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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Převedení zaměstnance na jinou práci ze zdravotních důvodů / Transfer of an employee to alternative work due to health reasons

Čermáková, Anna January 2022 (has links)
1 Transfer of an employee to alternative work due to health reasons Abstract This thesis deals with the legal regulation of the institute of transferring an employee to alternative work due to health reasons and its related labor law contexts. The introductory chapter briefly describes the development and legal regulation of the institute of transfer of an employee to alternative work. Attention is focused on the compliance of unilateral transposition with the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms and the obligations arising from international treaties, as well as the principles of labor and civil law. In addition to that, essential terms for the further discussion of the institute of transfer of an employee are being defined: the type of work, specific description of the type of work and the employer's dispositional power. The second part of the thesis is dedicated to the legal regulation of changes in the content of the employment by agreement and unilateral legal action and in particular, by transfer. The third part focuses on the introduction of basic occupational health concepts, which are used in the following chapters focusing on transfers due to health reasons. Attention is focused mainly on the medical opinion, which is one of the most common and problematic reasons for transferring employees...

Elektronická podatelna VUT / Electronic Mail Room of the BUT

Tomášek, Milan Unknown Date (has links)
The main purpose of this master's thesis is to create electronic mail room of The BUT. First of all I described problems concerning a digital signature, its use and safety, and as well as sphere of qualified certificates and method of their issuing by certification authority. The next part of the thesis deals with systems enabling electronic submission (so-called "Electronic Mail Room"). I have focused on available applications providing electronic submission service to civil offices, and subsequently analyzed functions that individual applications offer to the Mail Room clients as well as to authority staff. On the basis of gained knowledge and according CVIS requirements I created project of electronic submission for needs of the Brno University of Technology. Result of this thesis is the application of electronic mail room, implemented in BUT portal.

Energeticky úsporná budova mateřské školy / Energy-efficient building kindergartens

Zumr, David Unknown Date (has links)
The master project is divided into three parts. The problematic of first and second part is kindergarten building, its technical equipment and management systems. The third part deals with financial, energy and environmental comparison of different heat systems. The kindergarten is single-storey building without basement and is located in Ronov nad Doubravou, Czechia. Building is based on strip footing and structural system is masonry wall system with gable roof. Material of both load-bearing and non-bearing walls are sand-lime blocks. External walls are insulated by external thermal insulation composite system. Vertical structures are designed from wooden lattice truss. The building site contains also outdoor parking lot and a garden with a playground.

Early childhood care and development: The missing link, a challenge for Swaziland

Ntuli, Zethu Eugenia 20 May 2008 (has links)
This study explored the current practices implemented by Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) caregivers / preschool teachers in Swaziland. It further investigated how the lack of an appropriate policy on Early Childhood Care and Development impacted on the delivery of services to the sector. The research was conducted using a qualitative methodology, eliciting responses through semistructured interview schedules. In order to conduct a more in-depth analysis, eight interviews were held at various early childhood care and development sites. The criteria for selection depended on whether the participating caregiver had direct, hands-on experience of the day-to-day care and running of ECCD sites. They also had to be involved in a full-time preschool teaching programme and were purposively selected from the geographical location of Manzini, in Swaziland. The sites could be distinguished into three categories, namely: community (non-profit making), private and church or missionrun centres. The results showed that caregivers implemented diverse and uncoordinated practices and that there was no uniformity in terms of professional training, classroom practice and curriculum application. It was evident that the participants did not link the theory of their training to their practice, leaving gaps in the provision of services and educational programmes to the children. The study concluded that unless the government of Swaziland and the ECCD unit at the national level of Education made a concerted effort to formulate a national ECCD policy, Education for All would remain a pipedream. The study recommended that government should formulate national ECCD policy guidelines to encourage uniformity in practice and provision of ECCD sites. Not only should government accelerate the development of the guidelines but they should also support the caregivers by continuous professional development activities.

A Quantitative Study- The Capitalization of Energy Efficiency on Housing Prices / En kvantitativ studie av energieffektivitets påverkan på fastighetsvärde i Stockholm, Sverige

Jto, Ahmed, Lehmann, Sarah Johanna January 2022 (has links)
Various studies in the EU have examined the effect of Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) on the real estate market, examining market values, rental values, and yields. However, there is dissent on the effect of EPC. The study tests for the impact of EPC alone and in relation to socioeconomic attributes on transaction prices of residential properties in Stockholm, Sweden. The thesis analyzes real transaction data of the 26 municipalities of the Stockholm region. Firstly, the research aims to determine if the energy efficiency capitalizes on residential property prices and if and to what extent the capitalization varies within the municipalities of Stockholm. Lastly, the study examines how income and education influence the prices of energy-efficient properties. The applied approaches follow the hedonic pricing method, namely, the OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) and spatial models. After analyzing more than 40,000 observations, the regression results indicate that high energy efficiency is reflected in the price premium of apartments and dwellings. For example, energy-efficient apartments with an EPC grade of A, B, or C achieve a price premium of around 0.99% compared to apartments with lower EPC grades between D-G. The results indicate a more considerable price premium of approximately 3.33% for energy-efficient dwellings. Another result of the study is that the capitalization of energy efficiency varies strongly between the municipalities of Stockholm. For apartments, the data implies substantial differences ranging from -15% in Danderyd to +14.2% in Upplands-Bro. The “local” premium for energy-efficiency dwellings ranges from 3% in Stockholm municipality to 9.5% in Norrtälje. Even though the results were significant, they need to be interpreted with caution as the sample size of some municipalities was relatively small. The last aspect of the study incorporates the issue of socioeconomic variables, income, and education level. The initial hypothesis was that high income and education would be correlated with higher energy performance certificate (EPC) grades. However, the results suggest a negative correlation between income or education level with EPC grade. These results imply that market participants with higher income and education are less likely to seek a higher EPC grade. The reason could be that these high-income households have a lower sensitivity to rising energy prices and fewer issues to afford the old but prestigious housing stock. / Olika studier inom EU har undersökt effekten av energiprestanda certifikat (EPC) på fastighetsmarknaden, marknadsvärden, hyresvärden och avkastning. Det finns dock oenighet om effekten av EPC. Denna studie testar effekten av EPC enbart och i relation till socioekonomiska attribut på transaktionspriser för bostadsfastigheter i Stockholm, Sverige. Avhandlingen analyserar verkliga transaktionsdata för 26 kommunerna i Stockholmsregionen. För det första syftar forskningen till att avgöra om energieffektiviteten i bostadsfastigheter påverkar priser och om och i vilken utsträckning kapitaliseringen varierar inom Stockholms kommuner. Slutligen undersöker studien hur inkomst och utbildning påverkar priserna på energieffektiva fastigheter. De tillämpade metoderna följer den hedoniska prissättningsmodellen, nämligen OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) och rumsliga modeller. Efter att ha analyserat mer än 40 000 observationer tyder regressions resultaten på att hög energieffektivitet återspeglas i prispåslaget för lägenheter och bostäder. Till exempel uppnår energieffektiva lägenheter med EPC-graden A, B eller C en prispåslag på cirka 0,99 % jämfört med lägenheter med lägre EPC-klasser mellan D-G. Resultaten indikerar en mer betydande prispåslag på cirka 3,33 % för energieffektiva bostäder. Ett annat resultat av studien är att kapitaliseringen av energieffektivisering varierar kraftigt mellan Stockholms kommuner. För lägenheter innebär uppgifterna stora skillnader från -15 % i Danderyd till +14,2 % i Upplands-Bro. Den ”lokala” premien för energieffektiva bostäder sträcker sig från 3 % i Stockholms kommun till 9,5 % i Norrtälje. Även om resultaten var signifikanta måste de tolkas med försiktighet eftersom urvalsstorleken i vissa kommuner var relativt liten. Den sista aspekten av studien tar upp frågan om socioekonomiska variabler, inkomst och utbildningsnivå. Den initiala hypotesen var att hög inkomst och utbildning skulle vara korrelerad med högre energiprestanda certifikat (EPC) betyg. Resultaten tyder dock på ett negativt samband mellan inkomst eller utbildningsnivå med EPC-betyg. Dessa resultat tyder på att även om EPC är positivt kapitaliserat i bostadspriserna är marknadsaktörer med högre inkomst och utbildning mindre benägna att söka ett högre betyg i EPC. Detta på grund av mindre känslighet för ökningar i energipriser och överkomliga priser för det gamla bostadsbeståndet.

Migration of Signing Algorithms : An investigation in migration of signing algorithms used in certificate authorities. / Migration av signeringsalgoritmer : Undersökning av migration av signeringsalgoritmer som används av certifkatauktoriteter.

Hassan, Yusuf January 2019 (has links)
The migration of signing algorithms is a process which can be used to move from signing algorithms which are regarded as less safe to algorithms which are regarded as safer. The safety of cryptographic algorithms has been compromised before, algorithms such as SHA-1 has been proven to be broken. The goal of this study was to find criteria that could define a successful migration as well as evaluating a method to perform a migration. The criteria were found by evaluating related works found in an RFC document as well as in a Springer conference paper. The criteria that was found was the following: backwards compatibility, no downtime, no need for mass revocation, no need for strict scheduling and no extra overhead. The evaluated method utilized a construct called a multiple key certificate; it was chosen because it conformed to most of the found criteria. The multiple key certificate utilized two different key pairs, one generated from a conventional algorithm and the other using an alternative algorithm, it also conformed to the x.509 standard. The alternative algorithm could be chosen to be a post quantum algorithm. The prototype was tested for time overhead, memory overhead and backward compatibility. The results of testing to sign and verify 10 000 certificates as well as examining the file size of the certificate showed that the choice of alternative algorithm heavily affects the time overhead of the prototype certificate. The multiple key certificate also proved to be backwards compatible with widely used applications. This solution has proven itself to act in accordance to all the newly established criterion except for the criterion regarding overhead however, alternative algorithms could be strategically chosen to minimize overhead. The multiple key certificate seems to be a successful way to migrate signing algorithms. / Migration av signeringsalgoritmer som används i certifikat är en process som kan behövas när en signeringsalgoritm som är mindre säker ska ersättas med en som är mer säker. Säkerheten som återfinns hos kryptografiska algoritmer har brutits förut, algoritmer såsom SHA-1 har bevisats vara osäkra. Målet med denna studie var att ta fram kriterier som kan definiera en lyckad migration samt evaluera en metod som kan användas för att utföra en migration. Kriterierna togs fram genom att studera tidigare arbeten inom migration av signeringsalgoritmer, dessa arbeten återfinns hos RFC dokument samt konferensrapporter från Springer. Kriterierna som togs fram var följande: kompatibilitet med äldre system, ingen nertid, inget behov av massrevokering, inget behov av strikta tidsscheman samt ingen extra omkostnad. Metoden som utvärderades kallas för flernyckels certifikat. Den valdes för att den följde flest av de nyfunna kriterierna. Lösningen utnyttjar två olika nyckelpar, nämligen ett nyckelpar som har genererats med en konventionell algoritm samt ett nyckelpar som har genererats med en alternativ algoritm. Lösningen följer även x.509 standarden. Den alternativa algoritmen kan väljas så att den är postkvantum. Prototypen testades för omkostnad i tid samt minne genom att signera och verifiera 10 000 certifikat samt att titta på certifikatens filstorlek. Prototypen testades även för kompatibilitet med kända applikationer. Resultaten visade att valet av alternativa algoritmer hade stor påverkan på omkostnaderna. Tester visade att prototypen var kompatibel med applikationer som används i stor utsträckning. Lösningen verkade följa alla nyfunna kriterier förutom kriteriet angående omkostnad men den alternativa algoritmen kan strategiskt väljas för att minimera omkostnaden. Prototypen verkar vara ett lyckat sätt att migrera signeringsalgoritmer.

The Shifting Web of Trust : Exploring the Transformative Journey of Certificate Chains in Prominent Domains / Förtroendets Föränderliga Väv : Att Utforska den Transformativa Resan av Certifikatkedjor av Populära Domäner

Döberl, Marcus, Freiherr von Wangenheim, York January 2023 (has links)
The security and integrity of TLS certificates are essential for ensuring secure transmission over the internet and protecting millions of people from man-in-the-middle attacks. Certificate Authorities (CA) play a crucial role in issuing and managing thesecertificates. This bachelor thesis presents a longitudinal analysis of certificate chains forpopular domains, examining their evolution over time and across different categories. Using publicly available certificate data from sources such as crt.sh and censys.io, we createda longitudinal dataset of certificate chains for domains from the Top 1-M list of Tranco.We categorized the certificates based on their type, and the particular service categories.We analyzed a selected set of domains over time and identified the patterns and trendsthat emerged in their certificate chains. Our analysis revealed several noteworthy trends,including an increase in the use of new CAs and a shift of which types of certificates areused, we also found a trend in shorter certificate chains and fewer paths from domain toroot certificate. This implies a more streamlined and simplified certificate process overtime until today. Our findings have implications for the broader cybersecurity communityand demonstrate the importance of ongoing monitoring and analysis of certificate chainsfor popular domains.

Energideklarationens roll och ändamålsenlighet på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden : En analys av EPC-systemets relevans som modell för energieffektivisering / The Role of the Energy Performance Certificate, and the Fulfillment of its Purpose on the Swedish Real Estate Market : An Analysis of the Relevance of the EPC System as a Model for Energy Efficiency

Sandin, Hedvig, Sandell, Joanna January 2022 (has links)
Energieffektivisering av byggnadsbeståndet är en viktig del av EU:s klimatarbete, och systemet med energideklarationen (EPC) är ett centralt politiskt verktyg för ändamålet. Forskningen om hur EPC påverkat fastighetsmarknaden är dock inte helt entydig. Fastän statistisk forskning huvudsakligen tyder på ett samband mellan en högre energiklass och en högre köpeskilling, marknadsförs inte energiklassen som en lönsam grön strategi. Genom att intervjua svenska fastighetsaktörer om deras syn på och användning av energideklarationen ämnar denna studie undersöka om EPC-märkningen (energiklassen), som ingår som ett obligatorium i alla försäljnings- och hyresannonser, spelar någon roll för betalningsvilja och investeringsbeslut. I det fall det finns en lönsamhet i energieffektivitet borde energideklarationen vara ett värdefullt informationsverktyg. Den borde dessutom leda till en kontinuerlig förbättring av energiklasserna i det svenska byggnadsbeståndet och på lång sikt bidra till att uppnå klimatmål på nationell och internationell nivå. År 2022 väntas tillägg till befintlig EU-lagstiftning som kommer öka fokus på energieffektivisering för att uppnå de globala klimatmålen, vilket gör det än mer angeläget att utreda EPC-systemets tillämpning och potentiella fördelar på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden. Resultaten av denna studie visar att EPC-märkningen inte har haft en speciellt stor inverkan på marknaden sedan den infördes eftersom den inte skapar ekonomiska incitament att investera i energieffektivitet, och de energieffektiviseringsåtgärder som deklarationen föreslår är alltför generiska och bristfälliga. På det hela taget har deklarationen en svag ställning och är för närvarande främst begränsad till en formalitet. Värdet av en bra energiklass kommer dock sannolikt att öka till följd av implementeringen av EU-taxonomin, och denna ökning beror till stor del på de finansiella fördelar en bra energiklass kan medföra. Resultaten i denna uppsats ifrågasätter ett energiklassningssystem i Sverige som inte fungerar som det ska eftersom det inte bidrar till att öka energieffektiviteten i det svenska byggnadsbeståndet, och understryker vikten av kompletterande politik som kan uppmuntra investeringar i rätt riktning. / Improving the energy efficiency of the building stock is an important part of the EU's climate work, and the Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) scheme is a key policy tool for this purpose. Research on the impact of the Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) on the real estate market is not entirely clear. While statistical research mainly suggests a correlation between a better energy class and a higher price, the energy class is not being marketed as a profitable green strategy. By interviewing Swedish real estate actors about their views on the energy performance certificate (EPC) this study seeks to investigate whether the EPC label, which is included as a mandatory element in all sales and rental advertisements, plays a role in willingness to pay and investment decisions. If there is a profitability in energy efficiency, the EPC should be a valuable information tool. In addition, it should lead to a continuous improvement of the energy performance of the Swedish building stock, and in the long term contribute to achieving climate goals at national and international level. In 2022, amendments to existing EU legislation are expected that will increase the focus on energy efficiency to achieve the global climate goals, making it even more urgent to investigate the application and potential benefits of the EPC scheme in the Swedish real estate market. The result of this study shows that the EPC label has not had a significant impact on the market since its introduction, since it does not create financial incentives to invest in energy efficiency and since the energy efficiency improvement measures proposed by the declaration are too generic and insufficient. On the whole, the energy performance certificate has a weak position and is currently mainly limited to a formality. However, the value of a good energy class is likely to increase as a result of the implementation of the EU taxonomy, and this transition is largely dependent on the financial benefits a good energy rating can bring. The findings of this paper call into question an energy labeling scheme in Sweden that is not working as it should, that is, to increase energy efficiency in the Swedish building stock, and underline the importance of complementary policies that can encourage investment in the right direction.


VAN DYKE, RICHARD GERARD January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Is Ohio approaching healthy people 2010 objectives - a birth certificate data analysis

Sexson Tejtel, Sara Kristen 21 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.

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