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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A modulação temporal de efeitos como técnica de decisão na jurisdição constitucional / The prospective doctrine as a decision technique injudicial review

Luciana de Pontes Saraiva 06 July 2009 (has links)
A modulação temporal de efeitos como técnica de decisão possibilita ao Supremo Tribunal Federal a mitigação dos efeitos retroativos da declaração de inconstitucionalidade, ao mesmo tempo em que resguarda o princípio da supremacia da Constituição. Nos casos em que há mudança de jurisprudência, atua como importante mecanismo de salvaguarda das legítimas expectativas dos jurisdicionados na estabilidade dos julgados do Tribunal Constitucional. Em ambas as hipóteses, concretiza o princípio da segurança jurídica, inclusive na sua vertente subjetiva, a proteção da confiança legítima e assegura a melhor realização dos interesses públicos, próprios de uma sociedade pluralista. / The prospective doctrine as a decision technique makes possible the mitigation of the retroactive effects of the unconstitutionality declaration to the Brazilian Federal Supreme Court, at the same time it protects the Constitution supremacy principle. In cases with statement of overruling precedents, it plays an important role in protecting the legitimate expectations of the citizens in the stability of the Constitutional Court precedents. In both cases, it enforces the principle of legal certainty, including its subjective aspect, the legitimate confidence protection and it assures the best fulfilment of the public interests that are typical of a pluralist society.

Workplace perceived gender discrimination in the Bahraini banking sector : a case analysis of Islamic and conventional banks

Alalawi, Esam Ismaeel January 2017 (has links)
This qualitative study explores the interrelationship between perceived gender discrimination and its antecedents and consequences while examining the concept of the glass ceiling that presents some barriers to the career advancement of Bahraini female workers in the banking sector. The study examines female bankers’ perception of the existence of both gender discrimination and the glass ceiling concept in this sector. It first examines the factors that cause such phenomena at three different levels namely societal, institutional and individual. The study then verifies the effects of some identified antecedents i.e. whether they foster or lower the perceived gender discrimination and how such effects happen. Furthermore, the study examines the same factors to ascertain if they are barriers that hinder women’s career advancement or enablers that support their advancement as there is a lack of empirical studies on the effect of the factors of the three mentioned levels to women’s career advancement especially in non-western context (Tlaiss, 2010; Hejase et al., 2013; Yokkongdi & Benson, 2005). The study also examines the consequences of perceived gender discrimination that occurs at the individual level. Some previous studies related to this research topic adopted the quantitative approach, hence; this is a qualitative based research that examines the perception of the respondents whose experiences and opinions expound the context. This led to understanding subjective areas such as respondents’ emotions and experiences that address the nature of perceived gender discrimination and the concept of glass ceiling in the Bahraini banking sector, focusing on “How” and “Why” type of questions instead of stressing on the quantities. The existing literature of gender discrimination especially about the area of underrepresentation of female workers in higher positions especially in financial services sector including banking is minimal. (Bruckmuller & Branscombe, 2010; Elumti et al., 2009; Durbin & Conley, 2010). This approach unveils the research questions by conducting in-depth semi-structured interviews with 26 Bahraini females as most of the previous studies examined both male and female perceptions while this research focusing at female only to make it more gender specific. The respondents hold managerial and non-managerial positions in both Islamic and conventional banks in the kingdom of Bahrain. The aim of the interview was to extract their perceptions on the factors and the consequences of gender discrimination as well as the barriers and challenges that hinder their advancement to higher managerial levels. The study captures the factors and the consequences of gender discrimination as well as the most common barriers that impede the Bahraini females’ career advancement within an Islamic and Arabic cultural context. The themes that emerged from the analysis are used to discuss the research issues in the light of previous research findings from different empirical studies. This study identifies different ways of finding factors of perceived gender discrimination and their effects as well as the challenges that may hinder the women’s career advancement in this sector. This study discovers that perceived gender discrimination exists in the Bahraini banking sector especially in areas such as hiring preference and receiving of benefits and compensations. This study also unearths the existence of glass ceiling, which is related to the gender inequality in the advancement opportunities to higher positions especially in the areas such as obtaining a promotion and holding managerial positions in the banks. The study finds out various factors that cause the perceived gender discrimination and the glass ceiling in the Bahraini banking sector which are classified at three levels as explained above.

Incorporation of the autonomous liability of corporate bodies in the opinion on the new Criminal Code: do I need now a criminal compliance? / Incorporación de la responsabilidad autónoma de las personas jurídicas en el dictamen sobre el nuevo Código Penal: ¿ahora sí necesito un criminal compliance?

Ruiz Baltazar, Carmen, Palomino Ramírez, Walter 25 September 2017 (has links)
Currently, different legal systems are starting to demand criminal responsibility of corporate bodies. The Opinion on the New Criminal Code, prepared by the Justice and Human Rights Commission of the Congress of the Republic of Peru, follows this trend, proposing an exemption from liability in case the corporate body counts with a criminal compliance.Given this situation, in this article, the authors answer the arising questions: what does criminal compliance stands for? What are the accessory consequences of the criminal liability of corporate bodies in our current legislation? What are the novelties that the Opinion on the New Criminal Code introduces? / Actualmente, diversas legislaciones están comenzando a exigir la responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas. El Dictamen del Nuevo Código Penal, elaborado por la Comisión de Justicia y Derechos Humanos del Congreso de la República, sigue esta corriente, planteando la excepción de responsabilidad en el caso de contar con un criminal compliance.Frente a tal realidad, los autores responden a las cuestiones que surgen: ¿en qué consiste el criminal compliance? ¿Cuáles son las consecuencias accesorias de la responsabilidad penal de las personas jurídicas en nuestra actual legislación? ¿Qué novedades trae la propuesta del Dictamen del Nuevo Código Penal?

Contribuição do juiz e das partes na instrução probatória / Contribution of the judge and the parties in the evidentiary activity

Roberta Benito Dias 14 June 2013 (has links)
O presente estudo, partindo da premissa de que o processo, assim, como o próprio direito, sofre intensa influência dos valores sociais e das determinantes históricas, políticas e culturais da sociedade em que se insere, tem por escopo analisar a influência das concepções instrumentalista e publicista, do robustecimento de seu conteúdo ético e das demais premissas metodológicas do processo civil atual, na denominada divisão de trabalho entre juiz e das partes em todo o iter procedimental, e, notadamente, na atividade probatória, de sorte a reconhecer, com fundamento no modelo constitucional do processo civil brasileiro, a existência de autênticos deveres das partes e do juiz em matéria de prova e analisar as consequências jurídicas de sua inobservância. / This study, working on the premise that procedural law, as well as law itself, suffers intense influence of social values and societys historical, political and cultural determinants in which it operates, has the scope of analyzing the influence of the instrumentalist and publicist conceptions, the toughening of its ethical content and other methodological premises of the current civil procedure in the denominated division of labor between judge and parties throughout the procedural path, and notably in the evidentiary activity, so as to recognize, based on the constitutional model of the Brazilian civil procedure, the existence of genuine obligations of the parties and the judge regarding evidentiary matter and analyze the legal consequences of their noncompliance.

Introdução da truta arco-íris (Oncorhynchus mykiss) e suas conseqüências para a comunidade aquática dos rios de altitude do sul do Brasil

Sosinski, Lilian Terezinha Winckler January 2004 (has links)
A introdução de espécies exóticas é uma prática que acompanha a história da humanidade, sendo as espécies introduzidas a base da nutrição e economia em vários países. Porém, esse processo contínuo tem levado a uma homogeneização da flora e fauna global. Os ecossistemas aquáticos, que têm recebido menor atenção que os terrestres, têm sofrido perda de diversidade, hibridação, introdução de patógenos, degradação do habitat além da necessidade e alto custo de controle das espécies introduzidas. O desenvolvimento da aqüicultura tem acelerado a introdução de peixes exóticos, que são a base dessa produção em países como o Brasil. Além desta, entre as razões para a introdução citam-se o esporte, a manipulação ecológica com controle de organismos indesejáveis, o melhoramento dos estoques, a ornamentação ou ainda introduções acidentais. No Rio Grande do Sul, nos rios dos Campos de Cima da Serra estão ocorrendo introduções da espécie exótica truta arco- íris (Oncorhynchus mykiss) desde meados da década de 90 como forma de estímulo ao turismo rural. O objetivo dessa prática é a pesca esportiva, que atrai turistas de várias regiões. Porém, os rios da região possuem várias espécies de peixes endêmicas e as conseqüências dessa prática sobre a biota aquática são desconhecidas. O objetivo do presente trabalho é avaliar o efeito da introdução da truta arco-íris sobre o ecossistema de rios de baixa ordem no município de São José dos Ausentes – RS, Brasil. Para tanto foi descrita a biologia da truta arco- íris no novo ambiente, verificando sua alimentação, movimentação, presença e viabilidade da reprodução. A ictiofauna autóctone dos rios com ausência e presença de trutas foi comparada, bem como o efeito da predação sobre a macrofauna bentônica. A ictiofauna foi amostrada com o uso da pesca elétrica, sendo o conteúdo estomacal das trutas avaliado sazonalmente. Três trutas foram marcadas e acompanhadas por ii biotelemetria para determinação da sua área de vida. Um experimento com ninhos artificiais foi conduzido para verificação da sobrevivência de ovos de trutas nas condições dos rios de São José dos Ausentes. O experimento de exclusão de peixes foi feito a fim de avaliar o efeito da predação sobre a macrofauna bentônica, comparando a macrofauna em rios com e sem trutas. Os resultados indicaram que a truta arco- íris tem como alimento principal os invertebrados bentônicos, porém as maiores classes de tamanho incluem peixes em seus alimentos principais. Logo após sua introdução a movimentação é restrita, porém alguns exemplares foram capturados em um rio onde não foi feita introdução dessa espécie. Apesar de baixa, a sobrevivência dos adultos ocorre, assim como a reprodução. A sobrevivência dos ovos também é baixa, porém, uma pós-larva foi encontrada. A ictiofauna autóctone é diferenciada nos rios com presença de truta, apresentando menor riqueza e diversidade e uma tendência a diminuição da biomassa. A macrofauna bentônica também é diferenciada, apesar de não ser possível atribuir essa diferença somente à presença das trutas. / The introduction of exotic species is a practice that accompanies the humanity's history, being the introduced species the base of the nutrition and economy in several countries. Even so, that continuous process has been taking to a homogenization of the global flora and fauna. The aquatic ecosystems, that have been receiving smaller attention than the terrestrial ones, have been suffering diversity loss, hybridization, pathogens introduction, degradation of the habitat and costs of control of the introduced species. The development of aquaculture has been accelerating the introduction of exotic fish, that are the base of that production in countries as Brazil. Among the reasons for the introduction are the sporting fishing, the ecological manipulation with control of undesirable organisms, the improvement of the stocks, the ornamentation or still accidental introductions. In Rio Grande do Sul, in the rivers of Campos de Cima da Serra are occurring introductions of the species exotic rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) from middles of the decade of 90 as incentive form to the rural tourism. The objective of that practice is the sporting fishing, which attracts tourists of several areas. Even so, the rivers of the area possess several endemic species of fish and the consequences of that practice on the aquatic biota have been ignored. The objective of the present work is to evaluate the effect of the introduction of the rainbow trout on rivers of low order in the municipal district of São José dos Ausentes - RS, Brazil. Thus the biology of the rainbow trout was described in the new environment, verifying its feeding, movement, presence and viability of reproduction. The autochthonous ictiofauna of the rivers with absence and presence of trouts was compared, as well as the effect of the predation on the benthic macrofauna. The ictiofauna was collected with the use of the electric fishing, being the stomacal content of the trouts evaluated seasonally. Three trouts were marked and accompanied by biotelemetry for determination of its life iv area. An experiment with artificial nests was driven for verification of the survival of eggs of trouts in the conditions of the rivers of São José dos Ausentes. The experiment of exclusion of fish was made in order to evaluate the effect of the predation on the benthic macrofauna, comparing the macrofauna in rivers with and without trouts. The results indicated that the rainbow trout has as main food benthic invertebrates, even so, in larger size classes it include fishes as main food. After its introduction the movement is restricted, even so trout s were found in a river where they were not introduced. Although low, have survival, as well as reproduction. The survival of the eggs is low, but it is happening in Silveira River, a post larvae being found. The autochthonous ictiofauna is differentiated in the rivers with trout presence, presenting smaller richness and diversity. The benthic macrofauna is also differentiated, in spite of not being possible to attribute that difference only to the presence of trouts.

Acidentes de trabalho em trabalhadores da Atenção Primária à Saúde das Regiões Sul e Nordeste do Brasil / Job accidents with workers from the Primary Attention to Health in the South and Northeast regions of Brazil

Borges, Carla Luciane dos Santos 30 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-20T13:49:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Carla Borges.pdf: 1434502 bytes, checksum: e5ef31456209efc8e42286773779c9bc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-30 / Job accidents in Brazil and in the world are one of the causes of sickness, limitations, disabilities and even death among workers. In the health area, studies are more focused on accidents in hospitals, although the Primary Attention to Health (APS) has about 1 million workers who act in environments with great risks of accidents due to the presence of chemical, physical and biological agents, besides the working itself being based on movement repetition, making it possible to potentiate its occurrence. It was aimed to identify the prevalence of job accidents among APS workers in 240 Basic Health Units of the Traditional and PSF attention models, in 41 cities with more the 100,000 inhabitants in the South and Northeast regions of Brazil. A cross-sectional study that used data from the Base Line Study of the Expansion and Consolidation Project of Family Health Strategy (ELB-PROESFUFPEL), performed in 2005. The adjusted analysis was performed with Poisson regression. The total sample was made of 4,741 workers. The prevalence of job accidents in APS was 34.8%. Among the accidents it stands out: with drill cutting material (62.4%), fall (36.1%), stroke (13.8%), shock (8.6%) and traffic accidents (23.0). In the adjusted analysis, the variables age, income, smoking, minor psychiatric disorders, work regime, occupation, adequacy, satisfaction with home assistance and team work were associated with the outcome. Characterize and register the occurrence of lifelong job accidents among APS workers, identifying the different occupational categories, the most exposed and other associated factors, can contribute to new security measures and resizing of workers health politics. / Os acidentes de trabalho no Brasil e no mundo são um dos causadores de adoecimento, limitações, incapacidades e até a morte entre trabalhadores. Na área da saúde os estudos enfocam mais os acidentes em âmbito hospitalar, embora a Atenção Primária à Saúde possua em torno de 01 milhão de trabalhadores, os quais atuam em ambientes com alto risco de acidentes devido à presença de agentes químicos, físicos e biológicos, além da forma de trabalho basear-se na repetição de movimentos podendo assim potencializar a sua ocorrência. Objetivou-se identificar a prevalência dos acidentes de trabalho ao longo da vida e fatores associados entre os trabalhadores da APS em 240 Unidades Básicas de Saúde dos modelos de atenção Tradicional e PSF, em 41 municípios com mais de 100 mil habitantes das regiões Sul e Nordeste do Brasil. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, o qual utilizou dados do Estudo de Linha de Base do Projeto de Expansão e Consolidação da Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ELB-PROESF-UFPEL), realizado em 2005. A análise ajustada foi realizada através da regressão de Poisson. O total da amostra foi de 4741 trabalhadores. A prevalência de acidentes de trabalho em APS foi de 34,8%. Entre os acidentes destacam-se: com material perfuro cortante (62,4%), queda (36,1%), pancada (13,8%), choque (8,6%) e acidentes de trânsito (23,0). Na análise ajustada, as variáveis idades, renda, tabagismo, transtornos psiquiátricos menores, regime de trabalho, ocupação, adequação de aspectos da tarefa, satisfação com atendimento domiciliar e trabalho em equipe mantiveram-se associadas ao desfecho. Caracterizar e registrar a ocorrência de acidentes de trabalho ao longo da vida dos trabalhadores em APS, identificando as diferentes categorias ocupacionais, os mais expostos e outros fatores associados, poderá contribuir para novas medidas de segurança e redimensionamento das políticas de saúde do trabalhador.

L'alimentaire et l'indemnitaire dans les règlements pécuniaires entre époux consécutifs au divorce - étude comparée de droit français et de droit canadien / Alimony and compensation in the post-divorce consequences between spouses - comparative law study of French and Canadian Laws

Ougier, Stéphanie 05 October 2015 (has links)
Le droit des règlements pécuniaires entre époux consécutifs au divorce a pendant longtemps été fondé sur l’idée de sanctionner le conjoint responsable de la rupture que ce soit en France, au Canada ou dans la province canadienne de Québec. Bien que de traditions juridiques différentes, les droits français et canadien reconnaissaient ainsi un rôle central à la faute dans leur droit du divorce. Face à l’évolution concomitante des sociétés française et canadienne vers un individualisme plus marqué et une volonté croissante de pacifier les conflits, ces droits ont dû tendre vers une plus grande objectivation du divorce et de ces conséquences. Parallèlement à un mouvement de quasi-disparition de la faute, de nouvelles institutions sont apparues dans les droits étudiés, institutions fondées sur des idées de compensation, d’équité mais aussi de solidarité avec la survie ou l’apparition d’obligations alimentaires. Aujourd’hui, les droits étudiés sont marqués par une diversité d’institutions avec pour certaines des fondements multiples et des intitulés qui, malgré la différence de tradition juridique, peuvent se répondre comme, par exemple, la pension alimentaire non compensatoire canadienne qui n’est pas sans rappeler la prestation compensatoire que nous qualifions d’alimentaire française. Cette diversité amène alors à s’interroger sur la nécessité de repenser et de rationaliser les institutions existantes pour les rendre tout à la fois plus compréhensibles mais aussi plus accessibles par les futurs ex-époux. Cette simplification doit en effet s’accompagner d’une plus grande liberté contractuelle permettant aux conjoints divorcés de se réapproprier leur séparation avec l’aide d’un avocat, d’un médiateur ou encore du juge. Le divorce pacifié, se pose alors la question de la pacification de la rupture des autres couples que sont les unions libres ou encore les PACS et union civile. Ces unions hors mariage se développant, il est nécessaire aujourd’hui de prendre en considération les conséquences de leur dissolution voire d’envisager un droit commun des règlements pécuniaires consécutifs à toute séparation. / Historically post-divorce laws between spouses was based in France, Canada and Quebec on penalizing the responsible party of the separation. Although from different law traditions, Canadian and French law recognized an important place to the fault in their divorce laws. However, the tendency of the French and Canadian societies to be more individual and to pacify conflicts, divorce law had to change to become more objectivized. The movement of removing the fault in divorce permitted the creation of new institutions based on compensation, equity and solidarity which is symbolized by spousal support and alimony. The studied laws are characterized by diverse institutions, are founded on different grounds. These institutions inspired by different law traditions are thus very similar such as the Canadian on compensatory spousal support and the French compensatory obligation that we call "alimony compensatory obligation". This diversity impose us to think about the possibility of a renewal and rationalization of the existent institutions in order to be simplified and comprehensible for the future divorce spouses. A greater freedom of contract should also ensure the appropriation of the divorce's consequences by the divorced spouse with help of lawyers, mediators and judges. Once the divorce humanized, the question of the pacification of the dissolution/ ruptures of other types of union such as common law marriage or civil partnership. The increasing number of those new couples, it is becoming a necessity to take in consideration the consequences of their dissolution and draw a new common law for their dissolution.

Les conséquences biographiques de l'engagement en contexte répressif : militer au sein de la gauche radicale en Turquie : 1974-2014 / The Biographical Consequences of Activism in Repressive Context : Political Commitment in the Turkish Radical Left : 1974-2014

Cormier, Paul 07 December 2016 (has links)
Quelles sont les conséquences biographiques d’un engagement radical et de la répression en contexte autoritaire ? C’est en recourant à une analyse fine des parcours biographiques des acteurs sur le long terme que cette recherche entend répondre à cette question peu traitée dans la sociologie de l’action collective. Le cas d’étude, largement méconnu dans la littérature spécialisée sur la Turquie et sur les mouvements révolutionnaires en général, porte sur les militants de la gauche révolutionnaire turque au cours des années 1970. Ses militants ont été confrontés au régime militaire (1980-1983) qui suit le coup d’Etat du 12 septembre 1980. Cet évènement constitue une rupture centrale dans l’histoire de la République turque. La répression et la transformation des structures politiques mises en place par la junte ont redessiné en profondeur et sur le long terme les possibilités de contestation et de reconversion des acteurs dans l’ensemble des trois sphères de vie ici analysées : professionnelle, familiale et politique. Ce travail conjugue par ailleurs analyse temporelle et spatiale du militantisme révolutionnaire en Turquie en comparant les deux principales villes du pays : Istanbul et Ankara. / What are the biographical consequences of a radical commitment and repression in authoritarian context? Based on a detailed analysis of biographical trajectories of the actors on the long run, this research intends to consider this neglected issue in the sociology of collective action. The case study, largely ignored in the literature on Turkey and on the revolutionary movements in general, deals with the activists of the Turkish revolutionary left in the 1970s. These individuals faced the military regime (1980-1983) following the 12 September 1980 coup. This event is a central break in the history of the Turkish Republic. The repression and the transformation of political structures set up by the junta redesigned in depth the possibility of objections and reconversions of the actors in the life spheres analyzed here: professional, personal and political. This work also combines temporal and spatial analysis of revolutionary activism in Turkey comparing two major cities: Istanbul and Ankara.

L'instrumentalisation fiscale du droit de propriété / Tax manipulation and property rights

Bzowski, Guillaume 30 June 2011 (has links)
Le droit de propriété est un pilier sur lequel s’appuie le droit fiscal et autour duquel s’articule la fiscalité patrimoniale. Il apparaît que l’optimisation fiscale n’est que l’amélioration des conséquences fiscales d’une opération juridique se fondant sur l’instrumentalisation du droit de propriété. Les techniques juridiques utilisées pour façonner le droit de propriété influent donc sur le traitement fiscal.Cette instrumentalisation du droit de propriété à des fins fiscales répond-elle cependant à une règle générale ? Cette règle générale permet -elle de classer les éléments d’instrumentalisation fiscale du droit de propriété ? Il apparaît que ces éléments ne constituent que des mécanismes juridiques consistant , soit en une déconstruction du droit lui-même ou de sa valeur, soit en une affectation juridique ou spatio-temporelle du droit de propriété. / Legal ownership is one of the main pillars on which tax law is based and around which property taxation revolves. It appears that tax optimisation is merely about improving the tax consequences of a legal operation based on the manipulation of legal ownership. The means used to shape the property rights affect the legal and tax consequences. Is such manipulation of legal ownership for tax purposes subject to a fixed rule? Does this rule allow to draw a categorisation of all instruments used in order to exploit legal ownership for tax purposes? It appears that these instruments are but legal mechanisms. They consist either in a deconstruction of ownership itself or of its value, or in a specific ownership assignment in legal or spatiotemporal terms.

La personne morale : un non-professionnel ? / The legal person : a non-professionnal ?

Graf, Olivier 30 January 2015 (has links)
Les personnes morales sont couramment considérées comme des « êtres juridiques » incomplets par rapport aux personnes physiques et voués au seul exercice de leur activité. Pourtant la Cour de cassation a affirmé qu'elles pouvaient bénéficier de certaines protections du droit de la consommation par la qualification de non-professionnel. Cependant, la compréhension finaliste du critère d'application de cette qualification rend cette dernière inopérante à l'égard des personnes morales. Le passage d'une conception monolithique des personnes morales à une vision éclatée, couplé à une compréhension nouvelle du critère d'application permet l'émergence d'une personne morale non-professionnelle, éclairant le droit de la consommation ainsi que les droits de la personnalité des personnes morales. Les personnes morales peuvent ainsi être considérées comme des personnes juridiques différentes des personnes physiques mais néanmoins complètes / Legal persons are commonly regarded as incomplete "legal beings" in comparison with natural persons and as dedicated only to carry on their activity. Yet the French Court of Cassation said they could be protected by the non-professional qualification in French consumer law. However, the finalist understanding of the application criterion for this qualification makes it ineffective against these persons.The transition from a monolithic conception of legal persons to an exploded view, coupled with a new understanding of the application criterion allows the emergence of a non-professional legal person, clarifying consumer law and personality rights of artificial persons. Legal persons can thus be considered as legal entities different from individuals but complete however

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