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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Europeizace soukromého práva / Europeanisation of private law

Lederer, Vít January 2013 (has links)
v anglickém jazyce The purpose of this thesis is to analyse europeanisation of private law. The thesis is composed of six chapter, each of them dealing with different aspects of the creation of uniform private law. Chapter One is introductory. Deals with the term of europeanisation of private law and focuses on its basic methods. Attempts to distinguish centralist and non-centralist ways of convergence in the area of european private law. The first subchapter describes unification of private law by means of international conventions and through european regulations and directives. The second subpart examines spontaneous process of europeanisation of private law. Ilustrates the creation of a european private law by legal science and education, drafting principles of european private law and is concerned with competition of legal systems. Chapter two explores if the unification of private law is needed and possible. Discusses positive as well as negative arguments of the unification in the area of private law. Chapter three describes several of academic iniciatives concerned with the creation of uniform private law. Chapter Four concentrates on european contract law. This part discusses the term of contract law, describes international instruments of its unification, focuses on consumer protection in...

The Development of a Multi-Objective Optimization and Preference Tool to Improve the Design Process of Nuclear Power Plant Systems

Wilding, Paul Richard 01 June 2019 (has links)
The complete design process for a new nuclear power plant concept is costly, long, complicated, and the work is generally split between several specialized groups. These design groups separately do their best to design the portion of the reactor that falls in their expertise according to the design criteria before passing the design to the subsequent design group. Ultimately, the work of each design group is combined, with significant iteration between groups striving to facilitate the integration of each of the heavily interdependent systems. Such complex interaction between experts leads to three significant problems: (1) the issues associated with knowledge management, (2) the lack of design optimization, and (3) the failure to discover the hidden interdependencies between different design parameters that may exist. Some prior work has been accomplished in both developing common frame of reference (CFR) support systems to aid in the design process and applying optimization to nuclear system design.The purpose of this work is to use multi-objective optimization to address the second and third problems above on a small subset of reactor design scenarios. Multi-objective optimization generates several design optima in the form of a Pareto front, which portrays the optimal trade-off between design objectives. As a major part of this work, a system design optimization tool is created, namely the Optimization and Preference Tool for the Improvement of Nuclear Systems (OPTIONS). The OPTIONS tool is initially applied to several individual nuclear systems: the power conversion system (PCS) of the Integral, Inherently Safe Light Water Reactor (I²S-LWR), the Kalina cycle being proposed as the PCS for a LWR, the PERCS (or Passive Endothermic Reaction Cooling System), and the core loop of the Zion plant. Initial sensitivity analysis work and the application of the Non-dominated Sorting Particle Swarm Optimization (NSPSO) method provides a Pareto front of design optima for the PCS of the I²S-LWR, while bringing to light some hidden pressure interdependencies for generating steam using a flash drum. A desire to try many new PCS configurations leads to the development of an original multi-objective optimization method, namely the Mixed-Integer Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (MI-NSGA). With this method, the OPTIONS tool provides a novel and improved Pareto front with additional optimal PCS configurations. Then, the simpler NSGA method is used to optimize the Kalina cycle, the PERCS, and the Zion core loop, providing each problem with improved designs and important objective trade-off information. Finally, the OPTIONS tool uses the MI-NSGA method to optimize the integration of three systems (Zion core loop, PERCS, and Rankine cycle PCS) while increasing efficiency, decreasing costs, and improving performance. In addition, the tool is outfitted to receive user preference input to improve the convergence of the optimization to a Pareto front.

L’espace entre les joueurs de football comme un signe lisible et communicatif du type cognitif du joueur / The space between football players as a legible and communicative sign of the cognitive type of the player

Melhli, Naji 16 December 2011 (has links)
Nous essayons de comprendre, dans un objectif à visée technologique, comment la créativité jaillit du jeu suite aux modifications des intervalles entre les joueurs de football reflétant ainsi des espaces nouveaux d’aires de jeu. L’approche sémio-constructiviste de l’activité motrice au football mobilise plusieurs concepts théoriques notamment celui du type cognitif. Notre méthode d’investigation est basée sur une étude qualitative des entretiens avec des entraineurs experts, permettant ensuite d’élaborer notre outil de mesure. Ceci nous a permis d’analyser plusieurs paramètres liés à l’espace et au temps à l’aide d’un logiciel qui enregistre tous les mouvements des joueurs et du ballon, puis, de faire ressortir les principales données tactiques et athlétiques des joueurs. Nous soulignons que la création des intervalles pendant un match de football est révélatrice de la qualité de jeu d’une équipe. Les résultats obtenus nous amènent à proposer des pistes afin d’orienter l’entrainement vers le positionnement d’un référentiel commun et d’individualiser le travail technique ou athlétique. / We seek to understand, with an objective having a technological intent, how creativity emerges from play following changes in the intervals between football players, thus reflecting new spaces as play areas. The semioconstructivist approach to motor activity in football mobilizes several theoretical concepts, in particular that of cognitive type. Our method of investigation is based on a qualitative study of interviews with expert trainers, which then enables us to devise our measurement tool. This has permitted us to analyse several parameters associated with space and time using software that records all the movements of players and the ball, and then to bring out the principal tactical and athletic data about the players. We stress that the creation of intervals during a football match says a lot about the quality of a team's play. The results obtained lead us to suggest some lines of advance for focusing training on setting up a common frame of reference, while tailoring technical and athletic work to individual needs.

Civilinės deliktinės atsakomybės sąlygos: CK, Europos deliktų teisės principų ir DCFR palyginimas / Civil liability for delicts: a comparative study of the civil code, the principles of the european delict law and the draft common frame of reference (dcfr)

Balčiūnas, Vytautas 27 June 2014 (has links)
Darbe atliekamas Lietuvos Respublikos civilinio kodekso (CK) ir Europoje vyraujančių deliktų teisės vienodinimo tendencijų – Europos deliktų teisės principų (PETL) ir Bendros principų sistemos projekto (DCFR) civilinės deliktinės atsakomybės sąlygų palyginimas, siekiant skirti ir įvertinti jų atitiktį dabartiniame Europos deliktų teisės harmonizavimo ir unifikavimo etape. Atliekant tyrimą apibendrinamos pagrindinės Vakarų Europos deliktų teisės tradicijos, pateikiama bendra PETL, DCFR ir Lietuvos deliktų teisės sistemos charakteristika. Daromos išvados, kad PETL ir DCFR grindžiamos generalinio delikto principu. Juose skiriamos ir detaliai konkretizuojamos visos, būdingos ir Lietuvos deliktų teisės sistemai, sąlygos, kurioms esant gali būti taikoma civilinė deliktinė atsakomybė – žala, kaltė ir priežastinis ryšys. Konstatuojamas esminis CK skirtumas nuo PETL ir DCFR nuostatų, apibrėžiant trečiųjų asmenų, turinčių teisę į neturtinės žalos atlyginimą, ratą. CK trečiųjų asmenų teisė į neturtinės žalos atlyginimą įtvirtinta tik nukentėjusiojo gyvybės atėmimo atveju. PETL ir DCFR tokią trečiųjų asmenų teisę numato ir nukentėjusiojo sveikatos sužalojimo atvejais. Kaltė pagal PETL ir DCFR nuostatas gali turėti ir tyčios formą. Pabrėžiama, jog tokia nuostata prieštarauja CK. Vertinant priežastinio ryšio sąlygą daroma išvada, jog CK įtvirtinta jos samprata neprieštarauja PETL ir DCFR nuostatoms. / Work carried out the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania (CC) and Europe prevailing trends in the convergence of tort law – the Principles of European Tort Law (PETL) and the Draft Common Frame of Reference (DCFR) civil tort liability in terms of comparison in order to allocate and assess their compliance with current European tort law harmonization and unification stage. The study summarizes the main Western European tradition of tort law, the general PETL, DCFR and Lithuanian tort law system performance. Conclude that PETL and DCFR based on the general tort principle. They are awarded and all the details down specific characteristic of the Lithuanian tort law system and the conditions, under which may be subject the civil tort liability – damage, fault and causation. Finding the essential difference between CC and the PETL, DCFR provisions under definition the circle of third parties, who are entitle to non-pecuniary damages. The right of the third parties by CC consolidated only the victim’s death. PETL and DCFR provide the third party under victim’s death and personal injury cases. Fault by PETL and DCFR provisions could have the form of intentional. Emphasized that such a provision is contrary to CC. Assessing the condition of causality, it is concluded, that the CC provides its conception in compliance with the PETL and DCFR provisions.

Borgenärsskydd för lösöre i överlåtarens vård : Besittningskonstitut – hur främmande är det egentligen för svensk sakrätt?

Danielson, Axel January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Borgenärsskydd för lösöre i överlåtarens vård : Besittningskonstitut – hur främmande är det egentligen för svensk sakrätt? / Protection Against the Transferor's Creditors for Moviable Property Detained With the Transferor : Possesion Agency – How Alien Is It Really for Swedish Property Law?

Danielson, Axel January 2022 (has links)
Swedish property law, when it comes to acquisition of movable property, the transferee does not acquire ownership as such, instead, the sale is considered protected against the claim of the seller’s creditors (borgenärsskydd). This is achieved through the delivery principle (traditionsprincipen), meaning in its Swedish sense that movable property must not necessarily be delivered into the trans- feree’s possession, but rather that the transferor’s possibility to dispose over the movable is severed. This principle has been subjected to considerable alterations, mainly due to allowing situations where the delivery principle would otherwise be practically impossible. These alterations raise the question of how far these legal solutions can be detached from the fundamental principle. Therefore, it is relevant to ponder, if these solutions, which can merely be considered as artificial solutions to satisfy a formal requirement, are like the constitutum possessorium of civil law orders This thesis will attend to this issue, addressing the following three questions: Question (i): how does the concept of ownership apply to legal questions in relation to the delivery principle in Swedish property law and the Draft Common Frame of Reference respectively? Question (ii): does Swedish property law grant protection against the transferor’s creditors although the movable is detained with the transferor? Question (iii): is there any systematic compatibility in relation to the delivery principle in Swedish property law and DCFR respectively? Espe- cially when the movable is detained with the transferor. In relation to question (i), it has been found that in DCFR, ownership is closely linked with possession, which means that ownership follows the delivery of possession. This is not necessarily the case in Swedish property law. Question (ii) is answered in connection to a study of Swedish case-law, which results in that the movable can be detained with the transferor, provided that some require- ments are fulfilled, only if it is a result of a physical action and not solely due to a contract. However, case-law has evolved this general rule to be subjected to a propensity of looking past, or creating new, requirements in order not to create unnecessary complications of compliance as far as it concerns honest transac- tions. This has resulted in a kind of peculiar flexibility. In answer to question (iii), due to the new types of solutions created not to complicate certain transactions, the possibility of reaching similar results as the continental principle is more prominent than one might have thought. Despite certain resemblances, the sys- tematic compatibility must be seen as limited, due to the difference in the respec- tive rules’ aim.

Les principes directeurs du droit des contrats : regards croisés sur les droits français, libanais, européen et international / Guiding principles of contract law : crossed view on french, lebanese, european and international laws

Khoriaty, Rita 09 September 2011 (has links)
La comparaison des principes directeurs du droit des contrats dans les ordres internes (français et libanais), européen et international permet de déceler, d’une part, une convergence sur le plan de l’identification des principes directeurs du droit des contrats et, d’autre part, une divergence sur le plan de la mise en oeuvre de ces principes. La convergence se manifeste par le fait que les mêmes principes - à savoir les principes de liberté contractuelle, de loyauté contractuelle et de sécurité contractuelle - sous-tendent la théorie générale des contrats dans les trois ordres. Cette convergence s’explique par deux principaux facteurs : d’une part, un facteur logique à savoir le raisonnement par induction qui permet de dégager les principes directeurs du droit des contrats, et, d’autre part, un facteur politique en l’occurrence la concordance des objectifs généraux du droit des contrats dans les trois ordres. Quant à la divergence sur le plan de la mise en oeuvre des principes directeurs,elle se manifeste pratiquement par le renforcement, en droits européen et international,des principes directeurs de la liberté contractuelle et de la loyauté contractuelle ainsi que par l’aménagement du principe directeur de la sécurité contractuelle. Cette divergence a pu être expliquée par l’existence de besoins propres du commerce international. Toutefois, elle devrait plutôt être rattachée à l’influence de droits nationaux étrangers aux droits français et libanais. / The comparison of the guiding principles of contract law in French, Lebanese, European and international laws reveals on one hand a convergence in terms of identifying the guiding principles of contract law and on the other hand a divergence interms of implementing these principles.The convergence arises from the same principles - namely the principles of contractual freedom, contractual security and contractual “loyalty”2 - underlying the general theory of contracts in all three laws. This convergence is due to two mainfactors: firstly, a logical factor that is the inductive reasoning that allows extracting the guiding principles of contract law, and, secondly, a political factor based on the similarity of the general objectives of contract law in the three laws. As for the divergence in terms of guiding principles implementation, it is revealed through reinforcing in European and international laws, the guiding principles of contractual freedom and contractual “loyalty” as well as the adjustment of the guiding principle of contractual security. This divergence could be explained by the existence of specific needs of international trade. However, it should rather be related to the influence of foreign national laws different from French and Lebanese laws.

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