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Kompetensutvecklingsinsatser : Hur kan de genomföras för att få positiva effekter på individ, grupp- och organisationsnivå? / Skills Initiatives : How can they be implemented to have positive effects on the individual, group- and organizational level?Bergqvist, Gisela, Asslani, Antigona January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna forskningsöversikt var att undersöka vad aktuell forskning säger om hur en kompetensutveckling kan införas i en organisation för att få resultat/effekter för medarbetare på individ, grupp- och organisationsnivå. Detta utifrån den föränderliga värld vi lever i idag där organisationer står inför ständiga förändringar. Forskningsöversikten gjordes utefter 10 vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultaten visade att det är viktigt att inventera kompetensen i organisationen och göra en planering. Även kommunikation och reflektion sågs som framgångsfaktorer.
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En integrerad syn på kompetenskartläggning : Att identifiera nuläge och förbättra verksamheter / An integrated view of competence mapping : To map competence and develop organizationsLundström, Martina, Jaconelli, Victoria January 2019 (has links)
I detta arbete undersöks kompetens och kompetenskartläggning inom dagens organisationer. Kompetens är ett begrepp som har studerats länge utifrån olika perspektiv och discipliner, vilket har gett upphov till ett flertal teorier och förklaringsmodeller som innefattar olika tillvägagångssätt för hur kompetens kan förstås och kartläggas. Trots detta existerar det i dagsläget inte en universell definition av begreppet kompetens, utan kompetens betraktas ofta som ett komplicerat begrepp. Detta medför ett problem för dagens organisationer då många organisationer efterfrågar kartläggning av medarbetares kompetenser för att utveckla och förbättra verksamheter. I detta arbete presenteras en alternativ syn på kompetens och kompetenskartläggning som integrerar två forskningsområden. Dessa är företagsekonomi och positiv psykologi. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka kompetens och kompetenskartläggning ur ett integrerat perspektiv och bidra med uppdaterad, aktuell och tillförlitlig forskning kring hur kompetenskartläggning kan genomföras inom organisationer. Genom att kombinera forskning inom företagsekonomi och positiv psykologi kan olika aspekter av kompetens lyftas för att bidra till en integrerad, övergripande och mer konkret syn på kompetens och kompetenskartläggning. Denna syn innefattar personlig och inlärd kompetens med tillhörande kartläggningsstrategier som refererar till kvaliteter som vi kan lära oss och egenskaper som finns inom oss. Vidare framhålls personlig och inlärd kompetens som ett nytt koncept som författarna till detta arbete argumenterar kan skapa värde för dagens organisationer. Först problematiseras forskning kring kompetens inom respektive forskningsområde, sedan presenteras forskningsläget där forskning kring kompetens och kompetenskartläggning sammanställs. Detta följs av en presentation av genomförd enkätundersökning vars resultat analyseras och diskuteras. Avslutningsvis landar arbetet i en generell diskussion av begreppet kompetens och kompetenskartläggning samt inkluderar ett alternativt tillvägagångssätt för att kartlägga kompetens inom dagens organisationer. / This essay examines competence and competence mapping in today's organizations. Competence as a concept that has been studied for long within several academic disciplines. This has given rise to a number of theories and explanatory models that involve different approaches to how competence can be understood and mapped. Despite this, there is currently no universally accepted definition of the concept. This brings a problem though, as many organizations ask for competence mapping to develop and improve their activities. This essay presents an alternative view of competence and competence mapping that integrates two research areas. These are business organization and positive psychology. By combining research in the two fields, various aspects of competence are highlighted and integrated into a new view of competence and competence mapping. This integrated view includes personal and learned skills with associated mapping strategies. Learned competence refers to qualities that we can learn, while personal competence refers to personal qualities and characteristics that exists within us, that is developed over our life span. Furthermore, this integrated view is presented as a new and alternative concept that we argue might be of great value for today's organizations. First, research on competence in each research area is problematized and presented. An overview of research on competence and competence mapping is then compiled and integrated. This is followed by a presentation of a completed survey whose results are further analyzed and discussed. In conclusion, a general discussion of the concept of competence is presented including an alternative approach to map competence in today's organizations.
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Social Cognition and the Impact of Race/Ethnicity on Clinical Decision MakingWashington, Deborah January 2012 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Sr. Callista Roy / Social Cognition and the Impact of Race and Ethnicity on Clinical Decision Making Most literature reflects the persistent existence of unequal treatment in the care provided to ethnic and racial minorities. Comparatively little about ethnic bias in the literature goes beyond the retrospective study as the most frequently encountered method of inquiry. Access to providers and the ability to pay only provide partial explanation in the known data. A more controversial hypothesis is the one offered in this dissertation. This qualitative research explored the cognitive processes of ethnic bias as a phenomenon in clinical decision making. The method was a simulation that captured events as they occurred with a sample of nurse participants. The racial and ethnically related cognitive content of participants was evoked through the interactive process of playing a board game. Immediately following that activity, a video vignette of an ambiguous pain management situation involving an African American male was viewed by each nurse who was then asked to make a "treat" or "not treat" clinical decision. The dialogues during playing of the board game in addition to the rationale for the treatment decision provided data for analysis. Content analysis is the primary approach for using the data to answer the research question. Themes of latent and manifest content were described for those who made the decision to treat and those who decided not to treat. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2012. / Submitted to: Boston College. Connell School of Nursing. / Discipline: Nursing.
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Kompetensutveckling; en fråga om var du arbetar? : En kvantitativ pedagogisk studie / Competence development; a question about where you work? : A quantitaive studyAsp, Tina, Stridh, Charlotte January 2019 (has links)
Denna kvantitativa studie har som syfte att kartlägga kompetensen/utbildningsbakgrund och belysa möjligheterna till kompetensutveckling inom kommunal äldreomsorg. Studien bygger på svar från 108 elektroniska enkäter från undersköterskor och vårdbiträden inom kommunal äldreomsorg. Studiens resultat visar att det finns så mycket som 23,2% yrkesverksamma inom kommunal äldreomsorg som anser sig inte vara kvalificerade för sitt arbete. Studien visar också att kommunerna runt om i landet generellt erbjuder sina undersköterskor och vårdbiträden en bra mängd kompetensutveckling, dock visar det sig att man i mindre kommuner har sämre tillgång på kompetensutveckling än i mellanstora kommuner. / This quantitative study has the purpose of mapping educational background and illustrate the possibilty of competence development in municipal elderly care. The study is based on answers from 108 electronic questionnaires from assistance nurses and nurse´s aides in municipal elderly care in Sweden. The result of the study shows that as much as 23,2% that are working in municipal elderly care is unqualified for their jobs. The study also shows that the municipalities around Sweden give their employees a good amount of competence development, but in the smaller municipalities there is less access to competence development than in the middle sized municipalities.
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A research study on cultural competence at HVB homes in Sweden. / A research study on cultural competence at HVB homes in Sweden.Nilsson, Sanna January 2019 (has links)
In autumn 2015 the largest refugee crisis occurred in Europe since world war two (Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap, MSB 2018). Sweden experienced a migrant flow from various countries because of wars and conflicts in the world (Swedish migration agency, 2016).Many unaccompanied minors, mainly from Afghanistan, needed to be taken care of in different family homes or HVB homes. To provide nursing and basic needs for the unaccompanied refugee children, the personnel must be able to handle and understand cultural differences and situations that may arise from this. Cultural competence can be crucial to provide good care for these minors. Purpose; The purpose of this study is chosen in order to understand if adequate training is available for the staff at HVB homes, if the staff feels informed about cultural diversities and if the education given helps in order to detect problems and thus be aware of them. With the help of this research, the author hopes that problems such as untrained personnel and lack of knowledge regarding cultural sensitivity can be highlighted in order to develop fitful education to give optimal care for the unaccompanied refugee minors. Knowledge is one of the pillars for the development of a well-functioning society. Method: The study was performed as a qualitative interview study in which three interviews were made with personnel working at different HVB homes. As a complement to deepen the study online surveys were used. Result: The information collected in this paper states that personnel at HVB homes lack adequate cultural competence and have seen negatively affecting cultural practices. The personnel do not have tools and knowledge to deal with problems that may arise, which limits the safety of the unaccompanied refugee minors.
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A contribuição do estágio curricular supervisionado no desenvolvimento da dimensão ética da competência de graduandos em enfermagem / The contribution of the supervised curricular internship in the development of the ethical dimension of the professional competence of nursing graduatesJuliane Cristina Burgatti 31 July 2012 (has links)
Estudo exploratório, de abordagem qualitativa, que objetivou analisar a repercussão do estágio curricular supervisionado (ECS) no desenvolvimento da dimensão ética da competência de graduandos em Enfermagem. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com 28 estudantes, docentes e enfermeiros colaboradores de uma instituição de ensino superior pública do estado de São Paulo, no período entre outubro de 2010 e março de 2011. O material empírico resultante foi submetido à técnica de análise de discurso e resultou nas seguintes categorias empíricas: a preservação da autonomia; a responsabilidade social e o respeito nas relações intersubjetivas na produção do cuidado em saúde e no processo de ensino e aprendizagem; a terapêutica e o cuidado a partir da dimensão ética; a responsabilidade pública e a justiça social. Em relação ao desenvolvimento das atitudes e valores para atuação em saúde, a análise dos discursos resultou em outras duas categorias empíricas, que dizem respeito às ferramentas a serem utilizadas no processo de ensino e aprendizagem em ética: a reflexão crítica na e sobre a ação a partir do valor humano e as possibilidades de ações e de atitudes a partir da análise dos exemplos. Concluiu-se que o ECS é um espaço privilegiado de integração e desenvolvimento das dimensões técnica, estética, política e, em especial, ética. Na formação inicial, a formação dos valores é tão necessária quanto à aquisição de conhecimentos, pois ambos influenciam a tomada de decisão e a qualidade dessas decisões. No ensino da ética, a abrangência, a profundidade e a exploração dos valores referentes à esfera micro, de preservação da autonomia, responsabilidade e respeito, devem dialogar com os valores macro de responsabilidade pública, equidade e justiça social. / This is an exploratory qualitative study aimed at analyzing the impact of supervised curricular internship (SCI) in the development of the ethical dimension of nursing graduates professional competence. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 28 students, teachers and nurses, employees of a public higher education institution in the state of Sao Paulo, from October 2010 to March 2011.The obtained empirical material was submitted to the discourse analysis technique and resulted in the following empirical categories: preservation of autonomy; social responsibility and respect in intersubjective relations in health care production and in the process of teaching and learning; therapy and care from the ethical dimension; public responsibility and social justice. Regarding the development of attitudes and values to work in health care, the discourse analysis resulted in two other empirical categories concerning the tools to be used in the teaching and learning process in ethics: a critical reflection in and on action from the viewpoint of human value and possibilities of actions and attitudes from the analysis of examples. It was concluded that the SCI is an ideal opportunity for integration and development of the technical, esthetic, political and mainly ethical dimensions. At the initial training, the formation of values is as necessary as knowledge acquisition, as they both influence decision-making and quality of those decisions. In the teaching of ethics, the scope, depth and exploration of values regarding the micro sphere of preservation of autonomy, responsibility and respect should be in close contact with the macro values of public responsibility, equity and social justice.
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"Referenciais de competências segundo níveis de formação superior em enfermagem: a expressão do conjunto" / Referential of competencies according to the higher education level in Nursing area: the collection expressionDomenico, Edvane Birelo Lopes de 13 March 2003 (has links)
A palavra competência, na atualidade, faz parte do repertório de temas amplamente divulgados nos mundos da formação e do trabalho, exigindo uma análise aprofundada nos seus significados e na caracterização do movimento de construção de competências para cada patamar de capacitação profissional. Assim, o estudo objetivou: a)Identificar os referenciais de competências para o Graduado, Especialista, Mestre e Doutor em Enfermagem; b) Analisar a ressonância, no âmbito do trabalho, do exercício dessas competências; c) Identificar os investimentos didático-pedagógicos que são empregados para o desenvolvimento das competências nos alunos dos diferentes níveis de titulação superior; d) Propor referências para o ensino por competências. As bases analíticas foram elaboradas a partir dos Pressupostos Teóricos que Norteiam a Construção das Competências, na medida que sustentaram a apresentação e análise de dados passíveis de serem interpretadas à luz do movimento educacional e trabalhista. A investigação foi de natureza qualitativa; os sujeitos foram ex-alunos dos cursos de Graduação, Especialização, Mestrado e Doutorado (Grupo I) e docentes (Grupo II) destes diferentes níveis de titulação, de uma instituição pública de ensino superior do município de São Paulo, num total de 34 participantes. Tanto a instituição de ensino como os sujeitos aceitaram participar do estudo, conforme as disposições legais. Os grupos foram, inicialmente caracterizados individualmente e socialmente. A análise de conteúdo, aplicada aos dados obtidos por meio de entrevista semi-estruturada, permitiu o mapeamento de famílias de competências com as suas respectivas competências específicas para cada nível de titulação, em ambos os grupos. Como síntese, os dados evidenciaram uma compreensão teórica abrangente sobre o tema competência e mapeamentos que, sendo capazes de refletir as competências que são pertinentes aos diferentes níveis, ainda trazem uma intencionalidade não conquistada nos âmbitos de prática profissional. Entre as estratégias apontadas pelos docentes para o desenvolvimento das competências nos alunos, alguns pressupostos construtivistas foram destacados. Pontos fortes e frágeis foram elencados em cada nível de titulação, buscando-se evidenciar a dimensão da convergência das construções de sentido das competências com os ideários da formação e com os dispositivos de mercado. Como proposição, o trabalho traz referências para o ensino por competências. / At present the word competence takes part of the repertoire of subjects that is very published in the world of training and work demanding a deeper analysis in their meanings and in the characterization of the competencies construction movement for each level of professional qualification. Therefore, the aim of this study was: to identify the referential of competencies to the student, expert, Master and Doctor in Nursing area; b) to analyse the resonance at the work level, in the exercise of these competencies; c) to identify the teaching-educational investment used to the development of these competencies with students of different levels of higher education; d) to propose references to the teaching by competencies. The analytical basis were elaborated from the Theoretical Presuppositions that orientate the Construction of the Competencies while it supported the presentation and data analysis liable to be interpreted by the light of educational and labour movement. The investigation was qualitative and the individuals were ex-students from Graduation curses, Specialization, Masters or Doctoral Degree (Group I) and teachers (Group II) from these different education level in a public institution of higher teaching in São Paulo City, in the total of 34 participants. As much the teaching institution as individuals accepted to participate of this study according to the legal disposition. Initially the groups were characterized individually and socially. The content analysis permitted the listing of competencies families with their respective competencies specific for each education level in both groups, applied to the obtained data through the semi-structured interview. As synthesis, the data showed the theoretical comprehension comprising about the subject competence and listing that are capable for reflect the competencies that are relevant to the different levels even it cause a intentional action non-conquered in the scope of professional practice. Among the strategies pointed out by teachers to the development of the competencies with students, some constructive presuppositions were emphasized. Strong and fragile points were listed in each education level aiming to prove the convergence dimension of the constructions of competencies meaning with the training ideas and with the market device. As proposition, the work brings references to the teaching by competencies.
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A contribuição do estágio curricular supervisionado no desenvolvimento da dimensão ética da competência de graduandos em enfermagem / The contribution of the supervised curricular internship in the development of the ethical dimension of the professional competence of nursing graduatesBurgatti, Juliane Cristina 31 July 2012 (has links)
Estudo exploratório, de abordagem qualitativa, que objetivou analisar a repercussão do estágio curricular supervisionado (ECS) no desenvolvimento da dimensão ética da competência de graduandos em Enfermagem. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com 28 estudantes, docentes e enfermeiros colaboradores de uma instituição de ensino superior pública do estado de São Paulo, no período entre outubro de 2010 e março de 2011. O material empírico resultante foi submetido à técnica de análise de discurso e resultou nas seguintes categorias empíricas: a preservação da autonomia; a responsabilidade social e o respeito nas relações intersubjetivas na produção do cuidado em saúde e no processo de ensino e aprendizagem; a terapêutica e o cuidado a partir da dimensão ética; a responsabilidade pública e a justiça social. Em relação ao desenvolvimento das atitudes e valores para atuação em saúde, a análise dos discursos resultou em outras duas categorias empíricas, que dizem respeito às ferramentas a serem utilizadas no processo de ensino e aprendizagem em ética: a reflexão crítica na e sobre a ação a partir do valor humano e as possibilidades de ações e de atitudes a partir da análise dos exemplos. Concluiu-se que o ECS é um espaço privilegiado de integração e desenvolvimento das dimensões técnica, estética, política e, em especial, ética. Na formação inicial, a formação dos valores é tão necessária quanto à aquisição de conhecimentos, pois ambos influenciam a tomada de decisão e a qualidade dessas decisões. No ensino da ética, a abrangência, a profundidade e a exploração dos valores referentes à esfera micro, de preservação da autonomia, responsabilidade e respeito, devem dialogar com os valores macro de responsabilidade pública, equidade e justiça social. / This is an exploratory qualitative study aimed at analyzing the impact of supervised curricular internship (SCI) in the development of the ethical dimension of nursing graduates professional competence. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 28 students, teachers and nurses, employees of a public higher education institution in the state of Sao Paulo, from October 2010 to March 2011.The obtained empirical material was submitted to the discourse analysis technique and resulted in the following empirical categories: preservation of autonomy; social responsibility and respect in intersubjective relations in health care production and in the process of teaching and learning; therapy and care from the ethical dimension; public responsibility and social justice. Regarding the development of attitudes and values to work in health care, the discourse analysis resulted in two other empirical categories concerning the tools to be used in the teaching and learning process in ethics: a critical reflection in and on action from the viewpoint of human value and possibilities of actions and attitudes from the analysis of examples. It was concluded that the SCI is an ideal opportunity for integration and development of the technical, esthetic, political and mainly ethical dimensions. At the initial training, the formation of values is as necessary as knowledge acquisition, as they both influence decision-making and quality of those decisions. In the teaching of ethics, the scope, depth and exploration of values regarding the micro sphere of preservation of autonomy, responsibility and respect should be in close contact with the macro values of public responsibility, equity and social justice.
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Contribution de la pédagogie par les compétences à la motivation, à la réussite et à l'adaptation professionnelle de l'étudiant dans les formations du secteur sanitaire et social en France / The contribution of competence-oriented pedagogy to student’s motivation, achievement and professional adaptation with in health and social education in FranceLaroudie, Bérangère 23 January 2019 (has links)
La pédagogie par les compétences est entrée dans les formations du secteur sanitaire et social, en France, depuis les années 2000. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’en explorer les effets sur la motivation, les résultats scolaires et l’adaptation professionnelle. La thèse s’appuie sur les théories constructiviste, socioconstructiviste, et sociocognitiviste. Dans ce cadre, trois enquêtes ont été menées, les deux premières auprès des étudiants et la dernière auprès des professionnels de terrains. Ces enquêtes ont permis de comparer deux groupes d’étudiants : un groupe ayant bénéficié d’une pédagogie par les compétences et un autre groupe ayant bénéficié de pédagogies traditionnelles. La thèse montre que les étudiants ayant bénéficié d’une pédagogie par les compétences ont moins d’amotivation, et plus de motivation extrinsèque (MEID et MERE). Leurs résultats scolaires sont aussi plus élevés. Par contre, ils semblent moins autonomes et moins aptes à transférer leurs connaissances. Ces résultats interrogent l’encadrement, la formation des encadrants, et l’emploi du portfolio et des unités d’intégration en formation. / Competence-oriented pedagogy has entered the training of the health and social sector in France since the year 2000. The aim of this doctoral dissertation is to explore the effects on motivation, academic achievement and professional adaptation. This doctoral dissertation is based on constructivist, socio-constructivist and socio-cognitivist theories. In this context, three surveys were conducted, the first two with students and the last one with professionals. These surveys compared two groups of students : a group that benefited from a competence-oriented pedagogy and another group that benefited from traditional methods.This doctoral dissertation shows that students who have benefited from a competence-oriented pedagogy have less amotivation, and more extrinsic motivation (MEID and MERE). Their school results are also higher. However, they seem less autonomous and less able to transfer their knowledge.These results question supervision, training of supervisors, and use of portfolio and integration units in training.
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Electronic Mail and its Possible Negative Aspects in Organizational ContextsSjöqvist, Eva January 2008 (has links)
<p>Electronic mail has become the medium of choice in most organizations because of some of its special features. E-mail, like all computer-mediated communication, changes the way we interact and has therefore an impact on working conditions, sometimes in a negative direction. Research findings so far show divergent opinions about how e-mail has influenced work. </p><p>The main purpose of this thesis is to understand and explain if and why there are possible negative outcomes of e-mail usage in organizations, and to use the findings to develop a guiding model for organizational e-mail use. In order to meet the goals set, earlier research in the area Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) that focus on the effects on the social system was used. This research is mainly based on theories of media choice and communication theories, which offer a valuable contribution for understanding why e-mail might be used in improper ways in organizations. Empirical data was collected in several steps using different techniques. The target group was managers in different kinds of organizations, but also administrative staff and teachers. The result shows that there are several reasons why e-mail usage might be a problem in organizations like expectations of fast feedback and being constantly updated, post absence backlog, too much information in e-mail, too many incoming e-mails, irrelevant information, decreased personal contact, a more sedentary work environment and e-mail splitting the respondents' time.</p><p>The contribution of this thesis is that possible negative aspects of e-mail use in organizations are due to a combination of factors. To overcome any organizational disadvantages of e-mail it is vital to consider the e-mail users' behaviors, feelings and attitudes in a specific organizational context in combination with e-mail's special features. A number of guidelines are presented to help organizations and individuals make e-mail use more efficient and satisfying.</p>
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