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Un utile e stabile occupazione : Le origini della professione di maestra nella Lombardia della RestaurazioneTATULLI, NATALIA 21 March 2012 (has links)
Per soddisfare la domanda educativa per le ragazze dei ceti più agiati il governo napoleonico diede corso oltre all’apertura dei noti collegi Reali ad un sistema di case d’educazione private ispirate al modello delle maisons d’éducation con convitto diffuse in Francia, già a partire dagli ultimi decenni del Settecento, e dirette da donne laiche. In Lombardia, con il ritorno degli Asburgo, questo modello formativo per fanciulle si consolidò e conquistò una fetta sempre più ampia del mercato educativo. Inoltre accanto a questi istituti videro una enorme crescita le scuole private giornaliere per fanciulle dirette da maestre laiche, le quali si diffusero a partire dall’entrata in vigore del Regolamento per le scuole elementari del 1818 parallelamente al lento affermarsi dell’istruzione pubblica femminile. L’elevato numero di donne coinvolte in questa attività (più di 2200 dal 1818 al 1848) e l’obbligo di sostenere degli esami e seguire un iter formativo standardizzato sia per l’insegnamento privato che per l’insegnamento pubblico, dimostrano come la figura della maestra, selezionata attraverso un esame e un percorso formativo ad hoc non comparve in Italia a partire dall’Unità, ma, in particolare nel Regno Lombardo-Veneto, fosse già ampiamente diffusa e socialmente e pubblicamente riconosciuta a partire dagli anni Venti dell’Ottocento. / The rise of women as teaching professionals in Restoration Lombardy. In order to satisfy the large number of application requests from girls of the wealthiest classes, the Napoleonic government started, besides the well known Real colleges, a system of boarding school directed by laywomen, inspired by the model of the maisons d’éducation boarding schools which were already popular in France since the last decades of the 18th century. With the return of the Asburgos family in Lombardy ,those institutes increased as well as daily private schools for young girl directed by layteachers. As those private schools became popular pretty fast, the affirmation of the feminine public teaching was very slow. The big amount of women committed in this activity (more than 2200 from 1818 to 1848), the compulsoriness of examinations and to follow a standardized formative iter,shows how the role of the teacher,selected by exams and by a specific formative training, didn't start in Italy with the unification ,but -especially in the Kingdom of Lombardy–Venetia -was already diffused and recognized both socially and publicly from the first decades of 18th century.
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The Role Of Self-esteem, Hope And External Factors In Predicting The Resilience Among Regional Boarding Elemantary School StudentsKaya, Nisa Gokden 01 April 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This syudy aims to find out the role of self-esteem, hope and external factors in predicting resilience of students in Regional Boarding Elemantary Schools. The sample was 391 students in 6. 7. and 8. grades of Regional Boarding Elemantary Schools in Ankara. A demographic data form developed by the researcher, California Resilience and Youth Developmant Module (CDE, WestEd, 2001 / Gizir, 2004), Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (Ç / uhadaroglu, 1985 / Rosenberg, 1965), and Children' / s Hope Scale (Kemer & / Atik, 2006 / Synder et al., 1997) were used to collect data.
Multiple regression analysis for the total sample results revealed that predictor variables explained 69% of the total variance. According to results Hope, and some external assets (Home Caring Relationships, High Expectations, and Meaningful Participation, Community Caring Relationships and High Expectations / School and Community Meaningful Participation / Peer Caring Relationships and High Expectations) were important predictors of resilience. However, Self-esteem and two external assets (School Caring Relationships and High Expectations / and School Connectedness) did not contribute to internal assets of resilience scores. Furthermore, findings showed differences between boys and girls in terms of the predictor variables of resilience. Regression analysis indicated that the model with eight predictors explained 69% of the total variance among females and %70 for males. On the other hand, male students possesed five protective factors predicting resilience, whereas females had three.
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The relationship between perceived parents’ parenting style and socioeconomic status among gifted students living in a residential academy in a midwestern stateStrong, Elizabeth A. 29 June 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between gifted students’ perceived parents’ parenting styles living in a residential academy and socioeconomic status. It was also the purpose to investigate if a relationship exists between students’ perceived parents’ parenting styles and their gender. Parenting style was measured by a validated 60-question Parenting Style Questionnaire. The findings were unlike previous research and suggest that residential gifted students may perceive their parents’ parenting styles more negatively than average ability students. Participants did not perceive their parents’ parenting styles differently among socioeconomic status (SES) which is unlike previous research which uses socioeconomic status as a predictor of parenting style among non-gifted students (Pinderhughes, Bates, Dodge, Pettit, & Zelli, 2000) . Statistically significant differences were also found between gifted students’ perceptions of their mothers and fathers. It is the intention of this study to use the results as a starting point for others to investigate residential gifted students and dedicate more studies to gifted research. / Department of Family and Consumer Sciences
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Projekt rozvoje podniku v oboru ubytovacích služeb. / The development of business accommodation facilities.KONRÁD, Radim January 2008 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is project of developing accommodation. The main subject is private family business (pension) in spa town called Třeboň located in South Bohemia. In the beginning of this thesis are decribed typological kind of customers, principal and strategy. In the second part are analyzed both outdoor and internal environment of Třeboň. On the basis of this reserch is SWOT analyse comleted. Conclusion of this research are suggestions to attract new customers for Pension Markéta off season on travel packets and mainly decrease energetical demands on maintainance Pension in cold winter season (from October till April).
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Kansanopistopedagogiikka kolmessa kristillisessä kansanopistossaTuomisto, T. (Timo) 04 December 2018 (has links)
Danish Nikolai Grundtvig (1783–1872) is considered the founder of the folk high school movement. He wanted Danish young people to have a school where they could be taught knowledge and skills needed in life. Based on the results of my study, Grundtvig’s pedagogical principles, such as school for life, living word and interaction, still have a relevant role in folk high schools. The aim of this study was to evaluate the implementation of folk high school pedagogics in the Jämsä, Reisjärvi and Ranua Christian Folk High Schools. The survey was done to obtain information for the development of these schools. The focus was on teachers’ and students’ views of the schools as educational institutions and boarding schools.
The goals listed by the teachers were regarded as indicative of what they considered important in folk high school pedagogics. Their goals highlighted life skill guidance, their own pedagogic skills as well as instruction and ways to develop it. The life skill goals included support to students’ intellectual growth, personal values and identification of their personal strengths. The goals pertaining to pedagogic skills focused on the development and maintenance of teacherhood. The goals for instruction and its development included the need to inspire students’ interest in school subjects and the development of folk high school pedagogics. The majority of teachers felt that they had been able to accomplish their goals well and hence to work in line with the principles of folk high school pedagogics. The listed weaknesses included scarcity of special student support, occasional absences from class and heterogeneous student groups.
For the students, the year spent in a folk high school meant that they developed new friendships, their values deepened, and they acquired cognitive and practical abilities. They said they felt more confident about the future, and their view of the world widened in the international environment. The students’ social and language skills as well as their self-confidence also seemed to improve. They considered the boarding school environment and the leisure activities a significant part their overall pedagogic experience. The things they listed as obstacles to learning and studying included occasional restlessness in the dorms and being tired in the morning. / Tiivistelmä
Kansanopistoliikkeen perustajana pidetään tanskalaista Nikolai Grundtvigia (1783–1872). Hän halusi perustaa maansa nuorille koulun, jossa heille opetettaisiin elämässä tarvittavia tietoja ja taitoja. Tutkimukseni tulosten pohjalta Grundtvigin pedagogisilla periaatteilla, kuten koulu elämää varten, elävä sana ja vuorovaikutus, on kansanopistoissa yhä merkityksensä. Tutkimuksessani on kyse kansanopistopedagogiikan arvioinnista Jämsän, Ranuan ja Reisjärven kristillisissä kansanopistoissa. Arvioinnin tarkoituksena oli saada opistojen kehittämistyötä varten tietoa siitä, miten opettajat ja opiskelijat kokivat kyseiset kansanopistot oppilaitoksina ja internaatteina.
Opettajien tavoitteiden katsottiin heijastavan sitä, mitä he pitivät tärkeänä myös kansanopistopedagogiikassa. Tavoitteissa korostuivat kasvatus ja oma ammattitaito sekä opetus ja sen kehittäminen. Kasvatuksellisissa tavoitteissa nähtiin merkityksellisiksi opiskelijoiden henkisen kasvun tukeminen, arvokasvatus ja omien vahvuuksien tunnistaminen. Omaa ammattitaitoa koskevissa tavoitteissa pidettiin tärkeinä opettajuuden kehittämistä ja ylläpitoa. Opetuksen ja sen kehittämisen tavoitteissa tähdennettiin kiinnostuksen herättämistä omaan oppiaineeseen ja kansanopistopedagogiikan kehittämiseen. Suurin osa opettajista katsoi, että heidän tärkeät tavoitteensa olivat toteutuneet hyvin. Opetusta heikensivät aika ajoin opiskelijoiden erityistuen riittämättömyys, ajoittaiset poissaolot oppitunneilta ja heterogeeniset opetusryhmät.
Opiskelijoille opistovuosi merkitsi ystävien ja kavereiden saamista, arvojen syventymistä sekä tiedollisten ja taidollisten asioiden oppimista. Opiskelijoiden mukaan heidän luottamuksensa tulevaisuuteen vahvistui ja maailmankuvansa kansainvälisessä ympäristössä avartui. Vaikuttaa siltä, että opiskelijoiden sosiaaliset taidot ja kielitaidot vahvistuivat samoin kuin heidän itseluottamuksensa. Opiskelijat pitivät opiston internaattiluonnetta merkittävänä liittäen siihen myös vapaa-ajan. Opiskelun esteiksi opiskelijat mainitsivat asuntoloiden ajoittaisen levottomuuden ja aamväsymyksen.
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Dimensão Psicossocial: percepções dos médicos de uma instituição escola de Salvador.Tourinho, Gilka Freitas January 2007 (has links)
p. 1-184 / Submitted by Santiago Fabio (fabio.ssantiago@hotmail.com) on 2013-04-25T20:05:10Z
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Previous issue date: 2007 / As diversas concepções de saúde e doença estão envolvidas em dualismos como o do Corpo X Mente e o de Indivíduo X Sociedade. No entanto, a saúde e a doença integram corpo,mente, emoção, espírito e relações sociais suscitando uma abordagem integral ou biopsicossocial, que no caso, estamos sugerindo contribuições da psicologia analítica de Jung diante da concepção holística do sujeito. A dimensão psicossocial envolve questões psicológicas, sócio-afetivas e sócio-econômicas, além das questões culturais e espirituais. Esta dimensão deve ser assimilada no atendimento médico que visa esta abordagem biopsicossocial, estimulando a participação do sujeito numa prática de acolhimento, onde são reforçados a escuta, o diálogo e a narrativa da experiência e significados, envolvendo a família e a comunidade, figurando num contexto propiciador da ação educativa dialógica. O PSF situa-se na proposta de reorientação do modelo assistencial que figura no princípio da integralidade, onde estimula-se a atenção integral ou biopsicossocial, além do incentivo de aspectos preventivos aliados aos curativos, atendimento interdisciplinar e intersetorial. O presente estudo teve como objetivo a compreensão da percepção de 10 médicos professores de uma instituição-escola nos moldes do PSF sobre a dimensão psicossocial. Nesta proposta realizou-se análise do discurso das entrevistas coletadas seguindo a hipótese de que não há uma sistematização e integração de conceitos do que seja esta dimensão nem criação de um roteiro claro e conciso para melhor orientação dos alunos nesta investigação psicossocial que foi incluída na anamnese do atendimento local. Para tanto, além das entrevistas foram observados prontuários preenchidos pelos alunos. A importância da localização da história da doença na história de vida do paciente, contextualizando sua queixa e considerando seu ponto de vista sobre a enfermidade em questão despontam nesta abordagem biopsicossocial, a qual necessita de uma melhora na atual relação médico-paciente, a fim de poder se criar melhores condições para realização desta investigação psicossocial. Acredita-se na importância de uma melhor formação médica para estímulo desta integração biopsicossocial no atendimento que inclui a sistematização da dimensão psicossocial para inclusão na anamnese e assimilação desta dimensão na condução da consulta, além de maior oferta de atendimentos psicológicos para encaminhamentos no sistema de referência (inclusive da atenção básica) e a presença do psicólogo na equipe para trabalho interdisciplinar dentro do PSF, inclusive no caso desta instituição, para complementaridade da consulta de abordagem biopsicossocial. / Salvador
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Formação feminina no Internato de Bor (1933-2011) na Guiné-Bissau: reflexos na educação da sociedade guineense contemporâneaCÁ, Cristina Mandau Ocuni January 2015 (has links)
CÁ, Cristina Mandau Ocuni. Formação feminina no Internato de Bor (1933-2011) na Guiné-Bissau: reflexos na educação da sociedade guineense contemporânea. 2015. 293f. – Tese (Doutorado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza (CE), 2015. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2015-12-02T16:57:22Z
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Previous issue date: 2015 / This research deals with the female training offered in Internship Bor in Guinea-Bissau in the period 1933-2011, and its effects on contemporâea Guinean society. Has support in the theoretical debate established in the field of the history of education and comparative education, the studies of Antonio Nóvoa and Maria Juraci Maia Cavalcante, who understand educational institutions as part of larger societies process that puts outstanding ideas and models of education, especially, in situations involving colonial relations between different nations and cultural traditions. Uses documentary, historiographical, iconographic and oral sources to reconstruct the trajectory of the Internship Bor, between the period of Portuguese colonization and independence of Guinea-Bissau. Reveals that: 1) the educational institution studied entegrou a Catholic mission run by the Franciscan order in Portuguese Guinea in order to promote the indigenous assinalização; 2) the administrative structure, internal selection process, the daily routine of the internship, the training model offered to needy children, the reason for its creation and the social background of children and adolescents recebidadas; 3) the change of name and internship organization set a timeline that holds havidas change policies between the colonial period, the war of Indepedencia and construction of the new Guinean society; 4) cultural differences between the missionary project of the colonial period and morradores of rural areas, through accounts of educational process and memories of women in relation to polygamous marriage; 5) conflicts arising from different cultural codes implemented by the Portuguese colonization in confrontation in contemporary Guinea-Bissau, in relation to marriage and the use of the Portuguese language, which allow us to understand the existing dilemmas in the social field and wider educational. / Esta pesquisa trata da formação feminina oferecida no Internato de Bor, na Guiné-Bissau, no período de 1933 a 2011, e dos seus reflexos na sociedade guineense contemporânea. Tem apoio no debate teórico estabelecido no campo da história da educação e da educação comparada, através dos estudos de António Nóvoa e Maria Juraci Maia Cavalcante, que entendem instituições escolares, como movidas por processos sociais maiores que colocam em circulação ideias e modelos de educação, especialmente, em situações que envolvem relações coloniais entre diferentes nações e tradições culturais. Utiliza fontes documentais, historiográficas, iconográficas e orais para reconstituir a trajetória do Internato de Bor, entre o período da colonização portuguesa e a independência da Guiné-Bissau. Apresenta como resultados, os seguintes aspectos a destacar: 1) a instituição escolar estudada integrou uma missão católica dirigida pela ordem franciscana na Guiné portuguesa, com a finalidade de promover a assimilação do indígena; 2) a estrutura administrativa, processo de seleção dos internos, a rotina diário do Internato, o modelo de formação oferecido à infância desvalida, o motivo da sua criação e a origem social das crianças e adolescentes recebidadas; 3) a mudança de nome e organização do Internato, configurado numa cronologia que comporta mudanças políticas havidas, entre o período colonial, a guerra da independência e a construção da nova sociedade guineense; 4) as diferenças culturais existentes, entre o projeto missionário do período colonial e os moradores das zonas rurais, por meio de relatos sobre processo educacionais e memórias de mulheres em relação ao casamento poligâmico; 5) conflitos advindos de códigos culturais distintos implantados pela colonização portuguesa em confronto na Guiné-Bissau contemporânea, em relação ao casamento e o uso da língua portuguesa. Esse conjunto articulado de achados permite lançar luzes para se entender os dilemas hoje existentes, no campo social, político e educacional mais amplo da sociedade guineense.
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The Earth Memory Compass: Diné Educational Experiences in the Twentieth CenturyJanuary 2016 (has links)
abstract: This dissertation explores how historical changes in education shaped Diné collective identity and community by examining the interconnections between Navajo students, their people, and Diné Bikéyah (Navajo lands). Farina King investigates the ongoing influence of various schools as colonial institutions among the Navajo from the 1930s to 1990 in the southwestern United States. The question that guides this research is how institutional schools, whether far, near, or on the reservation, affected Navajo students’ sense of home and relationships with their Indigenous community during the twentieth century.
The study relies on a Diné historical framework that centers on a Navajo mapping of the world and earth memory compass. The four directions of their sacred mountains orient the Diné towards hózhǫ́, the ideal of society, a desirable state of being that most translate as beauty, harmony, or happiness. Their sacred mountains mark Diné Bikéyah and provide an earth memory compass in Navajo life journeys that direct them from East, to South, to West, and to North. These four directions and the symbols associated with them guide this overarching narrative of Navajo educational experiences from the beginning of Diné learning in their home communities, to the adolescent stages of their institutionalized schooling, to the recent maturity of hybrid Navajo-American educational systems. After addressing the Diné ancestral teachings of the East, King focuses on the student experiences of interwar Crownpoint Boarding School to the South, the postwar Tuba City Boarding School and Leupp Boarding School to the West, and self-determination in Monument Valley to the North.
This study primarily analyzes oral histories and cultural historical methodologies to feature Diné perspectives, which reveal how the land and the mountains serve as focal points of Navajo worldviews. The land defines Diné identity, although many Navajos have adapted to different life pathways. Therefore, land, environment, and nature constituted integral parts and embeddedness of Diné knowledge and epistemology that external educational systems, such as federal schools, failed to overcome in the twentieth century. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation History 2016
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Leyda Régis: reminiscências de formação intelectual e atuação profissional em SergipeAlmeida, Marlaine Lopes de 08 May 2009 (has links)
The present study it has as objective to investigate, through a biographical study, the trajectory of teaching formation and professional performance of the sergipana intellectual Leyda Régis (1904 -1999). The metodological theoretical referencial is endorsed arrives in port in it of Cultural History. The concepts and analytical categories of Ginzburg, Le Goff, Roger Chartier, Elias, Pierre Bourdieu, Sirinelli, Dominique Julia, and literatures that turn on practical of the pertaining to school culture, formation and teaching performance, had lead the systematization, the aiming and development of this research. The trajectory of the teacher Leyda Régis helps to understand it us, through its formation and performance in the educational scene, the representations of the History of the Education, professionalization, field of work and social action in century XX. / O presente estudo tem como objetivo investigar, através de um estudo biográfico, a trajetória de formação docente e atuação profissional da intelectual sergipana Leyda Régis (1904 -1999). O referencial teórico metodológico está respaldado no aporte da História Cultural. Os conceitos e categorias analíticas de Ginzburg, Le Goff, Roger Chartier, Elias, Pierre Bourdieu, Sirinelli, Dominique Julia, e literaturas que versam sobre práticas da cultura escolar, formação e atuação docente, conduziram a sistematização, o direcionamento e desenvolvimento desta pesquisa. A trajetória da professora Leyda Régis ajuda-nos a compreender, através da sua formação e atuação no cenário educacional, as representações da História da Educação, profissionalização, campo de trabalho e ação social no século XX.
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Efektivita primární prevence v prostředí kolejní školy / Effectivity of primary prevence in the enviroment of a boarding schoolHaspeklová, Elen January 2015 (has links)
This master's project on the topic of "Effectiveness of primary prevention in the environment of a boarding school" offers a glimpse of some irregularities of primary prevention and their causality relation with their respective environments. The theoretical part of the project considers the characteristics and views on the area of pathological issues; it is also extended by the problem of bullying, the area of prevention, and especially primary prevention. The empirical part is composed out of two parts. In the first part a group of students from Sekunda performs sociometry; afterwards, the group completes a primary prevention programme for three years, and then a control sociometry is completed. The second part includes another group of students from Sekunda undergoing the same process as the first group of students; however, the primary prevention programme is based on valid information not only from the environment of school, but also from the dormitories. The summary will offer view on the problem of primary prevention on boarding school and all its possible applications.
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