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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vi kanske skulle tuffa till oss lite på biblioteket! : Konstutställningar på folkbibliotek, en del av bibliotekens funktion som offentliga rum? / Art exhibitions in public libraries : part of the libraries function as public sphere?

Eriksson, Linnéa January 2008 (has links)
This bachelor’s thesis examines the ideas behind the phenomenon art exhibitions in public libraries. My interest is to see if and how the art exhibitions can support the libraries in being a public sphere in Jürgen Habermas’ sense, open for all citizens and their opinions. My study therefore has two purposes. The first is to find out which arguments and ideas that are used to motivate the activity. The second purpose is to see if and how the arguments and ideas can be related to Habermas’ theories about the public sphere. The study is based on qualitative interviews with four librarians who are responsible for the art exhibitions in four libraries, located in three Swedish municipalities; Borås, Kinna and Malmö. The concepts by Jürgen Habermas are used to make sense of the information I got from the interviews. The results show that art exhibitions in the public libraries are seen as having a democratic, pedagogical and informational function. It can be seen as supporting the public libraries role as public sphere by creating meetings and room for the citizens to express themselves. But the function of the exhibitions differs between the four libraries because the art exhibition activity depends on the values of one single person. / Uppsatsnivå: C

Systems Analysis of Biomass Flows A Case study of Borås

Sadagopan, Madumita January 2014 (has links)
The systems analysis of biomass in the Borås municipality is conducted so as to identify the amount of biomass consumed by certain designated systems for this study. Using the principles of urban metabolism and material flow accounting, the system boundary is setup and biomass is categorized into system specific entities which are to be quantified. The symbiosis principle and the cascading approach of resource utilization are used to determine the systems which are working together and the resources they share among each other. Selected flows are established to be calculated for paper and paper products; fuel and construction wood; biogas; and blended transportation fuels. The flows are considered one by one, it is found that the consumption system and the waste management system are main players in the flow of paper and its products. The flow of fuel and construction wood is surveyed across different companies in the municipality for 2013. The fate of the waste construction wood for 2011 is traced across the waste handling systems of Borås Energi och Miljö till the Combined Heat and Power plant at Ryaverket. The quantities of fuel wood consumed by the CHP and residential heat are received from statistical sources. The main players in the biogas production flow are the waste management system and the digesters at Gässlösa and Sobacken. The consumption of enriched biogas is then examined for different transportation sub-systems. The flows for blended fuels is considered for petrol, diesel; separately analysed from them are their blended quantities of ethanol and other renewable additives. The sold quantities of petrol and diesel have been received from the market survey for the year 2013. The flows are then individually validated by common critical parameters to determine how reliable the information sources are. The resulting flows are discussed for the symbiosis of resources and significance of urban metabolism concepts. / Program: Masterutbildning i energi- och materialåtervinning

Total Quality Management in Higher Education Case Study : Quality in Practice at University College of Borås

Nadali Najafabadi, Hossein, Sadeghi, Sanaz, Habibzadeh, Pouya January 2008 (has links)
The overall objective of this thesis work is to highlight the general principles of TQM involvedand to point out how this approach has been and can be used to improve the quality of anacademic institution. This work has been specified for higher education of University College ofBorås, and it will cover the whole of institution, administrative structure, rather than academicarea, specific program, department, or services.This objective is conducted towards an evaluation and assessment of the current quality work ofthis university. In fact, the way in which this university is working with quality issues now, willbe compared with a TQM approach and the weaknesses and strengthens of the quality work ofthis institution will be recognized.After reviewing the current situation of this university college in the context of quality andidentifying possible existing problems, the authors will offer some recommendations andsuggestions for improvement. For this purpose, in the theoretical frame of reference, a specificTQM approach will be developed and some detail descriptions of terms involved in thisapproach will be reviewed.In order to reach to the objectives of this thesis work, researcher will use primary data in theform of interviews, and secondary data from literatures, scientific articles, and books andWebPages. In addition, the researchers will use abduction methodology within this research.In conclusion, authors are aim to provide a complete documentation in its kind in the field ofquality and Total Quality Management, which can facilitate this university college to improvethe quality of its higher education. / Uppsatsnivå: D

Development and Implementation of an Environmental Management System in Universities

Gustafsson, Linda, Axelsson, Emma, Miezah Kwofie, Ebenezer January 2010 (has links)
The role of Universities in building a sustainable society is paramount. It is therefore essential for Universities to adopt and apply tools such as EMS in creating a culture of sustainability which is vital in creating awareness for students as they graduate to fulfil the needs of society.The purpose of this thesis was to investigate what was required of a University in handling this challenge; to start up and be successful with implementation of an Environmental Management System.To do this an environmental review has been performed using the University of Borås as a case study. Indirect and direct aspects of the University have been identified and will be evaluated. The result of the review is based on information from interviews, questionnaires and meetings and will serve as the foundation for the University of Borås‟ further work with EMS.By comparing four Swedish Universities and their work with EMS, factors to be considered during the development and implementation an EMS have been found. An in depth-interview of key personal together with published and unpublished data from the four Universities have been used for the study. The drivers which prompted the EMS work as well as factors for a successful implementation were identified. Using a prioritization matrix, management commitment, Approach to the process, training and communication have found to be the most important success factors. Other factors worth considering during implementation of EMS in Universities have been found to be duration of the system, timing of success factors, and handling of barriers specific for academia and keeping a simple system.Using a performance excellence diagram, the different level of commitment to each of the contributing factors for a successful EMS implementation has been established and used in performing a gap- analysis for University of Borås. Based on the outcome of the gap-analysis, appropriate recommendations for EMS work have been given.

Invandrare, kulturmöte och bibliotek / Immigrants, cultural meeting and the public library

Haidarian, Mohsen January 1995 (has links)
The main aim of this paper is to illurninate how a group of immigrants meet the publiclibrary in Sweden. I have chosen to discuss Iranian immigrants' meeting with the publiclibrary in Borås. The investigation (qualitative interviews and inquiries) has taken placein the public library of Borås and partly in a local library with high density of immigrants.A theoretical perspective deals with the case study of dual marginality, where theconception of the "Marginal Man" or "The Outsider" is central. I have indicated how theprevious authors have considered this problem, to live on the verge between twodifferent cultures and how individuals react on it.The interviews and inquiries answered by Iranian immigrants are the most importantmaterial in this investigation and the result of them is connected to the theoreticalperspective and a discussion, what it means for the public library.

Smarta Textilier : kvinnor, teknik och regional utveckling i Borås / Smart Textiles : women, technology and regional development in Borås

von Wachenfeldt, Maria January 2010 (has links)
<p>This thesis focuses on the mass media cover of ”Smart textiles”. The Swedish”smart” textiles are developed in Borås and are a mix of ordinary textile and new technology.  I analyse the article with a text analysis method, looking at themes and the language’s propositions in focus. Context and the actors in the articles are also important in the analysis.</p><p>Many women occur as developers of the new smart technical product, a field often knowed as a typical male subject. My theories were then focused on women and technology and the gender aspects. I also use theories about medial enthusiasm, and how media use to discuss and report about new technology. Optimistic visions about the smart textiles are common in the articles, also the local journalists and the local media. The smart textile’s main context is the region itself, and the smart textile is important for Borås local and regional development. Technology is an important asset in region development and smart textile technology in Borås is expected to create new job opportunities making Borås an attraction region to move to.</p> / Presenterade examensarbetet, som förutom c-uppsatsen bestod av bokproduktionen "Bland high-tech knallar och modebloggar".

Smarta Textilier : kvinnor, teknik och regional utveckling i Borås / Smart Textiles : women, technology and regional development in Borås

von Wachenfeldt, Maria January 2010 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the mass media cover of ”Smart textiles”. The Swedish”smart” textiles are developed in Borås and are a mix of ordinary textile and new technology.  I analyse the article with a text analysis method, looking at themes and the language’s propositions in focus. Context and the actors in the articles are also important in the analysis. Many women occur as developers of the new smart technical product, a field often knowed as a typical male subject. My theories were then focused on women and technology and the gender aspects. I also use theories about medial enthusiasm, and how media use to discuss and report about new technology. Optimistic visions about the smart textiles are common in the articles, also the local journalists and the local media. The smart textile’s main context is the region itself, and the smart textile is important for Borås local and regional development. Technology is an important asset in region development and smart textile technology in Borås is expected to create new job opportunities making Borås an attraction region to move to. / Presenterade examensarbetet, som förutom c-uppsatsen bestod av bokproduktionen "Bland high-tech knallar och modebloggar".

Spinnaren 10, Borås

Vinlöf, Carl, Tóth, Laszlo January 2016 (has links)
Examensarbetet har genomförts som en studie vars syfte varit att skapa en prioriteringsmodell som redogör i vilken ordning olika energieffektiviserande åtgärder skall utföras. Prioriteringsmodellens relevans begränsas till hus byggda under miljonprogrammet eller till byggnader med liknande karaktäristik. De olika energibesparande åtgärderna som prioriteringsmodellen omfattar är åtgärder som AB Bostäder i Borås oftast använder. I arbetet ingår en teoridel som omfattar EU-direktiv och svenska byggstandarder som skall följas vid ombyggnation eller renovering av befintligt fastighetsbestånd. Teoridelen innefattar även grundläggande teori om de tilltänkta åtgärderna. I resultatdelen presenteras besparingarna som är möjliga med de olika åtgärderna, resultatet diskuteras sedan i diskussionsdelen. Slutsatsen är att åtgärderna bör delas upp i tre olika grupper beroende på omfattning, kostnad och tidsåtgång. Författarna har tagit fram tre olika åtgärdspaket som innefattar åtgärderna som valts, men har även behandlat möjliga kombinationer av de olika åtgärdspaketen och huruvida vinningar kan göras genom kombinationer av de olika åtgärdspaketen. Författarna rekommenderar att tilläggsisolering av ytterväggarna samt utbyte av befintliga fönster utförs samtidigt för att få ner kostnaderna. Injustering av värmesystemet bör även utföras samtidigt för att injusteringen skall vara relevant då fastighetens effektbehov kommer att ändras vid klimatskalsförändringar.

Samverkan mellan skola och fritids : En studie om samverkan mellan verksamheterna i Borås Stad. / Collaboration between the compulsory school system and the leisure time center : A study on collaboration between the occupations in the city of Borås.

Johansson, Philippa January 2019 (has links)
För sex år sedan tog jag examen från lärarutbildningen vid Högskolan i Borås och under min utbildning hade jag fått många tips och idéer på hur klasslärare och fritidslärare kunde dela upp undervisningen och ansvara för olika delar av undervisningen beroende på kompetens och intresse. När jag kom ut i arbetslivet var det inte den verkligheten jag mötte. Under dessa år i arbetslivet har jag inte varit med om att samverkan mellan verksamheterna har fungerat som jag lärde mig på högskolan men å andra sidan har jag inte varit i fritidshemsverksamheten under några år heller. Därför är jag intresserad av att ta reda på hur samverkan mellan verksamheterna fungerar i Borås Stad idag. Studiens syfte är att ta reda på hur det ser ut med samverkan mellan skola och fritidshem i de kommunala skolorna i Borås Stad. Det vill säga undersöka om rektorerna ute på skolorna tar det förväntade ansvaret som står i läroplanen, se om verksamheterna samverkar om utbildningsinnehåll, om verksamheterna delar med sig av kunskaper och erfarenheter gentemot varandras verksamheter och om kompetensen ute på skolorna tas till vara. Studien är en kvantitativ studie med avsikt att låta hela populationen vara med och svara. Datainsamlingen gjordes med hjälp av en webbenkät som skapades med Google Forms och totalt besvarades av 137 personer av totalt 470 personer som fått den skickad till sig. Innan enkätens länk spreds inom populationen genomfördes en pilotstudie på tio personer som fick komma med återkoppling på frågorna. Resultatet av studien visar att lärarna i Borås Stad generellt har mindre än 30 minuter schemalagd tid i veckan för att planera samverkansaktiviteter och mindre än 30 minuter i veckan schemalagt för att genomföra dem. Över lag samverkar lärarna i de olika verksamheterna noll gånger i veckan om innehållet i verksamheterna för att tiden istället används till information, att prata om elever som befinner sig i svårigheter socialt och om rastvärdskap. De allra flesta upplever att rektorn är den som initierar samverkan på arbetsplatsen och övervägande av de svarande upplever att rektorn tar sitt ansvar och lever upp till vad som står i styrdokumenten. När eleverna ska byta lärare eller avdelning brukar en överlämning av information ske. Studien visar att lärarkategorierna tenderar att sköta överlämningen inom samma lärarkategori och inte ha med andra verksamheter vid överlämning. Fritidslärarnas huvuduppdrag ligger innan- och efter skoltid men arbetsuppgifterna under skoldagen varierar. Fritidslärarna används först och främst som klassresurs eller resurs för enskild elev men har även uppdrag som rastaktivitetsansvariga.

Identifiering och värdering av ekosystemtjänster i våtmarksmiljön i Kråkered, Borås kommun

Hallberg, Charlotte January 2023 (has links)
Wetlands have been fundamental for survival of both animals and humans and are known to be beneficial för biodiversity. Furthermore, they are also very important as functional systems in nature. Wetlands can tribute to hold water in the ground and will dampen high water at floods. Because of ditching in favor of agriculture the last centuries, wetlands have become more and more rare, globally almost 50% has disappeared and in Sweden, up to around 90 % in some areas. Wetlands produce what we call ecosystem services (EST), which are services provided by nature that humans are in need of. An example of this can be production of food such as fish. This study explore what kind of EST two specific areas possibly can produce in both wetlands and non-wetlands scenarios. The purpose of this study, beside identifying EST, was to highlight and illustrate the investment benefits of building constructed wetland on earlier ditched land. An evaluation of EST was therefore the primary purpose of this study. Data concerning the two selected areas were collected, and with the help of Naturvårdsverket’s “Guidance of ecosystem services” (2017) an identification of several EST were made. Based on the data collected, solely qualitative evaluation was made. The result showed that constructed wetlands generate more EST than non-wetlands does and that wetlands is higher valued regarding EST related to biodiversity and cultural value. Furthermore, neither object wetland nor non-wetland, received a high score in the evaluation of greenhouse emission within a 100-year perspective. Additionally, it showed that to be able to evaluate investment benefits, more studies are needed.

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