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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La normatività monastica vallombrosana. Istituzioni, consuetudini e costituzioni (secoli XI-XV). Edizione e studio. / La normativité monastique vallombreusaine. Institutions, coutumiers, constitutions (XIe-XVe siècle). Edition et étude.

Ciliberti, Riccardo 20 December 2017 (has links)
Dans ma thèse j’étude la normativité monastique et les aspects institutionnels de l’Ordre de Vallombrosa entre le XIème et le XVème siècle. L’étude a apporté de nouveaux résultats et il est divisé en trois parties :Dans la première j’introduis le lecteur aux sources et à l’historiographie sur le sujet.Dans la deuxième je déroule le thème de la normativité. Pour les origines j’approfondis le lien entre les sources hagiographiques, le mouvement réformateur de Florence, les premiers moines et l’institutionnalisation en congregatio de Vallombrosa. Je discute d’une façon systématique et textuelle le problème de la datation des coutumiers, des rédactions des constitutions et la diffusion et l’usage des constitutions et des statuts.Dans la troisième j’étude les institutions de l’Ordre singulièrement avec l’aide des sources normatives et du contexte historique, en vérifiant leurs changements ou cours des siècles. Les chapitres sont dédiés aux principales institutions de l’Ordre, c’est-à-dire l’abbé général, le chapitre général et les visiteurs.Enfin la thèse est dotée d’importantes annexes où on peut trouver : l’édition critique des constitutions à partir du 1323 jusqu’au 1455, des tables de concordances des normes du XIème siècle jusqu’à l’an 1310, et celles de statuts de Vallombrosa (1323-1455). / In my thesis, I study the monastic normativity and the institutional aspects of the Vallombrosa Order between the 11th and the 15th centuries. The study has brought new results and it is divided into three parts:In the first part I introduce the reader to sources and to historiography on the subject.In the second I develop the theme of normativity. For the origins, I explain the connections with the hagiographic sources, the reforming movement in Florence, the first monks and the institutionalization in congregatio of Vallombrosa. I discuss in a systematic and textual way the dating’s problem of the customary, the writing of the constitutions and the diffusion and the use of the constitutions and statutes.In the third I study the institutions of the Order with the help of normative sources and the historical context, by checking their changes through the centuries. The chapters are devoted to the main institutions of the Order, that is the Abbot General, the General Chapter and the Visitors.Finally, the thesis is completed with important appendices where one can find: the critical edition of the constitutions from 1323 to 1455, the tables of the concordances of the norms from the 11th century until 1310, and those of Statutes of Vallombrosa (1323-1455).

Une nouvelle édition critique du troubadour Guilhem Figueira / Una nuova edizione critica del trovatore Guilhem Figueira / A new critical edition of the troubadour Guilhem Figueira

Cantalupi, Cecilia 01 July 2017 (has links)
La thèse propose une nouvelle édition critique du corpus lyrique du troubadour Guilhem Figueira (BdT 217), originaire de Toulouse mais actif principalement en Italie du Nord dans la première moitié du XIIIe siècle. Poète représentatif du climat historique et culturel toulousain à l’époque de la croisade contre les Albigeois, protagoniste de la diaspora de poètes et intellectuels et membre d’un cercle idéal de troubadours frédériciens, Figueira nous a laissé une chanson d’amour, deux sirventes contre la papauté de Rome et les faux clergés, deux sirventes pour Frédéric II et deux chansons de croisade. Il échangea aussi deux coblas et une tenson avec Aimeric de Peguilhan (BdT 10). Par rapport à l’édition de référence (Emil Levy, 1880) on a inclus une cobla esparsa anonyme contre Sordel (BdT 437) conservé dans le chansonnier P ; par contre, on a décidé de ne pas accueillir les deux pièces qui lui sont attribuées par le chansonnier a2. On a fourni une étude de la tradition manuscrite, qui compte aujourd’hui cinq nouveaux témoins, avec une mise à jour de la bibliographie ; une étude des thèmes, de la métrique et de la langue de Figueira, une traduction des pièces en italien et un commentaire ponctuel des textes ; un glossaire complet et deux annexes (l’édition du sirventes BdT 217.4a qu’on n’a pas jugé authentique mais qui sert pour l’interprétation d’une autre poésie et les premiers résultats d’une recherche sur Emil Levy éditeur de troubadours, avec l’édition de neuf lettres qu’il envoya à Ernesto Monaci entre 1879 et 1887 et que nous avons trouvé à Rome). / The thesis proposes a new critical edition of the lyric production by Guilhem Figueira (BdT 217), who was born in Toulouse and active during the first half of the XIIIth century, mainly in Northern Italy. Figueira’s corpus is representative of the historical and cultural climate in Toulouse during the Albigensian crusade; he was himself a protagonist of the diaspora of poets and intellectuals and a member of an ideal circle of Friderician troubadours. He left a love song, two sirventes against the papacy and the false clergy, two sirventes for Frederic II and two crusade songs. He also exchanged two coblas and one tenson with Aimeric de Peguilhan (BdT 10). In comparison with the critical edition by Emil Levy (1880), we have included an anonymous cobla esparsa against Sordel (BdT 437), preserved by the chansonnier P; on the other hand, we have decided not to accept two other poems assigned to him by a2. The thesis opens with a study of the tradition, which today includes five new witnesses, with an update of the bibliography; we have provided a study of themes, metric and language of Figueira, an Italian translation and a punctual commentary of the poems; a complete glossary and two appendices (the edition of sirventes BdT 217.4a, which we considered inauthentic but helpful to the correct interpretation of another poem; and the first results of a research on Emil Levy editor of troubadours, with the edition of nine letters he sent to Ernesto Monaci between 1879 and 1887 that we have found in Rome).

A Ópera de Demofoonte em Trácia: tradução e adaptação de Demofoonte, de Metastásio, atribuídas a Cláudio Manuel da Costa, Glauceste Satúrnio / Demofonte\'s opera: translation and adaptation of Demofonte, by Metastasio, attributed the Claúdio Manuel da Costa, Glauceste Satúrnio

Esteves, Suely Maria Perucci 05 October 2007 (has links)
Esta dissertação apresenta a tradução do libreto da Ópera de Demofoonte em Tracia, de autoria do abade italiano Pietro Metastasio, feita supostamente por Cláudio Manuel da Costa. O trabalho faz as transcrições paleográfica e crítica do apógrafo existente no Arquivo de Música da Arquidiocese de Mariana. Na transcrição paleográfica, apresentamos o texto com fidelidade, para que o leitor possa ter conhecimento de como foi escrito e das interferências feitas a partir do original italiano. Na transcrição crítica, fizemos algumas correções, na tentativa de estabelecimento do texto definitivo. Para contextualização, destacamos algumas referências sobre as peças apresentadas em Portugal que, por sua vez, tiveram como modelos obras espanholas, italianas e francesas. Como imitação do que ocorria na Metrópole, esses modelos foram adotados em Vila Rica, capital da Capitania das Minas Gerais, que viveu o apogeu do descobrimento e da exploração aurífera até a 1ª metade do século XVIII, tornando-se centro de poder político, econômico e intelectual. As representações teatrais eram apreciadas pelos letrados, nos seus espaços de convivência, e também pelos demais habitantes, nos espaços públicos, quando se promoviam festas das quais pudessem participar. / The essay publishes the translation supposedly made by Claúdio Manuel da Costa, the Luso- Brazilian poet (1729 - 1789), of Demofonte\'s opera libretto composed by the Italian poet Pietro Metastasio (1698-1782). It makes the paleographic and critic transcriptions of the existent apograph in Mariana Archdiocese\'s music archives. In the paleographic transcription, the text is exactly reproduced, in order to show to the reader the way it was written and the translator\'s interferences in the Italian original text. In the critic transcription, some corrections were made, in an attempt of establishing a definitive version. The essay makes some references about theatre and plays in 18th century Portugal, which, by their turn, had Spanish, Italian and French works as models. As an emulation of what was being played in Portugal, the theatric models were adopted in Vila Rica, the Minas Gerais captaincy capital, that lived the apogee of the gold exploitation until the first half of the 18th Century, becoming the center of political, economic and intellectual colonial power. Theatric representations were enjoyed by the literate people, in their acquaintanceship spaces, and also by other inhabitants in public spaces, when public parties and events were promoted.

Diccionario das antiguidades de Portugal: história e edição crítica de um manuscrito (séculos XVIII e XIX) / Diccionario das Antiguidades de Portugal: history and critical edition of a manuscript (XVIII and XIX centuries)

Daniel Carvalho de Paula 14 December 2015 (has links)
Nosso trabalho consiste em produzir uma edição crítica e investigar a história, modo de composição e transmissão da obra inédita Diccionario das Antiguidades de Portugal. Inicialmente, este trabalho se dedicou a uma cópia manuscrita do século XIX, depositada no Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro. A análise das referências bibliográficas de cada verbete e sistema de escrita nos convenceu de que a obra original teria sido composta no século XVIII. O estudo desta cópia levou-nos a encontrar o manuscrito original localizado na Academia das Ciências de Lisboa, sob a autoria de Pedro José da Fonseca (1737-1816), professor do Colégio dos Nobres, membro fundador e diretor da tipografia da Academia, fundada em 1779. Manoel José Maria da Costa e Sá, Oficial Maior da Secretaria dos Negócios da Marinha e Ultramar, é quem entendemos ser o autor da cópia manuscrita do IHGB, sua trajetória é muito desconhecida e pudemos aclará-la. Também tratamos da participação nessa história do Conselheiro Antônio Menezes Vasconcellos de Drummond, que trouxe para o IHGB a cópia feita pelo amigo Costa e Sá. Uma rede transatlântica envolvendo homens de letras em Portugal e no Brasil se torna clara através deste estudo, mostrando que o Diccionario das Antiguidades de Portugal é uma sólida janela através da qual podemos muito bem mirar a história da Cultura Escrita nos séculos XVIII e XIX. / Our work consists in the production of a critical edition and the investigation of the history, composition, and transmission of the unpublished Diccionario das Antiguidades de Portugal (Dictionary of Antiquities of Portugal). Initially, our work was focused on a single manuscript, a copy from the 19th century, deposited in the Brazilian Historical and Geographical Institute (IHGB). The analysis of the bibliographic references pertaining to each entry of the dictionary and the writing system convinced us that the original work was written in the 18th century. The study of this copy led us to find the original manuscript located in the Lisbon Academy of Sciences, under the authorship of Pedro José da Fonseca (1737-1816), who was professor at the College of Nobles, founding member and director of typography in the Academy, founded in 1779. Manoel José Maria da Costa e Sá, Higher Official at the Secretary for the Navy and Overseas Affairs, is the man who we understand to be the author of the manuscript copy belonging to the IHGB; his trajectory is quite unclear and we were able to shed some light upon it. We have also approached the participation in the story of Counselor Antônio Menezes Vasconcellos de Drummond; he brought to the IHGB the copy made by his friend Costa e Sá. A transatlantic network involving Portuguese and Brazilian men of letters becomes clear through this study, rendering it patent that the Diccionario das Antiguidades de Portugal is a steadfast window throughout which we can very well gaze upon the history of Literate Culture in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Edição crítica da sonata para violão de Guerra-Peixe a partir das fontes primárias

NUNES, Emanuel de Carvalho 31 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T16:25:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao part 1 Emanuel de Carvalho Nunes.pdf: 5446387 bytes, checksum: 0df27b882bfda618706dad076891be12 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-31 / This research investigates the Sonata for Guitar by the Brazilian composer Cesar Guerra- Peixe; it aims a critical edition, as the result of a comparison among the primary sources. The work presents an introduction in which the reasons that led us to the research are shown, followed by general aspects from the guitar works by Guerra-Peixe, in search for analogous compositional characteristics. Then, the elements that set the theoretical bases for this work are presented, in which point we discuss the directions of our questions related to musical edition, analytical parameters, as well as the interpretation of the sonata. In the next chapter, the differences between the printed sources and the manuscripts are pointed, where the reasons for those choices are discussed and the results for achieving our critical edition are delimited. Finally, some technical-interpretative possibilities for the sonata are presented, targeting the increase of information related to the performance. / O presente trabalho tem por objetivo a realização de uma edição crítica da sonata para violão de César Guerra-Peixe, a partir da comparação entre as fontes primárias. O trabalho consta de uma introdução onde serão apresentados os motivos que nos levaram à pesquisa, seguida de aspectos gerais da obra para violão de Guerra Peixe buscando traços composicionais análogos. São apresentados a seguir os elementos para a fundamentação teórica de nosso trabalho, onde discutimos sobre direcionamentos às nossas indagações referentes à edição musical, à parâmetros analíticos, bem como às questões interpretativas da sonata. No capítulo seguinte são apontadas as diferenças entre as fontes impressas e os manuscritos, discutindo-se as prováveis razões dessas escolhas e delimitando os resultados para chegar à nossa edição crítica. Apresentamos então algumas possibilidades técnico-interpretativas na sonata visando ampliar as informações referentes à performance.

Suíte para Violão de Ernst Mahle: uma edição crítica e de performace

Rahmeier, Pieter 31 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2014-09-15T20:41:09Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Pieter Rahmeier.pdf: 12711400 bytes, checksum: a3b6201c9b1893bc5d066c80b62aa70a (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Jaqueline Silva (jtas29@gmail.com) on 2014-09-15T20:41:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Pieter Rahmeier.pdf: 12711400 bytes, checksum: a3b6201c9b1893bc5d066c80b62aa70a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-09-15T20:41:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Pieter Rahmeier.pdf: 12711400 bytes, checksum: a3b6201c9b1893bc5d066c80b62aa70a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-05-23 / Ernst Mahle (1929) is a german composer naturalized brazilian who has in his catalogue over 200 pieces written for all orchestra instruments. For guitar he wrote solo pieces, chamber music and concerts. This work has the purpose to develop a critical and a performance edition of the Suite (1975) for guitar solo, by Ernst Mahle, taking as a source of research the digitalized version of the Suite made by the composer himself and the manuscript of the piece. In the following research was made a stylistic technical and idiomatic analysis of his mainly works for the guitar, as well as an interview with the composer about the Suite and his works for the instrument. Furthermore, it was achieved a succinct biography of the composer due the scanty material about him. The construction of a Critical and Performance Edition of the Suite was the result of questions made about the interpretation of the piece, the rigorous comparison between the sources and the talk with the composer (interview), all of that aiming at to provide a comprehensive approach of this piece for the guitarists who wish to play it. / Ernst Mahle (1929) é um compositor alemão naturalizado brasileiro que tem em seu catálogo mais de 200 obras escritas para todos os instrumentos da orquestra sinfônica. Para violão escreveu peças solo, música de câmara e concertos. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi desenvolver uma edição crítica e de performance da Suíte (1975) para Violão Solo de Ernst Mahle, tomando como fonte de pesquisa a versão digitalizada da Suíte, feita pelo próprio compositor, e o manuscrito da obra. Na pesquisa em questão foi realizada uma análise estilística, técnica e idiomática de suas principais obras para violão, bem como uma entrevista com o compositor sobre a Suíte e suas obras para o instrumento. Além disso, foi levantado uma breve biografia do compositor pelo fato de haver escasso material que trate do assunto. A construção de uma Edição Crítica e de Performance da Suíte foi o resultado das questões levantadas acerca da interpretação da peça, da comparação minuciosa entre as fontes e da discussão com o compositor (entrevista), isso tudo visando fornecer uma abordagem compreensiva da obra aos violonistas que desejarem executá-la.

Machado de Assis: uma edição crítica de \"O Alienista\" com ensaio introdutório: \"O Alienista, ou do Objeto Inapreensível\" / Machado de Assis: a critical edition of \"O Alienista\" with an introductory essay: \"O Alienista, ou do Objeto Inapreensível\"

Sandra Mára da Silva Franca 19 August 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo principal a edição crítica do conto O Alienista, de Machado de Assis. A pesquisa consiste na comparação entre o texto publicado na revista A Estação, de outubro de 1881 a março de 1882, e o que foi publicado no livro Papéis Avulsos, em novembro de 1882. A partir disso, são consignadas alterações realizadas pelo autor da passagem do texto em formato de folhetim para o formato de livro. A seguir, essas passagens são comentadas. Num segundo momento, por meio do exame do estilo do conto e da idiossincrasia de seu narrador, mas sobretudo por meio do exame da ideia de ciência que se delineia nele, a pesquisa procura mostrar que: 1) o conto se enquadra na categoria das obras que problematizam a relação entre o fato real e o fato imaginado, como a definiu Antônio Candido em seu ensaio Esquema de Machado de Assis; 2) que a concepção de ciência à época, da qual Bacamarte é a encarnação, e em particular da observação e da enunciação científicas com pretensões de objetividade são alvos da crítica machadiana por meio de estratégias verbais do narrador que transmitem a ideia de uma realidade elusiva, ou, como o chamou Anatol Rosenfeld, de um mundo não explicado, um efeito estético que a meu ver constitui a tônica de obras como Missa do Galo ou Dom Casmurro, por exemplo; 3) que o foco narrativo de O Alienista e seu estilo, caracterizado por ambiguidades e por uma contínua afirmação e negação de dados, materializa o movimento contínuo, sempre mais além, da observação de Bacamarte, ou a evolução de suas próprias teorias sobre loucura e normalidade, o que faz da ideia de observação o motivo condutor da obra e desta um conto, não uma novela; 4) que, curiosamente, a obra apresenta nexos conceituais com as chamadas ciências relativistas da virado do século XIX, dentre elas, em especial, a Filosofia do Como Se, desenvolvida pelo pensador alemão Hans Vaihinger, independentemente de Machado ter tido ou não contato com essas ciências; e 5) que por isso o conto pode ser considerado pioneiro de uma grande quantidade de obras que lhe sucederiam, caracterizando-se por ter a ciência como tema central. / The main objective of this study is a textual criticism of the short story O Alienista [The Psychiatrist], by Machado de Assis. The analysis consists of a comparison between the text published in the magazine A Estação between October 1881 and March 1882, and the one published in the book Papéis Avulsos, in November 1882. Accordingly, alterations made by the author as he transferred the text from pamphlet to book form are recorded and the passages involved are subsequently commented. Subsequently, by examining the style of the story and the idiosyncrasies of its narrator and, above all, the concept of science as it is outlined, the analysis attempts to show that 1) the story fits into the category of works that illustrate the relationship between real facts and imagined facts, as defined by Antônio Candido in his essay Esquema de Machado de Assis; 2) that the concept of science at the time, of which Bacamarte is the incarnation, and especially scientific observation and enunciation with objective pretensions, are targets of criticism by Machado de Assis through verbal strategies employed by the narrator, which transmit the idea of an elusive reality, or, as Anatol Rosenfeld called it, an unexplained world, an aesthetic effect that in my opinion constitutes the crux of some of Assiss later works, such as Missa do Galo or Dom Casmurro; 3) that the narrative focus of O Alienista is its style, characterized by ambiguities and by a continual affirmation and denial of facts, materializing the continuous movement, always beyond the observation of Bacamarte, or the evolution of his own theories about madness and normality that makes the concept of observation the conducting motive of the work, and which makes this a short story rather than a novella; 4) that, curiously, the work presents conceptual nexuses with the so-called relativist sciences at the turn of the 19th Century, among them, especially, The Philosophy of As if, developed by the German thinker Hans Vaihinger, regardless of whether Machado de Assis had had contact with these sciences or not; and 5) for this reason the short story can be considered the pioneer of a huge body of work that followed it, characterized by having science as its central theme.

L'édition critique de la première partie de Jourdain de Blaves : enjeux linguistique d'une mise en prose / A critical edition of the first part of Jourdain de Blaves : diachronic study of language and analysis of the derhyming process

Dourdy, Laura-Maï 11 December 2017 (has links)
La tradition textuelle pluriséculaire de Jourdain de Blaye/Blaves est assez dense. À partir d’une étude de cette tradition, notre thèse présente une édition de la première partie de Jourdain de Blaves, l’une des mises en prose anonymes de la chanson de geste en alexandrins Jourdain de Blaye. L’édition s’accompagne d’un apparat critique de notes et de variantes ainsi que d’un glossaire. Ainsi, ce travail explore la tradition de Jourdain de Blaye/Blaves, qui s’inaugure avec une chanson de geste en décasyllabes composée au début du XIIIe siècle. La chanson a d’abord été remaniée et augmentée une première fois au début du XVe siècle dans une version en alexandrins. Elle a ensuite été mise en prose à deux reprises au même siècle. L’une des versions en prose est contenue dans un manuscrit unique (le ms. Aberyswyth, NLW, 5022D) et l’autre nous est parvenue à travers cinq éditions parisiennes du XVIe siècle. Au vu de l’examen préalable de cette tradition textuelle, le choix de l’editio princeps de Michel Le Noir (1520) est apparu le plus fécond pour l’établissement d’une édition critique. L’imprimé se situe en effet à l’interface entre la chanson en alexandrins, dont il est le plus proche d’un point de vue textuel, et les autres éditions du XVIe siècle qui ont toutes été réalisées à partir de l’imprimé de Michel Le Noir. Notre travail offre une première comparaison de la chanson en alexandrins et du texte de l’édition de Michel Le Noir qui donne lieu à une réflexion sur le rapport entre vers et prose. Un second corpus constitué des cinq éditions du XVIe siècle constitue non seulement un accès privilégié aux stratégies éditoriales des imprimeurs de l’époque mais aussi un observatoire idéal des changements linguistiques. Outre ces deux analyses contrastives, nous cherchons à révéler l’intérêt linguistique du texte de l’édition Le Noir. L’étude de la langue met notamment en lumière une syntaxe étonnante et une représentation complexe de l’oral. Ce travail d’analyse et de comparaison du texte de l’editio princeps permet d’enrichir les réflexions philologiques, linguistiques et littéraires développées tout au long de la thèse. / The tradition of Jourdain de Blaye/Blaves is quite dense. After a study of this tradition, this thesis presents a critical edition of the first part of Jourdain de Blaves, one of the anonymous prose texts derhymed from the chanson de geste written in alexandrines, Jourdain de Blaye. This thesis also provides notes, variants and a glossary with the edited text. This study explores the textual tradition of Jourdain de Blaye/Blaves. The tradition starts with a chanson de geste written in decasyllables in the early thirteenth century. This text has been rewritten and amplified in alexandrines at the beginning of the fifteenth century. Then, in the same century, it was translated into two unrhymed texts. The first one is contained in the unique manuscript from the National Library of Wales (ms. Aberyswyth, NLW, 5022D). The second one was transmitted in five printed editions published in Paris in the sixteenth century. The study of the tradition led us to choose the editio princeps of Michel Le Noir (1520). This imprint has a strategic place in the textual tradition; it is very close to the version written in alexandrines and all the sixteenth century editions were made from the one of Michel Le Noir. Through an initial contrastive analysis, this thesis compares the mise en prose to the clearly identifiable versified source and offers considerations on the interplay between verse and prose. Then, a second comparison between the five printed editions originating from the sixteenth century allows this thesis to give an insight into the work of printer-editors and their editorial strategies. Moreover, the study serves to demonstrate that micro-corpora of re-editions are notably useful in the study of language change.Complementing the aforementioned studies, this work emphasizes the linguistic richness of the edited text of Michel Le Noir’s imprint. The most noteworthy features are to be found in the study of syntax as well as in the one of represented oral speech. The accumulated analyses aim to enrich the philological, linguistic and literary reflections developed in this thesis.

Le Livre des fais d'armes et de chevalerie de Christine de Pizan. Édition critique / The Livre des fais d'armes et de chevalerie by Christine de Pizan. Critical edition

Dugaz, Lucien 17 June 2019 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat a pour principal objet l'édition critique complète du dernier texte inédit de Christine de Pizan, son Livre des fais d'armes et de chevalerie, écrit en 1410 lors des prémices de la guerre civile entre Armagnacs et Bourguignons, trois ans après l'assassinat de Louis d'Orléans par Jean sans Peur et cinq ans avant la bataille d'Azincourt.Chef-d’œuvre oublié de Pizan, ce texte fut destiné à l'éducation des hommes d'armes en général et du dauphin Louis de Guyenne en particulier. Réécriture autant que compilation, les Fais d'armes ont été dès leur publication une référence sur « la chose de chevalerie », sollicitant Végèce, Valère Maxime, Frontin, L'Arbre des batailles d'Honorat Bovet ainsi que des sources orales demeurées anonymes. Leur édition permet de combler une lacune importante dans notre connaissance de la production christinienne de miroirs aux princes, et devrait être utile aux médiévistes comme aux juristes et polémologues.Cette édition, qui se veut génétique, s'appuie sur la première étude exhaustive de la tradition textuelle entière (25 témoins, manuscrits et imprimés) qui a mis au jour plusieurs versions d'auteure, découverte qui vient s'ajouter à l'exploration des versions remaniées d'un point de vue politique, ce qui avait déjà été remarqué par la critique. En outre, l'établissement d'un stemma codicum permet de préciser les liens entre deux familles de manuscrits, ceux qui respectent l'auctorialité de Christine de Pizan (famille A) et ceux qui oblitèrent son nom et sa féminité (famille B).En plus de donner à lire le texte en moyen français, assorti d'un appareil de notesphilologiques, linguistiques et historiques, l'édition permet, grâce à un apparat critique génétique, d'ouvrir la voie à des études stylistiques et linguistiques sur l'auteure à sa table de travail, modifiant son texte à deux reprises. La recherche des sources du traité permettra également de mieux connaître les techniques de Christine de Pizan en compilatrice. Nous proposons une édition des extraits de Valère Maxime et Frontin traduits par Simon de Hesdin pour y inciter nos lecteur·rice·s.Le texte s'accompagne d'une description codicologique des 25 témoins, d'unglossaire, d'éléments de contexte historique et littéraire, et enfin d'une étude linguistique qui verse une nouvelle pièce au dossier débattu de la possible autographie d'un manuscrit des Fais d'armes. / The principle study of this doctoral thesis is the critical edition of the last unedited text of Christine de Pizan, the Livre des fais d’armes et de chevalerie. It was composed in 1410, at the outbreak of the first civil war posing Bourguignons against Armagnacs, three years after the assassination of Louis d’Orléans on the orders of Jean the Fearless and five years preceding the Battle of Azincourt. This forgotten masterpiece of Pizan was destined generally to educate young men of arms, and particularly for the instruction of the Dauphin, Louis de Guyenne. The Fais d’armes, a re-writing as much as it is a compilation, was upon its publication a reference work on chivalry, soliciting the authority of Vegetius, Valerius Maximus, Frontinus, L’Arbre des batailles by Honorat Bovet, as well as other oral sources that remain anonymous. This critical edition will allow us to fill significant gaps in the christinienne production of the specula principum and will be equally useful to medievalists as much to jurists and to specialists of military history.This edition, which goes back to the origins of the text, leans on the first exhaustive study of the entire textual tradition (25 text sources, in printed and manuscript forms) that identifies several different versions by the author. This discovery adds a new dimension to the study of this text when considered alongside versions that were re-worked for political purposes. What’s more, the establishment of a stemma codicum allows us to define the relationship between two manuscript families : Family A, which respects Christine de Pizan’s auctorialité ; and Family B, which obliterates her name and femininity.Furthermore, the edition of the text in Middle French, accompanied by philological,linguistic and historical notes and commentaries, allows for future stylistique andlinguistic studies on the author-at-work, changing her text on two occasions. Research on her sources also reveal Christine de Pizan’s techniques as “compilator”. This study also proposes an edition of quotes from Valerius Maximus and Frontinus as translated by Simon de Hesdin to inspire further reading.The edition includes a codicological description of the 25 manuscripts and printed copies, elements describing historical and literary context, and, finally, a linguistic study that adds another voice to the debate surrounding a manuscript containing the Fais d'armes and the question of its potentially “autographic” nature.

Aided Derbforgaill "The violent death of Derbforgaill" : A critical edition with introduction, translation and textual notes

Ingridsdotter, Kicki January 2009 (has links)
This dissertation contains a critical edition of the early Irish tale Aided Derbforgaill “the violent death of Derbforgaill”. It includes an introduction discussing the main thematic components of the tale as well as intertextuality, transmission and manuscript relationship. The edition is accompanied by transcripts from the three manuscript copies of the tale and textual notes. Aided Derbforgaill is an Ulster Cycle tale and belongs to a category of tales describing the death of prominent heroes, rarely heroines, in early Irish literature. Arriving in the shape of a bird to mate with the greatest of all heroes, Cú Chulainn, Derbforgaill is refused by Cú Chulainn on account of him having sucked her blood. Forced to enter a urination competition between women, and upon winning this, Derbforgaill is mutilated by the other competitors. The tale ends with two poems lamenting the death of Derbforgaill. This very short tale is complex, not only in its subject matter, but in the elliptical language of the poetry. Thematically the tale is a combination of very common motifs found elsewhere in early Irish literature, such as the Otherworld, metamorphosis and the love of someone unseen, and some rare motifs that are almost unique to this tale, such as blood sucking and the urination competition. The text also have clear sexual overtones.

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