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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Användarvänlig färgsättning på webben

Amin, Miran, Chanyalew, Dina January 2019 (has links)
Med utvecklingen av webben, har konkurrensen mellan företagen ökat det senaste seklet. Tidigare låg fokus på funktionaliteten vid utvecklandet av webbsidor. Nu ligger fokus även på användarvänligheten. Principerna för användbarhet ger utvecklare nya perspektiv för form, struktur och färgsättning av en webbsida. Färger runt om i världen har olika betydelser. Det människor inte tänker på är hur färger påverkar deras känslor och undermedvetna. Syftet med denna studien är att undersöka vilka känslor som inges från en webbsidas färgsättning och hur färgsättningen påverkar användbarheten. Med hjälp av litteraturstudie som datainsamlingsmetod kan detta besvaras. Även ett experiment används som innehåller en enkät. Syftet med enkäten är att undersöka vilka känslor som inges vid användandet av en röd respektive blå webbsida. Resultatet av denna studien identifierar och diskuterar vilka känslor som inges och hur användbarheten påverkas av en webbsidas färgsättning. / With the development of the web, the competition between companies has occurred the last century. Websites, what used to mostly be about the functionality has changed and is more user friendly centric. Web Usability are involved in this process and gives the developers a new perspective to shape, color and structure a website. Colors world wide has different meanings. What people don’t think about is how the colors affect their subconscious. The purpose with this study is to examine which feelings the that invokes by the coloring of a website and how the coloring affects the web usability. The methods encompasses both search and reviews from literature as data collection regarding web usability and the meaning of colors. Apart from literature study an experiment containing a survey is also used. The purpose of the survey is aimed at examining which feelings that are evoked in people while using a red respective blue website. The result of this study identifies and discusses which feelings that invokes from people and how web usability is affected by websites coloring scheme

Ballet Empathy (Somatic Perspective in Ballet) : a research on the use of somatic tools in ballet classes

Pires Mantovani, Denise January 2022 (has links)
Traditional ballet training and somatic practice have different approaches regarding how the body moves. Ballet has a specific structure where traditions and conventions affect how a body moves connected to an outside perspective, concerning how a teacher, student, or audience sees the body. On another hand, somatic has an approach that permeates the body that encourages the inner perspective, in respect of how the student understands his movement. The purpose of this study is to find out how a ballet pedagogue can use somatic tools to improve the student’s abilities regarding the technique. This is related to the use of a teaching method that includes a somatic approach. The idea is to use colors, as a somatic tool, in a ballet class, and find out if this can support the student's technique, in addition, to understanding how the participants negotiate colors with their body´s needs. My research is an empirical study that consists of a few workshops with different groups, ages, and abilities and includes an informal survey of the participants. The content analysis will be collected from the informal survey conducted after the workshop. In my research, I find that the participants felt that they got some improvement by using color as a somatic tool and this approach could be a help for their ballet technique.

En färgglad studie om spelarbeteenden

André, Andreas January 2014 (has links)
This is the result of a 10 week long study about if player behaviors and choices are affectedby the surrounding colors in their environment. A number of players are asked to movethrough a virtual environment, while being clocked, where they have to make left and rightdecisions based on different colors (red, green, blue and gray). While most choices consist oftwo different colors, some use the same color. The result shows that the players most likelyprefer one color over another, and that they most likely prefer a non-neutral color over aneutral color. With these results and the interviews that are conducted the conclusion is madethat it is very likely the players choices are affected by the colors in the environment, but it isnot clear to say how they are affected. / Det här är resultatet av en 10 veckor lång studie om spelares beteenden och om deras valpåverkas av färgerna i deras omgivning. Ett antal personer är tillfrågade att röra sig genom envirtuell miljö, på tid, där de gör höger- och vänsterval baserat på olika färger (röd, grön, blåoch grå). Medan de flesta av valen består av två olika färger så använder några samma färger.Resultatet visar att personerna troligen föredrar en färg framför en annan och att de troligtvisföredrar en icke-neutral färg framför en neutral färg. Med dessa resultat och de intervjuer somgjordes så blir slutsatsen att det är stor sannolikhet att personerna påverkas av färgerna i derasomgivning, men det är svårt att säga exakt hur de påverkas.

Sharing The True Colors: An Exploration Of Theatre Created By Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, And Transgender Youth

Bazo, Nicholas 01 January 2010 (has links)
True Colors: Out Youth Theater at The Theater Offensive is a Boston based program that focuses its theatrical and social mission on engaging Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered (GLBT) at-risk, youth and the community that surrounds them. Through the process of generating an original touring production, True Colors employs theatre as a tool for personal, social, and artistic expression, empowerment, and activism. The program's balance of both process and product focused goals creates an environment of multifaceted engagement and provides an example of how art can thrive in a structure of youth outreach. Though directors and facilitators guide the process and final product, a fundamental mission of True Colors is to provide a student or youth-centered experience where inspiration, decisions, discussions, and leadership generates directly from participants. By observing and participating in the creation of one of these productions, I explore the impact of this student-centered structure on the personal perspectives and artistic growth of the GLBT participants and the artistic process of creating the production. My goal is to discover True Colors' effectiveness of achieving its mission to both create an impactful and positive process for the youth and also develop a final product that is artful and evokes social change. Additionally, by studying similar programs, I establish a basis of comparison against True Colors in order to develop a broader view of the field and evaluate the variances in methodology and the impact on youth and communities.

Automated 2D Detection and Localization of Construction Resources in Support of Automated Performance Assessment of Construction Operations

Memarzadeh, Milad 11 January 2013 (has links)
This study presents two computer vision based algorithms for automated 2D detection of construction workers and equipment from site video streams. The state-of-the-art research proposes semi-automated detection methods for tracking of construction workers and equipment. Considering the number of active equipment and workers on jobsites and their frequency of appearance in a camera's field of view, application of semi-automated techniques can be time-consuming. To address this limitation, two new algorithms based on Histograms of Oriented Gradients and Colors (HOG+C), 1) HOG+C sliding detection window technique, and 2) HOG+C deformable part-based model are proposed and their performance are compared to the state-of-the-art algorithm in computer vision community. Furthermore, a new comprehensive benchmark dataset containing over 8,000 annotated video frames including equipment and workers from different construction projects is introduced. This dataset contains a large range of pose, scale, background, illumination, and occlusion variation. The preliminary results with average performance accuracies of 100%, 92.02%, and 89.69% for workers, excavators, and dump trucks respectively, indicate the applicability of the proposed methods for automated activity analysis of workers and equipment from single video cameras. Unlike other state-of-the-art algorithms in automated resource tracking, these methods particularly detects idle resources and does not need manual or semi-automated initialization of the resource locations in 2D video frames. / Master of Science

Chemisch-analytische Untersuchungen zur Zusammensetzung und photochemischen Degradation von Tagesleuchtfarben in zeitgenössischen Kunstwerken

Reiß, Lukas 10 July 2024 (has links)
Tagesleuchtfarben finden in der zeitgenössischen Kunst aufgrund ihrer Leuchtkraft vermehrt Anwendung. Sie besitzen nur eine geringe Lichtechtheit. Die Zusammensetzung der Pigmente ist bisher wenig erforscht und es stehen nur vereinzelt Studien zur Lichtalterung zur Verfügung. Die Abbauprozesse wurden in der Literatur bisher nicht behandelt. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die Zusammensetzung von Tagesleuchtpigmenten von Kremer Pigmente identifiziert, die Abbauprodukte der Bestandteile ermittelt sowie das Alterungsverhalten von Tagesleuchtfarben betrachtet. Die Eignung der verwendeten Methoden für die verschiedenen Aufgaben wird diskutiert. Für die Identifizierung der Zusammensetzung wird eine Dialysemethode für die Abtrennung der Farbstoffe vom Harz vorgestellt. Die Ermittlung der Komponenten erfolgt mittels Hochleistungsflüssigchromatographie–Massenspektrometrie (HPLC–MS). Die Ergebnisse zeigen Rhodamine und Coumarine als die hauptsächlich verwendeten Fluoreszenzfarbstoffe sowie optische Aufheller. Verschiedene Pigmentfarben enthalten dieselben Farbstoffe in verschiedenen Anteilen. Die Komponenten werden künstlicher Lichtalterung unterzogen und die Abbauprodukte ebenfalls mittels HPLC–MS identifiziert. N-Deethylierung und Oxidation, hauptsächlich Hydroxylierung, können als Hauptabbauwege der Farbstoffe betrachtet werden. Die Art der Abbauprodukte ist dieselbe für eine Alterung unter sichtbarem Licht und UV-Strahlung. Die N-deethylierten Abbauprodukte führen zu einer Blauverschiebung der Farbe und Emissionswellenlänge während der Alterung. Coumarine zeigen generell eine höhere Lichtechtheit als die Rhodamine. Die Lichtalterung wird weiterhin an Farbmustern durchgeführt. Das Alterungsverhalten lässt sich anhand des Abbaus der einzelnen Komponenten begründen. Ausbleichen und eine Blauverschiebung von Farbe und Emissionswellenlänge sind die zentralen Merkmale der Alterung. Raman-Spektroskopie und Fluoreszenzspektroskopie werden als geeignete Methoden für die Bewertung des Alterungszustandes aufgezeigt. Die Alterungsgeschwindigkeit ist von einer Vielzahl von Parametern abhängig, wobei die Schichtdicke, Pigmentkonzentration und Beleuchtungsstärke als ausschlaggebend anzunehmen sind. Die Methoden werden an Fallbeispielen von Kunstobjekten mit Tagesleuchtfarben angewandt und der Nutzen mobiler Raman-Spektroskopie zur zerstörungsfreien Analyse von Kunstobjekten erprobt. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen die durchgeführte Untersuchung an Modellsystemen. Die HPLC–MS ist als die aussagekräftigste Methode sowohl für die Identifizierung der Zusammensetzung als auch die Bewertung des Alterungszustandes festzuhalten.:Danksagung Kurzfassung Abstract Inhaltsverzeichnis Abkürzungsverzeichnis Abbildungsverzeichnis Tabellenverzeichnis Publikationen 1 Einleitung und Zielstellung 2 Theoretische Grundlagen 2.1 Tagesleuchtpigmente 2.1.1 Zusammensetzung 2.1.2 Fluoreszenz und Förster-Resonanzenergietransfer 2.1.3 Farbton von Tagesleuchtfarben 2.2 Eingesetzte analytische Methoden 2.2.1 Methodenbewertung 2.2.2 DC 2.2.3 HPLC–MS(/MS) 2.2.4 Raman-Spektroskopie 2.2.5 Fluoreszenzspektroskopie 2.2.6 IR-Spektroskopie 3 Experimentelle Durchführung 3.1 Separation der Farbstoffe und optischen Aufheller aus dem Pigment 3.1.1 Zielstellung 3.1.2 Festphasenextraktion 3.1.3 Dialyse 3.2 Alterungssimulation mittels Belichtung 3.2.1 Aufbau der Belichtungskammer 3.2.2 Alterungssimulation an den Farbstoffen und optischen Aufhellern 3.2.3 Alterungssimulation an Farbmustern 3.3 Eingesetzte analytische Methoden 3.3.1 DC 3.3.2 HPLC–MS(/MS) 3.3.3 NMR-Spektroskopie 3.3.4 Raman-Spektroskopie 3.3.5 Fluoreszenzspektroskopie 3.3.6 FTIR-Spektroskopie 4 Ergebnisse und Diskussion 4.1 Vorbemerkungen 4.2 Identifizierung der Bestandteile der Tagesleuchtpigmente 4.2.1 Vorversuche mittels DC 4.2.2 Identifizierung mittels HPLC–MS/MS und NMR-Spektroskopie 4.2.3 Spektroskopische Erfassung 4.2.4 Diskussion und Literaturvergleich 4.3 Identifizierung der Abbauprodukte 4.3.1 Fotografische und fluoreszenzspektroskopische Erfassung 4.3.2 Ermittlung der Abbauprodukte mittels HPLC–MS/MS 4.3.3 Diskussion und Literaturvergleich 4.4 Verhalten von Tagesleuchtfarben während der Lichtalterung 4.4.1 Phänomenologische Betrachtung and Farbmustern 4.4.2 Bewertung mit Analysemethoden 4.4.3 Diskussion und Literaturvergleich 4.5 Anwendung der Methoden an Fallbeispielen von Kunstobjekten 4.5.1 HPLC–MS und Raman-Spektroskopie 4.5.2 Raman-Spektroskopie an historischen Pigmentproben 4.5.3 Mobile Raman-Spektroskopie 4.5.4 Eignung der Methoden 5 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick Literaturverzeichnis Anhang A Verwendete Geräte, Materialien und Chemikalien B Ergänzende Chromatogramme, Spektren, Abbildungen und Tabellen B.1 Spektren der Lampen und LEDs in der Belichtungskammer B.2 Raman-Spektroskopie B.2.1 Raman-Spektren der Tagesleuchtpigmente und der Bestandteile B.2.2 Raman-Spektren der photochemisch gealterten Farbmuster B.2.3 Raman-Spektren von Kunstobjekten und historischen Pigmenten B.3 Fluoreszenzspektroskopie B.3.1 Fluoreszenzspektren der Kremer Tagesleuchtpigmente B.3.2 Fluoreszenzspektren der Referenzsubstanzen B.3.3 Emissionsspektren der gealterten Referenzsubstanzen B.3.4 Fluoreszenzspektren der photochemisch gealterten Farbmuster B.4 HPLC–MS(/MS) B.4.1 Tandem-Massenspektren der Bestandteile B.4.2 Abbauprodukte der Referenzsubstanzen B.5 NMR-Spektroskopie B.6 Fotografien der Farbmuster und Ergebnisse der Farbmessungen Versicherung

Segmentação de imagens por classificação de cores: uma abordagem neural. / Image segmentation by color classification: a neural approach.

Simões, Alexandre da Silva 02 June 2000 (has links)
A presente dissertação aborda a segmentação de imagens coloridas através do processo de classificação de cores, isto é, a segmentação de imagens baseada no atributo cor dos pixels. O problema a ser tratado diz respeito à obtenção de uma classificação de cores tão próxima à humana quanto o possível. Em outros termos, busca-se uma classificação robusta à variação de grandezas como a iluminação ou brilho da cor, além de ser tolerante a erros no processo de amostragem. Tal problemática é encontrada em diversas situações práticas que sofram influência do ambiente, sobretudo no domínio de aplicação: o futebol de robôs. Com relação a tal problema, diversas questões permanecem abertas, tais como a forma de representação de cores e o tipo de classificador capaz de maximizar o desempenho da classificação. As modelagens clássicas, de forma geral, têm se mostrado inadequadas nesse contexto, estimulando-nos a buscar novas soluções. Assim sendo, apresentamos um classificador utilizando uma das técnicas que tem mostrado grande aplicabilidade nesse âmbito: as redes neurais artificiais. A aplicabilidade da técnica esbarra na obtenção de uma generalização adequada por parte da rede para o problema proposto, o que implica na necessidade de uma metodologia para o fornecimento de exemplos na fase de treinamento da rede. Desta forma, além da modelagem e implementação do classificador, buscamos proceder uma investigação a cerca de sua generalização em contextos diversos para situações não presentes no universo de treinamento, visando determinar o conjunto de fatores (sistema de representação de cores, metodologia de fornecimento de exemplos e arquitetura de rede) que maximizem o desempenho do classificador. / The present work approaches the segmentation of colored images through the process of color classification, i.e., the segmentation of images based on the color attribute of pixels. We look for a color classification as close as possible of human classification. In other words, we look for a robust classification with respect to the variation of illumination and color brightness, which tries to be tolerant to errors in the sampling process. We may find such kind of problems is various practical situations, for instance, situations that is influenced from the environment in the application domain: the robotic soccer. With regard to this problem, there are still diverse questions that remain unsolved, such as color representation form and type of classifier which maximizes the classification performance. In fact, classic models have shown to be inadequate in this context, in general, stimulating us to investigate new solutions. In our work, we present a classifier using one technique that has shown great applicability in this scope: the artificial neural networks. In order to obtain a correct generalization in the network, we faced the necessity to build a methodology to supply examples in the training phase of the network. In short, we model and implement a classifier, while searching to asses about its generalization power in different contexts and in the universe of training, so as to determine the set of factors (system of representation of colors, methodology of supply of examples and architecture of network) that maximizes its performance.

A influência da atmosfera criada pelo ambiente do ponto de venda sobre o comportamento de compra:uma pesquisa exploratória sobre a pinkbiju unidade metrô paulista

Santos, Thiago Alves dos 16 September 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T16:44:41Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Thiago Alves dos Santos.pdf: 2228117 bytes, checksum: f1e8c38014c8f8acae35bbbea66084d7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-09-16 / This paper aims at identifying the influence of variables that make up the layout on the purchase behavior of the consumer, considering the object of this paper, the selling point, its place and retail of bijouterie and accessories. For this, based on a bibliographic search about purchase behavior, the selling point, through the exploratory analysis and an attitudinal instrument, along the collection of data, in order to draw a parallel between the variables that make up the layout of the store and purchase behavior of consumers. It was concluded that all the variables that constitute the layout of retail store influence the purchase behavior of the consumer, including the colors, the lighting and the visual and physical accessibility of the product / Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a influência de variáveis que constituem o layout sobre o comportamento de compra do consumidor, considerando o ponto de venda objeto deste estudo, sua praça e cenário de atuação, ou seja, o varejo de bijuterias e acessórios. Para tanto, utilizou-se a pesquisa bibliográfica e a análise ambiental de uma loja específica e de seu ponto de venda, a análise ambiental de cunho exploratório, utilizou-se de um instrumento atitudinal ao longo da coleta de dado, a fim de traçar um paralelo entre as variáveis que compõem o layout da loja e o comportamento de compra do consumidor. Concluiu-se que todas as variáveis que constituem o layout exercem influência sobre o comportamento de compra do consumidor, entre elas as cores, a iluminação e a acessibilidade visual e física do produto

Análise psicométrica de um questionário para avaliação do impacto da alteração de visão de cores / Reliability analysis of a questionnaire to access the impact of changing color vision among dichromatic people

Stoianov, Maristela 07 December 2018 (has links)
Muitas atividades da rotina humana são codificadas por cor. Disfunções na percepção das cores podem ocorrer por um grande número de causas, sejam elas congênitas ou adquiridas. A ênfase sobre o mais preciso levantamento de dados confirma que a prevalência de deficiência de indivíduos do sexo masculino caucasianos europeus é de cerca de 8% e que a prevalência em populações asiáticas é entre 4% e 5%. No ano de 2015, Bastos desenvolveu um questionário para avaliação do impacto da discromatopsia entre indivíduos adultos. Medir aspectos psicossociais, processos psíquicos e comportamentais envolve uma série de conteúdos matemáticos e caracterizações que podem ajudar a mostrar a validade e confiabilidade de perguntas e respostas por mais simples que pareça esse processo. O objetivo desse trabalho foi analisar a fidedignidade desse questionário e adequá-lo a uma futura análise fatorial. Pudemos observar que o constructo QUESTIONÁRIO PILOTO DE AVALIAÇÃO DO IMPACTO DA DISCROMATOPSIA CONGÊNITA é multidimensional. A ferramenta que foi escolhida para avalia-lo demonstra que seu item tem objetividade, simplicidade, clareza, relevância, precisão, variedade, modalidade, tipicidade e credibilidade. Esses critérios foram avaliados por juízes com desempenho habitual em interpretação de textos. O coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach demonstra uma congruência sólida entre os itens do questionário. Mesmo quando esse foi avaliado em suas dimensões, os coeficientes continuaram significantemente relacionados mostrando que essa é uma ferramenta de qualidade. Os resultados demonstram que o constructo apresenta boa fidedignidade e é de fundamental importância pois os métodos psicofísicos não correlacionam a suas análises ao real impacto que a alteração de visão de cores pode causar nesse grupo populacional / Many human routine activities are color-coded. Dysfunctions in the perception of colors can occur for a great number of causes, whether they are congenital or acquired. The emphasis on the most accurate data collection confirms that the prevalence of European Caucasian male deficiency is approximatedely 8% and that the prevalence in Asian populations is between 4% and 5%. In 2015, Bastos developed a questionnaire to assess the impact of dyschromatopsia among adult subjects. Measuring psychosocial aspects, psychic and behavioral processes involves a series of mathematical content and characterizations that can help show the validity and reliability of questions and answers as simple as this process may seem. The objective of this study was to analyze the reliability of this questionnaire and to adapt it for future factorial analyses. We could observe that the construct \"PILOT QUESTIONNAIRE FOR EVALUATING THE IMPACT OF CONGENITAL DISCROMATOPSY\" is multidimensional. The tool that has been chosen to evaluate it demonstrates that its items have objectivity, simplicity, clarity, relevance, precision, variety, modality, typicity and credibility. These criteria were evaluated by judges with a permissive performance in the interpretation of texts. Cronbach\'s Alfa coefficient demonstrates a solid congruence between the items in the questionnaire. Even when it was evaluated in its dimensions, the coefficients continued to be significantly related, showing that this is a quality tool. The results demonstrate that the construct presents good reliability and is of fundamental importance since the psychophysical methods do not correlate their analyses with the real impact that the alteration of color vision can cause in this population group

Segmentação de imagens por classificação de cores: uma abordagem neural. / Image segmentation by color classification: a neural approach.

Alexandre da Silva Simões 02 June 2000 (has links)
A presente dissertação aborda a segmentação de imagens coloridas através do processo de classificação de cores, isto é, a segmentação de imagens baseada no atributo cor dos pixels. O problema a ser tratado diz respeito à obtenção de uma classificação de cores tão próxima à humana quanto o possível. Em outros termos, busca-se uma classificação robusta à variação de grandezas como a iluminação ou brilho da cor, além de ser tolerante a erros no processo de amostragem. Tal problemática é encontrada em diversas situações práticas que sofram influência do ambiente, sobretudo no domínio de aplicação: o futebol de robôs. Com relação a tal problema, diversas questões permanecem abertas, tais como a forma de representação de cores e o tipo de classificador capaz de maximizar o desempenho da classificação. As modelagens clássicas, de forma geral, têm se mostrado inadequadas nesse contexto, estimulando-nos a buscar novas soluções. Assim sendo, apresentamos um classificador utilizando uma das técnicas que tem mostrado grande aplicabilidade nesse âmbito: as redes neurais artificiais. A aplicabilidade da técnica esbarra na obtenção de uma generalização adequada por parte da rede para o problema proposto, o que implica na necessidade de uma metodologia para o fornecimento de exemplos na fase de treinamento da rede. Desta forma, além da modelagem e implementação do classificador, buscamos proceder uma investigação a cerca de sua generalização em contextos diversos para situações não presentes no universo de treinamento, visando determinar o conjunto de fatores (sistema de representação de cores, metodologia de fornecimento de exemplos e arquitetura de rede) que maximizem o desempenho do classificador. / The present work approaches the segmentation of colored images through the process of color classification, i.e., the segmentation of images based on the color attribute of pixels. We look for a color classification as close as possible of human classification. In other words, we look for a robust classification with respect to the variation of illumination and color brightness, which tries to be tolerant to errors in the sampling process. We may find such kind of problems is various practical situations, for instance, situations that is influenced from the environment in the application domain: the robotic soccer. With regard to this problem, there are still diverse questions that remain unsolved, such as color representation form and type of classifier which maximizes the classification performance. In fact, classic models have shown to be inadequate in this context, in general, stimulating us to investigate new solutions. In our work, we present a classifier using one technique that has shown great applicability in this scope: the artificial neural networks. In order to obtain a correct generalization in the network, we faced the necessity to build a methodology to supply examples in the training phase of the network. In short, we model and implement a classifier, while searching to asses about its generalization power in different contexts and in the universe of training, so as to determine the set of factors (system of representation of colors, methodology of supply of examples and architecture of network) that maximizes its performance.

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