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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Quality of CPTU : Analyses and comparison of data from commercial actors in Stockholm/Mälardalen

Kardan, Caesar January 2015 (has links)
CPTU is one of the most sophisticated geotechnical investigation methods. However, there is a large amount of uncertainties related to this method. The uncertainties depend on different types of factors, for instance lack of accuracy in performance and equipment. The objective of this master thesis is to compare the CPTU-results from a number of commercial actors in Stockholm/Mälardalen in order to analyze these results with respect to the current standards and guidelines. The comparison was made in order to highlight the difference in results which may appear due to different equipment, performance of the operator and evaluation method. Based on this, an invite was sent to the commercial actors in Stockholm/Mälardalen, resulting in the participation of five different commercial actors in this investigation. Execution in the field was conducted over a six week period. During this time 26 CPTU were performed in total in a small area in Hagby, Stockholm, by these different actors. Once the data was collected from all of the actors, the results were evaluated with the aid of the computer softwares Conrad and Excel. The main conclusions from this study are: Not one of the performed CPTU in this master thesis fulfills the requirements for CPT class 1 according to the European standards. The quality of the education of operators should be improved and geotechnical engineers and the clients need to be more familiar with CPTU. The evaluated results from different commercial actors differ, and this can depend on the choice of equipment and performance of the operator during penetration, but it can also depend on systematic errors in the cone penetrometers / CPTU-sonderingar är en av de mest sofistikerade undersökningsmetoderna för geoteknisk analys och bedömning. Det finns emellertid en hög grad av osäkerhet i denna metod. Osäkerheten beror på olika typer av faktorer, bland annat brist på noggrannhet i handhavande och utrustning. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att jämföra CPTU-resultat från de kommersiella aktörerna i Stockholm/Mälardalen för att senare analysera dessa resultat i förhållande till gällande ramverk och riktlinjer. Jämförelsen gjordes med avsikt att lyfta fram skillnaderna i resultat som kan uppstå på grund av olika utrustning, handhavande och utvärderingsmetod. Baserat på detta skickades en inbjudan till de kommersiella aktörerna i Stockholm/Mälardalen, vilket ledde till att fem olika kommersiella aktörer deltog i undersökningen. Utförande i fält genomfördes under en period på sex veckor. Under denna tid utfördes totalt 26 sonderingar i ett avgränsat område i Hagby, Stockholm, av dessa olika aktörer. När all data samlats in från alla aktörer utvärderades resultaten med hjälp av mjukvarorna Conrad och Excel. De viktigaste slutsatserna i denna studie är: Ingen utav de utförda CPTU-sonderingarna uppfyller kraven för CPT klass 1 enligt den europeiska standarden. Kvaliteten på utbildning av fältgeotekniker bör förbättras och geotekniska ingenjörer och även beställare bör bli mer bekanta med CPT. De utvärderade resultaten från de olika aktörerna skiljer sig åt, och detta kan bero på valet av utrustning och fältgeoteknikerns prestation vid sondering men det kan också bero på systematiska fel i de använda sonderna.

A detector upgrade for phase-imaging ion cyclotron resonance measurements at the CPT

Morgan, Graeme Edward Baglow 23 March 2016 (has links)
A position-sensitive microchannel plate (MCP) detector has been installed at the Canadian Penning Trap (CPT) mass spectrometer located at the CAlifornium Rare Isotope Breeder Upgrade (CARIBU) facility at Argonne National Laboratory in order to carry out Phase-Imaging Ion Cyclotron Resonance (PI-ICR) measurements. With this new measurement method, proof-of-principle mass measurements of five nuclei were made to a precision of $\delta m/m \approx 10^{-7}$. The PI-ICR results are found to be consistent with previous Time-of-Flight Ion Cyclotron Resonance (ToF-ICR) measurements. The content of this thesis covers the entire mass measurement process beginning with beam production at CARIBU through to ion detection at the CPT and a comparison of the ToF-ICR and PI-ICR measurement methods. The future of mass measurements at the CPT with this new technique will also be discussed. / May 2016

Häktning av unga - Tortyr eller skälig åtgärd? : - En utredning kring lämpligheten i att använda häktning och restriktioner för unga lagöverträdare

Ateva, Victoria January 2016 (has links)
Europarådets kommitté mot tortyr CPT, har under 24 år kritiserat Sveriges hantering av häktning och restriktioner för unga lagöverträdare. Den senaste kritiken kom den 17 februari 2016 och avser CPT:s besök i Sverige året innan. Åter igen visade rapporten på stora brister i svenska häkten. Av barnombudsmannens och barnrättskommitténs kritik framgår vidare att ungas hälsa kan påverkas negativt under häktning då unga löper en ökad risk för att drabbas av psykisk ohälsa om de isoleras. Det är även vanligt att isolerade personer uppvisar psykosliknande tillstånd. Begränsning i kontakt med familj och vänner, är något som de unga häktade själva har uppgett är svårt att hantera då häktningen innebär en kris för den unge. Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka om häktning av unga och åläggande av restriktioner för unga kan ses som tortyr eller om häktning av unga och åläggande av restriktioner för unga är en skälig åtgärd utifrån den kritik som presenteras i uppsatsen. Frågeställningarna som behandlas i uppsatsen är: Hur ser aktuell lagstiftning ut gällande häktning av unga och åläggande av restriktioner för unga? Kan häktning av unga samt att ålägga unga restriktioner ses som tortyr eller skälig åtgärd utifrån kritiken som har presenterats av barnombudsmannen, FN:s specialrapportör mot tortyr, barnrättskommittén, europarådets kommitté mot tortyr CPT samt häktes- och restriktionsutredningen? Uppsatsen visar att häktning av unga och åläggande av restriktioner för unga, inte kan ses som tortyr enligt tortyrkonventionens definition. Däremot kan häktning enligt tortyrkonventionen artikel 16 punkt 1 ses som omänsklig behandling eller bestraffning vilket konventionsstaterna så långt möjligt är skyldiga att förhindra. Barnombudsmannen och FN:s specialrapportör mot tortyr anser att effekterna av häktning av unga kan ses som tortyr när den unge isoleras längre än 15 dagar. Dessutom kan häktning och restriktioner för unga ses som omänsklig behandling enligt barnkonventionen, EKMR och tortyrkonventionen. Utifrån vad framställningen har visat är det sannolikt att Sverige kommer att förändra förfarandet kring häktning och restriktioner för unga. I augusti 2016 presenterar häktes- och restriktionsutredningen ett förslag om hur antalet häktningar och förekomsten av restriktioner kan minskas samt hur häktningstiderna kan förkortas för att på det sättet minska den pågående isoleringen i svenska häkten. Det är uppenbart att häktning och restriktioner mot unga är ett område som behöver utvecklas vidare. En önskvärd förändring skulle vara att Sverige tar kritiken som har lyfts fram på allvar och försöker förändra unga lagöverträdares vistelse i häkten för att minimera psykisk ohälsa bland unga lagöverträdare som häktas.

Právní postavení odsouzených ve výkonu trestu odnětí svobody / The legal status of sentenced to a term of imprisonment

Tučková, Miroslava January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the legal status of persons serving prison from the perspective of selected areas of their fundamental rights. Analyzed areas include the right to protection from torture, cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment, the right to protection of health and to free medical care, the right to be protected from any unauthorized intrusion into one's private and family life and the right to participate in the administration of public affairs through active and passive voting rights. The theory includes institutional guarantees ensuring compliance with these rights and the relevant recommendations of international organizations. Practically oriented casuistic section of the thesis is based on the direct experience gained during authoress' internship at the Czech Helsinki Committee, non- governmental human rights organization based in Prague since 1988.

Investigating the performance of continuous helical displacement piles

Jeffrey, John January 2012 (has links)
The Continuous Helical Displacement (CHD) pile is an auger displacement pile developed by Roger Bullivant Ltd in the UK. The CHD pile is installed in-situ through the use of a drilling auger, in a similar fashion to European screw piles and as such, it has performance characteristics of both displacement and non-displacement piles Based on field experience, it is known that the load capacity performance of the CHD pile significantly exceeds the current design predictions, particularly when installed in sand. Model CHD piles were created in pluviated test beds at a range of different densities and compared to model displacement and non-displacement piles. The load tests show that the CHD piles have a similar ultimate capacity to displacement piles. Instrumentation of the model piles allowed load distribution throughout the pile length to be determined. The tests allowed design parameters to be established, with it being shown that the CHD has lower bearing capacity factors and higher earth pressure coefficients than current suggestions .The disturbance to the in-situ soil conditions caused by the installation of the CHD piles was measured using a model CPT probe. The CHD pile was found to cause significant changes in soil relative density laterally around the pile shaft while displacement piles show changes predominantly below the pile base. The CHD pile is found to cause a densification of the in situ soil for all relative densities with the greatest increase occurring in loose sand. The ultimate capacity of the CHD pile is determined from load tests carried out on field CHD piles with the aid of capacity prediction methods for piles which have not been loaded to their ultimate capacity. The results from model testing have been applied to field pile tests to allow the development of design parameters including appropriate pile diameter, bearing capacity factor Nq and the earth pressure coefficient k which are suitable for CHD piles.

Development of a Performance-Based Procedure to Predict Liquefaction-Induced Free-Field Settlements for the Cone Penetration Test

Hatch, Mikayla Son 01 June 2017 (has links)
Liquefaction-induced settlements can cause a large economic toll on a region, from severe infrastructural damage, after an earthquake occurs. The ability to predict, and design for, these settlements is crucial to prevent extensive damage. However, the inherent uncertainty involved in predicting seismic events and hazards makes calculating accurate settlement estimations difficult. Currently there are several seismic hazard analysis methods, however, the performance-based earthquake engineering (PBEE) method is becoming the most promising. The PBEE framework was presented by the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Center. The PEER PBEE framework is a more comprehensive seismic analysis than any past seismic hazard analysis methods because it thoroughly incorporates probability theory into all aspects of post-liquefaction settlement estimation. One settlement estimation method, used with two liquefaction triggering methods, is incorporated into the PEER framework to create a new PBEE (i.e., fully-probabilistic) post-liquefaction estimation procedure for the cone penetration test (CPT). A seismic hazard analysis tool, called CPTLiquefY, was created for this study to perform the probabilistic calculations mentioned above. Liquefaction-induced settlement predictions are computed for current design methods and the created fully-probabilistic procedure for 20 CPT files at 10 cities of varying levels of seismicity. A comparison of these results indicate that conventional design methods are adequate for areas of low seismicity and low seismic events, but may significantly under-predict seismic hazard for areas and earthquake events of mid to high seismicity.

Etude de la rhéologie des loess du Nord de la France - Application à l'évaluation de leur risque de liquéfaction

Karam, Jean-Paul 23 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Pour mieux comprendre les problèmes de stabilité observés sur la ligne nord du TGV en Picardie, des essais de caractérisation mécanique ont été réalisés sur le loess naturel qui est le sol de la fondation ferroviaire. L'accent a été mis sur son comportement sous un grand nombre de chargements cycliques dans des conditions non saturées, sur son comportement d'effondrement à l'humidification et sur sa susceptibilité de liquéfaction quand la saturation est atteinte. Les résultats obtenus ont montré que la couche située à 2,20m présente le plus grand risque d'instabilité. Une nouvelle méthode évaluation des risques de liquéfaction a été développée à partir d'essais courants de géotechniques. Cette méthode prend en compte notamment l'effet de la non saturation initiale. Une application directe de cette méthode sur 4 sites différents a monté une cohérence avec les sondages in situ. Sur le plan numérique, un modèle élastoplastique avec endommagement a été développé pour décrire les principaux phénomènes observés tels que l'effondrement dû à la diminution de la succion, l'endommagement et la liquéfaction dus au chargement cyclique.

Resistencia a la insulina inducida por acidos grasos en células de músculo esquelético L6E9: papel de la carnitina palmitoiltransferasa I (CPT-I)

Sebastián Muñoz, David 31 March 2006 (has links)
La resistencia a la insulina es un estado patológico que se define como la incapacidad del organismo de responder normalmente a las acciones de la insulina. Este estado está ligado a la obesidad, al estilo sedentario de vida y es responsable en gran medida de la aparición de la diabetes de tipo 2. Aunque tradicionalmente el estudio de esta patología se había centrado en el metabolismo de carbohidratos, en las últimas décadas se ha producido un cambio hacia el estudio del metabolismo de ácidos grasos como principal promotor de esta enfermedad. De este modo, se ha demostrado una correlación entre la acumulación de lípidos en tejidos periféricos (hígado y músculo principalmente) y la aparición de resistencia a la insulina.El músculo es el responsable de la mayor parte del metabolismo de la glucosa en situaciones de estimulación por insulina. Esto confiere al músculo una vital importancia en el desarrollo de la resistencia a la insulina así como para el tratamiento de la diabetes de tipo 2. Numerosos estudios han descrito que la acumulación de especies derivadas de ácidos grasos en músculo, ya sea debido a un aporte excesivo de lípidos o a un fallo en su oxidación, conducen a una resistencia a la insulina. Estas especies derivadas de ácidos grasos actúan interfiriendo en la señalización de la insulina mediante la activación de una serie de proteínas, conduciendo a una desensibilización del músculo a las acciones de la insulina.En esta tesis se ha estudiado si un aumento en la oxidación de ácidos grasos en músculo es capaz de impedir la acumulación de sus derivados lipídicos y por lo tanto evitar la resistencia a la insulina ocasionada por ellos. Con este objetivo se han usado dos aproximaciones experimentales. En primer lugar, se ha evaluado el efecto de la sobreexpresión de la carnitina palmitoiltransferasa I (CPT I), que es la enzima responsable del control del transporte de ácidos grasos a la mitocondria, donde serán oxidados, y en segundo lugar, se ha estudiado el efecto del C75, un activador de la CPT I recientemente descrito. Además, también se ha estudiado el papel de otra proteína recientemente involucrada en el control de la oxidación de ácidos grasos en músculo, la FAT/CD36. Todo esto se ha llevado a cabo usando como modelo de estudio células de músculo esquelético de rata L6E9.Los resultados presentados en esta tesis demuestran que la sobreexpresión de CPT I ha resultado efectiva en el aumento de la oxidación de ácidos grasos, impidiendo su acumulación y por lo tanto protegiendo a la célula de la resistencia a la insulina. En cambio, se ha demostrado que el C75, a través de su activación a C75-CoA, se comporta como un inhibidor de la CPT I y por lo tanto de la oxidación de ácidos grasos en músculo esquelético. Por último, no se ha podido demostrar que FAT/CD36 juegue un papel importante en la oxidación de ácidos grasos en las condiciones de estudio utilizadas. Estos resultados confirman la importancia del metabolismo lipídico en la resistencia a la insulina en músculo y describen la CPT I como una posible diana farmacológica para el tratamiento de la resistencia a la insulina y la diabetes de tipo 2. Por otro lado describen una nueva acción del C75 sobre la actividad CPT I y sugieren la necesidad de realizar más estudios para esclarecer el papel de FAT/CD36 en la oxidación de ácidos grasos en músculo esquelético. / Skeletal muscle is responsible for 70-80% of whole-body insulin-stimulated glucose uptake and is therefore generally considered the most important site of insulin resistance. Insulin resistance in skeletal muscle plays a major role in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes although the mechanism responsible remains unclear. Intramuscular lipid accumulation is evident in a wide set of experimental models, including humans, rodents and muscle cells in culture. These observations have promoted the so-called lipotoxic model of skeletal muscle insulin resistance, which proposes that high plasma fatty-acid levels observed in the obese or insulin-resistant state lead to muscle lipid accumulation, which in turn causes a predisposition towards decreased insulin sensitivity and worsening of the disease.In this thesis we have tested the hypothesis that increases in fatty-acid oxidation should protect from fatty acid induced-insulin resistance by reducing lipid accumulation in the muscle cell. For this purpose we have used two experimental approaches: a) the overexpression of carnitine palmitoyltransferase I (CPT I), the rate-limiting enzyme in fatty acid import into mitochondria for oxidation, and b) study the effect of C75, a recently described CPT I agonist, in fatty-acid oxidation in muscle cells. Moreover we have studied the role of FAT/CD36, a protein recently described to be involved in beta-oxidation in muscle, in the rat skeletal muscle cultured cell line L6E9.Overexpression of LCPT I in L6E9 myotubes increased CPT I activity and palmitate oxidation, preventing lipid accumulation. As a result insulin sensitivity was completely restored. In contrast, C75 acted as an inhibitor of CPT I activity and palmitate oxidation, instead of an activator, both in muscle cells and in mice muscle in vivo. Finally, FAT/CD36 had not an important role in the control of fatty-acid oxidation in L6E9 myoutbes under our experimental conditions. These data confirm the importance of lipid metabolism in muscle insulin resistance and describe CPT I as a possible pharmacologic target for the treatment of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Moreover, we describe a new role of C75 over CPT I activity and fatty-acid oxidation in skeletal muscle.

Multi-Scale Behavior at Geomaterial Interfaces

Hebeler, Gregory L. 13 July 2005 (has links)
The design of interface elements in geotechnical engineering traditionally involves empiricism and lacks a solid fundamental underpinning based on the controlling mechanisms. These design shortcomings exist due to deficiencies in the fundamental understanding of geotechnical interface behaviors and the lack of test methods and devices available to directly measure interface properties in situ. The current work strives to improve the state of geotechnical knowledge and design with regard to interface behavior through fundamental laboratory studies and the development and use of a new in situ testing device. The current investigations are focused across a range of scales from micromechanical interactions to full scale field implementation. A series of laboratory investigations at the micromechanical level have been performed, specifically aimed at investigating the mechanisms controlling granular interactions against conventional and textured friction sleeves, and hook and loop type interactions present within textured geomembrane - geotextile systems. Additionally, a new in situ testing device has been designed and developed, the Multi Piezo Friction Attachment (MPFA), to allow for the characterization of geotechnical interface properties in situ within the context of an effective stress framework. The MPFA simultaneously provides four independent measures of interface friction (f

Assessment Of Liquefaction Susceptibility Of Fine Grained Soils

Pehlivan, Menzer 01 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Recent ground failure case histories after 1994 Northridge, 1999 Kocaeli and 1999 Chi-Chi earthquakes revealed that low-plasticity silt-clay mixtures generate significant cyclic pore pressures and can exhibit a strain-softening response, which may cause significant damage to overlying structural systems. These observations accelerated research studies on liquefaction susceptibility of fine-grained soils. Alternative approaches to Chinese Criteria were proposed by several researchers (Seed et al. 2003, Bray and Sancio 2006, Boulanger and Idriss 2006) most of which assess liquefaction triggering potential based on cyclic test results compared on the basis of index properties of soils (such as LL, PI, LI, wc/LL). Although these new methodologies are judged to be major improvements over Chinese Criteria, still there exist unclear issues regarding if and how reliably these methods can be used for the assessment of liquefaction triggering potential of fine grained soils. In this study, results of cyclic tests performed on undisturbed specimens (ML, CL, MH and CH) were used to study cyclic shear strain and excess pore water pressure generation response of fine-grained soils. Based on comparisons with the cyclic response of saturated clean sands, a shift in pore pressure ratio (ru) vs. shear strain response is observed, which is identified to be a function of PI, LL and (wc/LL). Within the confines of this study, i) probabilistically based boundary curves identifying liquefaction triggering potential in the ru vs. shear strain domain were proposed as a function of PI, LL and (wc/LL), ii) these boundaries were then mapped on to the normalized net tip resistance (qt,1,net) vs. friction ratio (FR) domain, consistent with the work of Cetin and Ozan (2009). The proposed framework enabled both Atterberg limits and CPT based assessment of liquefaction triggering potential of fine grained low plasticity soils, differentiating clearly both cyclic mobility and liquefaction responses.

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