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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Status Of Web Security In Sweden

Alkhateeb, Firas January 2022 (has links)
Getting incorrect website content has increased in recent years, which is a reflection of the web security status on the Internet. However, when It comes to government and other professional organisations websites, they should have the best security requirements and follow security recommendations. This research will study websites located in the SE zone. The total number of investigated websites is 1166. The testing process was done in two ways. The firstway is a Dutch test website tool called Internet.nl. The second is using a tool developed as part of the research. The investigation focuses on Swedish websites and nine security extensions. These extensions prevent Man in the middle attack(MITM), downgrade attacks, Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Click-jacking, and ensure that the correct information is obtained when a client requests a website. The paper evaluated the security between 2014 and 2022. What are the types of security taken and which sector has the best security awareness. The using of security headers had increased in 2022, the total use of tested security standards in the SE zone is around 50%, and banks have the best security awareness.

Modernizing forms at KTH : Using Digital Signatures

Engström, Pontus January 2016 (has links)
Today both government agencies and companies struggle to keep up with the pace of the continuous change of technology. With all new technology there are benefits, but new problems might also occur. Implementing new technology for certain tasks may increase both efficiency and security, resulting in a more sustainable work environment. One technology that is increasingly adopted is digital signatures. Instead of using classical handwritten signatures on documents, a digital signature can be more time efficient and have higher security. In order to implement a digital signature technology some security aspects must be addressed and certain properties ensured. In the document signature process, each time an individual verifies a signature attached onto a document a log entry is created. This log contains information about who verified which document, does it have multiple parts that have been signed, does it need multiple signatures in order to be valid, and at what time and date was the document signed. Logs help to ensure the validity of the document and thereby increase the security provided by the digital signatures. At KTH, a student must sign an application form with a regular ink-written signature to start a thesis project. This process can in most cases delay the start up to two weeks. This study aims to implement digital signatures for one specific form, an application form for a thesis project. The hypothesis at the start of the project was that the use of digital signature would decrease the time of waiting significantly. Personnel at KTH using digital signature would facilitate their work efficiency, due to less printing and archiving of papers as well fewer meetings. This study will provide the reader with the necessary fundamental knowledge of cryptography and how digital signatures use this underlying technology. The methodology used in this study was to identify and modify certain software settings, as well collect data from students and personnel at KTH. The collected data was based on time measurements of digital signature processes from students and a faculty member. The results show digital signatures are faster than the current signing process with traditional ink-written signatures. Additionally, the use of digital signatures is expected to reduce the need for printing, transport, and sorting of paper documents. The resulting reduction in use of physical paper should provide environmental benefits. / Dagens myndigheter och företag har det svårt att ständigt följa den tekniska utvecklingen. Ny teknik skapar oftast nya fördelar och andra förmåner men kan ibland också orsaka problem. Att implementera ny teknik för specifika ändamål kan öka både effektivitet och säkerhet, vilket resulterar i en mer effektiv arbetsplats. En teknik som introduceras allt mer på sistone är digitala signaturer. Istället för att signera dokument med en handskriven signatur kan en digital signatur vara mer tidseffektiv och ha en högre säkerhet. För att implementera tekniken bakom digitala signaturer måste särskilda säkerhetsaspekter adresseras och specifika inställningar säkerställas. I signaturprocessen måste varje individ verifiera signaturen som är bifogad på dokumentet, denna verifiering skapar även en logg. En logg innehåller bland annat information om vem som verifierade dokumentet, om dokumentet har fler än en bifogad signatur, behöver dokumentet fler signaturer för att vara giltigt och vilken tid och datum var dokumentet signerat. En logg säkerställer validiteten av dokumentet och ökar därmed säkerheten för digitala signaturer. På KTH krävs en skriftlig ansökan för att påbörja ett examensarbete. Med nuvarande process kan det i vissa fall leda till en försenad projektstart med upp till två veckor. Den här studien syftar till att implementera digitala signaturer för ett specifikt formulär, en ansökningsblankett för att påbörja ett examensarbete. Hypotesen vid projektstart var att användning av digitala signaturer skulle kunna förminska väntetiden signifikant. Anställda på KTH som utnyttjar digitala signaturer skulle kunna förbättra deras arbetseffektivitet på grund av färre pappersutskrifter, mindre pappersarkivering och färre möten. Den här studien kommer att förse läsaren med de mest nödvändiga kunskaperna av kryptografi och hur digitala signaturer använder krypteringsfenomenet. Metodiken som användes syftade till att identifiera och modifiera specifika mjukvaruinställningar samt samla in data från studenter och personal på KTH. Den insamlade datan baserades på tidsmätningar av digitala signatursprocesser från studenter, studievägledare och handledare. Resultatet från studien visade att digitala signaturer skulle ge en snabbare signeringsprocess än nuvarande formulär. Det kan dessutom förväntas att med digitala signaturer skulle pappersutskrifter, papperstransporter och sortering av dessa dokument reduceras. Resultatet av minskad användning av fysiskt papper kommer att generera arbetsfördelar.

Kapitalstruktur hos svenska fastighetsbolag : En undersökning av vilka faktorer som påverkar val och möjligheter av skuldfinansiering för svenska fastighetsbolag / Swedish Real Estate Companies' Capital Structure : An Investigation of the Factors that Influence the Choice and Possibilities of Debt financing for Swedish Real Estate Companies

Bivrin, Julia, Edlund, Viktor January 2021 (has links)
Kapitalstrukturen hos svenska fastighetsbolag har sedan finanskrisen år 2007–2008 förändrats avsevärt. Framför allt genom en ökad mängd marknadsfinansiering i form av obligations- och certifikatslån men även genom hybridkapital såsom D- och preferensaktier. Det har skapat nya vägar och strategier för fastighetsbolag att genom sin kapitalstruktur påverka utvecklingen på bolaget. Bolagen har genom de nya finansieringsalternativen nått ut till nya typer av investerare som tidigare inte var aktiva på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden. Det finns dock andra aktörer än fastighetsbolagen själva som påverkar hur deras kapitalstruktur ser ut. Investerare, kreditvärderingsinstitut, finansinspektionen och banker är några av de aktörer som är med och influerar fastighetsbolagen. Studiens syfte är att undersöka svenska fastighetsbolags kapitalstruktur och huruvida kapitalstrukturen påverkas av bolagens fastighetsbestånd. Studien undersöker även hur finansieringstrender och marknadsföreteelser påverkar fastighetsbolags tillgång på kapital. Målsättningen med studien är att dra slutsatser om hur fastighetsbolags fastighetsbestånd, finansieringstrender samt företeelser på marknaden influerar deras kapitalstruktur. Studien är indelad i två delar och inleds med en kvantitativ del som utgångspunkt där skillnader i fastighetsbolags räntebärande skulder undersöks genom deras genomsnittliga direktavkastningskrav använt vid värdering. Den andra delen består av en kvalitativ intervjustudie med semistrukturerade intervjuer med finanschefer/CFO:s på fastighetsbolag, fastighetsanalytiker på bank samt en kreditvärderingsanalytiker på ett kreditvärderingsinstitut. Studien visar att fastighetsbolagens fastighetsbestånd påverkar tillgången och priset på finansiering. Det är däremot svårt att avgöra till hur stor del fastighetsbeståndet påverkar. Det går inte att säga att fastighetsbeståndets risk, mätt i direktavkastningskrav, påverkar fastighetsbolagens räntebärande skuldstruktur. Utifrån intervjustudien kan slutsatser dras att fastighetsbolagens kapitalstruktur påverkas av många parametrar. Fastighetsbolagen kan till största del själva bestämma hur de vill utforma sin kapitalstruktur. De är sällan begränsade att använda sig av något av finansieringsinstrumenten, dock finns det väsentliga prisskillnader beroende på bolagets storlek, renommé, kreditbetyg, ägarstruktur, tillväxttakt och fastighetsbeståndets ekonomiska status. / The capital structure of Swedish real estate companies has changed considerably since the financial crisis in 2007-2008. The change has primarily been through an increased amount of market financing in the form of bonds and certificates of deposit, but also through hybrid capital. It has created new ways and strategies for real estate companies to influence the development of the company through its capital structure. Through the new financingalternatives, the companies have reached out to new types of investors who were not previously active in the Swedish real estate market. However, there are other actors than the real estate companies themselves who influence what their capital structure looks like. Investors, credit rating agencies, the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority and banks are some of the actors involved in influencing real estate companies. The purpose of the study is to examine the capital structure of Swedish real estate companies and whether the capital structure is affected by the companies' property portfolio. The study also examines how financing trends and market phenomena affect real estate companies' access to capital. The aim of the study is to draw conclusions about how real estate companies' property portfolio, financing trends and phenomena in the market influence their capital structure. The study is divided into two parts and begins with a quantitative part where differences in real estate companies' interest-bearing debts are examined through their average yield used in valuations. The second part consists of a qualitative interview study with semi-structured interviews with CFOs at real estate companies, real estate analysts at banks and a credit rating analyst at a credit rating agency. The study presents that real estate companies' property portfolio affects the supply and price of financing. Although, it is difficult to determine to what extent the property portfolio affects the capital structure. It is not possible to say that the risk of the property portfolio, measured in average valuation yield, affects the real estate companies' interest-bearing debt structure. Based on the interview study, conclusions can be drawn that the real estate companies' capital structure is affected by many parameters. The real estate companies can for the most part decide for themselves how they want to design their capital structure. They are rarely limited to using any of the different financial instruments, however, there are significant price differences depending on the company's size, reputation, credit rating, ownership structure, growth rate and the financial status of the property portfolio.

Sustainability Governance: Insights from a Cocoa Supply Chain

Keller, Jakob, Jung, Martin, Lasch, Rainer 31 May 2024 (has links)
The food industry is one of the main drivers of climate change, with serious impacts on the living and working conditions in developing countries. Due to these sustainability issues, consumers, governments, and non-governmental organizations are pressuring food companies to rethink their current business concepts of food production. Food companies rely on supply chain governance and its mechanisms to implement sustainability standards across all tiers of their supply chains. This study examines the sustainability governance at all stages of a cocoa supply chain, from the raw material production to the retailer, by using a qualitative case study approach. The results show a differentiation of the sustainability governance according to the different supply chain stages. At the raw material production stage, sustainability is mainly improved using contracts, extensive and frequent knowledge sharing, and audits. After the raw material production stage, environmental and social sustainability is almost exclusively coordinated by certificates, while other governance mechanisms are used to foster long-term economic business relationships. This study gives detailed insights into the application intentions and the functioning of sustainability governance mechanisms and provides propositions on how to efficiently improve sustainability in food supply chains.

Cutting plane methods and dual problems

Gladin, Egor 28 August 2024 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit Schnittebenenverfahren, einer Gruppe von iterativen Algorithmen zur Minimierung einer (möglicherweise nicht glatten) konvexen Funktion über einer kompakten konvexen Menge. Wir betrachten zwei prominente Beispiele, nämlich die Ellipsoidmethode und die Methode der Vaidya, und zeigen, dass ihre Konvergenzrate auch bei Verwendung eines ungenauen Orakels erhalten bleibt. Darüber hinaus zeigen wir, dass es möglich ist, diese Methoden im Rahmen der stochastischen Optimierung effizient zu nutzen. Eine andere Richtung, in der Schnittebenenverfahren nützlich sein können, sind duale Probleme. In der Regel können die Zielfunktion und ihre Ableitungen bei solchen Problemen nur näherungsweise berechnet werden. Daher ist die Unempfindlichkeit der Methoden gegenüber Fehlern in den Subgradienten von großem Nutzen. Als Anwendungsbeispiel schlagen wir eine linear konvergierende duale Methode für einen Markow-Entscheidungsprozess mit Nebenbedienungen vor, die auf der Methode der Vaidya basiert. Wir demonstrieren die Leistungsfähigkeit der vorgeschlagenen Methode in einem einfachen RL Problem. Die Arbeit untersucht auch das Konzept der Genauigkeitszertifikate für konvexe Minimierungsprobleme. Zertifikate ermöglichen die Online-Überprüfung der Genauigkeit von Näherungslösungen. In dieser Arbeit verallgemeinern wir den Begriff der Genauigkeitszertifikate für die Situation eines ungenauen Orakels erster Ordnung. Darüber hinaus schlagen wir einen expliziten Weg zur Konstruktion von Genauigkeitszertifikaten für eine große Klasse von Schnittebenenverfahren vor. Als Nebenprodukt zeigen wir, dass die betrachteten Methoden effizient mit einem verrauschten Orakel verwendet werden können, obwohl sie ursprünglich für ein exaktes Orakel entwickelt wurden. Schließlich untersuchen wir die vorgeschlagenen Zertifikate in numerischen Experimenten und zeigen, dass sie eine enge obere Schranke für das objektive Residuum liefern. / The present thesis studies cutting plane methods, which are a group of iterative algorithms for minimizing a (possibly nonsmooth) convex function over a compact convex set. We consider two prominent examples, namely, the ellipsoid method and Vaidya's method, and show that their convergence rate is preserved even when an inexact oracle is used. Furthermore, we demonstrate that it is possible to use these methods in the context of stochastic optimization efficiently. Another direction where cutting plane methods can be useful is Lagrange dual problems. Commonly, the objective and its derivatives can only be computed approximately in such problems. Thus, the methods' insensitivity to error in subgradients comes in handy. As an application example, we propose a linearly converging dual method for a constrained Markov decision process (CMDP) based on Vaidya's algorithm. We demonstrate the performance of the proposed method in a simple RL environment. The work also investigates the concept of accuracy certificates for convex minimization problems. Certificates allow for online verification of the accuracy of approximate solutions. In this thesis, we generalize the notion of accuracy certificates for the setting of an inexact first-order oracle. Furthermore, we propose an explicit way to construct accuracy certificates for a large class of cutting plane methods. As a by-product, we show that the considered methods can be efficiently used with a noisy oracle even though they were originally designed to be equipped with an exact oracle. Finally, we illustrate the work of the proposed certificates in numerical experiments highlighting that they provide a tight upper bound on the objective residual.

Physical science activities and skills development in the school curriculum of Namibia

Mkandawire, Myness 08 1900 (has links)
Grade 12 learners in one Namibian secondary school participated in a study of science process skills implied in their International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) physical science syllabus. The study aimed at finding out learners’ ability to identify science process skills in their physical science syllabus, criteria used to identify skills and whether any relationship existed between learners’ achievement in performing skills and learners’ ability in identifying the skills. Four physical science syllabus topics were taught. Learners performed and identified science process skills in learning and assessment tasks. A One Group Pretest-Posttest research design was used in a combined qualitative and quantitative research method. Data revealed that learners identified science process skills. Science processes performed during learning experiences were used as criteria to confirm presence of the skills. Learners’ achievement increased in performing and identifying science process skills after intervention activities. There seemed no relationship between learners’ achievement in performing and learners’ ability in identifying science process skills. / Science and Technology Education / M. Ed. (Natural Science Education)

Agent-based one-shot authorisation scheme in a commercial extranet environment

Au, Wai Ki Richard January 2005 (has links)
The enormous growth of the Internet and the World Wide Web has provided the opportunity for an enterprise to extend its boundaries in the global business environment. While commercial functions can be shared among a variety of strategic allies - including business partners and customers, extranets appear to be the cost-effective solution to providing global connectivity for different user groups. Because extranets allow third-party users into corporate networks, they need to be extremely secure and external access needs to be highly controllable. Access control and authorisation mechanisms must be in place to regulate user access to information/resources in a manner that is consistent with the current set of policies and practices both at intra-organisational and cross-organisational levels. In the business-to-customer (B2C) e-commerce setting, a service provider faces a wide spectrum of new customers, who may not have pre-existing relationships established. Thus the authorisation problem is particularly complex. In this thesis, a new authorisation scheme is proposed to facilitate the service provider to establish trust with potential customers, grant access privileges to legitimate users and enforce access control in a diversified commercial environment. Four modules with a number of innovative components and mechanisms suitable for distributed authorisation on extranets are developed: * One-shot Authorisation Module - One-shot authorisation token is designed as a flexible and secure credential for access control enforcement in client/server systems; * Token-Based Trust Establishment Module - Trust token is proposed for server-centric trust establishment in virtual enterprise environment. * User-Centric Anonymous Authorisation Module - One-task authorisation key and anonymous attribute certificate are developed for anonymous authorisation in a multi-organisational setting; * Agent-Based Privilege Negotiation Module - Privilege negotiation agents are proposed to provide dynamic authorisation services with secure client agent environment for hosting these agents on user's platform

Physical science activities and skills development in the school curriculum of Namibia

Mkandawire, Myness 08 1900 (has links)
Grade 12 learners in one Namibian secondary school participated in a study of science process skills implied in their International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) physical science syllabus. The study aimed at finding out learners’ ability to identify science process skills in their physical science syllabus, criteria used to identify skills and whether any relationship existed between learners’ achievement in performing skills and learners’ ability in identifying the skills. Four physical science syllabus topics were taught. Learners performed and identified science process skills in learning and assessment tasks. A One Group Pretest-Posttest research design was used in a combined qualitative and quantitative research method. Data revealed that learners identified science process skills. Science processes performed during learning experiences were used as criteria to confirm presence of the skills. Learners’ achievement increased in performing and identifying science process skills after intervention activities. There seemed no relationship between learners’ achievement in performing and learners’ ability in identifying science process skills. / Science and Technology Education / M. Ed. (Natural Science Education)

La genèse de la propriété industrielle en France / The genesis of the right of industrial property

Gobert, Perle 13 November 2015 (has links)
Le droit de la propriété industrielle peut apparaître comme un droit assez récent dans le pay-sage juridique français, mais ce présupposé n’est qu’un leurre. Sa présence est attestée dès le commencement des pratiques artistiques et artisanales pendant l’Antiquité. La prise de conscience de son existence et de son utilité au sein de la société a toutefois été exacerbée au XVIIIe siècle, notamment lors de la révolution française de 1789, moment de sa construc-tion et de sa reconnaissance juridiques.Le droit de la propriété industrielle, à partir des événements révolutionnaires devient en effet l’enjeu d’une élaboration aussi bien intellectuelle que juridique. De nombreux débats de la part des créateurs et inventeurs font rage auprès des institutions politiques afin que ce droit soit reconnu et normalisé. L’aboutissement de ces combats intellectuels, grâce aux multiples ré-flexions de la doctrine et de la jurisprudence transforme le droit de la propriété industriel en un droit normatif s’inscrivant dans l’ordonnancement juridique.Au-delà de cette organisation législative, le droit de la propriété industrielle est également le sujet de nombreuses interrogations quant aux circonstances politiques et économiques qui ont permis son éclosion. Le droit de la propriété industrielle se module selon l’ensemble des lois, des jurisprudences, de la doctrine, de la politique et de l’économie qui tente de lui donner des structures juridiques stables. Il s’affirme comme un droit protéiforme, dont la portée na-tionale relative aux inventeurs et aux créateurs dans la reconnaissance de leur droit, prend une dimension internationale, aspirant à organiser et harmoniser les relations économiques des Nations. / : The right of the industrial property seems like a recent right in the French legal landscape, but this assumption is wrong. Its presence was confirmed as of the beginning of the artistic and artisanal practices during the Antiquity. The awakening of its existence and its utility wi-thin the company however was intensified at the XVIIIth century, in particular at the time of the French revolution of 1789, during the moment of its legal construction and its recognition.The right of the industrial property, starting from the revolutionary events became the chal-lenge of an intellectual development as well as a legal development. Many debates on behalf of the creators and inventors show rage regarding the political institutions, so that this right is acknowledged and standardized. The result of these intellectual combats, thanks to the mul-tiple reflections of the doctrines and jurisprudence transforms the patent right into a normative right falling under legal scheduling.Next to this legislative organization, the right of the industrial property is also the subject of many interrogations as for the political and economic circumstances, which allowed it's blos-soming. The right of the industrial property modulated according to the whole set of laws; ju-risprudences; the doctrines; politics and economics, tries to give him stable legal structures. He affirms himself as a protean right, whose national range relating to the inventors and the creators in the recognition of their right, takes an international dimension, trying to organize and harmonize the economic relations of the Nations.

Learner promotion policy in the further education and training band : a situation analysis

Knight, David Peter 03 1900 (has links)
The National Curriculum Statement (NCS) Grades 10 to 12 (Schools), implemented from 2006, led to changes in promotion requirements and assessment practices. The investigation aimed at acquiring information about the extent to which the differences in the promotion requirements and assessment practices contributed to the high retention rate of learners in the FET Band. An explanatory mixed method strategy was followed to obtain reliable and valid results in this research. Quantitative research consisted of questionnaires and a survey to investigate OBE, assessment practices, the Grade 12 examinations and the impact of changes in promotion requirements since 2006. Qualitative research consisted of an interview with an official from the National Department of Education that contributed to a better understanding of policy changes. Based on the findings of the research, recommendations were constructed to improve assessment practices and to provide scientific data on the consequences of policy changes on the promotion of learners. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Educational Management)

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