Spelling suggestions: "subject:"climate""
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La femme du Midi dans les nouvelles de Stendhal et Mérimée ˸ nature, caractère et passions / The Southern woman in Stendhal’s and Mérimée’s short stories ˸ nature, character and passions / La donna del Sud nelle novelle di Stendhal e Mérimée ˸ natura, carattere e passioniAngelone, Concetta 15 June 2019 (has links)
Les études sur les personnages féminins stendhaliens et mériméens sont certainement nombreuses. Toutefois, notre travail envisage une nouvelle approche qui a pour objectif de mettre en évidence les rapports que Stendhal et Mérimée entretiennent avec les théories qui prédominent dès le XVIIIe siècle. Nous nous référons en particulier à la théorie des quatre tempéraments et la théorie des climats et leur influence sur la création des figures féminines, protagonistes des histoires qui constituent le corpus des Chroniques italiennes et des nouvelles de Mérimée, c’est-à-dire La Vénus d’Ille, Colomba et Carmen. Notre propos est de découvrir un nouvel aspect de la problématique féminine en analysant le type humain de la femme du Midi étudié sous la perspective de l’influence des théories susmentionnées. Nous avons également mis en relation la forme littéraire adoptée par les deux écrivains (la nouvelle, le petit roman) avec les sujets qu’ils abordent et l’effet qu’ils veulent produire sur le lecteur. En quoi, en effet, la forme brève qu'ils choisissent contribue-t-elle à l'effet de violence que la représentation du Sud est supposée produire ? Le récit court sert, à l'évidence, l'efficacité d'un propos à la fois esthétique, ethnologique et éthique. L’étude s’articule en trois temps. Dans un premier temps, nous nous intéressons à l’évolution de la théorie des tempéraments et la théorie des climats, ensuite, au contexte historique et culturel de la période à cheval entre le XVIIIe et XIXe siècles qui influence aussi la création littéraire de Stendhal et de Mérimée. Dans un deuxième temps, nous nous occupons de la poétique stendhalienne et mériméenne par rapport aux récits courts. Enfin, nous analysons les figures féminines par rapport aux études préliminaires que nous avons faites dans les parties précédentes. / Studies about female characters in Stendhal’s and Mérimée’s works are in no doubt numerous. However, the aim of our work is to highlight the relationship between these authors and the theories that prevailed from the eighteenth century onwards. We refer in particular to both the four temperaments theory and the climate the theory and their influence on the creation of female characters, protagonists in the stories we chose for our corpus: the Chroniques italiennes of Stendhal and the shorts stories La Vénus d’Ille, Colomba and Carmen of Mérimée. Our purpose is to unveil a new aspect of the female problematic by analysing Southern Europe woman human type observed from the perspective of the influence of the above-mentioned theories. We also linked the form chosen by the two writers (short story, little novel) with the themes they address and the effect they want to produce on the reader. To which extent is the short story type contributing to the effect of violence supposed to be produced by the depiction of the South? Short stories serve the efficiency of a purpose at the same time aesthetic, ethnological and ethical. This study consists of three parts. First of all, we examine the the evolution of both four temperaments theory and climate theory, as well as the eighteenth, beginning of the nineteenth century historical and cultural background which also influences Stendhal and Mérimée literary creation. Secondly, we reflect upon Stendhal’s and Mérimée’s poetics in relation to short stories. Finally, we analyse the female characters in relation to the preliminary studies previously mentioned. / Gli studi sui personaggi femminili di Stendhal e Mérimée sono sicuramenti numerosi. Ciò nonostante, il nostro lavoro prevede un nuovo approccio che ha come obiettivo di mettere in evidenza l’influenza che le correnti di pensiero, che predominano a partire dal diciottesimo secolo, hanno sulla produzione letterario di Stendhal e Mérimée. In particolare, ci riferiamo alla teoria dei quattro temperamenti e alla teoria dei climi rispetto alla creazione dei personaggi femminili, protagonisti delle storie che costituiscono il corpus delle Cronache italiane e delle novelle di Mérimée, ossia La Venere d’Ille, Colomba et Carmen. Il nostro scopo è quello di mettere in luce un nuovo aspetto della problematica femminile, analizzando il tipo umano della donna meridionale studiato sotto la prospettiva delle teorie sopra menzionate. Abbiamo anche messo in relazione la forma letteraria adottata dai due scrittori (la novella, il piccolo romanzo) con l’argomento che trattano e l’effetto che vogliono produrre sul lettore. Concretamente, in che modo la forma breve che scelgono contribuisce all’effetto di violenza che la rappresentazione del Sud è presupposta produrre? La novella serve a rendere efficace un pensiero estetico, etnologico et etico. Lo studio si divide in tre parti. In un primo momento, ci interessiamo all’evoluzione della teoria dei temperamenti e alla teoria dei climi, in seguito, al contesto storico-culturale del periodo a cavallo tra diciottesimo e diciannovesimo secolo che influenza anche la creazione letteraria di Stendhal et Mérimée. In un secondo momento, ci occupiamo della poetica di Stendhal et Mérimée rispetto alla novella. Infine, analizziamo i personaggi femminili in rapporto agli studi preliminari effettuati nelle parti precedenti della nostra tesi.
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This dissertation examines attitudes on same-sex marriage and how personal predispositions toward support and the climate of opinion interact to help create attitudes. Over the past few decades, support for gay rights has increased dramatically in the United States and many other countries around the world. I argue that, while the set of basic personal determinants of attitudes toward homosexuality and gay rights stays roughly the same, the impact of such determinants changes over time and space. The framework used in this dissertation draws on attitudinal and political psychology, political sociology and theories of contextual effects. I argue that over the course of their lives, people develop an overall propensity to tolerate or approve of homosexuality and support gay rights based on their political and social characteristics, such as religiosity, partisan or ideological identities, personality characteristics and various demographic characteristics (e.g., education, race, gender and age). The influence of these predispositions on gay rights attitudes is moderated by the political and social environments in which people live. Even among people whose predispositions push them consistently toward support for gay rights, if they live in a homophobic environment, support for gay rights will be attenuated compared to a similar individual living in a more socially tolerant environment.
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Hur olika tränarbeteenden och motivationsklimat påverkar psykologiskt välbefinnande hos ungdomsfotbollsspelareBerntsson, David January 2023 (has links)
Föreliggande studie är en kvantitativ studie där syftet var att undersöka hur olika typer av tränarbeteenden och motivationsklimat påverkar samt predicerar psykologiskt välbefinnande hos ungdomsfotbolsspelare. I studien deltog 95 ungdomsfotbollsspelare, antingen tillhörande en SEF certifierad akademi eller ett ungdomslag vars representationslag tillhör någon av de fyra högsta divisionerna i Sverige. Datainsamlingen genomfördes med hjälp av digitala enkäter som skickades ut till ansvariga i sju olika fotbollsföreningar där deltagarna var i åldrarna mellan 16 och 19 år (M=16.97, SD=2.6). De enkla regressionsanalyserna visade att tränarbeteendet tävlings-/matchstrategier indikerade på störst positiv effekt på psykologiskt välbefinnande och var den typ av tränarbeteende som predicerade mest psykologiskt välbefinnande. Fortsättningsvis indikerar resultatet på en positiv effekt mellan uppgiftsorienterat motivationsklimat och psykologiskt välbefinnande, och en negativ effekt mellan resultatorienterat motivationsklimat. Studiens resultat skulle sannolikt kunna anses vara användbart för att facilitera psykologiskt välbefinnande och i förlängningen utveckling för ungdomsfotbollsspelare genom lämpliga tränarbeteenden och uppgiftorienterat motivationsklimat. / The present study is a quantitative study aimed at examining how different types of coaching behaviors and motivational climates affect and predict the psychological well-being of youth soccer players. The study included 95 youth soccer players, either belonging to a SEF-certified academy or a youth team whose representative team belongs to one of the four highest divisions in Sweden. Data collection was conducted using digital surveys sent to responsible parties in seven different soccer associations where the participants were between 16 and 19 years old (M=16.97, SD=2.6). The simple regression analyses showed that coach behavior of competition/match strategies indicated the greatest positive effect on psychological well-being and was the type of coaching behavior that predicted the most psychological well-being. Furthermore, the results indicate a positive effect between task-oriented motivational climate and psychological well-being, and a negative effect between result-oriented motivational climate. The study's results could likely be considered useful for facilitating psychological well-being and, in turn, development for youth soccer players through appropriate coaching behaviors and task-oriented motivational climate.
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Hur olika tränarbeteenden och motivationsklimat påverkar psykologiskt välbefinnande hos ungdomsfotbollsspelareBerntsson, David January 2023 (has links)
Föreliggande studie är en kvantitativ studie där syftet var att undersöka hur olika typer av tränarbeteenden och motivationsklimat påverkar samt predicerar psykologiskt välbefinnande hos ungdomsfotbolsspelare. I studien deltog 95 ungdomsfotbollsspelare, antingen tillhörande en SEF certifierad akademi eller ett ungdomslag vars representationslag tillhör någon av de fyra högsta divisionerna i Sverige. Datainsamlingen genomfördes med hjälp av digitala enkäter som skickades ut till ansvariga i sju olika fotbollsföreningar där deltagarna var i åldrarna mellan 16 och 19 år (M=16.97, SD=2.6). De enkla regressionsanalyserna visade att tränarbeteendet tävlings-/matchstrategier indikerade på störst positiv effekt på psykologiskt välbefinnande och var den typ av tränarbeteende som predicerade mest psykologiskt välbefinnande. Fortsättningsvis indikerar resultatet på en positiv effekt mellan uppgiftsorienterat motivationsklimat och psykologiskt välbefinnande, och en negativ effekt mellan resultatorienterat motivationsklimat. Studiens resultat skulle sannolikt kunna anses vara användbart för att facilitera psykologiskt välbefinnande och i förlängningen utveckling för ungdomsfotbollsspelare genom lämpliga tränarbeteenden och uppgiftorienterat motivationsklimat. / The present study is a quantitative study aimed at examining how different types of coaching behaviors and motivational climates affect and predict the psychological well-being of youth soccer players. The study included 95 youth soccer players, either belonging to a SEF-certified academy or a youth team whose representative team belongs to one of the four highest divisions in Sweden. Data collection was conducted using digital surveys sent to responsible parties in seven different soccer associations where the participants were between 16 and 19 years old (M=16.97, SD=2.6). The simple regression analyses showed that coach behavior of competition/match strategies indicated the greatest positive effect on psychological well-being and was the type of coaching behavior that predicted the most psychological well-being. Furthermore, the results indicate a positive effect between task-oriented motivational climate and psychological well-being, and a negative effect between result-oriented motivational climate. The study's results could likely be considered useful for facilitating psychological well-being and, in turn, development for youth soccer players through appropriate coaching behaviors and task-oriented motivational climate.
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Political Trust and Presidential Voting: a Changing Political Environment Inducing the End of Traditional Politics in the United StatesJuraszek, Brett Stephen 09 December 2016 (has links)
Political climates are undoubtedly changing across the nation and creating volatile fluctuations of attitudes, beliefs, and behavior. In a more entertaining season of presidential primaries, both parties – Democratic and Republican – have nominees that will once again be scrutinized by many across the country. I argue the levels of scrutiny will more likely than not be enhanced to new proportions. Since a consistent reliance on media involvement and attack ads have grown immensely amongst presidential candidates, this will translate into a wider gap in party polarization and subsequently tie into the trust of American citizens. Previous scholars have shown consistent data that political trust has no bearing on the actual turnout of presidential elections (Citrin 1974). But, historic distrustful ratings between major-party candidates may prove to alter political cultures for subsequent years. In this study, I thoroughly examine the growing significance of political trust on presidential voting in the United States.
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The Relationship of Principals' Behavior to the Openness of Organizational Climates in Selected Attendance Centers in Texas, as Measured by the Organizational Climate Description QuestionnaireWilliams, Ray E. (Ray Ellis) 12 1900 (has links)
The purposes of this study were to assess the organizational climate of selected elementary and secondary attendance centers in Texas and to determine if there is a relationship between certain variables and the openness of the climate in these attendance centers. The variables considered in this study were: 1. the length of a principal's incumbency; 2. the age of a principal; 3. the size of the professional staff; 4. the departments of instruction in secondary attendance centers; 5. the grade levels of instruction in the elementary attendance centers. All public school districts in Texas with an average daily attendance of 5,000 or more were included. Random selection was used to determine the sample of districts to be included. A stratified sample of seventy-five attendance centers was then chosen. The Organizational Climate Description Questionnaire was administered. A correlational study design was used utilizing pearson-product moment statistical techniques.
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Anpassning av kvartersparker i tempererade klimat för nyttjande året runt : - En fallstudie av Stenebergsparken i GävleBorgqvist, Isabelle, Bäck, Martin January 2023 (has links)
Urbana parker är en central del i människors välbefinnande. De är platser för rekreation, aktiviteter och sociala utbyten. Forskning visar att undervinterhalvåret minskar användandet av parker i tempererade klimat vilket kan medföra negativa hälsoeffekter för människor. Att parker står obrukade delar av året är negativt både utifrån ett socialt- och resursperspektiv. Syftet med följande arbete är att undersöka hur kvartersparker kan anpassas för att öka användningen året runt. Målet är sedan att presentera en visualisering av förbättringsförslaget för Stenebergsparken i Gävle. En variation av metoder användes för att genomföra arbetet, där samtliga grundar sig i tidigare vetenskapliga publikationer. Platsanalys, webbenkät, intervjuer och en solstudie är de metoder som användes för att besvara studiens frågeställningar. Utifrån resultaten av dessa gestaltades ett förbättringsförslag somvisualiserades med renderingar och en video. Under arbetets gång framkom tre koncept som anpassning av parker i tempererade klimat bör utgå ifrån vid förändring, mikroklimat, aktivitet och utformning. Mikroklimat innebär att skapa behagliga klimat som erbjuder vistelse i olika typer av önskade väderförhållanden. Exempelvis möjligheten till sol- och skuggytor samt skydd mot nederbörd och vind. Utifrån aktivitet behöver parker erbjuda en variation av sysselsättningar för att kunna tillgodose flera behov. Denna aktivering innebär att en större mängd människor lockas till platsen. Utformning handlar om att tillgängliggöra ytor samt placera aktiviteter utifrån olika mikroklimat i parker. För att validera förbättringsförslaget presenterades det till två objektiva sakkunniga inom arkitektur och landskapsarkitektur. Följande studie visar på att vid utformning av kvartersparker i tempererade klimat behöver de tre koncepten mikroklimat, aktivitet och utformning tas i beaktning. Omplanerare, kommuner och politiker ser till dessa tre koncept ger de människor förutsättningar för att bruka parker under hela året i större utsträckning. / Urban parks are important components of people’s well-being and everyday life. These parks are a place for recreation, activities and social encounters.Previous research show that during the colder seasons the use of parks in temperate climates decreases, which in turn can have a negative outcome on people’s general health. The fact that urban parks are unused for a considerable part of the year is negative from both a social- and resource perspective. Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate how neighborhood parks in temperate climates can be adapted to increase use all year round. Following the objective to present a visualization of the presented proposal for the case study of Stenebergsparken in Gävle. A combination of different methods was used and all methods were based on previous research. Site analysis, web survey, interviews and a solar study are the selected methods used to help answer the study's research questions. Throughout the process three concepts regarding adjustments of parks in temperate climates emerged, these were microclimate, activity and design. These concepts are essential to be taken in consideration during the planning process to create lively parks year around. Microclimates means to create pleasant environmentsthat enables visits in different types of desired weather conditions. This can be achieved through creating places that provide both sun and shade or creation of protection against precipitation. For activity parks need to offer a variety ofactivities to satisfy multiple interests. In turn, this attracts a greater number of visitors to the place. The design of a park involves the availability of the park and placement of activity surfaces regarding microclimate aspects. To validate the proposed improvements renderings together with a checklist was presented to two unbiased experts in architecture and landscape architecture.The produced proposal in this case study, regarding seasonal adjustment of neighborhood parks in tempered climates, is based upon the three emerging concepts microclimate, activity and design. If planners, municipalities and politicians look to these three concepts, they enable people to use parks throughout the year to a greater extent.
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No description available.
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Alterações no ciclo hidrológico e na perda de solo devido aos diferentes usos do solo e variações climáticas em área de Cerrado / Water cycle and soil loss variations due to different land uses and climate variability in a Brazilian Cerrado areaAnache, Jamil Alexandre Ayach 23 November 2017 (has links)
A expansão agropecuária governa as mudanças no uso do solo no Brasil devido à alta demanda dos mercados interno e externo por alimento, fibra e energia. Entretanto, os efeitos e os processos decorrentes dessas alterações no ciclo hidrológico e na conservação do solo são pouco estudados de forma experimental em regiões de clima tropical e subtropical. No Estado de São Paulo, o uso do solo acontece de forma intensiva, as áreas de Cerrado nativo estão fragmentadas e pastagens vêm sendo substituídas por plantações de cana-de-açúcar devido à alta demanda por etanol e açúcar. Este trabalho tem como objetivo compreender as relações, trocas, variações e tendências das componentes do balanço hídrico e dos processos erosivos em potenciais mudanças no uso do solo que são encontradas no Sudeste do Brasil: de condições naturais (Cerrado sensu stricto) para pastagem, cana-de-açúcar e solo exposto. Para isso, foram monitorados, nos diferentes usos do solo, as condições meteorológicas, o escoamento superficial, a evapotranspiração, o conteúdo de água no solo, a erosão do solo e a flutuação do nível freático do aquífero. As alterações no uso do solo modificam significativamente o balanço hídrico, com aumento do escoamento superficial (pelo menos 14 mm ano-1) e diminuição da evapotranspiração (pelo menos 529 mm ano-1) quando o Cerrado sensu stricto é substituído por pastagem ou cana-de-açúcar. Entretanto, no Cerrado sensu stricto o volume de água disponível para percolação ao longo da zona não saturada e potencial recarga do aquífero tende a ser menor que em áreas agrícolas. As observações mostram que o solo exposto e a cana-de-açúcar possuem os maiores valores erosão do solo (16,00 ± 5,97 t ha-1 ano-1 e 0,64 ± 0,49 t ha-1 ano-1, respectivamente). Além disso, há semelhanças entre as taxas de perda de solo na pastagem (0,11 ± 0,04 t ha-1 ano-1) e no Cerrado sensu stricto (0,14 ± 0,06 t ha-1 ano-1). Devido às curtas séries de dados de escoamento superficial e erosão do solo, a adoção de modelos de base física como o WEPP (Water Erosion Prediction Project), é alternativa viável para simulações que considerem as variabilidades climáticas de regiões subtropicais. Projeções climáticas revelam que não ocorrerão alterações significativas nas respostas (escoamento superficial e erosão do solo) em relação ao clima base atual apesar do aumento significativo na precipitação nos cenários mais drásticos (entre 5% e 9%). Por fim, a manutenção do ciclo hidrológico e o controle da erosão do solo alcançados pelo Cerrado sensu stricto são benefícios que contrastam com a diminuição da recarga potencial do aquífero em áreas de vegetação densa. A cana-de-açúcar e a pastagem são usos do solo concorrentes e seus efeitos nos padrões hidrológicos e na erosão do solo se equilibram. / The agricultural expansion in Brazil drives land use changes due to the higher demand of internal and external markets for food, fiber and fuel. However, the effects and processes that result from these changes on hydrological cycle and soil conservation are not well explored in an experimental approach under tropical and subtropical climates. The land use is intense in the State of São Paulo, where the undisturbed woodlands in the Cerrado biome are fragmented and pasturelands are transformed in sugarcane plantations due to the higher sugar and ethanol demands. This thesis aims to comprehend the relations, trade-offs and variations of the water balance components and soil erosion processes under potential land use changes that can be found in southeastern Brazil: from natural landscapes (wooded Cerrado) to pastureland, sugarcane and bare soil. They were monitored in these different land uses: meteorological conditions, runoff, evapotranspiration, soil moisture content, soil erosion, and water table fluctuation. The land uses changes significantly influence the water balance, increasing the runoff (at least 14 mm yr-1) and decreasing evapotranspiration (at least 529 mm yr-1) when wooded Cerrado is substituted by pasture or sugarcane. Nevertheless, the soil water content available for deep percolation through the unsaturated zone and potential aquifer recharge in the wooded Cerrado tend to be smaller than in agricultural fields. Soil loss observations reveal that bare soil and sugarcane have the highest rates (16.00 ± 5.97 t ha-1 yr1 and 0.64 ± 0.49 t ha-1 yr-1, respectively). Additionally, there are similarities between the soil loss rates of pastureland (0.11 ± 0.04 t ha-1 yr-1) and wooded Cerrado (0.14 ± 0.06 t ha-1 yr-1). Due to the short-period observations of runoff and soil erosion, the use of a process-based model such as WEPP (Water Erosion Prediction Project) is a feasible alternative for simulations considering climatic variability under subtropical conditions. Projected climates reveal that in spite of significant increased rainfall (between 5% and 9%) in the most drastic scenarios, there are no significant changes on runoff and soil erosion rates in relation to the actual baseline climate. Finally, the hydrological stability and soil erosion control are benefits reached by the wooded Cerrado that contrast with the decrease in potential aquifer recharge in a dense vegetation area. Sugarcane and pasture are concurrent land uses and their effects on hydrological patterns and soil erosion are equivalent.
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Alimentation de caprins, ovins et bovins viande dans les régions chaudes. "Evaluation des besoins énergétiques et protéiques des animaux et réponses animales à l’alimentation. Evaluation du système d’unité d’alimentation INRA à prédire la valeur des ressources fourragères" / Nutrition of goats, sheep and cattle in tropical and warm conditions « Evaluation of energy and protein requirements and animal responses to diet. Evaluation of INRA system to predict nutritive value of forage resources »Salah, Nizar 12 February 2015 (has links)
L’objectif général du projet de thèse était de produire des connaissances pour contribuer au développement de bonnes pratiques d’alimentation des caprins, ovins et bovins des régions chaudes. La méthodologie utilisée dans ce projet a croisé des méta-analyses à une approche expérimentale. Les besoins énergétiques d’entretien des caprins, ovins et bovins des régions chaudes seraient plus élevés que ceux des ruminants des régions tempérées. Ces différences ont été partiellement attribuées à la capacité des génotypes animaux de ces régions de mobiliser une fraction des nutriments ingérés à des fonctions non productives dont l’adaptation aux stress et le coût énergétique de l’ingestion et la digestion de rations plus fibreuses. Des besoins énergétiques pour la production du même ordre de grandeur que ceux des génotypes des régions tempérées ont été estimés. Nos estimations des besoins protéiques d’entretien et de production indiquent que ceux-ci sont plus élevés avec les génotypes tropicaux comparativement aux génotypes tempérés.La hiérarchie des besoins entre espèces varie avec leurs modalités d’expressions (expression du poids métabolique).Le système d’unité d’alimentation énergétique et protéique de l’INRA, basé sur une approche mécaniste de l’utilisation des aliments, conduit potentiellement à une bonne évaluation des ressources alimentaires. Cependant, certains coefficients doivent être révisés pour tenir compte de la composition spécifique des ressources fourragères disponibles en régions chaudes. / The overall aim of the thesis project was to generate knowledge to contribute to the development of good feeding practices for sheep goats and cattle in warm regions. The methodology used in this project crossed meta-analysis to an experimental approach. The maintenance energy requirements of goats, sheep and cattle in warm regions are higher than those of ruminants in temperate regions. These differences were partly attributed to the capacity of livestock genotypes of these regions to mobilize a fraction of the nutrients ingested for unproductive functions adaptation to stress and the energy cost of ingestion and digestion of more fibrous diets. The estimation for the energy requirements for production was the same order of magnitude as the genotypes of temperate regions. Our estimates of protein requirements for maintenance and production show that they are higher with tropical genotypes compared to temperate genotypes.The hierarchy of needs between species varies with their modes of expression (expression of metabolic weight).The energy and protein supply unit system of INRA, based on a mechanistic approach to the use of feed, potentially leads to a good assessment of food resources. However, some factors must be revised to reflect the specific composition of forage resources in warm regions.
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