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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Study of Resource-Based Market Entry Strategies in the Hotel Industry

Bianco, Simone 17 May 2023 (has links)
The hospitality industry has experienced significant changes in its competitive environment over the past 30 years, driven by the growth of alternative accommodations, the widespread use of the internet for searching and booking accommodations, and the adoption of asset-light business models. In this new competitive landscape, hospitality firms struggle to gain a competitive advantage, particularly as they lack rare and inimitable resources, which are considered crucial for achieving competitive advantage according to resource-based view literature. This dissertation explores three sets of strategies that enable hotel firms to attain a competitive edge despite their resources being non-rare and easily imitated by competitors. The first essay examines the potential for hotel firms to benefit from competitors' resources by co-locating with them. Although this strategy has been widely studied in organizational research, recent developments in the competitive market, such as internet adoption and the growth of short-term leases, have not been considered. Evidence suggests that internet adoption decreases the likelihood of low-level hotels entering markets with high-level hotels and negatively moderates the positive effect of branded hotels on independent hotels' performance, as well as nullifying the effect of low-level hotels on high-level hotels' performance. Additionally, short-term leases impact hotels' decisions and performance, as hotels tend to avoid co-locating with short-term leases with similar price points, and short-term leases can appropriate positive agglomeration externalities created by high-level hotels. The second essay investigates whether hotels can outperform competitors by gaining an advantage in resource appropriation through entering the market with a dual-branded hotel. Results indicate that a competitive advantage is achieved when at least one brand in the composition possesses better resources than competitors. Lastly, the third essay concentrates on the potential for hotels to leverage tacit knowledge transmission to increase the difficulty for competitors to imitate them. Findings reveal that the closer a hotel or short-term lease is to the nearest accommodation managed by the same hotel management company or host, the higher the chances of achieving a competitive advantage. Moreover, short-term leases can base their competitive advantage on idiosyncratic knowledge transferred from the platform, and they can compete in size with incumbent hotels if they have a high concentration of ownership in the market. / Doctor of Philosophy / The lodging industry has undergone numerous changes in the past 30 years, with the widespread adoption of the internet, the growth of the short-term lease market, and the implementation of asset-light strategies significantly impacting how hotels compete locally. This dissertation examines various market-entry strategies that can enable hotel firms to achieve a competitive advantage in local markets. The first essay explores the advantages of co-locating with competitors. Results indicate that previously identified benefits, such as reduced search costs for customers leading to higher performance for clustered competitors, have been diminished or nullified by the extensive use of the internet for searching and booking hotels. Independent hotels may still gain agglomeration advantages by co-locating with branded hotels, but the benefits are substantially reduced due to internet usage. Furthermore, the presence of different levels of short-term leases in the market affects hotels' entry patterns, which tend to diverge from short-term leases. Additionally, low-level short-term leases tend to capture agglomeration benefits created by high-level hotels, resulting in decreased performance for low-level hotels. The second essay investigates the optimal strategy for entering the market with a dual-branded hotel. Results show that, overall, adopting a vertically diversified strategy (i.e., where one of the two brands in the composition is of a higher class compared to the other) is preferable, with the higher class above the market's average class and the lower class below it. Conversely, the least effective strategy is to adopt a vertically diversified approach where both brands are below the market's average class. The third essay examines knowledge sharing among hotels and short-term leases managed by the same hotel management company or short-term lease host. Findings suggest that accommodations should be located near other properties managed by the same entity to facilitate operating knowledge transmission through face-to-face interactions, coordination among units, and the easy transfer of key personnel. Additionally, the study found that hotels should carefully consider entering a market with a high concentration of short-term lease ownership, as a higher concentration of short-term leases owned by the same host leads to lower hotels' RevPAR in the market.

Experimental investigations on nuclear aerosols in a severe accident

Delgado Tardáguila, Rosario 02 May 2016 (has links)
[EN] In case of a severe accident in a NPP fission products are released from the degraded fuel and may reach the environment if their confinement is lost and/or bypassed. Given the high radio-toxic nature of nuclear aerosols for environment and population, their unrestricted release should be absolutely avoided. One particular situation is the core meltdown sequence with steam generator tube rupture (SGTR). The containment bypass turns this sequence into an indispensable scenario to model when assessing PWR risk. As a result, a significant database on the aerosol behavior in the secondary side of the steam generator (SG) has been developed within the international projects EU-SGTR, ARTIST and ARTIST-2. The role played by the break stage is particularly significant since it might be responsible for a good fraction of the total mass retained and for the shift of the particle size distribution towards smaller diameters. This awoke the interest in the effect of variables such as the particle nature, the breach type (size and shape) and the tubes vibration on the particle retention within the breach stage of a dry steam generator. Those aspects have been experimentally investigated in the first part of this thesis. Two experimental campaigns, CAAT2 and SET, were conducted in order to explore the potential influence of the particle nature on their retention. Moreover, the effect of the breach size and shape has been investigated in the CAAT2 campaign while the SET experiments were devoted to the tube vibration characterization and the effect of the vibration on the particle retention. The tests conducted highlighted several key insights: the strong effect of particle nature in the secondary side capability to scrub the particle-laden gas; the confirmation of the high retention efficiency when using compact particles and the significant one when using agglomerates; the similarities between guillotine and fish-mouth breaches in terms of efficiency, but their noticeable different deposition patterns; and the secondary effect of the breach size. Finally, the tube vibration is not as significant as the particle nature effect on the net deposition. The second part of the thesis is focused on the fraction of particles susceptible of leaving the containment in case of a severe accident regardless of the SGTR sequence. Accidents like Fukushima highlighted the importance of relying on efficient mitigation systems capable of reducing any release to the environment as much as possible. Although many reactors worldwide had installed filtered containment venting systems (FCVS) the interest in FCVS and even other mitigation systems has become of outstanding importance in nuclear safety. This is the frame of the PASSAM project in which an experimental sound database is being built to explore potential enhancement of existing source term mitigation devices and demonstrate the ability of innovative systems to achieve even larger source term attenuation. As a matter of fact, particle agglomeration processes via the propagation of acoustic vibrations through a gas could be applied for a better decontamination. High-intensity acoustic fields applied to an aerosol induce interaction effects among suspended particles, giving rise to successive collisions and agglomerations, resulting in larger particles that can be more easily removed or precipitated. The mitigative system acoustic agglomerator was built-up and tested in the AAA experimental campaign. The tests were conducted under a constant ultrasonic field with aerosols of different nature and size with different gas mass flow rates. The results pointed out two main insights: the small acoustic-agglomeration effect and the key effect of the gas mass flow rate and the aggregation state of the former particles in the agglomeration process. This research is the first approximation on the application of the ultrasonic chamber as an innovative system for the source term mitigation. / [ES] Durante un accidente severo en una central nuclear los productos de fisión liberados como consecuencia de la degradación del combustible podrían llegar a la atmósfera si se pierde la hermeticidad de la contención o si encuentran vías alternativas (bypass) para salir. Dada la radio-toxicidad del término fuente, las centrales nucleares deben contar con medios y medidas técnicas de seguridad para contener estos productos. En un reactor PWR, un caso particular de secuencia accidental donde los productos de fisión tienen acceso directo a la atmósfera, es aquella en el que además de la fusión de núcleo existe rotura de tubos del generador de vapor (secuencia SGTR). En este caso, es de vital importancia la evaluación del riesgo del suceso, objetivo de los proyectos internacionales EU-SGTR, ARTIST y ARTIST-2. Particularmente significativa es la "etapa de rotura" (break stage) del generador de vapor (SG), que es responsable de la retención de una fracción importante de partículas y de la evolución de su distribución a tamaños más pequeños. Estos motivos despertaron el interés hacia la propia retención de las partículas sobre los tubos y el efecto de variables como la naturaleza de la partícula, el tipo de rotura y la vibración de tubos sobre la retención en la etapa de rotura en condiciones secas; aspectos en los que se centra la primera parte de esta tesis. Con el objetivo de estudiar las cuestiones señaladas se han llevado a cabo dos campañas experimentales, CAAT2 y SET, con materiales enmarcados en el posible espectro de los aerosoles nucleares. La primera de ellas se centró en explorar la influencia potencial de la naturaleza de la partícula y el efecto del tipo de rotura de los tubos (forma y tamaño) sobre la retención de aerosoles. La segunda concierne la caracterización de la vibración de los tubos y el estudio de su efecto en la eficiencia de retención de partículas. Las pruebas realizadas resaltan varias ideas clave: el fuerte efecto de la naturaleza de la partícula sobre la retención en el lado secundario del SG; la alta eficiencia de retención cuando las partículas son compactas y la significativa retención cuando están aglomeradas; las pequeñas diferencias en eficiencia neta entre distintos tipos de rotura (guillotina vs. boca de pez) que resultan notables sobre los patrones de deposición, y el efecto secundario del tamaño de la rotura. Finalmente los resultados revelaron que frente a la naturaleza de la partícula, la vibración de tubos juega un papel secundario en la eficiencia de la retención. La segunda parte de este trabajo se centra en la fracción de partículas que es susceptible de alcanzar la contención en caso de accidente severo. Accidentes como el de Fukushima ponen de manifiesto la necesidad de tecnologías capaces de evitar las indeseadas consecuencias de la emisión de material radiactivo al medio ambiente. Esta es la dirección de investigación del proyecto PASSAM (7º Programa Marco de EURATOM) que está construyendo una base de datos experimental para el desarrollo de sistemas innovadores y la mejora de los sistemas de venteo filtrado de la contención que ya existen. Entre estos sistemas se encuentran las cámaras de ultrasonidos donde las ondas acústicas facilitan la aglomeración y el crecimiento de partículas, resultando sistemas potenciales para su mitigación. La campaña experimental AAA ha constituido una primera aproximación para la aplicación de las cámaras de ultrasonidos como sistemas innovadores para la mitigación del término fuente en la contención. El sistema de mitigación de aglomeración acústica (MSAA) se construyó y ha sido probado durante los experimentos AAA. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto el leve efecto del campo acústico sobre el crecimiento de las partículas. Además, tanto el flujo másico de gas portador como la naturaleza de la partícula son claves en el proceso de aglomeración. / [CA] En cas d'accident sever d'una central nuclear els productes de fissió resultants del combustible degradat podrien assolir l'atmosfera si es perd la hermeticitat de la contenció o si troben un camí alternatiu que l'evitin. Donada la naturalesa radio-tòxica dels aerosols nuclears ha d'evitar-se per tots els mitjans que surtin a l'exterior. En un reactor PWR, un cas particular d'accident és en el qual a més de la fusió de nucli existeix trencament de tubs del generador de vapor. En aquest cas, l'alliberament de material radioactiu cap al medi ambient fa que l'escenari sigui indispensable de modelar en l'avaluació del risc d'aquest reactor. Aquesta és la raó dels projectes internacionals EU-SGTR, ARTIST i ARTIST-2, gràcies als quals s'ha construït una extensa base de dades sobre el comportament dels aerosols en el circuit secundari del generador de vapor (Steam Generator, SG). Particularment significativa és l'etapa de trencament, que és responsable de la retenció d'una fracció important de partícules i de modificar la seva distribució cap a les mides més petites. Aquests motius van despertar l'interès vers l'efecte de variables com la naturalesa de la partícula, el tipus de trencament i la vibració de tubs sobre la retenció de partícules sobre els tubs en condicions seques a l'etapa de trencament del SG. Aquests són els aspectes en els quals es centra la primera part d'aquesta tesi. Dues campanyes experimentals, CAAT2 i SET, s'han dut a terme amb diferents materials, tots ells emmarcats dins del possible rang dels aerosols nuclears. La primera d'elles es va centrar a explorar la influència potencial de la naturalesa de la partícula i l'efecte del tipus de trencament (forma i grandària) sobre la retenció d'aerosols en els tubs. La segona va seguir per la caracterització en termes de vibració dels tubs i el seu efecte en l'eficiència de retenció de partícules. Les proves realitzades ressalten diverses idees clau: el fort efecte de la naturalesa de la partícula sobre la retenció en el costat secundari del SG; l'alta eficiència de retenció quan les partícules són compactes i la també significativa retenció quan són aglomerats; les petites diferències en eficiència entre diferents tipus de trencament (guillotina vs. boca de peix), però notables sobre els patrons de deposició, i l'efecte secundari de la grandària de trencament. Finalment van revelar que enfront de la naturalesa de la partícula, la vibració de tubs juga un paper secundari en l'eficiència de retenció del feix de tubs. La segona part d'aquesta tesi es centra en la fracció de partícules que en cas d'accident sever, amb o sense seqüència SGTR, és susceptible d'aconseguir la contenció. Accidents com Fukushima posen de manifest la necessitat de tecnologia capaç de cobrir les indesitjades conseqüències de l'emissió de material radioactiu al medi. Aquesta és la raó del projecte PASSAM (7é Programa Marc d'EURATOM) que està construint una base de dades experimental per al desenvolupament de sistemes innovadors i millorar els sistemes de venteig filtrat que ja existeixen de la contenció. Les ones d'ultrasons faciliten l'aglomeració de partícules i resulten sistemes potencials per a la seva mitigació. S'ha realitzat una primera aproximació per a l'aplicació de les càmeres d'ultrasons com a sistemes innovadors per a la mitigació del terme font en la contenció. El sistema de mitigació d'aglomeració acústica (MSAA) es va construir i ha estat provat durant la campanya experimental AAA. Els experiments duts a terme en la planta PECA-MSAA del LASS. Els resultats obtinguts posen de manifest dues idees: el sistema MSAA és efectiu en la reducció de la massa de partícules i tant el flux màssic de gas portador com la naturalesa de la partícula són claus en l'eficiència de retenció del sistema. / Delgado Tardáguila, R. (2016). Experimental investigations on nuclear aerosols in a severe accident [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/63243

Devoir et pouvoir : existe-t-il des dilemmes moraux insolubles ?

Bélanger, Marco January 2008 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Influence de la taille de départ, de l’état d’agglomération et de la dose de nanoparticules de dioxyde de titane (TiO2) inhalées sur la réponse pulmonaire chez le rat

Noël, Alexandra 02 1900 (has links)
En raison de leur petite taille, les nanoparticules (NP) (< 100 nm) peuvent coaguler très rapidement ce qui favorise leur pénétration dans l’organisme sous forme d’agglomérats. L’objectif de cette recherche est d’étudier l’influence de l’état d’agglomération de NP de dioxyde de titane (TiO2) de trois tailles de départ différentes, 5, 10-30 ou 50 nm sur la toxicité pulmonaire chez le rat mâle (F344) exposé à des aérosols de 2, 7 ou 20 mg/m3 pendant 6 heures. Dans une chambre d’inhalation, six groupes de rats (n = 6 par groupe) ont été exposés par inhalation aiguë nez-seulement à des aérosols ayant une taille primaire de 5 nm, mais produits sous forme faiblement (< 100 nm) ou fortement (> 100 nm) agglomérée à 2, 7 et 20 mg/m3. De façon similaire, quatre autres groupes de rats ont été exposés à 20 mg/m3 à des aérosols ayant une taille primaire de 10-30 et 50 nm. Les différents aérosols ont été générés par nébulisation à partir de suspensions ou par dispersion à sec. Pour chaque concentration massique, un groupe de rats témoins (n = 6 par groupe) a été exposé à de l’air comprimé dans les mêmes conditions. Les animaux ont été sacrifiés 16 heures après la fin de l’exposition et les lavages broncho-alvéolaires ont permis de doser des marqueurs d’effets inflammatoires, cytotoxiques et de stress oxydant. Des coupes histologiques de poumons ont également été analysées. L’influence de l’état d’agglomération des NP de TiO2 n’a pu être discriminée à 2 mg/m3. Aux concentrations massiques de 7 et 20 mg/m3, nos résultats montrent qu’une réponse inflammatoire aiguë est induite suite à l'exposition aux aérosols fortement agglomérés. En plus de cette réponse, l’exposition aux aérosols faiblement agglomérés à 20 mg/m3 s’est traduite par une augmentation significative de la 8-isoprostane et de la lactate déshydrogénase. À 20 mg/m3, les effets cytotoxiques étaient plus importants suite à l’exposition aux NP de 5 nm faiblement agglomérées. Ces travaux ont montré dans l'ensemble que différents mécanismes de toxicité pulmonaire peuvent être empruntés par les NP de TiO2 en fonction de la taille de départ et de l’état d’agglomération. / Given their small size, nanoparticles (NP) (< 100 nm) can coagulate quickly, which promotes their entry into the body in the form of agglomerates. The objective of this study is to evaluate the influence of the agglomeration state of three different primary particle sizes (5, 10-30 and 50 nm) of titanium dioxide (TiO2) NP on the pulmonary toxicity of male rats (F344) exposed to aerosols at 2, 7 or 20 mg/m3 for 6 hours. In an inhalation chamber, six groups of rats (n = 6 per group) were acutely exposed by nose-only inhalation to aerosols with a 5-nm primary particle size, produced in the form of small agglomerates (< 100 nm) (SA) or large agglomerates (> 100 nm) (LA) at 2, 7 and 20 mg/m3. Similarly, four other groups of rats were exposed to aerosols at 20 mg/m3 with a primary particle size of 10-30 and 50 nm. The different aerosols were generated by nebulization of suspensions or by dry dispersion. For each mass concentration, one group of control rats (n = 6 per group) was exposed to compressed air under the same conditions. The animals were sacrificed 16 hours after the end of exposure, and analysis of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluids was used to measure markers of inflammatory, cytotoxicity and oxidative stress effects. Lung sections were also analyzed for histopathology. The influence of the agglomeration state of TiO2 NP (5 nm) could not be determined at 2 mg/m3. For mass concentrations of 7 and 20 mg/m3, our results showed that an acute inflammatory response was induced following exposure to LA aerosols. In addition to this response, exposure to SA aerosols resulted in a significant increase in 8-isoprostane and lactate dehydrogenase. At 20 mg/m3, the cytotoxic effects were greater after exposure to the 5-nm NP in the SA aerosol. This study showed that TiO2 NP use different mechanisms to induce their pulmonary toxicity as a function of their primary particle size and their agglomeration state.

Agglomération et hétéroagglomération des nanoparticules d'argent en eaux douces

Maillette, Sébastien 04 1900 (has links)
Les nanomatériaux sont une classe de contaminants qui est de plus en plus présent dans l’environnement. Leur impact sur l’environnement dépendra de leur persistance, mobilité, toxicité et bioaccumulation. Chacun de ces paramètres dépendra de leur comportement physicochimique dans les eaux naturelles (i.e. dissolution et agglomération). L’objectif de cette étude est de comprendre l’agglomération et l’hétéroagglomération des nanoparticules d’argent dans l’environnement. Deux différentes sortes de nanoparticules d’argent (nAg; avec enrobage de citrate et avec enrobage d’acide polyacrylique) de 5 nm de diamètre ont été marquées de manière covalente à l’aide d’un marqueur fluorescent et ont été mélangées avec des colloïdes d’oxyde de silice (SiO2) ou d’argile (montmorillonite). L’homo- et hétéroagglomération des nAg ont été étudiés dans des conditions représentatives d’eaux douces naturelles (pH 7,0; force ionique 10 7 à 10-1 M de Ca2+). Les tailles ont été mesurées par spectroscopie de corrélation par fluorescence (FCS) et les résultats ont été confirmés à l’aide de la microscopie en champ sombre avec imagerie hyperspectrale (HSI). Les résultats ont démontrés que les nanoparticules d’argent à enrobage d’acide polyacrylique sont extrêmement stables sous toutes les conditions imposées, incluant la présence d’autres colloïdes et à des forces ioniques très élevées tandis que les nanoparticules d’argent avec enrobage de citrate ont formées des hétéroagrégats en présence des deux particules colloïdales. / Nanomaterials are a class of contaminants that are increasingly found in the natural environment. Their environmental risk will depend on their persistence, mobility, toxicity and bioaccumulation. Each of these parameters will depend strongly upon their physicochemical fate (dissolution, agglomeration) in natural waters. The goal of this paper is to understand the agglomeration and heteroagglomeration of silver nanoparticles in the environment. Two different silver nanoparticles (nAg; citrate coated and polyacrylic acid coated) with a diameter of 5 nm were covalently labelled with a fluorescent dye and then mixed with colloidal silicon oxides (SiO2) and clays (montmorillonite). The homo- and heteroagglomeration of the silver nanoparticles were then studied in waters that were representative of natural freshwaters (pH 7.0; ionic strength 10-7 to 10-1 M of Ca2+). Sizes were followed by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and results were validated using enhanced darkfield microscopy with hyperspectral imaging (HSI). Results have demonstrated that the polyacrylic acid coated nAg was extremely stable under all conditions, including in the presence of other colloids and at high ionic strength, whereas the citrate coated nAg formed heteroagregates in the presence of both natural colloidal particles.

Management de la Mobilité et pistes pour la pérennisation de la mobilité durable : quelles voies possibles de régulation ? / Exploring the ways to secure long-term effects of Mobility Management policies

Zoubir, Ayman 09 October 2013 (has links)
Le concept du Management de la Mobilité agit dans la perspective d’optimiser l’usage de l’offre alternative de mobilité existante et de la développer en créant les conditions favorables d’un changement de culture et de pratiques en matière de déplacements. Notre contribution à travers cette recherche a pour ambition d’éclaircir les bases de débat sur la pertinence des approches du Management de la Mobilité en les examinant de près. Il s’agit de cerner l’efficacité de ces approches, leur fonctionnement, ainsi que leurs apports et leurs limites.Partant de l'hypothèse que les pistes qui mènent à l'objectif de concrétisation d'une mobilité plus durable afin d'atteindre le « facteur 4 » sont multiples, notre démarche repose sur l'analyse de plusieurs terrains de recherche où on tentera de vérifier la pertinence et l'efficacité de l'approche du Management de la Mobilité à travers deux voies possibles de régulation des mobilités quotidiennes.Une première voie que nous l'appelons la « voie corrective » où Il s'agit d'influencer les choix individuels et même plus, des modes de vie entiers par la mise en route des processus de changement à travers des mesures incitatives. Une deuxième voie indissociable de la première, car elle accroit son efficacité et sa pérennité, est plutôt une « voie intégrative ». Pour explorer cette voie, notre recherche nécessite un travail de nature exploratoire pour déterminer les pré-conditions de réalisation du transfert modal afin d’augmenter le potentiel d'usage et la crédibilité des modes alternatifs. Ceci serait possible par l’anticipation des besoins de la mobilité à travers l’intégration du Management de la Mobilité dans le processus de planification urbaine. / The concept of Mobility Management aims to optimize the use of available and alternative mobility modes by providing and creating optimal conditions for travel patterns change. Our contribution through this research is to provide basis for discussion on the relevance of mobility management approaches by analysing them in depth. The research consists in clarifying the effectiveness of these approaches, the way they are implemented, their benefits and limits.Assuming that the ways to lead to more sustainable mobility and achieve the national target of reduction by a factor of four greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 are various, our strategy is based on the investigation of several research fields where we will attempt to validate the adequacy and the effectiveness of mobility management approaches through two assumed ways of mobility regulation. A first way, that we’ve called the « corrective way », consists in influencing individual travel choices by enacting behaviour change processes and implementing incentives measures. A second way which is inseparable from the first, because it increases its long term efficiency, is rather an « integrative way ». It requires for our research an exploratory method to set out pre-conditions for achieving modal shift and increasing potential use and credibility of alternative modes. This could be possible by anticipating travel demand through an integration of mobility management measures into urban planning process.

Vantagens de aglomerações no Brasil, as mudanças nos fluxos migratórios e no perfil dos migrantes entre 1980 e 2010

Campelo, Thiago Carneiro 27 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2018-06-18T19:12:17Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ThiagoCarneiroCampeloDissertacao2018.pdf: 1236568 bytes, checksum: 5e4ffa01d0b5f8c3924c4bfe1fa510fc (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro (sara.ribeiro@ucb.br) on 2018-06-18T19:12:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ThiagoCarneiroCampeloDissertacao2018.pdf: 1236568 bytes, checksum: 5e4ffa01d0b5f8c3924c4bfe1fa510fc (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-18T19:12:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ThiagoCarneiroCampeloDissertacao2018.pdf: 1236568 bytes, checksum: 5e4ffa01d0b5f8c3924c4bfe1fa510fc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-27 / This article is an effort in better understand specific migration through brazilian urban areas, occurred more intensely since 1980, investigating wage and skill dynamics, besides another migrants aspects and qualities, and the influence of more populated cities, where higher wages are perceipt. The analysis uses data of four IBGE Censos, namely, 1980, 1991, 2000 and 2010 and bases in works by authors dealing with the effects known as agglomeration economies, perceived as the cities go bigger in population. Whereas new metropolis were arising at national scenarium, studies show that the tipic migration flows have changed (mainly from rural-urban to urban-urban), but have the migrants profile changed too? A detailed investigation points that contemporary migration flows are more associated to young and more nomads generations, looking for acquire and share experience, to find specific jobs and wages that recognizes their individuals skills. In big cicies, migrants average wage are bigger. Mainly in the 2000 and 2010, although education levels of migrants are lower that of people who has born in those places, showing that not only education levels, but also the migration profile influences in wage, as the bibliographic references shows (agglomeration economies). / Este artigo busca se aprofundar sobre os movimentos migratórios específicos entre zonas urbanas brasileiras, ocorrido com maior intensidade a partir dos anos 80, investigando as dinâmicas salariais e educacionais, além de outras características do perfil dos migrantes, e a influência de municípios com maior população, onde eventualmente se constatam níveis de renda mais elevados. A análise usa dados dos quatro censos IBGE, a saber 1980, 1991, 2000 e 2010 e se baseia em trabalhos de autores que tratam dos efeitos conhecidos como vantagens de aglomerações, presentes em maior intensidade quanto maior é o município em quantidade de habitantes. Consoante ao surgimento de novas metrópoles no cenário nacional, estudos mostram que houve mudança nos fluxos migratórios, mas houve mudança também no perfil dos migrantes? Uma investigação detalhada aponta que fluxos migratórios contemporâneos são mais associados a gerações cada vez mais nômades, que buscam adquirir e compartilhar experiência, achar empregos mais específicos e salários que recompensem suas habilidades individuais. Nas grandes cidades, a renda média dos migrantes se mostra maior principalmente nos últimos dois censos, embora o perfil de escolaridade dos migrantes fique aquém do perfil daqueles que nasceram nestes locais, mostrando que não apenas o grau de escolaridade, mas o movimento migratório influencia na renda, em harmonia com as teorias referenciadas (vantagens de aglomerações).

Emboitement de compétences relatives aux transports publics et frontières institutionnelles dans une agglomération multipolaire : le cas des Alpes-Maritimes. / Métropolisation, institutional organization and management of the public transport : the case of the azurean agglomeration

Courteix, Julian 02 July 2013 (has links)
La coordination des institutions, par le biais de la création d’un périmètre de transport unique, est-elle la solution la mieux à même de faciliter le report modal au bénéfice des modes collectifs dans l’agglomération multipolaire azuréenne ? L’inadaptation des réseaux aux mobilités actuelles engendre des problèmes aigus de gestion du transport public. Cette inadaptation repose sur l’inadéquation des structures institutionnelles qui ne sont pas à la bonne échelle. Les pôles multiples doivent être reliés à des réseaux urbains interdépendants et cette nécessité s’accompagne de l’invention de nouvelles formes de gouvernement. Le travail comporte un premier chapitre présentant le cadre théorique de la relation entre agglomération multipolaire, institutions et organisation du transport dans un contexte spatial dense. En effet, les AOTU étaient, au départ, distinctes, ce choix étant justifié par l’état de l’urbanisation lors de leur création, mais elles gèrent des territoires désormais jointifs. Or, on ne peut imposer un périmètre conforme à un bassin de vie, d’où des inadaptations flagrantes.Un deuxième chapitre étudie les actions des autorités organisatrices du transport public dans l’espace multipolaire azuréen : la complexité de l’organisation institutionnelle est-elle la proie d’un effet de frontière entre AO ? Le Département est en retrait face à la croissance des AOTU et notamment de Métropole Nice Côte d’Azur ; cela forme un espace politique inadapté au contexte géographique. Une nouvelle structure fédérative, le SYMITAM, est créée mais ne remplit pas son rôle de coordination ; devant seconder le Département, elle est mise de fait au service de l’AOTU la plus conquérante.Enfin, grâce à l’analyse des mobilités et notamment par la mesure des actifs stables et sortants de chaque commune, et par les axes de TCSP, de TER et les pôles d’échanges qu’il serait nécessaire d’implanter pour mieux organiser les interrelations entre le littoral et le sous-ensemble intérieur, un troisième chapitre propose une résorption de l’effet de frontière par l’élaboration de nouveaux périmètres institutionnels. Nous montrons les AO les plus à même d’organiser la gestion de ce nouveau format territorial afin de contrecarrer la parcellisation institutionnelle. / Can the coordination of institutions, through the creation of a unique transport perimeter in the multipolar urban area of French Riviera, have a significant role in the modal shift ? The inadequacy of the current mobility networks creates acute problems of management of public transport. This maladjustment is based on the inadequacy of the institutional structures that are not at the right level. Multiple poles must be linked to interdependent urban networks and this necessity comes the invention of new forms of government.The work involves a first chapter with the theoretical framework of the relationship between multipolar agglomeration, institutions and organisation of transport in a dense spatial context. Indeed, the AOTU were initially separate, this choice was justified by the State of urbanization in their creation, but they manage now bearings territories. However, one cannot impose a perimeter consistent with a pool of life, hence of gross maladjustments.A second chapter studied the actions of the organizing authorities of public transport in the multipolar space azurean : the complexity of the institutional organization is prey to a border between AO effect ? The Department is indented to the growth of the AOTU and including Metropole Nice Côte d'Azur. A new federal structure, the SYMITAM, is created but does not fulfil its role of coordinator; to assist the Department, she becomes the puppet of the conquering AOTU.Finally, through analysis of mobility and in particular by measurement of stable and outgoing assets of each municipality, and the axes of TCSP, TER and the pole of exchanges that it would be necessary to implement to better organize the interrelationships between the coastline and the internal subset, a third chapter proposes a resorption of the effect of border by the development of new institutional perimeters. We show the AO the most capable of organizing the management of this new territorial format in order to counteract the institutional fragmentation.

Locating Biotech Innovation : Places, Flows and Unruly Processes

Mattsson, Henrik January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis begins by making two observations. First, that the regional economic landscapes in which we all live our daily lives, and which provide the basis for employment and prosperity, are constantly changing. Second, that one of the most popular strategies currently pursued by regions and nations for coping with such change, relies heavily on innovation within a few high-tech industries, biotech being one prominent example. The thesis is an investigation into the potential – and limits – of biotech-based development policies for creating renewal and economic growth at the local, regional or national scales. How does it really work when a team of biotech researchers develops a new invention? How can a small Swedish town manage to attract large foreign direct investments and stay competitive in the global biotech landscape? How is the performance of biotech knowledge workers affected by the places they live in, go to, leave, and make up? What impact can a biotech firm have on the local economic landscape in which it is located? These are the kind of questions that are studied in the four papers that make up this thesis. The thesis develops a conceptual framework within which we can better understand the extent to which mono-territorial actors, like regional and national policymakers, can influence high-tech sectors like biotech; sectors that are polycentric in nature and only partly take place in, or pass through, regional and national territories.</p>

Brussels : a reflexive world city

Elmhorn, Camilla January 2001 (has links)
This dissertation analyses the consequences of seemingly placeless processes like the European integration and the increasing economic globalisation on Brussels and the people living there. The study shows that Brussels has become one of our time's most important international political capitals and a leading business node in Europe. European institutions, international organisations, headquarters and subsidiaries of transnational corporations are increasingly locating themselves in Brussels. Simultaneously there has been an influx of transnational professionals working in the international sector. This research shows that with the internationalisation of Brussels there has been concomitant economic restructuring with the emergence of an advanced service economy. The labour market has become polarised between those who have jobs and those who do not. Brussels has also experienced a spatial and socio-economic polarisation along ethnic lines. The thesis explores the connections between these changes and Brussels' international role. Drawing on the world / global city thesis of Saskia Sassen and John Friedmann, a theoretical framework is developed to analyse this. One of the important results of this study is that the world / global city thesis needs to be complemented with a thorough analysis of the place: the political and historical context, and also the role of the local agents, to enable an explanation of the observed development. The interplay between global and local processes needs to be clarified. It is also argued that to properly understand cities with an international role like Brussels, we need to know why international agents locate there. Michael Storper's concepts of 'economic reflexivity' and 'territorial specificities' are used to analyse the rise of Brussels into a reflexive world city - a city vibrating with specific knowledge, produced through inter alia social interaction and critical reflection, that some transnational agents find extremely vital to tap into.

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