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A construtibilidade como requisito para avaliação de componentes para a edificação: o caso do Elemento de Integração alvenaria/esquadriaZucchetti, Lais January 2010 (has links)
Atualmente a utilização de sistemas modulares na indústria da construção tem crescido significativamente, e, dentre estes, destaca-se o sistema construtivo de alvenaria estrutural. Entretanto, diversos estudos apontam para um grande número de manifestações patológicas relacionadas a este sistema, em especial com a interface alvenaria/ esquadria como um dos locais de maior incidência, além de representar um gargalo construtivo, pela necessidade de realização de inúmeras atividades dependentes. Dentro deste contexto, a equipe do projeto COMPOHIS (FINEP) desenvolveu uma nova proposta de solução a estas questões, denominada Elemento de Integração (EI). Para a implementação deste novo elemento, foram necessárias avaliações que garantissem o comportamento adequado do produto nas construções e, um dos requisitos considerados foi a construtibilidade, visto que sua consideração e implementação trazem benefícios relacionados ao custo, tempo e qualidade das construções. Desta forma, o objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi avaliar a construtibilidade do EI. Para que esta avaliação fosse realizada, foram identificados, a partir de revisão bibliográfica, vinte e sete requisitos de construtibilidade. Dentre estes, foram selecionados vinte e dois e, agrupados em dez requisitos básicos. Estes dez requisitos foram utilizados na análise ao longo do desenvolvimento da pesquisa, considerando protótipos virtuais e físicos (construídos com diferentes materiais). Mais especificamente, foram utilizados quatro protótipos virtuais e três protótipos físicos do EI, sendo um em MDF e dois em GRC, e duas modelagens de seqüências construtivas, sendo uma com o EI e a outra com o método tradicional de construção. Sendo que, na última fase, foi construída uma parede experimental real com o EI e, submetida ao ensaio estrutural. Os principais resultados demonstram a adequação e aplicabilidade, formal, funcional e conceitual do EI ao sistema construtivo considerando os requisitos selecionados, com algumas ressalvas quanto à conexão entre o Elemento e a alvenaria (devido às fissuras identificadas nesta interface), quanto à dificuldade de manutenção dos componentes em GRC (considerando a necessidade de execução de substituições), quanto à exclusão de ajustes em canteiro, com relação à necessidade de cuidado com as arestas do EI e, finalmente com relação à segurança (pela instabilidade do EI logo que assentado). / Nowadays, the use of modular systems in the construction industry has grown substantially and, among those, the structural masonry system gains relevance. However, several studies point to a high incidence of pathological manifestations related to this system, particularly the interface between masonry and windows being one of the places with the highest number of problems, besides being a constructive bottleneck, since several activities depend on it. Within this context, the COMPOHIS project developed new solutions to these problems, named Element of Integration (EI). However, to implement this new element, performance evaluations were needed to ensure the adequate performance of the product in buildings, and one of these performance requirements that must be considered is the constructability of the solution. The use of this requirement brings benefits related to cost, time and quality of constructions. Thus, the main objective of this research is to evaluate the constructability of the EI. For this evaluation, 27 constructability requirements were identified in the literature. From those, 22 were selected and grouped into 10 major requirements. These 10 requirements were considered for analysis along the preparation and execution phases of this work, and the analysis was carried out considering physical and virtual prototypes (built with different materials). More specifically, 4 virtual prototypes and three physical prototypes of EI we used - one in MDF and two in GRC - and two sequences of constructive modeling, one with the EI and the other with the traditional method of construction. The last GRC prototype was used to build a wall, which was used for a structural resistance test. The main results demonstrated the formal, functional and conceptual adequacy of EI to the selected requirements, with some reservations about the connection between the element and the structural masonry, due to cracks observed in this interface, the difficulty of maintenance of GRC components, considering the need for repairs and replacements, the need to use protective elements at the edges of the GRC components and finally, in regard to safety, due to the instability of the EI when set in place.
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[pt] A construtibilidade e a sustentabilidade são dois fatores fundamentais a serem considerados na confecção de projetos, visto que promovem uma maior facilidade de construção do projeto e uma maior redução de impactos ambientais, econômicos e sociais. Atualmente, estes fatores começaram a ser analisados individualmente nas etapas iniciais de projeto através do uso da metodologia BIM. A metodologia BIM consegue avaliar estes conceitos por meio do uso de modelagem gráfica 3D e de objetos parametrizados que armazenam informações necessárias para a avaliação da construtibilidade e sustentabilidade. Porém, estes conceitos costumam ser observados separadamente e poucos estudos são encontrados buscando a consideração de ambos com o uso da metodologia BIM. Desta forma, este trabalho busca criar um mapa de processos para ilustrar como ocorreria o fluxo de informação entre os arquitetos e engenheiros, de modo a garantir um projeto mais sustentável e com melhor construtibilidade. Além disso, foi desenvolvido um plugin no Revit, chamado ECOS, a fim de realizar uma análise quantitativa da construtibilidade, da sustentabilidade e de seus subcritérios, e de identificar quais aspectos do projeto estariam mais deficientes. Também foi considerado o critério de custo no ECOS, por estar relacionado aos dois fatores estudados e por ser extremamente relevante na análise de um projeto. Para testar e validar o plugin, foram feitos questionários e entrevistas com dezesseis profissionais da área de arquitetura e engenharia. Com os resultados obtidos nas entrevistas, é possível concluir que o mapa de processos e o ECOS formam uma ferramenta útil para promover a maior participação de construtores e engenheiros ambientais nas fases iniciais de projeto, gerando maior sustentabilidade e melhor construtibilidade ao mesmo. / [en] Constructability and sustainability are two important factors to be considered in the development of a project, since their consideration promotes projects that are easier to construct, have less social and environmental impact, and are more economic. Currently, these factors are beginning to be analyzed separately in the primary phases of projects using the BIM methodology. The BIM methodology enables this evaluation using 3D graphic modelling and parametric objects i.e., objects that store the necessary information for constructability and sustainability evaluation. However, these concepts are usually evaluated separately and few studies exist in the literature that consider the interaction between these concepts within the BIM methodology. Thus, this study develops a process map to establish the information flow between architects and engineers, in order to guarantee a more sustainable project with improved constructability. To help implement the developed process map, a plugin has been developed in Autodesk Revit software. The plugin, named ECOS, performs a quantitative analysis of constructability and sustainability indices to identify which aspects of the project can be improved. Additionally, it considers a cost criterion, which helps the decision-making process. To test and validate the plugin, sixteen architecture and engineering professionals have tested the plugin in an interview setting and have responded a questionnaire evaluating the plugin and their experience with it. From the interview results it can be concluded that the proposed process map and ECOS form a useful tool to promote greater participation of builders and environmental engineers in the project s initial phases, thus helping produce more sustainable projects with improved constructibility.
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An Automated Process for Concrete Reinforcement Layout DesignGavrell, Cecilia, Reuterswärd, Ludvig January 2018 (has links)
As many tasks considering structural design in civil engineering become digitalised, the possibility of creating a more effective workflow increases. The development of computer programs that can handle large amounts of data and assist the decision making during design process increases the requirement of the data management to fully utilize the potential of a digital workflow. The design of reinforcement layout of concrete structures is time demanding and often performed manually. These characteristics of a workflow indicates that it may be suitable to be subject to automation. The aim of this thesis is to highlight the potential and the difficulties of using automated design procedures in civil engineering with focus on reinforcement layout design. Specifically, the selection of straight rebars and their placement within concrete structures has been studied with respect to buildability and the amount of reinforcement used. A computer program has been developed to select rebar diameters and arrangement, satisfying the required amount of reinforcement as well as some of the rules according to the Eurocode standard. In order to find feasible solutions, an optimization of the amount of reinforcement as well as different measures of buildability is performed, using a genetic algorithm. The result from two case studies showed that the program managed to perform tasks similar to an engineer and create design solutions which reduced the amount of reinforcement and the number of rebar types. Furthermore, it was shown that consideration to the identified buildability parameters played an important role in finding an optimal solution. The findings indicate that the design of reinforcement layout may be automated and that a more effective workflow can be achieved. / I takt med att fler delar av projekteringen av anläggningskonstruktioner blir digitaliserade ökar möjligheterna för att effektivisera arbetet. Utvecklandet av datorprogram som kan hantera mycket information och ge stöd till beslutsfattande ställer också krav på hanterandet av denna data för att utnyttja den fulla potentialen av ett digitaliserat arbetsflöde. Arbetsprocessen vid armering av betongkonstruktioner är tidskrävande och utförs idag ofta helt eller delvis för hand. Sådana processer bär karaktärsdrag som tyder på att de är lämpade för automatisering. Målet med studien är att undersöka problematiken kring att automatisera arbetsprocesser vid projektering av anläggningskonstruktioner med inriktning på armering av betongkonstruktioner. Specifikt, så har valet av raka armeringsjärn och dess placering i betongkonstruktioner studerats med avseende på byggbarhet och armeringsmängder. Ett datorprogram har utvecklats för att välja armeringsjärn och dess placering för ett givet behov och ett antal krav som ställs enligt Eurokod. För att hitta en möjlig lösning är problemet formulerat som en optimering av armeringsmängd och olika mått på byggbarhet. Optimeringen genomfördes med en genetisk algoritm. Resultatet från två fallstudier visar att programmet lyckades genomföra konstruktörens arbetsuppgifter och skapa lösningar som minskade mängden använd armering och antalet olika typer av armeringsjärn samtidigt som de identifierade måtten på byggbarhet främjades. Vidare visade resultatet att de identifierade byggbarhetsparametrarna spelade en viktig roll för att finna en optimal lösning. Detta indikerar att det är möjligt att automatisera denna process och att ett effektivare arbetsflöde kan erhållas.
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Underlag för projektering av sockelkonstruktioner : En kvalitativ analys av sockelkonstruktionen utifrån kriterierna funktion, byggbarhet, beständighet och utformning / A Guide for Base Construction : A Qualitative Analysis of the Connection Between Outer Wall and Ground PlateGustafson, Anna, Krogh, Jenny January 2019 (has links)
Sockelkonstruktionen är en del av grundkonstruktionen i en byggnad där yttervägg möter mark. Den är en utsatt del av en byggnads klimatskärm och exponeras både för det svenska klimatet och markfukt. Projektering av en sockelkonstruktion är tidskrävande och kräver stor kunskap inom flera områden för att uppnå de krav som ställs. Syftet med denna rapport är att underlätta och förbättra projekteringen av sockelkonstruktioner hos uppdragsgivande byggkonstruktionsföretaget Kåver & Mellin. För att uppfylla syftet är målet att rapporten ska fungera som ett vägledande underlag som kan användas vid projektering av sockelkonstruktioner. Underlaget ska utgå från kriterierna funktion, beständighet, byggbarhet och utformning. Genom en litteraturstudie i kombination med kvalitativ datainsamling och kvalitativa intervjuer med sakkunniga i byggbranschen framställdes resultatet. Detta har legat till grund för analys och slutsats. Resultatet visar att det finns många sätt att utforma en sockelkonstruktion för att uppnå det krav som ställs. Viktiga faktorer vid utformning av sockelkonstruktioner är byggprojektets förutsättningar och de i sockelkonstruktionen ingående delarnas möten och material. Mer ingående rekommendationer återfinns i rapporten under slutsatser. Resultatet indikerade också att det inte finns tydliga regler för hur sockelkonstruktioner ska utföras. Olika regelverk tolkas olika vilket visar på ett behov av att informationen tydliggörs. Denna rapport kan ses som ett vägledande underlag att använda vid projektering av sockelkonstruktioner. / The base of the construction where the outer wall is connected to the ground plate is the connection dealt with in this report. We refer to it as the base. The base leads the loads from the building down to the ground and is supposed to protect the building from outer impact. This part of the building shell is well exposed with the Swedish climate and in constant contact with wet ground. Forming a base is difficult in many ways and demands knowledge in many different areas. It takes a great amount of time and it is hard to be sure that you fulfill the specific demand of each construction in each project. The aim of this report is to make the process of forming a base easier and better for the sponsoring company Kåver & Mellin. The report is supposed to lead to a written report that could be used as a guide when forming bases. The report is based on the four criterias: function, constructability, constancy and shaping. The result came from studying literature, interviewing experts in the branch of building construction combined with sorting drawings of bases from former projects at Kåver & Mellin. The result has been analyzed and lead to several wide and narrow conclusions about bases. The result showed that there are many ways of forming a base to reach the demand of each project. Aspects to think about when forming a base is the demands of each project and the materials and connections in the base. The result also showed that there are no clear directions of how to form a base in a building. Different laws and rules can be read in different ways depending on who is reading which shows that the guidelines could be clearer. This report is a guide of how to think when forming a base in a building.
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Underlag för projektering av terrasstak och källarväggar : Kvalitativ analys av terrasstak och källarväggar ur ett livslängdsperspektiv med fokus på byggbarhet, fuktsäkerhet, robusthet och kostnad / Basis for design of terraces and cellar walls : Qualitative analysis of terrace roofs and cellar walls from a lifetime perspective focusing on constructability, moisture safety, robustness and costBrodén, David, Wiik, Amanda January 2018 (has links)
Typdetaljer för olika byggnadsdelar som finns tillgängliga på internet och i böcker är idag begränsade i sin utformning. Terrasstak och källarväggar har båda en utmanande konstruktion där det ställs höga krav på utformning då de är husets skydd mot det yttre klimatet. Uppdragsgivaren WSP hade upplevt ett problem med att konstruktörer på företaget ritade olika vid projektering av dessa typer av detaljer. Företaget ville därför hitta en metod där konstruktörerna kunde utgå från samma typdetaljer. Syftet med detta arbete var att underlätta kvalitetssäkringen av konstruktionsdetaljer vid projektering av terrasstak och källarväggar genom att skapa ett underlag att utgå ifrån. Målet blev då att framställa tydliga typdetaljer med tillhörande teknisk beskrivning. Genom litteraturstudier, projektgranskningar, samtal med konstruktörer och experter på och utanför företaget har underlag insamlats. Ett underlag som sedan legat till grund för analys och slutsats. Analys och slutsats genomfördes utifrån ett livslängdsperspektiv med fokus på aspekterna; byggbarhet, fuktsäkerhet, robusthet och kostnad. Resultatet visade tydligt att konstruktörerna ritat dessa detaljer olika och att de inte alltid har kunnat motivera sina val. Resultatet visade också att gällande terrasstak är det omvända konceptet det bästa ur livslängdssynpunkt och för källarväggar är det viktigt att väggen hålls varm och torr. För både källarväggar och terrasstak råder flera olika förutsättningar som påverkat framtagningen av typdetaljer. Slutligen resulterade arbetet i två typdetaljer för terrasstak och tre för källarväggar. / Construction details available on the Internet and in books for various building components are today limited in their design. Terraces and cellar walls both have a challenging construction where high demands are made, as they are the house's protection against the external climate. The initiator WSP had experienced a problem that designers at the company designed differently when designing these types of details. The company therefore wanted to find a method where the designers could use the same type details as guidance. The purpose of this work was to facilitate the quality assurance of design details when designing terrace roofs and cellar walls by creating a basis for starting. The goal was then to produce clear construction details with an accompanying technical description. Through literature studies, project reviews, conversations with designers and experts on and outside the company, information has been collected to a sufficient extent as a basis for analysis and conclusion. Analysis and conclusion were conducted based on a longevity perspective focusing on the aspects; constructability, moisture safety, robustness and cost. The result clearly showed that the designers at the office designed these details differently and that they could not always justify their choices. The result also showed that the terrace roof as per the reverse concept is the best solution according to the longevity perspective, and for cellar walls is the important aspects to keep the wall dry and warm. For both cellar walls and terraces, there are different conditions that affect the production of construction details. This eventually led to two types construction details of terrace roofs and three for cellar walls.
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Sustainable Construction? : A Study on Errors, Damages and Complexity in Construction / Bygger vi hållbart? : En studie av fel, skador och komplexitet i byggandetLarsson, Per January 2020 (has links)
Topics on the environment and sustainability attracts ever more attention today, especially in the construction sector. In Sweden, the building- and housing industry answers for a significant share of the total energy consumption, waste production and greenhouse gas emissions. The construction sector is often depicted as conservative with a low rate of productivity and innovation. Sweden’s National Board of Housing, Building and Planning suggests that errors and damages in construction causes expenses corresponding to tens of thousands new housing units each year in Sweden. In a time of climate action and pursuit of more circularity in resource use this issue becomes a burning question. There is no doubt that the industry has adopted the increasing awareness on sustainability issues. Carbon emission levels and renewable energy is being measured as any other key performance indicator. The strive for increased sustainability in construction becomes relevant for any actor who wants to remain relevant on the market. Considering recent studies emphasizing errors, damages, and inadequacies in construction a relevant question to ask would be if the reality lives up to the ambitions of a sustainable building industry. This study investigates underlying factors causing errors and damages in construction. Development on sustainability matters is plotted in relation to how it has affected the industry. Chosen literature covers sustainability development, building errors and damages as well as complexity matters unique for the construction industry. The study’s literature review is balanced by multiple interviews and a survey conducted with industry working professionals. The results suggest that the development of errors and damages in construction has been stable in recent years. However, data collection thru interviews and surveys declares that most participants has experienced an increase in errors and damages. The distribution of information and knowledge regarding errors and damages in construction has increased, which may have caused a perceived increase of errors and damages. Whether increased focus on sustainability matters has affected the occurrence of errors and damages depends on which time span is being considered. Sustainability related adaptions of work methods and materials may give rise to errors and damages in the short term. Hence, the heightened sustainability focus together with a rapid development pace calls for caution when designing buildings. The study’s data collection suggests an increasing lack of competence regarding the design of buildings and contract documents. Ambiguous and more demanding requirements together with lack of general liability and competence supply is described as the most urgent issues affecting errors, damages, and deficiencies in construction. / Frågor som berör miljö- och hållbarhet får allt mer uppmärksamhet i samhället, inte minst inom byggsektorn. I Sverige står bygg- och fastighetssektorn för en betydande andel av landets totala energianvändning, avfallsproduktion och utsläpp av växthusgaser. Byggsektorn beskrivs traditionellt som konservativ och beskylls ofta för att ha en låg produktivitetsutveckling och innovationsgrad. Boverket hävdar att fel, skador och brister i byggandet orsakar kostnader motsvarande ett produktionsbortfall på tiotusentals bostäder i Sverige varje år. I en tid av klimatomställningar och strävan mot ett mer cirkulärt användande av naturresurser blir denna fråga ytterst relevant. Att branschens aktörer tagit till sig det ökande hålbarhetsfokuset råder det inga tvivel om. Företags koldioxidutsläpp och andel förnybar energi är nyckeltal som deklareras i allt högre utsträckning. Att bygga hållbart är en självklarhet för vilken aktör som helst som vill behålla sin position på marknaden. Med bakgrund i de studier som lyfter fram fel, skador och brister inom byggandet är det relevant att fråga sig ifall verkligheten lever upp till ambitionen om det hållbara byggandet. Denna studie undersöker bakomliggande orsaker till att det uppstår fel och skador i byggandet. Branschens utveckling kopplat till hållbarhetsfrågan kartläggs i syfte att identifiera hur den påverkat byggandet. Den litteratur som studerats berör hållbarhetsutveckling, byggfel och byggskadorsamt den komplexitet som ofta är unik för byggbranschen. Genom intervjuer med tjänstemän samt en enkätstudie med yrkesarbetare ges en verklighetsanknytning och avstämning mot aktuell litteratur. Studiens resultat påvisar att utvecklingen av byggfel och byggskador varit oförändrad i närtid. Inom ramen för studiens datainsamling uppger majoriteten av de tillfrågade att de upplevt en ökning av fel och skador. Samtidigt har information och spridning av upptäckta fel och skador i byggandet ökat, vilket i sig kan ha föranlett en upplevd ökning. Huruvida det ökade hållbarhetsfokuset inom byggsektorn har påverkat förekomsten av byggfel och byggskador beror på vilken tidshorisont som beaktas. Hållbarhetsrelaterade omställningar av arbetsmetoder och material riskerar att ge upphov till fel och skador på kort sikt. Med ökat fokus på hållbarhetsfrågor och snabb utveckling ökar behovet av att kunna se den långsiktiga hållbarheten vid valet av byggtekniska lösningar. Studiens datainsamling pekar på ökande kompetensbrist i fråga om byggnaders och byggbeskrivningars utformning. Tvetydiga och mer omfattande kravställningar i kombination med bristande helhetsansvar och kompetensförsörjning beskrivs som de största riskfaktorerna i fråga om fel, skador och brister i byggandet.
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[pt] A necessidade de aumentar a produtividade no setor da construção civil estimulou investimentos em soluções digitais e a incorporação de princípios de manufatura na cadeia construtiva. A implementação de elementos estruturais padronizados fabricados fora do canteiro de obra é considerada uma prática válida para atingir este objetivo. O projeto para fabricação e montagem é um conceito que envolve diretrizes a serem consideradas no desenvolvimento do projeto, cuja finalidade é facilitar a fabricação e montagem de componentes. A metodologia BIM pode incorporar análises de planejamento e construtibilidade para apoiar a tomada de decisão no contexto de construções replicáveis em escala de concreto armado. A presente investigação inclui uma revisão sistemática da literatura que orientou a pesquisa. Com base na SLR (Structured Literature Review), foi desenvolvido um Manual de Entrega de Informações que propõe um novo fluxo de trabalho no qual os estudos de planejamento construtivo e princípios de fabricação e montagem são agregados nos estágios iniciais do projeto para aproveitar a colaboração intrínseca da metodologia BIM. Para ilustrar o fluxo de trabalho proposto no IDM (Information Delivery Manual) desenvolvido é apresentado um experimento de um complexo de escolas. As informações do modelo parametrizado serviram como dados de entrada para as análises realizadas permitindo assim que pudessem ser comtemplados diferentes cenários de soluções estruturais. Os resultados obtidos pelo experimento indicam que a consideração de elementos de concreto pré-fabricado nem sempre vai contra os interesses econômicos, práticos e estéticos. Por fim, as análises de planejamento e construtibilidade são parâmetros importantes nas tomadas de decisão para aprimorar a identificação de oportunidades de melhorias no projeto e potencializar a eficiência de trabalho no canteiro de obra. / [en] The need to increase the civil construction sector stimulates investments in digital solutions and manufacturing principles in construction industry. The employment of standardized structural elements manufactured off-site construction, such as structural precast element, is considered a valid practice to achieve this purpose. The Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA) is a concept that involves guidelines considered in the development of the project and has the objective to facilitate the manufacturing and assembly of a product or component. Building Information Modeling (BIM) methodology can incorporate planning and constructability analysis to support decision making in the context of scalable and replicable concrete building projects. The present investigation includes a Structured Literature Review (SLR) that guided the research. Based on the SLR, an Information Delivery Manual (IDM) was developed to propose a new workflow in which the studies of construction planning and the application of manufacturing and assembly principles are considered in the early stages of design to take advantage of the collaboration intrinsic to the BIM methodology. An experiment of a school complex is presented to illustrate the workflow proposed in the developed IDM. The parametric model information was the key input to run analyzes in different structural solutions scenarios. The results indicated that the consideration of precast concrete elements does not always contradict economic, practical and aesthetic interests. Finally, planning and constructability analyzes are important parameters in decision-making, enhancing the recognition of opportunities for improvement in the project and increasing the efficiency of work in the construction site.
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