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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Auswirkungen der Deletion membranständiger Dehydrogenasen auf Gluconobacter oxydans DSM 7145 / Impacts of the deletion of membrane-bound dehydrogenases on Gluconobacter oxydans DSM 7145

Voss, Jörn 02 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Market Integration Analysis and Time-series Econometrics: Conceptual Insights from Markov-switching Models / Marktintegrationsanalyse und Zeitreihenökonometrie: Begriffseinblicke aus den Markov-Switching Modellen

Abunyuwah, Isaac 31 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Monitoring von Membranen und membrangebundenen Dehydrogenasen in Essigsäurebakterien / Monitoring of membranes and membrane-bound dehydrogenases in acetic acid bacteria

Kokoschka, Sebastian 21 October 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Algebraic Soft- and Hard-Decision Decoding of Generalized Reed--Solomon and Cyclic Codes

Zeh, Alexander 02 September 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Deux défis de la théorie du codage algébrique sont traités dans cette thèse. Le premier est le décodage efficace (dur et souple) de codes de Reed--Solomon généralisés sur les corps finis en métrique de Hamming. La motivation pour résoudre ce problème vieux de plus de 50 ans a été renouvelée par la découverte par Guruswami et Sudan à la fin du 20ème siècle d'un algorithme polynomial de décodage jusqu'au rayon Johnson basé sur l'interpolation. Les premières méthodes de décodage algébrique des codes de Reed--Solomon généralisés faisaient appel à une équation clé, c'est à dire, une description polynomiale du problème de décodage. La reformulation de l'approche à base d'interpolation en termes d'équations clés est un thème central de cette thèse. Cette contribution couvre plusieurs aspects des équations clés pour le décodage dur ainsi que pour la variante décodage souple de l'algorithme de Guruswami--Sudan pour les codes de Reed--Solomon généralisés. Pour toutes ces variantes un algorithme de décodage efficace est proposé. Le deuxième sujet de cette thèse est la formulation et le décodage jusqu'à certaines bornes inférieures sur leur distance minimale de codes en blocs linéaires cycliques. La caractéristique principale est l'intégration d'un code cyclique donné dans un code cyclique produit (généralisé). Nous donnons donc une description détaillée du code produit cyclique et des codes cycliques produits généralisés. Nous prouvons plusieurs bornes inférieures sur la distance minimale de codes cycliques linéaires qui permettent d'améliorer ou de généraliser des bornes connues. De plus, nous donnons des algorithmes de décodage d'erreurs/d'effacements [jusqu'à ces bornes] en temps quadratique.

“Here in Paraguay we have to sacrifice so much to get anything”: Perceptions of Health and Healthcare Services among Subsistence Farmers in Paraguay

Flanagan, Sarah 17 September 2012 (has links)
In this Master's of Public Issues Anthropology thesis I examine the perceptions of health and healthcare services within a small rural subsistence farming community in South-Western Paraguay from a political ecology of health perspective. Qualitative research data was collected from May to September of 2010 in Lindo Manantial, a subsistence farming village, and Piribebuy, the closest town to Lindo Manantial and the location of the nearest health centre, the Piribebuy Centro de Salud. The primary goals of this research project were to gain an ethnographic understanding of current local health perspectives and concerns, as well as the local frameworks for health provision in Piribebuy. I argue that the introduction of culturally competent healthcare services could greatly improve individual and community health statuses and outcomes in Lindo Manantial and other similar rural subsistence farming communities in Paraguay. / Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

Approches multicritères pour le traitement des débris spatiaux

Madakat, D. 16 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Les débris spatiaux constituent une menace pour l'exploration et l'exploitation de l'espace. Leur nombre ne cesse d'augmenter et continuera à grandir même si on arrête toute activité spatiale, augmentant ainsi la probabilité d'entrer en collision avec un satellite actif. Le retrait des débris s'avère le seul moyen de protéger ces satellites. Le nombre des débris spatiaux étant très élevé, il convient préalablement de repérer les plus dangereux. Dans la première partie de la thèse, nous avons élaboré une approche multicritère afin de classer les débris selon leur degré de priorité d'enlèvement. Les débris de la classe la plus prioritaire, feront l'objet d'une mission spatiale de retrait de débris. La planification d'une telle mission est étudiée dans la deuxième partie de la thèse. Elle doit être réalisée en minimisant deux critères : le coût de la mission ainsi que la durée nécessaire pour traiter tous les débris. La navette se déplace d'une orbite à une autre, traite les débris un par un puis retourne à son orbite initiale. Etant donné que le transfert entre deux orbites de débris peut être effectué de multiples façons, chacune correspondant à un compromis possible entre la durée et le coût de transfert, et que ces coûts et durées dépendent des moments de départ et d'arrivée sur les orbites, l'ensemble des solutions réalisables est défini sur un multigraphe dynamique orienté. Un tour dans un tel graphe définit un scénario de mission possible. Il s'agit de trouver l'ensemble des tours non dominés dans un tel multigraphe. Ceci revient à résoudre un problème de voyageur de commerce biobjectif et dépendant du temps. Nous avons développé un algorithme basé sur la technique de séparation et évaluation pour restituer l'ensemble de ces tours. L'optimisation de l'algorithme est faite sur deux niveaux : - On limite le nombre des transferts possibles entre deux orbites en évitant de calculer le coût pour les transferts qui s'avéreraient dominés. - Des règles de dominance sont utilisées pour couper certaines branches de l'arborescence de recherche qui ne mèneront pas à des solutions efficaces. Des résultats expérimentaux illustrent l'efficacité de la procédure.

Enhance the understanding of whole-genome evolution by designing, accelerating and parallelizing phylogenetic algorithms

Yin, Zhaoming 22 May 2014 (has links)
The advent of new technology enhance the speed and reduce the cost for sequencing biological data. Making biological sense of this genomic data is a big challenge to the algorithm design as well as the high performance computing society. There are many problems in Bioinformatics, such as how new functional genes arise, why genes are organized into chromosomes, how species are connected through the evolutionary tree of life, or why arrangements are subject to change. Phylogenetic analyses have become essential to research on the evolutionary tree of life. It can help us to track the history of species and the relationship between different genes or genomes through millions of years. One of the fundamentals for phylogenetic construction is the computation of distances between genomes. Since there are much more complicated combinatoric patterns in rearrangement events, the distance computation is still a hot topic as much belongs to mathematics as to biology. For the distance computation with input of two genomes containing unequal gene contents (with insertions/deletions and duplications) the problem is especially hard. In this thesis, we will discuss about our contributions to the distance estimation for unequal gene order data. The problem of finding the median of three genomes is the key process in building the most parsimonious phylogenetic trees from genome rearrangement data. For genomes with unequal contents, to the best of our knowledge, there is no algorithm that can help to find the median. In this thesis, we make our contributions to the median computation in two aspects. 1) Algorithm engineering aspect, we harness the power of streaming graph analytics methods to implement an exact DCJ median algorithm which run as fast as the heuristic algorithm and can help construct a better phylogenetic tree. 2) Algorithmic aspect, we theoretically formulate the problem of finding median with input of genomes having unequal gene content, which leads to the design and implementation of an efficient Lin-Kernighan heuristic based median algorithm. Inferring phylogenies (evolutionary history) of a set of given species is the ultimate goal when the distance and median model are chosen. For more than a decade, biologists and computer scientists have studied how to infer phylogenies by the measurement of genome rearrangement events using gene order data. While evolution is not an inherently parsimonious process, maximum parsimony (MP) phylogenetic analysis has been supported by widely applied to the phylogeny inference to study the evolutionary patterns of genome rearrangements. There are generally two problems with the MP phylogenetic arose by genome rearrangement: One is, given a set of modern genomes, how to compute the topologies of the according phylogenetic tree; Another is, given the topology of a model tree, how to infer the gene orders of the ancestor species. To assemble a MP phylogenetic tree constructor, there are multiple NP hard problems involved, unfortunately, they organized as one problem on top of other problems. Which means, to solve a NP hard problem, we need to solve multiple NP hard sub-problems. For phylogenetic tree construction with the input of unequal content genomes, there are three layers of NP hard problems. In this thesis, we will mainly discuss about our contributions to the design and implementation of the software package DCJUC (Phylogeny Inference using DCJ model to cope with Unequal Content Genomes), that can help to achieve both of these two goals. Aside from the biological problems, another issue we need to concern is about the use of the power of parallel computing to assist accelerating algorithms to handle huge data sets, such as the high resolution gene order data. For one thing, all of the method to tackle with phylogenetic problems are based on branch and bound algorithms, which are quite irregular and unfriendly to parallel computing. To parallelize these algorithms, we need to properly enhance the efficiency for localized memory access and load balance methods to make sure that each thread can put their potentials into full play. For the other, there is a revolution taking place in computing with the availability of commodity graphical processors such as Nvidia GPU and with many-core CPUs such as Cray-XMT, or Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor with 60 cores. These architectures provide a new way for us to achieve high performance at much lower cost. However, code running on these machines are not so easily programmed, and scientific computing is hard to tune well on them. We try to explore the potentials of these architectures to help us accelerate branch and bound based phylogenetic algorithms.

Aspects technologiques et économiques de la qualité de service dans les alliances de fournisseurs de services

AMIGO, Maria Isabel 12 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Providing end-to-end quality-assured services implies many challenges, which go beyond technical ones, involving as well economic and even cultural or political issues. In this thesis we first focus on a technical problem and then intent a more holistic regard to the whole problem, considering at the same time Network Service Providers (NSPs), stakeholders and buyers' behaviour and satisfaction. One of the most important problems when deploying interdomain path selection with Quality of Service (QoS) requirements is being able to rely the computations on metrics that hold for a long period of time. Our proposal for solving that problem is to compute bounds on the metrics, taking into account the uncertainty on the traffic demands. We then move to a NSP-alliance scenario, where we propose a complete framework for selling interdomain quality-assured services, and subsequently distributing revenues. At the end of the thesis we adopt a more holistic approach and consider the interactions with the monitoring plane and the buyers' behaviour. We propose a simple pricing scheme and study it in detail, in order to use QoS monitoring information as feedback to the business plane, with the ultimate objective of improving the seller's revenue.

New Techniques for Building Timing-Predictable Embedded Systems

Guan, Nan January 2013 (has links)
Embedded systems are becoming ubiquitous in our daily life. Due to close interaction with physical world, embedded systems are typically subject to timing constraints. At design time, it must be ensured that the run-time behaviors of such systems satisfy the pre-specified timing constraints under any circumstance. In this thesis, we develop techniques to address the timing analysis problems brought by the increasing complexity of underlying hardware and software on different levels of abstraction in embedded systems design. On the program level, we develop quantitative analysis techniques to predict the cache hit/miss behaviors for tight WCET estimation, and study two commonly used replacement policies, MRU and FIFO, which cannot be analyzed adequately using the state-of-the-art qualitative cache analysis method. Our quantitative approach greatly improves the precision of WCET estimation and discloses interesting predictability properties of these replacement policies, which are concealed in the qualitative analysis framework. On the component level, we address the challenges raised by multi-core computing. Several fundamental problems in multiprocessor scheduling are investigated. In global scheduling, we propose an analysis method to rule out a great part of impossible system behaviors for better analysis precision, and establish conditions to guarantee the bounded responsiveness of computing tasks. In partitioned scheduling, we close a long standing open problem to generalize the famous Liu and Layland's utilization bound in uniprocessor real-time scheduling to multiprocessor systems. We also propose to use cache partitioning for multi-core systems to avoid contentions on shared caches, and solve the underlying schedulability analysis problem. On the system level, we present techniques to improve the Real-Time Calculus (RTC) analysis framework in both efficiency and precision. First, we have developed Finitary Real-Time Calculus to solve the scalability problem of the original RTC due to period explosion. The key idea is to only maintain and operate on a limited prefix of each curve that is relevant to the final results during the whole analysis procedure. We further improve the analysis precision of EDF components in RTC, by precisely bounding the response time of each computation request.

Formation of click-wrap and browse-wrap contracts / Sutarčių sudarymas spragtelėjimu ir naršymu

Kamantauskas, Povilas 17 June 2014 (has links)
In a time of rapid development of technologies, new forms of contracting online emerge. Two of these are analyzed in this thesis: click-wrap agreements (where an offer is accepted by way of clicking on an icon “I agree”) and browse-wrap agreements (where the offeree supposedly accepts the offer by browsing on a website, while the terms to the contract are accessible through an inconspicuous hyperlink). Click-wrap agreements are formed, they are accepted in a manner recognized as binding and the offeree knows the terms she assents to. Browse-wrap agreements are generally not formed. Even though the action of browsing on a website could indicate assent, the offeree must know that the act of browsing will be construed as acceptance. But the offeree is generally not made aware of the terms to the contract and thus cannot assent to what she is not aware of. However, if the offeree is in fact aware of the terms to the contract and still knowingly performs the action of browsing, a contract is formed and the offeree is bound. There are some doctrinal problems with an element of an offer – intent to be bound. E-contracting involves a great deal or recklessness by the offerors as well as offerees, leading to the conclusion that the action of clicking “I agree” does not really indicate the intent of the party who performs the act, to actually agree. There is no adequate answer to this problem presently. To sum up, the enforceability of click-wrap contracts is settled in courts, it is a... [to full text] / Besivystant technologijoms keičiasi ir sutarčių sudarymo būdai: dėl mažesnių kaštų ir patogumo populiarėja sutartys elektroninėje erdvėje. Prie to turi prisitaikyti ir teisinė aplinka, todėl šiame magistro darbe yra aptariamos dvi sąlyginai naujos sutarčių sudarymo formos. Viena jų – spragtelėjimu sudaroma sutartis (angl. – click-wrap agreement). Čia oferentas akceptuoja sutarties sąlygas, paspausdamas monitoriaus ekrane ikoną „Sutinku“ ar pan. O situacija, kai sutartis turėtų būti sudaroma naršymu (angl. – browse-wrap agreement) – kiek sudėtingesnė, čia oferentas turėtų išreikšti savo sutikimą vien naršydamas internetinėje svetainėje, tačiau informacija, apie tai, jog naršymas bus laikomas sutikimu galima rasti spragtelėjus ant saito (angl. – hyperlink), kuris neretai būna pateikiamas puslapio apačioje, bet apie nuorodą su sutarties sąlygomis ir akceptavimo būdu oferentas nėra informuojamas, dažnai apie ją net nežino. Šiame darbe spragtelėjimu ir naršymu sudaromos sutartys analizuojamos kaip abstrakčios teisės koncepcijos, aptariamas jų pagrįstumas, tinkamumas. Lietuvos ir Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų nacionalinės teisės sprendimai darbe aptariami lyginamuoju aspektu. Pirmiausia privalu išsiaiškinti ar galima sudaryti sandorius elektroninėmis (ne tik ryšio) priemonėmis. Nors elektroninėmis ryšio priemonėmis perduodama informacija prilyginama rašytiniams dokumentams (taigi, taip sudaromos sutartys tikrai galioja), spragtelėjimu ar naršymu sudaromų sutarčių atveju, ši teisinė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

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