Spelling suggestions: "subject:"contractualisation"" "subject:"contextualization""
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Le consentement du patient assuré social / The insured patient's assentCroize, Gildine 14 December 2011 (has links)
Principe cardinal du droit de la santé, le consentement est traditionnellement étudié sous le prisme unique de la relation binaire : praticien - patient. Pourtant, bien qu'il doive être recueilli dans le cadre de ce colloque singulier, le consentement est la résultante d'une interaction réciproque entre trois liens liant le patient, le praticien et le financeur public. En effet, à l'instar de l'adage "Idem est non esse aut non probari", le consentement ne serait rien, s'il ne pouvait être effectif. C'est bien la reconnaissance du droit à la santé, impliquant un droit universel aux prestations sociales, qui lui permet d'être favorisé. Mais, financée par la solidarité et obligée par le principe d'équilibre budgétaire, l'assurance maladie se doit de maîtriser ses dépenses en agissant en financeur éclairé. Pour ce faire, elle participe à une politique d'infléchissement des comportements des patients en leur qualité d'assuré social. Tantôt favorisé, le consentement, expression individuelle de volonté, tend à être dépassé au profit d'un consentement social jugé responsable. Entre prévention et éducation, la responsabilisation a pour objectif d'accroître l'efficience de la prise en charge du risque maladie pour soi même, mais également pour la collectivité. Ainsi, le consentement, mode d'expression des droits et libertés fondant la disposition juridique corporelle, est plus que jamais celui du patient assuré social évoluant dans une démocratie sanitaire aux pourtours encore flous oscillant entre incitation et obligation et venant parfois s'achopper au principe de liberté de la vie privée. / A major principle of health law, assent is traditionally seen within the boundaries of the binaryrelationship “patient-medical practitioner”. However, assent results from the mutual interaction between patients, medical practitioners and the social security system. Indeed, as the saying notes "Idem est non esse aut non probari", the assent must be effective to really exist. It is promoted by the recognition of the “right to health care”, implying a universal right of social security benefits. However, being financed by solidarity and obliged to respect the constitutional principle of budgetary equilibrium, social insurance must contain its costs. This is why it partakes in a policy of modification of insured patients' behaviours. The assent, at times favoured as anindividual expression of will, tends to overtaken by a social assent, thought to be socially responsible. Between prevention and education, responsibilization aims at increasing efficiency of health care management. Thus, assent, expression of rights and liberties founded on the principle of “disposing of one's body”, is more than ever the insured patient's assent. This insured patient lives in a sanitary democracy which has hazy contours oscillating between incitation and healthcare obligation. These may struggle with the right to respect for private life.
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La contractualisation du droit de l'environnement / The contractualization of the law of the environmentMonteillet, Vanessa 23 November 2015 (has links)
Le droit de l’environnement est un droit relativement jeune, dont la filiation naturelle à l’intérêt général en a fait l’affaire exclusive des pouvoirs publics. Mais aujourd’hui, alors que « toute personne a le devoir de prendre part à la préservation et à l’amélioration de l’environnement » (article 2 de la Charte de l’environnement), il ne saurait rester cantonné dans les bastions du droit public. La tendance contemporaine à la contractualisation du droit, traversant de nombreuses branches, touche le droit de l’environnement qui y puise les ressources de son déploiement. A cette fin, parler de « contractualisation du droit de l’environnement » recouvre deux réalités. C’est, d’abord, constater que le droit de l’environnement investit le contrat, qu’il s’agisse de diversifier son objet environnemental ou laisser y proliférer des obligations environnementales. La stratégie est simple. Le droit de l’environnement se place dans le contrat. Et le contrat, tel un « cheval de Troie », le fait pénétrer dans l’enceinte des relations interindividuelles. Vecteur de diffusion du droit de l’environnement, le contrat en devient un outil de gestion favorisant sa réception par les individus. C’est, ensuite, remarquer que le contrat agit sur le droit de l’environnement. Son action est, en premier lieu, créatrice de droit. A cet égard, la contractualisation recoupe, pour une part, l’hypothèse du droit négocié portant une dimension collective dans l’élaboration du droit et soulève, pour une autre part, la question débattue du potentiel normatif du contrat individuel, qui paraît pleinement se déployer en matière environnementale. L’action du contrat est, en second lieu, réformatrice. Une profonde mutation structurelle du droit de l’environnement est en effet à l’oeuvre, posant les fondations d’un ordre juridique environnemental, dont l’architecture glisse « de la pyramide au réseau ». Un tel changement de physionomie s’accompagnerait d’un changement de philosophie, vers un droit du développement durable. Mais c’est davantage au soutien d’un développement durable du droit de l’environnement que la dynamique de contractualisation trouvera sa pertinence. Dans le contrat et par le contrat, le droit de l’environnement prend de l’envergure : il rayonne et il s’impose, prêt à relever le défi de sa « modernisation ». / Environmental law is a relatively young law. Due to its natural filiation to public interest, it was exclusively governed by the public authorities. But today, while "everyone has the duty to participate in the conservation and in the improvement of the environment" (article 2 of the Charter for the environment), it could not remain quartered in the realm of public law. The contemporary trend to the law contractualization, crossing lots of branches, concerns environmental law which draws from it the resources of its deployment. To this end, speaking about "contractualization of the environmental law" covers two realities. It is, at first, to notice that environmental law moves into the contract, whether it is a question of diversifying its environmental object or of letting proliferate environmental obligations there. The strategy is simple. Environmental law takes place in the contract. And the contract, like a Trojan horse, makes it penetrate the enclosure of the interpersonal relations. Like a vehicle for dissemination of environmental law, the contract becomes one management tool favoring its reception by individuals. It is, then, to notice that the contract acts on environmental law. In this connexion, the contractualization overlaps, for one part, the hypothesis of the negotiated law carrying a collective dimension in the elaboration of the law, and for another part, that of the spontaneous law revealing the normative potential of the individual contract. A profound structural transformation of environmental law is at work, putting the foundations of an ecological public order, the architecture of which slides "from the pyramid to the network". Such a change of face comes along with a change in philosophy, towards a sustainable development law. But it is more in the support of a sustainable development of environmental law that the dynamics of contractualization will find its relevance. In the contract and by the contract, environmental law expands: it shines and it stands out, ready to take up the challenge of its "modernization".
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Les outils de régulation de l’offre en matière sanitaire et médico-sociale : les apports et prolongements de la loi HPST / Regulatory tools of the offer in sanitary and medico-social material : the inputs and consequences of the HPST LawFieschi-Bazin, Élisabeth 04 December 2013 (has links)
La loi HPST, les textes qui l’ont suivie ont profondément bouleversé le système régional de régulation de l’offre en santé, rénové, perfectionné son appareillage juridique. Cette étude présente un examen micro-juridique des outils de régulation de l’offre sanitaire et médico-sociale, introduits, renforcés, modifiés par ces dispositions, l’analyse de leurs logiques intrinsèques, de leurs articulations et des enjeux qu’ils soulèvent pour faire droit à la finalité de la réforme : améliorer l’efficacité et l’efficience de l’offre en santé. Réforme des outils de gouvernance : nouvelle forme de déconcentration au service d’un pilotage global et unifié de l’offre en santé, processus de concertation inspirés des techniques de la démocratie délibérative au service d’une rationalisation des modalités d’intervention des différents acteurs. Renforcement des outils de contrôle externe de la production médico-sociale au service d’un perfectionnement des critères de sélection de l’offre et d’évaluation de son efficience. Consécration des outils de contractualisation au service d’une rationalisation de l’attribution des financements publics, de la responsabilisation des producteurs et de l’adaptation de l’offre en santé. Réforme et développement des outils de coopération, au service d’une externalisation des soins et restructuration de l’hôpital public, d’une recomposition de l’offre médico-sociale et d’une nouvelle vision publique de l’offre de soins sur l’ensemble du territoire, structurée autour de l’offre de soins ambulatoire. L’analyse de ces principaux outils révèle un système de régulation ambitieux et complexe, le renforcement du rôle de l’Etat, mais aussi le recours au référentiel néolibéral comme stratégies de régulation. / The HPST Law (Hospital, Patients, Health and Territories), adopted on the 21st July 2009 and the texts which followed her, profoundly changed the regional system of governance of the offer in health, renewed end perfected its legal equipment. This “micro-legal” study examines the regulatory tools of the sanitary and medico-social offer, introduces their modifications, analyses their logic and the challenges lifted by the realization of the objective of this reform : improve the efficiency and the performance of the offer in health.A reform of the governance tools : based on a global and unified regional power, on sequenced processes of dialogue to rationalize the interventions of all the actors of the regional system of health. A reform of the tools of control, to improve the selection criteria of the offer and the evaluation of its efficiency. A consecration and development of the contractual processes to rationalize the allocation of the public financing, give responsibilities to the producers of care and adapt the offer in health. A development of the tools of cooperation, to reform the public service and the public hospital, to reorganize the medico-social offer, to change the practices of the healthcare professionals and to develop a new public vision of the offer, structures around the primary care.This Analysis reveals an ambitious and complex system, a reinforcement of the role of central government but also recourse to neoliberal table.
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La marginalisation normative et institutionnelle des contrats d'ÉtatAttia, Savannah 03 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire analyse l’encadrement juridique et institutionnel des contrats d’État, qui sont à l’origine des contrats innommés caractérisés, non pas par leur objet, mais par les parties qui les contractent — un État et une personne privée ressortissante d’un autre État. Le but de la présente étude est de trouver une solution aux enjeux de déséquilibre entre les parties et de manque de prévisibilité qui affectent les contrats d’État. Cette recherche de solutions sera faite à travers l’analyse de trois théories : le rattachement à un ordre juridique précis, l’uniformisation des normes internationales encadrant les contrats d’État, et la création d’une nouvelle institution pour trancher les litiges concernant les contrats d’État. Nous étudierons alors, dans un premier temps, les solutions fournies par les doctrines internationaliste et contractualiste afin d’analyser leurs points forts et leurs lacunes. L’observation de ces lacunes nous permettra ensuite de rechercher leurs éventuelles solutions dans la jurisprudence interne et internationale. Comme nous le verrons, ces solutions, notamment celles fournies par l’arbitrage international, présentent des limites importantes du fait de ce choix de mode institutionnel. Nous analyserons donc dans une dernière partie si le choix d’un nouveau système institutionnel — comme la CMI de l’Union européenne ou les Cours de Commerce International — permettrait de pallier ces limites et d’accroitre la prévisibilité dans la résolution du litige, ainsi que d’équilibrer la relation contractuelle. / This thesis analyzes the legal and institutional framework of State contracts, which are originally unnamed contracts characterized, not by their object, but by their contracting parties — a State and a private person, national of another State. The purpose of this study is to find a solution to the issues of imbalance between the parties and lack of predictability that affect State contracts. This research will be carried out through the analysis of three theories: the categorization of state contracts in a specific legal order, the unification of international rules governing state contracts, and the creation of a new institution to settle disputes concerning state contracts. We will first study the solutions provided by the internationalist and contractualist doctrines in order to analyze their strengths and weaknesses. This will then enable us to seek their possible solutions in domestic and international jurisprudence. As we will see, these solutions, particularly when they’re provided by international arbitration, have significant limitations. In the final chapter, we will analyze whether the choice of a new institutional system — such as the European Union's MIC or International Commercial Courts— would make it possible to overcome these limitations and increase predictability in the resolution of the dispute, as well as to balance the contractual relationship.
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O exercício da autonomia privada no direito sucessório : uma reflexão a partir da eficácia do regime da separação de bensRaad, Daniela Russowsky January 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho examina, em sentido amplo, o grau de autonomia privada conferida aos indivíduos no plano do Direito Sucessório. Para tanto, a reflexão se baseia na análise da eficácia do pacto antenupcial no qual os consortes elegem o regime da separação convencional de bens na ordem sucessória. A relevância do estudo se encontra pela sistemática jurídica atual, que impõe a confusão patrimonial entre os cônjuges pela alocação do viúvo na condição de herdeiro necessário na disposição do Código Civil de 2002. Analisa-se de forma crítica, assim, a possível relativização do dispositivo legal, a fim de fazer prevalecer a vontade das partes na forma expressada em vida. Para tanto, o trabalho é estruturado em introdução, dois capítulos de desenvolvimento e encerra com as considerações finais. Precedido pela introdução, que trabalha as razões da pesquisa, o capítulo 2 examina a concepção de autonomia privada como prerrogativa fundamental dos indivíduos e sua aplicação no Direito de Família como realização do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana. Neste ponto, verifica-se como instrumento de concretização do poder de auto disposição na esfera familiar o pacto antenupcial, que confere aos cônjuges o condão de definir a organização econômica do matrimônio A seguir, o capítulo 3 aborda o regime da separação convencional como regramento que confere plena autonomia patrimonial aos consortes, constatado então o espírito de incomunicabilidade patrimonial do regime, impõe a averiguação de sua aplicabilidade na seara sucessória. Para isto, examina-se a situação do cônjuge no Direito das Sucessões, desde a vigência do Código Civil de 1916, quando ocupava terceiro grau na linha sucessória, até sua alocação atual como herdeiro necessário. A seguir, passa a se ponderar o panorama da concorrência sucessória do consorte sobrevivente na herança do falecido, levando em conta a nova ordem de vocação hereditária e os julgados dos tribunais regionais e superiores. Para finalizar, apresenta-se como possível solução à problemática a força negocial como fonte de Direito. Buscando responder o questionamento suscitado, explora-se a possibilidade de considerar a força normativa advinda do contrato matrimonial, capaz de afastar a condição de herdeiro necessário do consorte remanescente. / The present research aims at analyzing the scope of private autonomy of individuals regarding Inheritance Law. The study is based on the efficiency of pre-nuptial agreements by which couples are able to elect the inheritance order through the regime of separation of assets. The relevance of the study resides in the current legal order which ordinarily imposes assets to be held by both parties and, thus, according to the Brazilian Civil Code, the widower is considered to be entitled to them. The possibility of mitigating such legal rule is critically analyzed in order to make way for the parties will as it has been explicitly manifested in life. Therefore, the work is structured into introduction, two chapters of development and ends with the final considerations. Preceded by the introduction, which explains the reasons that led to research on the topic, chapter 2 examines the concept of private autonomy as a fundamental prerogative of individuals in Family Law and also as a mean to achieve the principle of Human Dignity. Consequently, it is verified that the pre-nuptial agreement can be considered as an instrument of the will of the parties and their autodetermination regarding the economic aspects of marital life Following, chapter 3 analyzes the regime of conventional separation of assets reveals the legal system that grants full autonomy for spouses, for which it is examined since it historically arose. Once it is identified the spirit of incommunicability of assets, it has to be verified how to apply it in Inheritance Law. Bearing that in mind, the situation of the spouse is investigated according to the Brazilian legal system, since the promulgation of the Civil Code in 1916 - when they were in third line in succession – until the current days as a necessary heir. Furthermore, the research examines the Brazilian court`s decisions regarding the subject matter. Finally, the will of the parties as a source of Law is presented as a possible solution to the problem at stake. In light of that, the parties could be considered bound to the pre-nuptial agreement, avoiding the condition of necessary heir to the remaining spouse.
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La politique d'intégration des étrangers / Integration policy of foreignersAzarete, Adrien 16 November 2017 (has links)
L’intégration des étrangers présents sur le sol français constitue l’un des enjeux les plus importants de l’ère contemporaine. L’objet de la présente étude est ainsi de s’intéresser à la manière par laquelle le droit transcrit la politique d’intégration. L’ouvrage se divise en deux parties consacrées à l’analyse des leviers juridiques intéressant l’intégration de l’étranger. La première partie met en lumière des facteurs qui, sans être directement issus d’une politique spécifique destinée à intégrer les étrangers, concourent à cet objectif. La seconde partie est consacrée aux facteurs juridiques dédiés à l’intégration des étrangers. La reconnaissance de l’étranger en tant que bénéficiaire de droits fondamentaux et la garantie indirecte d’un droit au séjour ont réduit l’écart entre le statut de l’étranger et celui du national. Cependant, si le dernier titre a révélé la mise en place d’un service public de l’intégration, il a dans le même temps mis en exergue la collusion entre les politiques d’immigration et d’intégration. L’intégration se transforme progressivement en une injonction pour l’étranger en vue de précariser sa situation, dans une logique contraire aux objectifs affichés. / The integration of foreigners on the French territory is one of the most important problems in the contemporary era. The theme of the present study is to deal with how the law transcribes the integration policy. The present work is divided into two parts dedicated to the analysis of the legal levers regarding the integration of foreigners. The first part highlights factors which do not arise directly from a specific policy intended to integrate foreigners but contribute to this aim anyway. The second part deals with the legal factors which are dedicated to the integration of foreigners. Both the recognition of the foreigner as protected by the fundamental rights and the indirect guarantee of the right of residence by the law ,reduced the gap between the status of the foreigner and the national’s one. However, if the last title revealed the setting up of a public service of integration, it , highlighted at the same time , the collusion between immigration and integration policies The integration is gradually transformed into an order for the foreigner so as to make his situation precarious, contrary to the stated objectives.
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O exercício da autonomia privada no direito sucessório : uma reflexão a partir da eficácia do regime da separação de bensRaad, Daniela Russowsky January 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho examina, em sentido amplo, o grau de autonomia privada conferida aos indivíduos no plano do Direito Sucessório. Para tanto, a reflexão se baseia na análise da eficácia do pacto antenupcial no qual os consortes elegem o regime da separação convencional de bens na ordem sucessória. A relevância do estudo se encontra pela sistemática jurídica atual, que impõe a confusão patrimonial entre os cônjuges pela alocação do viúvo na condição de herdeiro necessário na disposição do Código Civil de 2002. Analisa-se de forma crítica, assim, a possível relativização do dispositivo legal, a fim de fazer prevalecer a vontade das partes na forma expressada em vida. Para tanto, o trabalho é estruturado em introdução, dois capítulos de desenvolvimento e encerra com as considerações finais. Precedido pela introdução, que trabalha as razões da pesquisa, o capítulo 2 examina a concepção de autonomia privada como prerrogativa fundamental dos indivíduos e sua aplicação no Direito de Família como realização do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana. Neste ponto, verifica-se como instrumento de concretização do poder de auto disposição na esfera familiar o pacto antenupcial, que confere aos cônjuges o condão de definir a organização econômica do matrimônio A seguir, o capítulo 3 aborda o regime da separação convencional como regramento que confere plena autonomia patrimonial aos consortes, constatado então o espírito de incomunicabilidade patrimonial do regime, impõe a averiguação de sua aplicabilidade na seara sucessória. Para isto, examina-se a situação do cônjuge no Direito das Sucessões, desde a vigência do Código Civil de 1916, quando ocupava terceiro grau na linha sucessória, até sua alocação atual como herdeiro necessário. A seguir, passa a se ponderar o panorama da concorrência sucessória do consorte sobrevivente na herança do falecido, levando em conta a nova ordem de vocação hereditária e os julgados dos tribunais regionais e superiores. Para finalizar, apresenta-se como possível solução à problemática a força negocial como fonte de Direito. Buscando responder o questionamento suscitado, explora-se a possibilidade de considerar a força normativa advinda do contrato matrimonial, capaz de afastar a condição de herdeiro necessário do consorte remanescente. / The present research aims at analyzing the scope of private autonomy of individuals regarding Inheritance Law. The study is based on the efficiency of pre-nuptial agreements by which couples are able to elect the inheritance order through the regime of separation of assets. The relevance of the study resides in the current legal order which ordinarily imposes assets to be held by both parties and, thus, according to the Brazilian Civil Code, the widower is considered to be entitled to them. The possibility of mitigating such legal rule is critically analyzed in order to make way for the parties will as it has been explicitly manifested in life. Therefore, the work is structured into introduction, two chapters of development and ends with the final considerations. Preceded by the introduction, which explains the reasons that led to research on the topic, chapter 2 examines the concept of private autonomy as a fundamental prerogative of individuals in Family Law and also as a mean to achieve the principle of Human Dignity. Consequently, it is verified that the pre-nuptial agreement can be considered as an instrument of the will of the parties and their autodetermination regarding the economic aspects of marital life Following, chapter 3 analyzes the regime of conventional separation of assets reveals the legal system that grants full autonomy for spouses, for which it is examined since it historically arose. Once it is identified the spirit of incommunicability of assets, it has to be verified how to apply it in Inheritance Law. Bearing that in mind, the situation of the spouse is investigated according to the Brazilian legal system, since the promulgation of the Civil Code in 1916 - when they were in third line in succession – until the current days as a necessary heir. Furthermore, the research examines the Brazilian court`s decisions regarding the subject matter. Finally, the will of the parties as a source of Law is presented as a possible solution to the problem at stake. In light of that, the parties could be considered bound to the pre-nuptial agreement, avoiding the condition of necessary heir to the remaining spouse.
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L’action économique des collectivités territoriales pour la transition énergétique / The economic action of local authorities for the energy transitionZoumenou, Anna 13 December 2017 (has links)
La conférence des Etats parties à la convention cadre des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques qui s’est tenue à Paris à la fin de l’année 2015 (COP 21) a relancé l’intérêt des Etats pour la protection de l’environnement et la transition écologique et énergétique. Depuis plus d’une décennie, de nombreuses lois sont intervenues qui placent les collectivités territoriales au cœur de ce dispositif. Aujourd’hui, la réalisation de la transition énergétique repose sur un partenariat entre collectivités publiques, gardiennes du service public, et entreprises privées maitrisant ingénierie et technique propres au secteur énergétique. Cette politique publique s’inscrit ainsi dans le contexte de réforme de l’action publique qui modifie profondément les modes de gestion des services publics. / The conference of the member states of the United nations framework convention about climate change (COP 21) which took place in Paris, december 2015, increased the state’s interest either for the protection of the environment and the ecological transition. From more than a decade, many laws had have the goal to place local authorities into the hearth of this system. Today, the realization of the energy transition is based on a partnership between public authorities, garantor of the public service and private companies mastering engineering and energy techniques. This policy takes place in the story of a new public management, which profoundly changes the way public services are managed.
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O exercício da autonomia privada no direito sucessório : uma reflexão a partir da eficácia do regime da separação de bensRaad, Daniela Russowsky January 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho examina, em sentido amplo, o grau de autonomia privada conferida aos indivíduos no plano do Direito Sucessório. Para tanto, a reflexão se baseia na análise da eficácia do pacto antenupcial no qual os consortes elegem o regime da separação convencional de bens na ordem sucessória. A relevância do estudo se encontra pela sistemática jurídica atual, que impõe a confusão patrimonial entre os cônjuges pela alocação do viúvo na condição de herdeiro necessário na disposição do Código Civil de 2002. Analisa-se de forma crítica, assim, a possível relativização do dispositivo legal, a fim de fazer prevalecer a vontade das partes na forma expressada em vida. Para tanto, o trabalho é estruturado em introdução, dois capítulos de desenvolvimento e encerra com as considerações finais. Precedido pela introdução, que trabalha as razões da pesquisa, o capítulo 2 examina a concepção de autonomia privada como prerrogativa fundamental dos indivíduos e sua aplicação no Direito de Família como realização do princípio da dignidade da pessoa humana. Neste ponto, verifica-se como instrumento de concretização do poder de auto disposição na esfera familiar o pacto antenupcial, que confere aos cônjuges o condão de definir a organização econômica do matrimônio A seguir, o capítulo 3 aborda o regime da separação convencional como regramento que confere plena autonomia patrimonial aos consortes, constatado então o espírito de incomunicabilidade patrimonial do regime, impõe a averiguação de sua aplicabilidade na seara sucessória. Para isto, examina-se a situação do cônjuge no Direito das Sucessões, desde a vigência do Código Civil de 1916, quando ocupava terceiro grau na linha sucessória, até sua alocação atual como herdeiro necessário. A seguir, passa a se ponderar o panorama da concorrência sucessória do consorte sobrevivente na herança do falecido, levando em conta a nova ordem de vocação hereditária e os julgados dos tribunais regionais e superiores. Para finalizar, apresenta-se como possível solução à problemática a força negocial como fonte de Direito. Buscando responder o questionamento suscitado, explora-se a possibilidade de considerar a força normativa advinda do contrato matrimonial, capaz de afastar a condição de herdeiro necessário do consorte remanescente. / The present research aims at analyzing the scope of private autonomy of individuals regarding Inheritance Law. The study is based on the efficiency of pre-nuptial agreements by which couples are able to elect the inheritance order through the regime of separation of assets. The relevance of the study resides in the current legal order which ordinarily imposes assets to be held by both parties and, thus, according to the Brazilian Civil Code, the widower is considered to be entitled to them. The possibility of mitigating such legal rule is critically analyzed in order to make way for the parties will as it has been explicitly manifested in life. Therefore, the work is structured into introduction, two chapters of development and ends with the final considerations. Preceded by the introduction, which explains the reasons that led to research on the topic, chapter 2 examines the concept of private autonomy as a fundamental prerogative of individuals in Family Law and also as a mean to achieve the principle of Human Dignity. Consequently, it is verified that the pre-nuptial agreement can be considered as an instrument of the will of the parties and their autodetermination regarding the economic aspects of marital life Following, chapter 3 analyzes the regime of conventional separation of assets reveals the legal system that grants full autonomy for spouses, for which it is examined since it historically arose. Once it is identified the spirit of incommunicability of assets, it has to be verified how to apply it in Inheritance Law. Bearing that in mind, the situation of the spouse is investigated according to the Brazilian legal system, since the promulgation of the Civil Code in 1916 - when they were in third line in succession – until the current days as a necessary heir. Furthermore, the research examines the Brazilian court`s decisions regarding the subject matter. Finally, the will of the parties as a source of Law is presented as a possible solution to the problem at stake. In light of that, the parties could be considered bound to the pre-nuptial agreement, avoiding the condition of necessary heir to the remaining spouse.
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Le procédé de passerelle entre la conciliation et la sauvegarde - Approche comparative droit français/droit OHADA / The bridging process between conciliation and safeguarding, in a comparative French law approach/OHADA lawKourouma, Moussa Fanta 05 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le procédé de passerelle entre la conciliation et la sauvegarde, dans une approche comparative droit français, droit OHADA. Le procédé de passerelle permet au chef d’entreprise d’élaborer un plan de redressement dans le cadre de la conciliation, avant de le faire adopter lors d’une sauvegarde accélérée. La présente thèse se subdivise en deux parties. Dans la première partie, un diagnostic est posé pour comprendre les raisons de l’adoption de ce mécanisme de traitement des difficultés des entreprises en droit français, et celles qui pourraient ou non justifier sa reconnaissance en droit OHADA. Il ressort de cette partie que, dans les droits français et OHADA, la rigidité du régime de la cessation des paiements ainsi que l’unanimité obligatoire de l’accord de conciliation constituent un handicap au redressement des entreprises, car le principe d’unanimité donne un droit de véto à chaque créancier. Le procédé de passerelle permet de passer outre l’opposition des créanciers minoritaires qui utilisent ce droit de véto pour faire adopter le projet de redressement du chef d’entreprise par vote majoritaire sur le terrain judiciaire. Dans la deuxième partie, une étude prospective est menée ; le procédé de plan pré-négocié joue un rôle à la fois préventif et curatif : il permet, d’une part, la libre négociation, entre un débiteur et ses créanciers, d’un plan conventionnel de restructuration et, d’autre part, l’anticipation de l’intervention du tribunal pour optimiser l’actif et maîtriser le passif. Le procédé de passerelle est adopté en droit français ; la présente thèse propose une étude de son régime juridique. Il n’est pas reconnu pour le moment en droit OHADA ; son applicabilité y est analysée. Pour l’amélioration de la prévention et du traitement des difficultés des entreprises dans les droits français et OHADA, des pistes sont proposées. Il en est ainsi notamment, d’un côté, de l’adoption des comités de créanciers dans la procédure de conciliation française et, de l’autre, de la reconnaissance du mécanisme de plan pré-négocié, de la réforme du régime de la cessation des paiements et de la spécialisation des tribunaux connaissant des contentieux régis par l’AUPC en droit OHADA. La présente étude, en plus d’apporter une contribution scientifique à l’étude des nouvelles procédures de sauvegarde accélérée en droit français, vise à lancer le débat sur l’opportunité de l’adoption du procédé de passerelle en droit OHADA. L’organisation de la cession pré-arrangée dans le cadre du mandat ad hoc en droit français et l’opportunité de l’adoption d’une telle cession en droit OHADA sont des problématiques qui pourraient faire l’objet d’une recherche. / This thesis focuses on the bridging process between conciliation and safeguarding, in a comparative French law approach, OHADA law. The gateway method allows the entrepreneur to develop a recovery plan in the context of conciliation, before adopting it during an accelerated backup. This thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part, a diagnosis is made to understand the reasons of the adoption of this mechanism of treatment of the difficulties of the companies in French law, and those which could or could not justify its recognition in OHADA law. It appears from this section that, in the French and OHADA laws, the rigidity of the system of cessation of payments and the compulsory unanimity of the conciliation agreement constitute a handicap to the recovery of the undertakings, since the principle of unanimity a veto right to each creditor. The gateway process makes it possible to override the opposition of the minority creditors who use this right of veto to get the project of recovery of the head of enterprise adopted by majority vote on the legal ground. In the second part, a prospective study is conducted; The pre-negotiated plan process plays both a preventive and curative role : it allows, on the one hand, the free negotiation, between a debtor and its creditors, of a conventional restructuring plan and, on the other hand, the anticipation of court intervention to optimize assets and control liabilities. The gateway method is adopted in French law; this thesis proposes a study of its legal regime. He is not recognized for the moment in OHADA law ; its applicability is analyzed. For the improvement of the prevention and the treatment of the difficulties of the companies in the French rights and OHADA, tracks are proposed. This is notably the case, on the one hand, of the adoption of the creditor committees in the French conciliation procedure and, on the other, of the recognition of the pre-negotiated plan mechanism, of the reform of the cessation of payments and specialization of courts dealing with disputes governed by the AUPC under OHADA law. This study, in addition to making a scientific contribution to the study of new accelerated safeguard procedures in French law, aims to launch the debate on the appropriateness of the adoption of the OHADA gateway process. The organization of the pre-arranged assignment under the ad hoc mandate in French law and the advisability of adopting such an assignment in OHADA law are issues that could be the subject of research.
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