Spelling suggestions: "subject:"command anda control."" "subject:"command ando control.""
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Alternativa metoder för att kontrollera ett användargränsnitt i en browser för teknisk dokumentation / Alternative methods for controlling the user interface in a browser for technical documentationSvensson, Cecilia January 2003 (has links)
When searching for better and more practical interfaces between users and their computers, additional or alternative modes of communication between the two parties would be of great use. This thesis handles the possibilities of using eye and head movements as well as voice input as these alternative modes of communication. One part of this project is devoted to find possible interaction techniques when navigating in a computer interface with movements of the eye or the head. The result of this part is four different controls of an interface, adapted to suit this kind of navigation, combined together in a demo application. Another part of the project is devoted to the development of an application, with voice control as primary input method. The application developed is a simplified version of the application ActiViewer., developed by AerotechTelub Information&Media AB.
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Att leda : En studie om svensk samtida ledningsvetenskap och Försvarsmaktens doktrinutvecklingHallander, Jim January 2010 (has links)
De teoretiska grundstenarna för en framgångsrik ledning beror bl.a. på koordinationen mellan svensk forskning inom det ledningsvetenskapliga området och Försvarsmaktens doktrinära utveckling. Inom den ledningsvetenskapliga forskningen pågår utveckling av en teoretisk modell, den dynamiska OODA-loopen, syftande till att ta fram utåt- och inåtriktade funktioner inom ledning. Försvarsmakten genomför f.n. en utveckling av den Militärstrategiska doktrinen till att bli mer användbar och koordinerad i takt med en förändrad omvärld. Studiens syfte är att kartlägga om den doktrinära utvecklingen följt med forskningen inom ledningsvetenskapen och skapa en ökad förståelse samt medvetenhet för vad som krävs av den Militärstrategiska doktrinen för att uppnå en framgångsrik ledning. Resultatet visar på en positiv utveckling inom ett antal områden; miljön där militära effekter ska uppnås och underliggande beskrivningar som behandlar intentionen och förståelsen för själva uppdraget. Vidare visar studien på behovet av fortsatt doktrinär utveckling av området ledning i nära samarbete med svensk forskningen inom området. / The theoretical principle for successful command and control depends on such elements as the factor of coordination between Swedish research within command and control science and the development of the Swedish Armed Forces doctrine. The ongoing Swedish research within command and control science has created a generic model, the dynamic OODA-loop. The dynamic OODA-loop presents two major key aspects for command and control, the outer and the inner system and how they interface. Furthermore, the Swedish Armed Forces is in a developmental process of the Military Strategic Doctrine. The purpose of the development is to adjust the doctrine to be more useful within the Armed Forces and to describe the ongoing changes in a dynamic and complex environment. The purpose of this study is to identify if the development of the doctrine has been guided by the latest research within command and control science. The purpose is also to get a deeper understanding and awareness in order to meet the demands leading to a successful command and control within the military strategic doctrine. The study shows a positive doctrinal development in a number of areas such as; the environment where military effects will take action and attach descriptions concerning the intent and the understanding of a mission. It also shows the need for a continued doctrinal development within command and control in close cooperation within the areas of Swedish research.
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A software framework to support distributed command and control applicationsDuvenhage, Arno 09 August 2011 (has links)
This dissertation discusses a software application development framework. The framework supports developing software applications within the context of Joint Command and Control, which includes interoperability with network-centric systems as well as interoperability with existing legacy systems. The next generation of Command and Control systems are expected to be built on common architectures or enterprise middleware. Enterprise middleware does however not directly address integration with legacy Command and Control systems nor does it address integration with existing and future tactical systems like fighter aircraft. The software framework discussed in this dissertation enables existing legacy systems and tactical systems to interoperate with each other; it enables interoperability with the Command and Control enterprise; and it also enables simulated systems to be deployed within a real environment. The framework does all of this through a unique distributed architecture. The architecture supports both system interoperability and the simulation of systems and equipment within the context of Command and Control. This hybrid approach is the key to the success of the framework. There is a strong focus on the quality of the framework and the current implementation has already been successfully applied within the Command and Control environment. The current framework implementation is also supplied on a DVD with this dissertation. / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / unrestricted
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A visual query language served by a multi-sensor environmentCamara (Silvervarg), Karin January 2007 (has links)
A problem in modern command and control situations is that much data is available from different sensors. Several sensor data sources also require that the user has knowledge about the specific sensor types to be able to interpret the data. To alleviate the working situation for a commander, we have designed and constructed a system that will take input from several different sensors and subsequently present the relevant combined information to the user. The users specify what kind of information is of interest at the moment by means of a query language. The main issues when designing this query language have been that (a) the users should not have to have any knowledge about sensors or sensor data analysis, and (b) that the query language should be powerful and flexible, yet easy to use. The solution has been to (a) use sensor data independence and (b) have a visual query language. A visual query language was developed with a two-step interface. First, the users pose a “rough”, simple query that is evaluated by the underlying knowledge system. The system returns the relevant information that can be found in the sensor data. Then, the users have the possibility to refine the result by setting conditions for this. These conditions are formulated by specifying attributes of objects or relations between objects. The problem of uncertainty in spatial data; (i.e. location, area) has been considered. The question of how to represent potential uncertainties is dealt with. An investigation has been carried out to find which relations are practically useful when dealing with uncertain spatial data. The query language has been evaluated by means of a scenario. The scenario was inspired by real events and was developed in cooperation with a military officer to assure that it was fairly realistic. The scenario was simulated using several tools where the query language was one of the more central ones. It proved that the query language can be of use in realistic situations. / <p>Report code: LiU-Tek-Lic-2007:42.</p>
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A command-and-control malware design using cloud covert channels : Revealing elusive covert channels with Microsoft Teams / En kommando och kontroll av skadlig programvara som använder en hemlig molnkana : Avslöjar svårfångade hemliga kanaler med Microsoft TeamBertocchi, Massimo January 2023 (has links)
With the rise of remote working, business communication platforms such as Microsoft Teams have become indispensable tools deeply ingrained in the workflow of every employee. However, their increasing importance have made the identification and analysis of covert channels a critical concern for both individuals and organizations. In fact, covert channels can be utilized to facilitate unauthorized data transfers or enable malicious activities, thereby compromising confidentiality and system integrity. Unfortunately, traditional detection methods for covert channels may face challenges in detecting covert channels in such cloud-based platforms, as the complexities introduced may not be adequately addressed. Despite the importance of the issue, a comprehensive analysis of covert channels in business communication platforms has been lacking. In fact, to the best of the our knowledge, this Master’s thesis represents the first endeavor in identifying and analysing covert channels within Microsoft Teams. To address this problem, an in-depth literature review was conducted to identify existing research and techniques related to covert channels, their detection and their countermeasures. A thorough analysis of Microsoft Teams was then carried out and a threat scenario was selected. Through extensive experimentation and analysis, three covert channels were then identified, exploited and compared based on bandwidth, robustness and efficiency. This thesis sheds light on the diversity of covert channels in Microsoft Teams, providing valuable insights on their functioning and characteristics. The insights gained from this work pave the way for future research on effective detection systems for covert channels in cloud-based environments, fostering a proactive approach towards securing digital business communication. / Med ökningen av distansarbete har företagskommunikationsplattformar som Microsoft Teams blivit oumbärliga verktyg som är djupt rotade i arbetsflödet för varje anställd. Deras ökande betydelse har dock gjort identifiering och analys av dolda kanaler till ett kritiskt problem för både individer och organisationer. I själva verket kan dolda kanaler användas för att underlätta obehöriga dataöverföringar eller möjliggöra skadliga aktiviteter, vilket äventyrar sekretess och systemintegritet. Tyvärr kan traditionella detekteringsmetoder för dolda kanaler möta utmaningar när det gäller att upptäcka dolda kanaler i sådana molnbaserade plattformar, eftersom komplexiteten som introduceras kanske inte hanteras på ett adekvat sätt. Trots frågans betydelse har det saknats en omfattande analys av dolda kanaler i plattformar för affärskommunikation. Såvitt vi vet är denna masteruppsats det första försöket att identifiera och analysera dolda kanaler inom Microsoft Teams. För att ta itu med detta problem genomfördes en djupgående litteraturgenomgång för att identifiera befintlig forskning och tekniker relaterade till dolda kanaler, deras upptäckt och deras motåtgärder. Därefter gjordes en grundlig analys av Microsoft Teams och ett hotscenario valdes ut. Genom omfattande experiment och analys identifierades, utnyttjades och jämfördes sedan tre dolda kanaler baserat på bandbredd, robusthet och effektivitet. Denna avhandling belyser mångfalden av dolda kanaler i Microsoft Teams och ger värdefulla insikter om deras funktion och egenskaper. Insikterna från detta arbete banar väg för framtida forskning om effektiva detekteringssystem för hemliga kanaler i molnbaserade miljöer, vilket främjar en proaktiv strategi för att säkra digital affärskommunikation.
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Upplevelsen av att vara i ledningsroll vid särskild händelse: En intervjustudie med sjuksköterskor inom ambulanssjukvården / The experience of being in command and control during a major incident: Qualitative interview study with nurses working in the Ambulance serviceLeinonen, Sophia, Ridder, Lovisa January 2024 (has links)
Introduktion: Sjuksköterskan inom ambulanssjukvården utsätts många gånger för det okända, de arbetar i utmanande miljöer och utför avancerad vård prehospitalt. Vid särskild händelse tilldelas första ambulans på plats rollen som sjukvårdsledning. Ofta tilldelas rollen utan möjlighet till förberedelser och med knapphändig information och en oro inför denna uppgift finns. Syfte: Att belysa sjuksköterskan i ambulans upplevelse av att vara i ledningsroll vid en särskild händelse. Metod: Studien har en kvalitativ design med induktiv ansats. Tolv sjuksköterskor verksamma i ambulanssjukvården i västra Sverige intervjuades via semistrukturerade intervjuer. Innehållsanalys med manifest nivå användes som analysmetod. Resultat: Resultatet resulterade i fem teman: Att bli tilldelad utmaningen, Att ta sig an rollen, När känslorna tar över, Att uppnå kontroll och Erfarenhet skapar lugn. Slutsats: För sjuksköterskorna i studien var det en utmaning att ta sig an ledningsrollen vid särskild händelse. Ledningsrollen kunde leda till känslomässiga reaktioner och upplevdes påfrestande. Det fanns en strävan efter kontroll genom struktur, information och överblick. Deltagarna i studien önskade att få öva mer och använda sin kunskap på de mindre skadehändelserna
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Effects of Anxiety on Change Detection in a Command and Control TaskPanganiban, April Rose 25 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Chat communication in a command and control environment: How does it help?Courtice, April M. 21 December 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Realistic Extensible Generic Simulation Engine for Target Simulation in a Command and Control Training EnvironmentLundström, Isak January 2024 (has links)
This thesis explores the design and implementation of a simulation framework created for C2 training environments, focusing on simulating the movement of aircraft and other moving targets between waypoints. The core objective was to develop an extensible, reliable, and realistic simulation system that can adapt to simulate a variety of entities, each characterized by unique movement patterns defined by their type. The simulated input scenarios involve a collection of targets, where each target traverses through a defined set of waypoints according to their specified movement behavior at initialization. The research involved a evaluation of established theories and ideologies of both aircraft and computer simulation, leading to the creation of a framework that leverages Java for its scalability and performance. The framework was designed from the ground up to promote extensibility of various types of moving targets beyond of just that of aircraft, such as helicopters, boats, missiles, and surface vehicles. The accuracy of the simulation was tested by comparing its output to real-world flight data, demonstrating its capability to mimic realistic aircraft movement within predefined training scenarios. Additionally, the system's extensibility is showcased by simulating two different categories of aircraft—a commercial airliner and a small fighter jet—and illustrating the differences in their generated trajectories. Another outcome is the framework's ability to support real-time simulation, crucial for training scenarios in a C2 context. The system integrates and utilizes concurrent design techniques and dependable design patterns to ensure high throughput and performance, even when scaling to large numbers of targets. The framework's architecture allows for future extension and integration of new target types, without requiring modifications to the existing codebase, by the utilization of Javas SPI.
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Den smarta kartan : En teoretisk diskussion om geografiskt informationssystem i ledningssystemBrorson, Johan January 2011 (has links)
Den pågående utvecklingen med informationssystem och den ökade tillgången till information via dessa system ökar kraven på den militära personalen att hantera denna stora mängd information. Information om aktörer i ett stridsområde samt den terräng aktörerna befinner sig i är en förutsättning för att genomföra militära operationer. Som följd av denna informationsmängd behöver informationssystemen utvecklas för att kunna ge bättre beslutsunderlag. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilken militär nytta man skulle kunna uppnå med ett geografiskt informationssystem (GIS) för beslutsfattarna i en militär insats. Dessutom skall uppsatsen undersöka hur ett GIS bör vara utformat för att stödja personalen med beslutsfattande. Undersökningen sker genom både komparativ litteraturstudie och beskrivning av teorier och metoder. Resultatet pekar på att GIS bör kunna bidra till den militära nyttan med att möjliggöra ett informationsöverläge gentemot en motståndare. Vidare pekar resultaten på att rätt design på GIS underlättar för användaren men att det ändå krävs utbildning för att nyttja GIS fullt ut. / The ongoing development of information systems and the increased availability of information through these systems increase the demands on the military personnel to handle this large amount of information. Information on participants in a battle area and the terrain actors find themselves is a prerequisite to conduct military operations. As a result of all this increased informa-tion the information systems needs to developed to provide a better basis for deci-sions. The purpose of this paper is to examine which military benefit could be achieved with a geographic information system (GIS) for decision makers in a military opera-tion. In addition, the paper will investigate how a GIS should be designed to support staff with decision making. The survey is done by both comparative literature and description of theories and methods. The results indicate that GIS should be able to contribute to the military benefit to enable information superiority over an adversary. Furthermore, the results show that the correct design of GIS makes it easier for the user but it still requires training to use GIS in full.
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