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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sentidos da função paterna na educação

Cabistani, Roséli Maria Olabarriaga January 2007 (has links)
Esta tese investiga os discursos atuais, presentes no campo da educação e da sociedade em geral, que denunciam, ao mesmo tempo que promovem, a “carência do pai” no exercício da autoridade e nos cuidados da prole.Tais discursos emergem impulsionados pelas novas configurações familiares, recebidas como estranhas e ameaçadoras, podendo causar ruptura nos laços sociais. É possível perceber aí o efeito fantasmático que opera no discurso educativo, que acaba denunciando um fracasso antecipado, como efeito da nostalgia da família tradicional, cada vez mais distanciada de nossa realidade. Para investigar o que produz essa posição de reivindicação de um “pai forte”, nossa pesquisa foi buscar na teoria essas respostas. Buscamos recortar interpretantes do laço social e suas expressões sintomáticas. Para tal, expusemos o tema da função paterna, como surge nas obras de Freud e Lacan, buscando acompanhar sua incidência na estruturação do sujeito, desde o desamparo primordial. Trata-se de uma pesquisa teórica, que tem como questão os sentidos que as novas formas de exercício da função paterna têm para a educação, considerada como laço social. Com Freud, acompanhamos os desdobramentos da função paterna no complexo de Édipo e a abordagem da temporalidade do Édipo em Lacan permitiu situar o pai a partir do registro do imaginário, do simbólico e do real, em referência ao conceito de falo, como significante da falta no Outro. Tematizar a função paterna a partir desses registros permitiu diferenciar a função paterna simbólica da fantasmática presente na dimensão imaginária do pai, esse que é significado como “carente”. Usamos como dado empírico, alguns casos, tomados em sua exemplaridade, na perspectiva do tema da função paterna. A tese indica que, o diálogo da psicanálise com a educação, permite desmistificar construções fantasmáticas, indutoras de uma interpretação última dos sintomas sociais, como essa do discurso da carência paterna. Valer-se da pluralidade dos sentidos da função paterna na educação, é uma forma dos educadores responsabilizarem-se pelo ato educativo, numa posição de abertura às contingências históricas que as vicissitudes dos laços sociais produzem. / This thesis investigates the current discourses present in the education field and in the society in general, that denounce at the same time they promote the “lack of the father” in the authority exercise and the cares of the offspring. Such speeches emerge stimulated for the new familiar configurations, received as strange and threatening, being able to cause break in the social ties. It is possible to note there the fantasized effect that operates in the educative speech denouncing an anticipated failure, as effect of nostalgia of the traditional family, more and more distant from our reality. To investigate what produces this position of claim of a “strong father”, the author searches in the theory these answers. We elect interpreters of the social tie and its symptomatic expressions. For such, we displayed the issue of the paternal function, as it appears in Freud and Lacan works, searching to follow its incidence in the subject structuring, since the primordial abandonment.This work is a theoretical research that focus the senses that the new forms of exercise of the paternal function have for education, considered as social tie. With Freud, we follow the implications of the paternal function in the Oedipus complex and the approach of the temporality of the Oedipus in Lacan allowed to situate the father from the registers of the Imaginary, the Symbolic and the Real , in reference to the concept of phallus, as significant of the lack in the Other. Establishing as a theme the paternal function from these registers allowed to differentiate the symbolic paternal function, of the present fantasized in the imaginary dimension of the father, this that is meant as “lacking”. We use as empirical data, some cases, taken in their exemplarity, in the perspective of the subject of the paternal function. The thesis indicates that, the dialogue of psychoanalysis with education, allows demystifying fantasized inductive constructions of a last interpretation of the social symptoms, as this of the speech of the paternal lack. To use itself the plurality of the directions of the paternal function in education, is a form of the educators to make responsible for the educative act, in a position of opening to the historical contingencies that the vicissitudes of the social ties produce.

Alterações renais gênero-dependentes em ratos com insuficiência renal crônica / Gender-dependent renal alterations in rats with chronic renal failure

Carla Cavalheiro da Silva Lemos 21 June 2011 (has links)
A insuficiência renal crônica (IRC) é caracterizada por alterações glomerulares secundárias aos mecanismos adaptativos ocasionados por perda de néfrons funcionantes. Alterações na hemodinâmica glomerular, proliferação celular, influxo de células inflamatórias, desequilíbrio na síntese de proteínas da matriz extracelular glomerular (MECG) e perda da seletividade de carga e/ou tamanho da membrana basal glomerular têm sido apontados como mecanismos envolvidos na expansão mesangial e conseqüente glomeruloesclerose. A participação dos hormônios sexuais na função renal e na evolução da insuficiência renal crônica tem sido sugerida. Os glicosaminoglicanos, especialmente o heparan sulfato (HS), têm sido associados à seletividade glomerular de macromoléculas. O remodelamento podocitário precoce e a proteinuria (PTN) se relacionam com a progressão da IRC. Neste contexto, o acúmulo de MECG, proliferação de miofibroblastos e PTN têm sido apontados como mediadores precoces que precedem as lesões glomerulares e túbulo-intersticiais. Neste estudo, avaliamos as alterações renais precoces (30 dias de IRC) gênero-dependentes em ratos (M) e ratas (F) Wistar submetidos à redução de 5/6 da massa renal (IRC) e à castração (c). Os animais foram divididos em 10 grupos: Controles (C) (CM, CF, CMc, CFc) e sham (CM sham, CF sham); e aqueles submetidos à nefrectomia 5/6: IRCM, IRCF, IRCMc, IRCFc. Os animais foram castrados com 5 semanas e submetidos à nefrectomia 5/6 com 7 semanas de idade. Resultados significativos mostraram que os machos com IRC apresentaram maior PTN, acompanhada de maior comprometimento mesangial, imunomarcação positiva para &#945;-actina e maior concentração de heparan sulfato (HS) comparados com as fêmeas IRC (p<0,05). Estas alterações foram reduzidas nos machos castrados. A análise da morfologia podocitária mostrou raras regiões onde ocorreram alterações podocitárias nos grupos IRC. O conjunto de dados sugere que o hormônio masculino pode participar na manutenção do equilíbrio mesangial e que a PTN participa do processo de expansão mesangial. Adicionalmente, a maior concentração de HS nos machos com IRC sugere que durante o processo de remodelação da MEG, tenha ocorrido geração de HS de novo, funcionalmente defeituoso, comprometendo a barreira de filtração glomerular, corroborando com a perda de seletividade da mesma e, contribuindo para maior PTN neste grupo. As fêmeas com IRC apresentaram alterações mais discretas quando comparadas aos machos; apresentaram decréscimo de HS renal associado a PTN e a castração não alterou este perfil. Em resumo, a PTN ocorre precocemente na IRC, contribuindo para o desequilíbrio da MECG. Os mecanismos envolvidos nestes processos parecem sofrer influência dos hormônios sexuais; e os hormônios masculinos parecem agravar estas alterações, contribuindo possivelmente para um pior prognóstico da doença renal nos machos. / Chronic renal failure (CRF) is characterized by adaptive mechanisms secondary to the loss of functioning nephrons. Glomerular hemodynamics alterations, cellular proliferation, inflammatory cells influx, imbalance between synthesis and degradation of the glomerular extracellular matrix (GECM) and loss of charge and/or size selectivity of the glomerular basal membrane are pointed as mechanisms leading to mesangial expansion and glomerulosclerosis. Additionally, participation of gender related hormones on renal function and progression of CRF have been suggested. We evaluated the effect of castration in renal alterations in males (M) and females (F) Wistar rats, after 30 days of 5/6 reduction of renal mass (CRF). The animals were castrated (c) at 5 weeks old and 7 weeks old 5/6 and sham nephrectomy were done. Groups: Control (C) CM, CM sham, CMc, CF, CF sham, CFc, CRFM, CRFMc, CRFF, CRFFc. CRFM group showed higher proteinuria followed by increased mesangial expansion and &#945;-actin immunostaining. Concomitant higher concentration of heparan sulfate (HS) was also observed when compared to CRFF (p<0.05). These alterations were reduced in CRFMc group. Podocyte morphology analysis through electronic microscopy showed few disorders of foot processes in CRF groups Overall, CRFF group showed fewer alterations compared to males, and a reduction of HS was observed in association with PTN. Castration did not change this profile in female rats. Data suggest that male hormones may participate in the maintenance of the mesangial equilibrium and that PTN collaborated with the mesangial expansion process. Additionally, the higher concentration of HS in CRFM suggest that the remodeling process of the GECM, included a synthesis of de novo HS, that presented a functioning defect, compromising the glomerular filtration barrier and, ultimately corroborated with the loss of its selectivity and consequently with a higher PTN. This set of results leads us to conclude that PTN appears early in the course of CRF, may contribute to renal GECM imbalance and, the mechanisms involved in these processes seem to be influenced by gender-related hormones. In addition, male hormones seem to aggravate renal alterations contributing to a poor prognosis of CRF progression in male rats.

Sentidos da função paterna na educação

Cabistani, Roséli Maria Olabarriaga January 2007 (has links)
Esta tese investiga os discursos atuais, presentes no campo da educação e da sociedade em geral, que denunciam, ao mesmo tempo que promovem, a “carência do pai” no exercício da autoridade e nos cuidados da prole.Tais discursos emergem impulsionados pelas novas configurações familiares, recebidas como estranhas e ameaçadoras, podendo causar ruptura nos laços sociais. É possível perceber aí o efeito fantasmático que opera no discurso educativo, que acaba denunciando um fracasso antecipado, como efeito da nostalgia da família tradicional, cada vez mais distanciada de nossa realidade. Para investigar o que produz essa posição de reivindicação de um “pai forte”, nossa pesquisa foi buscar na teoria essas respostas. Buscamos recortar interpretantes do laço social e suas expressões sintomáticas. Para tal, expusemos o tema da função paterna, como surge nas obras de Freud e Lacan, buscando acompanhar sua incidência na estruturação do sujeito, desde o desamparo primordial. Trata-se de uma pesquisa teórica, que tem como questão os sentidos que as novas formas de exercício da função paterna têm para a educação, considerada como laço social. Com Freud, acompanhamos os desdobramentos da função paterna no complexo de Édipo e a abordagem da temporalidade do Édipo em Lacan permitiu situar o pai a partir do registro do imaginário, do simbólico e do real, em referência ao conceito de falo, como significante da falta no Outro. Tematizar a função paterna a partir desses registros permitiu diferenciar a função paterna simbólica da fantasmática presente na dimensão imaginária do pai, esse que é significado como “carente”. Usamos como dado empírico, alguns casos, tomados em sua exemplaridade, na perspectiva do tema da função paterna. A tese indica que, o diálogo da psicanálise com a educação, permite desmistificar construções fantasmáticas, indutoras de uma interpretação última dos sintomas sociais, como essa do discurso da carência paterna. Valer-se da pluralidade dos sentidos da função paterna na educação, é uma forma dos educadores responsabilizarem-se pelo ato educativo, numa posição de abertura às contingências históricas que as vicissitudes dos laços sociais produzem. / This thesis investigates the current discourses present in the education field and in the society in general, that denounce at the same time they promote the “lack of the father” in the authority exercise and the cares of the offspring. Such speeches emerge stimulated for the new familiar configurations, received as strange and threatening, being able to cause break in the social ties. It is possible to note there the fantasized effect that operates in the educative speech denouncing an anticipated failure, as effect of nostalgia of the traditional family, more and more distant from our reality. To investigate what produces this position of claim of a “strong father”, the author searches in the theory these answers. We elect interpreters of the social tie and its symptomatic expressions. For such, we displayed the issue of the paternal function, as it appears in Freud and Lacan works, searching to follow its incidence in the subject structuring, since the primordial abandonment.This work is a theoretical research that focus the senses that the new forms of exercise of the paternal function have for education, considered as social tie. With Freud, we follow the implications of the paternal function in the Oedipus complex and the approach of the temporality of the Oedipus in Lacan allowed to situate the father from the registers of the Imaginary, the Symbolic and the Real , in reference to the concept of phallus, as significant of the lack in the Other. Establishing as a theme the paternal function from these registers allowed to differentiate the symbolic paternal function, of the present fantasized in the imaginary dimension of the father, this that is meant as “lacking”. We use as empirical data, some cases, taken in their exemplarity, in the perspective of the subject of the paternal function. The thesis indicates that, the dialogue of psychoanalysis with education, allows demystifying fantasized inductive constructions of a last interpretation of the social symptoms, as this of the speech of the paternal lack. To use itself the plurality of the directions of the paternal function in education, is a form of the educators to make responsible for the educative act, in a position of opening to the historical contingencies that the vicissitudes of the social ties produce.

Sentidos da função paterna na educação

Cabistani, Roséli Maria Olabarriaga January 2007 (has links)
Esta tese investiga os discursos atuais, presentes no campo da educação e da sociedade em geral, que denunciam, ao mesmo tempo que promovem, a “carência do pai” no exercício da autoridade e nos cuidados da prole.Tais discursos emergem impulsionados pelas novas configurações familiares, recebidas como estranhas e ameaçadoras, podendo causar ruptura nos laços sociais. É possível perceber aí o efeito fantasmático que opera no discurso educativo, que acaba denunciando um fracasso antecipado, como efeito da nostalgia da família tradicional, cada vez mais distanciada de nossa realidade. Para investigar o que produz essa posição de reivindicação de um “pai forte”, nossa pesquisa foi buscar na teoria essas respostas. Buscamos recortar interpretantes do laço social e suas expressões sintomáticas. Para tal, expusemos o tema da função paterna, como surge nas obras de Freud e Lacan, buscando acompanhar sua incidência na estruturação do sujeito, desde o desamparo primordial. Trata-se de uma pesquisa teórica, que tem como questão os sentidos que as novas formas de exercício da função paterna têm para a educação, considerada como laço social. Com Freud, acompanhamos os desdobramentos da função paterna no complexo de Édipo e a abordagem da temporalidade do Édipo em Lacan permitiu situar o pai a partir do registro do imaginário, do simbólico e do real, em referência ao conceito de falo, como significante da falta no Outro. Tematizar a função paterna a partir desses registros permitiu diferenciar a função paterna simbólica da fantasmática presente na dimensão imaginária do pai, esse que é significado como “carente”. Usamos como dado empírico, alguns casos, tomados em sua exemplaridade, na perspectiva do tema da função paterna. A tese indica que, o diálogo da psicanálise com a educação, permite desmistificar construções fantasmáticas, indutoras de uma interpretação última dos sintomas sociais, como essa do discurso da carência paterna. Valer-se da pluralidade dos sentidos da função paterna na educação, é uma forma dos educadores responsabilizarem-se pelo ato educativo, numa posição de abertura às contingências históricas que as vicissitudes dos laços sociais produzem. / This thesis investigates the current discourses present in the education field and in the society in general, that denounce at the same time they promote the “lack of the father” in the authority exercise and the cares of the offspring. Such speeches emerge stimulated for the new familiar configurations, received as strange and threatening, being able to cause break in the social ties. It is possible to note there the fantasized effect that operates in the educative speech denouncing an anticipated failure, as effect of nostalgia of the traditional family, more and more distant from our reality. To investigate what produces this position of claim of a “strong father”, the author searches in the theory these answers. We elect interpreters of the social tie and its symptomatic expressions. For such, we displayed the issue of the paternal function, as it appears in Freud and Lacan works, searching to follow its incidence in the subject structuring, since the primordial abandonment.This work is a theoretical research that focus the senses that the new forms of exercise of the paternal function have for education, considered as social tie. With Freud, we follow the implications of the paternal function in the Oedipus complex and the approach of the temporality of the Oedipus in Lacan allowed to situate the father from the registers of the Imaginary, the Symbolic and the Real , in reference to the concept of phallus, as significant of the lack in the Other. Establishing as a theme the paternal function from these registers allowed to differentiate the symbolic paternal function, of the present fantasized in the imaginary dimension of the father, this that is meant as “lacking”. We use as empirical data, some cases, taken in their exemplarity, in the perspective of the subject of the paternal function. The thesis indicates that, the dialogue of psychoanalysis with education, allows demystifying fantasized inductive constructions of a last interpretation of the social symptoms, as this of the speech of the paternal lack. To use itself the plurality of the directions of the paternal function in education, is a form of the educators to make responsible for the educative act, in a position of opening to the historical contingencies that the vicissitudes of the social ties produce.

The Future of GID NOS in the DSM 5: Report of the GID NOS Working Group of a Consensus Process Conducted by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health

Rachlin, Katherine, Dhejne, Cecilia, Brown, George R. 27 September 2010 (has links)
The DSM-IV-TR diagnosis Gender Identity Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (GID NOS) is used to describe individuals who have gender issues but do not meet the current criteria for GID. As part of a consensus process conducted by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, the authors make the following recommendations for DSM 5: removal from the chapter on sexual disorders, more specific diagnostic criteria, retention of clinical significance criteria, and removal of exclusionary criteria of Intersex/Disorders of Sex Development. Changes to the existing clinical examples were also recommended, suggesting additional clinical examples that encompass a broader range of gender-variance and more commonly found transgender presentations. The diagnosis must reflect the severity of the clinical issues that represent legitimate identity experiences and possible need for gender-confirming treatments.

The Role of PSMA PET Imaging in Prostate Cancer Theranostics: A Nationwide Survey

Borkowetz, Angelika, Linxweiler, Johannes, Fussek, Sebastian, Wullich, Bernd, Saar, Matthias 22 February 2024 (has links)
Introduction: Prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA)-based imaging and theranostics have played an important ole in the diagnosis, staging, and treatment of prostate cancer (PCa). We aimed to evaluate the acceptance and use of PSMA theranostics among German urologists.- Methods: An anonymous online questionnaire was sent via survio.com to the members of the German Society of Urology (DGU). - Results: Seventy-two percent of participants performed PSMA positron emission tomography (PET) imaging regularly in biochemically recurrent PCa. Overall, 61% of participants considered PSMA-radioligand therapy to be very useful or extremely useful. PSMA PET imaging in high-risk PCa is more often considered by urologists working in a university setting than in nonuniversity settings or medical practices (51% vs. 25%, p < 0.001). Most perform PSMA-radioligand therapy as an option after all approved systemic treatments for metastatic metastatic castration-resistant PCa (56%) or after cabazitaxel (14%). A total of 93.9% and 70.3% of respondents consider the lack of reimbursement by health insurance to be the main obstacle to using PSMA PET imaging or radioligand therapy, respectively. - Discussion/Conclusion: PSMA-based maging/theranostics are already widely applied but would find even more widespread use if reimbursement is clearly regulated by health insurance in Germany.

Det odödas analys : En studie av centralproblematiken i Slavoj Zizeks samhällsanalys / Undead-analysis : Observing the Social Theory of Slavoj Zizek

Palm, Fredrik January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis examines the social theory of Lacanian philosopher Slavoj Žižek. It focuses on Žižek’s work between 1989 and 2006, and offers an interpretation based on a reading of three central concepts: the Other, fantasy, and the act. All these concepts occupy the intersection between Lacan’s three orders (Imaginary, Real, Symbolic), which in Žižek’s theory means that they express a tension shared by all social order. The first chapter approaches Žižek’s conception of “the social” through an introduction of the Lacanian concept of "the Other." Attention is paid to how (a) the Other is constitutively split between its role as a Symbolic network of signifiers, and its enigmatic (Real and Imaginary) capacity to support this Symbolic network; (b) a similar split marks several of Žižek’s Lacanian and Hegelian concepts. Moreover, the chapter contrasts Žižekian sociality with those of Giddens, Luhmann and Althusser. The second chapter gives an account of the topological place of fantasy in Žižek’s theory. Relating Žižek’s theory to Critical Theory, deconstruction and Deleuzian philosophy, fantasy is presented as a concept countering new forms of “bad infinity” (Hegel) in modern social theory. The third chapter links Žižek’s theory of the act to the theories of Judith Butler, Ernesto Laclau, and Alain Badiou. Commenting on Rex Butler’s brilliant reading of Žižek, the thesis argues that Butler’s definition of the act is too negative. Instead, the thesis proposes a definition which emphasises the act's productive dimension, insisting on how the act ultimately involves the transformation from masculine to feminine enjoyment. The last chapter critically observes the different treatments Lacan and Derrida receive in Žižek’s text. The argument concludes that the Žižekian text relapses into a "masculine logic of exception", insofar as it leaves Derrida’s phallus untouched, while treating Lacan as the only one lacking phallus.</p>

Det odödas analys : En studie av centralproblematiken i Slavoj Zizeks samhällsanalys / Undead-analysis : Observing the Social Theory of Slavoj Zizek

Palm, Fredrik January 2007 (has links)
This thesis examines the social theory of Lacanian philosopher Slavoj Žižek. It focuses on Žižek’s work between 1989 and 2006, and offers an interpretation based on a reading of three central concepts: the Other, fantasy, and the act. All these concepts occupy the intersection between Lacan’s three orders (Imaginary, Real, Symbolic), which in Žižek’s theory means that they express a tension shared by all social order. The first chapter approaches Žižek’s conception of “the social” through an introduction of the Lacanian concept of "the Other." Attention is paid to how (a) the Other is constitutively split between its role as a Symbolic network of signifiers, and its enigmatic (Real and Imaginary) capacity to support this Symbolic network; (b) a similar split marks several of Žižek’s Lacanian and Hegelian concepts. Moreover, the chapter contrasts Žižekian sociality with those of Giddens, Luhmann and Althusser. The second chapter gives an account of the topological place of fantasy in Žižek’s theory. Relating Žižek’s theory to Critical Theory, deconstruction and Deleuzian philosophy, fantasy is presented as a concept countering new forms of “bad infinity” (Hegel) in modern social theory. The third chapter links Žižek’s theory of the act to the theories of Judith Butler, Ernesto Laclau, and Alain Badiou. Commenting on Rex Butler’s brilliant reading of Žižek, the thesis argues that Butler’s definition of the act is too negative. Instead, the thesis proposes a definition which emphasises the act's productive dimension, insisting on how the act ultimately involves the transformation from masculine to feminine enjoyment. The last chapter critically observes the different treatments Lacan and Derrida receive in Žižek’s text. The argument concludes that the Žižekian text relapses into a "masculine logic of exception", insofar as it leaves Derrida’s phallus untouched, while treating Lacan as the only one lacking phallus.

"That which was missing" : the archaeology of castration

Reusch, Kathryn January 2013 (has links)
Castration has a long temporal and geographical span. Its origins are unclear, but likely lie in the Ancient Near East around the time of the Secondary Products Revolution and the increase in social complexity of proto-urban societies. Due to the unique social and gender roles created by castrates’ ambiguous sexual state, human castrates were used heavily in strongly hierarchical social structures such as imperial and religious institutions, and were often close to the ruler of an imperial society. This privileged position, though often occupied by slaves, gave castrates enormous power to affect governmental decisions. This often aroused the jealousy and hatred of intact elite males, who were not afforded as open access to the ruler and virulently condemned castrates in historical documents. These attitudes were passed down to the scholars and doctors who began to study castration in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, affecting the manner in which castration was studied. Osteometric and anthropometric examinations of castrates were carried out during this period, but the two World Wars and a shift in focus meant that castrate bodies were not studied for nearly eighty years. Recent interest in gender and sexuality in the past has revived interest in castration as a topic, but few studies of castrate remains have occurred. As large numbers of castrates are referenced in historical documents, the lack of castrate skeletons may be due to a lack of recognition of the physical effects of castration on the skeleton. The synthesis and generation of methods for more accurate identification of castrate skeletons was undertaken and the results are presented here to improve the ability to identify castrate skeletons within the archaeological record.

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