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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Writing Ourselves Into Existence: A Spoken Word Artist’s Autoethnography of a Liberatory Hip-Hop Pedagogy

Gasper, Kahlil Almustafa 01 January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
While there is growing research about the positive impact of teaching artists (TAs), these professional arts educators are an underused resource. As a TA, I have more than a decade of experience implementing spoken word and hip-hop as a pedagogical approach in urban public school classrooms. By conducting this autoethnographic study, I sought to explore insights from these 10 years of lived experience for understanding and documenting the critical principles of my practice as a TA. This autoethnography of my life as a TA tells stories from urban public school classrooms during my formative years as an educator. The research explored the impact my artistic practices have had on developing my pedagogical approach, including the emotional and financial challenges inherent to working on the margins. By interpreting and analyzing ethnographic material from five residencies, this research resulted in complex narrative accounts, which provide insights for the field of arts education, with a specific focus on TAs. Moreover, this study offers a visionary context for a liberatory educational praxis of spoken word and hip-hop in classrooms and communities.

Disability and Power: A Charter School Case Study Investigating Grade-Level Retention of Students with Learning Disabilities

Perez, Esther Lorraine 18 March 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Students attending charter schools, including those with learning disabilities, are subject to policies set by individual charter management organizations. One practice used within some charter schools is grade-level retention, or having students repeat a grade level. Literature overwhelmingly indicates that retention is associated with negative outcomes, yet the practice continues to be used. One particular charter school that uses a strict retention policy and retains students with learning disabilities was studied to understand how the process unfolds. Using the conceptual frameworks of critical disability theory and critical pedagogy, the study draws inferences regarding how this phenomenon blends with ableism and power imbalances. Six teachers (four general education and two special education teachers) participated in interviews for this qualitative case study. Through triangulation of findings from individual and group interviews, trends were identified. A major finding showed that although retention is conceptualized as beneficial for the school to threat unmotivated students, for students with learning disabilities, retention is still regarded as highly ineffective and harmful. Decision making factors used with students with disabilities include particular individual characteristics, such as abilities and parental support. Discussion into participants’ perception of students with disabilities as inferior, and how retention as punishment asserts the school’s power, follows a review of concepts, effectiveness, and decision-making factors related to retention. Implications for educators to improve inclusive and fair school policies, in addition to rethinking traditional methods of analyzing school practices are discussed. Further research in various educational initiatives and areas of study are summarized.

Writing for Transformation: Teen Girls of Color and Critical Literacy in a Creative Writing Program

Alber, Rebecca 01 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
This qualitative study explored the experiences and insights of four alumnae from a girls’ after-school writing program and the program’s transformative impact on development of their literacy, their voice, and their confidence. The writing program, InkGirls (a pseudonym), was for girls of color ages 13 to 18 who lived in metropolitan Los Angeles. Participants attended high-density public schools located in low-income neighborhoods. Curriculum and instructional practices in such public schools have been critiqued as substandard, rote, and lacking opportunities for critical thinking and student voice (Darder, 2015). Gender bias in the classroom, and the lack of representation of women of color in instructional materials also have been legitimate concerns in U.S. public schooling (Sadker, Sadker, & Zittleman, 2009). Using a theoretical framework of critical pedagogy (Freire, 2000) and critical feminist pedagogy (Weiler, 1988), this qualitative study investigated practices of critical literacy (Christensen, 2009) in the writing program that promoted development of literacy and voice and elevated the critical consciousness and social agency of the participants. The program’s elements of critical literacy included studying relatable texts, reading from critical perspectives, writing personal narratives, and completing social action projects in public readings for a live audience. The findings from the program’s curriculum and public readings, and the perceptions of the former participants pointed to critical literacy as an effective approach to literacy instruction and development of voice and agency.

Engaging the curriculum in visual communication design : a critical citizenship education perspective

Costandius, Elmarie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / Includes bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The importance of global and local change and transformation is emphasised through initiatives such as the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (2012) and the Earth Charter Initiatives (2011) for constructing a just, sustainable and peaceful global society. In South Africa, the need for transformation has been underlined by the South African Department of Education in the Education White Paper of 1997 (DOE 1997). At Stellenbosch University, the Pedagogy of Hope (US) project aims to find concrete ways to reflect on historical influences and current SA society. Tremendous progress has been made in transformation regarding legislative policies, but personal transformation within people is proving to be slow. As a response to these realities, a module called Critical Citizenship was introduced for first-­‐ to third-­‐year Visual Communication Design students at the Visual Arts Department at Stellenbosch University. The aim of this research project was to explore the perceptions and attitudes of students, learners and lecturers regarding personal transformation through teaching and learning in the Critical Citizenship module. As a framework for the study, I emphasised the importance of giving consideration to the emotional dimensions of learning (Illeris 2007), meaning considering the learning being (Barnett 2009) as a thinking, feeling and acting person (Jarvis 2006). The objectives of the study were to identify such emotional reactions to the Critical Citizenship module and to establish what the emotional reactions revealed about the immediate and broader context of the teaching and learning context in which students, learners and lecturers learn and teach. I followed an interpretative approach and a case study research design that aimed at exploring and providing an in-­‐depth investigation of the Critical Citizenship module was used. The themes that surfaced from reflections written by students and learners and from group interviews, comprised feeling unprepared for this type of project; feelings of guilt and shame; resistance to this type of project; asymmetry and assimilation, but also feelings of hope. Other responses, suggesting feelings of empathy, privilege, humility, re-­‐ evaluation of priorities and values, sameness and difference, feeling out of a comfort zone and reflecting on blackness and whiteness were also interweaved with the main themes. The results of the research included that taking into consideration the emotional aspects in critical citizenship education is important because we are thinking, feeling and acting beings, but moving beyond emotional reactions toward rational actions is crucial. Critical citizenship cannot be taught in isolation because the context in which it exists plays a vital role and an inclusive critical citizenship curriculum within community interactions for the wider society is suggested. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die belangrikheid van globale en plaaslike verandering en transformasie word beklemtoon deur inisiatiewe soos die Verenigde Nasies se Millennium-­‐ ontwikkelingsdoelwitte (2012) en die Aardemanifes Inisiatiewe (2011) vir die daarstelling van ‘n regverdige, onderhoubare en vreedsame globale gemeenskap. In Suid-­‐Afrika is die behoefte aan transformasie deur die Suid-­‐Afrikaanse Departement van Onderwys deur die Onderwys Witskrif van 1997 (DvO 1997) onderstreep. By die Stellenbosch Universiteit beoog die Pedagogie van Hoop (US) projek om konkrete maniere te verkry om historiese invloede en die huidige SA gemeenskap te oordink. Geweldige vooruitgang in transformasie is reeds ten opsigte van wetgewende beleid bewerkstellig, maar dit blyk dat persoonlike transformasie binne-­‐in mense traag gebeur. ‘n Module genaamd Kritiese Burgerskap is as reaksie tot hierdie realiteit by die Visuele Kunste Departement te Stellenbosch Universiteit ingestel vir eerste-­‐ tot derdejaarstudente in Visuele Kommunikasie Ontwerp. Die doel van die huidige navorsingsprojek was om die persepsies en houdings van studente, leerders en dosente ten opsigte van persoonlike transformasie deur die onderrig en leer van die Kritiese Burgerskap module te ondersoek. As ‘n raamwerk vir die studie het ek beklemtoon dat dit belangrik is om die emotiewe dimensies van leer (Illeris 2007) in ag te neem, wat inagname van die lerende wese (Barnett 2009) as ‘n denkende, voelende en handelende persoon (Jarvis 2006) behels. Die doelwitte van die studie was om emotiewe reaksies op die Kritiese Burgerskap module te identifiseer en vas te stel wat deur sulke emotiewe reaksies ontbloot word ten opsigte van die onmiddellike en breër konteks van die onderrig en leer konteks waarbinne die studente, leerders en dosente leer en onderrig gee. Ek het met ‘n interpretatiewe benadering en lens te werk gegaan en ’n gevallestudie navorsingsontwerp is gebruik. Temas wat na vore gekom het uit refleksies wat deur studente en leerders geskryf is en uit groep onderhoude het die volgende behels: ‘n gevoel van onvoorbereidheid vir dié soort projek; gevoelens van skuld en skaamte; weerstand teen hierdie soort projek; asimmetrie en assimilasie, maar ook gevoelens van hoop. Ander reaksies wat ook met die hooftemas deurvleg was, was verteenwoordigend van gevoelens van empatie, bevoorregting, nederigheid, herevaluering van prioriteite en waardes, eendersheid en verskil, die gevoel van buite die gemaksone te wees en nadenke oor swartheid en witheid. Die resultate van die navorsing het behels dat dit belangrik is om die emotiewe aspekte by die onderrig van kritiese burgerskap in ag te neem omdat ons denkende, voelende en handelende wesens is, maar dat dit van kritieke belang is om verby emosionele reaksies na rasionele handeling te beweeg. Kritiese burgerskap kan nie geïsoleerd onderrig word nie omdat die konteks waarbinne dit bestaan ‘n deurslaggewende rol speel; ‘n inklusiewe kritiese burgerskap kurrikulum binne gemeenskapsinteraksies word vir die breër gemeenskap voorgestel.

Technology and professional development towards critical teaching and learning : a narrative account

Waghid, Faiq 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis explores the use of educational technologies in grades 10 to 12 life sciences classrooms at a local high school. I argue that the application of educational technologies in science classrooms has the potential to engender critical teaching and learning, and to contribute to professional development. By reflecting on my own professional development as a science teacher over the past three years (2008-2010), I show that the use of educational technologies cultivates moments of critical pedagogy that link strongly with reflective teaching, critical thinking and transformative learning. Drawing on two intertwined narratives, I show how educational technologies can enhance reflective teaching whereby, firstly, teachers can take seriously theories and expertise in their practices; secondly, organise their classrooms so as to facilitate critical learning; and, thirdly, take up broader institutional and social issues. In addition, I show that the use of educational technologies opens up pedagogical spaces for critical thinking and transformative learning – that is, whereby learners learn creatively, actively, engagingly and reflecting on their own practices. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek die gebruik van onderwystegnologie in grade 10 tot 12 lewenswetenskapklaskamers by ʼn plaaslike hoërskool. Ek argumenteer dat die toepassing van onderwystegnologie in wetenskapklaskamers die potensiaal het om kritiese onderrig en leer teweeg te bring, en ʼn bydrae tot professionele ontwikkeling te maak. Deur te reflekteer op my eie professionele ontwikkeling as ʼn wetenskaponderwyser oor die afgelope drie jaar (2008-2010), dui ek aan hoedat die gebruik van onderwystegnologie krities pedagogiese oomblikke kultiveer wat sterk aanklank vind by reflektiewe onderrig, kritiese denke en transformatiewe leer. Met betrekking tot twee narratiewe dui ek aan hoedat onderwystegnologie reflektiewe onderrig kan bevorder deurdat, eerstens, onderwysers teorieë en kundighede in hulle gebruike ernstig opneem; tweedens, klaskamers organiseer om kritiese leer te fasiliteer; en derdens, breër institusionele en sosiale kwessies aanspreek. Daarenbowe dui ek aan hoedat onderwystegnologie ook pedagogiese ruimtes vir kritiese denke en transformatiewe leer bied – dit is, waarby leerders kreatief, aktief en betrokke is, en op hulle eie praktyke reflekteer.

Reconceptualising assessment practices in South African schools: making an argument for critical action

Swartz, Jennifer-Hellen 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEd (Education Policy Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / On the surface the National Assessment Policy is transformative in nature because it promotes notions of shaping educational practice that will enhance the interests of learners in a meaningful way. It promotes ideas of transparency and a partnership between learners and educators that presupposes that learners are fully involved at every stage of their learning in decisions that affect their progress. This creates the impression that teaching and learning take place in a democratic environment where constant consultation and consensus are the order of the day. The policy ultimately envisages a kind of learner who would have the ability to participate as a critical citizen in society. Looked at from a critical perspective, this criteria-referenced outcomes framework seems to be a contradiction to transformative policy and practice. The predetermined criteria outlined in the policy seem to negate its intention of creating a schooling system through which critical citizens can emerge. The focus of this thesis, therefore, is firstly to make a critical analysis of assessment in OBE and its stated transformation objectives and, secondly, to reconceptualise assessment practices in South African schools by making an argument for critical action. This analysis will explore the issue of power relations in the classroom and their impact on participatory, deliberative and democratic classroom interaction as a condition imperative for a transformative OBE curriculum. This issue is pertinent and central not only to the improvement and promotion of teaching and learning, but also because of the profound implications it has for how we view educational transformation in South Africa.

RFSU- Vill du? : En multimodal analys av RFSUs skolmaterial för att främja ömsesidig sexualitet / RFSU- Do you want to? : A multimodal analysis of the RFSU’s (the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education) school material to encourage mutual sexuality

Gustafsson, Ulrika January 2016 (has links)
RFSU- Do you want to? -A multimodal analysis of the RFSU’s (the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education) school material to encourage mutual sexuality The purpose of this study is to identify the semiotic resources, by using a multimodal analysis, that the RFSU uses to communicate the creation of relationships between participants to express their aim. Furthermore, to examine the basic thoughts that the RFSU has about standards due to gender should be eliminated, and how these become evident in the films. The starting point for the essay is questions about how the RFSU creates a relationship with the audience through the semiotic resources, as well as the manner in which it is possible to derive the RFSU’s basic thoughts about breaking the standards and working towards stereotypical gender roles. The material I examine consists of two short films belonging to a collection of school supplies under the name titled ”Vill du?” (Eng. ”Do you want to?”) that the RFSU has created for the education of secondary school students. The method is based on a sociosemiotic perspective where the material is analyzed by a composition analysis, an ideational analysis and an interpersonal analysis. The dialogues are analyzed based on the systemic functional grammar and the discussion of the results and how they are linked to the theory that there is a heteronormativity in today's society, which the RFSU wants to break through. The conclusion is that RFSU uses semiotic resources such as young participants, communication tools, such as: Skype, computers and phones, and other typical youth-related things. The most prominent result of the analysis that is actively breaking the standards against the heterosexual norm is that one film, ”Gorillan”, which works against the stereotypical gender roles, where it is the male who is subjected to sexual harassment; and the second film works against the norm of heterosexuality as it is about two gay guys.

Japanese International Graduate Students in U.S. Higher Education Classrooms: An Investigation of their Pedagogical and Epistemological Challenges and Supports

Yamashita, Miki 01 January 2009 (has links)
International students have long been an important part of the U.S. higher education community, but generally they have received inadequate attention in the classroom. Also, American teaching and learning strategies have not taken full advantage of international diversity. The purpose of this narrative study was to qualitatively understand the experiences of Japanese graduate students in U.S. higher education classrooms. The study highlights the challenges that Japanese graduate students faced due to cultural differences, pedagogical differences, and language problems and provides a number of suggestions for faculty, domestic students, and institutions to help create a more welcoming environment for Japanese graduate students.

La formation des enseignants du primaire à la Réunion : comment construire une éducation plurilingue? / The training of primary school teachers in Reunion Island : how to build a multilingual education ?

Prax-Dubois, Pascale 22 January 2018 (has links)
Nous interrogeons à La Réunion, dans une perspective écologique fondée sur la théorie du rhizome et la philosophie du réseau, la marge de négociation des politiques linguistiques par les enseignants. Pour cela, nous avons opté pour une enquête qualitative et privilégié l’approche ethnographique et l’analyse critique du discours de classe. Les résultats montrent que, parmi les trois hypothèses proposées, celle concernant l’impact des activités d’éveil aux langues sur la prise en compte des langues des élèves comme ressources pour toute la classe se trouve confirmée, dès lors qu’elle donne lieu au développement de stratégies de translanguaging à visée de transformation sociale plus qu’à des stratégies compensatoires engendrées par une vision « langue-problème ». L’étude conclut à la priorité d’axer la formation d’enseignants sur une initiation à la recherche ethnographique dans le cadre d’ateliers sociodidactiques ayant pour finalité le développement d’une conscience critique du langage. / We question – from an ecological perspective here based on rhizome theory and the philosophy of network – the extent to which teachers in Reunion Island negotiate language policies through their implementation of plurilingual education. On the methodological level, we opted for a qualitative survey and an ethnographic approach as well as a critical analysis of classroom discourse. The results show that, among the three hypotheses proposed, the one concerning the impact of language awareness activities upon the mobilization of school students’ languages as resources for the whole class is confirmed, provided that it gives rise to the development of translanguaging and social transformation strategies more than compensatory strategies generated by a language-problem-vision. The study concludes on the priority to focus teacher training on an introduction to ethnographic research in sociodidactic workshops which purpose would be the development of a critical awareness of language.

A interface entre educação especial e educação do campo em uma escola municipal do interior paulista: um estudo de caso / The interface between special education and rural education in a municipal school in the interior of São Paulo: a case study

Lozano, Daniele 15 March 2019 (has links)
A educação do campo e a educação especial são temas que nas últimas décadas estão continuamente sendo alvos de debates. Este fato mostra que apesar das discussões sobre estas áreas serem antigas, ainda é preciso um aprofundamento dos debates em busca da resolução dos problemas e desafios apresentados. Nota-se que ainda são poucas as pesquisas acerca da interface entre essas duas esferas, o que dificulta a ampliação das discussões. Entendemos que compreender tanto as políticas voltadas a essas populações, assim como a escolarização e o atendimento ofertado aos alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais (NEE) nas escolas do campo é importante para abarcar a realidade vivida por estes. Assim, visando contribuir para as pesquisas nestas duas linhas, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar o processo de inclusão e escolarização de alunos com deficiência e/ou necessidades educacionais especiais que estudam em uma escola municipal do campo de uma cidade do interior do Estado de São Paulo. Optamos pelo delineamento inicial de uma pesquisa exploratória e quantitativa, embasada nos microdados disponibilizados pelo Censo Escolar/MEC/INEP nos anos de 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015 e 2017. Posteriormente, em uma segunda etapa, foram realizadas duas entrevistas semiestruturadas: com uma pessoa da Secretaria Municipal de Educação da cidade e com a equipe gestora da escola do campo. Também foram realizadas observações na escola durante o período de quatro meses, e elaborado um diário de campo. O corpus de dados foi analisado em dois núcleos de significações: a) condições de inclusão; b) entendimento da inclusão na escola do campo, a partir de autores fundamentados em abordagens críticas e que entendem a escola como lócus privilegiado para a apropriação do conhecimento científico para todos os alunos, independente de suas necessidades específicas. Nos deparamos com poucos alunos para os quais são oferecidas efetivas práticas inclusivas, muitos incluídos de forma marginal e de gestores escolares que não sabem, como também não compreendem o que é a inclusão assim como os princípios da escola do campo. Esta tese busca assim contribuir na direção da construção de uma escola democrática com educação de qualidade para todos. / Field education and special education are themes that in recent decades are continually being the subject of debate. This fact shows that although the discussions on these areas are old, it is still necessary to deepen the debates in search of solving the problems and challenges presented. It is noteworthy that there is still little research on the interface between these two spheres, which makes it difficult to expand the discussions. We perceive that understanding the politic aimed at these populations, as well as the schooling and care offered to students with special educational needs in rural schools is important to encompass the reality lived by these. Thus, aiming to contribute to the research in these two lines, this project had as objective to analyze the process of inclusion and schooling of students with disabilities and / or special educational needs that study in a municipal school of the countryside of a city in the interior of the state of São Paulo. We opted for the initial delineation of an exploratory and quantitative research, based on the microdata provided by Censo Escolar/MEC/INEP in the years of 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015 e 2017. Subsequently, in a second stage, two semi-structured interviews were carried out: with a person from the Municipal Education Department of the city and with the management team of the rural school. Observations were also made at the school during the four-month period, and a field diary. The corpus of data was analyzed in two nuclei of meanings: a) conditions of inclusion; b) understanding of the inclusion in the school of the field, based on authors on critical approaches and who understand the school as a privileged locus for the appropriation of scientific knowledge for all students, regardless of their specific needs. We are faced with few students that are offered effective inclusive practices, many including marginally and school administrators who do not know, nor do they understand what inclusion is, as well as the principles of the rural school. This thesis therefore seeks to contribute towards the construction of a democratic school with quality education for all.

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