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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Miljöbelastning vid förtida utbyte av enstegstätad putsfasad : Orsakad av fuktskador / Environmental impact caused by reconstruction of unventilated plaster walls : Caused by moisture damage

Sundström, Olle, Sundström, David January 2012 (has links)
När en konstruktion blir fuktskadad påverkas de ingående materialen på olika sätt och i vissa fall uppstår så kallad mikrobiell tillväxt som kan påverka människans hälsa. Det finns studier om hur människor reagerar på sådan mikrobiell tillväxt, hur materialen påverkas av olika fuktbelastningar och hur mycket pengar det kostar att byta ut denna konstruktion. Vad som inte finns är hur miljön påverkas att i förtid behöva byta ut en fuktskadad konstruktion. Utifrån ovan nämnda har detta examensarbete vid högskoleingenjörsprogrammet i Byggteknik och design vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan utförts.  Det har utförts tillsammans med AK-konsult Indoor Air AB och har i uppdrag att belysa vikten i att fuktsäkerhetsprojektera rätt utifrån ett miljöperspektiv, och att få faktiska siffror på hur mycket koldioxid det genererar att i förtid behöva byta ut en konstruktion. Rapporten är avgränsad till en putsad enstegstätad regelvägg som är uppbyggd enligt följande: utvändig puts, putsbärare av EPS, vindskyddsskiva, träreglar med mellanliggande värmeisolering, luft- och ångspärr och invändig skiva. Miljöpåverkan har beräknats i hur mycket koldioxid 1 m2 av denna konstruktion genererar. Koldioxidutsläppen för de ingående materialen har i största möjliga mån beaktats och beräknats utifrån råvaruutvinning, transport av råmaterial, tillverkning av produkter och transport fram till byggarbetsplatsen. För att kunna beräkna transporter av material och arbetskraft för uppförandet av konstruktionen har en fiktiv byggarbetsplats bestämts (Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm). Även för att ge en bättre bild om hur stora koldioxidutsläppen är vid transport av material och hur ett verkligt fall kan se ut har en fiktiv väggyta på 198 m2 valts att studeras. De emissionsvärden som använts i denna rapport baseras i första hand på de olika materialtillverkarnas byggvarudeklarationer samt samtal med miljöansvariga på de berörda företagen. För att lättare kunna jämföra resultaten av de ingående materialen i detta examensarbete presenteras de i form av utsläpp av totalt kilo koldioxid per mängd material [kgCO2/mängd material]. Det presenteras även fyra olika uppbyggnader av den putsade enstegstätade regelväggen. Det för att visa hur miljön påverkas om tjockputs eller tunnputs används tillsammans med glasfiberarmerad vindskyddsskiva eller en pappbeklädd vindskyddsskiva med en kärna av gips. Dessa olika typer av väggkonstruktionerna betecknas vägg 1, 2, 3 och 4 i rapporten.  De resultat som tagits fram visar att det genereras ungefär lika mycket koldioxid att byta ut 198 m2 av den angivna väggkonstruktionen som att köra en bensindriven personbil nästan ett halvt varv runt jorden (jordens omkrets är ca 4000 mil). Resultaten visar att det är små skillnader i koldioxidutsläpp vad det gäller de olika väggkonstruktionerna. Vägg 2 genererar den största mängden koldioxid, totalt 3223 kgCO2 (1 m2 genererar 16 kgCO2), följt av vägg 1 som genererar 3206 kgCO2 (1 m2 genererar 16 kgCO2). Resultaten visar att produktion av material står för den största individuella delen av utsläpp, 2181 kg koldioxid (ca 2/3 av de totala koldioxidutsläppen) för vägg 2. Där bidrar glasullen med den ingående största delen 891 kgCO2 (41 % av det totala koldioxidutsläppet från materialtillverkning), följt av armeringsnätet på 364 kgCO2 (17 % av det totala koldioxidutsläppet från materialtillverkning). Materialtransporter står för ungefär 505 kg koldioxid (ca 1/6 av de totala koldioxidutsläppen) och styrs främst av typ av lastbil, avverkad sträcka samt lastutnyttjande. Persontransporter till och från arbetsplatsen står för ungefär 537 kg koldioxid (ca 1/6 av de totala koldioxidutsläppen) där mängden koldioxid främst styrs av antalet arbetade dagar samt typ av transportfordon. Den genererade mängden koldioxid för ett totalt utbyte av en väggkonstruktion på 198 m2 skulle, omräknat i svensk elmix, förbruka en energimängd som skulle räcka till byggnadens specifika energianvändning i 17,9 år. Ca 36 % av byggnadens förväntade livslängd på 50 år. Resultaten i denna rapport visar att det ur ett miljöperspektiv är viktigt att lägga stor vikt vid fuktsäkerhetsprojektering. Detta för att påverkan på miljön kan begränsas avsevärt om konstruktioner inte behöver bytas ut i förtid pga. omfattande fuktskador. Med tanke på hur många kvadratmeter dylik fasad som byggts finns högst sannolikt en tämligen stor miljöskuld inbyggd i denna fasadtyp. / When a structure is damaged by moisture, the materials are affected in different ways and sometimes this moisture will lead to mould growth that can affect the human health. Today we can read studies about how human health reacts to this mould growth, how materials reacts and how much money it costs to rebuild the moisture damaged structure. What we don´t know is how much impact it will have on the environment to replace a moisture damaged structure with a new one. From these initial sentences is this degree project in building technology, first level at the Constructional engineering and design program at Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan. This thesis is commissioned by AK-konsult Indoor Air AB and is supposed to highlight the importance of protecting structures against moisture damage from an environmental point of view.  Furthermore it will also result in real figures over how much carbon dioxide a premature replacement will generate. This thesis will strictly look at an insulated, rendered, unventilated and undrained stud wall. It is build-up as: exterior plaster, plaster base (EPS), wind protect-board, wooden framework with insulation, polyeten sheet and interior board. The environmental impact will be measured in how much carbon dioxide 1 m2 of this wall construction will generate. Carbon dioxide emissions from wall materials have been calculated on the basis of resource extraction, transportation of raw materials, manufacturing of products and transportation to construction site. To make the transportation calculations possible a fictitious construction site has been determined (Hammarby Sjöstad, Stockholm). Also to provide a better picture of how big the emissions are from transportations and how a real case scenario can look like have a 198 m2 wall been calculated. The carbon dioxide emissions in this report are in first hand based on material manufacturer’s environmental declarations and dialogues with environmental specialists at manufacturers. To make the comparison of the result easier between the construction materials they all will be presented in terms of kilo carbon dioxide [kgCO2/amount material]. The result will also present four different types of the above named wall construction. That is to show how the environment affects if thick or thin plaster is used together with fiberglass reinforced wind protect-board or papercoated wind protect-board with gypsum core. These different types of wall construction will in the report be named as wall 1, 2, 3 and 4. The result from this report show that it is generating approximately the same amount of carbon dioxide to change the moisture damage wall as to drive a gasoline-powered car halfway around the earth (diameter approximately 4 0000 kilometers). The results show that it is small differences in carbon dioxide between the four types of wall constructions. Wall 2 generates the largest amount of carbon dioxide emissions, total 3223 kilo (1 m2 generates 16 kgCO2), followed by wall 1 that generates 3206 kilo carbon dioxide (1 m2 generates 16 kgCO2). The result also shows that the largest amount of emissions is created by the production of the new materials, 2181 kilo carbon dioxide (approximately 2/3 of the total carbon dioxide emissions). Where the largest amount of emissions comes from glass wool with 891 kilo carbon dioxide (41 % of the total carbon dioxide from the material production), followed by reinforcement mesh with 364 kilo carbon dioxide (17 % of the total carbon dioxide emissions from material production). Transportation of materials stands for 505 kilo carbon dioxide, slightly less than 1/6 of the total, with key parameters distance, type of vehicle and load utilization. Transportation of labor stands for approximately 537 kilo carbon dioxide slightly more than 1/6 of the total carbon dioxide emissions where the key parameters are number of worked days and type of transportation. The generated carbon dioxide emissions to build a new 198 square meter wall construction corresponds to the specific energy use for a normal house (198m2) for over 17,9 years. Approximately 36 % of the buildings expected life-span of 50 years. The result shows that it is important from an environmental point of view to protect constructions from moisture damage. That is because the fact of not needing to premature replace the moisture damaged construction can considerably reduce the environmental impact. Considering how many such facades that are built is it most likely a rather large environmental liability built in this facade type.

Environmental impact from materials and products in infrastructure / Miljöpåverkan från material och produkter inom bygg- och anläggningsbranschen

Bergman, Alexander January 2021 (has links)
Global uppvärmning och klimatförändringar har enat världens länder och det arbetas hårt för att den globala temperaturökningen ska hållas under 2 °C. I EU har man satt som mål att vara klimatneutrala senast 2050 och i Sverige satte man ett ambitiöst mål på att uppnå nettonollutsläpp redan till 2045. I och med det satte även bygg- och anläggningsbranschen som mål att vara klimatneutrala till år 2045. För att nå målet måste alla aktörer i branschen ta sitt ansvar och hitta nya mer miljövänliga alternativ och lösningar. Syftet med denna studie var att sammanställa totala mängder och utsläppta koldioxidekvivalent för tio nyckelprodukter och material använda i tillbyggnaden i projektet Nya Krav Himmerfjärdsverket som utfördes av Veidekke Entreprenad AB. Dessutom att identifiera möjliga miljövänligare alternativ till dessa produkter för att till sist undersöka möjligheten av poängtagning i hållbarhetscertifieringen CEEQUAL i avsnitt 7.2.1, 7.2.3, 7.3.1 samt 7.3.2. Mängddata samlades in från upphandlade avtal, aktuella protokoll samt projektets samordningsmodell. GWP-data som användes som underlag för produkternas utsläpp insamlades från produktspecifika EPD:er. Resultaten fastslog att de produkter som var kopplade till störst utsläpp i projektet var betong, Multicem, betongpålar, armeringsjärn och prefabricerade betongelement. Det konstaterades att utsläppen kopplade till betong kunde minskas med upp till 26,7% genom användning av betong med iblandad flygaska. Utförda utsläppsbesparing i projektet beräknades till 2399 ton CO2e och möjliga utsläppsbesparingar för projektet beräknades till 750 ton CO2e. Jämfört med baseline-utsläpp uppnåddes en reducering på 32%. Totalt uppskattades poängtagning för CEEQUAL i avsnitten 7.2.1, 7.2.3, 7.3.1 samt 7.3.2 till mellan 66–125 poäng. Slutsatser som drogs ur studien var vikten av att redan från starten av bygg- och anläggningsprojekt börja tänka på miljö- och hållbarhetsfrågor och däribland produkt- och materialval. / Global warming and climate change have united the world. There is ongoing hard work to keep global temperature rise below 2 ° C. In the EU, the goal has been to be climate neutral by 2050 and, in Sweden, an ambitious goal has been set to achieve net-zero emissions by 2045. Because of this, the construction industry has also set a goal of being climate neutral by 2045. To achieve the goal all players in the industry must take their responsibility and find new, more environmentally friendly alternatives and solutions. The purpose of this study was to compile total amounts and emitted carbon dioxide equivalent for ten key products and materials used in the new extension of the Nya Krav Himmerfjärdsverket project carried out by Veidekke Entreprenad AB. Also, to identify more environmentally friendly alternatives to these products. Finally, the study investigated the possibility of scoring in sustainability certification CEEQUAL in sections 7.2.1, 7.2.3, 7.3.1 and 7.3.2. Quantity data was collected from procured agreements, current protocols, and the project's coordination model. GWP data was used as the basis for product emissions and were collected from product-specific EPDs.The results stated that the products that were linked to the largest emissions in the project were concrete, Multicem, concrete piles, rebar, and prefabricated concrete elements. It was found that emissions linked to concrete could be reduced by up to 26.7% using concrete with fly ash. Emissions savings that had been made in the project were estimated at 2399 tonnes of CO2e and possible emission savings for the project were estimated at 750 tonnes of CO2e. Compared to the baseline emissions, a total reduction of 32% was achieved. In total, scoring for CEEQUAL in sections 7.2.1, 7.2.3, 7.3.1 and 7.3.2 was estimated at between 66–125 points. Conclusions drawn from the study were the importance of starting to think about environmental and sustainability issues, including product and material choices, right from the start of construction and infrastructure projects.

Diálogos de Cláudio Santoro com a produção musical contemporânea: um estudo a partir de correspondências do compositor e da análise musical de obras para piano / Dialogues between Cláudio Santoro and the contemporary musical production: a study based on the composer\'s correspondence and on musical analysis of his piano works.

Alice Martins Belem Vieira 10 May 2013 (has links)
Essa tese propõe-se a investigar a relação de Cláudio Santoro com o meio musical durante toda sua trajetória como compositor, utilizando como fontes, na primeira parte do trabalho, as cartas trocadas com o musicólogo Francisco Curt Lange, com o pianista Heitor Alimonda e uma entrevista com a pianista Jocy de Oliveira sobre as cartas e sua experiência junto ao compositor. O discurso desses interlocutores expressa a troca do compositor com o meio, indicando que o percurso composicional de Santoro está relacionado aos diálogos com seu tempo e com obras musicais de sua contemporaneidade. Desse contato apreende-se as principais correntes estéticas e estilos composicionais a que a obra de Santoro esteve ligada. Na segunda parte da tese foram apresentados alguns reflexos desses diálogos em obras do repertório pianístico de Santoro através da análise musical. / This dissertation investigates the relationship between Cláudio Santoro and the musical environment along his trajectory as composer. The first part of the work examines the correspondence exchanged with musicologist Francisco Curt Lange and pianist Heitor Alimonda, and an interview with pianist Jocy de Oliveira about these letters and her interaction with the composer. These discourses express the composer\'s interchange with the music milieu, showing that Santoro\'s compositional style is related to dialogues with his time and musical works of his contemporaneous. From that contact one can distinguish the main aesthetic tendencies and compositional styles related to the work of Cláudio Santoro. The second part of this dissertation investigates, through musical analysis, the influence of these dialogues on some piano works of Cláudio Santoro.

Diálogos de Cláudio Santoro com a produção musical contemporânea: um estudo a partir de correspondências do compositor e da análise musical de obras para piano / Dialogues between Cláudio Santoro and the contemporary musical production: a study based on the composer\'s correspondence and on musical analysis of his piano works.

Vieira, Alice Martins Belem 10 May 2013 (has links)
Essa tese propõe-se a investigar a relação de Cláudio Santoro com o meio musical durante toda sua trajetória como compositor, utilizando como fontes, na primeira parte do trabalho, as cartas trocadas com o musicólogo Francisco Curt Lange, com o pianista Heitor Alimonda e uma entrevista com a pianista Jocy de Oliveira sobre as cartas e sua experiência junto ao compositor. O discurso desses interlocutores expressa a troca do compositor com o meio, indicando que o percurso composicional de Santoro está relacionado aos diálogos com seu tempo e com obras musicais de sua contemporaneidade. Desse contato apreende-se as principais correntes estéticas e estilos composicionais a que a obra de Santoro esteve ligada. Na segunda parte da tese foram apresentados alguns reflexos desses diálogos em obras do repertório pianístico de Santoro através da análise musical. / This dissertation investigates the relationship between Cláudio Santoro and the musical environment along his trajectory as composer. The first part of the work examines the correspondence exchanged with musicologist Francisco Curt Lange and pianist Heitor Alimonda, and an interview with pianist Jocy de Oliveira about these letters and her interaction with the composer. These discourses express the composer\'s interchange with the music milieu, showing that Santoro\'s compositional style is related to dialogues with his time and musical works of his contemporaneous. From that contact one can distinguish the main aesthetic tendencies and compositional styles related to the work of Cláudio Santoro. The second part of this dissertation investigates, through musical analysis, the influence of these dialogues on some piano works of Cláudio Santoro.

Proportionality as a Remedial Principle: A Framework for Suspended Declarations of Invalidity in Canadian Constitutional Law

Hoole, Grant Russell 01 January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide an analytic framework for the governance of suspended declarations of invalidity in Canadian constitutional law. A suspended declaration is a remedial device by which a court strikes down a constitutionally invalid law, but suspends the effect of its order such that the law retains force for a temporary period. While introduced to Canadian law under circumstances of exigency, suspended declarations have grown to be used liberally by the courts, and the principles that previously confined them have been abandoned. As a result, constitutional rights have sometimes been suspended without just basis. I propose a means to reverse this trend: by adopting proportionality, a core feature of the analytic method used to adjudicate limitations on Charter rights, as a remedial principle guiding the use of suspended declarations. I review the jurisprudence of South Africa’s Constitutional Court to illustrate the merits of this approach.

Proportionality as a Remedial Principle: A Framework for Suspended Declarations of Invalidity in Canadian Constitutional Law

Hoole, Grant Russell 01 January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide an analytic framework for the governance of suspended declarations of invalidity in Canadian constitutional law. A suspended declaration is a remedial device by which a court strikes down a constitutionally invalid law, but suspends the effect of its order such that the law retains force for a temporary period. While introduced to Canadian law under circumstances of exigency, suspended declarations have grown to be used liberally by the courts, and the principles that previously confined them have been abandoned. As a result, constitutional rights have sometimes been suspended without just basis. I propose a means to reverse this trend: by adopting proportionality, a core feature of the analytic method used to adjudicate limitations on Charter rights, as a remedial principle guiding the use of suspended declarations. I review the jurisprudence of South Africa’s Constitutional Court to illustrate the merits of this approach.

Energy Efficiency in Shopping Malls : Some Aspects Based on a Case Study

Stensson, Sofia January 2014 (has links)
The building sector accounts for approximately 40 percent of our energy use. To reach existing environmental targets energy use will have to be reduced in all building types. At the European level, the main legislative instrument for improving the energy efficiency of the building stock is the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). The EPBD requires all member states to implement the directive in the building code and it also requires energy declarations to be performed at the building level. The first objective of this thesis is to describe energy use in shopping malls in Sweden and to suggest how this energy use can be reduced. The second objective is to determine whether current regulatory requirements are effective in promoting energy efficiency measures in Swedish shopping malls. Only limited background information was found from national energy statistics and scientific papers that deal specifically with energy use in shopping malls. The data available are difficult to analyse and compare due to inconsistencies in terminology regarding nomenclature and system boundaries. An improved terminology is presented in the thesis, with a distinction between organisationally and functionally divided energy, to facilitate future studies. Furthermore, when it comes to designing shopping malls and evaluating their energy use, correct input data are required. For calculations and simulations of energy demand in buildings, internal and external load patterns are important input data. The thesis provides occupancy, lighting and infiltration load data for shopping malls. Energy use in one shopping mall was investigated in detail and resulted in a validated calculation model for the prediction of energy use. To develop the calculation model an iterative empirical-theoretical methodology was used. It involved cross-checking measured data, assumptions related to operational and technical data, and model calculation results. The calculation model was then used for a more general analysis of energy efficiency measures and an evaluation of regulatory requirements. The thesis illustrates how the current building code and energy declarations are implemented in shopping malls today together with associated strengths and weaknesses.

Concrete Guidance? : An empirical study examining attitudes in regard to The Act of Climate declarations and its influence on the construction industry.

Hildebrandsson, Sammy, Anna, Olsson January 2022 (has links)
The construction industry is one of Sweden's largest industry emitters, an industry operating in the centre of cities worldwide, day and night. In order to achieve a more sustainable future and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the construction industry must be less pollutive. On 1 of January 2022, the Swedish government implemented new regulation, The Act of Climate Declarations, within the construction industry, to enhance the knowledge of the climate impact of new buildings. The purpose of this study is to examine the implementation process of said regulation, its implications on concerned industry actors, and to investigate whether current restrictions would benefit from more strict policies or not. In this study, Institutional theory has been applied to analyse conducted empirical data to examine how the regulation has influenced different actors behaviours and practises. The result shows that the regulation has been widely accepted within the industry. Furthermore, this study shows that barriers are mainly found regarding the narrow scope the regulations require. Opportunities in regards are that actors are hopeful that the regulations could be a first step toward a more sustainable industry at large. These findings have added evidence that adds to current literature on future sustainability investments, such as limit-values and new proposals communicated by the Swedish Government while this thesis was written.

Sustainability Assessment Tools for Food Products : Similarities, Deviations, and Future Enhancements / Hållbarhetsbedömningsverktyg för livsmedel : Likheter, skillnader och framtida möjligheter

Ankarstig, Celina January 2022 (has links)
The growing human population puts pressure on our ecosystems and natural resources. One of the major causes of household’s environmental impact has been found to be the consumption of food, which is why actions need to be taken to decrease it. One such action has been taken by the Swedish grocery store Coop, who by sharing Sustainability Declarations for food products provides information on the sustainability impacts caused by their products. Coop has identified a need to further develop their framework and to ensure its legitimacy, something that this master’s thesis aims to contribute too.  Seven sustainability assessment tools of food used within Europe were compared: Beelong Eco-Score, Eco Impact, Eco-Score, Impact Score Shopping, Köttguiden, Vegoguiden and the Sustainability Declarations, for which similarities and differences were identified. Some of the main similarities that were identified were that all tools applied a life cycle perspective, that they mainly focused on consumers and that they aimed to ease the decision of what food to purchase by providing information on sustainability impact. Some of the main differences were the range of scores, type of scores, which functional units were applied and from where the data were collected. Differences were also found in transparency, where some tools provided both scores and detailed descriptions of their framework, whilst others provided a few scores with a brief description of their framework. Whether social sustainability indicators were included or not also differed, and only the Sustainability Declarations were found to include it to a large extent, whilst Impact Score Shopping included it to some extent.  To deepen the apprehension of the tools' methodologies and how these impacted the assessments, scores for six products: Almonds, Chocolate, Flour, Milk, Pork and Rice were also compared. The assessments of flour were similar across all tools, whilst the assessment of almonds differed the most. The Beelong Eco-Score generally assessed products lower than the others, whilst the Sustainability Declarations assessed the products higher. The differences were deemed to both be a result of different methodological approaches, but also to be a result of varying food regulations in the country of origin of the food products.  To further develop the Sustainability Declarations, Coop could consider integrating Agribalyse in their assessments, and to widen their indicators to include seasonality and packaging to a larger extent. It could also be advantageous to provide their customers with alternatives and ideas of more sustainable products. The method used for the Sustainability Declarations seems to be in line with many of the choices and assumptions made for the methodologies within the other tools, and to be in line with the current state of knowledge in the scientific field. / Den växande mänskliga populationen utsätter ekosystemen och våra naturliga resurser för påtryckningar. En av de största orsakerna till miljöpåverkan skapad av hushållen har identifierats som konsumtionen av mat, varför insatser behöver implementeras för att minska denna. Ett sådant initiativ har skapats av Coop, som genom att förse sina kunder med Hållbarhetsdeklarationer innehållande information om vilken påverkan produkter har på olika hållbarhetsaspekter möjliggör för sina kunder att göra mer informerade val av produkter. Coop har identifierat ett behov av att fortsätta att utveckla detta regelverk samt att försäkra sig om regelverkets legitimitet, något som denna masteruppsats syftar till att bidra till.  Sju hållbarhetsbedömningsverktyg för mat som används inom Europa analyserades inom ramarna för denna masteruppsats. Verktygen som inkluderades var Beelong Eco-Score, Eco Impact, Eco-Score, Impact Score Shopping, Köttguiden, Vegoguiden och Hållbarhetsdeklarationerna, och dess likheter och olikheter identifierades. Några av de huvudsakliga likheterna som identifierades var att alla verktygen applicerar ett livscykelperspektiv, att de i huvudsak fokuserar på konsumenter och att deras mål är att bidra med information om matens hållbarhetsavtryck i syfte att förenkla valet av vilken mat konsumenterna ska köpa. Några av de huvudsakliga skillnaderna var vilken poängskala verktygen använde, vilken typ av poäng, vilken funktionell enhet som användes och var data hämtades från. Även verktygens transparens skilde sig åt, då några verktyg både hade tillgängliggjort alla sina produktbedömningar och detaljerade beskrivningar av deras regelverk, medan andra hade tillgängliggjort bedömningarna för några få produkter och endast redogjort för några grundläggande delar av deras metod. Det skiljde sig även mellan verktygen om sociala hållbarhetsindikatorer hade inkluderats eller inte. Endast Hållbarhetsdeklarationerna inkluderade specifika indikatorer och poäng för hållbarhetsaspekter, medans Impact Score Shopping inkluderade några få sociala hållbarhetsaspekter i deras indikatorer.  För att ytterligare fördjupa förståelsen för metoderna bakom bedömningsverktygen och hur dessa tar sig i uttryck jämfördes också poängen för sex produkter, dessa var: mandlar, choklad, vetemjöl, mjölk och ris. Poängsättningen för mjöl var lik inom alla de analyserade verktygen, medan bedömningen för mandlar varierade mest. Verktyget Beelong Eco-Score gav generellt produkter lägst poäng, medan Hållbarhetsdeklarationerna generellt gav produkterna högst poäng. Skillnaderna bedömdes både bero på skillnader i metodval och vara ett resultat och skillnader i lagar och regelverk som påverkar matproduktionen inom länderna.  För att utveckla Hållbarhetsdeklarationerna skulle Coop kunna utvärdera möjligheten att integrera Agribalyse i deras bedömningar, och att utöka deras indikatorer till att också inkludera säsongsvariationer och förpackningar i större utsträckning. Det skulle också kunna vara fördelaktigt att förse deras kunder med alternativa idéer på mer hållbara produkter. Metoden som använts för Hållbarhetsdeklarationerna fanns vara i linje med de val och antaganden som gjorts inom de undersökta verktygen. Metoden fanns även vara i linje med det nuvarande kunskapsläget i det vetenskapliga området.

Analyses and Declarations of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Canned Seafood May Help to Quantify Their Dietary Intake

Singer, Peter, Richter, Volker, Singer, Konrad, Löhlein, Iris 05 May 2023 (has links)
The American Heart Association (AHA) recently confirmed common recommendations of one to two fish dishes per week in order to prevent cardiovascular disease (CVD). Nevertheless, the natural fluctuations of lipids and fatty acids (FA) in processed seafood caught little public attention. Moreover, consumers of unprocessed seafood in general do not know how much omega-3 fatty acids (omega-3 FA) within servings they actually ingest. The few studies published until today considering this aspect have been re-evaluated in today’s context. They included four observational studies with canned fatty coldwater fish (mackerel and herring from the same region, season, producer and research group). Their outcomes were similar to those conducted in the following years using supplements. Cans containing seafood (especially fatty coldwater fish) with declared content of omega-3 FA are ready-to-use products. Human studies have shown a higher bioavailability of omega-3 FA by joint uptake of fat. Canned fatty coldwater fish contain omega-3 FA plus plenty of fat in one and the same foodstuff. That suggests a new dietary paradigm with mixed concepts including several sources with declared content of omega-3 FA for reducing the cardiovascular risk and other acknowledged indications.

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