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Managing Access during Employee Separation using Blockchain TechnologyMears, Paula Faye 05 1900 (has links)
On-boarding refers to bringing in an employee to a company and granting access to new hires. However, a person may go through different stages of employment, hold different jobs by the same employer and have different levels of information access during the employment duration. A shared services organization may have either limited or wide-spread access within certain groups. Off-boarding implies the removal of access of information or physical devices such as keys, computers or mobile devices when the employee leaves. Off-boarding is the management of the separation an employee from an institution. Many organizations use different steps that constitute the off-boarding process. Incomplete tracking of an employee's access is a security risk and can lead to unintended exposure of company information and assets.
Blockchain technology combines blocks of information together using a cryptographic algorithm based on the existing previous block and is verified by the peers in the blockchain network. This process creates an immutable record of employee system access providing an audit trail of access for any point in time to ensure that all access permissions can be removed once employment ends. This project proposes using blockchain technology to consolidate information across disparate groups, and to automate access removal to improve the employee off-boarding process.
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An Analysis of Money Spent by Certain Boarding Houses Patronized by Men and Women of the North Texas State Teachers CollegeFenn, Edna 08 1900 (has links)
1. A study was made of the food habits of college students. 2. Nine women's and five men's boarding houses contributed data over a period of 15 to 84 consecutive days regarding food purchases and the number served. 3. The individual houses reported from 24 to 323 students fed daily. 4. In no case was the food expenditure for fruits and vegetables less than 20 per cent, the range being 21 to 38 per cent. 5. The money spent for milk and milk products was greater for the men's houses than for the women's; five of the eight women's houses exceeded the 20 per cent mark while two of the five men's houses exceeded it. 6. The portion of the food dollar spent for meat, fish, eggs, and poultry on the whole was high, the range being 18 to 40 per cent. 7. None of the houses spent a fifth of the food expenditure for bread and cereals, the range being 4 to 14 per cent. 8. The large amount of money spent by women's houses for oleomargarine tended to increase the proportion of the food dollar spent for adjuncts. Two of the men's houses reported no money spent for oleomargarine. 9. The cost range per day per person for the entire study was 11 to 36 cents. 10. The average cost of feeding a man student was 4 and 1/2 cents more per day than that of feeding a woman student.
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Art Education in American Indian Boarding Schools: Tool of Assimilation, Tool of ResistanceLentis, Marinella January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation examines the process of domestication of American Indian children in government-controlled schools through art education. At the end of the nineteenth century, Thomas J. Morgan, Commissioner of Indian Affairs (1889-1893), and Estelle Reel, Superintendent of Indian schools (1898-1910), brought changes to the curriculum of Indian schools by introducing the teaching of elementary art and instruction in "Native industries" such as pottery, weaving, and basketry. I claim that art education was as an instrument for the `colonization of consciousness,' that is, for the redefinition of Indigenous peoples' minds through the instilment of values and ideals of mainstream society and thus for the maintenance of a political, economic, social, and racial hierarchy. Art education served the needs of the late-nineteenth century assimilationist agenda. I consider Morgan's and Reel's national mandates at the turn of the twentieth century and examine their rationales for including drawing and Native crafts in the Indian schools' curriculum. This knowledge of educational programs crafted at the bureaucratic level is applied to an analysis of art instruction in two selected institutions, the Albuquerque Indian School in New Mexico and the Sherman Institute in Riverside, California, from 1889 to 1917. I examine local responses to government policies and daily practices of Indian education at the micro level in order to provide specific information as to the organization, structure, and pedagogy of art instruction within a school day in these particular localities. Finally, I discuss how students' artworks were displayed in the context of exhibitions and national conventions as exemplary evidence of the progress toward civilization, but also of the instrumentality of an Anglo education in reaching this goal. As Indian policy changed, so did the art curriculum of Indian schools; while drawing continued until the mid-1910s Native arts and crafts began to disappear and were eventually discontinued. As activities that promoted independence and individual creativity, they began to undermine the government's agenda. From the early 1890s when it was first introduced into Indian schools to the mid-1910s when it lost its significance, art education was a tool for the assertion of America's hegemonic power.
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Integrating Data from Multiple Sources to Estimate Transit-Land Use Interactions and Time-Varying Transit Origin-Destination DemandLee, Sang Gu January 2012 (has links)
This research contributes to a very active body of literature on the application of Automated Data Collection Systems (ADCS) and openly shared data to public transportation planning. It also addresses the interaction between transit demand and land use patterns, a key component of generating time-varying origin-destination (O-D) matrices at a route level. An origin-destination (O-D) matrix describes the travel demand between two different locations and is indispensable information for most transportation applications, from strategic planning to traffic control and management. A transit passenger's O-D pair at the route level simply indicates the origin and destination stop along the considered route. Observing existing land use types (e.g., residential, commercial, institutional) within the catchment area of each stop can help in identifying existing transit demand at any given time or over time. The proposed research addresses incorporation of an alighting probability matrix (APM) - tabulating the probabilities that a passenger alights at stops downstream of the boarding at a specified stop - into a time-varying O-D estimation process, based on the passenger's trip purpose or activity locations represented by the interactions between transit demand and land use patterns. In order to examine these interactions, this research also uses a much larger dataset that has been automatically collected from various electronic technologies: Automated Fare Collection (AFC) systems and Automated Passenger Counter (APC) systems, in conjunction with other readily available data such as Google's General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) and parcel-level land use data. The large and highly detailed datasets have the capability of rectifying limitations of manual data collection (e.g., on-board survey) as well as enhancing any existing decision-making tools. This research proposes use of Google's GTFS for a bus stop aggregation model (SAM) based on distance between individual stops, textual similarity, and common service areas. By measuring land use types within a specified service area based on SAM, this research helps in advancing our understanding of transit demand in the vicinity of bus stops. In addition, a systematic matching technique for aggregating stops (SAM) allows us to analyze the symmetry of boarding and alightings, which can observe a considerable passenger flow between specific time periods and symmetry by time period pairs (e.g., between AM and PM peaks) on an individual day. This research explores the potential generation of a time-varying O-D matrix from APC data, in conjunction with integrated land use and transportation models. This research aims at incorporating all valuable information - the time-varying alighting probability matrix (TAPM) that represents on-board passengers' trip purpose - into the O-D estimation process. A practical application is based on APC data on a specific transit route in the Minneapolis - St. Paul metropolitan area. This research can also provide other practical implications. It can help transit agencies and policy makers to develop decision-making tools to support transit planning, using improved databases with transit-related ADCS and parcel-level land use data. As a result, this work not only has direct implications for the design and operation of future urban public transport systems (e.g., more precise bus scheduling, improve service to public transport users), but also for urban planning (e.g., for transit oriented urban development) and travel forecasting.
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Le transport maritime de stupéfiants / The maritime carriage of narcorticsGallouët, Emmanuelle 14 January 2011 (has links)
Dans les années 1970, le trafic de stupéfiants a connu une rapide expansion, et n’a cessé, depuis, de s’accroître pour se mondialiser dans les années 1990 et atteindre une dimension géopolitique.De grands axes maritimes d’acheminement des différentes drogues exploités par les grandes organisations criminelles sont apparus, et il est devenu évident que les mesures qui permettent au secteur maritime de contribuer au développement des échanges mondiaux, et donc à la prospérité économique, l’ont rendu particulièrement propice au développement de ce type de trafic.Face à l’importance de la menace que constitue le transport maritime de stupéfiants, les Etats ont pris conscience de la nécessité d’en étendre et d’en rationaliser la répression à l’échelon international.Avec le temps, plusieurs conventions internationales, toujours en vigueur, ont vu le jour, sous l’égide des Nations Unies. La dernière en date, la Convention contre le trafic illicite de stupéfiants et des substances psychotropes, signée à Vienne en 1988, détermine, dans son article 17, le cadre de l’arraisonnement des navires suspecté de se livrer à un tel trafic en haute mer, mais, ce qui constitue le caractère propre d’une pareille capacité d’action est qu’elle doit s’inclure dans le respect des deux principes fondamentaux que sont, d’une part, la souveraineté des Etats, d’autre part, la liberté des mers définie par la Convention de Montego Bay de 1982, ceux-ci pouvant être antinomiques de celle-là. Avec la lutte contre le transport maritime de stupéfiants, la liberté des mers est devenue une liberté « encadrée ».Ceci pose de nombreuses difficultés d’interprétation et d’application des textes, qui ont conduit les Etats, par ailleurs souvent gênés dans leur action par la multiplication des structures intervenantes, à rechercher des solutions de coopération sur un plan opérationnel ou plus globalement avec des accords régionaux, pour résoudre de manière ponctuelle ou plus générale, certains types de problèmes.Dans ce contexte, les gouvernements ont en particulier perçu la nécessité de mettre en place des séries de mesures pratiques destinées à prévenir les menaces au niveau des différents maillons du réseau de transport maritime, singulièrement, et tout d’abord, en établissant un système d’information et de surveillance des approches maritimes, ensuite, en adoptant un ensemble de mesures de nature à organiser une meilleure sûreté portuaire avec le Code international pour la sûreté des navires et des ports (Code ISPS) et une meilleure sûreté concernant les conteneurs avec la Container security Initiative américaine.Là encore, l’instauration de cadres de coopération juridique et opérationnelle demeure, aujourd’hui comme pour le futur, une condition sine qua non du succès de la lutte contre un fléau mondial. / In the 1970s, the drug trafficking underwent a fast growth and continually increased to globalize in the 1990s reaching a geopolitical dimension.Criminal organizations began to use large sea routes to transport the flow of drugs. These increased sea routes along with the measures related to the maritime sector contributed to the development of the world exchanges and the economic prosperity. Thus, this turned to be convenient to the development of drug trafficking.This important threat of sea transportation of narcotics made the States aware that it was necessary to repress this threat at international level.The previous international Agreements that were established by the United Nations are still valid. The latest Convention against the illicit traffic in Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic substances, signed in Vienna in 1988 under article 17 determines how ships suspected of engaging in drug trafficking in open sea would be inspected.The Montego Bay Agreement of 1982 defined the freedom of seas along with the States desire to remain sovereign are two basic fundamental principles combined in this capacity. However with the fight against the drug trafficking over the seas, the freedom of seas became framed.The numerous difficulties of interpretation and application of texts led States, often hampered in their action by many structures, to look for solutions for cooperation on an operational plan or more globally with regional agreements, to meet short or long term solutions.In this context, the governments mainly perceived the necessity of setting up a series of practical measures intended to prevent the threats at the level of the various links of the maritime transport network, first of all, by establishing an information and monitoring system of the maritime approaches, then, by adopting a set of measures likely to organize better harbour safety with the International Ship and Port Security Code (code ISPS) and better safety concerning containers with American security Container Initiative.Once again, the institution of frames of legal and operational cooperation remains, today as for the future, an indispensable condition of the success of the fight against a world plague.
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Les internats d'excellence : un dispositif au prisme de l'expérience adolescente / Les internats d'excellence : a dispositif through teenage experienceBoulin, Audrey 06 November 2014 (has links)
Visant « les élèves d’origine modeste », particulièrement les élèves venant d’établissements d’éducation prioritaire et de quartiers de la politique de la ville, le dispositif des internats d'excellence, issu du Plan Espoir Banlieues (2008), se donne pour but de promouvoir l’égalité des chances et de favoriser la mixité sociale au sein des établissements. Cette thèse propose une analyse qualitative de ce dispositif à partir de l'expérience adolescente. Grâce à un travail de terrain (observations, entretiens, questionnaires et analyse des dossiers scolaires) réalisé pendant deux ans dans un internat d'excellence, il sera question de montrer comment les adolescents, considérés comme des acteurs, se réapproprient les différents objectifs du dispositif. Nous réfléchirons ainsi à ce que le dispositif fait à l'expérience adolescente : les adolescents modifient leur sociabilité, leurs loisirs et leur travail scolaire, mais pas toujours comme le dispositif l'aurait espéré. Dans le même temps, nous verrons alors que l'expérience adolescente interroge le dispositif et interpelle sur ses zones d'ombre. / Intended for « pupils of disadvantaged backgrounds », especially pupils from educational priority zones and underprivileged urban areas, the dispositif of internats d’excellence (Boarding schools for excellence), created by the Plan « Espoir banlieues » (2008), aims at promoting equality of opportunities and social diversity within school structures. This thesis offers a sociological qualitative analysis of this dispositif through teenage experience. By means of fieldwork (observations, interviews, questionnaires and analysis of schoolrecords) in one internat d’excellence during two years, we will show how teenagers, considered as actors, appropriate the different objectives of the dispositif. We will consider how the dispositif affects teenage experience : teenagers change their sociability, their hobbies and their schoolwork, but not always in the way planned by the dispositif. At the same time, we will see that teenage experience questions the dispositif and reveals its grey areas.
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Examining Women's struggle for visibility in post-independence Africa in Kekelwa Nyaywa's HearthstonesShilaho, Westen Kwatemba Godwin 17 November 2006 (has links)
Student Number : 0413402D -
MA research report -
Faculty of Humanities / This research report focuses on how Kekelwa Nyaywa, a Zambian novelist has
represented Zambian women within a span ranging from the colonial up to the
independence period.
Within the first chapter, a brief history of the Zambian nation is highlighted and a
theoretical framework established. Chapter two engages with Nyaywa’s use of romance
to make a commentary on the idea of nationalism. By so doing she redefines the concept
of romance which has invariably been associated with ‘frivolity’.
The third chapter revolves around Chipembi boarding school which the author uses to
feminize key issues in the Zambian society. The pivot of the chapter is that this space is a
metaphor for women’s liberation in Zambia. HIV/AIDS fueled by a ‘macho syndrome’
emerges in the fourth chapter as the single biggest threat to Zambian women’s lives.
Finally, the conclusion investigates the trends of feminism that the author foregrounds in
the book.
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FormaÃÃo feminina no Internato de Bor (1933-2011) na GuinÃ-Bissau: reflexos na educaÃÃo da sociedade guineense contemporÃneaCristina Mandau Ocuni CÃ 06 July 2015 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Esta pesquisa trata da formaÃÃo feminina oferecida no Internato de Bor, na GuinÃ-Bissau, no
perÃodo de 1933 a 2011, e dos seus reflexos na sociedade guineense contemporÃnea. Tem
apoio no debate teÃrico estabelecido no campo da histÃria da educaÃÃo e da educaÃÃo
comparada, atravÃs dos estudos de AntÃnio NÃvoa e Maria Juraci Maia Cavalcante, que
entendem instituiÃÃes escolares, como movidas por processos sociais maiores que colocam
em circulaÃÃo ideias e modelos de educaÃÃo, especialmente, em situaÃÃes que envolvem
relaÃÃes coloniais entre diferentes naÃÃes e tradiÃÃes culturais. Utiliza fontes documentais,
historiogrÃficas, iconogrÃficas e orais para reconstituir a trajetÃria do Internato de Bor, entre o
perÃodo da colonizaÃÃo portuguesa e a independÃncia da GuinÃ-Bissau. Apresenta como
resultados, os seguintes aspectos a destacar: 1) a instituiÃÃo escolar estudada integrou uma
missÃo catÃlica dirigida pela ordem franciscana na Guinà portuguesa, com a finalidade de
promover a assimilaÃÃo do indÃgena; 2) a estrutura administrativa, processo de seleÃÃo dos
internos, a rotina diÃrio do Internato, o modelo de formaÃÃo oferecido à infÃncia desvalida, o
motivo da sua criaÃÃo e a origem social das crianÃas e adolescentes recebidadas; 3) a mudanÃa
de nome e organizaÃÃo do Internato, configurado numa cronologia que comporta mudanÃas
polÃticas havidas, entre o perÃodo colonial, a guerra da independÃncia e a construÃÃo da nova
sociedade guineense; 4) as diferenÃas culturais existentes, entre o projeto missionÃrio do
perÃodo colonial e os moradores das zonas rurais, por meio de relatos sobre processo
educacionais e memÃrias de mulheres em relaÃÃo ao casamento poligÃmico; 5) conflitos
advindos de cÃdigos culturais distintos implantados pela colonizaÃÃo portuguesa em
confronto na GuinÃ-Bissau contemporÃnea, em relaÃÃo ao casamento e o uso da lÃngua
portuguesa. Esse conjunto articulado de achados permite lanÃar luzes para se entender os
dilemas hoje existentes, no campo social, polÃtico e educacional mais amplo da sociedade
guineense. / This research deals with the female training offered in Internship Bor in Guinea-Bissau in the
period 1933-2011, and its effects on contemporÃea Guinean society. Has support in the
theoretical debate established in the field of the history of education and comparative
education, the studies of Antonio NÃvoa and Maria Juraci Maia Cavalcante, who understand
educational institutions as part of larger societies process that puts outstanding ideas and
models of education, especially, in situations involving colonial relations between different
nations and cultural traditions. Uses documentary, historiographical, iconographic and oral
sources to reconstruct the trajectory of the Internship Bor, between the period of Portuguese
colonization and independence of Guinea-Bissau. Reveals that: 1) the educational institution
studied entegrou a Catholic mission run by the Franciscan order in Portuguese Guinea in
order to promote the indigenous assinalizaÃÃo; 2) the administrative structure, internal
selection process, the daily routine of the internship, the training model offered to needy
children, the reason for its creation and the social background of children and adolescents
recebidadas; 3) the change of name and internship organization set a timeline that holds
havidas change policies between the colonial period, the war of Indepedencia and
construction of the new Guinean society; 4) cultural differences between the missionary
project of the colonial period and morradores of rural areas, through accounts of educational
process and memories of women in relation to polygamous marriage; 5) conflicts arising from
different cultural codes implemented by the Portuguese colonization in confrontation in
contemporary Guinea-Bissau, in relation to marriage and the use of the Portuguese language,
which allow us to understand the existing dilemmas in the social field and wider educational
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Identidade psicossocial dos adolescentes do Instituto Federal de Educa??o, Ci?ncia e Tecnologia de Pernambuco (Campus Vit?ria de Santo Ant?o) em regime de internatoMORAIS, Alessandra Xavier de 29 March 2011 (has links)
Submitted by Sandra Pereira (srpereira@ufrrj.br) on 2016-08-08T12:55:06Z
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2011 - Aessandra Xavier de Morais.pdf: 1313263 bytes, checksum: 181080371f025600731b80924ed5cef6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-08T12:55:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
2011 - Aessandra Xavier de Morais.pdf: 1313263 bytes, checksum: 181080371f025600731b80924ed5cef6 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2011-03-29 / This study is the result of a survey among boarders of the Federal Institute of Pernambuco ? Vit?ria de Santo Ant?o Campus. The work had its foundation on theorists that discuss the boarding school regime, who enabled us to understand the boarding school from a scientific perspective; and, in a more romantic perspective, in the light of literary art. We also looked for evidences to an understanding of the adolescent period, as the boarders belong to this age group. We sought to study and understand the psychosocial identity of adolescents undergone to the boarding school regime of the Vit?ria de Santo Ant?o Campus, and this is our object of study. The admission of an adolescent to boarding school, especially when it has an agricultural profile, is of particular peculiarity. Coming from rural areas and children of farmers, these adolescents experience intense aspects in their new dynamics of life in a boarding school, being bordered by instabilities. We used as strategies of research the documental analysis, interviews, photographs, reports based on observations from our professional experience in the establishment, as well as the focal group to collect data with the boarders. We examined the records from the group of students surveyed, an instrument that allowed us to study the psychological dynamics of these subjects, showing feelings and emotions, as well as the arguments that express rationality. The data treatment was done in accordance with the categorization of statements that have emerged in the focus group, being treated in the light of the content analysis. From the material obtained, we concluded that, despite all the difficulties concerning the change of life and the family separation caused by the admission to the boarding school regime, students believe that the promising future can only be achieved through technical education, allowing them not only to acquire a knowledge that can be used in their family based production system, overcoming the adverse conditions experienced by their families, but also as a way to have access to a better paying job. We also present a discussion of Brazilian educational policies regarding the agricultural education and the boarding school. We hope that this work can support various professionals of education institutions that also adopt the boarding school regime. / Este trabalho ? o resultado de uma pesquisa realizada junto aos alunos internos do Instituto Federal de Pernambuco - Campus Vit?ria de Santo Ant?o. O trabalho teve seu embasamento em te?ricos que discutem o regime de internato escolar, que nos permitiram compreender o internato numa perspectiva cient?fica; e, numa perspectiva mais rom?ntica, ? luz da arte liter?ria. Buscamos tamb?m elementos para uma compreens?o do per?odo da adolesc?ncia, j? que os internos pertencem a essa faixa et?ria. Procuramos estudar e compreender a identidade psicossocial dos adolescentes submetidos ao regime de internato do Campus Vit?ria de Santo Ant?o, sendo esse nosso objeto de estudo. O ingresso do adolescente em um internato, principalmente quando este tem um perfil como os dos campi agr?colas, se reveste de especial peculiaridade. Oriundos de zona rural e filhos de agricultores, esses adolescentes vivenciam aspectos intensos em sua nova din?mica de vida num internato, situa??o permeada por instabilidades. Usamos como estrat?gias de investiga??o a an?lise documental, entrevistas, fotografias, relatos baseados em observa??es a partir de nossa experi?ncia profissional no estabelecimento bem como o grupo focal para fazer uma coleta de dados com os alunos internos. Examinamos os registros emergentes do grupo de alunos pesquisados, instrumento que nos permitiu estudar a din?mica psicol?gica desses sujeitos, evidenciando sentimentos e emo??es, al?m dos argumentos que expressam racionalidade. O tratamento dos dados se deu de acordo com a categoriza??o das falas que emergiram no grupo focal, sendo tratados ? luz da an?lise de conte?do. A partir do material obtido, conclu?mos que, mesmo com todas as dificuldades em torno da mudan?a de vida e da separa??o familiar ocasionadas pelo ingresso no regime de internato, os alunos acreditam que o futuro promissor s? pode ser alcan?ado atrav?s de uma forma??o t?cnica, possibilitando-os n?o s? adquirirem um saber que possa ser aplicado em seu sistema de produ??o de base familiar, superando as condi??es adversas vividas por suas fam?lias, mas tamb?m como forma de terem acesso a um trabalho de melhor remunera??o. Apresentamos ainda uma discuss?o das pol?ticas educacionais brasileiras frente ao ensino agr?cola e ao internato. Esperamos que este trabalho possa subsidiar diferentes profissionais de institui??es de ensino que tamb?m adotam o internato como regime de perman?ncia.
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"Nestes termos, pede deferimento" : uma etnografia das din?micas de interven??o e das pr?ticas da assist?ncia em uma institui??o de ensino agr?cola, na cidade de Pelotas, RS, Brasil (1923-1990)Pereira, Fab?ola Mattos 21 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Ci?ncias Sociais (csociais-pg@pucrs.br) on 2018-09-28T18:38:48Z
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Fab?ola_Mattos_Pereira_Tes.pdf: 11933374 bytes, checksum: f94630b46262f7986df8390e4b02812d (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sheila Dias (sheila.dias@pucrs.br) on 2018-10-01T13:08:55Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Fab?ola_Mattos_Pereira_Tes.pdf: 11933374 bytes, checksum: f94630b46262f7986df8390e4b02812d (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-08-21 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / "Under which terms grant is requested" is a documental ethnography study of intervention practices about poor children, taking as the starting point the documental collection about an agricultural educational institution located in the municipality of Pelotas/RS, Brazil. The Agricultural Educational Institution is about one hundred years old. The expression frequently found in the studied documents, inspires the thesis title. This expression submits deeper bureaucratic process around the selection and inclusion of the students. I tried to investigate in that documents, the voices that, in dialogue with the public power, was documented in the official agencies, with the intention to answer "Who were the students and what were they searching for?" This investigation had an anthropologic way, focused in the individual who was object standarly of government intervention - the poor children and their families. Over those people concerned conceptions, practices, regulations, decisions and rules that not depended on their will, and is about this dynamic that this research pondered, an ethnography the routine lived by boys and girls that found the Visconde da Gra?a Educational Institution. Stablished with the Agricultural Patronage Visconde da Gra?a in the 1920s decade. Nowadays, the Institution works and has boarding school vacancy for young people who wants to live in, but notice the profile stablished to entrance is needed, the first of all, those poorest children as the beginning. Long years go by and the Institution has been going throughout changes as its name, in accordance with government and then changed the working dynamics, and as in the boarding school. Besides the changes in the Educational Institution, this investigation approachs the boarding school as the study object, with the aim of relativize it. Studying the intern dynamics and particularities of boarding school practice in the context of an agricultural Educational Institution, was the way to realize others aspects that could introduce the boarding school over the poverty, of the abandonment and the vulnerability. Without however to leave the perspective that notice the boarding school with the antique strategy and with extensively used for state agents to solve the problem of poor children and their families. / ?Nestes termos, pede deferimento? ? um estudo etnogr?fico-documental das pr?ticas de interven??es sobre crian?as pobres, tomando como ponto de partida o acervo de documentos relativos a uma institui??o de ensino agr?cola na cidade de Pelotas / RS, com quase cem anos de exist?ncia. A express?o, frequentemente encontrada nos documentos estudados, al?m de inspirar o t?tulo da tese, foi reveladora de aspectos mais profundos que cercaram as din?micas burocr?ticas de sele??o e inclus?o. Procurei investigar, nesses documentos, as vozes que, em interlocu??o com o Estado, ficaram registradas nos ?rg?os oficiais, com a inten??o de responder ?quem foram os alunos e o que buscavam??. Este estudo teve uma abordagem antropol?gica, focando sobre aqueles sujeitos que foram tradicionalmente objeto de interven??o estatal ? as crian?as pobres e suas fam?lias. Sobre esses sujeitos, incidiram concep??es, pr?ticas, estatutos, medidas, regulamentos que independiam de sua vontade, e ? sobre tais din?micas que este estudo se debru?ou, procurando etnografar o cotidiano vivido por meninos e meninas que recorreram ao Visconde da Gra?a. Fundada como Patronato Agr?cola Visconde da Gra?a na d?cada de 1920, a institui??o, ainda em funcionamento, mant?m a oferta do internato para jovens que nela desejarem permanecer, desde que observado o perfil estipulado para ingresso, priorizando, tal como em sua funda??o, aqueles mais pobres. Ao longo dos anos, a institui??o passou por diferentes transforma??es em sua nomenclatura, de acordo com as pol?ticas estatais e, viu alteradas suas din?micas de funcionamento, dentre as quais o internato se insere. Mais que apresentar as transforma??es da? decorrentes, esta investiga??o tomou a pr?tica de internamento como objeto de estudo, com a inten??o de relativiz?-la. Observar as din?micas internas e particularidades da pr?tica de internamento, no contexto de uma institui??o agr?cola, foi o caminho que permitiu perceber outros aspectos que justificaram/justificam o internamento, al?m da pobreza, do abandono e da vulnerabilidade, sem contudo, deixar de lado a perspectiva que coloca o internamento como estrat?gia antiga e amplamente utilizada pelos agentes estatais para lidar com o problema das crian?as pobres e suas fam?lias.
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