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Co-Creation : A platform to create more loyal and long-term customer relationships in the aviation supply industry.Niklas, Sandor January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att bidra till ökad medvetenhet, förståelse och kunskap om Co-Creation. Genom att fokusera på flygindustrin som är mycket bekant för författaren är syftet med studien och forskningen att bättre förstå hur flygbolagen ser på samverkan och fördelar eller potentiella nackdelar med att använda Co-Creation för att driva ett mer integrerat samarbete mellan kunderna och leverantörer. Datainsamling har skett genom en blandad metoddesign som fångade både kvantitativ och kvalitativ data. Deltagarna i studien är alla från flygindustrin. Totalt deltog 43 studieobjekt i denna studie. Resultaten illustrerar att det för närvarande finns en begränsad nivå av samverkansaktivitet inom flygindustrin, men de flesta deltagarna bedömer att det finns stora fördelar med Co-Creation. Resultatet indikerar att respondenterna anser att Co-Creation är absolut nödvändigt för att driva innovation, skapa en samarbetsmiljö och ett verktyg för leverantörer att bättre förstå både flygbolagens behov och krav samt passagerarnas behov och krav. Denna studie kommer att gynna både leverantör och flygbolag genom att samarbete och partnerskap kan baseras på gemensamma värderingar, överenskommelser och mål. Resultatet kan ytterligare ses representera leverantörsrelationer mer generellt och därigenom gynna alla som bättre vill förstå hur Co-Creation kan användas för att förbättra och expandera leverantörs- och kundengagemang. / Sammanfattning: The purpose of this study has been to contribute to greater awareness, understanding and knowledge on Co-Creation. By focusing on the aviation supply industry which is very familiar to the author, the aim with the study and research is to better understand how airlines view Co-Creation and the benefits or potential drawbacks of using Co-Creation to drive more integrated collaboration between customers and suppliers. This is a study with data collection utilizing a Mixed Method Design Survey that captured both Quantitative as well as Qualitative information and input. The participants in the study are all from the aviation industry. In total 43 study objects participated in this research. The results illustrate that there is currently only a limited level of Co-Creation activity in the aviation supply industry, however the vast majority of participants’ assess that there are significant benefits with Co-Creation. The result indicate that airline respondents believe that Co-Creation is imperative to drive innovation, create a more collaborative environment and a tool for suppliers to better understand both the airlines needs and requirements as well as the needs and requirements of the airlines passengers. This study will benefit both supplier and airlines by collaborating and partnering can be based on common values, understandings and goals. The result can be further extrapolated to represent supplier customer relationships as a whole and further benefit anyone who would like to better understand how Co-Creation can be used in improving and expanding supplier and customer engagement. / <p>2017-08-16</p>
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Designing a Wallpaper Display System for an Effective Product Selection : A Collaboration with Midbec Wallpapers / Design av ett tapetvisningssystem för en effektiv produktvalsprocess : Ett samarbete med Midbec WallpapersHedman, Ida January 2017 (has links)
We are heading into a world that is becoming more and more digital. In the future markets, customers will demand that some sort of technical support is available when they make purchases. This put a big responsibility on companies that have to satisfy that need. The wallpaper industry has not incorporated many efficient support tools to facilitate the product selection at Swedish retailers. This results in that customers experience many issues when they search for new wallpapers. Through a needfinding process, where customers were observed at retailers, eight primary customer needs could be established in the project. These were ranked after their relative importance. The results showed that the most important needs to satisfy was to give customer’s inspiration and help them visualize wallpapers in environments. In two workshops, around 100 ideas on how a system that could satisfy these needs was generated in a number of brainstorming sessions. These ideas were then culled with various evaluation methods such as rating matrixes, inventory methods and by clustering the ideas. At the end of the evaluation process, four concepts remained with different levels of technical demands and implementation requirements. The decision of which concept that was going to be further developed was then made by Midbec. The final system is a service that allows customer to visualize chosen wallpapers in a digital environment. The system contains a screen with a connected hand scanner that will be integrated in Midbec’s store interior and QR-barcodes that is applied to each wallpaper. When a barcode is decoded, either with the scanner or with a smartphone, the user connects to Midbec’s newly developed online wallpaper tool where the wallpaper can be seen in different environments. The benchmarking showed that no studies of effective wallpaper displays has been made. Several areas where new systems can be implemented to support customers and promote wallpapers more effectively was found throughout the process. This means that there are many possibilities to develop and implement new designs in the industry. As a conclusion, this project showed that a needfinding process should focus on incorporating the user to the highest possible level to ensure that reliable data is collected. Another conclusion is that customers experience many different issues in today’s wallpaper selection process. Again, this shows that there is potential to develop systems that can improve today’s wallpaper industry. / Vi går mot en värld som blir allt mer digital. I den framtida marknaden kommer kunder kräva att något sorts tekniskt hjälpmedel finns tillhands när de gör sina inköp. Detta ställer krav på företagen som måste tillfredsställa det behovet. Tapetindustrin har inte integrerat många effektiva verktyg för att underlätta produktvalet hos svenska återförsäljare. Detta resulterar i att kunderna upplever många svårigheter när de letar efter nya tapeter. Genom en behovsidentifieringsprocess, där kunder observerades hos återförsäljare, kunde åtta primära kundbehov fastställas i projektet. Dessa rankades efter deras relativa betydelse. Resultatet visade att de viktigast behoven att tillfredsställa är att ge kunderna inspiration och hjälpa de att visualisera tapeter i miljöer. I två workshops genererades cirka 100 idéer i ett antal brainstorming sessioner på hur ett system som tillfredsställer dessa behov kan se ut. Dessa idéer sorterades sedan med olika utvärderingsmetoder som betygsmatriser, inventerings metoder och genom att gruppera idéerna. I slutet av utvärderingsprocessen återstod fyra koncept med olika grad av tekniska och implementerings krav. Beslutet om viket koncept som skulle vidareutvecklas togs sedan av Midbec. Det slutgiltiga systemet är en tjänst som tillåter kunderna att visualisera valda tapeter i en digital miljö. Systemet inkluderar en skärm med en tillhörande handskanner som är integrerad i Midbec’s butiksmiljö samt QR-koder som är applicerade på varje tapet. När en kod avläses, antigen med skannern eller med en smartphone, kopplas användaren till Midbec’s nyligen framtagna onlinetjänst där tapeten kan ses i olika miljöer. Förstudien visade att inga tidigare studier på effektiva tapetskyltningar har genomförts. Flera områden där nya system kan implementeras för att stödja kunderna och framhäva tapeter mer effektivt framkom under projektet. Detta betyder att det finns många möjligheter för att utveckla och implementera nya designer i branschen. Som en slutsats visade detta projekt att en behovsidentifieringsprocess borde inkludera användaren så mycket som möjligt för att säkerställa att tillförlitliga data samlas in. Ännu en slutsats är att kunder upplever många olika svårigheter i dagens tapetvalsprocess. Återigen visar detta på att det finns potential för att utveckla nya system som kan förbättra dagens tapetbransch.
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Možnosti optimalizace životního cyklu zákazníka e-shopu / Methods of customer lifecycle optimisationHlaváčová, Linda January 2015 (has links)
If the e-shop wants to have loyal customers, they have to begin actively build the relationship with them. This master thesis discusses the methods by which can e-shop start working on building a strong customer relationship and put it in the context of modern trends in online marketing and current advanced communication technologies. Customer lifecycle optimisation which is closely related with data analysis, communication, online marketing and business process improving is not yet very known topic in the Czech Republic. It is so despite the methods aren't difficult to learn new tools or other entry barriers. Master thesis should provide the e-shop owners and their marketers with comprehensive guide how to apply the knowledge about the customer lifecycle to their e-shop.
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Den nya butiksupplevelsen online : Hur kundupplevelsen i liveshopping kan designas för att leda till högre köpintentioner / The new in-store experience online : How the customer experience in live shopping can be designed to enhance purchase intentionsPettersson, Sofia, Jenny, Stridsman January 2021 (has links)
Introduktion: Att skapa en stark kundupplevelse har inom de senaste åren blivit en fokuspunkt inom marknadsföring bland både ledande företag och forskning. De flesta studier inom kundupplevelse har behandlat kundupplevelsen i fysisk handel och inom e-handeln. Nu har ytterligare en handelsvariant, liveshopping, skapats som ser ut att slå igenom världen över. Precis som kundupplevelsen designas effektivast på ett visst vis när den sker i fysiska handeln och på ett annat vis när den sker i e-handeln, anser vi att det borde finnas en optimal design för kundupplevelsen inom liveshopping. Syfte: Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur kundupplevelsen i e-handelsformatet liveshopping kan designas för att påverka konsumenters köpintention positivt. Frågeställningar: Hur påverkar konsumenternas kundupplevelse dess köpintentioner vid liveshopping? Vilken roll spelar typ av värd för konsumenters köpintentioner i liveshopping? Vilken roll spelar graden av personlig interaktion för konsumenters köpintentioner i liveshopping? Metod: Denna magisteruppsats använder sig av kvantitativ strategi, deduktiv ansats, tvärsnittsdesign och enkätmetod. Studiens insamlade data analyseras med variansanalyser i SPSS. Resultat: Studien kommer fram till att den underhållande och sensoriska, den informativa samt den sociala dimensionen av kundupplevelsen påverkar köpintentionerna i liveshopping positivt. Studien visar även att desto mer personlig interaktion i liveshopping, desto högre köpintentioner har konsumenterna samt att en produktexpert leder till högre köpintentioner än en influencer. Kunskapsbidrag: Studien bidrar med kunskap om kundupplevelsen i ett nytt ehandelsformat, liveshopping. / Background: Creating a strong customer experience has in recent years become a focal point in marketing among both leading companies and academic research. Most studies within customer experience have studied the customer experience in physical stores and e-commerce. However, a new shopping format, live shopping, has hit the market around the world. Just as the customer experience is designed more efficiently in a certain way when it takes place in physical store and in another way when it takes place in e-commerce, we believe that there should be an optimal design for the customer experience in live shopping. Purpose: This study aims to investigate how the customer experience in the ecommerce format live shopping can be designed to positively influence consumers' purchase intention. Research questions: How does perceived customer experience affect purchase intentions in live shopping? What role does the choice of host play in consumers' purchase intentions in live shopping? What impact does the degree of personal interaction have on consumers' purchase intentions in live shopping? Methodology: This master's thesis uses quantitative strategy, deductive approach, crosssectional design, and questionnaire method. The collected data is analyzed with variance analysis in SPSS. Conclusion: The study concludes that the entertaining and sensory, the informative and the social dimension of the customer experience positively affect the shopping intentions in live shopping. The study also indicates that more personal interaction in live shopping leads to higher purchase intentions. It also indicates that product experts lead to higher purchase intentions than influencers. Contribution: The study contributes with knowledge about the customer experience in the new e-commerce format, live shopping
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Framgångsrik affärsmodellinnovation : En digital affärsmodell i en digitalt omogen branschEl Masry, Aina January 2020 (has links)
Affärsmodellinnovation innebär att en affärsmodell uppdateras och utvecklas för att vara relevant och samspelt med konkurrensen. Det finns flertal forskare som listar olika koncept som organisationer behöver ha med i sina ffärsmodellinnovation för att den ska bli framgångsrik. Men hur blir det när ett bolag försöker sig på affärsmodellinnovation och skapar ett digitalt verktyg för samverkan i en digital omogen bransch som byggbranschen? Syftet med denna studie är därmed att utforska utmaningar kring affärsmodellsinnovation som fokuserar på utveckling av digitala verktyg för byggbranschen och metoden som används är litteraturstudie samt semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studien resulterar i slutsatsen att det inte räcker med koncepten som forskarna har kommit fram till vad gäller affärsmodellinnovation utan att ett bolag som ska skapar ett digitala verktyg behöver även skapa sig en insikt om hela affärsmodellinnovationensekosystem för att nå fram till sina kunder och partners i en digitalt omogen bransch.
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A software solution for measuring customer experience in-store of a grocery retailer / En applikation för att mäta kundupplevelsen i en matbutikNorsbo, My January 2021 (has links)
The technology of today enables several alternatives to obtaining food in physical stores, such as home deliveries of groceries or take away deliveries. Traditionally grocery retailers have focused primarily on products, but as time changes and customer values shift, grocery retailers must focus on customer experience to establish a relationship between the company and customers to stay competitive on the market. The aim of this study was to investigate what data are required, and where in-store these data should be collected, to draw conclusions about customer experience in a grocery store. Furthermore, to investigate how the graphical user interface of an application collecting that data in-store in grocery stores should be designed and evaluate the usability of the produced proof of concept-application in terms of subjective satisfaction. The implementation was done iteratively, where the first set of requirements were based on a literature study and contextual inquiry, and the other prototypes were evaluated through user testing and interviews. The final high-fidelity prototype was evaluated by the System Usability Scale. The study defined customer experience as the cognitive experience, the affective experience, the social experience, and the physical experience. Data on each of these aspects should be collected to measure customer experience and will give an indication about the customer experience in the store. Measurement should be done on one of the touchpoints identified in the study. The application created was a usable system according to the SUS evaluation but may not be extensive enough to replace all other measurements, and a mix of techniques should be considered.
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Calidad de servicio y experiencia del cliente para el turista nacional en hoteles de categoría superior y de lujo – Paracas, 2020 / Quality service and customer experience for national tourist in superior and luxury hotels - paracas, 2020Moquillaza Mori, Leslie Pamela, Ramos Mantarí, Marcela 29 August 2021 (has links)
En la actualidad, se sostiene que la calidad de servicio llega a tener un gran papel sobre el desempeño de cualquier negocio. En la hotelería, esta variable viene siendo un pilar para todo éxito y un requisito indispensable frente a clientes cada vez más exigentes dentro de un entorno altamente experiencial (J.U. Islam, et al., 2019). Es aquí donde las empresas reconocen la actuación importante de las experiencias positivas en los clientes y su influencia sobre su beneficio estratégico (Kandampully et al., 2018). Como evaluación necesaria y promoción de la importancia de dicha relación, para esta investigación, se analizará la relación activa entre la calidad de servicio y la experiencia del cliente en hoteles de categoría superior y de lujo para el turismo nacional en el distrito de Paracas durante el año 2020.
En el primer capítulo, se explica la problemática de investigación y los antecedentes que forman la base de la investigación. Seguidamente, se extiende toda la información recogida para cada variable en estudio. Para calidad de servicio, se explica su definición a lo largo del tiempo, los beneficios que esta plantea, los modelos predominantes para su medición y las dimensiones elegidas para esta investigación. Por otro lado, para experiencia de cliente, se explica su definición, la importancia sobre su función estratégica, las herramientas para su buen desarrollo y las dimensiones elegidas para esta investigación.
En el segundo y tercer capítulo, se explica el plan de investigación y el marco metodológico respectivamente. Para el plan de investigación se define el problema, los objetivos y la hipótesis a estudiar, calificadas por composiciones generales y específicas. Y, para el marco metodológico, se expone el cálculo de muestreo y población. Asimismo, se define el tipo, diseño y técnicas de recolección y procesamiento de datos.
Para el cuarto y quinto capítulo, se exponen los resultados y las declaraciones finales respectivamente. En los resultados, según las mediciones comprobadas estadísticamente, se confirma la relación y se acepta la hipótesis general y los objetivos específicos. Por último, se expone la discusión donde se afirma la hipótesis general y los objetivos específicos y se confirman las conclusiones concluyentes. / Currently, it is argued that the quality service comes to have a great role in the performance of any business. In the hospitality industry, this variable has been a pillar for all success and an indispensable requirement in the face of increasingly demanding clients within a highly experiential environment (Islam et al., 2019). It is here that companies recognize the important performance of positive customer experiences and their influence on their strategic benefit (Kandampully et al., 2018). As a necessary evaluation and promotion of the importance of this relationship, for this research, we will analyze the relationship between the quality of service and the customer's experience in superior category and luxury hotels for national tourism in the Paracas district during 2020.
In the first chapter, the research problems and the background that form the basis of the research are explained. Next, all the information collected for each variable under study is extended. For quality service, the definition is explained over time, the benefits it raises, the predominant models for its measurement and the dimensions chosen for this research. On the other hand, for customer experience, its definition, the importance of its strategic function, the tools for its proper development and the dimensions chosen for this research are explained.
In the second and third chapters, the research plan and the methodological framework are explained respectively. For the research plan, the problem, the objectives and the hypothesis to be studied are defined, qualified by general and specific compositions. And, for the methodological framework, the sample and population calculation is exposed. Likewise, the type, design and data collection and processing techniques are defined.
For the fourth and fifth chapters, the results and final statements are presented respectively. In the results, according to statistically proven measurements, the relationship is confirmed and the general hypothesis and specific objectives are accepted. Finally, the discussion is exposed where the general hypothesis and the specific objectives are affirmed and the conclusive conclusions are confirmed. / Tesis
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Řízení zkušenosti zákazníků / Managing Customer ExperienceSeifert, Marián January 2014 (has links)
Cieľom diplomovej práce je analýza aktuálnej situácie zákazníckych skúseností vytváraných spoločnosťou a poskytnutie sérií odporúčaní pre ich zlepšenie. Práca kriticky hodnotí praktiky ovplyvňujúce zákaznícku spokojnosť v jednotlivých predajňách spoločnosti, internetovom obchode, servisnom stredisku a zákazníckom centre. Výsledkom sú odporúčané riešenia pre poskytovanie lepších služieb na zvýšenie zákazníckej loajality, ako aj spôsoby eliminácie zistených nedostatkov.
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organizations, these days, need to keep striving for constant innovation.
Customers have a massive impact on the performance of an organization, so
industries need to have solid customer retention strategies. Various big data
analytics methodologies are being used by organizations to improve overall
online customer experience. While there are multiple techniques available, this
research study utilized and tested a framework proposed by Laux et al. (2017),
which combines Big Data and Six Sigma methodologies, to the e-commerce domain
for identification of issues faced by the customer; this was done by analyzing
online product reviews and ratings of customers to provide improvement
strategies for enhancing customer experience. </p>
<p>Analysis performed
on the data showed that approximately 90% of the customer reviews had positive
polarity. Among the factors which were identified to have affected the opinions
of the customers, the Rating field had the most impact on the sentiments of the
users and it was found to be statistically significant. Upon further analysis of
reviews with lower rating, the results attained showed that the major issues
faced by customers were related to the product itself; most issues were more
specifically about the size/fit of the product, followed by the product
quality, material used, how the product looked on the online portal versus how
it looked in reality, and its price concerning the quality.</p>
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Création d'un artefact modulaire d'aide à la conception de parcours client cross-canal visant à développer les capacités des managers des entreprises du secteur du commerce / Creation of a modular artifact to design cross-chanel customer journey to develop managers' capabilities in retailMoschetti-Jacob, Florence 07 December 2016 (has links)
Le management de l’expérience client est un terrain d’étude trop peu exploré en marketing (Lars Grønholdt et al., 2015; Lemon et Verhoef, 2017) et de nombreux professionnels décrivent les enjeux stratégiques, plus spécifiquement, de la conception de parcours client ainsi que la complexité managériale à les concevoir en situation de cross-canal.Notre but, dans une visée prescriptive et normative de la recherche, est d’améliorer, à travers la création d’un outil de gestion, les capacités marketing des managers de parcours client. Nous limitions notre travail doctoral au secteur de la distribution française en cross-canal. La thèse suit la méthodologie de Design Science (Romme, 2003) visant à concevoir un artefact, c’est-à-dire un outil de gestion dont les professionnels peuvent s’emparer pour réduire la complexité du management de l’expérience client. Trois études empiriques qualitatives sont conduites : deux séries d’entretiens individuels et une étude de cas pour tester l’outil conçu.L’artefact développé dans cette thèse comprend un ensemble de concepts, une méthode de travail ainsi que sa réalisation effective appelée instanciation, fondée sur les résultats des deux premiers terrains. Nous montrons que le choix théorique de considérer le parcours client comme une coproduction de ressources et de fonder la conception de parcours sur une structure modulaire permet d’améliorer les capacités marketing et d’en développer de nouvelles, contribuant ainsi au savoir managérial mais aussi académique car notre recherche explore, d’un point de vue théorique, les ressources engagées par le client et l’entreprise, ainsi que les capacités marketing nécessaires pour le manager et leurs dynamiques. / Customer experience management is less explored in marketing (Lars Grønholdt et al., 2015; Lemon and Verhoef, 2017) and many practitioners describe strategic issues, and specifically, the managerial complexity to design of customer journey in cross-channel location.Our goal in our prescriptive and normative research, is aiming to improve, through the creation of a management tool, managers’ marketing capabilities. We restrict our doctoral work to French cross-channel retail. The thesis follows the Design Science Methodology (Romme, 2003) aimed at designing an artifact, which is a management tool that professionals can take to reduce the complexity of customer experience management. Three qualitative empirical studies are conducted: two series of interviews and a case study to test the artifact.The artifact developed in this thesis includes a set of concepts, a method and its effective realization called instantiation, based on the results of the first two interviews. We show that the theoretical choice to consider the customer journey as a co-production of resources and the design of customer journey as a modular structure allows to improve actual marketing capabilities and develop new ones, thus contributing to managerial knowledge but also academic because our research explores, from a theoretical point of view, the resources committed by the customer and the company, as well as marketing capabilities for the manager and their dynamics.
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