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Lärares samarbete kring undervisning och elevers lärande / Teacher collaboration on teaching and student learningKjörk, Maria January 2014 (has links)
Om en skola lyckas väl eller mindre väl i sitt uppdrag beror på många faktorer. En del avdessa kan skolan inte påverka. Till dessa faktorer hör till exempel vårdnadshavaresbakgrund. Vad skolan däremot kan påverka är lärares skicklighet i att undervisa, vilket harvisat sig vara den enskilt största skillnaden mellan skolor och skolsystem av olika kvalitet.För att utveckla lärarnas yrkesskicklighet behövs ett levande samarbetsklimat. Studiens syfteär att undersöka i hur hög utsträckning högstadielärare samarbetar kring undervisning,bedömning samt hur elever lär sig. Trettiofyra lärare fördelade på två högstadieskolor deltogi enkätstudien. Skolorna delar skolledare och har en identisk organisation med avseende påtid för formellt samarbete.Resultatet visar att det finns ett mycket starkt samband mellan det schemalagda och detspontana samarbetet lärare emellan. Det som behandlas på schemalagd konferenstid(ämneskonferenser och andra möten med styrt innehåll) är också det som det spontana samarbetet kretsar kring. / How successful a school is depends on many factors. Some of these factors schools cannotaffect, for example, parents’ backgrounds. What the schools can affect however is how wellteachers teach, which has proven to be the single biggest difference between schools andschool systems of varying quality.In order to develop teachers' professional skills, teamwork is essential. This study aims toinvestigate the extent to which high school teachers collaborate on teaching, assessmentand how students learn. Thirty‐four teachers at two secondary schools filled in thequestionnaire. The schools share principals and have an identical organization regardingtime for formal collaboration.The results show that there is a very strong correlation between within scheduled andspontaneous teacher cooperation. What is being discussed at scheduled meetings (such assubject specific conferences and other meetings with given content) is also being discussedwhen teachers collaborate spontaneously.
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Elektroninės vyriausybės projektų kūrimas virtualaus kolaboravimo metodu / E-government projects creation based on the virtual collaboration methodMalakauskaitė, Paulė 23 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas yra pateikti ir ištirti e-vyriausybės projektų kūrimo modelį, grindžiamą virtualių komandų kūrimu ir bendradarbiavimu virtualioje erdvėje. Siekiant šio tikslo atliekami uždaviniai: 1.Pateikti ir išanalizuoti e – vyriausybės projektų sampratą bei galimus elektroninės vyriausybės paslaugų kūrimo modelius. 2.Išanalizuoti realių projektų patirtis. 3.Ištirti virtualių komandų kolaboravimo procesus. 4.Pasiūlyti e-vyriausybės projektų kūrimo modelį, kuris padėtų panaudoti informacinių technologijų galimybes, įvairių sričių specialistų bei institucijų kompetencijas ir išteklius, kad būtų sukurtos ir efektyviai tiekiamos e-valdžios paslaugos. 5.Eksperimentiškai patikrinti šio modelio funkcionavimo ypatumus, panaudojant virtualių bendradarbiavimo projektų duomenis. Darbe yra sprendžiama mokslinė problema – koks modelis sudarytų galimybes efektyviai išspręsti elektroninės valdžios projektų kūrimo problemas. Darbo objektas – elektroninės vyriausybės projektai. Darbą sudaro įvadas, trys pagrindinės dalys ir išvados. Šio darbo rezultatai galės būti panaudoti realizuojant virtualaus bendradarbiavimo komandų metodą IT projektams kurti ir realizuoti, kuriant e-vyriausybės paslaugas. Darbą sudaro 67 puslapiai, 18 lentelių ir 28 paveikslėliai. Priede pateikiamas autorės rašytas ir publikuotas straipsnis. / The main purpose of this article is to present and research e – government project creation model, which is based on virtual team creation and communication in virtual space. The tasks of this article is to present e – government project definition and also to analyze projects experience, to research virtual teams collaboration processes, and to check by experiments offered model functional peculiarity, using virtual collaboration project information. The article is written based on analyzing research method – all the literature was analyzed and important information was systematized. Also process modeling method was used for process description and abstract method for final conclusions. It was two real virtual projects analyzed in this article, qualitative and quantitative analyses were made for both projects and structure models were drawn for them either. Functional possibilities of suggested model were summarized. There is offered e - government project creation model based on various competence specialist teams’ virtual collaboration using virtual collaboration tools. It is summarized real projects experience in the article using e – government creation six levels model and also the components of these projects. The article consists of 67 pages, 18 tables and 28 pictures.
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Intercultural communication, city planning, and diversity in Winnipeg, ManitobaWashchyshyn, Johanna 19 August 2013 (has links)
Intercultural communication addresses some of the apparent challenges that surface from interactions among diverse people. The concept stretches beyond language and dialect barriers and includes the ways in which culture influences how people understand, create and respond to communication depending on where they are from, their life experiences, social structure, ethnicity, religion, education, occupation, and so on. This research acknowledges that culture is a broad and difficult to define concept because it influences individuals and groups in different ways, especially in an era of globalization. Through an exploration of literature, semi-structured interviews and a focus group, and applying the concept of intercultural communication to active planning practice, the research examines how a sample of Winnipeg planners learn and practice such intercultural communication. Their perspectives on this practice are then considered in the context of collaboration, where it is concluded that intercultural communication competencies can directly foster collaboration. The practice has potential benefits for the many diverse publics that now need to be better served through planning processes. Intercultural communication is an important practice of planners in culturally diverse cities such as Winnipeg because planners often find themselves in intermediary 'bridging' roles among diverse cultures. It is confirmed that intercultural communication requires a necessary set of competencies, values and skills that must influences one's planning practice.
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Kultur hela livet : Om vikten av samarbete mellan bibliotek och äldreomsorg / Culture through life : A study about the collaboration between public libraries and geriatric care.Mårtensson, Sara January 2014 (has links)
This two year master thesis reviews the possibilities for how public libraries and geriatric care can cooperate on a long-term basis. By using a project called Prosit the study shows which approaches and actions that worked in order to create this kind of successful collaboration, and which ones that didn't. The theoretical framework consists of the sociocultural perspective developed by psychologist Roger Säljö in meaning to emphasize how these two departments can learn from each other. The theory also underlines the fact that both public libraries and geriatric care can develop their own way of improving the elderly’s daily life by working together. The thesis method is qualitative and based on Virginia Braun and Victoria Clarke’s thematic analysis. It’s being used because it demonstrates the general themes in the research and also reflects the six counties’ different ways of working within the project. The thesis concludes that the sociocultural perspective of learning within a group could be applied while studying these counties’ different ways of collaboration. Public libraries and geriatric care could easily learn from each other by sharing their knowledge and experience in order to create this long-term interaction. The main themes found in the material were “communication”, “learning from each other” and “time”. Each county found their own individual way to deal with different problems that occurred during the project. As it turned out, it wasn’t easy to develop a functional cooperation that would satisfy both sides and keep it that way after the project ended. Instead of getting stuck in old routines, the public libraries and geriatric care had to rethink and come up with fresh approaches to improve the elderly services and work together. The counties which managed to do so, are the ones with an effective teamwork even today. All public libraries could learn from the project by studying how they did, or didn’t, find ways to cooperate with the geriatric care. They can be inspired and get influences by how the six counties managed to learn within the group and see each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
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Wiki and TGfU: a collaborative approach to understanding games educationBaert, Helena 11 September 2008 (has links)
Technology is becoming an integral part of teaching and learning in schools. This thesis explored the use of a wiki, a collaborative editable webpage within physical education teacher education. An interpretive inquiry investigated the perceptions of a cohort of 28 final year physical education teacher candidates (PETC) through an online group project. The objective of the assignment was for PETC to develop deeper understanding of the Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) approach. Information collected from reflective journals, writing samples and focus groups identified both enabling and constraining factors this wiki brought to the wiki project. Data analyses confirmed that the wiki facilitated collaboration among group members, improved writing skills and enhanced deeper understanding through scaffolding of one’s own ideas as well as those of others. In their efforts to work collaboratively, the students realized that establishing roles and responsibilities and creating more opportunity for communication were necessary ingredients for learning.
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Tėvų savanorystės galimybės ikimokyklinėje įstaigoje / Opportunities of volunteering at preschool facilities for parentsTamošiūnienė, Jurgita 12 June 2014 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogų ir tėvų bendradarbiavimo galimybių apžvalga. Anketinės apklausos metodu buvo atliktas tyrimas kurio tikslas - atskleisti tėvų savanorystės organizavimo galimybes ikimokyklinėje įstaigoje.
1. Išryškinti pedagoginio bendradarbiavimo organizavimo galimybes.
2. Atskleisti savanoriškos veiklos ypatumus.
3. Atskleisti tėvų savanorystės galimybes ikimokyklinėje įstaigoje.
Tyrime dalyvavo 18 pedagogų ir 148 ikimokyklinę įstaigą lankančių vaikų tėvai.
Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjama ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogų ir tėvų bendradarbiavimo situacija. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados:
1. Pedagoginio bendradarbiavimo kaip sistemos pagrindas santykiai. Pedagoginio bendradarbiavimo sistema apima ir kitas ugdymo procesui mokykloje įtakos turinčias sąveikas: mokinio ir mokinių bendruomenės, mokinio šeimos ir klasės bei mokyklos tėvų bendruomenės, taip pat pačių pedagogų bendruomenės: mokytojų tarpusavyje ir mokytojų – mokyklos administracijos.
2. Savanoriška veikla yra pelno nesiekianti, be piniginio atlygio ir neprofesinė veikla, kurios sąlygos nustatomos savanorio ir šios veiklos organizatoriaus susitarimu. Tėvų dalyvavimas mokyklos veikloje teikia naudą tėvams, mokykloms, vaikams ir bendruomenei. Tėvų savanoriavimas gali būti suskirstytas į metodinę, ūkinę, socialinę ir kūrybinę sritį.
3. Tyrimo duomenys atskleidė, kad ugdytinių tėvai savanoriauti galėtų visose keturiose veiklos srityse; metodinėje, ūkinėje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In this work an academic survey on possibilities of collaboration between preschool educators and parents was carried out. Using a questionnaire we tried to analyse the possibility for parents to organize volunteering activities in a preschool facility. Tasks:
1. To highlight the possibilities of pedagogical collaboration organizing.
2. To educe the characteristics of volunteering.
3. To find out the possibility for parents to volunteer at preschool facilities.
18 preschool educators and 148 parents of children attending a preschool facility took part in this survey. In the empirical part of this survey the situation of collaboration between parents and preschool educators was discussed. The most important conclusions of this survey are these:
1. The foundation of pedagogical collaboration system is relationships. This system is as well based on the relationship between one scholar and the rest of the class, between scholar’s family and other parents of the class and school, also the relationships between educators themselves, and between educators and school’s administration.
2. Volunteering is a non-profitable, unprofessional activity without any payment, and conditions are based upon the agreement between a volunteer and the organiser of such activity. Parents’ participation in school’s activities provides benefits for the parents themselves, for schools, children and school’s community as well. Parents can volunteer in these sections: methodical, economic, social and... [to full text]
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An Investigation of a Highly Successful Team Environment: The Case of the Male French National Whitewater Slalom Single Canoe and Kayak TeamCartwright, James A. 04 February 2011 (has links)
To date, most of the research on group cohesion has focused on team sports, with little known about how this body of knowledge relates to individual sports. The case of the male French whitewater slalom canoe and kayak team was chosen because of the success of the team at World Championships and Olympic Games. The purpose of the present case study was to investigate how the coaches and athletes of this highly successful team worked together in training and competition within a highly competitive environment. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with six athletes and four coaches. Three themes, each containing numerous sub-themes, emerged from the analysis: (a) the nature of collaboration within the team environment, (b) coach leadership, and (c) the fragility of collaboration. The results of the present study have advanced our understanding of what collaboration within an individual sport team may look like. For a period of time, the leadership skills of the coaches, as well as their technical coaching expertise, and the willingness of the talented and driven athletes to work together, contributed significantly to a collaborative environment for this team. Then a change in the Olympic entry rules, the departure of an influential coach, and the inevitable change in the ages and experiences of the athletes themselves all combined to erode the foundation of that productive and collaborative environment.
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The Dynamics of Role Construction in Interprofessional Primary Health Care TeamsMacNaughton, Kate 26 November 2012 (has links)
This qualitative study explores how roles are constructed within interprofessional health care teams. It focuses on elucidating the different types of role boundaries, the influences on role construction and the implications for professionals and patients. A comparative case study was conducted with two interprofessional primary health care teams. The data collection included a total of 26 interviews (13 with each team) and non-participant observations of team meetings (2-3 meetings at each site). Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data and a model was developed to represent the emergent findings. The role boundaries are organized around interprofessional interactions (autonomous-collaborative boundaries) and the distribution of tasks (interchangeable-differentiated boundaries). Salient influences are categorized as structural, interpersonal and individual dynamics. The implications of role construction include professional satisfaction and more favourable wait times for patients. The elements in this conceptual model may be transferable to other interprofessional primary health care teams. It may benefit these teams by raising awareness of the potential impact of various within-team influences on role construction.
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Participatory archiving: exploring a collaborative approach to Aboriginal societal provenanceRydz, Michelle 23 September 2010 (has links)
This thesis outlines the history of thinking about provenance in the archival profession, focusing specifically on the emergence of the concept of societal provenance and its implications for Aboriginal societal memory. It presents various ways in which the archival profession is currently involved in participatory projects for the public at large and for Aboriginal communities in particular. This thesis asks the question, if records are a creation of community and society, then should not community and society be more involved in their archiving? The thesis calls on archivists to advance the practice of participatory archiving by continuing to engage in collaborative projects, to open dialogue between the archival profession and Aboriginal communities as a means of establishing relationships of trust, and to embrace ways of remembering that challenge and unsettle the traditional archival application of provenance.
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Co-constructing collaborative classrooms: novice and veteran teachers perceptions of working with educational assistants.Vogt, Rosemary 09 January 2012 (has links)
This research study documents the perceptions of Manitoba teachers working with educational assistants as schools comply with the Appropriate Educational Programming Amendment to the Public Schools Act (Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth, 2005). Eight teachers who work with educational assistants in rural and urban Manitoba were asked about four aspects of this emerging role: (i) What are their experiences working with educational assistants in the classroom (what roles do they perceive educational assistants to perform), (ii) the competencies they think they need for their work, (iii) how they have been prepared for this responsibility, and (iv) how they think teachers should or could be (better) prepared for their work with educational assistants. The study invited four novice teachers (less than two years of teaching experience) and four veteran teachers (more than 10 years of teaching experience) to participate in one-on-one face-to-face interviews. Open-ended questions based in current research prompted the participants to reflect on their own practice. The study reveals some of the perceived issues teachers report as challenges in their changing role to meet new legislative mandates. It examines the need to introduce collaboration with educational assistants during pre-service training and access to professional in-service learning opportunities to facilitate teachers understanding of the role of educational assistants in Manitoba schools. The study also reveals some of the competencies required for managing the activities of educational assistants.
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