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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Topologically close-packed phase prediction in Ni-based superalloys : phenomenological structure maps and bond-order potential theory

Seiser, Bernhard Josef January 2011 (has links)
Single crystal nickel-based superalloys are used in modern gas turbines because of their remarkable resistance to creep deformation at elevated temperatures, which is ensured by the addition of significant amounts of refractory elements. Too high concentrations of refractory elements can lead to the formation of topologically-close packed (TCP) phases during exposure to conditions of high temperature and stress which result in the degradation of the creep properties. The traditional methods for predicting the occurrence of TCP phases in Ni-based superalloys have been based on the PHACOMP and newPHACOMP methodologies which are well-known to fail with respect to new generations of alloys. In this work a novel two-dimensional structure map (Nbar, deltaV/V) for TCP phases where Nbar is the valence-electron count and deltaV/V is a compositional dependent size factor. This map is found to separate the experimental data on the TCP phases of binary, ternary and multi-component TCP phases into well-defined regions corresponding to different structure types such as A15, sigma, chi, delta, P, R, mu, and Laves. In particular, increasing size factor separates the A15, sigma and chi phases from the delta, P, R, mu phases. The structure map is then also used in conjunction with CALPHAD computations of sigma phase stability to show that the predictive power of newPHACOMP for the seven component Ni–Co–Cr–Ta–W–Re–Al system is indeed poor. In order to gain a microscopic understanding of the observed structural trends, namely the differences between the two groups of TCP structures with increasing deltaV/V and the trend from A15 to sigma to chi with increasing Nbar, the electronic structure is coarse-grained from density functional theory (DFT) to tight-binding to bond-order potentials (BOPs). First, DFT is used to calculate the structural energy differences across the elemental 4d and 5d transition metal series and the heats of formation of the binary alloys Mo-Re, Mo-Ru, Nb-Re, and Nb-Ru. These calculations show that the valence electron concentration stabilizes A15, sigma and chi but destablizes mu and Laves phases. The latter are shown to be stabilized instead by relative size difference. Second, a simple canonical TB model and in combination with the structural energy difference theorem is found to qualitatively reproduce the energy differences predicted by the elemental DFT calculations. The structural energy difference theorem rationalizes the importance of the size factor for the stability of the mu and Laves binary phases as observed in the structure map and DFT heats of formation. Finally, analytic BOP theory, is employed to identify the structural origins of the energetic differences between TCP structure-types that lead to the trends found within the two-dimensional structure map.


Patton, David Dellus 01 January 2007 (has links)
Scenic improvisation is dramatic performance without a script. Performers develop scenes in real time in front of an audience. They do this by submitting to a set of rules of relating on-stage which allow them, by mutual assent, to develop scenes and stories based on their relationships with one another. This methodology by which improvisers develop their scenes can give us a tangible vocabulary and model by which we can fulfill the requirements of love. The Harold, an improvisational form created by Del Close and Charna Halpern and taught and performed at IO (formerly ImprovOlympic), emphasizes this relational ethic as the means to create consistent and sustainable theatrical performances. This paper will examine the performance methodology and pedagogy of long-form improvisation and particularly the Harold as a guide for ethical decision-making and behavior in our personal relationships.

La chambre de Pandore : féminité et hybridité de l'espace chez Gaston Leroux

Blais, Catherine 08 1900 (has links)
Le motif de la « chambre close », considéré comme emblématique du roman policier, a été exploité par de nombreux écrivains depuis le XIXe siècle. Chez les pères fondateurs du genre, tels Edgar Allan Poe et Arthur Conan Doyle, il s’est d’abord incarné sous une forme simple, celle d’un mécanisme permettant la mise en scène d’un « défi à la raison » (Christiane Cadet, 2008), avant de se complexifier à la Belle Époque. Sous la plume de Gaston Leroux, la simplicité cède la place à l’hybridité alors que la « chambre close », en s’emplissant d’un étonnant parfum de femme, devient le lieu où se croisent le crime et la passion, le privé et le public, la raison et la superstition. Dans Le Mystère de la chambre jaune (1907) et Le Fantôme de l’Opéra (1910), le romancier articule ses intrigues autour d’espaces atypiques, destinés à bouleverser les codes du genre policier. Ce mémoire s’attache ainsi à la manière dont un roman populaire, malgré son recours à un motif largement exploité, peut déplacer et transgresser l’horizon d’attente auquel il est associé. Plutôt que d’être figée à la manière d’un cliché photographique, la « chambre close » évolue sans cesse dans les récits à l’étude. Influencée par le phénomène d’hybridité générique qui sous-tend les romans, elle se dote de nouvelles significations qui la singularisent par rapport à l’emploi qu’en ont fait les prédécesseurs. En s’intéressant, dans un premier temps, à la trajectoire empruntée par les corps féminins et à leur influence sur les décors et, dans un deuxième temps, à la manière dont l’espace canalise un certain imaginaire propre à la littérature du XIXe siècle, il s’agira de voir comment Leroux parvient à faire éclater les murs d’un lieu qui, jusqu’alors, était clos « comme un coffre-fort » (Gaston Leroux, 1925). / The "locked room" concept, generally considered symbolic of detective fiction, has been used by many writers since the 19th century. Amongst the authors of the genre, it was integrated as a simple mechanism to generate a mental challenge for the reader (Thomas Narcejac, 1975). The concept became more complex with the advent of the Belle Époque. The "locked room", under Gaston Leroux’s influence, became the central place where crime and passion, public and private, reason and superstition meet, when filled with the perfume of a woman. In The Mystery of the Yellow Room (1907) and The Phantom of the Opera (1910), Gaston Leroux built his intrigues around atypical "locked rooms" with the intent of upending the codes of detective fiction. This research focuses on the elements through which a popular novel can break its commonly associated expectations, despite the use of a widely exploited pattern. Instead of being frozen in time, the "locked room" is always evolving ; influenced by the novels’ underlying generic hybridity, it acquires new meanings that distinguish it from its predecessors. By first focusing on the path of female bodies and their influence on the decor, and then on the way the "locked room" reuses components associated with literature from the 19th century, we will see how Leroux manages to break the walls of a place that has been considered as closed as a safe (Gaston Leroux, 1925).

Landsbygdsutveckling i strandnära lägen : En kartläggande och jämförande studie av hur kommuner och Länsstyrelser tillämpar lagstiftningen / Countryside development in areas close to shores : An investigative and comparative study in county administrative boards' and municipalities' application of the law

Andersson, Henrik, Bosson, Christoffer January 2019 (has links)
2009/2010 infördes i Miljöbalken och Plan- och Bygglagen ett nytt begrepp, landsbygdsutveckling i strandnära lägen (LIS). Lagändringen genomfördes med motiveringen att områden med låg exploateringsgrad samt god tillgång till stränder skulle få en möjlighet till lättnader i strandskyddet, detta för att kunna erbjuda attraktiva lägen för boende och verksamhet inom kommunen. Sedan denna ändring infördes har kommunerna huvudansvaret för att pröva dispenser för strandskydd inom kommunen, Länsstyrelsen har huvudsakligen en granskande roll. När lagändringen 2009/2010 kom infördes det i Plan- och Bygglagen en möjlighet för kommunerna att sedan 1 februari 2010 peka ut LIS-områden inom kommunen i sin översiktsplan, tematiskt tillägg till översiktsplanen eller i en fördjupad översiktsplan. Syftet med denna studie är att jämföra och kartlägga hur 44 kommuner runtom i landet använder sig av LIS. Studien syftar även till att kartlägga hur olika Länsstyrelser i olika län runtom i landet arbetar tillsammans med kommunerna i frågan om LIS. Studiens första del är kvantitativ för att sammanställa den statistik som ligger till grund för studiens resultat. Studien innehåller även en kvalitativ del som syftar till att analysera den statistik som framställts inom studien. Studien mynnar ut i slutsatsen att kommunerna och Länsstyrelsen har olika syn på LIS i helhet, vilket syns genom de synpunkter som Länsstyrelsen lämnar till kommunen via sitt granskningsyttrande. Ett mönster för vilka synpunkter som är vanligast att Länsstyrelsen lämnar har uppmärksammats inom studien. De vanligaste synpunkterna från Länsstyrelsen är att kommunerna inte tillgodosett syftet med LIS, syftet med strandskyddet samt ett eller flera riksintressen som påverkar tillämpningen av LIS. Studien visar att kommunerna följer den lagstiftning som reglerar var LIS-områden får pekas ut. Studiens fördjupande del visar att kommuner med olika politisk styrning arbetar med LIS på varierande sätt. De huvudsakliga skillnaderna i hantering av LIS-områden beroende av politisk styrning är antalet områden som pekas ut. Den politiska styrningen inom en kommun har större inverkan på utpekande av antalet LIS-områden än kommunens geografiska läge i Sverige, enligt den fördjupande delen i studiens resultat. / 2009/2010 a new concept was brought into Environmental code and Planning and Building Act, which was countryside development in areas close to shores (LIS). This amendment was motivated by that areas which have a low degree of exploited land area and high access to seaside areas would get an opportunity to reliefs in coastal protection regulations, in order to be able to offer attractive areas for living and establishing different activities within the municipality. Since the amendment came into force the main responsibility for approval of exceptions from costal protection regulations is on the county. The county administrative board main responsibility is to keep an eye on the granted approvals of the municipalities. The amendments in the Planning and Building Act resulted in the possibility for the municipalities to present areas in with a relief in coastal protection regulations, as a part of the comprehensive plan, an addition to the comprehensive plan or an extensive version for a part of the comprehensive plan. The purpose of this study is to investigate and compare how the legislation about LIS is applied, by studying 44 municipalities including the documents of comments from the county administrative board. The first part of the study is the quantitative part which contains collecting and compile information and statistics in which the study will be founded. The study also contains a qualitative part of analyzing the results obtained in the quantitative part. Overall the study shows that there is a disagreement between the municipalities and the county administrative board regarding costal protection regulation. The conclusion is based on the results from the study presenting the comments from the county administrative board to the municipalities during the final examine before the comprehensive plan is adopted by the municipal council. The results in the study show a pattern in the most frequent comments from the county administrative board compiled. The most common comment from the county administrative board is that the municipality has not fulfilled the purpose of the legislation about LIS. Furthermore, the municipality has not considered national interests in the municipal areas meant for LIS. The study shows that different political ideology has an influence on the execution of the legislation about LIS in municipalities. The results in the study show that the political ideology has an impact on the numbers of areas which the municipalities present as LIS. As a matter of fact, the impact of political ideology is greater than the impact of geographical similarities between two municipalities, according to the results in the study.

Översättning av abstrakta substantiv och kulturspecifika begrepp över tid : En komparativ studie av översättningsstrategier i de svenska och engelska översättningarna av Françoise Sagans Bonjour tristesse och Antoine Laurains Le chapeau de Mitterand / Translation of abstract nouns and culture-specific concepts from French to Swedish and English over time

Tolstoy, Sigrid January 2018 (has links)
I denna studie undersöker jag de svenska och engelska översättningarna av Bonjour tristesse av Françoise Sagan från 1954 och av Le chapeau de Mitterand av Antoine Laurain från 2012 och hur adekvans- eller acceptansinriktade de är (Toury, 1978/1995; Lindqvist 2005). Jag undersöker vilka översättningsstrategier som använts för att översätta abstrakta substantiv och kulturspecifika begrepp med hjälp av Vinay och Darbelnets (1958) och Pedersens (2007) teorier för att urskilja eventuella tendenser och mönster. Slutligen undersöker jag om resultaten kan säga något om de svenska respektive brittiska litterära systemens öppenhet på 2010-talet jämfört med 1950-talet. Resultaten visar att översättningarna av Le chapeau de Mitterand är adekvansinriktade vad gäller båda variablerna medan översättningarna av Bonjour tristesse är adekvansinriktade men vad gäller kulturspecifika begrepp mer acceptansinriktade. Den engelska översättningen från 1950-talet är mindre adekvansinriktad än den från 2010-talet. Det kan vara så att det brittiska litterära systemet har blivit mer öppet och att det svenska systemet fortsätter att vara öppet och att detta påverkat översättarnas översättningsstrategier men den slutsatsen går inte att dra baserat på mitt material och min metod. / In this paper I examine the Swedish and English translations of Bonjour tristesse by Françoise Sagan from 1954 and of Le chapeau de Mitterand by Antoine Laurain from 2012 and if they are acceptable or adequate in Toury’s (1978/1995) terms. Based on the theories of Vinay and Darbelnet (1958) and Pedersen (2007)  I examine the strategies of translation that are used by the translators to identify patterns. With the results in hand I analyse if they show signs of openness of the Swedish and British literary system in the 1950s and 2010s. I found that the translations of Le chapeau de Mitterand are adequate based on both variables whereas the translations of Bonjour tristesse are both adequate and acceptable, but still more adequate then the latter. It may be the case that the British system has become more open with time and that the Swedish one remains open and that this has affected the translators strategies, but based on my material and method this conclusion cannot be drawn.

To M̶o̶u̶r̶n̶ Try To Live : Personal trauma in 'Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close', and its pedagogical implications in the Swedish EFL classroom.

Smit, Frank January 2019 (has links)
This essay examines Jonathan Safran Foer’s Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close through an application of a theoretical framework of trauma studies, aiming to showcase the elements of personal trauma displayed in the novel. Moreover, it wishes to discern the mental and physical sufferings and working through of the trauma through a thematic analysis aimed at the concepts of loss, vicarious trauma and isolation. The study’s results indicate that trauma is inexplicably linked to the individual, demonstrating that prior trauma has a substantial impact on how one deals with more recent trauma. They also suggest that it is impossible to distinguish between first-hand trauma and second-hand trauma, instead focusing on the term vicarious trauma to describe the elements of personal trauma in a better way. Although Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is a work of fiction, this essay argues that it is valid in its portraying of trauma as it showcases the complex nature of trauma and its different aspects. In terms of the pedagogical implications of trauma, the essay suggests ways in which one can utilize and address fictional works in the Swedish EFL classroom supported by suggestions articulated by the Swedish National Agency for Education. It is done by raising students’ awareness for the elements of personal trauma, while at the same time improving their all-round communicative skills enabling them to discuss these issues at length.

Význam symptomů konfliktu v blízkých vztazích hráčů v diagnostice závislosti na hraní online a offline her / The significance of symptoms of the conflict in close relationships of players in the diagnostics of online and offline gaming addiction

Kolitsch, Karel January 2019 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Playing computer games is a favourite way to have fun since the end of the 20th century. The age of users rises together with the development of games and many gamers are nowadays middle-aged. Despite the growing number of research dealing with the issue of playing computer games, this phenomenon lacks a comprehensive definition and method of diagnosis. In some diagnostic tools, the conflict between gamers and a close person is the main and key criterion. AIM: The main aim of the research is to describe the symptoms of conflict in the close relationships of computer games players. A partial goal is to compare conflicts in close relationships in addicted or threatened by addiction gamers and non-addicted gamers. METHODS: The concept of the research is based on a qualitative research methodology. Respondents were recruited using the snow ball selection method and selected by targeted selection based on predefined criteria. The research sample consisted of 36 respondents. 18 were computer games players and 18 were close persons. All respondents took part in a semi- structured interview. The obtained data was analyzed using the pattern capture and comparison method. RESULTS: Symptoms of conflict in the close relationships of computer game players have been described by individual...

Vårdpersonalens upplevelse av att inkludera närstående inom vuxenpsykiatrisk öppenvård

Strandh, Cecilia, Konradsson, Paulina January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Ett patientfokuserat vårdande innebär att även patientens närstående inkluderas i vården. Vilka som är närstående definieras av patienten och vilka hen väljer ut som viktiga personer i sitt liv. Närstående ser sig som viktiga informationskällor till individer som lever med psykisk ohälsa. Studier visar att hela deras tillvaro förändras och att hela familjen påverkas när någon insjuknar i psykisk ohälsa. Det är därmed av vikt att vårdpersonalen gör de närstående delaktiga i den vuxenpsykiatriska vården. Syfte: Syftet med denna studien är att undersöka vårdpersonalens upplevelse av att inkludera närstående inom vuxenpsykiatrisk öppenvård.  Metod: En kvalitativ studie är gjord och semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med vårdpersonal som arbetar inom vuxenpsykiatrisk öppenvård. Vårdpersonalen bestod av sju specialistsjuksköterskor inom psykiatrisk vård, två sjuksköterskor och sex skötare. Insamlad data analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys.  Resultat: Vårdpersonalen uttryckte att det är av vikt att medvetandegöra och skapa en förståelse för närståendes situation, med en god relation upplevdes omvårdnadsarbetet betydligt lättare när det gäller att stödja patienten på rätt sätt. Vårdpersonalen uppmärksammade även närståendes behov av stöd och information. Det upplevdes även finnas en del utmaningar när det kom till att inkludera närstående i den vuxenpsykiatriska öppenvården.  Slutsats: Ett samarbete mellan patient, närstående och vårdpersonal underlättas om de närstående inkluderas i den vuxenpsykiatriska öppenvården. Studien kan användas som inspiration för utveckling av närståendearbete inom såväl psykiatrisk som somatisk vård. För att närståendearbetet ska kunna utvecklas vore det gynnsamt om stöd kom från verksamheten så att ett samarbete med närstående kan prioriteras på organisationsnivå. / Background: A patient-focused care means that the patient's relatives are also included in the care. Those who are related are defined by the patient and who choose them as important persons in their life. Related parties see themselves as important sources of information for individuals living with mental illness. Studies show that their entire life is changing and that the whole family is affected when someone falls ill in mental illness. It is therefore important that the healthcare staff participate in the adolescent psychiatric care. Aim: The aim of this study is to investigate the healthcare staff's experience of including close relatives in adult psychiatric outpatient care. Methodology: A qualitative study is done and semi-structured interviews have been conducted with healthcare professionals working in adult psychiatric outpatient care. The healthcare staff consisted of seven specialist nurses in psychiatric care, two general nurses and six caregivers. Collected data was analyzed with a qualitative content analysis. Result: The healthcare staff stated that it is important to raise awareness and create an understanding of the situation of close relatives, with a good relationship, the nursing work was felt much easier when it came to supporting the patient in the right way. The healthcare staff also noticed the relatives' need for support and information. There were also some challenges encountered when it came to including relatives in the adult psychiatric outpatient care. Conclusion: Collaboration between the patient, related persons and healthcare staff is facilitated if the related parties are included in the adult psychiatric outpatient care. The study can be used as inspiration for the development of close family work in both psychiatric and somatic care. In order for the related party work to be able to develop, it would be beneficial if support came from the business so that cooperation with related parties can be prioritized at the organizational level.

Citová vazba v partnerském vztahu a v manželství / Attachment in couple relationship and in marriage

Komárková, Soňa January 2012 (has links)
This study examine the interrelationship between the attachment in relationship and in marriage and relationship satisfaction. Based on theoretical models of attachment the study works empirically with a 2-factor concept of adult attachment. It deals with selected components of the relationship aspects of adult attachment. Another important issue is the relationship satisfaction. The work proposes a Czech translation of questionnaires Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised and the Couples Satisfaction Index and uses them in a research. Quantitative research was conducted on a sample of 258 respondents. 49 of them were clients of marriage counselling or psychotherapy practice. Statistical analysis showed significant correlation between the factors of attachment (Anxiety and Avoidance) and relationship satisfaction. The strongest correlation was found between satisfaction and anxiety. The results confirm the theory of attachment, according to which more securely attached individuals are more satisfied in a relationship than those less securely attached. The factors of attachment have proved to be better predictors of relationship satisfaction than age, gender or type of relationship (couple relationship / marriage). Key words: adult attachment, couple relationship, marriage, marital satisfaction,...

Deformation behaviour and twinning mechanisms of commercially pure titanium alloys

Battaini, Michael January 2008 (has links)
The deformation behaviour and twinning mechanisms of commercially pure titanium alloys were investigated using complementary diffraction techniques and crystal plasticity modelling. The main motivation for conducting this investigation was to improve understanding of the deformation of titanium to help achieve the long term aim of reducing manufacturing and design costs. The deformation behaviour was characterised with tension, compression and channel die compression tests for three important variables: orientation; temperature from 25 C to 600 C; and composition for two contrasting alloys, CP-G1 and CP-G4. The experimental data used to characterise the behaviour and determine the mechanisms causing it were: textures determined by X-ray diffraction; twin area fractions for individual modes determined using electron back-scatter diffraction; and lattice strains measured by neutron diffraction. A strong effect of the orientation–stress state conditions on the flow curves (flow stress anisotropy) was found. The propensity for prism hai slip was the dominant cause of the behaviour – samples that were more favourably oriented for prism hai slip had lower flow stresses. Twinning was the most significant secondary deformation mode in the CP-G1 alloy but only had a minor effect on flow stress anisotropy in most cases. In the CP-G4 alloy twinning generally did not play a significant role indicating that hc + ai slip modes were significant in this alloy. Differences in the flow stress anisotropy between the two alloys were found to occur largely in the elasto-plastic transition and initial period of hardening. Modelling results indicated that larger relative resolved shear stress values for secondary deformation modes in the higher purity alloy increased the initial anisotropy. Decreasing flow stresses with increasing temperature were largely caused by a decrease in the critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) values for slip, but also by a decrease in the Hall-Petch parameter for slip. The propagation of twinning was found to be orientation dependent through a Schmid law in a similar way to slip – it was activated at a CRSS and hardened so that an increasing resolved shear stress was required for it to continue operating. The CRSS values determined for the individual twin modes were – 65MPa, 180MPa, 83MPa for {1012}, {1122} and {1011} twinning, respectively. Further, twinning was found to be temperature insensitive except when the ability to nucleate twins posed a significant barrier (for {1011} twinning). Also, the CRSS for {1012} twinning was clearly shown to increase with decreasing alloy purity. A thorough method for determining crystal plasticity modelling parameters based on experimental data was formulated. Additionally, twinning was modelled in a physically realistic manner influenced by the present findings using the visco-plastic self-consistent (VPSC) model. In particular: the activity of twinning decreased in a natural way due to greater difficulty in its operation rather than through an enforced saturation; and hardening or softening due to changes in orientation and dynamic Hall-Petch hardening were important. The rigorous modelling procedure gave great confidence in the key experimental findings.

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