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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Du peuple à la cité : vie politique et institutions en Gaule chevelue depuis l'indépendance jusqu'à la fin des Julio-Claudiens / From peoples to cities : political life and institutions in Comatan Gaul from independance to the end of the Julio-Claudians

Arbabe, Emmanuel 12 March 2013 (has links)
La Gaule protohistorique est traditionnellement vue comme dénuée d'unité, déchirée par de continuelles guerres entre ses peuples. L'entité gauloise décrite par César serait une création de ce dernier en vue d'objectifs politiques bien romains. Néanmoins, les institutions des peuples gaulois sont vues comme un tout cohérent conforme au modèle éduen. L'étude renouvelée des sources. Du "Bellum Gallicum" en particulier, infirme ces vues héritées des siècles passés. La Gaule est en fait une réalité antérieure au descriptif romain, un espace politique cohérent doté de pratiques politiques communes : des assemblées à différents niveaux, dont une commune à la Gaule, la reconnaissance d'un peuple hégémonique, le recours à des coalitions générales dirigées par un chef de guerre. Ces pratiques bien établies à l’époque de César, fournirent en partie le socle du système administratif romain en Gaule. Ainsi l'entité gauloise fut pérennisée par le culte du Confluent qui ignore la tripartition provinciale et obéit en partie à des critères hérités de l'indépendance. Quant aux institutions des peuples, elles sont ici conçues comme autant d'entités indépendantes, révélant, par-delà des convergences, leur diversité. La conquête romaine n'entraîne pas d’immédiat bouleversement institutionnel et les guerres civiles retardent l'application d'une "forma provinciae". Rome s'appuie alors sur des hommes qu'elle maintient au pouvoir et ce n'est qu’en 16-13 av. J.-C. qu'Auguste réalise le découpage provincial et initie la mutation civique en Gaule ce qui pousse à plus d'homogénéité institutionnelle. Mais la diversité perdure, et le droit latin ne met pas fin non plus aux situations héritées du passé. / Protohostoric Gaul is traditionally seen as devoid of unity, torn apart by continuous wars between its peoples. The Gallic entity described by Caesar would be a creation of his own in view of Roman politics goals. Nonetheless, the institutions of Gallic peoples are seen as a coherent whole obeying to the Aeduan model. The renewed study of the sources, particularly the "Bellum Gallicum", invalidates these views inherited from passed centuries. ln fact, Gaul is a reality that precedes the Roman description. It is a coherent political space with common political practices: assemblies at different levels, among which one for Gaul, the recognition of a hegemonic people, the use of general coalitions headed by a war leader. These practices, well established already during Caesar's time, provided for a part of the basis of the Roman administrative system in Gaul. Thus the Gallic entity is perpetuated though the cult at the Confluent which ignored the provincial tripartition and partially obeyed criteria inherited from the independence. As for the peoples' institutions, they are here considered as many of independent entities therefore revealing their diversity in spite of their convergences. The Roman conquest did not entail an immediate institutional upheaval and civil wars delayed the establishment of a "forma provinciae". Rome then relies on men it maintained to power. It is only in 16-13 BC that Augustus completed the provincial cutting and triggered civic mutation in Gaul which leads to more institutional homogeneity. But diversity endured and the Latin right doesn't put an end to situations inherited from the past either.

Feminilidades e mídia na cultura contemporânea : culto ao corpo, consumo e sexualidade /

Prado, Juliana do. January 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Ana Lúcia de Castro / Banca: Maria Celeste de Mira / Banca: Dagoberto José Fonseca / Resumo: Esta pesquisa verifica como a representação da mulher veiculada na mídia pode nortear a construção da identidade feminina, explorando uma perspectiva analítica que aponte para as formas de apropriação das mensagens veiculadas, especificamente relacionadas ao culto ao corpo, consumo e sexualidade. Nesse sentido, a fim de apreender a ponte entre universo feminino e o que é veiculado na mídia propomos examinar cinco edições de duas revistas femininas que se constituem como guias de comportamento na cultura contemporânea por se tratarem de revistas consolidadas e de ampla circulação no mercado: Claudia e Nova, ambas da Editora Abril, e num movimento de mão dupla trouxemos os conteúdos dessas revistas para serem discutidos por mulheres de diferentes universos sócio-econômico-culturais. Tais universos foram constituídos através de um levantamento de informações relativas à marcadores de diferenças, como: renda familiar, escolaridade, faixa etária, raça, estado civil e ocupação profissional, bem como dados sobre hábitos e práticas cotidianas que permitem abranger o universo cultural que as mulheres estão inseridas, como leitura, tempo em que assistem TV e freqüência ao cinema. Exemplares das revistas foram levados para discussão das temáticas eixo de nosso trabalho e apreensão das correspondências de seus discursos com a realidade de cada entrevistada. Podemos perceber que em alguns casos, os discursos de autonomia individual, culto ao corpo e sexualidade, evocando aspectos de maior liberdade feminina, são de certa forma decodificados pelas mulheres entrevistadas. Entretanto, as revistas estudadas não as influenciam completamente prevalecendo aspectos de seus respectivos universos, bem como aspectos relacionados a certo conservadorismo na concepção do corpo, sexualidade e consumo / Abstract: This study assesses how women's representation conveyed in the media can guide the construction of female identity, exploring an analytical perspective that points to the ways of appropriation of messages transmitted, specifically related to the cult of the body, consumption and sexuality. Accordingly, in order to seize the bridge between the feminine and what is conveyed in the media I propose to examine five issues of two magazines for women who constitute themselves as guides to behavior in contemporary culture magazine for being consolidated and widely circulated on the market: Claudia and Nova, both of Editora Abril, and a two-way movement brought the contents of these journals to be discussed by women from different universes socio-economic-cultural. These universes were established through a survey of information on the markers of difference, such as family income, education, age, race, marital status and occupation, as well as data on the habits and daily practices that cover the cultural universe that women are included, such as reading, TV watching time and frequency to the movies. Copies of the magazines were brought to discussion of thematic axis of our work and seizure of correspondence of his speeches with the reality of each interviewee. We can see that in some cases, the speeches of individual autonomy, physical fitness and sexuality, evoking aspects of women's greater freedom, in some ways are decoded by the women interviewed. However, the journals studied were not completely influence the prevailing aspects of their respective universes, as well as aspects related to a certain conservatism in the design of the body, sexuality and consumption / Mestre

Hacia la comprensión del fenómeno Huari: una perspectiva norteña

Topic, John R., Topic, Theresa Lange 10 April 2018 (has links)
Understanding the Huari Phenomenon: A Northern PerspectiveThe lack of large scale storage in Huari sites contradicts the interpretation of Huari as an empire modeled on the Inca empire. We highlight the fact that at the end of Middle Horizon 1B, the Huari phenomenon was focused on an ancestor cult. In part, this cult was derived from northern antecedents, and we review data from Huamachuco that document the roots of the cult. Two architectural forms from Huamachuco, long narrow galleries that served as living space and niched halls that served as places in which to feast the ancestors, were the models for the orthogonal cellular architecture of Middle Horizon 1B at Huari. Although evidence does not support the interpretation of Huari as a state that expanded by the use of military force, Huari did play a critical role in the synthesis and diffusion of ideas that resulted a profound reorganization of the social landscape. / La ausencia de almacenaje de gran escala en sitios huari no apoya la interpretacion de Huari como imperio al modelo de los incas. Se señala también que el fenómeno Huari se enfocó en un culto a los ancestros a fines del Horizonte Medio 1B. En este trabajo se presentan datos que demuestran que este culto derivó parcialmente del norte del Perú y se revisan los datos de Huamachuco relativos a sus raíces histórico-sociales. Asimismo, dos formas arquitectónicas huamachuquinas, galerías largas y angostas para espacios domésticos y galpones nichados que servían como ambientes para fiestas en honor de los ancestros, fueron los modelos para la arquitectura ortogonal celular del Horizonte Medio 1B en Huari. Finalmente, y aunque la evidencia no apoya la interpretación de Huari como un estado que se expandió por fuerza militar, Huari jugó un rol crítico en la síntesis y difusión de ideas que resultaron en una profunda reorganización del paisaje social.

Transformace oběti v Písmu. Teologie oběti. / Transformation of Sacrifice in the Scripture. Theology of Sacrifice.

DVOŘÁK, Josef January 2016 (has links)
Diachronic comparison of three political and religious systems of three independent geographical areas (ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Syria Palestine) with the faith of ancient Israel shows certain aspects important for the kerygmatic theological message of Tanach as well as the New Testament. Significance of the king, priest, prophet, and religious ceremonies in the temple is derived from their specific understanding of the divine. However, their religious systems completely lack (with the exception of Israel) eschatology. The message about the transcendent/immanent God Lord (Jesus' Father) is impossible to reconstruct from the available sources through diachronic methodology. Furthermore it cannot be understood as a mere result of religious synchronic redefinition of the Scriptures. The New Testament transforms the Old Testament religious system to narrative kerygma about the sacrifice of both Father and Son. It speaks about the Risen Lord, who is able to reconcile God with his adherent. Such a message is unheard of (unexpected) in the Second Temple Judaism. Even the Church Fathers do not interpret Christ's conscious ebed-like sacrifice along the lines of the ritual forgiveness of the OT. Based on the scholarly analyses from the proponents of the so called Prague school, as well as those coming from theologians stressing the paradigm of biblical interpretation through the event of resurrection, this dissertation concluded in the subject matter of soteriological transformation of the sacrifice the following: Agnus Dei, with his crucifixion being a ritual slaughter, founds the new community through his own Pasch, which has also the futuristic (eschatological) aspect both in the NT and in the faith of the early Church. The meaning of this sacrifice will be actualized in 'drinking of the chalice' by the Lord Jesus with the resurrected Church in the coming new Creation. Thus, the Eucharist becomes a unique 'cultic' homage (Temple ceremony) through existential acceptance of the risen Lord. The same concept can be found at the heart of the Patristic thinking (inclusive paradigm of Christ's sacrifice, that is Christian obedience even unto death) . The Fathers understood the sacrifice as means of overcoming alienation from God by metamorphosis of one's life based on Christ's sacrifice not to God, but to people. Such a sacrifice is life-giving activity of the Lord God himself and is able to renew the life of God's people and make them heirs to the eternal life.

Le culte de Sainte Elisabeth en Slovaquie médiévale (XIIIe-XVIe siècles) : Textes, images, lieux / Elizabethan cult in Medieval Slovakia (c. 13th-16th) : Texts, Images, Places

Pacindova, Laura 12 October 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une étude sur l'histoire du culte élisabéthain et son évolution en Slovaquie médiévale entre le XIIIe et le XVIe siècle. Elle s'appuie sur un corpus de 61 représentations visuelles, croisé avec les textes hagiographiques, liturgiques et littéraires, et replacé dans son contexte historique et spatial.Le culte de sainte Élisabeth a été un des plus répandus à travers l'Europe du bas Moyen Âge. Porté par la nouvelle sainteté mendiante, l'exemple d'Élisabeth a trouvé un écho puissant dans son pays d'origine, la Hongrie, immédiatement après sa canonisation en 1235. Plusieurs facteurs contribuèrent à la diffusion de la vénération de cette figure féminine : les familles royales, à commencer par celle des Árpád jusqu'au roi Mathias Corvin ; les mendiants ; et, enfin, les colons allemands. Une première partie de la thèse délimite l'espace géographique du thème étudié et présente les sources iconographiques et hagiographiques élisabéthaines qui constituent la base à partir de laquelle se déploie les grandes caractéristiques du culte. Elle recense d'une part les documents d'ordre juridique et biographique sur sainte Élisabeth, puis place sa personne dans la pratique liturgique à partir des manuscrits conservés en Slovaquie. D'autre part, elle présente l'image de la sainte, qui apparait sur des supports variés, grâce à un corpus iconographique inédit.Dans la deuxième partie, Élisabeth est replacée dans les contextes historiques hongrois et slovaque pour définir les premières formes de l'établissement de son culte. L'étude de la topographie témoigne de l'abondance des lieux dédiés à la sainte dans les décennies suivant sa mort.La troisième partie expose les divers motifs et scènes iconographiques de sainte Élisabeth telles qu'elles ont été pratiquées en Slovaquie et les croisent avec les modèles d'autres pays d'Europe. Les images élisabéthaines, auxquelles les fidèles s'identifient aisément, sont soumises à l'analyse pour démontrer leur plasticité au sein de la société médiévale où différents groupes sociopolitiques peuvent se les approprier selon ses propres besoins spirituels. Cette analyse située à la croisée de deux disciplines : l'histoire et l'histoire de l'art, apporte un regard nouveau sur les variations du culte d'une sainte à travers un rassemblement inédit de ses représentations du XIIIe au XVIe siècle. / This thesis deals with the history of the Elizabethan cult and its evolution in Medieval Slovakia between the 13th and the 16th centuries. It is based on a corpus of 61 visual representations crosschecked against hagiographic, liturgical and literary texts and put in its historical and spatial context. The cult of Saint Elizabeth is one of the most widespread throughout Europe in the Late Middle Ages. Backed by the new begging holiness, the example of Elizabeth finds an echo in Hungary, her country of origin, immediately after her canonization in 1235, where many factors contribute to the spread of the reverence for this feminine figure: royal families, starting with that of the Árpáds and ending by King Matthias Corvinus; beggars; and finally German settlers. The first part of the thesis defines the geographical space of the topic under consideration and determines Elizabethan iconographic and hagiographic sources which constitute the base for the problem of cult. On the one hand, this part identifies legal and biographical documents on Saint Elizabeth and analyses liturgical practices in connection with this figure on the basis of the manuscripts conserved in Slovakia. On the other hand, it presents the image of the saint with the help of an original iconographic corpus. The second part focuses on Elizabeth in the Hungarian and Slovak historical contexts in order to define the earliest forms of the establishment of her cult. Informed by historical topography, it shows the abundance of places dedicated to the saint in the decades following her death. The third part sets out different motifs and iconographic scenes of Saint Elizabeth in Slovakia and discusses them in comparison with other models in Europe. The images of Saint Elizabeth, with which the faithful identify themselves easily, are analyzed to demonstrate their plasticity in the medieval society which appropriates them according to its own demands. This analysis, placed at the crossroads of two subjects: history and history of art, provides a new approach to cult variations of the saint through the original grouping of representations from the 13th till the 16th centuries.

Candomblé, práticas educativas e as relações de gênero no espaço social onde filhas e filhos de santo aprendem e ensinam por meio da oralidade / Candomblé, educational practices and gender relations: social space and filhas and filhos de santo’s learning via oral tradition

Ghelardi, Vania Galliciano 20 March 2015 (has links)
O foco do presente trabalho está nas ações educativas, práticas de convivência de Mães e Pais de Santo, frequentadores das Casas de Àse e nas relações de gênero. Os resultados foram obtidos por meio de visitas e entrevistas no período entre dezembro de 2013 a fevereiro de 2014, momento em que a pesquisadora conviveu por três semanas com membros da Casa de Àse, participou de rituais, assim como na preparação dos mesmos, incluindo o processo de iniciação de um Ìyáwó. Nessa experiência ocorreram diálogos formais e informais com os membros da casa. As observações geraram respostas inesperadas às questões propostas. A pesquisa investigou, por meio de relatos de Pais, Mães e filhos de Santo, instituições específicas da Religião Afro-brasileira. Analisaram-se os métodos, ensino da cultura, doutrina, relações de gênero e suas influências no processo de ser e fazer no contexto dessas Casas de Àse. Para tanto, devido ao caráter investigativo, buscou-se informações sobre o passado religioso dos entrevistados, seus ancestrais, origens, entre outros. / The present article focuses on the educational actions, and relationship practices on the part of “Mães e Pais de Santo”, who are frequenters of the Houses of Àse, and on gender relations. Results were obtained by means of visits and interviews carried out from December, 2013 to February, 2014. During this period, the researcher spent three weeks with the House of Àse’s members. She took part in rituals, as well as on their preparation, including the initiation process of Ìyáwó. Throughout this experience formal and informal dialogues were exchanged among the houses’ members. Observations yielded unexpected answers to the questions posed. The study investigated specific institutions of the AfroBrazilian religion through verbal reports from Pais, Mães and filhos de Santo. Methods, the teaching of culture, the doctrine and gender relations were analyzed, as well as their influence on the process of “being” and “doing” in the context of the Houses of Àse. Bearing that in mind, and given the investigative character of this study; one searched for information about the interviewed, as well as their ancestors’ religious past and origins amongst other background information.

Feminilidades e mídia na cultura contemporânea: culto ao corpo, consumo e sexualidade

Prado, Juliana do [UNESP] 25 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:29:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-02-25Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T20:20:02Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 prado_j_me_arafcl.pdf: 1911013 bytes, checksum: b2c34d5b0a18a523a16b43a69380daee (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Esta pesquisa verifica como a representação da mulher veiculada na mídia pode nortear a construção da identidade feminina, explorando uma perspectiva analítica que aponte para as formas de apropriação das mensagens veiculadas, especificamente relacionadas ao culto ao corpo, consumo e sexualidade. Nesse sentido, a fim de apreender a ponte entre universo feminino e o que é veiculado na mídia propomos examinar cinco edições de duas revistas femininas que se constituem como guias de comportamento na cultura contemporânea por se tratarem de revistas consolidadas e de ampla circulação no mercado: Claudia e Nova, ambas da Editora Abril, e num movimento de mão dupla trouxemos os conteúdos dessas revistas para serem discutidos por mulheres de diferentes universos sócio-econômico-culturais. Tais universos foram constituídos através de um levantamento de informações relativas à marcadores de diferenças, como: renda familiar, escolaridade, faixa etária, raça, estado civil e ocupação profissional, bem como dados sobre hábitos e práticas cotidianas que permitem abranger o universo cultural que as mulheres estão inseridas, como leitura, tempo em que assistem TV e freqüência ao cinema. Exemplares das revistas foram levados para discussão das temáticas eixo de nosso trabalho e apreensão das correspondências de seus discursos com a realidade de cada entrevistada. Podemos perceber que em alguns casos, os discursos de autonomia individual, culto ao corpo e sexualidade, evocando aspectos de maior liberdade feminina, são de certa forma decodificados pelas mulheres entrevistadas. Entretanto, as revistas estudadas não as influenciam completamente prevalecendo aspectos de seus respectivos universos, bem como aspectos relacionados a certo conservadorismo na concepção do corpo, sexualidade e consumo / This study assesses how women's representation conveyed in the media can guide the construction of female identity, exploring an analytical perspective that points to the ways of appropriation of messages transmitted, specifically related to the cult of the body, consumption and sexuality. Accordingly, in order to seize the bridge between the feminine and what is conveyed in the media I propose to examine five issues of two magazines for women who constitute themselves as guides to behavior in contemporary culture magazine for being consolidated and widely circulated on the market: Claudia and Nova, both of Editora Abril, and a two-way movement brought the contents of these journals to be discussed by women from different universes socio-economic-cultural. These universes were established through a survey of information on the markers of difference, such as family income, education, age, race, marital status and occupation, as well as data on the habits and daily practices that cover the cultural universe that women are included, such as reading, TV watching time and frequency to the movies. Copies of the magazines were brought to discussion of thematic axis of our work and seizure of correspondence of his speeches with the reality of each interviewee. We can see that in some cases, the speeches of individual autonomy, physical fitness and sexuality, evoking aspects of women's greater freedom, in some ways are decoded by the women interviewed. However, the journals studied were not completely influence the prevailing aspects of their respective universes, as well as aspects related to a certain conservatism in the design of the body, sexuality and consumption

O felino na iconografia mochica: análise dos padrões de estilização na cerâmica ritual / The Feline in Mochica Iconography: Analysis of the Patterns of Stylization on the Ritual Ceramics

Cassia Rodrigues Bars 07 January 2010 (has links)
Foram identificadas diversas ambigüidades e contradições acerca do significado semântico, e da identificação de imagens tidas como de \"felinos\", no trabalho de diversos pesquisadores da área andina. Essas contradições são constantemente acompanhadas por uma idéia de que as representações de felinos teriam um conjunto de significados comuns, presentes praticamente em todas as culturas pré-colombianas, desde o período pré-formativo. Este trabalho procura questionar essa idéia, demonstrando, através da sociedade mochica, que as representações de felinos que figuram em suas manifestações artístico-religiosas não correspondem a esta idéia de universalidade. Da mesma forma, são discutidas as contradições presentes na bibliografia, a fim de elucidar a condição do felino dentro do âmbito da cultura analisada. Será dada especial atenção ao fato de que, de forma geral, há uma identificação imediata de imagens de \"mamíferos com presas à mostra\", como sendo de felinos. / Several ambiguities and contradictions in relation to the meaning and the identification of images held as \"felines\" have been identified in the works of many researches specialized in the Andean Pre-Columbian cultures. Such contradictions are constantly followed by the concept that all feline representations would carry the same symbolic meanings, regardless of the cultural differences or of the context in which they would be inserted in. This present work challenges this idea by demonstrating, through the analysis of the iconography produced by the mochica culture, that its feline representations do not correspond to such generalizations. An attempt is also made to elucidate the condition of the image of the feline in realm of the culture here analyzed. Special attention will be given to the fact that usually images of other mammals that carry the symbol of the \"cross-fangs\" are mistakenly identified as felines.

A family of gods : a diachronic study of the cult of the divi/divae in the Latin West

McIntyre, Gwynaeth January 2010 (has links)
This thesis examines the establishment and development of the worship of the emperor and his family members in the Latin West, tracing specifically the cult of those who were officially deified at Rome and received the title of divus or diva. It seeks to answer three questions: 1. Does uniformity of cult practices and priestly titles increase or decrease over time 2. What prompted change in cult practice (reflected in priestly titles) and how was this change managed? 3. What factors influenced the choices made by communities throughout the Latin West concerning these cults? It addresses these questions through a number of specific case studies. It begins with a study of how the practice of deification (consecratio) was established and how it developed within the city of Rome. It then examines priestly titles associated with the cult of the divi/divae in three groups of provinces: the Gauls, the Spains, and the provinces of North Africa. Finally, it discusses the spread of the worship of the divi/divae throughout the empire by examining the Augustales (and other variations on this title) and the priests responsible for overseeing cult to individual divi/divae. The evidence discussed is primarily epigraphical but is supplemented with numismatic, archaeological and literary evidence where it is available. This thesis addresses a number of hypotheses concerning Rome’s role in the development of cult in the Latin West, principally, that cult was imposed on communities in the provinces by the centre, that the establishment of cult was based on a series of models and adopted in similar ways throughout the provinces, and that the coloniae were responsible for bringing Roman culture and religion to the peregrine communities. It argues that even though some provincial cults were established through direct intervention from members of the imperial family, it was still up to the communities themselves to oversee cult practice and finance the cult. In the case of civic cult, there is little to no evidence of involvement from the centre. Civic cult was established by local initiative and did not originate in the coloniae and spread to other communities. Instead, it tended to arise in peregrine communities (and municipia) from the earliest development of this cult (as well as some coloniae) as individual communities sought to forge a connection with the imperial family and find their place within, and in connection to, the Roman Empire.

In search of the Dioskouroi : image, myth and cult

Graham, Sarah V. January 2015 (has links)
This study explores the Greeks' experience of the Dioskouroi before the arrival of the Romans, stimulated by Cicero's assertion (Cic. Nat.D. 3.15(39)) that by his time they were worshipped widely in Greece, possibly more than the Olympians: from the archaeological evidence, a surprising claim. The task is complicated by the brothers' different incarnations in different places and at different times, and the variability and patchiness of the evidence for the period, from Homeric times to c. 146 BC. To address this (explained in Chapter 1), the study is designed around examining the evidence in selected locations over time, with an underlying theme of comparing the archaeological with the literary evidence, much of which is Roman. An overview of the evidence from literature, images and buildings sets the stage (Chapter 2). The association of Kastor and Polydeukes with 'Lakedaimon' in the literature, from Homer onwards, led the study to focus primarily on Sparta and the Peloponnese (Chapter 3), looking closely also at Sparta's near neighbours, Messene and Argos. It then looks at evidence from Thera, Kyrene and Naukratis (Chapter 4), in order to include some of the earliest material evidence we have of cult of the Dioskouroi in Greek settlements, which also have associations with Sparta and Lakonia; evidence from Thasos is included too. The final chapter considers the findings and assesses the usefulness of the methodology. The paucity of architectural evidence for major monuments and buildings specifically dedicated to the Dioskouroi, except in centres where Greeks gathered from different places for trade or religious reasons, may be explained if the primary location of their cult was the individual household, buildings only being needed for dedications to the brothers by Greeks away from home. It could also explain the seeming mismatch between Cicero's statement and the archaeological record.

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