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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Construction site living

Lindberg, Hugo January 2023 (has links)
The architect’s main tool of representation, parallel projection drawing, can be described as the architect's way of "tracing the shadow of an imagined future". This shadow however, is bigger than the lines we put on paper. If we turn around and face the “behind” of the built, we find ourselves in front of a group of construction workers. “Parallel” and “shadow” are here no longer terms of architectural representation, but rather describes a shadow society existing in parallel to Swedish welfare. With the barracks conceived as infrastructure rather than homes, their inhabitants are being made invisible. Under the pretext "temporary", a lower standard of living is here excused. But workers tend to move from one temporary solution to the other, with the barrack and its shortcomings as a permanent backdrop to their lives.   This book is an effort to begin tracing the shadow of the architect's work, highlight the architecture indirectly produced, and begin a discussion on how to improve construction workers' living situation from an architectural  perspective.

En utredning av skyddsombudsroll - Varför är det svårt att rekrytera ett skyddsombud på en byggarbetsplats? / An investigation of the safety representative role - Why is it difficult to recruit a safety representative on a construction site?

Jalal, Buwar, Kourie, Kima January 2019 (has links)
Syfte: Byggbranschen lider av stor problematik gällande rekrytering av ett skyddsombud på en byggarbetsplats. Examensarbetet utreder varför det är svårt att rekrytera ett skyddsombud på en byggarbetsplats? Examensarbetet kommer även undersöka skyddsombuds personliga aspekt när det gäller engagemang, bemötande, beteende, respons, tid, säkerhetstänksprioritering. Vidare analyseras vilka åtgärder som krävs för att skyddsombudens ställning ska bli bättre. Examensarbetets målsättning var att utreda varför det är svårt att rekrytera ett skyddsombud på en byggarbetsplats och kunna klargöra problemet. Målet var även att utreda vilka svårigheter som finns i rollen.   Metod: Under arbetets gång genomfördes en strukturerad litteratursökning och intervjuer som undersökningsmetoder. Intervjuerna utformades kvalitativt och var semistrukturerade. Intervjuerna genomfördes med huvudskyddsombud och lokala skyddsombud.    Resultat: Några faktorer som utmärker sig till varför det är svårt att rekrytera skyddsombud på byggarbetsplatser är att majoriteten av yrkesarbetare inte har engagemang för tjänsten. Det grundar sig i att de inte vill ha fler arbetsuppgifter som innebär ett stort ansvar och tar tid att utföra. Framtida skyddsombud är rädda att de inte får gehör av övriga yrkesarbetarna. En del är konfrontationsrädda för att hamna i dialog där de behöver ta en diskussion och påpeka osäkra beteenden på arbetsplatsen. Skyddsombud som inte får den tid som krävs för att utföra säkerhetsarbetet genomför säkerhetsarbetet på ett hastigt sätt. Det kan leda till att allvarliga olyckor inträffar.   Konsekvenser: För att skyddsombudens ställning i dagsläget ska bli bättre med avseende på problematiken som finns bör ett antal faktorer uppfyllas. Skyddsombuden bör få mer gehör och mer acceptans från andra yrkesgrupperna. Underentreprenörer bör utbildas mer inåtgående om riskerna som finns på en byggarbetsplats. Skyddsombuden har rätt att ta den tid som krävs för att genomföra sina uppdrag och det bör arbetsledningen klargöra tydligt. Företaget bör prata positivt om skyddsombudsroll. Skyddsombud bör kopplas in i ett tidigt stadie i projektet för mer delaktighet. Skyddsombud bör få betalt för sin tjänst.   Begränsningar: Examensarbetets avgränsning var enbart att undersöka skyddsombudets roll på tre byggarbetsplatser Arbetet avgränsas till huvudskyddsombud och lokala skyddsombud. Examensarbetet var begränsat och av den orsaken utesluts underentreprenörer samt arbetsledning. / Purpose: The construction industry suffers from major problems concerning the recruitment of a safety officers at a construction site. The thesis project investigates why it is difficult to recruit a safety officers at a construction site? The thesis project will also investigate the safety officers ' personal aspect in terms of commitment, behavior, treatment, response, time and security thinking priority. Furthermore, it is analyzed what measures are required for the safety officers position to improve. The aim of the thesis project was to investigate why it is difficult to recruit a safety officers on a construction site and be able to clarify the problem. The aim of the goal was also to investigate the difficulties that exist in the role.                                                                                                                                                Method: During the work, a structured literature search and interviews are conducted as examination methods. The interviews were designed qualitatively and were semi structured. The interviews were conducted with the main and local safety officers. Findings: Some factors that stand out why it is difficult to recruit safety officers at construction sites are that the majority of workers do not have the commitment to the service. It is based on the fact that they do not want more tasks that entail a great responsibility and take time to perform. Future safety officers are afraid that they will not be heard by other workers. Some are confronted with fear of ending up in dialogue where they need to take a discussion and point out unsafe behaviors in the workplace. Safety officers who do not receive the time required to carry out the safety work carry out the safety work in a rapid manner. This can lead to serious accidents. Implications: In order for the safety officer’s position to be better at present with regard to the problems that are present, a number of factors should be fulfilled. The safety officers should receive more attention and acceptance from other groups. The subcontractors should be trained more inwardly about the risks that exist on a construction site. The safety officers have the right to take the time required to carry out their assignments and this should the work management clearly clarify. The company should talk positively about the safety role. Safety officers should be connected to an early stage in the project for more participation. Safety officers should be paid for their service. Limitations: The thesis delimitation is only to investigate the role of the safety officer at three construction sites. The work was limited to the main safety officer and local safety officers. The degree project was limited and for this reason subcontractors and management are excluded.

Louis Emile Durandelle (1839-1917), un photographe au service de l'architecture / Louis Emile Durandelle (1839-1917), a photographer at the service of architecture

Leblanc, Charlotte 22 January 2018 (has links)
Dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, l’amélioration des techniques photographiques offre de nouveaux outils aux architectes et au monde de la construction ou de la restauration d’édifices. Certains photographes se spécialisent alors dans la photographie d’architecture et de chantier et développent ce marché nouveau. Dans ce contexte, Louis Emile Durandelle, actif à Paris entre 1860 et 1890, illustre cette adaptation de certains photographes à la demande des architectes dont l’utilisation des images d’architecture est alors en transition entre l’héritage du siècle précédent où les gravures étaient essentiellement diffusées dans des publications spécialisées et des pratiques nouvelles de diffusions plus larges des photographies d’architecture. La représentation architecturale connaît alors elle-même une transition importante, bouleversée notamment par la rapidité d’exécution des photographies. Ayant réalisé plus de dix mille photographies de reproductions d’objets d’art et d’architecture et un nombre difficile à évaluer de portraits-cartes, Durandelle joue par l’abondance de sa production et sa présence sur des chantiers parisiens majeurs un rôle important dans l’évolution des usages de la photographie par le monde de la construction. On lui doit un important corpus photographique fournissant de précieuses informations au sujet des travaux de l’Opéra Garnier, du Sacré-Cœur de Montmartre, du Mont-Saint-Michel, du Comptoir d’Escompte de la ville de Paris, de la gare Saint-Lazare, de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Paris, de la Tour Eiffel, du Palais du Louvre ou encore du musée des Beaux-Arts d’Amiens. L’étude retrace sa biographie, son activité de photographe de chantier, d’édifices achevés et de décors monumentaux, depuis sa réalisation des clichés jusqu’à leurs usages variés faits par ses commanditaires. Elle replace l’activité du photographe parmi celles de ses pairs, à une époque où le métier de photographe d’architecture nécessite une importante maîtrise technique notamment pour lutter contre la parallaxe et les distorsions de la perspective. Elle analyse la manière dont certains architectes, certaines administrations ou certains entrepreneurs du bâtiment ont fait usage des clichés de Durandelle pour servir leurs intérêts économiques et professionnels aussi bien lors de la conception architecturale qu’au cours du chantier de construction ou pour promouvoir leur réalisation une fois l’édifice achevé. / In the second half of the 19th century, the improvement of photographic techniques offers new tools to architects and the world of construction or restoration of buildings. Some photographers then specialize in architecture and construction photography and develop this new market. In this context, Louis Emile Durandelle, active in Paris between 1860 and 1890, illustrates this adaptation of some photographers at the request of architects whose use of architectural images is then in transition between the legacy of the previous century when the engravings were mainly disseminated in specialized publications and new practices of wider dissemination of architectural photographs. The architectural representation itself underwent an important transition, shattered notably by the speed of execution of the photographs. Having produced more than ten thousand photographs of reproductions of works of art and architecture and a number difficult to evaluate portraits-cards, Durandelle plays by the abundance of its production and its presence on major parisian sites an important role in the evolution of the uses of photography by the world of construction. He took many photographs providing valuable information about the works of the Opéra Garnier, the Sacré-Cœur of Montmartre, the Mont-Saint-Michel, the Comptoir d'Escompte of Paris, Lazare, the Hôtel-Dieu of Paris, the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre palace and the Amiens Museum of Fine Arts. Our study presents his biography, his activity as a photographer of construction sites, finished buildings and monumental decorations, from his realization of the photographs to their varied uses made by his customers. It places the photographer's activity amongst his peers, at a time when the profession of photographer of architecture requires an important technical knowledge in particular to avoid parallax and the distortions of the perspective. Our study analyzes the way in which architects, administrations or building contractors have used Durandelle's photographs to serve their economic and professional interests both during the architectural design and during the construction or to promote their realization once the building is completed.

The capture and integration of construction site data

Ward, Michael James January 2004 (has links)
The use of mobile computing on the construction site has been a well-researched area since the early 1990's, however, there still remains a lack of computing on the construction site. Where computers are utilised on the site this tends to be by knowledge workers utilising a laptop or PC in the site office with electronic data collection being the exception rather than the norm. The problems associated with paper-based documentation on the construction site have long been recognised (Baldwin, et al, 1994; McCullough, 1993) yet there still seems to be reluctance to replace this with electronic alternatives. Many reasons exist for this such as; low profit margins, perceived high cost; perceived lack of available hardware and perceived inability of the workforce. However, the benefits that can be gained from the successful implementation of IT on the construction site and the ability to re-use construction site data to improve company performance, whilst difficult to cost, are clearly visible. This thesis represents the development and implementation of a data capture system for the management of the construction of rotary bored piles (SHERPA). Operated by the site workforce, SHERPA comprises a wireless network, site-based server and webbased data capture using tablet computers. This research intends to show that mobile computing technologies can be implemented on the construction site and substantial benefits can be gained for the company from the re-use and integration of the captured site data.

Making Mobile Meaning : expectations and experiences of mobile computing usefulness in construction site management practice

Löfgren, Alexander January 2008 (has links)
During the last decade, anticipated and realized benefits of mobile and wireless information and communication technology (ICT) for different business purposes have been widely explored and evaluated. Also, the significance of ‘user acceptance’ mechanisms through ‘perceived usefulness’ of ICT applications has gained broad recognition among business organizations in developing and adopting new ICT capabilities. However, even though technology usefulness is regularly highlighted as an important factor in ICT projects, there is often a lack of understanding of what the concept involves in the practical work context of the actual users, and how to deal with the issues of usefulness in organizational ICT development processes. This doctoral thesis covers a 1,5 year case study of a mobile computing development project at a Swedish international construction enterprise. The company’s mobile ICT venture addressed the deficient ICT use situation of management practitioners in construction site operations. The study portrays the overall socially shaped development process of the chosen technology and its evolving issues of usefulness for existing construction site management practice. The perceived usefulness of mobile computing tools among the ‘user-practitioners’ is described as emergence of ‘meaningful use’ based on initial expectations and actual experiences of the technology in their situated fieldwork context. The studied case depicts the ongoing and open-ended conversational nature of understanding adequate ICT requirements in work practice, and the negotiation of mobile computing technology design properties between users and developers over time towards the alignment of diverse personal, professional and organizational needs and purposes of ICT use. The studied introduction of mobile computing technology in construction site management fieldwork practice serves as an illustrative actual example of how to interpret, understand and approach issues of usefulness and user acceptance of ICT resources in operative work contexts when managing ICT development processes in organizations. / QC 20100825

Skyddsombudets Roll : En undersökning av skyddsombudets säkerhetsarbete på byggarbetsplatsen / The role of safety agents : A survey carried out by the safety agents regarding safety on the construction site

Benjaminsson, Ida, Svahn, Emil January 2013 (has links)
Safety in the construction industry has become a question of top priority in recent years. Despite a massive investment of time, money and knowledge, the occur-rence of fatal accidents in Sweden alone is around one a month. The purpose of this study is therefore to improve the safety on the construction site. By an examination of the role of the safety agents and their cooperation with the construction workers and supervisors as well as examine how safety agents can improve safety on the construction site, which is the goal of the study. Four questions were formulated based on the purpose and the goal of the study. The methods used to answer the questions were a questionnaire survey, multiple interviews, a literature review and a document analysis. The report describes the safety agent’s role as a complex one with many different tasks. The role of the safety agents is regulated in the health and safety law, but it can sometimes be difficult to interpret and the agents can therefore interpret their role differently. Some of the tasks and the rights that the law describes is the right to stop a dangerous task, and the right to affect the employer. The safety agents should also participate in the early planning and carrying out safety inspections. The surveys show that safety agent’s cooperation with both construction workers and supervisors worked well at the examined places. A major area for improve-ment is in the early planning, where the safety agents should participate, which they rarely do. To improve the safety on the construction site the safety agents can lead by exam-ple as role models in safety. They can also use their right to stop a dangerous task and their right to affect the employer to improve the safety. Creating a safe construction site requires that everyone works together. There should be a safety approach through the whole project, from the people who con-duct the early planning to the people involved in the production. Everyone must work actively to achieve a good working environment. The knowledge of the safe-ty agents should be used in all steps of the construction process, not just in the production. / Säkerheten på byggarbetsplatsen är i dagsläget en högt prioriterad fråga, ändå är branschen mycket olycksdrabbad. Trots att mycket resurser läggs på säkerhet dör omkring en person varje månad på byggarbetsplatser bara i Sverige. Syftet med examensarbetet är därför att förbättra säkerheten på byggarbetsplatsen. Detta genom att kartlägga skyddsombudets roll och deras samarbete med yrkesar-betare och arbetsledning samt undersöka hur skyddsombudet kan förbättra säker-heten på byggarbetsplatsen, vilket är målet med examensarbetet. Utifrån syfte och mål utformades fyra frågeställningar som berör skyddsombudets roll, dess samarbete med yrkesarbetare och arbetsledning, samt vad skyddsombu-det kan göra för att förbättra säkerheten på byggarbetsplatsen. De metoder som tillämpades för att besvara frågeställningarna var en enkätunder-sökning, flertalet intervjuer och en litteraturstudie. I rapporten beskrivs skyddsombudets roll som komplicerad med många olika ar-betsuppgifter. Skyddsombudets roll är reglerad i arbetsmiljölagen men den kan ibland vara svårtolkad och skyddsombuden kan därför tolka sin uppgift olika. Några av uppgifterna och rättigheterna som lagen beskriver är stoppningsrätten och hänvändelserätten. Skyddsombuden ska dessutom delta vid tidig planering och utföra skyddsronder. Vid enkätundersökningen framgick att skyddsombudens samarbete med både yr-kesarbetare och arbetsledning fungerade bra på de arbetsplatser som undersöktes. Ett stort förbättringsområde finns dock inom den tidiga planeringen där skydds-ombuden ska delta, vilket de sällan gör. Det skyddsombuden kan göra för att förbättra säkerheten på byggarbetsplatsen är att vara förebilder inom säkerhetsarbetet. De kan även använda sig av stoppnings-rätten och hänvändelserätten för att påverka arbetsgivaren till att förbättra säker-heten. För att få en säker arbetsplats krävs att alla deltar i säkerhetsarbetet, det är inte bara skyddsombudets uppgift utan alla inom projektet måste vara delaktiga. Allt från de som utför den tidiga planeringen till de i produktionen måste aktivt arbeta för en bättre arbetsmiljö. Med skyddsombudens kompetens bör de vara delaktiga i säkerhetsarbetet i alla steg i byggprocessen, inte bara under produktionen.

Avaliação de perdas de blocos cerâmicos em Pernambuco: da indústria ao canteiro de obras / Evaluation of loss of ceramic bricks in Pernambuco: industry to the construction site

Mônica Maria Pereira da Silva 19 October 2007 (has links)
A preocupação em preservar os recursos naturais, em reduzir os desperdícios nos canteiros de obras e minimizar custtos na construção civil tem despertado iinteresse de vários pesquisadores para uma ampla discussão sobre o controle do uso adequado das matérias-primas para geração dos materiais empregados na produção dos edifícios, bem como, dos resíduos gerados pelos elevados índices de perdas nas construções. Melhorar a produtividade e a qualidade é um fator de suma importânciia para a sobrevivência das empresas ligadas ao ramo da construção civil no atual ambientte competitivo. O objetivo desta pesquisa é identificar as perdas envolvidas na produção dos blocos cerâmicos e de seu uso nas várias etapas do processo construtivo de obras em Recife,, visando apontar possibilidades de minimização do problema. Para atingir o objjetivo, foram selecionadas duas iindústtriias cerâmicas e três empresas construtoras para comporem o estudo de caso. Os dados foram coletados através de uma planilha e de um Check List durante as visitas realizadas junto às indústrias e empresas construtoras. As etapas analisadas nas indústrias dizem respeito à queima e expedição. Em relação às construtoras foram analisadas as etapas de recebimento, armazenamento, transporte e aplicação. Através da pesquisa verificou-se que as indústrias cerâmicas ainda possuem forte componente cultural, onde a mão-de-obra empregada uttiliza conhecimentos compartilhados a partir das experiências individuais, possuem tímidas iniciativas para a melhoria do processo produtivo, bem como das condições de trabalho e capacitação da sua mão-de-obra,, utilizando, ainda, práticas rudimentares na fabricação de produtos cerâmicos. Neste contexto, através do método de estudo de caso, para as obras pesquisadas, verificou-se que dependendo do nível de gerenciamento e planejamento e dos investimentos tecnológicos, há uma tendência de redução das perdas de materiais. Todavia, não se pode afirmar que uma obra certificada terá, necessariamente, redução de erros e desperdícios, uma vez que o objetivo primeiro é padroniizar requisitos técnicos em seus empreendimentos de modo a aumentar a satisfação do cliente

Integration between the manufacturing plant and a construction in the city of Fortaleza / IntegraÃÃo fÃbrica e obra: caso dos componentes para alvenaria em Fortaleza

Maria Viviane Agostinho dos Santos 26 May 2015 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Com o aumento da concorrÃncia entre as empresas presentes no mercado da construÃÃo, tem-se buscado uma diminuiÃÃo dos custos para conseguir um maior lucro em obras. Umas das saÃdas viÃveis à a busca da integraÃÃo com os fornecedores de materiais considerados estratÃgicos, como os componentes âblocosâ utilizados para alvenaria. Com o objetivo de analisar a integraÃÃo entre a fÃbrica e a obra, no municÃpio de Fortaleza, atravÃs da identificaÃÃo das caracterÃsticas de gestÃo dos fluxos fÃsicos, um total de quatro obras, todas em fase de execuÃÃo de alvenaria, sendo duas executadas com componentes cerÃmicos e duas executadas com componentes de concreto, foram avaliadas. A mesma quantidade de fabricantes foi utilizada na pesquisa: duas especÃficas para componentes cerÃmicos e as demais para componentes de concreto. Cada obra possuÃa relaÃÃo de parceria jà estabelecida com um fabricante avaliado. Ao final do trabalho sÃo sugeridas algumas orientaÃÃes para a elaboraÃÃo de projetos de inventÃrio para a alvenaria, contribuindo diretamente para a racionalizaÃÃo dos deslocamentos, facilitando o fluxo de materiais e colaborando para o aumento da produtividade dos profissionais, diminuindo, ainda, o desperdÃcio de materiais, equipamentos e mÃo de obra, alÃm de fornecer um maior controle dos componentes. Os paletes com dimensÃo reduzida (0,60 m x 0,60 m), implementados nas fÃbricas e entregues nas obras, facilitam os deslocamentos no interior do canteiro de obras, evitando prejuÃzos ao longo do processo de movimentaÃÃo. / Com o aumento da concorrÃncia entre as empresas presentes no mercado da construÃÃo, tem-se buscado uma diminuiÃÃo dos custos para conseguir um maior lucro em obras. Umas das saÃdas viÃveis à a busca da integraÃÃo com os fornecedores de materiais considerados estratÃgicos, como os componentes âblocosâ utilizados para alvenaria. Com o objetivo de analisar a integraÃÃo entre a fÃbrica e a obra, no municÃpio de Fortaleza, atravÃs da identificaÃÃo das caracterÃsticas de gestÃo dos fluxos fÃsicos, um total de quatro obras, todas em fase de execuÃÃo de alvenaria, sendo duas executadas com componentes cerÃmicos e duas executadas com componentes de concreto, foram avaliadas. A mesma quantidade de fabricantes foi utilizada na pesquisa: duas especÃficas para componentes cerÃmicos e as demais para componentes de concreto. Cada obra possuÃa relaÃÃo de parceria jà estabelecida com um fabricante avaliado. Ao final do trabalho sÃo sugeridas algumas orientaÃÃes para a elaboraÃÃo de projetos de inventÃrio para a alvenaria, contribuindo diretamente para a racionalizaÃÃo dos deslocamentos, facilitando o fluxo de materiais e colaborando para o aumento da produtividade dos profissionais, diminuindo, ainda, o desperdÃcio de materiais, equipamentos e mÃo de obra, alÃm de fornecer um maior controle dos componentes. Os paletes com dimensÃo reduzida (0,60 m x 0,60 m), implementados nas fÃbricas e entregues nas obras, facilitam os deslocamentos no interior do canteiro de obras, evitando prejuÃzos ao longo do processo de movimentaÃÃo.

Implantação de um programa de gestão de resíduos da construção civil em canteiro de obra pública: o caso da UFJF

Brum, Fábio Martins 01 February 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2016-03-04T19:23:37Z No. of bitstreams: 1 fabiomartinsbrum.pdf: 3425409 bytes, checksum: a3f02335827ef9e7ab6cfb91fcccffe3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2016-04-24T01:56:29Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 fabiomartinsbrum.pdf: 3425409 bytes, checksum: a3f02335827ef9e7ab6cfb91fcccffe3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-24T01:56:29Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 fabiomartinsbrum.pdf: 3425409 bytes, checksum: a3f02335827ef9e7ab6cfb91fcccffe3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-01 / Atualmente o Brasil busca práticas voltadas a integrar ações ambientais com o desenvolvimento sustentável. Assim, há necessidade dos diversos setores que compõe a economia do país mudar certas posturas, como é o caso da Construção Civil. A enorme geração de resíduos associada a sua deposição irregular acarretam sérios impactos negativos, nos campos social, ambiental e econômico dos centros urbanos. Tal fato ressalta a importância dos órgãos públicos adotarem programas de gestão de resíduos da construção civil em obras públicas, além de cobrar dos setores particulares o cumprimento da legislação vigente relacionada ao tema. Diante deste cenário, este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever a implantação de um Programa de Gestão de Resíduos da Construção Civil em um canteiro de obra pública. A metodologia tem base em uma revisão bibliográfica para definir a estrutura a ser adotada no Programa de Gestão de Resíduos da Construção Civil. Em seguida foi realizado um estudo de caso através da implantação deste programa em uma obra pública: a construção do prédio da nova Faculdade de Economia da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Os dados coletados foram submetidos a análises qualitativa e quantitativa, e os resultados encontrados podem ser expressos, dentre outros, na melhoria da organização, segurança e aspecto visual do canteiro, maior visão para planejamento de empreendimentos futuros, ganhos financeiros com a reutilização e reciclagem dos resíduos, bem como apresentação de índices relacionados à geração de resíduos em canteiro de obra pública. Dentre as dificuldades encontradas pode-se citar certa resistência dos operários em aderir ao programa, devendo a equipe gerencial ter atuação intensa, destacando a liderança do mestre da obra como um aspecto importante para facilitar a difundir a metodologia no canteiro. Ao final, são propostas diretrizes para redução da geração de resíduos da construção civil em obras públicas, concluindo que a responsabilidade pela gestão dos mesmos não é somente das construtoras. É necessário o envolvimento de uma cadeia de agentes que, direta ou indiretamente, também são responsáveis pela geração e destinação dos resíduos. / Brazil currently seeking practices aimed at integrating environmental initiatives with sustainable development. Thus, there is need of various sectors that make up the country's economy change certain attitudes, such as the Building. A huge waste generation associated with its deposition irregular carry serious negative impacts on the social, environmental and economic urban centers. This fact underscores the importance of public agencies adopt management programs of construction waste in public works, and to charge the private sector compliance with current legislation related to the theme. Against this background, this paper aims to describe the implementation of a Waste Management Program Construction on a building site public. The methodology is based on a literature review to define the structure to be adopted in the Programme for Waste Management of Construction. Then we conducted a case study by implementing this program in a public work: the construction of the new building of the Faculty of Economics at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora. The data collected were subjected to quantitative and qualitative analysis, and the results can be expressed, among others, on the improvement of the organization, safety and visual appearance of the bed, larger vision for planning future developments, financial gains with the reuse and recycling of waste, as well as presentation of indices related to the generation of waste in public construction site. Among the difficulties encountered can cite some resistance of the workers to join the program, and the management team Tues intense action, highlighting the leadership of master's work as an important aspect to facilitate spreading the methodology plot. Finally, guidelines are proposed to reduce the generation of construction waste in public works, concluding that the responsibility for managing them is not only the builders. It is necessary to involve a chain of agents that directly or indirectly, are also responsible for the generation and disposal of waste.

Problems and Solutions in Urban Construction Logistics

Tsaxiri, Panagiota January 2018 (has links)
The construction industry’s world is very complex, competitive and challenging. That means that everyone who is involved needs to be constantly updated and follow the latest technological trends and ideas to be able to work on a viable project by minimizing the problems.  Nevertheless, there are always different complications that arise mainly because there is not much attention given to logistics and logistics solutions. The purpose of this thesis is to identify the major problems in the Swedish construction industry as well as their corresponding logistics solutions applied by different companies. Moreover, this research will try to investigate how the use of the fairly new concept of Construction Consolidation Centers can improve the situation primarily with the material transportation. The current thesis was conducted by investigating the relevant literature and arranging interviews with a few of the many consultant companies working in the construction industry. The outcomes from both investigations are analyzed and compared showing that there are important differences between the theory (literature review) and the reality (interviews) as some of the main problems in real projects do not appear in the current literature. It is also clearly exposed that Construction Consolidation Centers are a game changer to this kind of projects and such a solution is suggested from both sides, while there is high necessity from the companies to emphasize on the logistics and invest more on their logistics solutions.

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