 in favour of αCGRP (CI -0.49 to 3.12). I conclude that αCGRP reduces cerebral vessel narrowing seen after SAH in animal studies but note that there is insufficient evidence to determine its effect on functional outcomes. A review of previous trials of αCGRP administration in humans is included, in addition to an original retrospective analysis of CSF concentrations of αCGRP in humans. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of CSF (n = 22) was unable to detect αCGRP in any sample, which contrasts with previous studies and was likely secondary to study methodology. Finally, I summarise by discussing a protocol I designed for a dose-toxicity study involving the intraventricular administration of αCGRP to patients with aSAH and provide some recommendations for future research. This protocol was based upon the systematic review and was submitted to the Medical Research Council's DPFS funding stream during the PhD.
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Avaliação da hemodinâmica cerebral através da técnica de ultrassonografia Doppler e suas correlações com as variações da pressão intracraniana em um modelo animal de hipertensão intracraniana / Evaluation of cerebral hemodynamics using the Doppler ultrasonography technique and its correlations with variations of intracranial pressure in an animal model of intracranial hypertensionSoares, Matheus Schmidt 28 March 2018 (has links)
Introdução: O aumento da pressão intracraniana (PIC) é um problema comum na prática neurocirúrgica, e a monitoração invasiva deste parâmetro faz parte da rotina de unidades de terapia intensiva. O Doppler transcraniano vem sendo testado na avaliação da hemodinâmica cerebral como parâmetro de avaliação não invasiva da PIC, porém há controvérsias na literatura sobre seu real benefício e utilidade nesta situação. Este estudo objetivou correlacionar os dados de avaliação do fluxo sanguíneo cerebral através da técnica de Doppler com as variações da monitoração invasiva da PIC na fase aguda de hipertensão intracraniana em um modelo animal. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo experimental realizado em suínos. O experimento constou de dois grupos de animais (A e B) com hipertensão intracraniana gerada por insuflação com soro fisiológico de um balão no parênquima cerebral, sendo o grupo A com 4 mL e o grupo B com 7 mL. Nos dois grupos houve uma intervenção clínica com infusão de solução salina a 3% e uma simulação de intervenção cirúrgica (desinsuflação do balão). Em todos os momentos de insuflação do balão e das intervenções foram registrados os valores dos monitores de PIC e do Doppler: velocidades sistólica (VS), diastólica (VD), média (VM) do fluxo sanguíneo cerebral e índice de pulsatilidade (IP). Foram realizadas comparações do comportamento dos parâmetros avaliados pela ultrassonografia Doppler craniana (VS, VD, VM e IP) em relação às variações da PIC intraparenquimatosa. Resultados: Foram estudados 20 suínos sendo 10 no grupo A e 10 no grupo B. Um animal do grupo B foi excluído do estudo, pois foi a óbito antes do término do experimento. Após a insuflação do balão, como era de se esperar, a PIC no grupo B foi superior à do grupo A em todos os momentos, até a desinsuflação do mesmo. Realizada a correlação de Spearman observou-se correlação significativa entre IP e PIC, principalmente logo após insuflação do balão, ou seja, na elevação abrupta da PIC. Não houve correlação entre a PIC e os parâmetros VS, VD e VM. Também não houve variação significativa da PIC após infusão endovenosa de solução salina hipertônica. Conclusão: Este resultado demonstra o potencial do IP como bom parâmetro de avaliação de pacientes com suspeita de elevação hiperaguda e recente da PIC. Não se conseguiu demonstrar os mesmos resultados de correlação entre a PIC e as demais variáveis VS, VD e VM. Diante destes achados, adicionados aos dados conflitantes da literatura disponível até o momento, não se recomenda, por enquanto, a utilização desses parâmetros isoladamente como substitutos da monitoração invasiva da PIC, evidenciando a necessidade de mais estudos clínicos e experimentais / Introduction: Increased intracranial pressure (ICP) is a common problem in neurosurgical practice. Invasive monitoring of ICP in these cases is part of the intensive care unit routine. Transcranial Doppler has been tested in the evaluation of cerebral hemodynamics as a non-invasive evaluation of ICP, but there are controversies in the literature about its real benefit and usefulness in this situation. Thus, this study aimed to correlate the data of cerebral blood flow assessment using the Doppler technique and the invasive monitoring of ICP in the acute phase of intracranial hypertension in an animal model. Methods: This is an experimental study in pigs. During the experiment, an intracerebral expansive mass with an inflatable balloon was simulated. The experiment consisted of two groups (A and B) of animals with intracranial hypertension generated by a ballon inflation inside the cerebral parenchima, group A with 4 mL and group B with 7 mL. In both groups there was a clinical intervention with infusion of 3% saline solution and a simulation of surgical intervention (balloon drain out). The values of ICP and Doppler parameters (systolic (FVs), diastolic (FVd), and mean (FVm) cerebral blood flow velocities) were collected at all moments of balloon inflation and interventions, as well as the pulsatility index (PI). Comparisons of the behavior of the parameters evaluated by Doppler ultrasound (FVs, FVd, FVm and PI) were performed in relation to intraparenchymal ICP. Results: Twenty pigs were studied, 10 in group A and 10 in group B. One pig died in group B and it was excluded. After balloon inflation, as expected, ICP in group B was higher than in group A at all times, until the ballon was empty again. Significant correlation between PI and ICP was obtained when Spearman correlation was performed, mainly shortly after balloon inflation, that is, in the abrupt elevation of ICP. There was no correlation between ICP and FVs, FVd or FVm. There was also no significant change in ICP after intravenous infusion of hypertonic saline solution. Conclusion: These results demonstrate the potential of PI as a good parameter for the evaluation of patients with suspected ICP elevation. It was not possible to demonstrate the same correlation results between the ICP and FVs, FVd or FVm. Due to these results and also to the literature conflicting data to date, the use of these parameters alone as substitutes for the invasive monitoring of ICP is not recommended until now, which shows the need for further clinical and experimental studies
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