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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O lugar do diálogo e da psicologia no sistema penitenciário / The place for dialogue and psychology in the Correctional System

Ricardo da Silva Lucante Bulcão 30 May 2018 (has links)
O Sistema Penitenciário é objeto de estudos e pesquisa nas mais diversas áreas do conhecimento: direito, educação, assistência social, economia, sociologia, psicologia. Considerando a importância e diversidade das relações eu-outro- mundo que este sistema cria e perpetua, nos propusemos a responder à seguinte indagação: de que forma se dão, e que implicações trazem, as relações eu-outro- mundo no âmbito das relações entre psicólogos e sentenciados do sistema penitenciário no contexto do Exame Criminológico? Levantamos questões e tentamos respondê-las a partir da perspectiva do Construtivismo Semiótico-Cultural (Simão, 2010). A pesquisa se deu por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com psicólogos funcionários desta instituição que realizam ou já realizaram Exames Criminológicos. Os resultados apontaram para a procedência e relevância, para as relações em questão, de se tomar o Exame Criminológico como meio mediacional, desde a perspectiva de Wertsch (1995) / The correctional system is a research and study object in areas as diverse as: law, education, social work, economy, sociology, psychology. Considering the importance and diversity of the I-other-world relations that this system creates and perpetuates, we proposed to address the following issue: how do the I-other-world relations take place in the scope of the relations between psychologists and convicts, in the context of the Criminological Examination, and what are their implications? We put forth questions and attempted to answer them from the perspective of the Semiotic-Cultural Constructivism (Simão, 2010). The research was carried out through semi-structured interviews with psychologists employed in this institution who perform or have performed criminological examinations. The results suggest that the criminological examination is justified and relevant for the relations in question. It is suggested that the criminological examination may be used as a mediational means, from Wertschs perspective (1995)

Finansinių nusikaltimų Klaipėdos apskrityje kriminologinė charakteristika / Criminological characteristics of financial crimes in Klaipeda district

Pakalniškis, Artūras 02 January 2007 (has links)
Finansiniai nusikaltimai - tai Baudžiamajame kodekse numatytos pavojingos veikos, kuriomis kėsinamasi į Lietuvos Respublikos finansų sistemą, vengiant mokėti mokesčius, išleidžiant į apyvartą netikrus pinigus, vertybinius popierius ar pažeidžiant šių vertybių apyvartos tvarką. Analizuojant kriminologinius tyrimus Lietuvoje, užsienio šalių literatūrą, Lietuvos Respublikos įstatymus, Informatikos ir ryšių departamento prie LR VRM statistines ataskaitas, Finansinių nusikaltimų tyrimo tarnybos metines veiklos ataskaitas, kriminologinę, baudžiamosios teisės ir kitų mokslo šakų literatūrą, darbe atskleidžiama finansinių nusikaltimų sąvokos esmė, išanalizuoti finansinių nusikaltimų kriminologinės charakteristikos ypatumai, apžvelgtos finansinių nusikaltimų tendencijos Lietuvoje 1995-2005 m., išskirti finansinių nusikaltimų Klaipėdos apskrityje kokybiniai ir kiekybiniai bruožai, išnagrinėti struktūriniai pokyčiai ir jų ypatumai, remiantis finansinių nusikaltimų mechanizmo analize bei asmeniškai atliktais tyrimais pateiktos finansinių nusikaltimų latentiškumo priežasčių pagrindines gairės, nustatyta, kokių priemonių reikėtų imtis, kovojant su finansiniais nusikaltimais ir jų latentiškumu. Kad ir kokiomis priemonėmis stengiamasi kovoti su finansiniais nusikaltimais, jie tebelieka vieni latentiškiausių nusikaltimų. Tokių nusikaltimų išaiškinimas užima labai daug laiko ir reikalauja ne tik gerai paruoštų specialistų, bet ir šiuolaikinių technologijų, informatyvios informacinės bazės... [to full text] / Financial crimes are a certain criminal activity described in the Criminal Code, performance of which cause threat to the financial system of the Republic of Lithuania by evading taxes, releasing counterfeit money, securities or by violating the order of turnover of such valuables. The nature of financial crime concept is revealed, peculiarities of financial crimes criminological characteristics analysed, tendencies of financial crimes in Lithuania during 1995-2005 reviewed, qualitative and quantitative features of financial crimes in Klaipeda district, structural changes and their peculiarities analysed, main guidelines of financial crimes latenticity cause supplied with reference to the analysis of financial crimes mechanism and personal researches, means, that ought to be taken in prevention of financial crimes and their latenticity, were determined by analysing the criminological researches in Lithuania, literature of foreign countries, Laws of Lithuanian Republic, statistical reports of IT and Communication Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania, annual activity reports of Financial Crime Investigation Service, literature of criminology, criminal law and other sciences. Despite the variety of measures taken against financial crimes they still remain among of the most latent crimes. Solving of such offences takes not only a lot of time and requires well-prepared specialists but also modern technologies, up-to-date informational... [to full text]

O exame criminológico e sua valoração no processo de execução penal / The criminological examination and its value in the criminal enforcement process.

Dayana Rosa dos Santos 04 June 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho pretende abordar o processo de execução penal sob o enfoque da Lei nº 7.210/84 e investigar se o exame criminológico realmente é hábil e imprescindível para fornecer subsídios para o julgador formar seu convencimento e tomar a decisão mais acertada no que concerne aos pedidos de progressão de regime e livramento condicional, de maneira a assegurar a efetividade da execução penal e ao mesmo tempo compatibilizar o interesse de reconquista da liberdade pelo condenado com a necessidade de se garantir a segurança social. Para isso, são feitas considerações acerca da Lei de Execução Penal, responsável por consolidar a natureza jurisdicional da execução penal, comentando-se o papel das partes e do juiz no processo executório. Na sequência, examina-se a disciplina da prova no âmbito da execução penal, em especial a prova pericial, uma vez que o exame criminológico é uma perícia. Após conceituar o exame criminológico e diferenciá-lo dos outros instrumentos de avaliação do apenado, comenta-se sobre a Lei nº 10.792/03, a partir da qual o exame criminológico deixou de ser exigência para aferir o requisito subjetivo do sentenciado. Analisa-se a dificuldade do magistrado de valorar as provas técnicas, justamente por não dispor de conhecimentos técnicos para contestar as conclusões apresentadas pelos peritos e, assim, exercer algum tipo de controle sobre aquilo que é afirmado, e o risco da aceitação acrítica dos laudos pelos julgadores, dando, indiretamente, o poder da decisão para o perito. / This work intends to show the criminal enforcement process under the focus of Law nº 7.210/84 and investigate whether the criminological examination is essential and able to offer elements to guide the judge to make a fair decision about the convicts requests, in order to ensure that the criminal enforcement process will be respected as well as it will make compatible the social reintegration of the convicted with the maintenance of a safe society. In this regard, comments about the Law of Penal Execution that gave the jurisdictional nature to the criminal enforcement will be done, describing the lawyers acts, the district attorneys activities and the judges work. Then the evidences system in the criminal enforcement process will be analyzed, paying particular attention to expert evidence, since the criminological examination is an expertise. After defining the criminological examination and comparing it with other assessment tools of the guilty party, it will be discussed the Law nº 10.792/03 that dismiss the criminological examination to find out the subjective requirement of the prisoner. Finally it will be analyzed the difficulty of the judge to evaluate the technical evidences, because it is out of his knowledge and for this reason he does not have the tools to contest the explanations and/or conclusions given by experts, therefore he can not control the affirmations and there is the risk of acceptance of the reports by the judge without critical sense, indirectly giving the power of decision to the expert.

Kriminologické faktory kriminality páchané právnickými osobami / Criminological factors related to crime of legal entities

Freimannová, Anna January 2017 (has links)
This thesis analyses criminological factors related to crime of legal entities. Criminal liability of legal entities has not been a subject of such extensive research as criminal liability of natural persons, let alone criminology of crime of legal entities - the origins of this field first appeared in the first half of 20th century, when the criminologist E. H. Sutherland introduced and described a white-collar crime phenomenon. Crime of legal entities is an up-to-date issue, being a phenomenon of a considerable danger and it is desirable to make it a subject of a comprehensive research in order to find the most suitable prevention or an adequate reaction to that crime. Understanding criminological factors related to crime of legal entities can help to prepare matching provisions which can serve as an efficient tool for prevention of and response to this type of crime. This thesis is divided into four chapters. The first one addresses the crime of legal entities in general - it describes the historical evolution of crime of legal entities in the Anglo-American judicial system and its variations in the continental judicial system. After that is presented the history of legal regulation in Czech Republic and its current state. The second chapter discusses the criminological factors related to crime...

The human in information security : an analysis of social engineering attacks in the greater Tshwane area of Gauteng, South Africa

Jansen van Rensburg, Shandre Kim 06 1900 (has links)
Criminology and Security Science

"Man vet vem man ger sig på" : En kriminologisk fallstudie om upplevd brottsutsatthet i försvarsindustrin under en tid med försämrat säkerhetsläge / "They know who they're targeting" : A criminological case study on perceived exposure tocrime in the defense industry during a time with a deteriorating security situation

Moqvist, Malin, Nordgren, Maja January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna fallstudie har varit att, med hänsyn till rådande försämrat säkerhetsläge, granska hur anställda inom försvarsindustrin beskriver företags brottsutsatthet. Vidare har syftet varit att diskutera hur brottsutsattheten kan förklaras utifrån kriminologisk teori. Detta har gjorts med semistrukturerade intervjuer, där anställda inom försvarsindustrin varit intervjudeltagare. Intervjudatan relaterades sedan till rutinaktivitetsteorin samt strainteorin. Av studiens huvudresultat har det framgått att anställda på företag i försvarsindustrin upplevde att företagens brottsutsatthet i huvudsak bestod av verkstadsstölder, cyberbrott, IP-intrång samt otillåten informationsspridning. Denna brottsutsatthet kunde förklaras av rutinaktivitetsteorin i vissa fall, samt i kombination med strain i andra fall. Brottsutsattheten upplevdes ha ökat i samband med att landets säkerhetsläge försämrades samt det huvudsakliga företaget expanderade personellt. Studiens viktigaste slutsatser var att brottsutsattheten i stort upplevdes ha ökat gällande samtliga ovan nämnda brott, men att orsaken till ökningen skiljde sig åt och att endast för cyberbrott upplevdes det föreligga ett samband med säkerhetsläget. / This case study examined how defense industry employees perceive crimes against their companies, in the context of a deteriorating security situation. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with employees, and the data was analyzed in relation to routine activity theory and strain theory. The main findings show that employees perceived the companies' exposure to crime mainly as a result of workshop thefts, cybercrime, IP infringement, and unauthorized dissemination of information. This crime exposure can be explained by routine activity theory in some cases and strain theory in others. The crime exposure increased as the country's security situation deteriorated and the main company expanded its personnel. The most important conclusions of the study were that crime exposure was generally perceived to have increased for all the above-mentioned crimes, but that the reason for the increase differed and that only for cybercrime was there perceived to be a connection with the security situation.

Hijacking of trucks with freight : a criminological analysis

Buys, Johannes Jacobus 11 1900 (has links)
A considerable amount of research has been done regarding the hijacking of passenger vehicles. Little however, has been written on the hijacking of trucks with freight. The purpose of the research was to describe the nature, occurrence and extent of the hijacking of trucks with freight, the persons involved (this includes the victims and the offenders) and the impact these crimes have on the crime scene in South Africa. The research also aimed to develop a criminological model for prevention, based on the modus operandi of the offenders. Based on the theories explaining violent and economic crimes (e.g. anomie, differential association and sub-culture), an attempt was also made to explain the hijacking of trucks with freight. / Criminology / M.A.

Ekonominio nusikalstamumo kriminologinė charakteristika / Criminological characteristics of economic criminality

Čebatorius, Tomas 03 June 2014 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe išanalizuota ir įvertinta ekonominio nusikalstamumo kriminologinė charakteristika Lietuvos Respublikoje 2004–2013 m. Pagrindinis darbo tikslas: pateikti nusikalstamų veikų ekonomikai Lietuvos Respublikoje kriminologinę charakteristiką ir identifikuoti ekonominio nusikalstamumo ryšį su makroekonominiais rodikliais. Pirmoje darbo dalyje aptarta ekonominių nusikalstamų veikų samprata ir ekonominio nusikalstamumo struktūra. Antroje darbo dalyje pateikta statistinių duomenų analizė apie ekonominio nusikalstamumo Lietuvos Respublikoje 2004–2013 m. sklaidą. Nustatyta ekonominio nusikalstamumo augimo tendencija. Šioje darbo dalyje taip pat pateikta asmenų, įtariamų 2011–2013 m. įvykdžius ekonomines nusikalstamas veikas, charakteristika. Trečioje darbo dalyje regresinės analizės metodu tirtas ryšys tarp ekonominių nusikalstamų veikų ir makroekonominių determinantų. Skaičiuojant koreliacijos bei determinacijos koeficientus, rastas statistiškai reikšmingas neigiamas ryšys tarp ekonominio nusikalstamumo ir bendro vidaus produkto rodiklių. Tarp nedarbo lygio ir ekonominio nusikalstamumo tiriamuoju periodu nerasta statistiškai reikšmingo ryšio. / The Master‘s thesis presents criminological characteristic of economic criminality in Lithuania during years 2004–2013. It aims to present the analysis of economic criminality in Lithuania by examining the relationship between macroeconomic variables and number of economic crimes. In the first part of the study theoretical background and concepts of economic criminality and economic crimes are presented. In the second part statistical analysis of 2004–2013 registered economic crimes in Lithuania is performed. Moreover, there is presented generalized characteristics of persons who committed economic criminal offences. The third part of the work investigates the relationship between macroeconomic determinants and economic criminality. Conclusions that there exist a statistically significant negative relationship between GDP and economic criminality are drawn by determining the coefficients of correlation. Number of economic crimes is declining in case there is a growth of national GDP. However, the obtained analysis part does not show a significant relationship between unemployment and economic criminality.

Hijacking of trucks with freight : a criminological analysis

Buys, Johannes Jacobus 11 1900 (has links)
A considerable amount of research has been done regarding the hijacking of passenger vehicles. Little however, has been written on the hijacking of trucks with freight. The purpose of the research was to describe the nature, occurrence and extent of the hijacking of trucks with freight, the persons involved (this includes the victims and the offenders) and the impact these crimes have on the crime scene in South Africa. The research also aimed to develop a criminological model for prevention, based on the modus operandi of the offenders. Based on the theories explaining violent and economic crimes (e.g. anomie, differential association and sub-culture), an attempt was also made to explain the hijacking of trucks with freight. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A.

A review of South African perspectives on serial murder

Del Fabbro, Giada Alessia 05 November 2007 (has links)
Pistorius (1996) was the first individual to introduce research on serial murder in the South African context with her psychodynamic approach to the phenomenon. Since then, others have followed, namely Labuschagne (1998, 2001) with his search for interactional and communication connections; Du Plessis (1998) from a grounded theory approach; and Hodgskiss (2001) with his assessment of South African offender characteristics and behaviours. Four more studies have been conducted, namely Hook’s post-structural deconstruction of narratives of a person who committed serial murder (2003); De Wet’s psychosocial perspective (2005); Barkhuizen’s intrapsychic object relations approach (2006); and Del Fabbro’s exploration of the phenomenon from a family systems paradigm (2006). To date, no attempt has been made to review these research endeavors. In this article, these studies are reviewed and their strengths and weaknesses with regard to theory, methodology and research findings debated. The author concludes with several recommendations for future research on the phenomenon of serial murder: greater communication between various disciplines (e.g. psychology, criminology, law) investigating serial murder; expansion of Hodgskiss’ research (2001) on offence characteristics for profiling purposes; and the relationship between psychopathology and serial murder. / Dissertation (MA (Clinical Psychology))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Psychology / MA / unrestricted

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