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Structural racism and Indigenous health:a critical reflection of Canada and FinlandJuutilainen, S. A. (Sandra Alexis) 09 May 2017 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to broaden understanding of structural racism by examining the relationships between Indigenous peoples and nation-states in the context of education and how this affects Indigenous lives. This thesis delves into understanding both the theoretical and methodological contributions that more critical analyses can have on: the role of de-colonial approaches to Indigenous health research methodologies so that the most urgent health inequities are addressed through more rigorous and Indigenous specific research processes; and to improve our understanding of the complex interactions that historical and contemporary legacies of residential schools and boarding schools have on the health and well-being of Indigenous populations in Canada and Finland.
The research design was a qualitative multiple case study informed by a public health critical race praxis. The study was completed in two phases; consisting of a literature study using content analysis of Indigenous research ethics protocols and policies, in Canada and the Nordic countries; and, three case studies developed from open ended questions from structured interview research comparing discriminatory experiences and its impact on self-perceived health with participants from Six Nations of the Grand River, Canada (n = 25) and the Sámi in Inari, Finland (n = 20); and their family members. The case studies were analyzed using both Western and Indigenous methodologies.
Results of Phase one shows how Indigenous resistance to colonial structures within academia in Canada and Finland has resulted in dialogical processes to create an ethical space for working between the differing worldviews of academia and Indigenous communities with the aim to produce ethically valid knowledge. Phase two results shows that regardless of contextual differences of the experiences in Canada and Finland, the main parallel outcomes are similar, i.e. the teachings of shame received in these educational environments. This produces both vulnerabilities and resiliencies and the negative effects of shame require an ongoing healing journey for both individuals and their families and communities at large.
Conclusion: For a more in depth understanding of structural racism and its influence on Indigenous health, investigations require methodological choices by both Western and Indigenous methodologies. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimuksen päämääränä on tuottaa tietoa rakenteellisesta syrjinnästä. Tämä tapahtuu tutkimalla alkuperäiskansojen ja kansallisvaltioiden välisiä suhteita koulujärjestelmissä sekä sitä, miten rakenteellinen syrjintä vaikuttaa alkuperäiskansojen jäsenten elämään. Tutkimuksen kriittinen analyysi tuottaa dekoloniaalisia lähestymistapoja terveystutkimuksen menetelmiin, jolloin tärkeimmät terveyserot paljastuvat alkuperäiskansalähtöisten tutkimusprosessien kautta. Tutkimus pyrkii lisäämään ymmärrystä siitä, millaisia väliaikaisia sekä nykypäivään asti ulottuvia vaikutuksia sisäoppilaitoksilla ja kouluasuntoloilla on ollut Kanadan ja Suomen alkuperäiskansojen jäsenten terveyteen ja hyvinvointiin.
Väitöskirjan tutkimusasetelma on laadullinen monitapaustutkimus, jossa sovelletaan Critical Health Praxis (PHCR) -menetelmän viitekehystä. Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä osassa vertaillaan laadullisen sisällönanalyysin avulla Kanadan ja Pohjoismaiden alkuperäiskansojen tutkimuseettisiä käytäntöjä ja menettelytapoja. Toisessa osassa on kolme tapaustutkimusta, jotka perustuvat strukturoidun kyselytutkimuksen avovastausten syrjintäkokemuksiin ja niiden vaikutuksiin itsekoettuun terveyteen Kanadan ensimmäisten kansojen jäsenillä (Six Nations of the Grand River, n = 25) sekä Suomen saamelaisilla (Inarin kunta, n = 20). Tapaustutkimuksissa sovelletaan alkuperäiskansalähtöisiä ja länsimaisia tutkimusmenetelmiä.
Tulokset osoittavat, että alkuperäiskansojen vastustus kolonialistisia akateemisia rakenteita kohtaan Suomessa ja Kanadassa on synnyttänyt dialogisia prosesseja, joiden avulla voidaan luoda eettistä tilaa tiede- ja alkuperäiskansayhteisöjen maailmankuvien yhteensovittamiseksi ja eettisesti hyväksyttävän tiedon tuottamiseksi. Toisen vaiheen tulokset osoittavat, että vaikka Kanadan sisäoppilaitosten ja Suomen kouluasuntoloiden yhteiskunnalliset lähtökohdat ja käytännön toteutustavat eroavat toisistaan, lopputulos on samansuuntainen: kouluympäristön aiheuttama häpeä, joka tuottaa sekä haavoittuvuutta että resilienssiä. Kielteisten kokemusten työstäminen vaatii pitkää, parantavaa prosessia, joka koskee niin yksilöitä, perheitä kuin yhteisöjäkin. Johtopäätöksenä todetaan, että tarvitaan sekä länsimaisia että alkuperäiskansalähtöisiä tutkimusmenetelmiä, jos halutaan ymmärtää syvällisesti rakenteellista syrjintää ja sen vaikutuksia alkuperäiskansojen terveyteen ja hyvinvointiin.
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Da medicina ao magistério : Aspectos da trajetória de João Cardoso Nascimento JúniorSilveira, Jussara Maria Viana 18 April 2008 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The objective of this work is reconstructing historically the trajectory of the doctor and professor João Cardoso Nascimento Júnior, taking as an important historic time the period of 1945 to 1983. Even opting to delimit a space of time, I initiated the Biographical Boarding without abandoning the linear chronology and finished for telling the history of life of this intellectual from his birth to his death. Even though being from Sergipe, he became to be a collaborator of the education, acting as a building agent of the intellectuality in Sergipe, João Cardoso Nascimento Júnior was present in diverse fields in the area of the health and the Education, as Puerile Science doctor of the Children National Department; university professor of the School of Social Service and the Faculty of Medicine; first Director of the Federal University of Sergipe, among others legacies. The referential selected for the study becomes related to the History of the Education and to the Cultural History. Among the categories of analyses established by Chartier, I worked the appropriation and representation; the concepts of field and capital of Bourdieu, and memory of Jacques Le Goff. By constructing this
trajectory, I drew innumerable ways up, I transformed discontinuous vestiges into History, in the history of life of João Cardoso Nascimento Júnior, who throughout his trajectory contributed to build the education in Sergipe. / Este trabalho tem por objetivo reconstruir historicamente a trajetória do médico e professor João Cardoso Nascimento Júnior, tomando como marco temporal o período de 1945 a 1983. Mesmo optando por delimitar um espaço de tempo, iniciei a Abordagem Biográfica sem abandonar a cronologia linear e acabei por narrar à história de vida desse intelectual do seu nascimento até a sua morte. Mesmo não sendo sergipano, tornou-se um colaborador da educação, atuando como agente construtor da intelectualidade em Sergipe, João Cardoso Nascimento Júnior esteve presente em diversos campos na área da saúde e da Educação, como médico Puericultor do Departamento Nacional da Criança; professor catedrático da Escola de Serviço Social e da Faculdade de Medicina; primeiro Reitor da Universidade Federal de Sergipe, entre outros legados. O referencial selecionado para o
estudo relaciona-se à História da Educação e à História Cultural. Entre as categorias de análises estabelecidas por Chartier, trabalhei a apropriação e representação; os conceitos de campo e capital de Bourdieu, e memória de Jacques Le Goff. Ao construir essa trajetória, trilhei inúmeros caminhos, transformei vestígios descontínuos em História, na história de vida de João Cardoso Nascimento Júnior, que ao longo da sua trajetória contribuiu para edificar a educação em Sergipe.
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Objekt občanské vybavenosti / The facilitiesJůza, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to prepare the project documentation for operational building design documentation of a pension with restauration. I it an object with three above-ground floors and one underground floor. The structural construction system of the building is mixed. The technical report and the drawing documentation is a part of the thesis.
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Novostavba penzionu ve Velkých Karlovicích / Newly-built of boarding house in Velke KarloviceSedláček, Radek January 2020 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is a design of new building boarding house with attic flat in Velké Karlovice. House has eight flats and house is designed for temporary accommodation, the capacity is maximum 20 guests. The object is situated on a large and almost a flat land at parcel no. 3640/1. Pension is detached building. The main entrance and arrival is oriented in the northern part of the building. Plan dimensions of the house are 9,5×15 m and 10×15 m. Vertical constructions are made of ceramic bricks of Porotherm, ceiling construction is designed using technology of Spiroll. Stairs construction is a precast element. The building is roofed by saddle roof with purlins.
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Nová metodika testování na lince / New testing method on production lineZuhla, Michal January 2011 (has links)
This Diploma thesis is aimed at testing centre at the assembly line for boarding steps and ramps for rail vehicles. This project describes various activities and issues associated with the testing of these products. The project also evaluates current testing processes and proposes optimal future state and recommends solutions necessary to achieve this. A new design of a testing centre is also developed.
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Passenger waiting strategies on railway platforms - Effects of information and platform facilities - : Case study Sweden and JapanPettersson, Pierre January 2011 (has links)
Abstract The Swedish railway has during many years received low customer satisfaction scores. Reasons for this are reliability, service and information concerns. The focus of this master thesis lies on the railway platform. The platform is an important part to the factors above as its information and facilities, which constitute a part of the service before the trip, could contribute in causing delays and reliability issues. This study investigates the behaviour of passengers on railway platforms and the effect that information, seats and entrances along the platform has on that behaviour. The goal is to find advantages and disadvantages and propose improvements in a Swedish setting. Platforms and trains that have been studied are in Stockholm, Sweden and Tokyo, Japan. Platform distributions and individual behaviour on the platforms are recorded with three different and relatively easy methods. Results of the Swedish study show aggregate trends where passengers tend to cluster around entrances and seats. Many Swedish passengers do not believe themselves to have enough information to know where their car will stop. These passengers do mostly not know that information exist and on average stand much further away from their closest door, when the train arrives, compared to passengers that believe themselves to know where their car will stop along the platform. The results of the Japanese study show that almost all passengers stand close to their door. From the findings in not only this, but also other studies, four aggregate properties in order to get better railway platforms are finally presented. These properties are reliability, clarity and availability of information and good location of seats and other facilities. Suggestions for tangible improvements for the Swedish railway platforms are finally given. Among these improvements are new information screens and standardized information and stopping position of trains.
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Penzion / Boarding HouseJachan, Radek January 2022 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the design of a new boarding house in Vyškov. The building is designed as a detached house. The land on which the building is designed is located in the southern part of Vyškov on Brněnská Street. The proposed building has 1 underground floor and 3 above-ground floors. The first floor has an L-shaped floor plan with the dimensions of the longest sides 43x28.9 m. The other two floors are different shapes. In the basement there is a technical background of the building and storage space. The other two floors are used for accommodation and have a total of 13 room units. On the second floor there is also an operating office. The construction system of the building is transversely brick. The perimeter of the building is made of ground Porotherm brick blocks, insulated with the ETICS contact thermal insulation system. The ceiling structures are designed as reinforced concrete monolithic ceiling slabs. The roof of the building consists of 3 different flat roofs. The roof cladding above the first floor is designed as a walkable terrace with a tread layer of concrete paving on rectifying pads. The roof above the second floor is designed as a vegetation and the roof above the third floor is designed as a single skin with a classic order of layers.
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Penzion / Boarding HouseMakovský, Michal January 2022 (has links)
The subject of diploma thesis is a new-build of boarding house with restaurant. The building is situated in village Opatov. The building has three floors and another one underground. The underground floor is just under the part of the building. The building is situated on the edge of village Opatov and the terrain around is slightly steep. The object has shape of rectangle. The first floor is slightly wider than second and third floor. On the wider part of first floor is situated terrace for second floor. In the underground floor serves as technical background and storage facility. On the first floor is situated restaurant with kitchen, facilities for staff, reception with office and some other storage facilities. The second and third floor are used for lodging of guests. The capacity of pension is 42 beds and in restaurant about 64 quests. The ventilation of first floor is secured by air-handling system situated in underground floor. The second and third floor are ventilated by local air-handling systems with recuperation air conditioning. The roof of the object is saddle roof with sheet covering. The supporting construction of the main roof are truss girders. The terrace is built like flat roof with concrete pavage, the circumferential walls in the underground are made from concrete with insulation of XPS and in the upper floor are made from brick blocks with insulation from EPS with mineral wool. Interior walls are made also from brick blocks. The horizontal constructions are made as reinforced concrete ceiling slabs. Part of project documentation are assessment in terms of building physics and fire safety solution of building.
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Rekreační objekt v Újezdě / Recreation centers in ÚjezdKráčalíková, Anna Unknown Date (has links)
Diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem penzionu v kombinaci dřevostavby a železobetonové konstrukce. Objekt je zastřešen sedlovou střechou s obytným podkrovím a částečně podsklepen. V suterénu se nachází technické zázemí a skladovací prostory. V přízemí je restaurace pro 44 osob, kuchyně se zázemím a prostory pro personál. Ve 2. NP je navrženo 7 čtyřlůžkových pokojů oddělených od společenské místnosti a dětského koutku. V podkroví je 9 dvoulůžkových pokojů, z nichž jeden je řešen bezbariérově. Patra jsou propojena schodištěm a výtahem. V podkroví i 2.NP je sklad prádla a úklidová místnost. Objekt je opláštěn dřevěnými palubkami, které tvoří provětrávanou fasádu, a v přízemí také omítkou.
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Fitting in: Exploring the experiences of middle schools students’ transition into an elite international boarding schoolHatch, Jared P. 22 March 2011 (has links)
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