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The New Normal: Lived Experiences of Teachers’ Educating Students in an Always-on and Connected Middle School EnvironmentMurray, Alexander R. 19 July 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Alla vägar leder till Paris : Julia Beck och Maj Brings konstnärliga liv och bemötandet av den kvinnliga konsten under deras yrkesverksamma år. / All roads lead to Paris : Julia Beck and Maj Brings artistic life and how the female art was perceived during their careersKylli, Johanna January 2020 (has links)
This thesis is about two Swedish artists named Julia Beck (1852–1935) and Maj Bring (1880–1971). The idea was to see what kind of differences there were between these two Swedish female artists. They both studied at the Swedish Art academy and both had very successful careers, though they belong to different generations of artist. The first question to be answered, was is if you could see any similarities or differences in their education and career. The other question in this thesis was how the female art was perceived during the different art exhibitions which Julia Beck or Maj Bring participated in. Could you see if the art were perceived and judged differently due to, they being female artist? And could you see if there were any kind of resistance towards them as artists or towards their art and if so, how did it express itself? To answer that question the analysis is based on art exhibit reviews with a theory based on a gender perspective and of Linda Nochlins essay Why have there been no great women artists? This to help with looking after what kind of social barriers or resistance is visible in these art critics reviews. The results of the biographical comparison showed many similarities and some differences. Such as them both studying in Paris after their education in the Swedish Art academy and both frequently traveled back and forth to stay in France for as long as possible. Eventually Julia Beck moved to France and stayed there until her death. While Maj Bring lived her entire life in Sweden and started an art school in Stockholm and paused her artist career for a while. Meanwhile Julia Beck dedicated her entire life to her artistic career. In the results of the analysis, you could clearly see several kinds of resistance to both the female art and the female artists. They were very much treated differently than their male colleagues. For example, in Paris there were specific places where the female artists showed their art. The critique reviews often explained the female art with female qualities and said that female artist had specific characteristics that made them more qualified in specific areas that was thought women belonged too.
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Factors Affecting the Adoption of Bring Your Own Device by Teachers in Caymanian Public High SchoolsLawrence, Cleyo Lutice 01 January 2018 (has links)
At public high schools in Cayman, teachers need to improve their productivity and efficiency by using technologies that are simple and portable like their personal devices. Studies about bring your own device (BYOD) initiatives have revealed conflicting outcomes, and are lacking in the Caribbean and especially in Cayman. The purpose of this quantitative study was to determine the main factors related to teachers' willingness to adopt BYOD in public high schools in Cayman. The theoretical framework was the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT). This study employed a cross-sectional survey design using a modified UTAUT instrument, which captured quantitative data from 82 participants. The use of hierarchical multiple regression to analyze the data revealed that teachers' BYOD adoption could expand by increasing facilitating conditions, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, and decreasing perceived risk. This study reduces the gap in the literature about the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology and BYOD in the Caribbean and the Cayman Islands. It also provides evidence that perceived risk can increase its explanatory power of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology. The study also contributes to a positive social change by revealing critical issues that administrators should address when devising BYOD policies and planning educational technology integration.
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Outsourcing Network Services via the NBI of the SDN / Externalisation de services réseau via l'interface nord de SDNAflatoonian, Amin 19 September 2017 (has links)
Au cours des dernières décennies, les fournisseurs de services (SP) ont eu à gérer plusieurs générations de technologies redéfinissant les réseaux et nécessitant de nouveaux modèles économiques. Cette évolution continue du réseau offre au SP l'opportunité d'innover en matière de nouveaux services tout en réduisant les coûts et en limitant sa dépendance auprès des équipementiers. L'émergence récente du paradigme de la virtualisation modifie profondément les méthodes de gestion des services réseau. Ces derniers évoluent vers l'intégration d'une capacité « à la demande » dont la particularité consiste à permettre aux clients du SP de pouvoir les déployer et les gérer de manière autonome et optimale. Pour offrir une telle souplesse de fonctionnement, le SP doit pouvoir s'appuyer sur une plateforme de gestion permettant un contrôle dynamique et programmable du réseau. Nous montrons dans cette thèse qu'une telle plate-forme peut être fournie grâce à la technologie SDN (Software-Defined Networking). Nous proposons dans un premier temps une caractérisation de la classe de services réseau à la demande. Les contraintes de gestion les plus faibles que ces services doivent satisfaire sont identifiées et intégrées à un modèle abstrait de leur cycle de vie. Celui-ci détermine deux vues faiblement couplées, l'une spécifique au client et l'autre au SP. Ce cycle de vie est complété par un modèle de données qui en précise chacune des étapes. L'architecture SDN ne prend pas en charge toutes les étapes du cycle de vie précédent. Nous introduisons un Framework original qui encapsule le contrôleur SDN, et permet la gestion de toutes les étapes du cycle de vie. Ce Framework est organisé autour d'un orchestrateur de services et d'un orchestrateur de ressources communiquant via une interface interne. L'exemple du VPN MPLS sert de fil conducteur pour illustrer notre approche. Un PoC basé sur le contrôleur OpenDaylight ciblant les parties principales du Framework est proposé.Nous proposons de valoriser notre Framework en introduisant un modèle original de contrôle appelé BYOC (Bring Your Own Control) qui formalise, selon différentes modalités, la capacité d'externaliser un service à la demande par la délégation d'une partie de son contrôle à un tiers externe. Un service externalisé à la demande est structurée en une partie client et une partie SP. Cette dernière expose à la partie client des API qui permettent de demander l'exécution des actions induites par les différentes étapes du cycle de vie. Nous illustrons notre approche par l'ouverture d'une API BYOC sécurisée basée sur XMPP. La nature asynchrone de ce protocole ainsi que ses fonctions de sécurité natives facilitent l'externalisation du contrôle dans un environnement SDN multi-tenant. Nous illustrons la faisabilité de notre approche par l¿exemple du service IPS (système de prévention d'intrusion) décliné en BYOC. / Over the past decades, Service Providers (SPs) have been crossed through several generations of technologies redefining networks and requiring new business models. The ongoing network transformation brings the opportunity for service innovation while reducing costs and mitigating the locking of suppliers. Digitalization and recent virtualization are changing the service management methods, traditional network services are shifting towards new on-demand network services. These ones allow customers to deploy and manage their services independently and optimally through a well-defined interface opened to the SP¿s platform. To offer this freedom to its customers, the SP must be able to rely on a dynamic and programmable network control platform. We argue in this thesis that this platform can be provided by Software-Defined Networking (SDN) technology.We first characterize the perimeter of this class of new services. We identify the weakest management constraints that such services should meet and we integrate them in an abstract model structuring their lifecycle. This one involves two loosely coupled views, one specific to the customer and the other one to the SP. This double-sided service lifecycle is finally refined with a data model completing each of its steps.The SDN architecture does not support all stages of the previous lifecycle. We extend it through an original Framework allowing the management of all the steps identified in the lifecycle. This Framework is organized around a service orchestrator and a resource orchestrator communicating via an internal interface. Its implementation requires an encapsulation of the SDN controller. The example of the MPLS VPN serves as a guideline to illustrate our approach. A PoC based on the OpenDaylight controller targeting the main parts of the Framework is proposed. We propose to value our Framework by introducing a new and original control model called BYOC (Bring Your Own Control) which formalizes, according to various modalities, the capability of outsourcing an on-demand service by the delegation of part of its control to an external third party. An outsourced on-demand service is divided into a customer part and an SP one. The latter exposes to the former APIs which allow requesting the execution of the actions involved in the different steps of the lifecycle. We present an XMPP-based Northbound Interface (NBI) allowing opening up a secured BYOC-enabled API. The asynchronous nature of this protocol together with its integrated security functions, eases the outsourcing of control into a multi-tenant SDN framework. We illustrate the feasibility of our approach through a BYOC-based Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) service example.
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An exploration of song cycles for the baritone voice: "An die ferne Geliebte" (1816) by Ludwig van Beethoven, "Sei Romanze" (1838) by Giuseppe Verdi, "Don Quichotte à Dulcinée" (1932-1933) by Maurice Ravel, and "Let Us Garlands Bring" (1938-1942) by Gerald FinziCyphert, Matthew Derek January 1900 (has links)
Master of Music / School of Music, Theatre, and Dance / Reginald L. Pittman / This Master’s Report is an examination of four vocal song cycles for the baritone voice. Song cycles researched, interpreted, and performed include An die ferne Geliebte (1816) by Ludwig van Beethoven, Sei Romanze (1838) by Giuseppe Verdi, Don Quichotte à Dulcinée (1932-1933) by Maurice Ravel, and Let Us Garlands Bring (1938-1942) by Gerald Finzi. In this report you will find information on the history of vocal song cycles, biographical information about composers and poets/lyricists, compositional analysis, historical breakdowns of the musical periods, musical and poetic interpretations, original texts and English translations, pedagogical and performance practice insights, and never before published transpositions of “Non t’accostare all’urna,” “More, Elisa, lo stanco poeta,” and “Nell’orror di note oscura” from Giuseppe Verdi’s Sei Romanze (1838).
Songs in this report are: “Auf dem Hügel sitz ich spähend,” “Wo die Berge so blau,” “Leichte Segler in den Höhen,” “Diese Wolken in den Höhen,” “Es kehret der Maien, es blühet die Au,” and “Nimm sie hin den diese Lieder” from An die ferne Geliebte by Ludwig an Beethoven. “Non t’accostare all’urna,” “More, Elisa, lo stanco poeta,” “In solitaria stanza,” and “Nell’orror di note oscura” from Sei Romanze by Giuseppe Verdi. “Chanson romanesque,” “Chanson épique,” and “Chanson à boire” from Don Quichotte à Dulcinée by Maurice Ravel. “Come away, come away, death,” “Who is Silvia?,” “Fear no more the heat o’ the sun,” “O Mistress Mine,” and “It was a lover and his lass” from Let Us Garlands Bring by Gerald Finzi.
The graduate recital was presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Master of Music degree in vocal performance on April 9th, 2017 in All Faiths Chapel on the campus of Kansas State University. The recital featured the talents of baritone Matthew D. Cyphert and pianist Mitchell S. Jerko.
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BYOD: The PreK-12 Technology Leader's PerspectiveZagray, Peter G. 31 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Primärsånger : En empirisk studie om andliga barnsånger i Jesu Kristi Kyrka av Sista Dagars Heliga / Primary songs : An empirical study about spiritual children’s songs in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day SaintsBlomberg, Sigrid Margrete January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att få en djupare inblick i om informanternas trosuppfattning harpåverkats av barnsångerna de fick sjunga i Jesu Kristi Kyrka av Sista Dagars Heliga då de varsmå, och i så fall hur detta har påverkat dem.Sex informanter som alla gick i Primär (kyrkans organisation för barn) har valts ut ochintervjuats. Informanterna är i åldrarna 19 till 32 och är från Sverige och USA. Studieninnehåller även en del om kyrkans musiktradition och kultur, samt analys av en primärsång.En av studiens slutsatser är att primärsångerna har varit ett medel för informanterna att lärasig mera om evangeliet, känna den Helige Anden och därigenom utveckla deras personligatro. Informanterna kommer fortfarande ihåg sångerna i vuxen ålder och kan på så sätt fortsättasjunga och fördjupa sig i sångernas religiösa budskap.
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Recording Postcolonial Nationhood: Islam and Popular Music in SenegalCamara, Samba January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Ancestral Narratives in History and Fiction: Transforming IdentitiesHabel, Chad Sean, chad.habel@gmail.com January 2006 (has links)
This thesis is an exploration of ancestral narratives in the fiction of Thomas Keneally and Christopher Koch. Initially, ancestry in literature creates an historical relationship which articulates the link between the past and the present. In this sense ancestry functions as a type of cultural memory where various issues of inheritance can be negotiated. However, the real value of ancestral narratives lies in their power to aid in the construction of both personal and communal identities. They have the potential to transform these identities, to transgress natural boundaries and to reshape conventional identities in the light of historical experience.
For Keneally, ancestral narratives depict national forbears who narrate the nation into being. His earlier fictions present ancestors of the nation within a mythic and symbolic framework to outline Australian national identity. This identity is static, oppositional, and characterized by the delineation of boundaries which set nations apart from one another. However, Keneallys more recent work transforms this conventional construction of national identity. It depicts an Irish-Australian diasporic identity which is hyphenated and transgressive: it transcends the conventional notion of nations as separate entities pitted against one another. In this way Keneallys ancestral narratives enact the potential for transforming identity through ancestral narrative.
On the other hand, Kochs work is primarily concerned with the intergenerational trauma causes by losing or forgetting ones ancestral narrative. His novels are concerned with male gender identity and the fragmentation which characterizes a self-destructive idea of maleness. While Keneallys characters recover their lost ancestries in an effort to reshape their idea of what it is to be Australian, Kochs main protagonist lives in ignorance of his ancestors life. He is thus unable to take the opportunity to transform his masculinity due to the pervasive cultural amnesia surrounding his family history and its role in Tasmanias past.
While Keneally and Koch depict different outcomes in their fictional ancestral narratives they are both deeply concerned with the potential to transform national and gender identities through ancestry.
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An Introductory Course in the Reading of Simple Graphic and Statistical Material for Use in Junior High SchoolsMcKenzie, Annie 01 January 1930 (has links) (PDF)
In the stories of olden times and in those of our own American Indians, we learned of the picture writing of primitive peoples. It became an early method of recording people's thoughts. This was a very useful method at a time when the race was young. This in turn was the beginning of our alphabet, later the beginning of shaping letters into words, and then word into sentences and paragraphs. As our world has grown older, new idea have come into use and we are no longer content to live as our grandparents lived. We travel by fast express trains, high powered auto- mobiles, airplanes, or zeppelins. The radio gives us the news before our papers containing it are on the street. are not able to talk with people on the other side of the world. Business men find this a very valuable means of doing business when time means money. The motion pictures bring us the story of the book we have not had time to read and the characters from its pages talk to us from the screen. In short, we must have quicker ways of doing things.
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