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Templating gold nanoparticles on nanofibers using block copolymer thin filmsZhu, Hu 09 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Análise de estabilidade de contenções, via MEF, considerando a interação solo-estrutura. / Analysis of stability of retaining walls, via MEF, regarding the soil-structure interaction.Nascimento, Alessandro Lugli 25 November 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho tem a finalidade de estudar a influência da parede de concreto na análise de estabilidade de contenções atirantadas bem como discutir sobre segurança nestas análises. Para isto foram elaborados modelos em estado plano de deformação por meio do método dos elementos finitos, MEF, para análise. A parede de concreto foi modelada com variações de rigidez e modelos reológico, com o fim de se entender sua influência no fator de segurança. Por fim foi realizado um breve estudo sobre a utilização dos métodos estatísticos na análise de estabilidade de contenções. / This work has the purpose of study the influence of the concrete wall in the stability analysis of tieback retaining walls and to discuss these safety analysis. Models were developed using plane strain state via the finite element method, FEM, for analysis. The concrete wall was modeled with variations of stiffness and rheological models, in order to bore its influence on the safety factor. Finally a brief study was conducted on the use of statistical methods in stability analysis of retaining walls.
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Une approche intrinsèque des foncteurs de Weil / An intrinsic approach of Weil functorsSouvay, Arnaud 23 November 2012 (has links)
Nous construisons un foncteur de la catégorie des variétés sur un corps ou un anneau topologique K, de caractéristique arbitraire, dans la catégorie des variétés sur A, où A est une algèbre de Weil, c'est-à-dire une K-algèbre de la forme A = K + N, où N est un idéal nilpotent. Le foncteur correspondant, noté T^A, et appelé foncteur de Weil, peut être interprété comme un foncteur d'extension scalaire de K à A. Il est construit à l'aide des polynômes de Taylor, dont nous donnons une définition en caractéristique quelconque. Ce résultat généralise à la fois des résultats connus pour les variétés réelles ordinaires, et les résultats obtenus dans le cas des foncteurs tangents itérés et dans le cas des anneaux de jets (A = K[X]/(X^{k+1})). Nous montrons que pour toute variété M, T^A M possède une structure de fibré polynomial sur M, et nous considérons certains aspects algébriques des foncteurs de Weil, notamment ceux liés à l'action du « groupe de Galois » Aut_K(A). Nous étudions les connexions, qui sont un outil important d'analyse des fibrés, dans deux contextes différents : d'une part sur les fibrés T^A M, et d?autre part sur des fibrés généraux sur M, en suivant l'approche d'Ehresmann. Les opérateurs de courbure d'une connexion sont induits par l'action du groupe de Galois Aut_K(A) et ils forment une obstruction à l'« intégrabilité » d'une connexion K-lisse en une connexion A-lisse / We construct a functor from the category of manifolds over a general topological base field or ring K, of arbitrary characteristic, to the category of manifolds over A, where A is a so-called Weil algebra, i.e. a K-algebra of the form A = K + N, where N is a nilpotent ideal. The corresponding functor, denoted by T^A, and called a Weil functor, can be interpreted as a functor of scalar extension from K to A. It is constructed by using Taylor polynomials, which we define in arbitrary characteristic. This result generalizes simultaneously results known for ordinary, real manifolds, and results for iterated tangent functors and for jet rings (A = K[X]/(X^{k+1})). We show that for any manifold M, T^A M is a polynomial bundle over M, and we investigate some algebraic aspects of the Weil functors, in particular those related to the action of the "Galois group" Aut_K(A). We study connections, which are an important tool for the analysis of fiber bundles, in two different contexts : connections on the Weil bundles T^A M, and connections on general bundles over M, following Ehresmann's approach. The curvature operators are induced by the action of the Galois group Aut_K(A) and they form an obstruction to the "integrability" of a K-smooth connection to an A-smooth one
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Physics of quantum fluids in two-dimensional topological systems / Physique des fluides quantiques dans des systèmes topologiques bidimensionnelsBleu, Olivier 27 September 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse est consacrée à la description de la physique à une particule ainsi qu'à celle de fluides quantiques bosoniques dans des systèmes topologiques. Les deux premiers chapitres sont introductifs. Dans le premier, nous introduisons des éléments de théorie des bandes et les quantités géométriques et topologiques associées : tenseur métrique quantique, courbure de Berry, nombre de Chern. Nous discutons différents modèles et réalisations expérimentales donnant lieu à des effets topologiques. Dans le second chapitre, nous introduisons les condensats de Bose-Einstein ainsi que les excitons-polaritons de cavité.La première partie des résultats originaux discute des phénomènes topologiques à une particule dans des réseaux en nid d'abeilles. Cela permet de comparer deux modèles théoriques qui mènent à l'effet Hall quantique anormal pour les électrons et les photons dû à la présence d'un couplage spin-orbite et d'un champ Zeeman. Nous étudions aussi l'effet Hall quantique de vallée photonique à l'interface entre deux réseaux de cavités avec potentiels alternés opposés.Dans une seconde partie, nous discutons de nouveaux effets qui émergent due à la présence d'un fluide quantique interagissant décrit par l’équation de Gross-Pitaevskii dans ces systèmes. Premièrement, il est montré que les interactions spin anisotropes donnent lieu à des transitions topologiques gouvernées par la densité de particules pour les excitations élémentaires d’un condensat spineur d’exciton-polaritons.Ensuite, nous montrons que les tourbillons quantifiés d'un condensat scalaire dans un système avec effet Hall quantique de vallée, manifestent une propagation chirale le long de l'interface contrairement aux paquets d'ondes linéaires. La direction de propagation de ces derniers est donnée par leur sens de rotation donnant lieu à un transport de pseudospin de vallée protégé topologiquement, analogue à l’effet Hall quantique de spin.Enfin, revenant aux effets géométriques linéaires, nous nous sommes concentrés sur l’effet Hall anormal. Dans ce contexte, nous présentons une correction non-adiabatique aux équations semi-classiques décrivant le mouvement d’un paquet d’ondes qui s’exprime en termes du tenseur géométrique quantique. Nous proposons un protocole expérimental pour mesurer cette quantité dans des systèmes photonique radiatifs. / This thesis is dedicated to the description of both single-particle and bosonic quantum fluid Physics in topological systems. After introductory chapters on these subjects, I first discuss single-particle topological phenomena in honeycomb lattices. This allows to compare two theoretical models leading to quantum anomalous Hall effect for electrons and photons and to discuss the photonic quantum valley Hall effect at the interface between opposite staggered cavity lattices.In a second part, I present some phenomena which emerge due to the interplay of the linear topological effects with the presence of interacting bosonic quantum fluid described by mean-field Gross-Pitaevskii equation. First, I show that the spin-anisotropic interactions lead to density-driven topological transitions for elementary excitations of a condensate loaded in the polariton quantum anomalous Hall model (thermal equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium quasi-resonant excitation configurations). Then, I show that the vortex excitations of a scalar condensate in a quantum valley Hall system, contrary to linear wavepackets, can exhibit a robust chiral propagation along the interface, with direction given by their winding in real space, leading to an analog of quantum spin Hall effect for these non-linear excitations. Finally, coming back to linear geometrical effects, I will focus on the anomalous Hall effect exhibited by an accelerated wavepacket in a two-band system. In this context, I present a non-adiabatic correction to the known semiclassical equations of motion which can be expressed in terms of the quantum geometric tensor elements. We also propose a protocol to directly measure the tensor components in radiative photonic systems.
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M?todos de mensura??o de curvaturas radiculares e a influ?ncia do glide path na manuten??o da centraliza??o e no transporte apical preparos endod?nticos : revis?es sistem?ticas e an?lise cr?ticaHartmann, Rafael Chies 12 November 2018 (has links)
Submitted by PPG Odontologia (odontologia-pg@pucrs.br) on 2018-12-12T18:58:35Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-11-12 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / The great majority of the roots present curvatures and the knowledge of these curves allows the clinician a better choice for endodontic therapy. Therefore, it is necessary to use methods that can measure these curvatures with good accuracy levels. The preparation of a glide path prior to root canal instrumentation is widely suggested because can avoid possible operative errors, such as loss of centralization and apical transportation, especially in curved root canals. There is no consensus concerning the methods that can be used to measure radicular curvatures, nor regarding the efficacy of glide path. The present investigation has the objective of performing two systematic reviews in order to answer the following questions: 1- What are the methods, described in the literature, used to measure the angles and other characteristics of the curvatures of the root canals? 2- The glide path is able to reduce the apical transportation and the loss of centralization of the endodontic preparation?
Also, how does the glide path - manual or engine-driven - result in minor operative errors? Methods: Using the appropriate terms for each review, electronic searches were performed on six databases: PubMed, PubMed Central (PMC), Embase, Scopus, EBSCO Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source (DOSS) and Virtual Health Library (VHL). We used studies published in English or in any language with Latin alphabet. There was no time limit for publications. In addition, in the second review, the included studies, the risk of biases was analyzed. Results: In review 1, about the methods of measurement of curvatures, 6,336 studies were obtained and of these, 31 articles that described innovative methods. Eleven studies described the methods used to measure only the angle of the radicular curvatures, for which they used 2D images. 13 studies also used 2D images, however, in addition to the angles, evaluated other features of the root canal curvatures (position, length, direction, height and shape). In addition, seven studies evaluated curvatures using 3D methods. In review 2, regarding glide path, 2,146 articles were obtained, and 18 studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria, composing the final analysis. 9 studies evaluated the glide path per se and 11 evaluated the impact of
glide path on final engine-driven endodontic preparation. Conclusion: Revision 1
suggested that most methods for root canal curvature measurement have potential
clinical applications; however, there is a lack of consensus on the ideal technique. In
addition to the angle, other features, such as radius and position of curvature, need to
be measured and should be considered when evaluating root canal curvature in both
clinical and research purposes. Revision 2 revealed that engine-driven confection of
glide path, when compared to manual, presents similar or better results of apical
transportation and maintenance of root canal centralization. It was also observed that
the preparation of glide path, prior to endodontic preparation, is associated with similar
results or with a reduction of the apical transportation and the maintenance of the
preparation centralization. It was also observed that deviations occur in all situations. / A grande maioria dos condutos apresenta curvaturas e o conhecimento destas curvaturas permite ao cl?nico uma melhor escolha da terap?utica endod?ntica. Para tanto, faz-se necess?rio o emprego de m?todos que possam medir essas curvaturas com bons n?veis de acur?cia. A confec??o de um glide path pr?vio ? instrumenta??o dos canais radiculares ? amplamente sugerida, pois pode evitar poss?veis erros operat?rios,
tais como a perda de centraliza??o do preparo e o transporte apical, especialmente em canais radiculares curvos. Como n?o h? consenso quanto aos m?todos que podem ser utilizados na medi??o das curvaturas radiculares, tampouco referente a efic?cia do glide path, a presente investiga??o tem o objetivo de realizar duas revis?es sistem?ticas, a fim de responder ?s seguintes quest?es: 1- Quais s?o os m?todos, descritos na literatura, empregados na mensura??o dos ?ngulos e demais caracter?sticas das curvaturas dos canais radiculares? 2- O glide path ? capaz de reduzir o transporte apical e a perda de centraliza??o do preparo endod?ntico? Al?m disso, qual a forma de confec??o do glide path ? manual ou motorizada ? resulta em menores erros operat?rios?
M?todos: Utilizando os termos apropriados para cada revis?o, foram realizadas buscas eletr?nicas em seis bases de dados: PubMed, PubMed Central (PMC), Embase, Scopus, EBSCO Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source (DOSS) e Virtual Health Library (VHL). Foram utilizados estudos publicados em ingl?s ou em qualquer idioma com alfabeto latino n?o houve qualquer limite temporal para as publica??es. Al?m disso, na segunda revis?o, os estudos inclu?dos tiveram o risco de vieses analisado. Resultados: Na revis?o 1, acerca dos m?todos de mensura??o das curvaturas, foram obtidos 6.346 estudos e destes, restaram 31 artigos que descreviam m?todos inovadores. Onze estudos foram descritos a fim de mensurar apenas o ?ngulo das curvaturas radiculares, para isso utilizaram 9 imagens em 2D. 13 estudos utilizaram tamb?m imagens em 2D, entretanto, al?m dos ?ngulos avaliaram outras caracter?sticas das curvaturas dos canais radiculares (posi??o,
comprimento, dire??o, altura e forma). Al?m disso, sete estudos avaliaram as curvaturas atrav?s de m?todos em 3D. J? na revis?o 2, a respeito do glide path, obteve-se 2.146 artigos, sendo que 18 estudos preencheram os crit?rios de inclus?o, compondo a an?lise final. 9 pesquisas avaliaram a confec??o do glide path per se e 11 avaliaram a repercuss?o do glide path no preparo endod?ntico motorizado final. Conclus?o: a revis?o 1 sugeriu que a maioria dos m?todos de mensura??o de curvaturas dos canais radiculares tem potenciais aplica??es cl?nicas, no entanto, h? uma falta de consenso sobre a t?cnica ideal. Al?m do ?ngulo, outros fatores, como raio e posi??o da curvatura, precisam ser mensurados e devem ser levados em considera??o ao se avaliar a curvatura do canal radicular tanto em tratamentos cl?nicos como em ambientes de pesquisa. J? a
revis?o 2 revelou que a confec??o motorizada, quando comparada com a confec??o manual, do glide path apresenta resultados similares ou melhores de transporte apical e manuten??o da centraliza??o do canal radicular. Observou-se, tamb?m, que a confec??o do glide path, previamente ao preparo endod?ntico, est? associada com resultados similares ou com a redu??o do transporte apical e a manuten??o da centraliza??o do preparo. Tamb?m foi observado que ocorrem desvios em todas as situa??es.
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Artificial biomineralisation and metallic soapsCorkery, Robert, robert.corkery@anu.edu.au January 1998 (has links)
In this thesis, geometry is used as a basis for conducting experiments aimed at growing
and arranging inorganic minerals on curved interfaces. Mineralisation is directed using
crystalline and liquid-crystalline metallic soaps and surfactant/water systems as
A review of the history, syntheses, structure and liquid crystallinity of metallic soaps
and other amphiphiles is presented as a foundation to understanding the interfacial
architectures in mesostructured template systems in general.¶
In this study, a range of metallic soaps of varying chain length and cation type are
synthesised and characterised to find potentially useful templates for mineral growth.
These include alkaline-earth, transition metal, heavy metal and lanthanide soaps. These
are systematically characterised using a variety of analytical techniques, including
chemical analyses, x-ray diffraction (XRD) infrared spectroscopy (IR) and differential
scanning calorimetry (DSC). Their molecular and crystal structures are studied using
transmission electron microscopy (TEM), cryo-TEM, electron diffraction (ED), electron
paramagnetic spin resonance (EPR), absorption spectroscopy (UV-VIS), high resolution
laser spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM), nuclear magnetic resonance
spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), electron dispersive x-ray analysis
(EDXA), thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA) and magnetic measurements. Models for
the molecular and crystal structures of metallic soaps are proposed. The soaps are
predominantly lamellar crystalline or liquid crystalline lamellar rotor phases with tilted
and/or untilted molecular constituents. These display evidence of varying degrees of
headgroup organisation, including superstructuring and polymerisation. A single crystal
structure is presented for a complex of pyridine with cobalt soap. Simple models for
their structure are discussed in terms of their swelling properties in water and oils.
Experiments are also presented to demonstrate the sorbent properties of aluminium
soaps on oil spills.¶
The thermotropic liquid crystallinity of alkaline earth, transition metal, heavy metal and
lanthanide soaps is investigated in detail. This is done to assess their suitability as
templates, and to document their novel thermotropic behaviour, particularly the
relatively unknown lanthanide soaps. Liquid crystalline behaviours are studied using
high-temperature XRD (HTXRD), hot-stage optical microscopy and DSC. Models for a
liquid crystalline phase progression from crystals to anisotropic liquids are discussed in
terms of theories of self-assembly and interfacial curvature. The terminology required
for this is drawn from various nomenclature systems for amphiphilic crystals and liquid
crystals. General agreement with previous studies is reported for known soaps, while
liquid crystallinity is demonstrated in the lanthanide and some non-lanthanide soaps for
the first time. A general phase progression of crystalline lamellar through liquid
crystalline lamellar to non-lamellar liquid crystalline is discussed in terms of models
concerned with the molecular and crystal structures of the soaps and their phase
transitions via headgroup and chain re-arrangements.¶
Experiments aimed at guiding growth of metal sulfides using metallic soaps as
templates are described, and a model for this growth is discussed. Metal sulfides have
been successfully grown by reacting crystalline and liquid crystalline transition metal
and heavy metal soaps with H2S gas at room temperature and at elevated temperature.
These have been characterised using XRD, TEM, ED and IR. Sulfide growth is
demonstrated to be restricted and guided by the reacting soap template architecture.
Zinc, cadmium, indium and lead soaps formed confined nanoparticles within the matrix
of their reacting soap template. In contrast, curved and flat sheet-like structures, some
resembling sponges were found in the products of sulfided iron, cobalt, nickel, copper,
tin and bismuth soaps. A model to explain this behaviour is developed in terms of the
crystal and liquid crystal structures of the soaps and the crystal structures of the metal
sulfide particles.¶
Liquid crystalline iron soaps have been subjected to controlled thermal degradation
yielding magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles. Some XRD and TEM evidence has been
found for formation of magnetic mesostructures in heat-treated iron soaps. Models for
the molecular and liquid crystalline structure of iron soaps, their thermotropic phase
progression and eventual conversion to these magnetic products are discussed.
Systematic syntheses of mesoporous silicates from sheeted clays are discussed.¶The
templates that have been used are cationic surfactants and small, organic molecular
salts. Experiments are reported where a cooperative self-assembly of
surfactant/water/kanemite plus or minus salt and oils yields 'folded sheet materials'
(FSM'S). Templating of kanemite has also been achieved using cobalt cage surfactants.
A theoretical prediction of the specific surface areas and specific volumes of
homologous sets of FSM's gave excellent agreement with measured values. The
geometry and topology of the mesostructures are discussed. A theoretical model is also
discussed regarding the curvature found in the sheets of natural clays , and results of
templating clays and silica using metallic soaps are presented. Experiments and a model for low temperature nucleation and growth of microporous silicalite-1 are described in
terms of silica templating by water clathrates.¶
Finally, the problem of finding minimal surface descriptions of crystal networks is
addressed. Combinatoric methods are used to disprove the existence of possible
embeddings of type I and II clathrate networks in non-self intersecting periodic minimal
surfaces. The crystal network of the clathrate silicate, melanophlogite is successfully
embedded in the WI-10 self-intersecting surface. Details of a previously unreported,
genus-25 periodic surface with symmetry Im3m are discussed.
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Development of Micromachined Probes for Bio-Nano ApplicationsYapici, Murat K. 14 January 2010 (has links)
The most commonly known macro scale probing devices are simply comprised
of metallic leads used for measuring electrical signals. On the other hand,
micromachined probing devices are realized using microfabrication techniques and are
capable of providing very fine, micro/nano scale interaction with matter; along with a
broad range of applications made possible by incorporating MEMS sensing and
actuation techniques. Micromachined probes consist of a well-defined tip structure that
determines the interaction space, and a transduction mechanism that could be used for
sensing a change, imparting external stimuli or manipulating matter.
Several micromachined probes intended for biological and nanotechnology
applications were fabricated, characterized and tested. Probes were developed under two
major categories. The first category consists of Micro Electromagnetic Probes for
biological applications such as single cell, particle, droplet manipulation and neuron
stimulation applications; whereas the second category targets novel Scanning Probe
topologies suitable for direct nanopatterning, variable resolution scanning probe/dip-pen
nanolithography, and biomechanics applications.
The functionality and versatility of micromachined probes for a broad range of
micro and nanotechnology applications is successfully demonstrated throughout the five
different probes/applications that were studied. It is believed that, the unique advantages
of precise positioning capability, confinement of interaction as determined by the probe
tip geometry, and special sensor/actuator mechanisms incorporated through MEMS
technologies will render micromachined probes as indispensable tools for microsystems
and nanotechnology studies.
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Level set methods for higher order evolution laws / Levelset-Verfahren für Evolutionsgleichungen höherer OrdnungStöcker, Christina 12 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
A numerical treatment of non-linear higher-order geometric evolution equations with the level set and the finite element method is presented. The isotropic, weak anisotropic and strong anisotropic situation is discussed. Most of the equations considered in this work arise from the field of thin film growth. A short introduction to the subject is given. Four different models are discussed: mean curvature flow, surface diffusion, a kinetic model, which combines the effects of mean curvature flow and surface diffusion and includes a further kinetic component, and an adatom model, which incorporates in addition free adatoms. As an introduction to the numerical schemes, first the isotropic and weak anisotropic situation is considered. Then strong anisotropies (non-convex anisotropies) are used to simulate the phenomena of faceting and coarsening. The experimentally observed effect of corner and edge roundings is reached in the simulation through the regularization of the strong anisotropy with a higher-order curvature term. The curvature regularization leads to an increase by two in the order of the equations, which results in highly non-linear equations of up to 6th order. For the numerical solution, the equations are transformed into systems of second order equations, which are solved with a Schur complement approach. The adatom model constitutes a diffusion equation on a moving surface. An operator splitting approach is used for the numerical solution. In difference to other works, which restrict to the isotropic situation, also the anisotropic situation is discussed and solved numerically. Furthermore, a treatment of geometric evolution equations on implicitly given curved surfaces with the level set method is given. In particular, the numerical solution of surface diffusion on curved surfaces is presented. The equations are discretized in space by standard linear finite elements. For the time discretization a semi-implicit discretization scheme is employed. The derivation of the numerical schemes is presented in detail, and numerous computational results are given for the 2D and 3D situation. To keep computational costs low, the finite element grid is adaptively refined near the moving curves and surfaces resp. A redistancing algorithm based on a local Hopf-Lax formula is used. The algorithm has been extended by the authors to the 3D case. A detailed description of the algorithm in 3D is presented in this work. / In der Arbeit geht es um die numerische Behandlung nicht-linearer geometrischer Evolutionsgleichungen höherer Ordnung mit Levelset- und Finite-Elemente-Verfahren. Der isotrope, schwach anisotrope und stark anisotrope Fall wird diskutiert. Die meisten in dieser Arbeit betrachteten Gleichungen entstammen dem Gebiet des Dünnschicht-Wachstums. Eine kurze Einführung in dieses Gebiet wird gegeben. Es werden vier verschiedene Modelle diskutiert: mittlerer Krümmungsfluss, Oberflächendiffusion, ein kinetisches Modell, welches die Effekte des mittleren Krümmungsflusses und der Oberflächendiffusion kombiniert und zusätzlich eine kinetische Komponente beinhaltet, und ein Adatom-Modell, welches außerdem freie Adatome berücksichtigt. Als Einführung in die numerischen Schemata, wird zuerst der isotrope und schwach anisotrope Fall betrachtet. Anschließend werden starke Anisotropien (nicht-konvexe Anisotropien) benutzt, um Facettierungs- und Vergröberungsphänomene zu simulieren. Der in Experimenten beobachtete Effekt der Ecken- und Kanten-Abrundung wird in der Simulation durch die Regularisierung der starken Anisotropie durch einen Krümmungsterm höherer Ordnung erreicht. Die Krümmungsregularisierung führt zu einer Erhöhung der Ordnung der Gleichung um zwei, was hochgradig nicht-lineare Gleichungen von bis zu sechster Ordnung ergibt. Für die numerische Lösung werden die Gleichungen auf Systeme zweiter Ordnungsgleichungen transformiert, welche mit einem Schurkomplement-Ansatz gelöst werden. Das Adatom-Modell bildet eine Diffusionsgleichung auf einer bewegten Fläche. Zur numerischen Lösung wird ein Operatorsplitting-Ansatz verwendet. Im Unterschied zu anderen Arbeiten, die sich auf den isotropen Fall beschränken, wird auch der anisotrope Fall diskutiert und numerisch gelöst. Außerdem werden geometrische Evolutionsgleichungen auf implizit gegebenen gekrümmten Flächen mit Levelset-Verfahren behandelt. Insbesondere wird die numerische Lösung von Oberflächendiffusion auf gekrümmten Flächen dargestellt. Die Gleichungen werden im Ort mit linearen Standard-Finiten-Elementen diskretisiert. Als Zeitdiskretisierung wird ein semi-implizites Diskretisierungsschema verwendet. Die Herleitung der numerischen Schemata wird detailliert dargestellt, und zahlreiche numerische Ergebnisse für den 2D und 3D Fall sind gegeben. Um den Rechenaufwand gering zu halten, wird das Finite-Elemente-Gitter adaptiv an den bewegten Kurven bzw. den bewegten Flächen verfeinert. Es wird ein Redistancing-Algorithmus basierend auf einer lokalen Hopf-Lax Formel benutzt. Der Algorithmus wurde von den Autoren auf den 3D Fall erweitert. In dieser Arbeit wird der Algorithmus für den 3D Fall detailliert beschrieben.
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Cu(Ag)-Legierungsschichten als Werkstoff für Leiterbahnen höchstintegrierter Schaltkreise / Herstellung, Gefüge, thermomechanische Eigenschaften, ElektromigrationsresistenzStrehle, Steffen 04 April 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit verfolgt das Ziel, Cu(Ag)-Dünnschichten als potentiellen Werkstoff für Leiterbahnen in der Mikroelektronik zu untersuchen. Für die Beurteilung dieses Materialsystems wurden vier Schwerpunkte bezüglich der Schichtcharakterisierung definiert: Herstellung, Gefüge, thermomechanische Eigenschaften, Elektromigrationsresistenz. Grundlage sämtlicher Untersuchungen ist eine geeignete Probenpräparation. In Anlehnung an Technologien, die zur Zeit bei der Herstellung von reinen Cu-Leiterbahnen Anwendung finden, erfolgte die Beschichtung der Cu(Ag)-Schichten (Dicke bis 1 µm) galvanisch aus einem schwefelsauren Elektrolyten unter Additiveinsatz auf thermisch oxidierten Siliziumwafern. Hierbei war nicht nur die Abscheidung von ganzflächigen Dünnschichten, sondern auch die Beschichtung auf strukturierte Substrate von Interesse. Die erzeugten Schichtproben werden in ihren Gefügeeigenschaften, vergleichend zu reinen Kupferschichten, charakterisiert. Hierzu zählen Korngrößen und -orientierungen, thermisches Gefügeverhalten, Einbau, Verteilung und Segregation von Silber und Fremdstoffen sowie die elektrischen Eigenschaften. Von grundsätzlicher Bedeutung für das Elektromigrationsverhalten und damit für die Zuverlässigkeit und das Leistungsvermögen sind die thermomechanischen Eigenschaften. Diese werden an ausgedehnten Schichten mit der Substratkrümmungsmessung bis zu Temperaturen von 500°C beschrieben. Die Diskussion des mechanischen Schichtverhaltens umfasst sowohl thermische als auch temporale Charakteristika. Die Untersuchungen geben einen Einblick in die wirkenden Mechanismen des Stofftransports und des Spannungsabbaus. Den Abschluss der Arbeit stellen erste Experimente zum Elektromigrationsverhalten der Cu(Ag)-Dünnschichten dar. Den Kern dieser Analysen bilden Messungen an sog. Blech-Strukturen (Materialdriftexperimente). Hierbei werden geeignete Technologien für die mikrotechnologische Herstellung von derartigen Cu(Ag)-Strukturen vorgestellt. Anhand erster Messungen wird das Elektromigrationsverhalten von Cu(Ag)-Metallisierungen in seinen Grundcharakteristika beschrieben.
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Αντοχή και ικανότητα παραμόρφωσης μελών οπλισμένου σκυροδέματος, με ή χωρίς ενίσχυσηΜπισκίνης, Διονύσιος 01 August 2007 (has links)
Η παρούσα διατριβή ανήκει στο γενικότερο θεματικό πεδίο της σεισμικής αποτίμησης, σχεδιασμού ή ανασχεδιασμού κατασκευών οπλισμένου σκυροδέματος με βάση τις μετακινήσεις. Οι σύγχρονες μέθοδοι αυτού του τύπου, στηρίζονται σε έλεγχο και σύγκριση της σεισμικής απαίτησης με την ικανότητα των μελών της κατασκευής σε όρους μετακινήσεων παρά σε όρους δυνάμεων. Δημιουργείται επομένως η ανάγκη για απλό και αξιόπιστο υπολογισμό της συμπεριφοράς μελών οπλισμένου σκυροδέματος σε κάμψη και διάτμηση, σε όρους μετακινήσεων.
Το αντικείμενο της παρούσης διατριβής είναι η ανάπτυξη προσομοιωμάτων για τον υπολογισμό των βασικών χαρακτηριστικών της συμπεριφοράς καμπτόμενων μελών οπλισμένου σκυροδέματος και συγκεκριμένα: της ροπής διαρροής, της παραμόρφωσης στη διαρροή, της ενεργού δυσκαμψίας, της παραμόρφωσης στην αστοχία, της διατμητικής αντοχής σε ανακυκλιζόμενη φόρτιση, της αντοχής μελών με χαμηλό λόγο διάτμησης και της συμπεριφοράς υπό διαξονική καταπόνηση. Εξετάζονται μέλη διαφόρων τύπων και διαφορετικής διατομής, μέλη με ενίσχυση μανδύα οπλισμένου σκυροδέματος ή μανδύα σύνθετων υλικών, καθώς επίσης και μέλη με μάτιση του διαμήκους οπλισμού στην περιοχή πλαστικής άρθρωσης. Για την ανάπτυξη των προσομοιωμάτων, καθώς και για τον έλεγχο άλλων παλαιότερων, αναπτύχθηκε και αξιοποιήθηκε βάση πειραματικών δεδομένων μελών οπλισμένου σκυροδέματος με περισσότερα από 2800 πειράματα από τη διεθνή βιβλιογραφία.
Για τον υπολογισμό της ροπής και της καμπυλότητας στη διαρροή, αναπτύσσονται απλές σχέσεις υπολογισμού, βασιζόμενες σε ανάλυση σε επίπεδο διατομής και καθορίζονται τα κατάλληλα κριτήρια διαρροής. Αναπτύσσονται ακολούθως σχέσεις υπολογισμού της παραμόρφωσης στη διαρροή, και συγκεκριμένα της γωνίας στροφής χορδής του μέλους στη διαρροή, θy, ως άθροισμα τριών όρων: καμπτικής παραμόρφωσης, διατμητικής παραμόρφωσης και παραμόρφωσης λόγω ολίσθησης των ράβδων διαμήκους οπλισμού από την περιοχή αγκύρωσης. Προτείνονται δε δύο εναλλακτικοί τρόποι υπολογισμού της ενεργού δυσκαμψίας, ένας θεωρητικός και ένας καθαρά εμπειρικός. Στη συνέχεια εξετάζεται η παραμόρφωση στην αστοχία και προτείνονται δύο εναλλακτικοί μέθοδοι υπολογισμού της γωνίας στροφής χορδής στην αστοχία, θu. Η 1η βασίζεται στον υπολογισμό της καμπυλότητας στην αστοχία, φu, με εφαρμογή του κατάλληλου προσομοιώματος περίσφιγξης του σκυροδέματος, και στην εφαρμογή της φu σε μήκος πλαστικής άρθρωσης ίσο με Lpl, ενώ η 2η σε καθαρά εμπειρικές εξισώσεις. Εξετάζεται ακολούθως η διατμητική αντοχή σε ανακυκλιζόμενη φόρτιση και προτείνονται προσομοιώματα για αστοχία σε διαγώνιο εφελκυσμό ή αστοχία σε λοξή θλίψη, μετά την καμπτική διαρροή. Στη συνέχεια εξετάζεται η συμπεριφορά μελών οπλισμένου σκυροδέματος υπό διαξονική καταπόνηση. Εξετάζονται επίσης μέλη με χαμηλό λόγο διάτμησης και προτείνονται νέα αντιπροσωπευτικότερα κριτήρια για τον χαρακτηρισμό ενός μέλους ως “κοντό μέλος”, καθώς και νέα μεθοδολογία υπολογισμού της αντοχής των μελών αυτών, με κατάλληλο συνδυασμό του προσομοιώματος των Shohara and Kato, 1981 και των Φαρδής και συνεργάτες 1998. Ακολούθως εξετάζονται μέλη ενισχυμένα με μανδύα σύνθετων υλικών και προτείνονται προσομοιώματα υπολογισμού της γωνίας στροφής χορδής στη διαρροή και την καμπτική αστοχία, καθώς και προσομοίωμα υπολογισμού της διατμητικής αντοχής. Στη συνέχεια εξετάζεται η συμπεριφορά μελών με μάτιση του διαμήκους οπλισμού στην περιοχή πλαστικής άρθρωσης, καθώς και η εφαρμογή μανδύα σύνθετων υλικών για την ενίσχυση της περιοχής αυτής. Τέλος εξετάζεται η συμπεριφορά στη διαρροή και στην αστοχία, μελών ενισχυμένων με μανδύα οπλισμένου σκυροδέματος. Η ανάπτυξη όλων των προτεινόμενων προσομοιωμάτων της διατριβής βασίζεται στην καλύτερη δυνατή συμφωνία με τα πειραματικά αποτελέσματα της βάσης δεδομένων, χωρίς όμως να θυσιάζεται η απλότητα και η ευχρηστία αυτών. / The present Thesis belongs in the general field of seismic assessment, design and redesign of concrete structures with displacement based procedures. Modern methods of this kind are based in controlling and comparing seismic demand with structural elements capacity in terms of displacements rather than forces. This leads in the need of estimating reinforced concrete elements performance under bending and shear, in terms of displacements.
The object of the Thesis is development of models for calculating the basic performance characteristics of reinforced concrete elements under bending, in particular: yield moment, deformation at yielding, effective stiffness, deformation at ultimate, shear strength under cyclic loading, maximum strength of members with low shear ratio and behavior under biaxial loading. Members with various types of section and various characteristics are included, as also members retrofitted with FRP jacket or concrete jacket and members with lap-splice of longitudinal reinforcement in plastic hinge region. In order to develop new models and check older ones, a database of more than 2800 experiments from international literature on reinforced concrete elements was created and used here.
Simple equations and procedures are suggested for calculating yield moment and corresponding curvature, based on section analysis, by specifying the appropriate yield criteria. Equations for calculating deformation at yielding, in particular chord rotation at yielding, θy as the sum of deformations due to bending, due to shear and due to slippage of longitudinal reinforcement from anchorage zone, are also developed. Calculation of effective stiffness is based on two alternative models, one theoretical and one purely empirical. Deformation at ultimate is then examined where two methods for calculating chord rotation at ultimate are suggested. 1st one is based on ultimate curvature, φu, where an appropriate concrete confinement model is used, and plastic hinge length Lpl, while 2nd one is based on purely empirical equations. Shear strength under cyclic loading is also examined and new models for calculating shear strength for shear tension and shear compression failure after flexural yield are developed. Behavior of reinforced concrete elements under biaxial loading is then examined. Elements with low shear ratio are also covered and new, more representative, criteria to characterize an element as a “short element” are suggested. A procedure based on an appropriate combination of Shohara and Kato 1981 model and Fardis et al. 1998 model is then suggested for calculating maximum strength of such “short elements”. Retrofitted members with FRP jacket are then examined and models for chord rotation at yielding and ultimate, as well as for shear strength are suggested. Behavior of members with lap-splice of longitudinal reinforcement inside plastic hinge region is then examined, including also retrofitting of this region with FRP jacket. Performance at yielding and ultimate of retrofitted members with concrete jacket is also examined. Development of all the suggested models of the Thesis is based on best fit with experimental results of the database, without sacrificing simplicity and applicability of the models.
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