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En tvärsnittsstudie av välfärdsteknik i Dalarnas äldreomsorg : En analys utifrån ett hållbarhetsperspektiv / A cross-sectional study of welfare technology in elderly care in Dalarna : An analysis from a sustainability perspectiveVester, Sabina January 2023 (has links)
Sveriges välfärdssystem står inför nya utmaningar, demografiska förändringar och ökade krav på hållbar utveckling kräver nya strategier. Äldreomsorgen beskrivs vara speciellt utsatt eftersom andelen äldre ökar i snabbare takt än resten av befolkningen. Välfärdsteknik beskrivs vara en hållbar strategi utifrån sociala aspekter genom att öka äldres livskvalité och samtidigt förenkla arbetet för omsorgspersonal. Det har visat sig vara svårt att implementera välfärdsteknik vilket har skapat stora skillnader mellan Sveriges kommuners äldreomsorg. Syftetvar att kartlägga Dalarnas välfärdsteknik och utforska skillnader mellan kommunerna, även att undersöka kommunernas främsta skäl för att användatekniken utifrån ekologiska, sociala och ekonomiska hållbarhetsaspekterna. En tvärsnittsstudie med surveydesign genererade kvantitativ kartläggande data samt kvalitativa data där kommunernas främsta skäl för att använda välfärdsteknik undersöktes genom riktad innehållsanalys. Välfärdsteknik var ojämnt fördelat mellan kommunerna och skälen för användning av sådan teknik i äldreomsorgen var främst kopplad till sociala aspekter. / Sweden's welfare system is facing new challenges, demographic changes and increased demands for sustainable development require new strategies. Elderly care is described as particularly vulnerable because the proportion of older peopleis increasing at a faster rate than the rest of the population. Welfare technology is described as a sustainable strategy based on social aspects by increasing the quality of life of older people while simplifying the work for care staff. It has proven difficult to implement welfare technology, which has created major differences between Sweden's municipalities' elderly care. The purpose was to map Dalarna's welfare technology and explore differences between the municipalities, also to investigate the municipalities' main reasons for using the technology based on ecological, social and economic sustainability aspects. Across-sectional study with survey design generated quantitative mapping data as well as qualitative data where the municipalities' main reasons for using welfare technology were investigated through targeted content analysis. Welfare technology was unevenly distributed between municipalities and the reasons for using it in elderly care can mainly be linked to social aspects.
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An analysis of the relationship between economic development and demographic characteristics in the United StatesHeyne, Chad M. 01 May 2011 (has links)
Over the past several decades there has been extensive research done in an attempt to determine what demographic characteristics affect economic growth, measured in GDP per capita. Understanding what influences the growth of a country will vastly help policy makers enact policies to lead the country in a positive direction. This research focuses on isolating a new variable, women in the work force. As well as isolating a new variable, this research will modify a preexisting variable that was shown to be significant in order to make the variable more robust and sensitive to recessions. The intent of this thesis is to explore the relationship between several demographic characteristics and their effect on the growth rate of GDP per capita. The first step is to reproduce the work done by Barlow (1994) to ensure that the United States follows similar rules as the countries in his research. Afterwards, we will introduce new variables into the model, comparing the goodness of fit through the methods of R-squared, AIC and BIC. There have been several models developed to answer each of the research questions independently.
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A Likelihood Method to Estimate/Detect Gene Flow and A Distance Method to Estimate Species Trees in the Presence of Gene FlowCui, Lingfei January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Parent-Child Discrepancy: A Comparison of U.S. and South Korean Clinical SamplesChun, DaHyun 25 September 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Branding, Commercialization, and Community Satisfaction in Ethnic EnclavesTerzano, Kathryn R. 21 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Factores sociodemográficos relacionado al nivel de conocimientos sobre dengue en personas que asisten al Centro de Salud de Chongoyape, 2022Mendo Aguirre, Maite Kimberly January 2024 (has links)
Introducción: El dengue es una enfermedad metaxénica, que afecta a todas las personas sin distinción, provocando síntomas de fiebre, cefalea, dolor retro ocular y músculo articular. En el Distrito de Chongoyape un gran número de personas se infectaron con este virus, probablemente por malas prácticas preventivas y el desconocimiento de la enfermedad. Objetivo: determinar la relación entre los factores sociodemográficos con el nivel de conocimientos de dengue en personas que asisten al centro de salud de Chongoyape, 2022. Método: Se realizó una investigación cuantitativa de diseño correlacional, transversal. La población, fueron 500 sujetos atendidos el mes de Mayo en el centro de salud de Chongoyape, la muestra se estableció en 194 personas, muestreadas por conveniencia. Los datos se recolectaron mediante el cuestionario denominado “conocimientos acerca del dengue: documento que fue adaptado y validado con (V de Aiken =1; p= 0.004); y la confiabilidad con Kuder-Richadrson (KR20 (0.70). Los datos fueron procesados y analizados con el programa SPSS versión 27. Se consideró el principio de anonimato y confiabilidad, trato justo y de participación voluntaria e informada. Resultados: Los entrevistados mayormente fueron mujeres adultas, con nivel de instrucción de secundaria, cuentan con trabajos independientes, reportaron almacenar agua y haber observado criaderos de mosquitos
en la vivienda; el 73,7% se calificaron con nivel de conocimiento alto y se encontró relación significativa entre el nivel de conocimientos y el nivel educativo (<0,001).
Conclusión: La investigación realizada demuestra que la población estudiada obtuvo un alto nivel de conocimiento sobre el tema de dengue, el cual nos permite aprovechar el beneficio al capacitar agentes comunitarios, los cuales guíen a la población para identificación del vector y sus múltiples síntomas durante la epidemia actual sobre dengue que pone en riesgo la salud de la población del norte. / Introduction: Dengue is a metaxenic disease, which affects all people without distinction, causing symptoms of fever, headache, retro-ocular pain and joint muscle. In the Chongoyape District, a large number of people became infected with this virus, probably due to poor preventive practices and ignorance of the disease. Objective: to determine the relationship between sociodemographic factors with the level of knowledge of dengue in people who attend the Chongoyape health center, 2022. Method: A quantitative investigation of correlational, cross-sectional design was carried out. The population consisted of 500 subjects attended in the month of May at the Chongoyape health center, the sample was established at 194 people, sampled for convenience. The data was collected through the questionnaire called "knowledge about dengue: document that was adapted and validated with (Aiken's V =1; p= 0.004); and reliability with Kuder-Richadrson (KR20 (0.70). The data was processed and analyzed with the SPSS version 27 program. The principle of anonymity and reliability, fair treatment and voluntary and informed participation were considered. Results: The interviewees were mostly Adult women, with a high school level of education, have independent jobs, reported storing water and having observed mosquito breeding sites in their homes; 73.7% qualified themselves with a high level of knowledge and a significant relationship was found between the level of knowledge and the educational level (<0.001).Conclusion: The research carried out shows that the population studied obtained a high level of knowledge on the subject of dengue, which allows us to take advantage of the benefit by training community agents, who guide the
population to Vector identification and its multiple symptoms during the current dengue epidemic that puts the health of the northern population at risk.
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Analys av flyttmönster inom Umeås arbetsmarknadsregion : - En kvantitativ longitudinell studie mellan åren 2009-2019Linrin, Tilde January 2024 (has links)
Universities influence the demographic and social landscape of a city, which has an impact on neighbouring areas. This study analyses migration patterns within the Umeå labour market region and identifies areas that are particularly attractive. By understanding these patterns, we can gain a better understanding of different groups, which can help with planning and attraction strategies in a municipality. Although the study shows a clear trend towards urbanisation, there are also tendencies towards suburbanisation. Couples with children are the group mainly moving out of the urban center of Umeå to the countryside, while singles/couples without children are the group attracted to the urban center. The differences in the migration patterns between the different groups suggest that individuals have different push and pull factors. Looking at family disposable income and labour income also reveals pattern that are supported by theories and earlier research. For example, the rural idyll and slower pace can be seen as influencing decisions. This may also be useful to explore in the future, given the change in behavior following the covid-19 pandemic, where interest in the rural areas has increased.
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Enlargement for residential trade and industry portfolio valuation and optimisation within the framework of the demographic development in the European UnionPreuss, Marion 16 May 2016 (has links)
[EN] This research presents a new methodology to evaluate the development trends of the residential trade and industry up until 2050. In the first step available data are analysed for the period 1970 - 2050. In the second step an expert assessment based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) methodology is integrated to reflect the estimation of various expert forecasts of the future. The AHP methodology is based on different variables in the fields of demographic, social-environmental as well as build-quality characteristics to imply a widespread perception of the portfolio mix of habitations in 2050. There will mainly be a focus on several European Union countries with potential future-shrinking populations like Bulgaria, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. Furthermore, they will be compared with Spain whose population is expected to increase. / [ES] Esta investigación presenta una nueva metodología para evaluar las tendencias de desarrollo del comercio y la industria de viviendas hasta el año 2050. En la primera etapa, los datos disponibles son analizados para el período 1970 hasta 2050 con el fin de establecer las tendencias generales de los mercados de bienes raíces en la Unión Europea. En el segundo paso se integra una evaluación de expertos sobre la base de la metodología analítica Hierarchy Process (AHP) para reflejar la estimación de las distintas previsiones de los expertos. La metodología AHP se basa en diferentes variables en los campos de la demografía, las características de calidad de construcción ambientales, así como sociales. El objetivo es inferir la percepción generalizada de la mezcla de la cartera de viviendas en 2050. El enfoque se ha desarrollado sobre varios países de la Unión Europea con un previsible descenso demográfico futuro: Bulgaria, Estonia, Alemania, Hungría, Letonia, Lituania, Polonia, Rumania y Eslovaquia. Además, se comparan con España cuya población se espera que aumente en el futuro. / [CA] Aquesta recerca presenta una nova metodologia per avaluar les tendències de desenvolupament del comerç i la indústria d'habitatges fins a l'any 2050. En la primera etapa, les dades disponibles són analitzades per al període 1970 fins a 2050 amb la finalitat d'establir les tendències generals del mercat de béns inmobles en la Unió Europea. En el segon pas s'integra una avaluació d'experts sobre la base de la metodologia Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) per reflectir l'estimació de les diferents previsions dels experts. La metodologia AHP es basa en diferents variables en els camps de la demografia, les característiques de qualitat de construcció ambientals, així com socials. L'objectiu és inferir la percepció generalitzada del mix de la cartera d'habitatges en 2050. L'enfocament s'ha desenvolupat sobre diversos països de la Unió Europea amb un previsible descens demogràfic futur: Bulgària, Estònia, Alemanya, Hongria, Letònia, Lituània, Polònia, Romania i Eslovàquia. A més, es comparen amb Espanya la població del qual s'espera que augmenti en el futur. / Preuss, M. (2016). Enlargement for residential trade and industry portfolio valuation and optimisation within the framework of the demographic development in the European Union [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/64068
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Is Informal Hierarchy the Key to Optimizing Diversity into Innovative Success? : A quantitative study on the moderating role of informal hierarchy on board diversity and innovationFridman, Karolina, Härstedt, Frida January 2024 (has links)
Purpose: Firm innovation is relevant in the fast paced business world. Recent years, research on board diversity has found that demographic and cognitive diversity have an impact on innovation, however this research is still inconclusive. To contribute to the research this thesis introduces informal hierarchy as a moderating variable to investigate if this can explain the previous contradictory findings. Theoretical perspective: By using concepts from resource dependence theory, upper echelons theory, and behavioral theory, five hypotheses were formulated and tested. Method: For board diversity Blau’s index was used, innovation was defined as an index of strategic change and informal hierarchy was measured as the dispersion of rank within the board, through the gini coefficient. 186 Swedish publicly listed limited liability firms were analyzed. Findings: The results provided evidence that neither demographic nor cognitive board diversity impacts innovation and informal hierarchy does not have a moderating role on that relationship. However, the findings suggest a direct relationship between informal hierarchy and innovation. Another finding suggests that board size and informal hierarchy separately has a negative impact on innovation, however when both board size and informal hierarchy is present there is a slightly positive effect on innovation.
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人口結構變化對股票市場報酬影響 / The impact of demographic changes to stock market returns張丁互, Chang, Din Hu Unknown Date (has links)
This study examine the reactions in different portfolios under demographic changes for a deeper scope of the equity market. By six features: 1) beta 2) volatility 3) non-systematic risk 4) size 5) B/M 6) D/P, we distribute stocks into high or low level groups and test the reactions in each of these 12 portfolio. Empirical results in this study do suggest an increasing required risk premium for a growing population in retired-age (65+) group and a decreasing required risk premium for a growing population in middle-aged (44-64) group. Both effects in middle- and retired-age groups are stronger in a long time-horizon. Changes in demographic structure significantly add explanatory power to equity premium regressions involving Fama-French three factors. Moreover, we found retired-age population significantly demand more premium for high volatility stocks, growth stocks and large-cap stocks. However, there is no preference for any types of stock in middle-age population.
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