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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Políticas públicas de combate ao trabalho escravo rural contemporâneo no Brasil: análise da responsabilidade do Estado na erradicação da exploração da mão de obra escrava a partir dos paradoxos da realidade normativa, jurisprudencial e social brasileira / Public policies to combat contemporany rural slave labor in Brazil: analysis of state responsability in eradicating the exploitation of slave labor starting on paradoxes of reality normative jurisprudence and social brazilian

NASCIMENTO, Arthur Ramos do 29 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:25:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Arthur R do Nascimento.pdf: 1742416 bytes, checksum: 157cfe0f1db53dcd96f911e620fcc380 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-29 / In o rd e r t o an a l yz e p ub lic p o li c ie s t o comb at s la ve la b o r , t hi s p ap e r p r e se nt s c o ns id e r a t io ns o n t he need t o imp r o ve me c ha n isms t o comb a t, as we ll a s t he r e co gnit io n o f s t a t e r e sp o ns ib i lit y a nd t he ju d ic i a l r e vi ew o f t he s e p o l ic i es . T he p r es e nt ed s t u d y co nc ep t s ab ou t co ntemp o r ar y s la v er y i n r u r al ar e a s a s a wa y o f i nd ic a t ing i t s mo r e imp o r t ant to t hi nk ab o u t mec ha ni sms t o comb a t ef f e ct i ve a nd ef f i c ie nt. I n t hi s d ir e ct io n we e xami ne t he p o li c ie s , s t a nd ar d s b as ed a nd p ar ad o xic a l asp ec t s o f Br az i l i a n r e a lit y. T he r e s e ar c h a l lowe d to ob s er ve t hat t he p er p e tu a t io n o f co ntemp o r ar y s la ve r y i s no t b y l ac k o f st a nd ar d s, b u t it s no n- imp leme nt at io n b y t he Go ver nme nt . Alt ho u gh c ap ab le o f imp r o veme nt , t he e xi s t i n g st a nd ar d s wo u ld b e su f f ic i e nt t o er ad ic at e t he p r ob lem, i f t he st at e' s mec ha ni sms wo u ld wo rk i n f a vo r o f huma n r i gh ts . I t p r e se nt s some su gg es t io ns i n t he se a r c h fo r imp ro veme nt o f e xi st i ng p u b li c p o lic i e s a imi ng f laws a nd s tr e ngt hs t o co ns id er . Af t er c o ns id e r i ng t he p a r ad o xes no rmat i ve ju r i sp rud enc e a nd so c ia l r e a l it y o f Br a z i l no te d t he r e l at i ve i ne f f i c ie n c y o f p r e ve n t i ve po l ic i es , b u t t her e ar e s t i l l i ns i gni f i c a nt i n q u ant i t y, a nd l ac k o f go ve r nme nt i nve stme nt i n p u b lic p o li c y t o co op er at e i n comb a ti n g co nt emp o r ar y ru r a l s l a v e lab o r . / Com o ob je t i vo d e ana li s ar a s p o lít i ca s p úb li ca s d e comb at e ao t r a b al ho es cr a vo , a p r e s e nt e d is s e r t a ç ão ap r es e nt a c o ns id er aç õ e s so b r e a ne ce ss id ad e d e ap er f e iço ame nt o d o s mec a ni smo s d e comb at e, b em c omo o r eco nhec ime nt o d a r e sp o ns a b il id ad e d o es t a d o e o co nt r o le ju d ic i a l d es s as p o lí ti ca s. O p r es e nt e e s t u d o t ece co nc e it u açõ e s a r esp e ito d a e scr a vi d ã o co nt emp o r â nea no me io ru r al como fo rma d e , i nd i ca nd o s eu s a sp e ct o s ma is imp o r t a nt e s, s e p ens ar me ca ni smo s d e comb at e ef ic a ze s e e f i c ie nt e s . Ne s s a d ir eç ão e xami nam- se as p o lí t i ca s p ú b lic a s, a s no rma s fu nd ame nt a d o r a s e asp ect o s p ar ad o xa i s d a r ea l id ad e b r as i l e ir a. A p e sq u is a p o s s ib i l ito u ob s er var q u e a p er p et u açã o d o tr ab a l ho esc r a vo co nt emp o r â neo não se d á p o r ine xi s t ê nc ia d e no rma s , mas s im d e su a n ão a p li c a ção p elo Po d e r Pú b lic o . Ai nd a q u e p as sí ve is d e a p er f e iço ame nt o , a s no rma s e xi s t e nt e s se r iam su f ic ie nt es p a r a a e r r ad i c a ção d o p ro b lema , s e o s me c a ni smo s e st at a i s t r ab al ha s s em em p r o l do s d ir e it o s huma no s . Ap r es e nt a - se na p esq u isa a l gumas su ge st õ e s d e ap e r f e i ço ame nt o d as po lí t ic a s p úbl i ca s e xi st e nt e s a p o nt a nd o imp er f e i çõ es e p o nt o s fo r t es a s er em c o ns id er ad o s. Ap ó s co ns id er ar o s p ar ad o xo s no rmat i vo s , ju r isp ru d e nc ia i s e so c ia i s d a r e a l id ad e Br a s i le ir a o b se rv amo s a r e lat iv a i ne f et i vid ad e d e po lí t ic a s p r e ve nt i va s , q u e e xi st em, ma s em q u a nt id ad e a i nd a i ne xp r e s s i va , e fa l ta d e in ve s t ime nt o d o po d er púb lic o em po lí t ic a s p ú b lic a s q u e co lab o r em no comb at e ao t r ab al ho es cr a vo r u r al co nt emp o r â neo .

Políticas públicas de combate ao trabalho escravo rural contemporâneo no Brasil: análise da responsabilidade do Estado na erradicação da exploração da mão de obra escrava a partir dos paradoxos da realidade normativa, jurisprudencial e social brasileira / Public policies to combat contemporany rural slave labor in Brazil: analysis of state responsability in erradicating the exploitation of slave labor starting on paradoxes of reality normative jurisprudence and social brazilian

Nascimento, Arthur Ramos do 29 February 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Cássia Santos (cassia.bcufg@gmail.com) on 2016-06-03T12:05:42Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Arthur Ramos do Nascimento - 2012.pdf: 2547338 bytes, checksum: 8da69f73621a5eae2ece81047034529a (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2016-06-03T12:13:34Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Arthur Ramos do Nascimento - 2012.pdf: 2547338 bytes, checksum: 8da69f73621a5eae2ece81047034529a (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-03T12:13:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Arthur Ramos do Nascimento - 2012.pdf: 2547338 bytes, checksum: 8da69f73621a5eae2ece81047034529a (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / In o rd e r t o an a l yz e p ub lic p o li c ie s t o co m b at sla ve la b o r, t hi s p ap e r p re se nt s c o nsid e ra t io ns o n t he need t o imp r o ve me c ha n ism s t o co mb a t, as we ll a s t he r e co gnit io n o f st a t e re sp o ns ib i lit y a nd t he ju d ic i a l re vi ew o f t he se p o l ic i es. T he p r ese nt ed st u d y co nc ep t s ab ou t co nte mp o r ar y sla v er y i n r u r al ar e a s a s a w a y o f i nd ic a t ing i t s mo r e imp o r t ant to t hi nk ab o u t mec ha ni sm s t o co mb a t ef fe ct i ve a nd effi c ie nt. I n t hi s d ir e ct io n we e xa mi ne t he p o li c ie s, st a nd ar d s b ased a nd p ar ad o xic a l asp ec t s o f Br az i l i a n r e a lit y. T he re se ar c h a l lo we d to ob ser ve t hat t he p er p e tu a t io n o f co nte mp o r ar y sla ve r y i s no t b y l ac k o f st a nd ar d s, b u t it s no n-im p le m e nt at io n b y t he Go ver n me nt . A lt ho u gh c ap ab le o f imp r o ve me nt , t he e xi st i n g st a nd ar d s wo u ld b e su ffic i e nt t o er ad ic at e t he p r ob lem , i f t he st at e' s m ec ha ni sm s w o u ld w o rk i n f a vo r o f hu ma n r i gh ts. It p re se nt s so me su gg est io ns i n t he se a rc h fo r im p ro vem e nt o f e xi st i ng p u b li c p o lic i e s a im i ng fla w s a nd str e ngt hs t o co ns id er . Aft er c o nsid e r i ng t he p a rad o xes no rm at i ve ju ri sp rud enc e a nd so c ia l re a l it y o f Br a z i l no te d t he r e l at i ve i ne f fi c ie n c y o f p r e ve n t i ve po l ic i es, b u t t her e are st i l l i nsi gni f i c a nt i n q u ant i t y, a nd l ac k o f go ve r nm e nt i nve st m e nt i n p u b lic p o li c y t o co op er at e i n co mb a ti n g co nt em p o r ar y ru r a l sl a v e lab o r. / Co m o ob je t i vo d e ana li s ar a s p o lít i ca s p úb li ca s d e co mb at e ao t ra b al ho es cr a vo , a p re se nt e d is se rt a ç ão ap r es e nt a c o nsid er aç õ e s so b r e a ne ce ss id ad e d e ap er f e iço a m e nt o d o s mec a ni sm o s d e co mb at e, b e m c o mo o r eco nhec i me nt o d a r e sp o nsa b il id ad e d o est a d o e o co nt r o le ju d ic i a l d es sas p o lí ti ca s. O p r es e nt e e st u d o t ece co nc e it u açõ e s a r esp e ito d a e scr a vi d ã o co nt emp o râ nea no me io ru r al co m o fo r ma d e , i nd i ca nd o seu s a sp e ct o s m a is im p o rt a nt e s, se p ensar me ca ni smo s d e co mb at e ef ic a ze s e e f i c ie nt e s. N e ssa d ir eç ão e xa m i nam-se as p o lí t i ca s p ú b lic a s, a s no rma s fu nd a m e nt a d o ra s e asp ect o s p ar ad o xa i s d a r ea l id ad e b r as i l e ira. A p e sq u isa p o ssib i l ito u ob ser var q u e a p er p et u açã o d o tr ab a l ho esc ra vo co nt em p o râ neo não se d á p o r ine xi st ê nc ia d e no rm a s, m as si m d e su a n ão a p li c a ção p elo P o d e r Pú b lic o . A i nd a q u e p assí ve is d e a p er fe iço am e nt o , a s no r ma s e xi st e nt e s se r ia m su fic ie nt es p a ra a e rr ad i c a ção d o p ro b lema , se o s me c a ni smo s e st at a i s t r ab al ha sse m em p r o l do s d ire it o s hu m a no s. Ap r ese nt a -se na p esq u isa a l gu m as su ge st õ e s d e ap e rfe i ço a me nt o d as po lí t ic a s p úbl i ca s e xi st e nt e s a p o nt a nd o imp er fe i çõ es e p o nt o s fo r t es a s er em c o nsid er ad o s. Ap ó s co ns id er ar o s p ar ad o xo s no r mat i vo s, ju r isp ru d e nc ia i s e so c ia i s d a r e a l id ad e Br a s i le ir a o b se rv amo s a r e lat iv a i ne fet i vid ad e d e po lí t ic a s p re ve nt i va s, q u e e xi st em, m a s em q u a nt id ad e a i nd a i ne xp re ssi va , e fa l ta d e in ve st i me nt o d o po d er púb lic o em po lí t ic a s p ú b lic a s q u e co lab o rem no co mb at e ao t r ab al ho es cr a vo r u r al co nt em p o râ neo

Characterization of cyanobacteria, cyanophage, and the symbiotic bacterial community in drinking water treatment wastes for sustainable control of HABs

Davis, Angela Brooke January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

The Dublin Regulation and Human Rights : Structural Issues Concerning Possible Human Rights Violation Found in the Dublin Regulation

Wan, Alhaideri January 2022 (has links)
<p>This paper studies the structural issues concerning possible human rights violations found in the Dublin Regulation; An EU regulation aiming to allocate a responsible member state to a third-country-nationals asylum application. It is one of the criticized legal documents within the scholarly field of human rights. Hence, this study aims to study the details of the regulation to find out the elements of the regulation that are prone to human rights violations. Asking the question: What are some details of the Dublin Regulation that could potentially result in human rights violation of the third-country nationals seeking international protection within the territory of member states? Hence, exploring the gap found between the regulation and human rights of the asylum seekers. This was done by a normative legal analysis study of the law, studying the text of the regulation, relevant human rights law, and jurisprudence from two courts of law: ECHR and ECJ. The findings of the study highlights, first, the regulation upholds only the superficial elements of human rights law. Second, the regulation assumes that every member state is a safe country. Third, there is an imbalance of responsibility on either of the two or more member states involved. These are the details of the regulation highlighted in this study that is potentially the result of possible human rights violations and the criticism of the topic. </p>

Protection against torture in international law

Kgosietsile, Madume 08 October 2015 (has links)
This limited scope dissertation deals with the protection against torture in international law. The mechanisms which have been established over the years to protect individuals against torture are analysed. The principles of international customary law dealing with torture and the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (UNCAT) have been examined against the failure by States to honour their obligations under the Treaty and other legal normative rules. This required deep exploration of the definition of torture and how States can compromise the rule of law by manipulating the definition of torture as contemplated by the Treaty or other instruments. Examples from the former US government highlight the ways in which domestic laws can be used and are continued to be used to allow the use of torture. Measures by South Africa in joining the international community in the fight against torture are also discussed as a case study. While all efforts have been made by the South African system to adopt desirable frame works on the protection of individuals against torture, the lack of education on torture remains the down fall of the system. The dissertation clearly explains that universal jurisdiction applies in respect of torture and this is recognised by both treaty law and customary law. Indeed despite all the current measures in place the use of torture persists. The research clearly reveals that countries hide behind their own laws to perpetrate acts of torture. It is then recommended that proper implementation of the legal structures, informed of the objectives of the structures, is essential in completely eradicating torture. / Public, Constitutional, and International Law / LLM

Crystallographic studies on diheme cytochrome <i>c</i> enzymes / Kristallographische Studien an Dihäm Cytochrom <i>c</i> Enzymen

Hoffmann, Maren 04 May 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Pojem vážné újmy v uprchlickém právu / Concept of serious harm in refugee law

Kopecká, Helena January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis with the topic of ,,The Concept of Serious Harm in Refugee Law" had three basic objectives. The first one was to analyse single notions which belong to the concept of serious harm. The second objective was to compare the concept of serious harm under the Qualification Directive and under the Czech Asylum Act. By means of the interpretation of single notions of serious harm and the comparison of the Qualification Directive with the Czech Asylum Act, I managed to answer the question ,,who is protected by Article 15 of the Qualification Directive and the second section of paragraph 14a in the Czech Asylum Act," which was the third basic objective of this diploma thesis, and at the same time its research question. My diploma thesis is structured into 6 chapters, further it contains the list of abbreviations, the introduction, the conclusion, the list of literature, the Czech and English abstract, and key words. The first chapter deals with the evolution of the concept of serious harm since the year 2001 till the contemporary version of the Qualification Directive from the year 2011, and with the incorporation of this concept into the Czech Asylum Act. From the depiction of history of the concept of serious harm in this chapter, it resulted how uneasy it was for the member states of...

Trabalho forçado e trabalho escravo no Brasil: diferença conceitual e busca da eficácia em seu combate / Forced labor and slave labor in Brazil: conceptual difference and seek of efficience on this combat

Cruz, Claudia Ferreira 09 May 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:21:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Claudia Ferreira Cruz.pdf: 1950923 bytes, checksum: 321169018b8fca333be6a2b80eaa1f07 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-09 / This thesis approached a relatively complex phenomenon that is still observed in the Brazilian society: the existence of slave labor and forced labor, both in rural and urban areas. The main objective was to bring elements trying to show the conceptual differences between both, as well as to propose subsidies to eradicate these conditions, despite of conceptual aspects, wrong treatment even in the public sphere -, ideological positions or even lack of clarity in the definition of each of these concepts. Seeking to achieve this goal, this thesis is structured as follows: it began with a historical review of slave labor in Brazil and worldwide; then, it described what has happened on the international scene in terms of slave labor and forced labor; after that, it included features of both, considering their differences nowadays and highlighting the importance of the fundamental rights in the understanding of this differentiation. In order to deep this discussion, this work brought up the case of Bolivian immigrants in São Paulo, where it seems difficult to say exactly what it is: forced labor or slave labor? Then became involved in the revision of Brazilian legislation about the subject, showed the position of the leading Brazilian institutions involved in the solution of the exploitation of human labor, after revealing the extent of this problem in the Brazilian case. Finally, based on this material, realized several of recommendations, suggestions and subsidies to expand and improve the fight against forced labor and slave labor in Brazil, whether in rural or urban areas. Among these, are stand out: the discipline of terminology and standard of sentences in the sphere of the labor court; the complement of the PEC in terms of clarity about what is slave labor, using the concept of Decent Work for easier differentiation of terms; setting up recommendations to make clear and consensual what is slave labor and forced labor. The final conclusions bring the key messages that emerged from the development of the thesis: persisting on the fight against the exploitation of human labor in all its forms; taking out the ideological character of the discussion; regulating the outsourcing; the need of clearly identify the phenomenon: criminal problem or circumventing the labor laws?; understand them as an economic phenomenon, indicating the need of prevention and not just combat, and the absolute necessity of a clear concept of what the slave labor is / sociedade brasileira: a ocorrência de trabalho escravo e de trabalho forçado, tanto nas áreas rurais como nas áreas urbanas. O objetivo central foi trazer elementos procurando mostrar a diferença conceitual entre ambos, assim como propor subsídios para que o mesmo venha a ser erradicado, independentemente de aspectos conceituais, tratamento equivocado, inclusive na esfera pública, posições ideológicas, ou até mesmo falta de clareza na definição de cada um desses conceitos. Buscando atingir este objetivo maior, esta tese estruturou-se da seguinte forma: iniciou-se com uma revisão histórica sobre o trabalho escravo no Brasil e no Mundo; em seguida, descreveu o que tem ocorrido no cenário internacional em termos de trabalho escravo e trabalho forçado; contemplou as características de ambos, tendo em vista sua diferenciação nos dias atuais, destacando a importância dos direitos fundamentais na compreensão desta diferenciação. Buscando aprofundar esta discussão, trouxe à baila o caso dos migrantes bolivianos em São Paulo, onde parece ser difícil dizer exatamente o que se trata: trabalho forçado ou análogo ao escravo? Em seguida, enveredou-se pela revisão da legislação brasileira sobre o tema; mostrou a posição das principais instituições brasileiras envolvidas com a solução da exploração do trabalho humano, após revelar a dimensão desse problema no caso brasileiro. Finalmente, como base nesse material, realizou uma serie de recomendações, sugestões e subsídios para ampliar e melhorar o combate ao trabalho forçado e trabalho escravo no Brasil, seja na área rural ou no meio urbano. Dentre estas, destacam-se: disciplinar a terminologia e padronizar as sentenças na esfera de Justiça do Trabalho; complementar a PEC em termos da clareza necessária sobre o que venha ser trabalho escravo; utilizar o conceito do Trabalho Decente para facilitar a diferenciação dos termos, um conjunto de recomendações visando tornar claro e consensual aquilo que se rotula de trabalho escravo e trabalho forçado. As conclusões finais trazem as principais mensagens extraídas do desenvolvimento da tese: persistir no combate à exploração do trabalho humano em todas as suas formas; tirar o caráter ideológico da discussão; regulamentar a terceirização; necessidade de se identificar claramente o fenômeno: problema criminal ou burla à legislação trabalhista?; entendê-los como um fenômeno econômico, indicando, assim, a necessidade de prevenção e não somente combate; e necessidade absoluta de um conceito claro do que seja o trabalho escravo

Towards Control of Dutch Elm Disease: dsRNAs and the Regulation of Gene Expression in Ophiostoma novo-ulmi / dsRNAs and the Regulation of Gene Expression in Ophiostoma novo-ulmi

Carneiro, Joyce Silva 01 August 2013 (has links)
Ophiostoma novo-ulmi is the causal agent of Dutch elm disease (DED) which has had a severe impact on the urban landscape in Canada. This research program focused on developing molecular genetic strategies to control this pathogenic fungus. The first strategy involved the development of RNA interference (RNAi) for the down-regulation of genes involved in pathogenicity. An efficient RNAi cassette was developed to suppress the expression of the endopolygalacturonase (epg1) locus which encodes a cell-wall degrading enzyme. This epg1-RNAi cassette significantly reduced the amount of polygalacturonase activity in the fungus and resulted in almost complete degradation of epg1 mRNA. The need for a native promoter to selectively down-regulate specific gene loci was addressed by developing a carbon-catabolite regulated promoter (alcA) to drive the expression of the epg1-RNAi cassette. The expression of an alcA-driven epg1-RNAi cassette resulted in the down-regulation of epg expression under glucose starvation but normal levels of expression in high glucose. The expression could therefore be controlled by culture conditions. The second strategy explored the potential of using dsRNA viruses to vector disruptive RNAi cassettes. An isolate of O. novo-ulmi strain 93-1224 collected in the city of Winnipeg, was infected by two dsRNA mitoviruses which upon sequence characterization were named OnuMV1c and OnuMV7. To assess the transmissibility of this dsRNA virus the infected isolate 93-1224 was paired with three naive isolates of the related fungi O. ulmi and O. himal-ulmi. Through the use of nuclear and mitochondrial markers it was determined that the virus OnuMV1c may not rely on mitochondrial fusion for transmission but may have a cytoplasmic transmission route. This investigation of gene expression and manipulation has provided tools to help understand gene regulation in O. novo-ulmi. It has also added to our knowledge of mitoviruses, their transmission and potential use as a biological control. By enhancing our understanding of transmissible hypovirulence this work contributes to efforts to develop a new approach to target DED as well as a potential model for the control of other fungal diseases. / Graduate / 0307 / 0306 / 0369 / jscarneiro@hotmail.com

Protection against torture in international law

Kgosietsile, Madume 08 October 2015 (has links)
This limited scope dissertation deals with the protection against torture in international law. The mechanisms which have been established over the years to protect individuals against torture are analysed. The principles of international customary law dealing with torture and the United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (UNCAT) have been examined against the failure by States to honour their obligations under the Treaty and other legal normative rules. This required deep exploration of the definition of torture and how States can compromise the rule of law by manipulating the definition of torture as contemplated by the Treaty or other instruments. Examples from the former US government highlight the ways in which domestic laws can be used and are continued to be used to allow the use of torture. Measures by South Africa in joining the international community in the fight against torture are also discussed as a case study. While all efforts have been made by the South African system to adopt desirable frame works on the protection of individuals against torture, the lack of education on torture remains the down fall of the system. The dissertation clearly explains that universal jurisdiction applies in respect of torture and this is recognised by both treaty law and customary law. Indeed despite all the current measures in place the use of torture persists. The research clearly reveals that countries hide behind their own laws to perpetrate acts of torture. It is then recommended that proper implementation of the legal structures, informed of the objectives of the structures, is essential in completely eradicating torture. / Public, Constitutional, and International Law / LLM

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