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Question of Bias: A Content Analysis of the Visual Coverage of the 2004 Presidential CampaignBergstrom, Angie 30 November 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis focuses on the question of preferential treatment by U.S. national newsmagazines of presidential candidates in the 2004 election as evidenced by their visual coverage. Using content analysis, all the visual depictions of candidates George W. Bush and John Kerry were analyzed for 10 visual attributes to determine whether one had received better pictorial treatment. This study asked if the newsmagazines had printed greater amounts of visuals overall for one candidate and if one candidate's visuals were more or less positive than the other. The author concludes that more coverage was given to Bush over Kerry in a 60/40 ratio in all three magazines, and overall, the pictures published for each candidate were positive and neither candidate was given preferential treatment by any of the magazines. The newsmagazines were not deemed biased for publishing more visuals of Bush because, though more visuals were of the president during September, the newsmagazines published nearly equal numbers of visuals in October and November, often pairing them in layouts. The magazines were also not biased in their selection of visuals. All three tended to publish more positive or neutral visuals and rarely did any significantly differing patterns emerge to show that the editors favored one candidate over the other. Those attributes that did reach significance had weak associations. This study is a replication and a continuation of visual media content analyses of the 1984, 1988, and 1996 campaign coverage by Moriarty and Garramone (1986), Moriarty and Poppovich (1989), and Waldman and Devitt (1998) respectively. This research adds to the body of media bias and agenda-setting among newspapers and magazines and visual media.
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A Descriptive Study of Teacher Candidates’ Reflective Thinking During Literacy Tutoring Clinical ExperiencesAguiton, Rhonda Lisa 13 December 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Antigenerkennung während unterschiedlicher Stadien der Helicobacter pylori-InfektionKaraali, Galip 01 August 2005 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befaßt sich mit Nachweismöglichkeiten von Helicobacter pylori und deren Vergleich. Hierfür ist eine genaue Kenntnis der Helicobacter-Proteine notwendig. Zu diesem Zweck wurde die humorale Immunantwort gegenüber Helicobacter pylori unter Anwendung der Methodik des zweidimensionalen Immunoblots analysiert. Zunächst wurden Proteine des autologen Helicobacter pylori-Stammes über zweidimensionale Gelelektrophorese aufgetrennt, auf Nitrocellulose-Membranen geblottet und sodann mit Antikörpern aus autologem Plasma sowie Antikörpern aus dem Überstand von in vitro kultiviertem autologem Biopsiematerial detektiert. Zur Bestimmung einer Helicobacter-Infektion wurden andere invasive und nicht invasive Tests genutzt. In einer prospektiven Untersuchung wurden über 200 konsekutive Patienten mit gastrointestinalen Beschwerden und unbekanntem H. pylori-Status, die für eine Gastroskopie vorgesehen waren, routinemäßig untersucht. Bei jeder Gastroskopie wurden zwei Antrum- und zwei Korpusbiopsien zur Gastritis-Diagnostik und zur Bestimmung des H. pylori-Status entnommen. Es wurden Assoziationen zwischen einer Infektion mit Helicobacter pylori und Erkrankungen wie akute und chronische Gastritis, gastraler und duodenaler Ulkus, Magenkarzinom und Folgeerkrankungen der Gastritis überprüft. Dabei wurden auch die eindeutig Helicobacter pylori-negativen Seren mit den positiven Seren verglichen. Trotz ungleichmäßiger Verteilung der Patientenzahlen über die einzelnen Krankheitsgruppen (Gastritis, Ulkus, Karzinom) wurden bestimmte Proteine nur bei einer der Erkrankungen erkannt. Einige Proteinspots kamen deutlich intensiver bei einer einzigen Krankheitsgruppe vor. Anzustreben sind Studien mit größeren Patientenzahlen innerhalb der einzelnen Krankheitsgruppen, um mögliche weitere Assoziationen bestimmter Helicobacter-Antigene mit Folgeerkrankungen zu analysieren und zu verifizieren. Ferner wurde das Vorliegen einer Assoziation des zweidimensionalen Immunoblots mit anderen invasiven und nicht invasiven Nachweisverfahren der H. pylori-Infektion analysiert. Dabei wurde das Antigenprofil des H. pylori, sowohl qualitativ als auch quantitativ, berücksichtigt. Durch die Charakterisierung und Identifizierung einer bedeutenden Anzahl von Helicobacter-Proteinen erhöht sich die Wahrscheinlichkeit für ein zukünftig beschleunigtes Screening in Richtung protektiver Vakzine-Kandidaten. / The present study is concerned with practicable methods of detecting Helicobacter pylori and comparing them. As a precondition, a precise knowledge of the proteins of Helicobacter is necessary. To this end the humoral immune response of Helicobacter pylori was analysed by using the method of two-dimensional immuno blots. First, the proteins of each autologous Helicobacter pylori strain were separated by two-dimensional electrophoresis, then blotted onto nitrocellulose membranes and eventually detected by using antibodies from autologous plasma and antibodies taken from the overflow of in vitro cultivated autologous biopsy material. For determining a Helicobacter infection various invasive and non-invasive tests were carried out. In a prospective study on more than 200 patients with gastrointestianal disorders but unknown H. pylori status were consecutively tested. At each gastroscopy two bioptic specimen each were taken from the antrum and from the corpus region in order to determine the H. pylori status. Associations were assessed between Helicobacter pylori infections and manifestations such as acute or chronic gastritis, gastric or duodenal ulcers, gastric carcinoma and gastritis induced disorders. In the process, clearly Helicobacter pylori negative sera were also compared with positive sera. Inspite of the unequal distribution of numbers of patients over different groups of disorders (gastritis, ulcers, carcinoma) certain proteins were only detected in connection with one group of disorder. Several of the protein spots only occurred in a single group of disorders. More studies will be necessary using greater numbers of patients within each group of diseases in order to analyse and verify associations between Helicobacter antigenes and other disorders. Further, evidences of an association between two-dimensional immunoblots and other invasive and non-invasive methods of assessing H. pylori were analysed with regard to respective antigene profiles, qualitatively as well as quantitatively. Based upon the presented characterizations and identifications of an unusually great number of Helicobacter proteins the probability is thus increased considerably with regard to improved screening methods towards protective vaccine candidates.
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The mandate of political representatives with special reference to floor crossing: a legal historical studyJoubert, Leonardus Kolbe 30 September 2006 (has links)
South Africa has had a free mandate theory of representation up to 1994. From 1994 to 2002 an imperative theory applied and in 2003 a limited hybrid free mandate was introduced. The origin of parliament, the development of representation as a concept in Public Law and the birth of political parties are studied. It is shown that parliament and representation were natural developments that occurred at the same time, not by grand design, but by chance.
It is also shown that political parties appeared first as informal intra-parliamentary groupings that developed into extra-parliamentary organisations, organised to achieve and exercise power in the political system as the franchise became more liberal.
The factors that influence a member's mandate and floor-crossing as such are discussed.
Finally it is concluded that from a legal historical perspective, a free mandate of representation is the preferred theory of representation in public law. / Jurisprudence / LL.M. (Public Law)
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Faculty Senate Minutes December 3, 2012University of Arizona Faculty Senate 03 December 2012 (has links)
This item contains the agenda, minutes, and attachments for the Faculty Senate meeting on this date. There may be additional materials from the meeting available at the Faculty Center.
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Nachhaltige Kompetenzentwicklung / Sustainable Competency Development – Concepts, Guiding Principles and Experiences in Qualifying Young Scientists at Saxon Universities13 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Mit diesem Buch werden zum einen die Tagung der Kompetenzschulen an sächsischen Hochschulen, die am 30. Mai 2013 mit dem Thema „Nachhaltigkeit – Eine Leitidee in der Weiterbildung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses“ an der TU Bergakademie Freiberg stattfand, und zum anderen die Projektergebnisse der sächsischen ESF-geförderten Kompetenzschulen dokumentiert.
Die zentrale Diskussionsfrage lautet, in welcher Form eine nachhaltige Kompetenzentwicklung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses an sächsischen Hochschulen erfolgen kann. Dabei wird der Begriff der nachhaltigen Kompetenzentwicklung unter zwei unterschiedlichen Gesichtspunkten erörtert: Wie können wichtige Schlüsselkompetenzen bei Promovierenden nachhaltig, im Sinne von beruflich zukünftig relevant und anwendbar entwickelt werden? Und wie können darüber hinaus Kompetenzen entwickelt werden, die zu einem ökologisch, ökonomisch bzw. sozial nachhaltigen Handeln anregen?
Im Kontext dieser zwei Fragestellungen wird die Rolle der sächsischen Kompetenzschulen diskutiert, deren Ziel in einer über die fachliche Qualifizierung hinausgehenden Kompetenzentwicklung in den Bereichen arbeitsmarktrelevanter Schlüssel- und Führungskompetenzen liegt. Dazu geben sechs geförderte Kompetenzschulprojekte Einblick in ihre strukturellen Rahmenbedingungen, inhaltlichen Schwerpunktsetzungen sowie Best-Practice-Erfahrungen, welche jeweils eine nachhaltige Kompetenzentwicklung für die Promovierenden an der entsprechenden Hochschule fördern sollen. Des Weiteren berichten Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden über ihre Erfahrungen in Bezug auf ihre persönliche Weiterentwicklung und beurteilen die Angebote der Kompetenzschulen aus ihrer jeweils individuellen Perspektive. Eingebettet wird die Rolle der Kompetenzschulen dabei in die Diskussion der Fragestellung, welche Kompetenzen Promovierende benötigen, um „fit“ für die Zukunft zu sein. Dabei wird neben den zentralen Schlüsselqualifikationen auch die Bedeutung solcher Kompetenzen erörtert, die ein ökologisch, ökonomisch sowie sozial nachhaltiges Handeln ermöglichen. / This book summarizes the key outcomes of a conference on „Sustainability as a guiding principle in qualifying young scientists“. In May 2013 the conference was held at TU Bergakademie Freiberg as a joint event of all Competence Schools in Saxony. It also documents the overall project results achieved within these six Saxon Competence Schools, which are funded by the European Social Fund.
The central question being discussed is how young scientists’ skills can be developed sustainably at Saxon universities. The term “sustainable competency development” is used to refer to two different aspects: (1) How can key competencies that are important for young scientists be developed in a sustainable manner? Sustainable is here understood as relevant and practically-oriented with regard to young scientists’ future professional life and career. And (2) how can young scientists be enabled to act ecologically, economically as well as socially sustainable?
Referring to these two questions the role of Saxon Competence Schools is being discussed which aim at qualifying young scientists in skills that are particularly relevant for the labour market – key and leadership competencies – apart from their expert qualification. For this purpose six funded Competence Schools deliver insights into their structural conditions and their main focusses as well as their best-practice experiences that are meant to enable a sustainable competency development for young scientists at their universities. Furthermore doctoral candidates report on their experiences regarding their personal development and evaluate the competence schools’ offers based on their individual perspective. The role of Competence Schools is additionally discussed concerning the question, which skills young scientists need in order to be well-prepared for future challenges. This question not only focuses on key competencies, but also on the importance of those competencies that enable young scientists to act in an ecologically, economically as well as socially sustainable way.
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L’expérience de devenir préceptrice chez des infirmières débutantesZolotareva, Liubov 08 1900 (has links)
Dans plusieurs milieux on s’attend à ce que les infirmières récemment diplômées fassent du préceptorat (Cubit et Ryan, 2011). Ainsi, les infirmières sont fréquemment affectées à ce rôle tôt après leur intégration sur le marché du travail et souvent sans préparation adéquate (Debra, 2014; Elmers, 2010). Le but de la présente étude était d’explorer l’expérience de devenir infirmières préceptrices auprès de Candidates à l’exercice de la profession infirmière [CEPI], dans un délai de 0 à 3 ans après avoir elles-mêmes été CEPI. La théorie de la transition d’Afaf Ibrahim Meleis (2010) a servi de cadre de référence en guidant la formulation du but de cette étude qualitative interprétative. La théorie de Meleis (2010) a également accompagné la discussion des résultats de notre recherche. Cinq infirmières nouvellement préceptrices âgées de 24 à 27 ans ont participé à des entretiens semi-structurés. L’analyse des données a été conduite selon les étapes d’analyse thématique proposée par Benner (1994) et Paillé et Muchielli (2006). D’abord, il résulte de notre étude que l’expérience de devenir préceptrice suscite chez les jeunes infirmières l’occasion d’un engagement réflexif sur leur propre expérience d’infirmière et de préceptrice. Puis, elles font l’expérience du sens des responsabilités pour «façonner» la CEPI. Finalement, une proximité avec l’expérience de la CEPI influence l’expérience de devenir préceptrice. Devenir préceptrice tôt dans la carrière d’infirmière semble être le moment opportun. Toutefois, il importe d’essayer d’uniformiser et de standardiser la préparation de l’infirmière soignante à devenir préceptrice. Également, jumeler une infirmière préceptrice plus aînée pour guider la nouvelle préceptrice dans cette expérience serait un atout. Finalement, l’approfondissement du besoin de soutien dans l’accompagnement de l’infirmière dans son expérience de devenir préceptrices est une des pistes pour la future recherche. / In today’s reality, nurses start to precept soon in their career (Cubit and Ryan, 2011), and often without any prior notice or preparation (Debra, 2014; Elmers, 2010). The purpose of the present study is to explore the experience of nurses becoming a preceptor for a Candidate to the Profession of Nursing Practice [CPNP], within 0 to 3 years of being CPNP themselves. Five young nurses who were newly preceptors participated in semi-structured interviews. Participants were between 24 et 27 years of age. Data was analysed using Benner`s (1994) and Paillé et Muchielli’s (2006) thematic analysis. The theoretical framework of Transition theory by Afaf Ibrahim Meleis (2010) directed the formulation of the purpose of this qualitative interpretive study. Meleis’s theory also accompanied the discussion of the results of the present study. The results of the present study suggest that the young nurses who are newly preceptors are living through the sense of responsibility of shaping the CPNP, they find themselves situated close to the CPNP experience and their experience of becoming a preceptor leads them to reflect on their personal experience as a nurse and a preceptor. Becoming a nurse preceptor early in their career seems to be an opportune moment. However, it would be recommended to standardise the preparation of the nurses for this new responsibility which could ease their experience of becoming a preceptor. Also pairing a more experienced nurse preceptor to guide the new nurse in the process of acquiring the new role of a preceptor would be an asset. Finally a further research could explore the need for support during the experience of becoming a preceptor.
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Hodnocení efektivity marketingových kampaní / Evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing campaignsHOUŠKOVÁ, Šárka January 2017 (has links)
The goal of the dissertation called "Evaluation of the effectiveness of marketing cam-paigns" is to describe, analyze, and with usage of Data Envelopment Analyst (DEA) to evaluate certain campaigns. The dissertation describes political election campaigns of certain political party.
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The mandate of political representatives with special reference to floor crossing: a legal historical studyJoubert, Leonardus Kolbe 30 September 2006 (has links)
South Africa has had a free mandate theory of representation up to 1994. From 1994 to 2002 an imperative theory applied and in 2003 a limited hybrid free mandate was introduced. The origin of parliament, the development of representation as a concept in Public Law and the birth of political parties are studied. It is shown that parliament and representation were natural developments that occurred at the same time, not by grand design, but by chance.
It is also shown that political parties appeared first as informal intra-parliamentary groupings that developed into extra-parliamentary organisations, organised to achieve and exercise power in the political system as the franchise became more liberal.
The factors that influence a member's mandate and floor-crossing as such are discussed.
Finally it is concluded that from a legal historical perspective, a free mandate of representation is the preferred theory of representation in public law. / Jurisprudence / LL.M. (Public Law)
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"Döm inte boken efter omslaget" : En kvalitativ studie om hur rekryterare hanterar svårigheten att bedöma kandidater under anställningsintervjuerSchillerström, Emma January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att öka förståelsen för hur rekryterare hanterar svårigheten att bedöma kandidater under anställningsintervjuer. Studiens empiriska material har samlats in genom ett kvalitativt tillvägagångssätt där sju semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts. Intervjupersonerna arbetar med rekrytering i Stockholms län och använder anställningsintervjuer som metod i rekryteringsprocessen. Med hjälp av tidigare forskning och teorier som förklarar likhetseffekten, homosocial reproduktion, haloeffekten samt hur en kompetensbaserad rekrytering går till visar resultatet av studien att intervjupersonernas bedömning av kandidater till stor del baseras på den “personkemi” som uppstår mellan rekryterare och kandidat vid ett första möte. Enligt tidigare forskning tenderar bedömning av kandidater baserat på ett första intryck att å ena sidan utesluta potentiellt starka kandidater och å andra sidan resultera i felrekrytering. Intervjupersonerna var medvetna om denna problematik och har därför utvecklat egna tekniker för att undvika fallgroparna som gör att de riskerar att “döma boken efter omslaget”. / The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of how recruiters handle the difficulty of assessing candidates during job interviews. The empirical material of the study was gathered based on a qualitative approach by which seven semi structured interviews were conducted. The interviewees are recruiting staff in Stockholm County who uses job interviews as a method in the recruitment process. With support by previous research and theory which explains the similar attraction theory, homosocial reproduction, the law of effect and recruitment based on qualifications, the results of the study show that the interviewees assessment of candidates are largely based on “the chemistry” created between the recruiter and the candidate during their first meeting. However, according to previous research, this is an approach that on one hand tends to exclude potentially strong candidates, and on the other hand could result in a recruitment gone wrong. The interviewees were aware of this issue, and have therefore developed their own techniques to avoid the pitfalls which puts them in risk to “judge the book by its cover”.
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