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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimized EPA/DHA 6/1 formulation prevents Angiotensin-II induced hypertension and endothelial dysfunction in rats / La formulation optimisée en omega-3 EPA/DHA 6/1 prévient l'hypertension et la dysfonction endothéliale induites par l'angiotensine-II chez le rat

Niazi, Zahid Rasul 06 July 2016 (has links)
La présente étude évalue la capacité de EPA:DHA 6:1, une formulation d’omega-3 capable d’induire la formation continue de monoxyde d’azote par la NO synthase endothéliale, à prévenir l’hypertension et la dysfonction endothéliale induites par l’angiotensine II (Ang II) chez le rat. L’hypertension induite par l’Ang II est associée à une dysfonction endothéliale caractérisée par une altération des composantes de la relaxation et une augmentation des réponses contractiles dépendantes de l’endothélium. L’Ang II augmente le stress oxydant vasculaire et l’expression de NADPH oxydase, COXs, eNOS, et AT1R, alors que SKCa et connexin 37 sont sous-exprimés. EPA:DHA 6:1 prévient l’hypertension, la dysfonction endothéliale et la surexpression des protéines cibles. En conclusion, la consommation chronique de EPA:DHA 6:1 prévient l’hypertension et la dysfonction endothéliale induites par l’Ang II chez le rat, probablement en prévenant le stress oxydant dû à la NADPH oxydase et aux cyclooxygénases. / EPA:DHA 6:1 has been shown to be a superior omega-3 formulation inducing a sustained endothelial NO synthase-derived formation of nitric oxide. This study examined whether chronic intake of EPA:DHA 6:1 prevents hypertension and endothelial dysfunction induced by angiotensin II (Ang II) in rats. Ang II-induced hypertension was associated with endothelial dysfunction characterized by blunted components of relaxation and increased endothelium-dependent contractile responses. Ang II increased the vascular oxidative stress, and the expression of NADPH oxidase subunits, COXs, eNOS, and AT1R whereas SKCa and connexin 37 were down-regulated. Intake of EPA:DHA 6:1 prevented the Ang II-induced hypertension and endothelial dysfunction, and improved expression of target proteins. In conclusion, chronic intake of EPA:DHA 6:1 prevented the Ang II induced hypertension and endothelial dysfunction in rats, most likely by preventing NADPH oxidase and cyclooxygenase-derived oxidative stress.

Novel prognostic biomarkers for renal cell carcinoma

Ronkainen, H.-L. (Hanna-Leena) 13 March 2012 (has links)
Abstract Background and aims: Stage and grade are the most widely used prognostic parameters for renal cell carcinoma (RCC). The clinical course of this disease is not, however, always predictable by traditional prognostic factors. In the era of new molecular targeted therapies a more accurate prognostication of RCC patient survival is important for the individualization of treatment and follow-up of patients. Despite exhaustive research there are still no prognostic biomarkers for RCC in clinical practice. In order to find novel prognostic tissue markers for RCC, we examined the expression of 14 biomarkers involved in carcinogenesis and clarified their prognostic significance in RCC. Material and methods: Out of 189 consecutive patients who underwent surgery for kidney cancer at Oulu University Hospital in the 1990s, 152 patients with histologically verified RCC were included in this study. The stage distribution was 70 (46%), 12 (8%), 51 (34%) and 19 (12%) patients with stages I-IV, respectively. The majority of the tumours (83 tumours, 55%) were nuclear grade II and 5 (3%), 40 (27%) and 22 (15%) of the tumours were grades I, III and IV, respectively. Clinical and follow-up data were obtained from patient records, the Finnish Cancer Registry and on demand from the Population Register Centre of Finland. The biomarkers studied included markers of the oxidative and neuroendocrine systems as well as proteins related to cell adhesion and migration, invasion, metastasis, inflammation and immune responses. The expression of various biomarkers was characterized via immunohistochemical tests of archival tumour material. The staining intensity was compared to clinicopathological parameters and patient RCC-specific survival. Results: The 5-year RCC-specific survival was 77%. The expression of Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9) was an independent marker of favourable RCC-specific survival whereas cytoplasmic myosin VI expression was found to be an independent prognostic factor of poor RCC-specific survival. Cell culture experiments showed how cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) expression is regulated by HuR in RCC. HuR and COX-2 immunoexpression were also related to decreased RCC-specific survival. Immunostaining of Keap1 was associated with advanced RCC and a marker of a poorer RCC-specific prognosis. The expression of different neuroendocrine markers was evaluated but we could not establish any prognostic value for them. Conclusions: In particular, TLR9, HuR and myosin VI can be regarded as promising novel prognostic biomarkers in RCC. Stage, however, is the most important single prognostic factor for RCC. / Tiivistelmä Munuaissyöpä on vuosikymmenten ajan jatkuvasti yleistynyt. Vaikka se diagnosoidaan nykyisin useimmiten sattumalöydöksenä vatsan alueen kuvantamistutkimuksissa ja hoitomenetelmät ovat viime vuosikymmenten aikana kehittyneet, munuaissyöpäkuolleisuus ei ole laskenut. Munuaissyövän ennusteen määrittäminen voi olla haasteellista. Perinteiset ennustetekijät, levinneisyys ja erilaistumisaste, eivät riitä selittämään kaikkien potilaiden taudinkulkua, eikä munuaissyövälle vielä ole kliinisessä käytössä ennusteellista merkkiainetta. Munuaissyöpähoitojen kehittyessä taudinkulun ennustaminen on yhä tärkeämpää, jotta potilaiden hoito ja seuranta voidaan yksilöidä. Tämän väitöskirjatyön tarkoituksena oli etsiä uusia ennusteellisia kudosmerkkiaineita munuaissyöpäkasvaimille. Väitöskirjatutkimus perustuu 1990-luvulla Oulun yliopistollisessa sairaalassa leikatun 152 munuaissyöpäpotilaan aineistoon. Lähes puolet aineiston kasvaimista edusti levinneisyysluokkaa I, ja yli puolet munuaissyöpäkasvaimista oli hyvin erilaistuneita (tumagradus I ja II). Tutkimuspotilaista kerättiin kattavat seurantatiedot. Leikkauksessa poistettujen munuaissyöpäkasvainten arkistomateriaalista tutkittiin eri merkkiaineiden ilmenemistä. Tutkitut merkkiaineet käsittivät oksidatiivisen ja neuroendokriinisen järjestelmän merkkiaineita sekä valkuaisaineita, jotka liittyvät keskeisiin syövän ominaisuuksiin, kuten solujen välisiin liitoksiin ja solujen liikkumiseen sekä etäpesäkkeiden syntymiseen. Lisäksi tutkittiin merkkiaineita, jotka liittyvät tulehdusreaktioihin ja immuunipuolustukseen. Väitöskirjatutkimus paljasti useita uusia kudosmerkkiaineita, joiden ilmeneminen munuaissyöpäkasvaimessa on yhteydessä potilaan ennusteeseen. Näistä merkittävimpiä ovat myosiini VI, joka liittyy syöpäkasvainten metastasointiin, sekä immuunipuolustuksessa vaikuttava Tollin kaltainen reseptori 9 (Toll-like receptor 9, TLR9). Molemmat merkkiaineet osoittautuivat itsenäisiksi ennustetekijöiksi munuaissyövässä. Muita ennusteeseen vaikuttavia merkkiaineita ovat tutkimuksen mukaan oksidatiivista stressiä aistiva Keap1 sekä immunologisiin reaktioihin liittyvä syklo-oksigenaasi 2 (COX-2) ja sen ilmenemistä säätelevä HuR.

Efeito do treinamento físico no controle mecanorreflexo e metaborreflexo da atividade  nervosa simpática muscular em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca / Effects of exercise training on mechanoreflex and metaboreflex control of muscle sympathetic nerve activity in heart failure patients

Lígia de Moraes Antunes Corrêa 14 June 2013 (has links)
Introdução. A hiperativação nervosa simpática é característica marcante da insuficiência cardíaca. Estudos apontam alterações no controle ergorreflexo muscular (mecano e metaborreflexo) como mecanismos potenciais para explicar esta modificação autonômica. Os mecanorreceptores (fibras do grupo III), que são ativadas pelo aumento no tônus muscular e modulados por metabólitos da via das ciclooxigenases, encontram-se hipersensibilizadas na insuficiência cardíaca. Ao contrário, a sensibilidade dos metaborreceptores (fibras do grupo IV), que são ativados pelo acúmulo de metabólitos durante as contrações musculares e modulados pelos receptores TRPV1 e CB1, encontra-se diminuída na insuficiência cardíaca. Por outro lado, o treinamento físico tem se mostrado uma importante ferramenta no tratamento da insuficiência cardíaca. Ele reduz os níveis de atividade nervosa simpática muscular (ANSM) no repouso e durante o exercício em pacientes portadores desta síndrome. Dessa forma, neste estudo, nós testamos a hipótese de que o treinamento físico melhoraria o controle mecano e metaborreflexo da ANSM em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca, e se essa melhora está associada às alterações na via das ciclooxigenases e na expressão dos receptores TRPV1 e CB1, respectivamente. Métodos. Pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca foram consecutivamente e aleatoriamente divididos em dois grupos: insuficiência cardíaca não treinado (ICNT, n=17) e insuficiência cardíaca treinado (ICT, n=17). A ANSM foi avaliada pela técnica de microneurografia e o fluxo sanguíneo muscular (FSM) pela pletismografia de oclusão venosa. A frequência cardíaca (FC) e a pressão arterial (PA) foram avaliadas por medida não invasiva a cada batimento (Finometer). Foi realizada biopsia muscular do vasto lateral para análise de expressão gênica. O treinamento físico aeróbio foi realizado em ciclo ergômetro, em intensidade moderada, por 40 minutos, três vezes por semana, durante 16 semanas. A sensibilidade mecanorreflexa foi calculada pelo delta absoluto entre o pico do exercício passivo, realizado na perna esquerda, e a média do registro basal. A sensibilidade metaborreflexa foi calculada pelo delta absoluto entre o 1º minuto de oclusão circulatória pós-exercício na perna esquerda e a média do registro basal. Resultados. O treinamento físico reduziu a ANSM e aumentou o FSM no repouso. O treinamento físico diminuiu significativamente as respostas de ANSM durante o exercício passivo no grupo ICT. As repostas de PA média também foram menores no grupo ICT quando comparado ao grupo ICNT. Não houve alterações significativas nas repostas de FC, PA sistólica, PA diastólica e FSM durante o exercício passivo no grupo ICT. Em relação à sensibilidade metaborreflexa, o treinamento físico aumentou expressivamente as respostas de ANSM no 1º minuto de oclusão circulatória no grupo ICT. As respostas de FC, PA e FSM não foram alteradas neste grupo. Não foram observadas alterações significativas nos controles mecano e metaborreflexo musculares no grupo ICNT. Além disso, o treinamento físico reduziu significativamente a expressão gênica da enzima COX-2 e do receptor EP4 e aumentou significativamente a expressão dos receptores TRPV1 e CB1 no grupo ICT. Não foram verificadas alterações significativas nas expressões gênicas do grupo ICNT. Conclusões. O treinamento físico normaliza os controles mecano e metaborreflexo da ANSM em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca. Estas alterações podem estar associadas às alterações na expressão gênica da enzima COX-2 e receptor EP4, e dos receptores TRPV1 e CB1, respectivamente. Em conjunto, estes achados podem explicar, pelo menos em parte, a diminuição da atividade nervosa simpática e a melhora na tolerância aos esforços em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca / Introduction. Sympathoexcitation is the hallmark of heart failure. Studies suggest changes in ergoreflex muscle control (mechanoreflex and metaboreflex) as potential mechanisms to explain this autonomic alteration in heart failure. Mechanoreceptors (group III fibers) that are activated by mechanical stimuli and modulated by cyclooxygenase pathway metabolites are hypersensitive in heart failure. In contrast, the sensitivity of metaboreceptors fibers (group IV) that are activated by increases in ischemic metabolites during muscle contractions and modulated by TRPV1 and CB1 receptors is blunted in heart failure. On the other hands, exercise training has been shown to be an important strategy in the treatment of heart failure. It reduces the levels of muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) at rest and during exercise in patients suffering of this syndrome. Thus, we tested the hypothesis that exercise training would improve the mechanoreflex and metaboreflex control of MSNA in heart failure patients. In addition, we investigated whether the improvement in the mechanoreflex and metaboreflex control is related to changes in the cyclooxygenase pathway and expression of TRPV1 and CB1 receptors, respectively. Methods. Patients with heart failure were consecutively and randomly divided into two groups: heart failure untrained (HFUT, n = 17) and heart failure exercise-trained (HFET, n = 17). MSNA was measured by microneurography technique and muscle blood flow (MBF) by venous occlusion plethysmography. Heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP) were assessed by noninvasive measure on a beat-to-beat basis (Finometer). Gene expression analysis was investigated by vastus lateralis muscle biopsy. Aerobic exercise training was performed on a cycle ergometer at moderate intensity, three 40-min session/wk for 16 weeks. Mechanoreflex sensitivity was evaluated by means the absolute difference in MSNA at peak passive exercise and baseline. Metaboreflex sensitivity was calculated by means the absolute difference in MSNA at 1st min after exercise period with muscle circulatory arrest and baseline. Results. Exercise training reduced MSNA and increased MBF. Exercise training significantly decreased MSNA responses during passive exercise. The mean BP response was lower in HFET group when compared to HFUT group. There were no significant changes in HR, systolic and diastolic BP and MBF responses during passive exercise in HFET group. Regarding metaboreflex sensitivity, exercise training significantly increased the MSNA responses at 1st minute of post exercise circulatory arrest. The responses of HR, BP and MBF were unchanged after exercise training. No significant changes were observed in mechanoreflex and metaboreflex control in the HFUT group. Furthermore, exercise training significantly reduced gene expression of COX-2 and EP4 receptor and significantly increased expression of TRPV1 and CB1 receptors. There were no significant changes in the gene expressions in the HFUT group. Conclusions. Exercise training improves mechanoreflex and metaboreflex control of MSNA in heart failure patients. These changes may be associated with changes in gene expression of COX-2 and EP4 receptor and TRPV1 and CB1 receptor, respectively. Together, these findings may explain, at least in part, the decrease in sympathetic nerve activity and the improvement in exercise tolerance in patients with heart failure

Regulation of microsomal prostaglandin E2 synthase-1 and 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein/5-lipoxygenase by 4-hydroxynonenal in human osteoarthritic chondrocytes

Chen, Shu-Huang 12 1900 (has links)
L’arthrose (OA) est une maladie dégénérative et multifactorielle caractérisée par une destruction de cartilage, une formation d’ostéophytes et une inflammation au niveau de la membrane synoviale. Le 4-hydroxynonénal (HNE), un produit final de la peroxydation lipidique, a été identifié récemment comme un facteur catabolique et un médiateur inflammatoire dans le cartilage arthrosique humain. Notre projet vise à étudier l’effet du HNE sur la régulation de la prostaglandine E2 synthase-1 microsomale (mPGES-1) et de la protéine activante 5-lipoxygénase (FLAP)/5-lipoxygénase (5-LOX) dans les chondrocytes arthrosiques humains. Lorsque les cellules sont traitées une seule fois avec 10 µM HNE, les résultats de Western blot et de PCR en temps réel montrent que l’expression de la cyclooxygénase-2 (COX-2) et de la mPGES-1 augmente de manière significative et atteint respectivement le maximum après 8 et 16 heures d’incubation puis diminue graduellement. Cependant, lorsque les cellules sont traitées plusieurs fois avec 10 µM HNE à 2 heures d’intervalle, l’expression de la COX-2 et de la mPGES-1 augmente en fonction du temps sans subir une baisse après 24 heures d’incubation. Le HNE induit l’activité du promoteur de la mPGES-1 via l’activation du facteur de transcription Egr-1. L’investigation de la 2ème voie du métabolisme de l’acide arachidonique, à savoir 5-LOX/FLAP, montre que le HNE induit l’expression de FLAP après 24 heures de stimulation et celle de 5-LOX seulement après 48 heures. Ceci semble survenir à l’étape de transcription au cours de laquelle HNE induit l’expression de l’ARNm et l’activité du promoteur du gène 5-LOX. Nous avons démontré aussi que le niveau de leukotriène B4 (LTB4) augmente et suit le même profil que celui de la 5-LOX. L’étude des mécanismes moléculaires susceptibles d’être impliqués dans la régulation de la 5-LOX/FLAP par le HNE montre que ce dernier stimule leur expression via l’action de prostaglandine E2 (PGE2) et du facteur de croissance transformant-beta 1 (TGF-β1). En conclusion, notre étude démontre que le HNE induit à court-terme d’incubation la voie de COX-2/mPGES-1 puis par la suite stimule celle de FLAP/5-LOX à long-terme d’incubation dans les chondrocytes arthrosiques humains. Ces résultats suggèrent que la mPGES-1 et 5-LOX/FLAP sont des potentielles cibles thérapeutiques intéressantes pour contrôler la production de PGE2 et LTB4 dans OA. / 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), a lipid peroxidation end-product, is produced abundantly in osteoarthritic (OA) articular tissues. Recently, we reported that HNE-induced cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) decreased gradually in human OA chondrocytes after 8 h of incubation. This study aimed to investigate whether COX-2 down-regulation is attributed to HNE depletion and is responsible for the switch from COX-2 to 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein (FLAP)/5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX). Treatment of chondrocytes with 10 µM HNE induced prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) release as well as COX-2 and microsomal prostaglandin E2 synthase-1 (mPGES-1) expression at the protein and mRNA levels, with a plateau reached at 8-16 h of incubation, followed by a subsequent decline. However, 8 repeated treatments with 10 µM HNE prevented the reduction of COX-2 and mPGES-1 expression. We demonstrated that HNE induced mPGES-1 promoter activity mainly through transcription factor Egr-1 activation. On the other hand, when COX-2 expression decreased, leukotriene B4 (LTB4) level rose after a long period of stimulation (48 and 72 h). At the mRNA level, HNE induced FLAP and 5-LOX expression after 24 and 48 h of stimulation, respectively. The addition of a nonspecific COX-2 inhibitor (naproxen) to cultured chondrocytes revealed that FLAP and 5-LOX regulation by HNE required PGE2 production. Furthermore, our data showed that 10 µM HNE significantly induced transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-β1) production. The addition of anti-TGF-β antibody to culture medium reduced HNE-induced 5-LOX/FLAP expression by 40%, indicating the involvement of a TGF-β1-dependent mechanism. Our data demonstrate that the shunt to the FLAP/5-LOX pathway in HNE-induced human OA chondrocytes is attributed to COX-2 inhibition, probably due to HNE depletion. PGE2 and TGF-β1 are suggested to be involved in this regulation. Further experiments are in progress to determine other molecular mechanisms underlying this switch in OA chondrocytes.

Avaliação dos efeitos nefrotóxicos da associação do tacrolimus (FK 506) e antiinflamatórios não-hormonais em ratos

Soubhia, Rosa Maria Cordeiro 25 May 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-26T12:51:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 rosasoubhia_tese.pdf: 792706 bytes, checksum: bba71696e22270729d09c3130cc047eb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-05-25 / Introduction: Tacrolimus (FK 506) is a potent immunosuppressive drug that may cause nephrotoxicity decreasing the renal blood flow (RBF) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Conventional non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may cause nephrotoxicity, interfering with renal hemodynamics and fluid and eletrolyte homeostasis. Recently, new selective COX-2 inhibitors have been developed producing less side effects (gastric, cardiac and renal) related to COX-1 inhibition. The increasing use of FK 506 and the intensive use of NSAIDs with analgesic or ani-inflammatory purposes, increases the possibility of a drug combination, potentiating the nephrotoxic risk of the two drugs. Objective : Compare the renal function of rats receiving combination therapy with FK and a non-selective COX inhibitor, sodium diclofenac (SD) with those receiving FK and a selective COX-2 inhibitor, rofecoxib (RO). Material and Methods : Male Munich-Wistar rats receiving a low sodium diet (0.06%) for 7 days and gavage treatment for 7 days with FK (2 mg/kg/day), SD (10 mg/kg/day), RO (3 mg/kg/day), FK+SD, FK+RO and vehicle (control) were used. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR, inulin clearance, ml/min/100g); renal blood flow (RBF, Doppler ultrasound, ml/min); mean blood pressure (MBP, intracarotid probe, mmHg); renal vascular resistence ( RVR, mmHg/ml/min); hematocrit (Htc); urinary volume ( UV, &#956;l/min); solute clearance; renal histology; animal weight (g) and FK serum concentration (SCFK, ng/ml) were assessed. Results are presented as a mean±standart deviation and compared by ANOVA followed by Student-Neuman-Keuls test. Results : The GRF of the SD group was 0.98±0.03, RO 1.06±0.04 and FK 0.99±0.06 similar to control values (1.10±0.05). GRF values decreased in the FK+RO (0.86±0.06;p<0.05 vs RO and Control) and FK+SD (0.63±0.06;p<0.001 vs control, FK and SD groups and p<0.01 vs FK+RO) groups. RBF, MBP, RVR and Htc values were similar in all groups. Diuresis was lower in the groups with drug combination, but there was a statistically significant difference only between FK+SD and RO groups (8.38±0.46 vs 12.99±1.22;p<0.05). There were no significant histological chan ges in the treatment groups. The FK+SD group showed statistically significant weigth changes (-18±5) when compared to the Control and RO groups (6±2 and 5±2, respectively; p<0.001) and to the SD an FK+RO groups (0.2±4 and 1±2, respectively; p<0.01). SCFK was significantly decreased (p<0.05) for FK+SD and FK+RO (1.7±0.3 and 1.8±0.4) groups when compared to the FK group (3.2±0.4. Conclusions: The combination of FK and a non-selective COX inhibitor significantly decreased GFR regardless of a RBF decrease or RVR increase, and is probably a result of Kf decrease. The trend to antidiuresis was similar for the combination of FK with both classes of NSAIDs. FK combined to a non-selective COX inhibitor caused a mild systemic toxicity when compared with the COX-2 selective inhibitor. Serum FK concentrations were significantly lower in NSAIDs treated animals. / Introdução: O tacrolimus (FK 506) é uma potente droga imunossupressora, pode causar nefrotoxicidade aguda com diminuição do fluxo sanguíneo renal (FSR) e ritmo de filtração glomerular (RFG). Os antiinflamatórios não-hormonais (AINHs) convencionais podem causar nefrotoxicidade, interferindo na hemodinâmica renal e na homeostase de fluidos e eletrólitos. Recentemente surgiram novas drogas do grupo coxib que são inibidores seletivos da COX-2, e portanto teriam menos efeitos colaterais relacionados à inibição da COX-1 (gástricos, cardíacos e renais). O crescente uso do FK 506 e o intenso uso de AINHs com finalidade analgésica e ou antiinflamatória aumenta a possibilidade de utilização em conjunto, potencializando o risco de nefrotoxicidade das duas drogas. Objetivo: Comparar a função renal de ratos sob os efeitos do uso simultâneo do FK e de um inibidor não-seletivo da COX, o diclofenaco sódico (DS) e do FK e de um inibidor seletivo da COX-2, o rofecoxib (RO). Materiais e Método: Utilizaram-se ratos Munich-Wistar machos em dieta hipossódica (0,06%) por 7 dias e tratamento por gavagem por 7 dias com FK (2 mg/kg/dia), DS (l0mg/kg/dia), RO (3mg/kg/dia), FK+DS, FK+RO e veículo (Contr). Aferidos ritmo de filtração glomerular (RFG, depuração de inulina, ml/min/l00g); o fluxo sanguíneo renal (FSR, ultrasom Doppler, ml/min); a pressão arterial média (PAM, probe intracarotídeo, mmHg); a resistência vascular renal (RVR, mmHg/ml/min); hematócríto (Ht); o volume urinário (VU, pl/min); a depuração de solutos; a histologia renal; o peso dos animais (g) e a concentração sanguínea de FK CSFK, ng/ml). Os resultados são apresentados com médiaserro padrão da média e comparados por ANOVA seguido do teste Student-Neuman-Keuls. Resultados: O RFG do grupo DS foi 0,980,03, do RO foi 1,060,04 e do FK 0,990,06 similares ao controle (1,100,05). Houve queda do RFG nos grupos FK+RO (0,860,06;p<0,Os vs RO e Contr) e FK+DS (0,630,06;p<0,001 vs Contr,DS, RO e FK; p<0,01 vs FK+RO) Nota de Resumo O FSR, a PAM, a RVR e o Ht foram semelhantes em todos os grupos. A diurese foi menor nos grupos com associação de drogas, mas houve diferença estatisticamente significante apenas entre os grupos FK+DS e RO (8,380,46 vs l299l,22;p<0,05). Não ocorreram modificações histológicas significativas nos grupos estudados. O grupo FK+DS apresentou variação de peso (-185) estatisticamente significante em relação aos grupos Contr 62 e RO 52 (p<0,001) e DS 0,24 e FK+RO -12 (p<0,01). A CSFK diminuiu significativamente (p<0,05) para os grupos FK+DS e FK+RO (1,70,3 e 1,80,4) em relação ao grupo FK (3,20,4). Conclusões: A associação do FK com um inibidor não-seletivo da COX causou diminuição mais acentuada do RFG independentemente da diminuição do FSR ou aumento da RVR, sendo provavelmente decorrente da diminuição do Kf. A tendência à antidiurese foi similar para a associação do FK com as duas classes de AINHs. O FK associado com um inibidor não-seletivo da COX causou discreta toxicidade sistêmica quando comparado com inibidor seletivo da COX-2. Nos animais tratados com AINHs, as concentrações sanguíneas do FK foram significativamente menores.

Sobrecarga de sal durante o período perinatal: efeito sobre a modulação do sistema renina-angiotensina em resposta à variação no consumo de sal na prole adulta / Dietary salt load during perinatal period: effects on the reninangiotensin system in response to sodium intake in the adult offspring rat

Costa, Nauilo Lima 09 February 2009 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar se a sobrecarga de sal durante a gestação interfere na liberação de renina renal e circulante e a sua relação com a COX-2 e nNOS no rim após estimulo ou inibição do sistema renina angiotensina (SRA) nas proles femininas adultas. Ratas fêmeas Wistar receberam dieta normossódica (1,3%), hipersódica 4,0% ou hipersódica 8,0%NaCl durante a gestação. Ao nascimento, as proles receberam dieta normossódica. As proles com 12 semanas de vida foram submetidas ao teste de restrição (0,15%) ou a sobrecarga de sódio (8,0%NaCl). Foram avaliados pesos corpóreos, a pressão arterial, atividades da renina plasmática e renal; porcentagem de ramos vasculares com grânulos de renina, nitrito sérico; expressão do mRNA e protéica de renina, COX-2 e nNOS no córtex e medula renal. A pressão arterial, peso corpóreo, atividade da renina plasmática e renal não foram diferentes entre os grupos. A prole HR1 apresentou modulação do SRA, enquanto que prole HR2 não apresentou modulação adequada frente à restrição ou sobrecarga de sódio. Além disso, a expressão do mRNA da renina, COX-2 e nNOS foi estimulada na medula, e diminuída no córtex renal das proles HR1 diante da restrição ou sobrecarga de sódio. Em conclusão, a sobrecarga de sódio durante a gestação modifica as respostas do sistema renina-angiotensina, da COX-2 e da nNOS diante de subseqüente restrição e sobrecarga de sódio nas proles femininas adultas. / The objective was to evaluate whether mother high salt diet interferes in circulating and local renin release and its relation to kidney COX-2 and nNOS under RAS stimulation or inhibition by sodium in female offspring. Female rats were fed a normal (1,3%NaCl, NSD) or high 1 (4,0%, HSD1) or high 2 (8,0%, HSD2) diet throughout pregnancy. Mating occurred on the 12th week of age. From birthday, the offspring received normal salt diet. In adult offspring; plasma, renal renin activity, granulated renin cell, serum Nox, medullar and cortical renin, COX-2 and nNOS mRNA and protein expression were measured in basal condition and after one week of RAS stimulation or inhibition by sodium. Results: In basal condition, renin activity was not different among groups; however HSD1 offspring was more responsive to RAS stimulation or inhibition. Medulla COX-2 and nNOS mRNA of HSD1 offspring were decreased in basal conditions and they were more responsive to RAS stimulation or inhibition. Enhanced responses of circulating and local renin, COX-2 and nNOS to RAS stimulation or inhibition by sodium in offspring from maternal high salt diet during pregnancy lead to activation of renin angiotensin system, prostaglandin and nitric oxide pathways, and could be origin of hypertension in late life.

Endothelium-dependent vasomotor responses of hypertensive and type 2 diabetic rats: effects of sex, ageing, and therapeutic interventions

Graham, Drew January 2009 (has links)
Impaired endothelial vasomotor function is a hallmark of many chronic disease states, including essential hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Loss of the homeostatic role of the endothelium in large conduit arteries can contribute to the pathogenesis of cardiovascular conditions in these vessels (e.g. stroke, atherosclerosis). A fundamental understanding of mechanisms controlling endothelial function in hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus is required for appropriate clinical strategies targeting the cardiovascular conditions associated with these diseases. The vast majority of basic science studies examining endothelial function in animal models of hypertension and type 2 diabetes have been conducted in males. Studying endothelial function in females is imperative for determining potential sex-specific mechanisms of dysfunction and thus appropriate therapeutic strategies. Thus the global purpose of this thesis is to identify and characterize the pathways controlling impaired vasomotor function in female animal models of two chronic disease states: hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Chapters 2 and 3 of this thesis examine sex differences in endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation (EDR) and vasocontraction (EDC) of aortic segments isolated from male and female spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), a model of essential hypertension, as the animals age between 16 and 30 wk old. All endothelial vasomotor data presented in the Abstract are peak responses to 10⁻⁵ M acetylcholine. Endothelial vasomotor impairment is represented by lower EDR or by higher EDC. These present data confirmed well-established findings from the literature that 16 wk old male SHR exhibit endothelial vasomotor impairments (EDR: 77±4 %; EDC: 76±7 %) compared to normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY; EDR: 89±6 %; EDC: 59±8 %; p<0.05) controls, and that this impairment worsens with ageing in 30 wk male SHR (EDR: 63±2 %; EDC: 91±3 %; p<0.05). The observation that EDR was reduced in 30 wk female SHR (EDR: 76±4 %) compared to 16 wk counterparts (EDR: 101±2 %; p<0.05), however, was novel and interesting, as there were previously no reports of vasomotor responses in female SHR older than 19 wk. Moreover, the blunted EDR response of 30 wk female SHR approached the level of impairment exhibited by 30 wk male SHR (but was still slightly greater in females; p<0.05). The limited sex difference of the EDR within 30 wk SHR (males –13 % vs. females; p<0.05) contrasted that of 16 wk SHR (males –24 % vs. females; p<0.05), when the robust and unimpaired relaxation displayed by females was much greater than the significantly blunted response of males. Interestingly, endothelium-dependent contractions in quiescent rings were moderate and similar between 16 wk (EDC: 50±4 %) and 30 wk female SHR (EDC: 59±7 %; p=N/S) as compared to the greater contractions of males that were exacerbated with ageing (see above; p<0.05 both sex and ageing comparison). A major role has been established for the cyclooxygenase (COX)-1-thromboxane A₂/prostaglandin (TP) receptor pathway in the impaired endothelial vasomotor function of male SHR. Indeed, a similar mechanism appears to be responsible for the dysfunction observed in 30 wk female SHR in this thesis since robust endothelial function was restored in these animals with both antagonism of TP receptor (EDR: 111±2 %; EDC: 7±2 %; p<0.05) and preferential inhibition of COX-1 (EDR: 112±3 %; EDC: –5±3 %; p<0.05). In contrast, preferential inhibition of COX-2 only partially tempered endothelial impairments of 30 wk female SHR (EDR: 99±5 %; EDC: 27±3 %; p<0.05), suggesting that, similar to ageing male SHR, this isoform makes at most a secondary contribution to the dysfunction in 30 wk female SHR. Collectively, these data indicate that ageing female SHR exhibit a mechanism of endothelial impairment that is similar to that of male SHR and that is largely COX-1- and TP receptor-dependent. Chapter 4 examines the ability of chronic dietary administration of the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6 n-3), to ameliorate endothelial vasomotor function in adult male SHR with established hypertension. The impaired endothelial function of aortic segments isolated from adult male SHR (EDR: 48±6 %) was not improved following 10–12 wk of DHA feeding (EDR: 45±5 %; p=N/S). This finding was unexpected since it has been shown in the literature that feeding other n-3 PUFAs improves vasomotor responses in younger SHR, in which hypertension and its associated consequences are still developing. This is the first report of the effects of n-3 PUFA on endothelial vasomotor responses in adult SHR with established hypertension. These data suggest that dietary DHA do not improve vasomotor function in adult SHR. Chapter 5 examines α₁ adrenergic contraction and EDR of aortic segments isolated from 14 wk old female Zucker diabetic fatty rats (ZDF), a genetic model of high fat diet-induced obesity and type 2 diabetes, and lean non-diabetic female Zucker Lean rats. Additionally, some ZDF received an 8 wk administration of anti-diabetic metformin drug therapy, aerobic exercise training, or a combination of the two. Maximal α₁ adrenergic contractions were over 2-fold higher in high fat-fed ZDF (1.69±0.16 g) compared to Lean (0.71±0.13 g; p<0.05). This elevation in ZDF was abolished by exercise training alone (1.02±0.17 g; p<0.05) but was not altered by metformin (1.56±0.19 g; p=N/S). In contrast to the severely impaired endothelial vasomotor function reported in male ZDF in the literature, robust EDR was observed in female ZDF (72±7 %) that was similar to Lean (75±6 %; p=N/S) and that was unaltered by exercise training (76±5 %; p=N/S) or metformin (76±6 %; p=N/S). These results indicate that enhanced α₁ adrenergic contraction is a mechanism of altered vasomotor function in female type 2 diabetic ZDF rats and that it could possibly be addressed by a chronic exercise training intervention. The main novelty of the thesis is the extension of the current understanding of endothelial vasomotor function to hypertensive and type 2 diabetic females. The knowledge gained from examining mechanisms involved in endothelial impairments in ageing hypertensive females and from testing the therapeutic potential of currently used anti-diabetic interventions in the type 2 diabetic female vasculature has interesting potential application. This basic scientific information could help direct clinical therapeutic strategies to target population-specific mechanisms of dysfunction. Understanding female sex-specific endothelial behaviour in patient populations is important for describing cardiovascular complications, defining mechanisms, and applying appropriate therapeutic targets. Findings from this thesis indicate a sex-dependence of the total divergence of endothelial function (e.g. female type 2 diabetic rats vs. male counterparts in the literature) and of the interaction of disease variables (e.g. age) and endothelial vasomotor responses.

Endothelium-dependent vasomotor responses of hypertensive and type 2 diabetic rats: effects of sex, ageing, and therapeutic interventions

Graham, Drew January 2009 (has links)
Impaired endothelial vasomotor function is a hallmark of many chronic disease states, including essential hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Loss of the homeostatic role of the endothelium in large conduit arteries can contribute to the pathogenesis of cardiovascular conditions in these vessels (e.g. stroke, atherosclerosis). A fundamental understanding of mechanisms controlling endothelial function in hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus is required for appropriate clinical strategies targeting the cardiovascular conditions associated with these diseases. The vast majority of basic science studies examining endothelial function in animal models of hypertension and type 2 diabetes have been conducted in males. Studying endothelial function in females is imperative for determining potential sex-specific mechanisms of dysfunction and thus appropriate therapeutic strategies. Thus the global purpose of this thesis is to identify and characterize the pathways controlling impaired vasomotor function in female animal models of two chronic disease states: hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Chapters 2 and 3 of this thesis examine sex differences in endothelium-dependent vasorelaxation (EDR) and vasocontraction (EDC) of aortic segments isolated from male and female spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR), a model of essential hypertension, as the animals age between 16 and 30 wk old. All endothelial vasomotor data presented in the Abstract are peak responses to 10⁻⁵ M acetylcholine. Endothelial vasomotor impairment is represented by lower EDR or by higher EDC. These present data confirmed well-established findings from the literature that 16 wk old male SHR exhibit endothelial vasomotor impairments (EDR: 77±4 %; EDC: 76±7 %) compared to normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY; EDR: 89±6 %; EDC: 59±8 %; p<0.05) controls, and that this impairment worsens with ageing in 30 wk male SHR (EDR: 63±2 %; EDC: 91±3 %; p<0.05). The observation that EDR was reduced in 30 wk female SHR (EDR: 76±4 %) compared to 16 wk counterparts (EDR: 101±2 %; p<0.05), however, was novel and interesting, as there were previously no reports of vasomotor responses in female SHR older than 19 wk. Moreover, the blunted EDR response of 30 wk female SHR approached the level of impairment exhibited by 30 wk male SHR (but was still slightly greater in females; p<0.05). The limited sex difference of the EDR within 30 wk SHR (males –13 % vs. females; p<0.05) contrasted that of 16 wk SHR (males –24 % vs. females; p<0.05), when the robust and unimpaired relaxation displayed by females was much greater than the significantly blunted response of males. Interestingly, endothelium-dependent contractions in quiescent rings were moderate and similar between 16 wk (EDC: 50±4 %) and 30 wk female SHR (EDC: 59±7 %; p=N/S) as compared to the greater contractions of males that were exacerbated with ageing (see above; p<0.05 both sex and ageing comparison). A major role has been established for the cyclooxygenase (COX)-1-thromboxane A₂/prostaglandin (TP) receptor pathway in the impaired endothelial vasomotor function of male SHR. Indeed, a similar mechanism appears to be responsible for the dysfunction observed in 30 wk female SHR in this thesis since robust endothelial function was restored in these animals with both antagonism of TP receptor (EDR: 111±2 %; EDC: 7±2 %; p<0.05) and preferential inhibition of COX-1 (EDR: 112±3 %; EDC: –5±3 %; p<0.05). In contrast, preferential inhibition of COX-2 only partially tempered endothelial impairments of 30 wk female SHR (EDR: 99±5 %; EDC: 27±3 %; p<0.05), suggesting that, similar to ageing male SHR, this isoform makes at most a secondary contribution to the dysfunction in 30 wk female SHR. Collectively, these data indicate that ageing female SHR exhibit a mechanism of endothelial impairment that is similar to that of male SHR and that is largely COX-1- and TP receptor-dependent. Chapter 4 examines the ability of chronic dietary administration of the n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6 n-3), to ameliorate endothelial vasomotor function in adult male SHR with established hypertension. The impaired endothelial function of aortic segments isolated from adult male SHR (EDR: 48±6 %) was not improved following 10–12 wk of DHA feeding (EDR: 45±5 %; p=N/S). This finding was unexpected since it has been shown in the literature that feeding other n-3 PUFAs improves vasomotor responses in younger SHR, in which hypertension and its associated consequences are still developing. This is the first report of the effects of n-3 PUFA on endothelial vasomotor responses in adult SHR with established hypertension. These data suggest that dietary DHA do not improve vasomotor function in adult SHR. Chapter 5 examines α₁ adrenergic contraction and EDR of aortic segments isolated from 14 wk old female Zucker diabetic fatty rats (ZDF), a genetic model of high fat diet-induced obesity and type 2 diabetes, and lean non-diabetic female Zucker Lean rats. Additionally, some ZDF received an 8 wk administration of anti-diabetic metformin drug therapy, aerobic exercise training, or a combination of the two. Maximal α₁ adrenergic contractions were over 2-fold higher in high fat-fed ZDF (1.69±0.16 g) compared to Lean (0.71±0.13 g; p<0.05). This elevation in ZDF was abolished by exercise training alone (1.02±0.17 g; p<0.05) but was not altered by metformin (1.56±0.19 g; p=N/S). In contrast to the severely impaired endothelial vasomotor function reported in male ZDF in the literature, robust EDR was observed in female ZDF (72±7 %) that was similar to Lean (75±6 %; p=N/S) and that was unaltered by exercise training (76±5 %; p=N/S) or metformin (76±6 %; p=N/S). These results indicate that enhanced α₁ adrenergic contraction is a mechanism of altered vasomotor function in female type 2 diabetic ZDF rats and that it could possibly be addressed by a chronic exercise training intervention. The main novelty of the thesis is the extension of the current understanding of endothelial vasomotor function to hypertensive and type 2 diabetic females. The knowledge gained from examining mechanisms involved in endothelial impairments in ageing hypertensive females and from testing the therapeutic potential of currently used anti-diabetic interventions in the type 2 diabetic female vasculature has interesting potential application. This basic scientific information could help direct clinical therapeutic strategies to target population-specific mechanisms of dysfunction. Understanding female sex-specific endothelial behaviour in patient populations is important for describing cardiovascular complications, defining mechanisms, and applying appropriate therapeutic targets. Findings from this thesis indicate a sex-dependence of the total divergence of endothelial function (e.g. female type 2 diabetic rats vs. male counterparts in the literature) and of the interaction of disease variables (e.g. age) and endothelial vasomotor responses.

Regulation of microsomal prostaglandin E2 synthase-1 and 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein/5-lipoxygenase by 4-hydroxynonenal in human osteoarthritic chondrocytes

Chen, Shu-Huang 12 1900 (has links)
L’arthrose (OA) est une maladie dégénérative et multifactorielle caractérisée par une destruction de cartilage, une formation d’ostéophytes et une inflammation au niveau de la membrane synoviale. Le 4-hydroxynonénal (HNE), un produit final de la peroxydation lipidique, a été identifié récemment comme un facteur catabolique et un médiateur inflammatoire dans le cartilage arthrosique humain. Notre projet vise à étudier l’effet du HNE sur la régulation de la prostaglandine E2 synthase-1 microsomale (mPGES-1) et de la protéine activante 5-lipoxygénase (FLAP)/5-lipoxygénase (5-LOX) dans les chondrocytes arthrosiques humains. Lorsque les cellules sont traitées une seule fois avec 10 µM HNE, les résultats de Western blot et de PCR en temps réel montrent que l’expression de la cyclooxygénase-2 (COX-2) et de la mPGES-1 augmente de manière significative et atteint respectivement le maximum après 8 et 16 heures d’incubation puis diminue graduellement. Cependant, lorsque les cellules sont traitées plusieurs fois avec 10 µM HNE à 2 heures d’intervalle, l’expression de la COX-2 et de la mPGES-1 augmente en fonction du temps sans subir une baisse après 24 heures d’incubation. Le HNE induit l’activité du promoteur de la mPGES-1 via l’activation du facteur de transcription Egr-1. L’investigation de la 2ème voie du métabolisme de l’acide arachidonique, à savoir 5-LOX/FLAP, montre que le HNE induit l’expression de FLAP après 24 heures de stimulation et celle de 5-LOX seulement après 48 heures. Ceci semble survenir à l’étape de transcription au cours de laquelle HNE induit l’expression de l’ARNm et l’activité du promoteur du gène 5-LOX. Nous avons démontré aussi que le niveau de leukotriène B4 (LTB4) augmente et suit le même profil que celui de la 5-LOX. L’étude des mécanismes moléculaires susceptibles d’être impliqués dans la régulation de la 5-LOX/FLAP par le HNE montre que ce dernier stimule leur expression via l’action de prostaglandine E2 (PGE2) et du facteur de croissance transformant-beta 1 (TGF-β1). En conclusion, notre étude démontre que le HNE induit à court-terme d’incubation la voie de COX-2/mPGES-1 puis par la suite stimule celle de FLAP/5-LOX à long-terme d’incubation dans les chondrocytes arthrosiques humains. Ces résultats suggèrent que la mPGES-1 et 5-LOX/FLAP sont des potentielles cibles thérapeutiques intéressantes pour contrôler la production de PGE2 et LTB4 dans OA. / 4-hydroxynonenal (HNE), a lipid peroxidation end-product, is produced abundantly in osteoarthritic (OA) articular tissues. Recently, we reported that HNE-induced cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) decreased gradually in human OA chondrocytes after 8 h of incubation. This study aimed to investigate whether COX-2 down-regulation is attributed to HNE depletion and is responsible for the switch from COX-2 to 5-lipoxygenase-activating protein (FLAP)/5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX). Treatment of chondrocytes with 10 µM HNE induced prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) release as well as COX-2 and microsomal prostaglandin E2 synthase-1 (mPGES-1) expression at the protein and mRNA levels, with a plateau reached at 8-16 h of incubation, followed by a subsequent decline. However, 8 repeated treatments with 10 µM HNE prevented the reduction of COX-2 and mPGES-1 expression. We demonstrated that HNE induced mPGES-1 promoter activity mainly through transcription factor Egr-1 activation. On the other hand, when COX-2 expression decreased, leukotriene B4 (LTB4) level rose after a long period of stimulation (48 and 72 h). At the mRNA level, HNE induced FLAP and 5-LOX expression after 24 and 48 h of stimulation, respectively. The addition of a nonspecific COX-2 inhibitor (naproxen) to cultured chondrocytes revealed that FLAP and 5-LOX regulation by HNE required PGE2 production. Furthermore, our data showed that 10 µM HNE significantly induced transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-β1) production. The addition of anti-TGF-β antibody to culture medium reduced HNE-induced 5-LOX/FLAP expression by 40%, indicating the involvement of a TGF-β1-dependent mechanism. Our data demonstrate that the shunt to the FLAP/5-LOX pathway in HNE-induced human OA chondrocytes is attributed to COX-2 inhibition, probably due to HNE depletion. PGE2 and TGF-β1 are suggested to be involved in this regulation. Further experiments are in progress to determine other molecular mechanisms underlying this switch in OA chondrocytes.

Elucidating the metabolism of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and formation of bioactive lipid mediators in human skin

Kiezel-Tsugunova, Magdalena January 2017 (has links)
Human skin has distinct lipid metabolism and production of bioactive lipid mediators that can be modulated by nutritional supplementation with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFA), of which eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids exert anti-inflammatory effects. The aims of this project were to gain better understanding of their individual mechanisms in human epidermis and dermis. HaCaT keratinocytes, 46BR.1N fibroblasts, primary human epidermal keratinocytes and dermal fibroblasts were treated with EPA or DHA for 72h and then sham-irradiated or exposed to 15 mJ/cm2 ultraviolet radiation (UVR). Viability was measured by the MTT assay. The expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), microsomal prostaglandin synthase-1 (mPGES-1) and 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase (15-PGDH) proteins was explored by western blotting. Human skin explants (n=4 donors) were cultured for 3 or 6 days and supplemented with EPA, DHA or vehicle. Culture media were collected to evaluate tissue damage and PUFA cytotoxicity (lactate dehydrogenase assay). Epidermal and dermal lipid profiles were assessed by gas chromatography and liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. Primary keratinocytes were treated with fatty acids and various lipid mediators for 48h. Their effect was determined by the scratch assay and transepithelial electrical resistance. UVR upregulated COX-2 in HaCaT and primary epidermal keratinocytes, but did not affect mPGES-1 and 15-PGDH protein expression. UVR upregulated COX-2 and mPGES-1 in 46BR.1N fibroblasts but had no effect on 15-PGDH expression. The same UVR dose did not alter the expression of COX-2, mPGES-1 and 15-PGDH in primary dermal fibroblasts. Only EPA attenuated COX-2 expression in HaCaT and primary keratinocytes and either EPA or DHA had any effect in 46BR.1N and primary fibroblasts. Skin explants showed initial post-biopsy tissue damage. EPA and DHA supplementation augmented cellular levels of the corresponding fatty acids in both epidermis and dermis to a different extent. Increased uptake of DHA in the dermis was accompanied by reduced arachidonic acid levels. EPA treatment stimulated the production of PGE3 and various HEPE in epidermis, while DHA treatment caused high levels of HDHA species in dermis. N-3 PUFA and their derivatives delayed wound healing, cell migration and epidermal barrier permeability, while n-6 PUFA lipids showed the opposite effect. Overall, these findings suggest that EPA and DHA differently affect skin cells and skin, with EPA preference in epidermis and DHA in the dermis. These results highlight the importance of differential skin responses that could be important in skin health and disease.

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