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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att designa bort det oönskade : Exkluderande design i Göteborg och Västsverige / Designing away the unwanted : Unpleasant design in Gothenburg and western Sweden

Bergenfelz, Charlotte, Silverglimth, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka olika former av exkluderande design i offentliga och semi-offentliga rum, samt vilka konsekvenser en sådan design kan ha på olika samhällsgrupper. Studiens resultat är baserade på fokuserade observationer av den fysiska designen, främst i Göteborg, i triangulering med innehållsanalys av översikts- och detaljplaner. Studiens resultat visar att en mångfald av designmodeller användes i de observerade offentliga och semi-offentliga rummen, varav en del av dessa designer kan ses som exkluderande. Majoriteten av observerade sittplatser finns hos privata aktörer som caféer och uteserveringar, vilket signalerar ett behov av att vara konsument för att få ta del av dessa semi-offentliga platser. Semi-offentliga platser som var stängda nattetid samt hinder mot skateboardåkning var andra observerade designer som riktar in sig på särskilda samhällsgrupper eller beteenden. Fyra grupper anses vara speciellt påverkade av exkluderande design: hemlösa, funktionsnedsatta, resurssvaga, samt skateboardåkare. I kontrast till tidigare forskning anser vi att flera av de observerade designerna kan anses vara inkluderande istället för att enbart ses som exkluderande. / The aim of this study is to explore different forms of unpleasant design in public and semi-public spaces and what potential consequences such design may have on different social groups. The results are based on focused observations of the physical designs themselves, primarily in Gothenburg, Sweden, in triangulation with text analysis of official documentations of land use and zoning plans. The findings indicate that a variety of designs were used throughout the observed public and semi-public spaces, some of which can be seen as unpleasant. Most of the observed seating options were located within privatised businesses, signalling the need to be a consumer to use these semi-public spaces. Semi-public spaces that are inaccessible during the night as well as anti-skate obstacles were other observed designs that targeted a certain group or behaviour. Four social groups were found to be more of a target or sufferer of the designs: the homeless, people with disabilities, the destitute, and skateboarders. In contradiction to previous research a substantial amount of the observed designs can be perceived as inclusive rather than only exclusionary.


Andersson, Nils, Hjelmqvist, Carl January 2020 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to develop a new investment strategy called NC-Score. The strategy is based on Chapter 14 of The Intelligent Investor written by Benjamin Graham, but with other key figures and criteria. The key figures were chosen on the basis of creating a varied and comprehensive picture of the companies as possible. They describe the companies' valuation, profitability, growth, cash flows, and capital structure. The strategy was tested between 2011 and 2020 at OMX Stockholm Large Cap. An index and Graham's original strategy have been used to compare NC-Score's performance during the period. The purpose of the index was to emulate the market and act as a minimum requirement for returns. Graham's portfolio gives a picture of how a similar strategy performs under the same conditions. The result for the strategy was a high return at a lower risk than our benchmark index and the original Graham strategy. Between 2011 and 2020, NC-Score generated a return of 191.67% with a Sharpe Ratio of 2.70. During the same period, OMX Stockholm 30 GI generated a return of 110.48% with a Sharpe Ratio of 0.91. NC-Score's results cannot be considered to be significantly positively risk-adjusted since it cannot be ruled out that the higher return in relation to the risk was due to a coincidence. / Syftet med denna studie var att utveckla en ny investeringsstrategi som benämns NC-Score. Strategin utgår ifrån kapitel 14 av The Intelligent Investor skriven av Benjamin Graham, fast med andra nyckeltal och kriterier. Nyckeltalen valdes med utgångspunkt att skapa en varierande och så omfattande bild av bolaget som möjligt. De beskriver bolagens värdering, lönsamhet, tillväxt, kassaflöden samt kapitalstruktur.  Strategin testades mellan 2011 och 2020 på OMX Stockholm Large Cap. Ett index samt Grahams ursprungliga strategi har använts för att jämföra prestationen av NC-Score under tidsperioden. Indexets syfte var att efterlikna marknaden och agera som ett minimikrav för avkastningen. Grahams portfölj ger en bild av hur en liknande strategi presterar under samma förutsättningar. Resultatet för strategin var en hög avkastning till en lägre risk än vårt jämförelseindex samt den ursprungliga Graham strategin. Mellan 2011 till 2020 genererade NC-Score en avkastning på 191,67% med en Sharpe Ratio på 2,70. Under samma period genererade OMX Stockholm 30 GI en avkastning på 110,48% med en Sharpe Ratio på 0,91. NC-Scores resultat kan inte anses vara signifikant positivt riskjusterad, då det inte kan uteslutas att den högre avkastningen i förhållande till risk berott på slumpen.

Komplexní analýza výstražných a obranných látek ploštic vysokoúčinnými separačními metodami / Comprehensive analysis of warning and defense compounds of true bugs by high-performance separation methods

Krajíček, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Insects have developed many strategies of defence against predators in the course of evolution. The evolutionarily oldest and most widely used type of defence is chemical defence, followed by acoustic or optical defence. However, many species of insects use simultaneously multiple types of warning signals, which affect different sensory receptors of the given predator. Such a complex method of warning signals is called multimodal method. It may consist of a combination of simultaneous chemical and optical signals, or a combination of acoustic and optical signalling. The combination of chemical and optical signalling used against a predator is probably the most common form of multimodal signalling. The presented work deals with the analysis of biologically active substances, which participate in the defence mechanisms of a widespread species of insects - true bugs (Heteroptera). Pterin derivatives represent a large group of natural compounds derived from pteridin, bicyclic heterocycle, and they are found in virtually all living organisms from bacteria to vertebrates. In insects, they primarily serve as pigments, resulting for example in striking coloration of cuticles of Heteroptera. The first part of the dissertation was focused on identification and quantification of pterin derivatives in cuticles...

Vliv střelecké polohy vstoje na přesnost opakovaných výstřelů Hard Task Rangers / Impact of standing position on the accuracy of The Hard Task Rangers pointing shooting/multiple shots

Hofmann, Filip January 2019 (has links)
Title: Effect of standing shooting position on precision of repeated shots of Hard Task Rangers. Objectives: The aim of this work is to find out in which standing stance will be the most precise shots with double tap shots. Methods: In this thesis was used descriptive analysis when collecting data about standing shooting stance problematic. Mainly through studying of literature and lecturing videos on this subject. Testing was used in the actual collecting data about shooting performance. The measurement was used to collect data on the weight, height and stability of the examined shooters. Data analysis was performed when evaluating individual shooting performance. Results: It has been found out, based on data from a group of twelve shooters from Hard Task Rangers, that even though the standing position is the furthers part of the shooting pyramid, it still provides a solid foundation for all subsequent parts of the shooters performance. Furthermore, it was found that the best standing position for firing repeated shots (double tap) was the stance called Quality universal stance. This thesis is probably the first literary study to analyze in more detail the standing shooting stance in its various forms when comparing individual attitudes and its advantages in dynamic and defensive shooting....

Praxe orgánů sociálně právní ochrany dětí při řešení rodičovských sporů / Approach of Child Protection Services to Addressing Parental Conflicts

Hejnová, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
Child protection is one of the most demanding fields of social protection and requires comprehensive solutions which have a major impact on the lives of children and their families. It also includes the agenda of parental conflicts and related child custody proceedings. The thesis deals with the practice of child protection social workers at the municipal authorities with extended powers in the Czech Republic in solving parental disputes. The theoretical part introduces legal, educational and competence framework of child protection and sets it into the context of specific aspects and pitfalls associated with the profession and approach of child protection social workers to solving parental conflicts. It also provides recommendations on how to solve parental conflicts followed by a case study of child protection department at the Prague 8 Municipality District Authority. It identifies attributes of best practice that contribute to the best interests of the child, including participation of families, multidisciplinary cooperation, transparency of processes and neutrality, professionalism and reflexivity of child protection social workers. The empirical part focuses on the understanding of working conditions and attitudes of child protection social workers at the municipal authorities with extended...

Les défenses de la Grèce du Nord : architecture, géographie, histoire et phénomènes régionaux aux périodes archaïque, classique et hellénistique

Ouellet, Keven 09 1900 (has links)
Du VIIIe au VIe siècles av. n.è., les Grecs ont colonisé la côte nord de la mer Égée, de la rive orientale du golfe Thermaïque jusqu’à l’embouchure du fleuve Évros. Situées souvent en territoire hostile, dans une région aux richesses multiples qui suscitaient les convoitises, ces cités naissantes se sont rapidement dotées de systèmes défensifs pour assurer leur sécurité. À travers les périodes, plusieurs puissances se sont intéressées aux territoires du nord de l’Égée marquant elles aussi le paysage défensif de la région en fortifiant leurs établissements. Ce projet de recherche concerne l’étude systématique de ces systèmes de défense. Si quelques chercheurs, essentiellement Yves Grandjean, Dimitrios Lazaridis et Alexander Cambitoglou, se sont intéressés aux fortifications de certains établissements précis (Thasos, Amphipolis et Torone), aucune synthèse portant sur l’ensemble du territoire, pourtant très riche en architecture militaire, n’a été entreprise, d’où l’intérêt d’un tel projet. Plus précisément, nous poursuivons les objectifs suivants : 1) étudier la géographie et la démographie de la région afin de mieux comprendre la distribution du territoire ainsi que la manière dont il était défendu ; 2) situer les ouvrages défensifs dans le contexte de l’histoire politico-militaire de la région. Mise à part l’œuvre monumentale de N.G.L. Hammond (mais qui concerne principalement la Macédoine), celle de Benjamin Isaac (dont la portée chronologique est relativement restreinte) ou celle de Angelos Zannis (qui se concentre uniquement sur le pays entre le Strymon et le Nestos) il n’existe pas réellement d’analyse de l’histoire militaire du nord de la Grèce. Il s’agira ici d’analyser les effets des mouvements politiques et militaires (présence perse, avancée macédonienne, ingérence athénienne, expansion thasienne, conflits thraces, etc.) sur le développement des systèmes de défense. 3) Il s’agira également de localiser, répertorier, décrire, dater et illustrer (photographiquement et topographiquement) la totalité des ouvrages défensifs du nord de la Grèce. 4) Finalement, nous tenterons d’analyser les méthodes de défense, les techniques de construction, les particularités stylistiques et les formes des différentes structures défensives. L’objectif visé ici est de mieux apprécier l’héritage culturel et les influences régionales dans la mise en place et la construction des systèmes de défense. L’analyse des techniques et des styles permettra de mieux comprendre les liens entre colonies et cités-mères, d’aborder la question de la mobilité artisanale et des effets de la migration sur l’architecture militaire. / From the 8th century BC onwards, Greek colonists established many colonies between the Thermaic Gulf and the Evros river. Often located on hostile territory where the land is a very important source of wealth, these new cities have ensured their safety and stability by quickly establishing defense systems around their settlements. Throughout the periods, several powers have also taken interest in the northern Aegean territories and marked the military landscape of the region by fortifying their own urban centers. This research project concerns the systematic study of these fortifications. If some researchers, mainly Yves Grandjean, Dimitrios Lazaridis and Alexander Cambitoglou, have shown interest in the fortifications of specific cities (Thasos, Amphipolis and Torone), no synthesis covering our region, yet very rich in military architecture, has been undertaken, hence the interest of this project. More specifically, we pursue the following objectives: 1) to study the geography and demography of the region in order to better understand the distribution of the territory and the way it was defended by the settlers; 2) to contextualize the defensive structures within the politico-military history of the region. Apart from the monumental work of N.G.L. Hammond (but focusing mainly on Macedonia), the one of Benjamin Isaac (whose chronological scope is relatively limited) or that of Angelos Zannis (which focuses only in the country between Strymon and Nestos) there is no real analysis of the military history of northern Greece. Therefore, our objective is to analyze the effects of political and military movements (Persian presence, Macedonian advance, Athenian interference, Thasian expansion, Thracian conflicts, etc.) on the development of the military architecture. 3) The aim is also to catalog, locate, describe, date and illustrate (photographically and topographically) all the defensive works of northern Greece. 4) Finally, we will analyze and argue on the different defense methods, the construction techniques and the stylistic features and forms of the fortifications. The objective here is to have a better appreciation of the cultural heritage and the regional influences in the establishment and construction of defense systems. The analysis of techniques and styles will provide a better understanding of the links between new settlements and mother-cities, it will also allow to address the question of artisanal mobility and the effects of migration on military architecture.

Praxe orgánů sociálně právní ochrany dětí při řešení rodičovských sporů / Approach of Child Protection Services to Addressing Parental Conflicts

Hejnová, Kateřina January 2021 (has links)
Child protection is one of the most demanding fields of social protection and requires comprehensive solutions which have a major impact on the lives of children and their families. It also includes the agenda of parental conflicts and related child custody proceedings. This thesis focuses on the practice of Czech social workers operating in the field of child protection at the municipal authorities with extended powers and on their approaches used to resolve parental disputes. The theoretical part is based on the conceptualization of practice from the perspective of a dynamic model of practice by Karen Healy, which builds on the interaction of several contexts, i.e. institutional contexts, formal professional base of social work, service users and their communities and framework for practice, and surveys them with regard to the agenda of parental disputes in detail. The empirical part aims to identify the variability of approaches used by Czech social workers operating in the field of child protection to resolve parental disputes. The research combines both qualitative and quantitative methodology and identifies a typology of defensive practice, reflexive practice, and intuitive practice. Individual types differ in the attitudes the child protection social workers express towards recognized...

Entre coopération et compétition : évaluation des intentions de la Chine et stratégie américaine face à la Corée du Nord

Labrecque, Maxime 12 1900 (has links)
Les États-Unis et la Chine sont en relations dans différents contextes et il est admis que les États-Unis soient la première puissance mondiale, alors que la Chine est une grande puissance montante. Cette réalité fait en sorte que Washington doit évaluer les intentions de la Chine, afin de bien définir si cette dernière sera une force coopératrice, ou au contraire, si elle sera compétitrice des intérêts américains. Dans ce travail de mémoire, deux contextes sont à l’étude, soit le contexte général de la dynamique de grandes puissances entre les États-Unis et la Chine, et le contexte nordcoréen, où les deux acteurs sont présents. Ainsi, ce travail propose d’étudier différents cas dans le contexte nord-coréen, afin de voir comment ceux-ci ont influencé la perception des États-Unis envers une Chine montante dans le contexte général de grandes puissances. Suite à un chapitre méthodologique et théorique, les chapitres analytiques sont construits par présidence américaine. Ces derniers ont la même structure, où un épisode de coopération et de compétition sont analysés. Un chapitre porte donc sur la présidence de George W. Bush, l’autre sur celle de Barack Obama. L’objectif est de voir si la perception américaine a changé ou est restée la même avant et après les épisodes, et de voir s’ils ont eu une influence sur la perception générale des États-Unis. Le mémoire a aussi une dimension explicative. Avec l’utilisation de différentes composantes du réalisme défensif, il sera possible d’expliquer pourquoi il y a eu changement de perception américaine, ou non. Le mémoire tire des conclusions différentes pour les deux présidents. Pour George W. Bush, la perception envers la Chine a été influencée par les épisodes. Pour Barack Obama, les perceptions initiales ont été consolidées. / The United States and China relate in different contexts and it is accepted that the United States is the leading world power, while China is a great rising power. This reality means that Washington must assess China's intentions, in order to clearly define whether the latter will be a cooperative force, or on the contrary, whether it will be a competitor to American interests. In this work, two contexts are studied, namely the general context of the dynamics of great powers between the United States and China, and the North Korean context, where the two actors are present. Thus, this work proposes to study different cases in the North Korean context, in order to see how these influenced the perception of the United States towards a rising China in the general context of great powers. Following a methodological and theoretical chapter, the analytical chapters are built by American presidency. These have the same structure, where an episode of cooperation and competition are analyzed. One chapter therefore deals with the presidency of George W. Bush, the other with that of Barack Obama. The objective is to see if the American perception of China changed or remained the same before and after the episodes, and to see if they had an influence on the general perception of the United States. The work also has an explanatory dimension. With the use of different components of defensive realism, it will be possible to explain why there has been a change in American perception, or not. The work draws different conclusions for the two presidents. For George W. Bush, the perception of China was influenced by the episodes. For Barack Obama, the initial perceptions have been consolidated.

Israels förebyggande attacker mot Irak, Syrien och Iran : En jämförande fallstudie om israels agerande mot irakiska, syriska samt iranska kärnvapenprogrammet

AL-Jawareen, Alabbas January 2022 (has links)
Examining Israel's measures against the nuclear weapons programs of Iraq, Syria, and Iran was the aim of this study. The research question is: Based on Walt's defensive realism and the balance of threat theory, why did Israel act/is acting against the Iraqi, Syrian and Iranian nuclear weapons programs?. Walt's defensive realism and the balance of threat theory, which is based on four separate threat components, are used to discuss and provide an answer to the main question of the research. Comparative case study was used as a method, and materials including speeches from government officials, databases of scientific research, and yearly assessments were used. The researcher came to the conclusion that Iraq 1981, Syria 2007 and Iran in 2009–2021 are considered to be threats to the state of Israel because they have supported anti-Israel militias and engaged in armed conflicts with Israel. The researcher used a comparative case study to draw this conclusion. With ballistic missiles that may reach Tel Aviv, the Tehran regime has frequently sponsored anti-Israel Shia-Sunni militias in the Middle East. In order to stop totalitarian governments in the area from compromising Israel's security, it was concluded that Israeli aggressive policy and assaults on the nuclear programs in Iraq, Syria, and Iran were important and rational.

The Arctic in Transition : Great Power Competition at the End of the Post-Cold War Order

Ridström, Malin January 2024 (has links)
This study uses defensive realism, offensive realism and power transition theory (PTT) in order to examine the great powers’ grand strategies in the Arctic region, aiming to recontextualise the security theatre in the Arctic as a reflection of the return of great power politics and the end of Arctic exceptionalism, and to examine the explanatory power of the different strands of realism on the great power behaviour identified in their Arctic strategies. The study is conducted using qualitative content analysis and utilises Jacob Westberg’s theorisation of grand strategies through the categories of context, ends, means and ways as analytical framework, to which the theoretical framework is applied. The result shows that realism is a suitable theory for predicting great power behaviour in the Arctic, where PTT provides the strongest explanatory power; that the dichotomy between hard and soft security is eroding; and that the strategies were highly context-dependent, thus rendering generalisable results difficult to discern.

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