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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Alteração dos fatos no curso do processo e os limites de modificação da causa petendi / Amendment of facts during the course of action and the limits to change the cause of action

Daniel Raichelis Degenszajn 13 May 2010 (has links)
Evitar que o tempo atue como agente de corrosão de diretos durante o longo período de pendência do processo deve ser uma verdadeira obsessão do processualista moderno, consciencioso da finalidade e da existência da ciência processual que constitui o seu objeto de estudo. A visão teleológica do processo como instrumento de realização do direito material deve estar presente na interpretação de todas as regras processuais, sempre tendo em mente o sábio conselho de Chesterton, para quem o homem pode enxergar mais longe se subir aos ombros dos que vieram antes. Romper com velhos dogmas para proporcionar resposta aos novos problemas é fazer com que o direito processual seja dinâmico, conferindo-lhe a capacidade de superar crises de efetividade. A alteração dos fatos durante a longa travessia que é o processo constitui o objeto deste estudo, sobretudo no que se refere aos impactos sobre importantes figuras e institutos processuais como a causa de pedir, a estabilização da demanda, a rigidez do sistema preclusivo, a inércia da jurisdição e a interpretação destes, plasmada nos princípios constitucionais do contraditório e da duração razoável do processo, que integram o conceito amplo do devido processo legal. Para alcançar tais propósitos, esta dissertação está estruturada em cinco partes. O acesso à ordem jurídica justa é o tema inicial e o primeiro capítulo é destinado ao seu estudo. Acesso à justiça não se confunde com estar em juízo. O seu real significado está relacionado com a realização da promessa constitucional de entrega da tutela jurisdicional a quem efetivamente tem direito a ela, sempre lembrando que ela deve ser justa, igualitária e tempestiva. O capitulo dois, núcleo da abordagem teórica do objeto deste estudo, centra-se na identificação da demanda e de seus elementos objetivos, em que se busca demonstrar a existência de uma pluralidade de possibilidades para a investigação do mesmo problema. A concepção alemã do objeto do processo (ou objeto litigioso) enfoca o problema de modo absolutamente distinto daquele concebido pelo direito italiano (teoria dos três eadem). O tempero dado pelas teorias da substanciação e individualização para identificação do núcleo resistente da causa de pedir demonstram a necessidade da análise dos elementos que compõem a demanda, em atenção ao direito material que se busca fazer valer em juízo. Os direitos autodeterminados e heterodeterminados reclamam a utilização de métodos distintos para identificação da causa petendi, demonstrando que esta figura jurídica goza de certa elasticidade. O capítulo três desenvolve a conceituação do fato superveniente e do fato de conhecimento superveniente, bem como o impacto distinto destes na esfera jurídica do autor e do réu, analisando o último momento do procedimento em que é praticamente possível introduzir o fato novo e, sobretudo, o real alcance do art. 462 do Código de Processo Civil. A interpretação deste dispositivo processual revela um poderoso alcance de notável utilidade para aperfeiçoamento do processo como método estatal de solução de controvérsias. O quarto capítulo problematiza os limites da modificação da causa de pedir no curso do processo, com a superação do dogma da estabilização da demanda. A não-incidência ou não-aplicação de regras processuais meramente formais para dar efetividade aos princípios constitucionais informadores do devido processo legal é a pedra de toque para a conclusão a que se chega ao fim do trabalho. O capítulo cinco, conclusivo do percurso analítico empreendido, apresenta o estágio de compreensão do objeto alcançado neste estudo. Garantido o contraditório e a ampla defesa, deve ser prestigiado o princípio constitucional da duração razoável do processo, cuja correta interpretação é dele extrair uma garantia de resolução integral da crise de direito material com o menor grau de perturbação social possível, ou seja, com o menor dispêndio de energia e tempo, o que implica reconhecer a possibilidade de modificação da causa petendi. / Avoiding time to act as a corrosion agent of rights during the long period of a pending case must be a true obsession for the modern expert in civil procedure, conscious of the purpose and existence of procedural science that constitutes its object of study. The teleological vision of the judicial process as an instrument of realization of substantive law shall be present in the interpretation of all procedural rules, always keeping Chestertons wise advice in mind, to whom a man can see further if he climbs on the shoulders of those who came before. Breaking with old dogmas to provide solutions to new problems is to make procedural law dynamic, giving it the capability to overcome crises of effectiveness. The change of events during the long journey of the case is the object of this study, particularly with regard to the impacts on important procedural figures and institutions such as cause of action, stabilization of claim, rigidity of the preclusive system, inertia of jurisdiction and its interpretation, present in the constitutional principles of adversary system and reasonable time of proceedings, which form the broad concept of due process of law. To achieve such aims, this dissertation is structured in five parts. The access to the fair legal system is the opening theme and the first chapter focuses on its study. Access to justice should not be confused with being at court. Its real meaning is related to the implementation of the constitutional promise of delivery of legal protection to those who are actually entitled to it, always remembering that it must be fair, equitable and timely. The second chapter, the core of the theoretical object of this study, focuses on the identification of the litigation and its objective elements and seeks to demonstrate the existence of a plurality of possibilities for the investigation of the same problem. The German conception of the subject matter (or litigious matter) analyzes the 194 problem in a completely different manner from that designed by the Italian Law (theory of the three eadem). The effect given by the theories of substantiation and individualization for the identification of the resistant core of the cause of action demonstrate the necessity of analyzing the elements of claim, in response to the substantive law that seeks to be enforced in court. The self-determined and heterodetermined rights claim the use of different methods to identify the causa petendi demostrating that this legal concept hás certain elasticity. The third chapter develops the concept of supervening fact and supervening knowledge of the fact as well as their different impact on the legal sphere of the plaintiff and the defendant; the last moment of the proceedings that permits the introduction of the new fact is analyzed and, especially, the actual scope of article 462 of the Code of Civil Procedure. The interpretation of this procedural provision reveals a remarkable range of powerful utility for improving the legal process as a state method of settlement. The fourth chapter discusses the limits to change the cause of action during the course of action overcoming the dogma of the stabilization of claim. The nonlevy or non-application of purely formal procedural rules to give effect to the constitutional principles which inform the due process of law is the cornerstone of the conclusion reached at the end of the work. The fifth chapter concludes the undertaken analytical path and presents the understanding stage of the object of this study. Being the adversary system and full defense guaranteed, the constitutional principle of reasonable time of proceedings must be considered. Its correct interpretation is to acquire a guarantee of full resolution of the crisis of substantive law with the lowest degree of social disruption as possible, i.e., the lowest expenditure of energy and time, which means recognizing the possibility of changing the causa petendi.

Racionalidades identitárias na produção e comercialização de alimentos coloniais na Quarta Colônia-RS

Guimarães, Gisele Martins January 2011 (has links)
Esta tese analisa as racionalidades produtivas em transformação na Quarta Colônia, composta por nove municípios da região central do RS, que mobilizam recursos específicos, dentre eles, as identidades socioculturais presentes de forma histórica entre os atores, como estratégia para oportunidades de desenvolvimento. A exploração de novas atratividades, estabelecidas por meio do turismo, valorizam as tradições e modos de vida local, com ênfase na ruralidade e gastronomia típica, através da oferta de produtos coloniais processados artesanalmente por processos que simbolizam saberes fazer tradicionais que permanecem ou estão sendo recriados. O discurso de valorização das identidades, na ótica do mercado, favorece quem produz segundo normativas legais, “mercantilizando” as identidades culturais e socioprofissionais como estratégia de valorização do território. Os conceitos de ação social e racionalidade de Weber possibilitaram identificar e analisar os Sistemas de Produção Tradicional e Transformado e as redes de trocas entre os produtores. Através de análise documental e de entrevistas semiestruturadas foi reconstruído e analisado o processo em que convivem simultaneamente três tipos identitários, o original, o em transformação e o transformado, que constituem as racionalidades que atribuem originalidade e especificidade ao território Quarta Colônia. / This thesis analyzes the Quarta Colônia changing rationalities, comprised by nine cities from central region of Rio Grande do Sul, that mobilize own resources, among then, the sociocultural identities presents by historic way between the actors, as strategies to endogenous development opportunities. The new atractivities exploration value the tradition and local way of life, with emphasis on ruralities and typical gastronomy, through the colonial handmade products offer by process that symbolize traditional do knowledge that remain or are being created. The identity valorization speech, on market perspective, favors who produces as legal normative, “commercializing” the cultural and socioprofisional identities as territory values strategy. The Weber social acts and rationality concepts enabled to analyse and identify the Traditional Production and Transformed System and the changing networks between the producers. Through documental analyses and semi-structured interviews was rebuilt and analysed the process where three identities simultaneously live, the original, the changing, and the changed one, that constitute the rationalities that attribute originality and specificity to Quarta Colônia territory.

Modulação dos efeitos temporais da declaração de inconstitucionalidade: ponderação, subsunção e dosimetria / Changing of temporal effects judgment of unconstitutionality: balancing, subsumption and dosimetry.

Esdras Boccato 03 May 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação analisa a modulação dos efeitos temporais da declaração de incons-titucionalidade sob a perspectiva de seus métodos de aplicação. Aprecia-se criticamente a adequação da orientação jurisprudencial feita pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal e defendida pela predominante doutrina brasileira no sentido de que a modulação de efeitos deve ser realizada a partir da técnica de ponderação de princípios. Neste propósito, este trabalho apresenta os principais métodos mencionados na doutrina estrangeira e brasileira para a modulação de efeitos, subdividindo-os em soluções com ponderação e soluções com sub-sunção. Além disso, tomando-se como fundamento que a invalidação da lei inconstitucio-nal é ato de imposição de sanção jurídica, analisam-se os pontos em comum existentes entre a modulação de efeitos e a dosimetria da pena, na medida em que ambas podem ser consideradas técnicas de dosagem de sanção jurídica. / This dissertation examines the changing of temporal effects judgment of unconstitutionali-ty from the perspective of their application methods. Critically, it studies the adequacy of judicial guidance made by Supreme Court and defended by the prevailing brazilian doc-trine that chancing effects should be performed using the technique of balacing principles. In this way, this study presents the main methods mentioned in brazilian and foreign doc-trine for chancing effects, subdividing into balacing solutions and subsumption solutions. Moreover, taking assumption that invalidation of unconstitutional law is adjudication act of legal sanction, it analyzes commonalities between chancing effects and criminal dosimetry, because both can be considered dosage techniques of legal sanction.

Impacto das atividades produtivas na dinâmica da paisagem do assentamento Matupi, estado do Amazonas / Impact of Productive Activities in Landscape Dynamics Matupi Settlement, State of Amazonas

Viviane Vidal da Silva 20 September 2012 (has links)
As causas relacionadas ao desmatamento que ocorre na região Amazônica estão vinculadas aos diferentes usos e ocupações dessa área, entre eles os assentamentos rurais implantados pelo INCRA. Desta forma, com um estudo de escala local, o objetivo desta pesquisa foi investigar quais são os fatores sociais, econômicos e institucionais que influenciam no uso da terra e no desmatamento no Projeto de Assentamento Matupi, localizado no município de Manicoré, sul do estado do Amazonas. Para a avaliação das mudanças no uso da terra e do desmatamento foram utilizadas as informações geradas pelo PRODES/INPE no período de 2000-2010. As características sócio-econômicas foram levantadas a partir da aplicação de 121 questionários com os responsáveis pelo lote no assentamento Matupi. Utilizou-se o Modelo de Regressão Multivariada (MRM) para selecionar as variáveis sociais, institucionais e econômicas (variáveis independentes) que explicam o uso da terra e o desmatamento (variável dependente) no PA Matupi. No período analisado observou-se que a conversão de áreas de floresta em uso da terra tem aumentado no PA Matupi e para os lotes da amostra de 121 entrevistados, 90,9% dos responsáveis pelo lote utilizam mais de 20% de sua área, principalmente com a atividade da pecuária. Das 28 variáveis independentes, apenas atividade atual do lote, assistência técnica, utilização de equipamentos e máquinas, responsável pelo lote, local de moradia antes da chegada ao assentamento, origem dos responsáveis pelo lote, produtos comercializados e comercialização dos produtos foram selecionadas para explicar o uso da terra e o desmatamento na área estudada. Desta forma, estudos locais e que integrem os fatores sociais, institucionais e econômicos são necessários para se avaliar a real contribuição dos projetos de assentamentos do INCRA no desmatamento da região, contribuindo para o planejamento de novos assentamentos na região, que visem ao desenvolvimento social, econômico e ambiental. / Causes related to the deforestation in the Amazon region are linked to different uses and occupations of this area, including rural settlements implemented by Incra. Thus, through a local-scale study, the objective of this research was to investigate which are the social, economic and institutional influences on land use and deforestation in Matupi Settlement Project, in the municipality of Manicoré, in the southern region of the state of Amazonas. For the assessment of changes in land use and deforestation, information generated by PRODES / INPE, in the period 2000-2010, were used. The social-economic characteristics were obtained from the application of 121 questionnaires with those responsible for the lot in the Matupi settlement. We used the Multivariate Regression Model (MRM) to select the variables social, institutional and economic factors (independent variables) that explain land use and deforestation (dependent variable) in PA Matupi. The analysis showed that the conversion of forest land to use has increased in Matupi PA and for 121 respondents, 90.9% use more than 20% of the lot, especially with the activity of livestock. Of the 28 independent variables, only the current activity in the lot, technical assistance, use of equipment and machinery, responsible for the lot, place of residence before arriving at the settlement, origin of the responsible for the plot, and marketing of products and marketed products have been selected to explain the land use and deforestation in the area. Thus, local studies integrating social, economic and institutional factors are needed to assess the real contribution of the INCRA settlement projects in the deforestation of the region, contributing to the planning of new settlements in the region, aimed at the social, economic and environmental development.

Perceptions of body weight and health risks among primary school educators in the Western Cape, South Africa

Dalais, Lucinda January 2012 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / The global problem of overweight and obesity is disturbing judging by the World Health Organization 2008 statistics which estimate that 1.4 billion and 500 million adults are overweight and obese. Thus, as a major risk for non-communicable diseases (NCDs) which are the foremost cause of disability and death, the problem of obesity needs to be addressed not only globally but in South Africa as well. South Africa’s burden of disease includes NCDs and causes of death of diseases such as diabetes (3%), cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) (11%), cancer (7%) and chronic respiratory diseases (3%). The HealthKick study is a school-based nutrition and physical activity intervention programme in the Western Cape, S.A., aimed to promote healthy behaviours such as healthful eating and physical activity in children, parents and teachers to reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases. During the formative phase of the study it emerged that educators were at high risk for NCDs because of their high levels of obesity. This study therefore aimed to describe primary school educators’ perceptions regarding body weight, related health risks and barriers to weight management. A qualitative approach was used to collect data and included focus group discussions (FGDs), and in-depth individual interviews (IDIs). In addition anthropometric measurements were taken. Four schools were purposively selected and a total of thirty one male and female educators participated in the seven focus group discussions and four in-depth interviews from the four schools. Male FGDs and IDIs and female FGDs and IDIs were conducted separately. The focus group discussions and in-depth interviews were digitally recorded and transcribed verbatim. Thematic data analysis was conducted with the use of ATLAS ti 6.1 computer software.The results of the study indicate that educator perceptions regarding their own body weight varied slightly from the actual. Positive and negative weight loss experiences and feelings regarding their own body weight were expressed. Educators appeared knowledgeable about overweight/obesity and its health risks for particular NCDs. Several personal barriers were identified by the educators; however, of particular interest were the barriers relating to the school environment, identified barriers included lack of time, heavy workloads and school responsibilities. Several factors for consideration emerged relating to implementing an educator weight management programme in the schools. These included: the involvement of the department of education (DOE), the type of activities planned and the time of implementation.

Vespas em ninhos armadilha e nidificação de meliponíneos em um fragmento urbano de Mata Atlântica

Vieira, Karine Munck 19 February 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2015-12-02T18:20:09Z No. of bitstreams: 1 karinemunckvieira.pdf: 1540105 bytes, checksum: fa21a938e102b38c05882b697b40e024 (MD5) / Rejected by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br), reason: Título: somente primeira letra da primeira palavra em maiúsculo e nomes próprios também. Palavras-chave: acrescentar uma em cada linha (não precisa colocar ponto e nem vírgula no final) on 2015-12-03T11:56:46Z (GMT) / Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2015-12-03T12:31:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 karinemunckvieira.pdf: 1540105 bytes, checksum: fa21a938e102b38c05882b697b40e024 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2015-12-03T13:57:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 karinemunckvieira.pdf: 1540105 bytes, checksum: fa21a938e102b38c05882b697b40e024 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-03T13:57:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 karinemunckvieira.pdf: 1540105 bytes, checksum: fa21a938e102b38c05882b697b40e024 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-02-19 / FAPEMIG - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais / As modificações do ambiente pela ação humana podem favorecer determinadas espécies e comprometer a existência de outras. Os efeitos da interferência antrópica podem ser monitorados através de vespas solitárias, nidificantes em cavidades preexistentes e abelhas sem ferrão. Desta forma, objetivou-se comparar a composição dessas comunidades em áreas de maior (A1) e menor (A2) interferência antrópica em um fragmento urbano de Mata Atlântica. Para investigar a composição de vespas, foram instalados e monitorados, durante um ano, ninhos armadilha de bambu e cartolina de diâmetros variados, em um transecto representante de cada uma das áreas. A fim de comparar os mesmos locais quanto às espécies de meliponíneos residentes, foram feitas buscas de ninhos, por meio de deslocamentos ao longo das trilhas existentes nas áreas arborizadas do Jardim Botânico de Juiz de Fora, MG, que representaram a área A1, e no entorno das antigas construções, representando a área A2. Em relação às vespas, três das quatro espécies coletadas são adaptadas a ambientes modificados, e por esse motivo, houve maior riqueza (n=3) e abundância (n= 21) nessa área, sendo uma espécie (Pachodynerus sp.) exclusiva dessa localidade. O gênero Trypoxylon foi o mais representativo, sendo que 74,07% dos seus ninhos pertenceram a área com maior interferência antrópica. Os gomos de bambu foram utilizados com maior frequência (64,28%) e amostraram todas as espécies de vespas desse estudo. A abundância de ninhos em cada mês esteve correlacionada positivamente com temperatura média (rs= 0,44; p= 0,007), mas só houve correlação com a precipitação, nos meses de dezembro e janeiro. A similaridade entre a composição das espécies de vespas e de abelhas nas áreas A1 e A2 foi moderada (Cs= 0,66; Cs= 0,61), respectivamente; porém, a abundância das mesmas foi semelhantes (t= 1,96/ p= 0,097). Em relação às abelhas sem ferrão, a área A1 apresentou não apenas uma maior densidade de ninhos (80%) e riqueza de espécies (n=8) que a área A2 (n=5), como também em relação a outros estudos em áreas modificadas. A alta densidade de ninhos nessa localidade foi devido a 56,66% pertencerem a Nannotrigona testaceicornis e Tetragonisca angustula, espécies muito encontradas em locais urbanizados. Já a baixa riqueza e abundância de ninhos na área A2, foi, em parte, pelo fato de essa área encontra-se em estágio de sucessão inicial. O estabelecimento dos Hymenoptera amostrados nesse estudo em área de maior interferência antrópica, só foi possível porque a oferta de recursos naturais é suficiente à sobrevivência das espécies. / Environmental changes by human action may favor some species and compromising the existence of other. The effects of the anthropogenic impact can be monitored through solitary wasps that made nests in trap nesting and stingless bees. Thus, the objective was to compare the composition of these communities in areas of greater (A1) and lesser (A2) anthropogenic interference, in an urban fragment of the Atlantic Forest. To investigate the composition wasps were installed and monitored during one year, trap nesting made of bamboo and cardboard, with varying diameters in a representative transect in both areas. In order to compare this locations as the resident species of stingless bees, were made searches for nests along existing trails in the wooded areas of the Jardim Botânico de Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, representing the A1 area, and surrounding the old buildings, representing the A2 area. In relation to wasps, three of the four species collected are adapted to changing environments, and therefore, a greater richness (n = 3) and abundance (n = 21) in this area, with one species exclusive of this location (Pachidynerus sp). The Trypoxylon gender was the most representative, with 74.07% of their nests belonged to area with greater human interference. The bamboo canes were frequently used (64.28%) and sampled all kinds of wasps in this study. The abundance of nests in each month was positively correlated with mean temperature (rs = 0.44; p = 0.007), but just only have correlation with rainfall in December and January. The similarity between the species composition of wasps and bees in the areas A1 and A2 was moderate (Cs = 0.66; Cs = 0.61), respectively; but plenty of them was similar (t = 1.96 / p = 0.097). Regarding the stingless bees, the area most affected by human activity, had not only a higher density of nests (80%) and richness of species (n = 8) the A2 area (n=5), but also in relation to other studies in areas modified. The high density of nests in this location was due to 56.67% belong to Nannotrigona testaceicornis and Tetragonisca angustula, species broadly found in urbanized areas. The low richness and abundance of nests in the area A2, was, in part, because this area is at an early succession stage. The establishment of Hymenoptera sampled in this study in an area of greater human interference, was only possible because the supply of natural resources is sufficient for the survival of the species.

The challenges of changing demographics in a midwestern school district: administrative interventions and teachers' responses

Kreinbring, Heather Hyatt 01 May 2010 (has links)
America's school-age population is experiencing a demographic shift. In 1972, students of color represented 22% of the school-age population; in 2005, minority students accounted for 33% of public school enrollment (Statistics, 2007 Villegas, 2002). This study sought to explore how these changing demographics affected University Town Community Schools, the district's interventions, and teachers' perceptions to those interventions. This study also explored teachers' feelings of efficacy when teaching minority students. Using a qualitative study among third-, fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-grade elementary school teachers, a random sample of 9 teachers from schools comprising a minority population of at least 40% were interviewed. Data analysis involved the use of themes that emerged from the interview data, observations, and quotations from participants. The findings indicated that the district acted on a school-by-school basis, with no specific actions to target any one racial group. Meanwhile, teachers were inconsistent when discussing race, behavior, and learning. Teachers felt comfortable assigning behaviors based on race and culture, but were hesitant to assign learning strengths and weaknesses based on race or culture.

How do left anti-systemic groups in the European Union meet the challenges of a changing transnational political system?

Fischer, Hanna Franziska January 2020 (has links)
This paper aims to research how left anti-systemic groups in the European Union meet the challenges a transnational political system creates for them. System critical movements have existed for a long time, but in times of an increasingly transnational multi-level polity it is important to consider how system criticism changes. In a qualitative study of six left antisystemic groups from Germany and Sweden, this paper seeks to give insights on left anti-system activism and the role of local groups in connection to transnational social movements. Qualitative interviews with group members, a qualitative content analysis and the connection to Social Movements Theories bring forward a hypothesis of how left anti-systemic groups use political theories, position themselves in the process of political change and what influence they can have on transnational social movements. In order to meet the challenges of (1) the difficulties of defining the political system that the groups are active against (the political system in the EU) (2) more complex and abstract issues that are dealt with (3) the fading importance of the role of the state in the process of political change, the groups adapt by using political literature in an open way and focusing on practical activism. Furthermore, the groups increasingly use transnationalism as a conception for their activism and therefore perceive their main tasks in providing infrastructure and continuous local organization to enable mobilization for transnational social movements. The role suggested for local or national anti-systemic groups in transnational social movements is existential, even though the importance of this role is not always reflected upon by the group members.

Návrh konstrukce jednoúčelového manipulátoru pro automatickou výměnu nástrojů s třívačkovým generátorem pracovního cyklu / Design of dedicated manipulator for automatic tool change with the three cam generator duty cycle

Bláha, Pavel January 2021 (has links)
This thesis deals with the design of a single-purpose manipulator for automatic tool changing with a three-cams generator of the working cycle. At the beginning of the paper, general background information about tool trays and manipulators for the change of tools is briefly described. The scheme of the kinematic manipulator is proposed in this work as well. The thesis also includes the calculation of the shapes of the grooves in the cams. The result of this work is the design of the manipulator, including an animation of tool changing.

Odkládací zařízení pro výměnné hlavy obráběcího centra / Stacking device for replaceable heads of maching center

Včelica, Josef January 2008 (has links)
Diploma work deal winth resolution automatic heads for high-speed shaping centers exchangas, so there was not those exchanges need of the human factor. It meaning that will using element automatic interface directly to programme as are Ball screw drives, ball rail systems, hydraulic element atc.

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