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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kommunalt självstyre och regional fysisk planering i Region Värmland : En studie om hur kommuner kan påverkas av regional fysisk planering i Region Värmland / Municipal self-government and regional spatial planning in Region Värmland : A study of how municipalities can be affected by regional spatial planning in Region Värmland

Welamsson, Thea January 2023 (has links)
What is studied in this essay is how municipal self-government and the municipal planning monopoly can be affected for municipalities in Region Värmland if physical planning were to be regionalized in Värmland. There is a power shift going on in today´s situation, where the local is being moved more and more to the regional level. It is also a power struggle between who should control different thing. The purpose of the work is to find out how municipalities in Värmland will be affected if the physical planning were to be regionalized. Also how civil servants and their work regarding planning may be affected. This can be seen based on two dimensions that are applied in the study, the dimension of power and the dimension of activity, which can show differences and similarities exist between municipalities. The questions to be answered are:  - What effects and perspectives (pros and cons) do you think the working method can have for the interviewed municipalities if spatial planning is regionalized? -Does it matter if it is a smaller or larger municipality? -How is planning affected by this, what would be the consequences/problems for the businesses from more regional physical planning in Värmland?  Through qualitative interviews, respondents from eight municipalities in Värmland have been interviewed to answer how they think they will be affected if regional spatial planning were to be used in Värmland. The respondents work with relevant professions within community planning. The results show, based on four themes, divided unconditionally based on the respondent´s answers, how the municipalities and their respondents would be  affected. Among other things, the respondents lack responsibility from the region, resources and the municipalities conditions look different and depending on whether it is a small or large municipality it can look different. The local knowledge a municipality has is also important for municipalities, and municipal self- government is also something that municipalities think is important. Politics and democracy are important parts of how things should work. The conclusion shows that different effects and perspectives with pros and cons will affect the interviewed municipalities if spatial planning is regionalized. An important perspecitve is that power between municipality and region plays a role and also that municipalities today work in different ways and are therefore affected differently depending on their size, small or large municipality. The planning and activites will have several different consequences, both good and bad, knowledge and cooperation is something that will be able to improve the planning.

The "New" Charrette: Stakeholder Perceptions Of An Alternate Approach

Avery, Odie Joe 17 August 2013 (has links)
Landscape architects, many of whom practice the design principles of the New Urbanism, have become increasingly involved with the participatory planning process. A key principle of New Urbanism, the participatory planning process is incorporated in an attempt to ensure that any new development - or alteration of an existing development - meets the needs of the community for which the design is created. This study examines data gathered from a web-based survey addressing the alternate, stakeholderess charrette approach. It was distributed to participants of charrettes facilitated by the Mississippi Main Street Association and is an attempt to understand the perceptions of those actively involved in the process. The purpose of this study was to examine this alternate approach to charrette facilitation and identify trends associated within. The analysis of stakeholder perceptions may prove beneficial in identifying trends that threaten charrette efficiency while highlighting trends worthy of replication in future charrettes.

地域福祉計画策定における福祉コミュニティ意識の変化に関する考察 : 住民参加による新たな方法を探る / チイキ フクシ ケイカク サクテイ ニオケル フクシ コミュニティ イシキ ノ ヘンカ ニカンスル コウサツ : ジュウミン サンカ ニヨル アラタナ ホウホウ オ サグル

李 彦尚, Eonsang Lee 20 March 2016 (has links)
本研究はプロセス志向の地域福祉計画に焦点をおき、福祉コミュニティとエンパワメントという視点から地域福祉計画策定による効果と、その方法論を明らかにしようとするものである。地域福祉計画策定を福祉コミュニティを実現するツールとして捉え、福祉コミュニティ意識尺度を開発し、その尺度を用いて参加による住民のエンパワメントという効果を実証的に提示した。そして、その効果を最大化していく参加方法について検討し、最後に計画策定への示唆を提示した。 / 博士(社会福祉学) / Doctor of Philosophy in Social Welfare / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

HÅLLBAR STADSPLANERING. Örebro kommuns strategier för minskad klimatpåverkan / SUSTAINABLE URBAN PLANNING - Örebro municipality´s strategies for reducing climate impact

Gustavsson, Jennifer, Nolåkers, Emma January 2022 (has links)
En femtedel av Sveriges klimatpåverkan kommer från bygg- och anläggningssektorn och år 2017 röstade riksdagen igenom att Sverige, senast år 2045, ska nå nettonollutsläpp av växthusgaser. Örebro kommun har tagit fram ett eget styrdokument, Klimatstrategi för Örebro kommun, som beskriver klimatpåverkan, vad kommunen behöver göra samt vilka etappmål och delmål som finns i det geografiska området.  Avsikten med denna studie är att undersöka hur Örebro kommun arbetar aktivt för att minska klimatpåverkan genom samhällsplaneringen i samband med att staden växer. Studien har baserats på litteraturstudier och intervjuer med fyra deltagare från Örebro kommun och tre deltagare från Länsstyrelsen i Örebro län. Studien har avgränsats till ett specifikt delmål i Örebro kommuns klimatstrategi och på vilka sätt de arbetar för att uppnå delmålet - klimatsmart samhällsplanering. Resultatet tyder på att Örebro kommun har många dokument att förhålla sig till för att minska klimatpåverkan. Ett av dessa dokument är översiktsplanen. Detta dokument anses vara det främsta verktyget för samhällsplaneringen, då andra planeringsdokument arbetats in i översiktsplanen. Trafikstrategin är ett av dessa planeringsdokument som utgör underlag för att främja hållbart resande.   Länsstyrelsen har i uppgift att förse kommunerna med olika planeringsunderlag och anordna olika träffar med kommunerna. Inom samhällsplanering finns det många aspekter att ta hänsyn till och då kan Länsstyrelsen ge goda exempel, sprida kunskap samt ge vägledning till kommunerna.  Örebro kommun har framställt ett eget verktyg för att kunna effektivisera och påverka markanvisningsprocessen som kallas Örebromodellen. Kommunen har makten att bestämma vem som ska bli tilldelad mark genom utvärdering av byggaktörernas genomförandeambitioner i intresseanmälningarna. Dessutom kan kommunen ha önskemål om att byggaktörernas genomförandeambitioner ska vara klimatrelaterade. För att möjliggöra klimatarbetet i kommunen ännu mer är slutsatsen att det behövs en förändrad lagstiftning samt tydligare ställningstaganden i politiken. Om politiken ska kunna ta ställning krävs det att tjänstemännen har kompetensen och möjligheten att förmedla vilka åtgärder som behövs. / One fifth of Sweden's climate impact comes from the building and construction sector, and in 2017 the Parliament voted that Sweden, by 2045 at the latest, will achieve net zero emissions of greenhouse gases. Örebro municipality has produced its own governing document, Climate strategy for Örebro municipality, which describes the climate impact, what the municipality needs to do and what milestones and stage goals are in the geographical area. The purpose of this study is to investigate how Örebro municipality works actively to reduce climate impact through community planning in connection with the city's growth. The study has been based on literature studies and interviews with four participants from Örebro municipality and three participants from the County Administrative Board in Örebro County. The study has been limited to a specific stage goal in Örebro municipality's climate strategy and the ways in which they work to achieve the stage goal - climate-smart community planning. The results indicate that Örebro municipality has many documents to relate to in order to reduce the climate impact. One of these documents is the master plan. This document is considered to be the main tool for community planning, as other planning documents have been worked into the master plan. The traffic strategy is one of these planning documents that forms the basis for promoting sustainable travel.  The County Administrative Board has the task of providing the municipalities with different planning documents and arranging different meetings with the municipalities. In community planning, there are many aspects to take into account and then the County Administrative Board can set good examples, disseminate knowledge and provide guidance to the municipalities. The municipality of Örebro has produced its own tool to be able to streamline and influence the land allocation process known as the Örebro model. The municipality has the power to decide who will be allocated land by evaluating the construction actors' implementation ambitions in the expressions of interest. In addition, the municipality may want the construction actors’ implementation ambitions to be climate-related. To enable climate work in the municipality even more, the conclusion is that a change in laws and clearer positions in politics are needed. If policy is to be able to take a stand, it is required that civil servants have the competence and the opportunity to convey what measures are needed.

Lyfta och utveckla mötesplatser på landsbygden genom gestaltning : Studieobjekt lanthandel Kalvsvik / Raise and develop of meeting places in the countryside through design : Study object country store Kalvsvik

Medin, Erica, Runesson, Matilda January 2022 (has links)
In this thesis, the subject of meeting places in the countryside and the importance of design in increasing the place's outdoor environment and its attractiveness are studied. Sweden's countryside and smaller towns often lack structured and active meeting places. One of the contributing factors is urbanization. The purpose of the study is to investigate and strengthen the knowledge about the significance of design at the countryside. The study conducts research from a general perspective on the design of meeting places in rural areas. At the same time, an investigation is being carried out into an existing site, with the property designation Växjö Kalvsvik 25:2, where a country store is located. The study's conclusion is that it is not obvious that measures highlighted in the study can be applied in all places because design is situational. Thus, there is no ready-made template to follow. At the same time, the study has clarified that the concepts of architecture design and design are rarely emphasized for research purposes.


Vimont, Michael P. January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Sociální služby a jejich dostupnost v Pardubickém kraji, případová studie okresu Ústí nad Orlicí / Social services and their accessibility in Pardubicky region, case study of microregion Usti nad Orlici

Langrová, Žaneta January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is analysing the accessibility of social services in Pardubicky region and analysing the accessibility of social services in the area around the town of Usti nad Orlici. In the theoretical part of this thesis is the definition of social politics and principles and models of social politics. Next, this thesis describes models of social politics in the selected states of EU- in Sweden, Germany, Great Britain, France and Slovakia. Following of this section follows description of the social politics and system of social services (definition, quality standards and types of the social services) in the Czech Republic. The last section of the theoretical part compares legislations of the social services in the Czech Republic,France and Slovakia. The practical part of this thesis is focused on social services in Pardubicky region. The introduction of the practical part describes the planning of social services in Pardubicky region. The next section analyse the accessibility of social services for different groups in Pardubicky region. More detailed analyses of accessibility of social services in Pardubicky region is focused on area around the town of Usti nad Orlici

Zapojení uživatelů sociálních služeb do procesu komunitního plánování v Karlovarském kraji / Involving users of social services in the community planning process in Karlovy Vary Region

Pisár, Robert January 2017 (has links)
This Master's thesis deals with the description of the current state of community planning of social services and the mid-term planning of development of social services in the Karlovy Vary region. At the same time, the thesis reflects the historical content which led to the use of the community planning method in The Czech Republic. In the thesis, the author uses examples from abroad and from The Czech Republic that show specific problems especially encountered by organizers planning social services. The author bases his research on his analysis of interviews held with planning coordinators in the Karlovy Vary region. From the coordinators viewpoint, they describe structure and course of social service planning processes in the region. The author also examines the role of users invited into the planning of social services, how planning organizers communicate with those users, and how all representatives evaluate the plan's results. An additional information source regading social services planning dealt with publicly available resources, particularly websites of individual cities and their regions. The objectives of using this sources were to describe the planning of social services in the Karlovy Vary region and to determine its main active players. In conclusion, the author summarizes the...

Urban Pedagogik: rum för förhandling / Urban pedagogy: space for negotiation

Brolund de Carvalho, Sara January 2013 (has links)
En av huvudmålen med arbetet var att få ökad förståelse för hur medborgarnas makt och inflytande utvecklats historiskt inom stadsplanering. Jag var även intresserad av arkitektens roll i denna process. Jag ville som arkitekt, med stadsplanering som huvudfokus, hitta intressanta vägar att arbeta med medborgare och medborgargrupper och att förstå hur ett reellt lokalt inflytande kan ta form. Därför har jag försökt titta på relationer mellan medborgare, arkitekter, planerare, organisationer och kommun/stat. Jag drevs av en övertygelse att jag lättare kommer att finna argument för mina ”sociala ambitioner” som arkitekt om jag förstår de historiska processerna bakom medborgardeltagandet i både Sverige och ur ett internationellt perspektiv. Jag har undersökt olika historiska och nutida exempel från Sverige, Storbritannien och USA och försökt förstå vad och hur olika idéer hänger samman över tid och mellan länder. Anledningen till att jag valde Storbritannien och USA är att de har producerat flera betydelsefulla grupper och organisationer som just arbetar med medborgarinflytande och medborgarmakt. Examensarbetet presenterades som en utställning som består av- förutom en stor mängd informativt och illustrativt material kring ovannämnd tematik- en vagn och två filmer som jag själv producerat, regisserat och klippt. Filmerna skildrar Alternativ Stad respektive Stadsdelsrådet i Hökarängen. Vagnen är ”en nomadisk installation” som kan ta olika utformningar, stor eller liten, kort eller lång och som kan knytas till flera platser och möjligtvis även delta i en större utställning under temat medborgarmakt och stadsplanering. Som fysisk form är det potentiellt ett mobilt mötesrum, ett utställningsrum, en utställning, ett arkiv, ett bibliotek, en mobil forskningsenhet, en utbildningsenhet, en mobil institution, ett föreläsningsrum samt ett verktyg för urban pedagogik. / One of the main goals of my thesis was to gain further understanding of how citizens' power and influence developed historically in planning. I was also interested in the role of the architect in this process. I wanted as an architect, with urban planning as main interest, to find interesting ways to work with citizens and citizen groups and to understand how real local influence can take shape. Therefore I have tried to look at relationships between citizens, architects, planners, NGOs and local government/state. I was driven by a belief that I will more easily find arguments for my “social ambitions” if I understand the historical processes of citizen participation in both Sweden and abroad. I have examined various historical and contemporary examples from Sweden, the UK and the USA and I have tried to understand what and how different ideas are linked over time and between countries. The reason I chose the UK and the USA is that they have produced several important groups and organizations currently working with citizen participation and citizen power. The thesis was presented as an exhibition containing- besides a large amount of informative and illustrative material relating to the above thematics- a wagon and two films that I produced, directed and edited. The films portray the activist group Alternativ Stad and the association Stadsdelsrådet from Hökarängen (a Stockholm suburb). The wagon is "a nomadic installation" that can take various forms, big or small, short or long, which can be linked to multiple locations and possibly even participate in a major exhibition on the theme of citizen power and urban planning. As a physical form, it is potentially a mobile meeting room, an exhibition space, an exhibition, an archive, a library, a mobile research unit, a training unit, a mobile institution, a lecture hall and a tool for urban pedagogy.

Vliv zákona č. 206/2009 Sb. na komunitní plánování sociálních služeb v Libereckém kraji. / Effect of Act No. 206/2009 Coll. to community planning of social services in the Liberec region.

Fischerová, Alice January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Effect of Act No. 206/2009 Coll. to community planning of social services in the Liberec region" deals with the influence of the Amendment to the Social Services Act No. 108/2006 Coll. on cooperation between local, regional and state level in social services planning in Liberec region. The thesis builds on the concept of civil society, principles decentralization and deconcentration and also relies on the theory of bureaucracy and public policy networks theory. In the thesis is used qualitative research approach. The chapters analyze community plans of social services in municipalities of Liberec region and also the mid-term developing plan of social services for the Liberec region. Based on document analysis are summarized Liberec region activities in the area of planning social services. There are evaluated semi-structured interviews made with actors of planning of social services, which explain the cooperation between three levels of governance (municipalities, region and state), the effect of political influence on the planning of social services and also understanding of the Act No. 108/2006 Coll. and its Amendment. It is worked also with stakeholder analysis and is discussed the future direction of Liberec region in the planning of social services. The thesis is case study of...

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